View Full Version : Trouble Over Dark Waters (Duo)

2013-09-29, 03:19 AM

Mid-Arodus (August), Fireday (Friday)


Situated along the banks of Korir River Delta, southern most of Sargava lay the scrupulous Port Freedom. Above the midday sun blazed against the folks who labored under Sarenrae's light. Twas hot and sticky as mosquitoes buzzed and bit at the sweating folks who went about their business.

The streets smelled of mud, sweat and swamp water, last night the people rejoiced at the rain shower but alas, the price would be paid the next day with awful humidity.

But anyways, near the docks sat the lovely Crown Delight, a paddle wheel cargo ship, who looked majestic against everything else. The owner was obviously fond of it due to how nice the upkeep seemed. The hull of the craft is sturdy but light, and the upper structures on the deck are composed of wood to keep the craft as light as possible for maneuverability and buoyancy. 70 feet wide with a 20 ft beam, she is quite the sight to behold.

But, this tale begins in guess what?...a tavern. You two upon the acceptance of the want ad were provided instructions to be prepared and get all your belongings together and make your way to the Laughing Tankard, where Krieve will be waiting for your arrival with further instructions on the job you've accepted...

The Laughing Tankard, luckily lies just a block away from the docks, a shabby weathered ramshackle of a building. Above the door was a hanging sign with a tipped over tankard.

Welcome adventurers~

2013-09-29, 08:58 AM

Ondrea sits nervously tapping her foot in the tavern. She doesn't eat or drink a thing. This will be her first time exploring these jungles and the possibilities for what might be out there are enough to give her a panic attack. But at the same time, the excitement she feels is palpable...

She checks the door every few minutes, hoping to see this second person walk in so that Krieve will hurry up and explain what needs to be explained. Perhaps it was her fault for arriving so early, but she'd rather just get the talking out of the way so the adventure can begin!

2013-09-29, 08:53 PM
Leian and Jasker

Leian did not desire to notice the looks at her strange companion. No doubt they had seen his like before, but probably not as up close as Jasker. She would not leave him, though, and he would not willingly leave her side. She came to the tavern, and pushed open the door, letting Jasker in first.

She was thin, almost too thin, and was awfully pale. Leian was tall, even for an elf, and was covered completely in hide. She had somehow failed to acquire the tan that most people this far south would have managed to develop without trouble, which caused her to stand out. She had long, sharp-looking nails on each finger, and while one eye was a usual brown the other was a vibrant, almost luminescent green.

Jasker was a regular dinosaur, his only oddity a missing claw on one of his feet.

"Is there someone else here waiting for a man named Krieve, and is there a Krieve here?" She called, a bit too loudly to the room. She noticed the other girl, and walked over to her. "Are you the other one protecting the Crown Delight?" She said it a bit too harshly, but she was never good with people.

2013-10-02, 12:54 AM
Many folks gave Jasker a wide distance, no one trusted that it wouldn't attack them. It was a freakin dinosaur after all.

It didn't take long for Krieve to notice Leian because of Jasker. He was a tall fit middle aged man with Chelish features, fair skin, dark black hair, square jaw and head full of roguishly coiffed hair. He was dressed in noble wear, purples along with some reds and black boots. He carried himself with a charismatic air as he walked over to Leian along with his entourage.

"Oh my, such an exotic creature oh and the dinosaur is nice, hahah. I jest, mostly. Greetings madam, I am Krieve, The Gold Crown Proprietor and owner of the vessel The Crown's Delight." He gave a bow at Leian whilst glancing at Jasker a little wearily.

2013-10-02, 07:31 AM

Ondrea heads over to a pair of people talking about the dinosaur one of them seems to be walking around with and sidles up to their conversation to see if maybe these two aren't the ones she's supposed to be meeting...

She looks at them sheepishly when either of them makes eye contact with her, and she seems like she wants to talk but is afraid of being impolite and interrupting a conversation.

2013-10-02, 11:13 AM
"I am Leian. You hired me, and one other person to guard your vessel, I believe. I think it is this one, trying surreptitiously to eavesdrop on our conversation. I don't know, though, because she has not actually responded to my inquiry yet." She glares a bit at Ondrea. Jasker walks up to Ondrea, sniffing her slightly. He huffs, then nuzzles her.

"Stop that Jasker. Your a blood-thirsty dinosaur, not a dog. Anyways what sort of danger do you expect on the journey, Krieve?" Jasker ignores Leian.

2013-10-02, 03:16 PM
"Oh you know, hungry jungle cats, and hungry carnivorous wildlife in general, maybe native bandits, those kind of hazards. You still up for the task love?" Krieve asked with a lazy smile as his eyes wandered between Leian and their little nosy eavesdropper he noticed.

2013-10-02, 03:35 PM
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't notice you there.... I thought you were talking to that fellow... Yes. Well. I'm still in. Ready to go as soon as you say!"

2013-10-03, 12:18 AM
Leian's eyes narrow slightly. "I'm ready, but don't call me 'love'. Its creepy."

