View Full Version : an opinion on prestige classes.

2013-09-30, 03:56 AM
If you had to go with the following guidelines:
Ultimate Warrior
Ultimate Cleric
Ultimate Mage
Ultimate Rogue
While skipping Campaign setting specific stuff off of the list (red wizard of thay,radiant servent of pelor, etc), What prestige classes would you put on this list to represent the best version of these archetypes? I'm building a new world and want to figure out which prestige classes would fit in this world. So I would like everyone who reads this to put down their choices and what archetype the prc would fit. Thanks!
As to the source material I'm allowing: PH 1&2, Complete _______, DMG, Races of ____, Dragon Magazine, Dungeon Magazine

2013-09-30, 06:54 AM
10 builds in one post is a bit much, and these questions are far too open.

Warrior/Mage — so many options: Abjurant Champion, Swiftblade, Duskblade, ...
Warrior/Cleric — Cleric
Warrior/Rogue — no real PrC, though several can be used.
Cleric/Rogue — Cleric
Mage/cleric — Mystic Theurge but YMMV
Rogue/Mage — Many options: Unseen Seer, Arcane Trickster, ...
Ultimate Warrior — Cleric
Ultimate Cleric — Cleric
Ultimate Mage — Wizard or Sorcerer, with one of a number of PrCs available.
Ultimate Rogue — Cleric

2013-09-30, 07:32 AM
I thought the poll was pretty straightforward. Just wanted some opinions on prestige classes. That's all.:-)

2013-09-30, 10:13 AM
When you say best, what do you mean? Most mechanically powerful, most basic, most flavourful? For warrior mage Abjurant Champion is one of the more mechanically powerful ones but is a bit more defensive than some others, eldritch knight is the standard you get full BAB and 9/10 spells but there are no other class features to make it any good as a fighter/mage.

2013-09-30, 10:32 AM
Well, what I mean is when a person looks at a PRC, and they say " Man THAT is the ultimate _____" Ill give an example. To me the archmage is the ultimate generalist wizard. And IO7FV is the ultimate abjurer. So to answer your question, I m looking at this poll from a thematc and optimal poin of view. Does that help?

2013-09-30, 10:44 AM
10 builds in one post is a bit much, and these questions are far too open.

Warrior/Mage — so many options: Abjurant Champion, Swiftblade, Duskblade,[quote] Swfitblade is a mostly Wizard thing, but I guess that fits.
Warrior/Cleric — Cleric Bone Knight, Ordained Champion, Prestige Paladin (1 level)

Warrior/Rogue — no real PrC, though several can be used. Scarlet Corsair, Swift Hunter, Daring Outlaws.

Cleric/Rogue — Cleric ... yeah, probably with a PrC Ranger dip for the SA spell.

Mage/cleric — Mystic Theurge but YMMV If Cleric means Divine, then Arcane Hierophant, hands down.

Rogue/Mage — Many options: Unseen Seer, Arcane Trickster, ... Unseen Seer, hands down.
Ultimate Warrior — Warblade/EternalBlade, or Master of Nine.
Ultimate Cleric — Cleric
Ultimate Mage — Incantatrix!
Ultimate Rogue — Factotum8/Chameleon

2013-09-30, 03:12 PM
Just curious as to why you disallowed so many books but allowed dragon magazine? Is there a reason because usually is the other way around and it seems like you're cutting out quite a few classes. Is there something specific you don't want to include?

2013-09-30, 03:26 PM
What do you mean by:

Ultimate Warrior
Ultimate Cleric
Ultimate Mage
Ultimate Rogue
Like is the ultimate rogue doing the most sneak attack? Utterly undetectable/unfindable?
Can the ultimate cleric produce a turning check that sends Vecna fleeing in terror, at level 12? Or is he able to bring the frenzied berserker from -500 HP to positives with a single spell?

That's what nedz meant by being openended, your questions are far too vague.

And why ditch the setting specific prestige classes? A lot of them just require a little bit of refluffing to make them work in a given world. RSoP? Find a different NG Sun Deity.
Harper prestige classes? Create a different multi-national spy agency with a focus on Good and change the name.