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View Full Version : Three Dragon Ante

2013-09-29, 04:24 PM
So I've been learning to play this card game ahead of using it in an upcoming D&D campaign.
Does anyone know how the "debt" works. As the rules state that at the end of each gambit you have to repay your debt out of any gold you've won. If this is debt to other players then it goes back to them which is fair enough. But if it's debt you've incurred by not being able to pay money into the pot when required does it go back into what will become the pot for the next gambit? Or does it get removed from the game altogether?

Anyone know?

2013-09-30, 01:06 AM
IIRC, if you can't pay debt into the pot at the end of a gambit, you've lost, and the game ends.

2013-09-30, 08:12 AM
IIRC, if you can't pay debt into the pot at the end of a gambit, you've lost, and the game ends.

These are the rules for Three Dragon Ante.

As far as how you deal with that debt in-character, after the card game has ended, that is up to you and your players to decide. Look at how real-world poker games and debts are handled, and you should get a good idea. Perhaps the party is fine with playing for fun, forgetting debts after the game is over. Perhaps the party plays for fun but still tracks debts, tacking that on to the beginning of the next game. Perhaps a debt collector comes after characters that accumulate too much debt, or maybe IOU's are called in.

The rules for the card game Three Dragon Ante don't specify how to implement the game within a game of D&D, it merely gives suggestions. Make of it what you will.