2013-10-04, 02:35 AM
"Creepy? Ooof...you wound me.." He lazily smiled and then looked at Ondrea and winked. "Glad of you to chime in."

"Ahem....hauh....well...I'm glad you are ready and so eager....but, we do not set for an hour, important documatation is being finalized....for the time being...I figured we'd all enjoy what the tavern has to offer.....because, its going to be a long journey." Krieve grinned and gestured to the two and Jasker...sorta, he was trying not to be so surprised about the dino here.....to be frank...it was weird and quite....unnerving that such a creature be....there...like that....among people. Anyways, he gestured to the table he was sitting at with his entourage.

2013-10-04, 07:20 AM
Ondrea takes a seat and introduces herself to the entourage, and asks if they will all be coming on the voyage as well.

She also orders a very simple plate of food and drinks only water. All in all, it seems like she'd prefer to not be around so many people, as she does not actively try to keep any conversation going. However, it is clear that she is polite and respectful to everyone there, and will be courteous in conversations even when she does not wish to be a part of them.

2013-10-04, 11:03 PM
Leian orders a heaping amount of food for herself, involving all sorts of vegetables, meats, and animal products. Despite being very thin she seems to have an enormous appetite. She orders a steak, uncooked, for Jasker, who is eyeing the food on the table hungrily.

While she notices everyone getting unsettled by the dinosaur she decides not to explain his presence. Its a bit a game for her, seeing how people react.

Leian tries to smile, and engage in friendly conversation, but she shifts about warily, and does not seem at all at ease among the entourage. She seems to be waiting for them to say something nasty to her, but does not like that she thinks ill of them when they probably don't deserve it.

2013-10-06, 12:19 AM
Many folks tried to pretend that Jasker wasn't even there. No one wanted to be that 'one guy' who flipped their table and had a freak out. No one wanted to look uncool in front of the richest guy here in the tavern. But many were pretty scared of Jasker.

"So, where do you two hail from?" Krieve casually asked as he held up a glass of fine Thuvian wine and grinned with a rogue-ish laziness.

2013-10-06, 12:44 PM
"I come from someplace in the world that may or may not have had Elves in it. Jasker comes from the jungle." Leian did not bother trying to act coy about not telling anyone where she was actually from.

She chuckled to herself about people's reactions. They were being completely silly. Jasker was more like a person-sized dog, and was obviously not trying to be threatening. You'd think they were seeing an Ogre for all of there fright, not a perfectly trained, docile, Spinosaurus. One that was still young, at that.

2013-10-06, 01:55 PM
"I come from very, VERY far away... I've spent my years traveling quite a bit. I too come from the jungles, but not any jungles like this... mine were much different. Have you heard of Valashmai? I came from there... but I haven't been there for, oh I'd say... 30 years now? Yeah... 30. Wow, time flies fast..."

2013-10-07, 12:34 AM
Dinosaurs have never been known to be friendly or well behaved, so their fear was...'justified'.

Krieve raised a brow at Leian with a flat stare. "Very well, select to be cryptic if you please....ahem....Right soooo madam who never gave her name..." He turned his head and looked at Ondrea and flashed her a smile.

"The Valashmai Jungle?....Yes...I've heard of it....I do have some trade going on with natives of Tian Xia, the occasional story is swapped you know? Anyways, I do not know much about it, would you care to share your knowledge? It would be great to hear about the place from someone who ...wow...resided there for thirty years?...Fascinating."

As the trio conversed and his entourage listened in, Krieve ordered several more rounds of drinks and even offered to buy whatever drink that was available that either two wanted.

2013-10-07, 12:50 AM
Ondrea tells everyone her name, and then prattles on for a good 15 minutes or so, describing the jungles of Valashmai and the way of life she knew there. She talks about the creatures she encountered, and major threats they faced there, and inquires about if there are the same kinds of threats here...

"...I mean obviously you are hiring us, so there must be something to fear..?"

2013-10-07, 01:33 AM
Before Ondrea talks replies to Krieve.

"I'm sorry if I sound overly cryptic, but in my experience knowledge is a powerful weapon that can be used easily to draw blood. So I do not choose to give it to anyone to use against me." She frowns a little at Ondrea's casual mention of age. Her frown vanishes immediately, though, and she listens with genuine interest while Ondrea talks. Despite what she said it doesn't appear that she thinks ill of people who talk about themselves.

2013-10-07, 02:04 AM
"I agree that knowledge is power, but then there's being paranoid and foolish about it, its not like I asked for your mother's maiden name, date of birth, what neighborhood you grew up in when you were ten." He kinda sounded a little annoyed despite that he kept smiling and grinning and drinking.

He happily listened to Ondrea's story, he was a man who enjoyed stories ya know, especially with a tankard of fine wine.

"From your descriptions...its pretty much similar....my men who have traveled these rivers before have described to me horrors beyond imagination, jungle vines that actually try to strange you!.....Though most of the trouble my men had to deal with bandits and marauding natives who worship demons and kidnap good folk as sacrifices to their foul lords."

