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View Full Version : [3.P] Increasing a Gifted Blade's Manifester level and some other questions

Dusk Eclipse
2013-09-29, 09:41 PM
Important Note: The 3.P is just for the Psychic Assassin, if possible I want this to be as pure Pathfinder as possible, I know I could just port in Practiced Manifester, but I want to know my options.

I have a wacky idea for a Gifted Blade/Psychic Assassin (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040723d), but I'm having some trouble getting the 5 ML required to enter the class, is there by any chance a feat or something that would help me with that?

Secondly, how do I use the +1 manifest level granted by the class? Do I advance my Gifted Blade powers, my mindblade's enhancement or both? I am pretty sure this is "Ask your DM" territory, but who knows, there might be a FAQ or something.

2013-09-29, 10:17 PM
1) A quick way to boost the Gifted Blade's ML is the Psionic Knack trait. It's not in the SRD yet for some reason, but is basically a psionic version of the Magical Knack (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/magic-traits/magical-knack) trait. With that your ML will equal your class level using just PF material.

2) There's a sidebar in Psionics Unleashed for Soulknives that suggests a DM running a "high psionics campaign" can let a +1 ML class increase apply to both powers and your mind blade. This was intended to be for multiclass Soulknife/Manifesters but it can apply to Gifted Blade just as easily. The sidebar was reproduced on the Soulknife page. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/soulknife) So it really depends on the power level of the campaign, though obviously Gifted Blade is far from the strongest manifester out there.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-09-30, 07:30 AM
First of all thank you Psyren, this really saved me some headaches.

1) A quick way to boost the Gifted Blade's ML is the Psionic Knack trait. It's not in the SRD yet for some reason, but is basically a psionic version of the Magical Knack (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/magic-traits/magical-knack) trait. With that your ML will equal your class level using just PF material.

That works perfectly, thanks, though I will not have full ML since Psychic Assassin 5 looses 3 ML, but if that is the price for Mind Cripple, it is a price I would gladly pay.

2) There's a sidebar in Psionics Unleashed for Soulknives that suggests a DM running a "high psionics campaign" can let a +1 ML class increase apply to both powers and your mind blade. This was intended to be for multiclass Soulknife/Manifesters but it can apply to Gifted Blade just as easily. The sidebar was reproduced on the Soulknife page. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/soulknife) So it really depends on the power level of the campaign, though obviously Gifted Blade is far from the
strongest manifester out there.
How the hell did I miss that sidebar?.... Hmmm well this build is mostly theoricraft, so to make things easier (and more fun for me) I'll assume it advances both, besides as you said Gifted Blades aren't the best manifesters out there.

The general gist of this build is to make an effective assassin on a Soul Knife chassis, Mindblades are simply awesome for the covert assassin and Mind Crippling people to a comatose state before coup de grace'ing them sounds extremely appropiate for an assassin with access to psionic powers

Nimble Gifted Blade 5/Psychic Assassin 5/ Gifted Blade 10
Ends up with ML 15, BAB 18, +2d6 sneak attack dice, a +7 equivalent mindblade (not great I admit) at least 9 Blade skills (7 from Soul Knife Levels +2 from human favoured class bonus) including one I can change on the fly.
Not too shabby I think.

The idea is to focus on Dex/Wis via focused offence and get the most out of the enhanced mindblade via Mind Daggers bladeskil (from my understanding I would loose the versatility of being to have different enhancements on my weapons, but I would have the full +7 effective daggers). Piranha Strike will be taken to help with damage output. I'm also thinking on grabbing Expanded Knowledge (Astral Construct) at level 5 to get a reliable flanking partner on command.

Anything I'm missing or that could be improved?

2013-09-30, 07:55 AM
That works perfectly, thanks, though I will not have full ML since Psychic Assassin 5 looses 3 ML, but if that is the price for Mind Cripple, it is a price I would gladly pay.

Actually I said "class level," i.e. your soulknife class level, prior to multiclassing/PrCing.

Additional advice:

1) Astral Construct is 1st level, so consider getting it from Unlocked Talent (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/feats/unlocked-talent) instead. This not only lets you get it earlier (if you choose), you get free PP with it, and gifted blades need as many as they can get.

2) Nimble Blades get Piranha Strike for free at 2nd level. I wasn't sure but it sounded like you were planning to spend a feat on it.

3) Yes, Mind Daggers do let you dual wield without lowering your enhancement bonus.

4) Improved Enhancement will let you squeeze +8 out of your blade. And there's always augmented Metaphysical Weapon/GMW to boost the enhancement further (provided you allocate more of the natural enhancement to abilities.) You can also use Additional Configurations to maintain a backup high-enhancement version of your blades in case you need to punch through DR. (Remember, high enhancement lets you overcome various forms of DR in PF.)

5) Don't forget how Gifted Blade powers known work! You aren't locked into a given set; rather, each morning you can rotate out the powers you need from your class list, similar to a Vitalist. Track UT/EK/PC powers separately though.

6) Your floating bladeskill (Adaptive Form) is very useful when combined with Mental Power, letting you grab a floating, situational power from your list on the fly.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-09-30, 08:07 AM
Ok, I need to remember to read the Archetypes I plan to use before posting >_<, but that in any case getting Piranha Strike fro "Free" does help a lot.