View Full Version : It's bigger than it looks. A lot bigger.

2013-09-30, 10:54 AM
You know what would be a nice class feature if it didn't suck? The Counterspelling alternate class feature in Complete Mage.

It sucks because there are positively *zero* feats to improve it. Turn undead, for example, is alright... but it's rarely a show stopper.

But add divine metamagic, and a host of other feats and suddenly you have a plumb class feature.

So my question is... should feats that *could* be applied to alternate class features be applied to them?

Or are they already legally done so?

Would "Quicken Turning" (whose pre-req could also conceivably be applied to divine counterspell) make a poor fit for Divine Counterspell? Is there a justification to prevent this from applying beyond the wording of the feat in relation to turn undead/divine counterspell?

And that's the great big problem that I don't think was ever really addressed.
A lot of these alternate class features would be great... if you could use the feats designed for the class feature you're exchanging (when applicable).