"And cannibalism!.....Barbaric I tell you!...." He shook his head and dramatically sighed.

2013-10-07, 02:11 AM
"Why do so many 'civilized' people seek these places out if they are so dangerous? I mean, I understand my own draw, but much of that comes from wanting to actively avoid civilization myself. Are there resources or treasure that bring people here? Or is it just exploration?" She controls herself from continuing what would grow into a fight with Krieve. He could not know the implication about her mother, unless he recognized what she was. If that was the case he could prove troublesome. Still, she chided herself, she needed to give him the benefit of the doubt.

She scratched the back of Jasker as her curled up to start napping. He was a lazy boy most a lot of the time.

2013-10-09, 12:29 PM
"I think that such lands are sought by civilized folks because I feel that there is a need to tame and master such places, a mean to feel better about themselves, a strong." Krieve hummed and ran his bejeweled finger along the rim of his glass.

"I myself am just a businessman, resources is my game, and transportation of course. Though I suppose there are those types who are drawn for the exploration aspect, a venture into the unknown, drawn by our world's ancient history and the treasures left behind of civilizations past." He nodded his head with a small satisfied grunt.

2013-10-09, 12:43 PM
"There's nothing wrong with wanting to make a profit... Why else would anyone be here, if they knew they'd be losing money? Sure the adventure is exciting and there's always the thrill of discovering something new, but it's what that discovery can do to better you and yours that lets it be truly exciting."

2013-10-09, 11:17 PM
"Hmmm." Leian says. They are wrong, of course, as trying to master a jungle would eliminate that jungle from existance, and nothing more. Plus wilderness like this should be its own reward. But a small voice inside her head says that maybe she should learn to lie a bit and not tell them off just to point out how wrong they are.

"Is there any other information we need to know before we head off?" If there isn't Leian will fall silent until its time to go.

2013-10-10, 11:53 AM
"Hahah....I think I'm going to like you Miss...." He chuckled and looked at Ondrea with a boisterous smile. She never did offer her name. "But yes, what is adventure without profit?" He chuckled a bit more before glancing at Leian.

"Aside from helping with dealing the dangers...you will be expected to assist in any way to keep the journey going smoothly, you don't take issues with cleaning yes?" There was no sarcasm in his voice, but just actual curiosity.

2013-10-10, 12:00 PM
"I would prefer to have all my limbs severed and tied back on backwards than clean. However if that's expected of me then I will do it. Though I'm not a maid, so don't expect much from me."

2013-10-10, 12:14 PM
"if I'm being paid, I don't mind the work."

2013-10-10, 12:45 PM
"if I'm being paid, I don't mind the work."

"I would prefer to have all my limbs severed and tied back on backwards than clean. However if that's expected of me then I will do it. Though I'm not a maid, so don't expect much from me."

"That's.....unnecessarily extreme for something so....mmmm.....simple.." He furrowed his brow and pressed his lips into a thin grimace.

"....You two aren't going to be the sort of 'hard to work with' types are you? I may have to reconsider some choices if playing well with others isn't going to be a thing...." He lightly hmmm'd and gingerly drank his wine.

2013-10-10, 12:57 PM
"No, no. I believe I'll get along great with others..."

2013-10-10, 11:09 PM
Leian narrows her eyes. Jasker picks up on her irritation and perks his head up. "I work well enough with others. I won't cause any problems." She is smart enough to realize who Krieve is talking about. Of course, a boulder is smart enough to realize that.

2013-10-11, 11:51 AM
Krieve stared at the two with his hand scratching his chin as he suddenly smiled and clasped his hands together as he stood up. "Good, I'm glad to hear that, that puts me at ease that I made a good decision."

"Now, ahem, are there any other questions that you yourselves have for me?"

2013-10-11, 02:20 PM
"Not that I can think of."

2013-10-13, 07:21 PM
"No, no. I'm fully aware and ready for what awaits!"

2013-10-14, 01:29 AM
"Mmm, good good then. Well, in regards to payment. You will be paid half now, and the rest of your pay when the journey is over, savvy?" He asked as he snapped his fingers as one of his entourage folks procures two small bags.

"Both bags hold ten gold coins and three platinum coins."

2013-10-14, 08:21 AM
Ondrea takes the money and pockets it without really looking at it much.

2013-10-14, 10:34 PM
Leian does the same. There were plentiful other ways to earn money if that's all she was interested in.

Jasker thinks it would be nice to have a little cash. Or he would if he knew what money meant.

2013-10-18, 11:29 AM
Krieve looked at the two as an awkward silence crept up, he forced a smile on his face to compensate for it.

"Well, ahem, we have thirty minutes until its time for you to board. Oh quick note, I shan't be joining you two on this little pleasure cruise, too much work for me to be dealing back at my estate.

