View Full Version : [3.5] Monsters with Swallow Whole

2013-09-30, 07:32 AM
I have a question for the playground. What are your options if you as a player have been swallowed whole? I know that it says you can use a light piercing or slashing weapon to cut yourself out, but can you do other things?

Example 1:

Let.s say you are a rogue. Can you apply your sneak attack damage to your attacks? It's not like the beast can really dodge and being in an internal organ, I would think there are plenty of blood vessels, etc you could target.

Example 2:

Let's say you are a caster. Can you cast a spell inside there? Perhaps something like the spell that surrounds you with fire for grappling purposes, or dropping a fireball INSIDE the creature...reflex save against that!

Example 3:

What about someone who can channel spells like a Duskblade? Can you channel a nasty touch spell via your light weapon?

Example 4:

What about applying poison since you are inside the creature?

I am sure there are a number of other things people can come up with creatively, I just want to see what other people's thoughts are with respect to this and if you have any other ideas about what can be done please post! Thanks.

2013-09-30, 07:40 AM
Well your somewhat limeted to what you can do while grappled, so casting is out as are many mundane tasks.

2013-09-30, 07:46 AM
From Shax (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8235865):

Price: 50 GP
Weight: --
(Expedition to Castle Ravenloft p. 209)
If you ever get swallowed by a creature, empty this into its stomach. The creature is forced to regurgitate you, and is nauseated for 1d4 rounds, no save. It can also be used to induce vomiting after ingesting a poison, giving a +5 untyped bonus to the secondary effect. Each vial contains 10 doses.
Craft (Alchemy) DC: 25

Much more interesting method someone suggested in an older thread... potion of invisibility + anklets of translocation. Once the creature is invisible, you have L.O.S. to the square you want to teleport to.

Duke of Urrel
2013-09-30, 07:53 AM
Regarding possibility number four:

Applying poison to a weapon while you are either held in a creature's mouth or inside its gullet or stomach is out of the question, I think.

However, it might be possible for you, while inside a creature's stomach, to uncork a vial and pour poison out of it, and if it was a poison that worked by ingestion, then it might directly affect the creature that had swallowed you. No other kind of poison would work, and it would be a very bad idea for you, while inside a creature's stomach, to release a poison that worked by contact or inhalation, since that would immediately harm you.

2013-09-30, 08:04 AM
I remember a game i played once where a friend got grappled in somethings mouth and was about to be swallowed, so he declared "i soil myself" the DM roll to see if it would sicken the monster, which it did, and so spit him out.

Galdor Miriel
2013-09-30, 08:12 AM
I would make a caster do a concentration check based on damage dealt by being in the stomach with a circumstance increase to DC. I would let characters try other things if they were imaginative and believable, such as beating with a hammer to make the creature sick. If the character can stay alive long enough to succeed on some kind of check it is all good.

I love 3.5, but never get too wedded to the rules, people play it like it is a game where there is a right and a wrong answer, while D&D for me has always been a game where there is a story, and ways of making that story play out.

So I guess I am saying why limit them, just have fun with the swallow whole and see what happens.


2013-09-30, 08:19 AM
I would make a caster do a concentration check based on damage dealt by being in the stomach with a circumstance increase to DC. I would let characters try other things if they were imaginative and believable, such as beating with a hammer to make the creature sick. If the character can stay alive long enough to succeed on some kind of check it is all good.

I love 3.5, but never get too wedded to the rules, people play it like it is a game where there is a right and a wrong answer, while D&D for me has always been a game where there is a story, and ways of making that story play out.

So I guess I am saying why limit them, just have fun with the swallow whole and see what happens.


i agree wholeheartedly, there are no Rules in D&D, only Guidelines. a lot of the time if i have a player what wants to do something i know wont work my RAW but it can describe it well and it just sounds fu**ing awesome i'll let it fly.

2013-09-30, 12:36 PM
Oh, and lest we forget...

Feather Token: Tree.

2013-10-01, 03:45 AM
Feather token tree....nice :) I was thinking along those lines also that immovable rod.

A lot of good ideas here thanks. What about precision damage?

2013-10-01, 04:10 AM
Much more interesting method someone suggested in an older thread... potion of invisibility + anklets of translocation. Once the creature is invisible, you have L.O.S. to the square you want to teleport to.
IIRC teleportation effects don't need LoS.

Also a common joke my party came up when we fought a tendriculos.

Fighter: Charge!
Tendriculos:Nom nom nom.
Rogue: I'm gona flank it.
Tendriculos:Nom nom nom.
Cleric: I have to heal 'em.
Tendriculos:Nom nom nom.
Wizard: Teleport!:smallbiggrin:

2013-10-01, 09:37 AM
Quoth Galdor Miriel:

I would make a caster do a concentration check based on damage dealt by being in the stomach with a circumstance increase to DC. I would let characters try other things if they were imaginative and believable, such as beating with a hammer to make the creature sick. If the character can stay alive long enough to succeed on some kind of check it is all good.

I love 3.5, but never get too wedded to the rules, people play it like it is a game where there is a right and a wrong answer, while D&D for me has always been a game where there is a story, and ways of making that story play out.
Ironically, most of what you suggested there is already in the rules.