View Full Version : [Ghost/Echo] Phantasmal Embuscade [IC]

Mono Vertigo
2013-09-30, 02:45 AM
The Factory really did look like the best hiding place from the wraiths. They're clawing at the huge metallic door. Hopefully, they won't find a way in before we find another way out.
It looked like a good location until a few unsympathetic faces, and their weapons, popped out from behind cogs and rust-covered machines. One of the guys has a harpoon, and is smiling greedily. An ambush.
"Give it to us now! Or else!", yells the harpooner.

2013-10-04, 08:50 AM
Specter sighed, ghostly hands clasping and unclasping as he looked about the ambushers. "We didn't even have a chance to make the con." He muttered to the rest of the team. "What the hell are they asking for?"

He decided to try and find out. Holding his hands up, willing the shifting ectoplasm to hold steady, he stepped forward. "Easy, guys, easy." He called out, smiling disarmingly. "Tell us what you're looking for and we'll give it to you. If we don't have it," he shrugged. "Well, then we got nothing to give you."

Rolling for negotiating a deal



So I was thinking assigning 1 to the Goal and 4 to the Danger. That way, the goal fails and the opportunity is lost and the danger (Get Put in a Bad Position) partially comes true and remains.

The other option (1 to Danger and 4 to Goal) gives the Danger comes true and the Goal is partially achieved, which makes less sense to me.


Mono Vertigo
2013-10-09, 10:00 AM
"You know what I'm talking about!"
At least, he doesn't shoot yet, but he's not in any way convinced.
Coil shakes her head. "He must think we already have the loot.", she whispers under her hood, and quickly pulls a nearby lever, hoping the ambushers' platforms will move.

Now that's a fumble.

Not only the ambushers aren't hindered or moved away, but instead, a mechanical arm comes to life and whack Coil across the head.
The harpooner cackles briefly, even more confident than before. "You guys are stupider than I thought! At least you'll give us some fun before we throw you to the wraiths."

2013-10-09, 05:13 PM
Goal: Disable the Harpooner - Permanently
Danger: Take Harm


Assigning 3 to Danger: Partial Harm and Potential For More
Assigning 6 to Goal: The Harpooner is Taken Out

True to his name, Grip was rhythmically gripping and ungripping his hands. The situation wasn't looking good - they'd been caught by surprise by the wraiths, had been forced to run like lunatics, and ended up surprised AGAIN by this ambush of mouth-breathers. It wasn't doing wonders for the self-esteem, that was for sure.

"Sod this," Grip muttered ... which his crew rapidly knew was a signal that Grip was going to do something utterly foolish. With a barely perceptible coiling of his body and limbs, like a serpent winding itself up before a strike, Grip ... disappeared.

Moving impossibly quickly, he was a blur of white, leaping up into the air and landing - reappearing, it seemed - right beside the marauder with the harpoon. In a panic, the man lunged at Grip with his weapon like it was a spear; coiling and spiraling around the attack like a corkscrew, Grip whirled around the clumsy man, did something particularly quick and nasty that resulted in three distinct *cracks* and *pops* that echoed throughout the Factory, and ended up standing over the man's crumpled body. His leg, arm, and head were bent at weird angles.

Unfortunately, Grip hadn't gotten out of the situation unscathed - blood dripped from a gash on his arm where he hadn't quite dodged the harpoon's blade, and he was now in the midst of a gang of marauders who were beginning to get their bearings. He was losing sensation in the arm, which meant a nerve had been damaged... not a good sign.

"A little help guys?" Grip said nonchalantly before coiling himself sinuously again, a black and white dragon ready to pounce.

2013-10-11, 03:12 PM
"Well, I tried to be nice," Specter muttered. With lightning-quick speed, a gun appeared in his hand, steel and chrome and wood with a glass nozzle. He aimed at the men closest to Grip.

Goal: Take out threats to Grip
Danger: Miss and given them a chance to hit Grip/Hit Grip himself


Ectoplasm coalesced and shot through the gun, hitting one of the men on his right shoulder, incapacitating him. Unfortunately it passed forward and grazed Grip. Specter winced. "Sorry man!" He shouted, aiming at someone else.

Some of the men broke away, making for Specter, Coil and Demon. They brandished pipes and machetes, though none of them seemed to have guns. Good.

Mono Vertigo
2013-10-12, 05:38 AM
Coil stands up, her head throbbing...

That compensates nicely for the previous roll.

... and takes advantage of the fact her enemies are underestimating her to slip smoothly behind one, stab him in the back with a dagger hidden in her sleeve, and kick his unconscious body out of the way. "Just so you know, the lever thing was totally part of my plan."

Mina Kobold
2013-10-12, 06:59 AM
Demon, smiling faintly as if observing an amusing jest, leaps from behind a rusted and unrecognisable ancient piece of machinery. Attempting to manoeuvre across the wall and grabbing for an assailant with skeletal fingers.


Surprised by Demon leaping and moving across the wall without regard to proper gravitational manners, the attacker barely manages to raise a machete before being grabbed at the shoulder.

Not quite having gotten a good enough grip, Demon cannot throw the machete-wielding ambusher, but still manages to land behind him, dead fingers tight on a fleshy shoulder.

"Well good evening, a shame you chaps didn't feel more diplomatic"

2013-10-12, 02:05 PM
Grip weaved his way around a series of hamfisted attacks, only to get grazed by Spectre's errant shot... which thankfully embedded itself into the chest of one of his attackers, knocking him back mid-attack.

"Just so you know, the lever thing was totally part of my plan," he heard Coil say.

"WAS SHOOTING ME PART OF THE PLAN TOO?" he yelled in somewhat real, somewhat mock-anger, changing to a low level to dodge a wide high haymaker. Grip stayed on the defensive, having a little too much blood on his white jacket for his taste.

"We should hurry this up, wraiths are gonna be here any minute," he shouts again.

Not gonna roll anything, just a linker post. What Dangers remain?

2013-10-14, 03:07 AM
"Hey, I said sorry, didn't I?" Specter shouted. He hefted his gun, taking refuge behind a tall machine of some sort or other, sigils grafted into its body. He took careful aim at two men approaching and shot.


Goal:Partially achieved
Danger: Unwanted Harm - come true

I'm not sure how to determine what Danger remains. Can someone else see to that, please?

The ectoplasm that was his body roiled, siphoning into the gun. Specter took the shot, hitting one of the men squarely. But then the gun spat. He glanced down in alarm; the plasm shot back into his body in a feedback effect. Pain coursed through his body; he dropped the gun and curled into a ball, screaming incoherently.