"Anyhow, we should be off, and again, thank madams for answering the call for your protective services, hopefully though thing shall go without a hitch eh?" He lightly chuckled and stood up and gestured to his entourage that time be getting a move on.

2013-10-18, 09:15 PM
Ondrea shakes his hand, thanks him kindly and leaves with the rest of the folk, her face glowing with the smile of adventurous excitement.

2013-10-18, 10:18 PM
Leian tries to smile kindly, but her face isn't particularly used to the expression and it comes off as a bit strained. She leaves with everyone else and sticks by Ondrea since they are supposed to be partners. Jasker sighs heavily and gets up, padding quietly until he stands next to Leian. She rests a hand on him absentmindedly.

She follows everyone else to the paddy boat without complaint, and without acknowledging any of the glances or scowls from the people around her about her choice of pet.

2013-10-20, 03:15 PM
It would not be a long walk, even one that Krieve did not mind making as the group trekked through the humid streets. Krieve had a groupie fan him along the way as he talked about various trivia about the small port town.

As for the port herself, she was fairly lively with dock workers going about their business, be it carrying crates or tying the boat to the docks. The dock was fairly large though at the moment there were only a few vessels docked and most of them were small boats, none fit for traversing open sea but perfect for navigating the sand bars and water channels.

Anyways, they would eventually come to where the Crown Delight was docked.

Closest thing I have on hand for the Crown's Delight, this but with a better paint jobhttp://i.imgur.com/qBAm9vL.jpg

2013-10-20, 05:43 PM
Leian grimaced at the ship. Hideous triumph of form and function, and a disgusting example of ingenuity. Like nature needed ingenuity.

She pushed those thoughts aside. She sometimes worried she had learned a few lessons too well.

She asked the nearest sailor associated with the Crown Delight "Where can I put my bags?" The ship seemed a little cramped for some of her baggage.

2013-10-20, 05:52 PM
"yes, me too. Where should I situate myself exactly?"

2013-10-21, 11:52 AM
"Actually...I can take care of that for you ladies," A voice answered, a young Kelesh1te man stood there, tanned brown skin, black hair in a short ponytail, he wore a cotton vest, no shirt because it was just too stuffy for such things.

"My name is Salim, I am one of the crew, mostly help keep the, pardon the pun hehe, the boat in ship-shape." He offered his hand for a handshake as then Krieve just casually walked up the short gangway. In the background, laborers were busy carrying in the last of the cargo in and taking it to the cargo hold beneath the top deck.

2013-10-21, 09:33 PM
"Well, thank you for handling that. I'm appreciative. Is there any particular place we should stow ourselves?" Leian asked without apparent humor as she shook hands with Salim.

2013-10-22, 12:14 PM
"Mmm, well, we ain't got much in sleeping quarters save for the captain's cabin, we just take to wherever there's room to sit down and relax, the foredeck's popular along with the magazine." He replied with a small friendly smile.

"Speaking of mentioned things, you two should meet the captain, get acquainted and all."

2013-10-22, 06:53 PM
"Great. I'd be more than content with just a hammock strung out somewhere if that's the case. But yes, let's go see this here captain! Which way to him? Or would you be gracious enough to lead us" she finishes with a smile.

2013-10-23, 11:00 PM
Leian nods in accent, willing to be lead to the captain.

2013-10-25, 12:21 PM
"Of course I will take you to him myself," He returned the smile back to Ondrea and nodded his head.

It wasn't a very far trek, just up the small wooden staircase up to the pilot deck (Area J). Krieve was there sitting lazily on a bench with an equally lazy grin on his face. Standing in front of the wheel was the captain who seemed to be engaged in conversation with Krieve. She was tall and slender with black hair tied into a long ponytail, skin bronzed from the sun, green eyes, an aquiline nose. She was dressed in reds and browns of a military cut and came off more like she was a captain more fitted for an actual sea sailing ship rather than a river boat.

"Oh Krieve...thou is quite the flatterer....but....no---" She smiled and rolled her eyes and stopped in mid conversation with Krieve as her eyes fell upon Salim and the girls.

"Oh? So these shall be the two charged with protecting my vessal? Ho hum. Well greetings young ladies, I am Captain Jessa d'Altare, may I know the names of the Crown's Delight protectors?" She asked with a pleasant smile as she stood in front of the two, shoulders and back straight, a soldier's stance.

2013-10-26, 01:55 AM
Leian tries her best to smile, and hopefully sidestep the same issues she had with Krieve. She thinks hard. Wasn't there something some of the elves from her birthplace used to do in greeting? Yes, bow, that was it. She probably should have done that from the beginning.

"I am Leian. And this is my friend, Jasker. He will do his best to protect the ship, as will I." She gestures to Jasker, who is not very happy about not being on either dry land or in the water. The boat, to him, is a terrible abomination.

2013-10-26, 09:06 AM
"And I'm Ondrea. It's nice to finally be on board."

2013-10-28, 11:23 AM
"Well, we set in half an hour, Salim can give you a tour and we can meet up on the foredeck. You know, you two aren't going to be our only guests aboard the Crown Delight, we got two others who will be joining us as well as you two," She commented with a small smile, her eyes wearily glancing at the raptor.

"Anyways, I must ask you three your leave while I finish with my matters with this bum Krieve," She said gesturing to the layabout Krieve who was still sitting on the bench, listening in on the conversation with a lazy smile in place.

2013-10-29, 10:08 PM
"Very well." Leian says, and leaves the duo to talk. She waits outside for Ondrea, if Ondrea doesn't immediately leave. "Jasker, go find a place to nap, boy!" SHe says kindly to the animal, who is definitely a spinosaurus and not a raptor at all. Honestly he would be offended if he were capable of taking offense at such a violation of his noble heritage.

To Ondrea she says. "Should we try to find the other guests?" Jasker pads off to someplace people aren't always staring at him like he's going to bite them.

2013-10-29, 11:54 PM
"I guess? Umm... I don't really know. I don't suppose it would be easy to tell who is new and who is a returning member..."

2013-10-30, 11:34 PM
"Hmm. Good point."

2013-10-31, 11:35 AM
Some five minutes later of our duo meandering about as Jasker found himself a nice spot by the cargo deck. Frankly, due to the ship's size it would be hard pressed to find a spot where one wouldn't get weary looks due to one's pointy teeth and claws.

Anyways, Salim would eventually approach the two girls with a pleasant smile on his face.

"So ladies, what do you think of the boat?...I can promise it will be a smooth feeling ride....if you're prone to sea sickness, you won't have to worry about it on here," He grinned and nodded his head.

2013-10-31, 01:42 PM
"Looks like it floats. Isn't that really the only thing that's necessary."

2013-11-02, 12:01 AM
"I have to admit, I think that not getting sea sick is a plus, but we are sailing down a river. How likely is it that we will get sea sick on a river?" She is getting a bit annoyed at everyone treating them like young girls. After all they were protection for them.

"I'll be happy if it does more than float, and Jasker will be happy if he can get out of the boat once in awhile. He likes to swim. And eat." She smiles with all of her teeth.

2013-11-03, 03:09 AM
He was under the impression that Leian's question was a rhetorical one, so he said nothing and just smiled and looked derp.

"Heh, well...I'll make sure to tell the captain about your....friend's....uhm...dietary needs?...Err.." He was rather unnerved by her smile...she's probably better off not toothily smiling. (:smalltongue:)

2013-11-06, 01:55 AM
"Anyway, how long until the final preparations are complete? What kinds of work, other than protection, will we have to do, do you know?"

2013-11-08, 11:46 AM
"We should be done soon now, the other boat hands should be done...anyways, as for your other inquiry, well just basic help if we'll need it to keep the trip going smoothly, whether that's fighting off bandits or helping with swabbing the decks." Salim answered with a small smile.


"Oy!...Our last two guests have arrived, Salim, go, welcome them," Someone barked out from somewhere as Salim sheepishly smiled at the girls. "Apologies to cut this inquiry session short...though you can come along if you want." He said with a quick bow as he left and made for the boarding ramp.

2013-11-08, 10:05 PM
Leian shrugged nonchalantly, and followed. Might was well see who they were. Especially considering that she would be sharing a boat with them for a lengthy interval. Hopefully they liked dinosaurs.

2013-11-08, 10:18 PM
Ondrea likewise followed. She felt that her following skills were really getting a workout here.

2013-11-12, 02:27 AM
Following Followers of Followed--I give up on this post title

It was not a very far trek, so within two shakes of a dog's tail, the two girls and Salim would come to see the two guests. One was a large chested fit human male dressed in canvas colored hunting wear. His black and peppered hair slicked back as he sported a foppish pencil thin mustache. On his back he carried a large double barreled shotgun and carried himself with a privileged air about him.

"Really?....This...raft...was the best that could be offered?..." The man scoffed and rolled his eyes as he spoke aloud to himself but clearly loud enough to have others hear.

Behind him stood a young bespectacled woman in a light blue breezy dress robe with some dyed darker blue padded armor over her chest. She carried with her a large backpack and sported the holy symbol of Sarenrae around her neck on a thin chain.

Salim would move on ahead and greet the two whilst ignoring the man's comment about the boat. He gave them a small bow and went through a similar shtick like with the girls.

2013-11-12, 03:56 PM
Leian did not particularly care about the man's comment. It wasn't a raft, so he shouldn't complain, but it wasn't her boat. She hung back, but watched the exchange to see how the strangers reacted. The woman seemed a bit more reasonable, and thankfully didn't sport a ridiculous mustache.

Leian decided to herself that she would try to approach the woman at some point, unless she said something within the next few sentences that proved she was as bad as the man.

2013-11-13, 07:33 AM
Salim would smile and wave the girls over after speaking a bit more to the new guests. The woman didn't utter much, just a few yes's and no's , she seemed too distracted with her big brown eyes absorbing in her surroundings. She gave off the impression she was new to all this.

If the girls came over, Salim would introduce them to the guests.

"Topher Wintons, game hunter," Topher replied after a moment of sizing them up and looking the girls over. He then dismissed his attention on them and looked at Salim. "When do we leave?"

"Uhm...oh well now-ish, now the two of you are finally here," Salim replied sheepishly.

"Hmm, good, well, I'm going to speak with the captain, if you could take my bags," He said and sharply nodded and walked onto the boat and off down the side of the ship. Salim just looked relieved the fella had dismissed himself and sighed a small breath of relief.

"Uhm... Matilda...Lancaster.." The young woman offered to break the silence. She offered a handshake though would withdraw it if not accepted. "I'm a uhm, an acolyte of Sarenrae, a pleasure to meet you both." She said.

2013-11-13, 03:04 PM
Ondrea shakes her hand, and introduces herself as well: "Ondrea. Pleasure to meet you!"

2013-11-13, 04:10 PM
"I'm Leian, and my lazy reptile friend is Jasker." She shakes the girls hand without hesitation, and comes over when waved over. A thought occurs to her.

She jogs after Wintons and calls out to get his attention. "I have pet spinosaurus on board, so don't shoot him."

2013-11-14, 11:30 AM
Wintons stopped for a moment and glanced at Leian, looking her over again. "Of course you would." Was all he said before continuing to walk off.

Salim in the meanwhile heaved and huffed with the bags as he yoinked them towards the cabin.

Matilda wanly smiled and nodded.

A moment later Krieve appeared with a pleasant smile on his face. He would grin at the girls and raise both brows. "Ya know...good luck on this venture...try not to kill each other haha." He said vaguely and chuckled. "Well...it best be time I make my leave so that you lot may make yours." He gave them a little bow.

2013-11-14, 03:08 PM
"Farewell," Leian said. "It has been an experience knowing you. Hopefully all of our ventures go smoothly."

She already felt the jungle calling to her.

2013-11-24, 03:02 AM
The engine on the paddlewheel began to churn, a loud high pitched whistle whistled as all the deck hands got into position. The boarding ramp removed as Krieve turned and watched. He gave the girls a little wave and blew a kiss at the captain atop the dock deck. She rolled her eyes. The paddlewheel then...began to chug slowly up the river....

For the next three hours the Crown Delight found herself with smooth sailing along the small Lower Korir River, Port Freedom far behind them. She moved at a fifteen miles per hour...admittedly, caravans could move faster than this...but..they did have a lot of cargo. Plus the jungle was no place for caravans or lone couriers.

Mid-Arodus (August), Fireday (Friday) 3 PM

Hot and humid, sun high up in the sky, insects buzzing, mosquitoes biting, animals making their mating calls. The crew of the Crown Delight busied themselves with their tasks, amusingly most of the crew quickly adjusted to having something like Jasker on board, without any sort of restraints. Still, some still kept a weary eye around him.

Topher Winton ignored the girls, the cleric and pretty much everyone else save for the captain, whose company he pushed upon. Even if Captain d'Altare could be seen with annoyed expressions if chanced upon spotting her as she navigated the boat. As for Matilda, she was on the shyer side and kept to herself and would only converse if spoken to. She spent most of her time conducting herself in prayer.

The jungle on either side was thick with foliage with trees whose roots grew into the water. There was also a sense of claustrophobia as the trees looked ready to swallow the small river, looming over with a choking presence. Suddenly!..One of the crew mates cried out for them to halt the boat lest it come into contact and crash into a fallen teak tree that blocked their path. The crew quickly scrambled down below deck to get the engines off whilst the captain navigated the paddle wheel to prevent any possible rupturing of the boat. Curses were declared with angry gusto. It was not a very smooth stop as the paddle wheel stopped jerkily.

2013-11-24, 02:32 PM
"...are... Are we good? Is everything good still?" Ondrea cries out to anyone around her...

I do have Misfortune, so if by any chance in that whole ordeal some NPC had rolled poorly (which I'm not even sure if anything was rolled at all, but it's worth asking), like an 8 or lower on any check to get the boat stopped in time, then I'd like to use Misfortune on that.

2013-11-24, 11:35 PM
When the ship lurched Leian ran up top to see what had happened. Deciding silently that it wasn't a problem she could help with all that well she decided it was better to keep an eye out on the jungle line. Maybe this was purposeful...

Perception to see if anything is moving around on the shore or in the water: [roll0]

WHen she heard Ondrea speak Leian responded straightforwardly. "I don't think anyone was injured, but I don't know about the boat. The captain will let us know if we're needed."

Jasker was very upset. He had been napping and dreaming about fish. Now he was awake and his mean changeling-master wouldn't let him fish.

2013-11-27, 07:23 AM
(@AngryCyc, its not roll based, its a 'scripted' thing)

One of the crew mates who braced himself against the railing who was near by, shook his head and looked over at Ondrea. "Seems we hit a fallen tree....thankfully we weren't going fast enough....I don't think anyone got hurt." The fella said shaking his head.

Other of the crew mates could be seen scrambling to re secure the cargo.

Leian would catch some rustling in the thick underbrush of the jungle near the shore and then it stopped.

2013-11-27, 03:52 PM
Leian strode over to the nearest crewmember, caught his arm and said "We might have some company on the shore, I thought I saw something moving around out there, and this would be a good spot for an ambush. Alert someone, if you will." then she took out her own weapons, and whistled for Jasker to come to her.

"Ondrea, could you help me keep a look out?"

2013-11-27, 04:56 PM
"Will do!"

Ondrea starts scanning the shoreline back and forth.

2013-12-02, 12:55 PM
It didn't take very long for some of the crew to form themselves a shore party while Captain Jessa had the remaining crew mates including Salim dealt with making sure that the ship was ship shape and that no damage was done to the boat's hull.

As Ondrea took those seconds to scan the shoreline herself she would see...nothing....but then...a bustle of activity in the dense forest in a north-eastern direction on the shore.

2013-12-02, 03:20 PM
"I would like to accompany you on your away party, captain. Unless you really need me to stay here. If so I insist you take Jasker with you for defense. He's trained to only attack people I tell him to attack." She smiled sweetly, or attempted too, unaware that her choice of wording was a bit too direct for most people's comfort. Jasker was looking at the shore longingly and Leian knew that he would have to go out, even if they didn't want him too.

2013-12-03, 12:35 AM
I'll come too... maybe it's not out of place, but there appears to be quite the bustle coming from the jungle. We shouldn't be so speedy to run off on our own, Leian. We're all in this together now, ya know"

Ondrea rubbed her eyes a bit. She appeared to have some pollen or other irritant in it causing her perception to be a bit off today. Blinking a few times, she felt she was good as new again.

2013-12-03, 12:52 AM
"By all means your welcome to come, hopefully the captain will agree."

2013-12-06, 07:48 AM
"Of course you may join me Miss Leian, its what you're here for," The Captain crookedly smiled for a second and then resumed her neutral expression. "Mister Winton had agreed to stay with the boat and keep an eye on the mates staying behind." She walked to the edge of the boat near where the walk way would be lowered soon and scanned the scene herself.

"Where again did you say you saw movement, Ondrea?" She asked, having had seen nothing herself. As they prepped, some of the crew mates began to lower the walk way against the best solid ground they could get. The end of the walk way sank a little into the mushy earth.

2013-12-06, 11:28 AM
Ondrea points out what she had seen before... "Over there... I think? Maybe... I don't know. These jungles will probably take some time getting used to."

2013-12-06, 09:23 PM
Leian whistles, then says something in Elven along the lines of "Go for it," to Jasker who then goes for it and jumps right off the boat and into the water.

"Right, I'll follow, and so will Jasker. After he's done acting like an overgrown puppy." She says with mock severity, giving Jasker a fond look.

2013-12-11, 12:06 AM
The Captain faintly smiled at Leian and then glanced at Jasker. "Hmmm, right. Hmmm.." She simply said after registering Ondrea's own words.

"Let's be on our guard of course," She said walking down the wooden walk way and onto the mushy wet ground. "The remaining lot of you, work on getting this tree out of the ship's way." She barked her order at the mates staying with the ship, Salim nodded at his captain and went off to fetch the axes below deck.

So Captain Jessa, two of the crew mates, Leian, Ondrea and Jasker made head way onto shore while the rest remained behind.

Ferns and underbrush struck at our shore party, the two mates in front with machetes, cutting brush that got in the way as the Captain kept an eye out. Her eyes narrowed as she wrinkled her nose and then swatted at her neck after feeling a mosquito trying to bite at her. Leian, Ondrea, and Jasker may or may not had mosquitoes tempted to bite, that fluff will be up to certain parties. Anyways.

"You lot see anything?" She questioned as she tried to survey the dense jungle.

<'Optional' Perception Check/If you have Track, take advantage of it>

2013-12-11, 01:27 AM
Leian curses at the mosquitoes, tempted to shift into her saurian state just to get ride of them, but eventually they start leaving her alone. Her thick skin keeps them from getting a good drink and they move on to other targets. While they bother Jasker only a little he entertains himself by snapping at them enthusiastically.

When the snap Leian begins to study the ground, sitting on her haunches to examine the ground thoroughly to see if there are any tracks.
Rolling Survival for Tracking: [roll0]

2013-12-16, 11:53 AM
Leian and her keen eyes would come to see a series of small reptilian footprints against the moist ground, along with what looked like bits of stone...tools. Several actually, at the very least maybe ten sets of prints in the area, their direction would indicate a northern-ish direction into the thick jungle.

2013-12-16, 12:04 PM
Leian points in the direction she sees the tracks go. "Lizards shaped tracks, with bits of stone tools. My guess is some sort of lizard man, about ten in number. Be ready." She continues through the forest without further word. But she does pull out her sickle, and her heavy wooden shield, in case of attack.

2013-12-16, 01:27 PM
Staring quizzically after her, Ondrea asks "Wait, are the tracks the same tracks as a lizards? Or are they tracks that are actually shaped like lizards? Because that sounds fasc-... Leian..?"

She hurries after her...

2013-12-21, 07:51 PM
Eventually after ten more long minutes of trekking and trying to find where the tracks would lead, /and/ putting greater distance between them and the river boat, the Captain found herself getting exasperated, and with a bulbous looking mosquito bite on her chin.

"We're only putting ourselves further and further away from the ship...whatever we're following...moves quickly..." She wiped the sweat from her brow and wrinkled her nose.

Suddenly a loud gun shot sounded from back the direction they came from as birds nearby, fluttered from the canopy.

2013-12-22, 12:40 AM
Oh No! Thought Leian. It had been a trick. Or that was her first instinct. She was ready to run back the way they had just come, but then again. Maybe that would be another trick?

"What should we do? Keep going, go back, or split up?" She asked Ondrea, and the captain..

2013-12-22, 10:05 AM
"Uhh... I uhh. I guess keep going? The lot on the boat are a capable bunch. They likely just took a pot shot at some animal or something. I wouldn't be worried about a single gunshot. Now if we heard a salvo of gunfire, then we should worry..."

2013-12-23, 12:11 AM
"But couldn't this large, and rather obvious trail simply be a distraction for the purpose of splitting us up as a group? You know, divide and conquer?" She asked, genuinely unsure. She turned to the captain. "I'm going to continue on, but some of you should head back in case of danger. Unless..." She tilted her unnatural head, and waited for a salvo of gunfire. If she did not hear it she would continue on.

2013-12-30, 10:39 AM
(I feel so terrible almost forgetting this... ._. )

Another loud boomshot followed by the more popping sound of smaller shots, prompting an angry upset look by the captain. Looking over her shoulder, she directed with a gesture of her fingers and thumb at her crew mates. They silently nodded and started to turn back.

"My apologies madams but...I'm not willing to take the chance that the rest of my crew are just taking potshots. Your words...Miss Leian about divide and conquer...well better safe than sorry..." She gave the two a courteous bow and made an abrupt turn.

2013-12-31, 01:51 AM
(That's fine, no worries.)

Leian bids farewell to them, and continues along the trail, hoping that it will lead to an equal threat to the ship. She doesn't consult Ondrea further on this decision, hoping that by acting that any burden of blame will fall only on her shoulders.

2014-01-11, 03:11 AM
The pair continue with their trek, taking them further and further away from the ship and the rest of the crew. The two would feel the sweat slide down their brows and necks, clothes clinging to their bodies, the very touch of the flora around them leaving them with that 'uck' feeling on their bodies. The never ending buzzing of mosquitoes creating the sound track for their trek.

The two would eventually come to see a crudely made campfire, the fire dead, looking recently used, small reptilian foot prints. It was a pretty messy campfire, with waste abound.

From the corner of their eyes, a rustle of foliage in the underbrush twenty feet away!

2014-01-12, 09:27 AM
Ondrea continues trekking further and further away from the ship and the rest of the crew. She feels the sweat clinging to her body,and the flora around leaving an 'uck' feeling on her body. Also, she hears mosquitoes buzzing.

Eventually she sees a crudely made campfire, and some small reptilian foot prints.

From the corner of her eyes, a rustle of foliage in the underbrush twenty feet away!

She prepares to look in the direction of the rustling.

2014-01-12, 08:51 PM
From the rustling bushes, Ondrea and Leian would see what appeared to be a scrawny kobold tumbling backwards towards them, falling on its rear, as if though it was pushed. In its right hand a small spear, it seemed to be dressed in a tribal style.

It yelped and scrambled to get up.

2014-01-13, 12:02 AM
Leian points her club at the kobold, which was obviously less a threat than a distraction. She addressed the creature in common. "Who are you and what do you want?" Ignoring the fact that she was the intruder.

As she talked she scanned the rest of the area, trying to see if any creatures were trying to surround them. She made a gesture to Jasker which he knew meant be on guard, and get ready to start eating. He liked this command.

Perception: [roll0], and can Leian tell if kobolds left those tracks they followed?

2014-01-13, 12:19 AM
The kobold would only just stare at Leian with big lizardly eyes. <"Ack....hoomans....stay away...I don't want nothin' do with yas...damn you Gruk for this...!"> It would yell in kobold, in which just Ondrea would understand, identifying it as draconic. The kobold flailed, eyes glancing between the two girls and Jasker.

Leian would get the idea that there wasn't probably more than four or three kobolds hiding in the shrubbery around them, and yes, its highly likely the kobold tracks belonged to this kobold and his buddies.

"<Ack please don't hurt me...wasn't us!>" It would continue to say to Leian even if Ondrea was the only one who could understand.