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2013-09-30, 05:09 PM
I'm starting to plot the annual Halloween-inspired horror session for my group. Unfortunately, this year I'm coming up a little dry on inspiration. I've done the stereotypical zombie apocalypse, a variant on The Thing, haunted house, and so on. What ideas I've come up with thus far are too close to what I've done before; I'd like something new, but I've got nothing promising.

Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on what might be a good run for this year?

2013-09-30, 05:26 PM
Friend of mine did this. He turned it into a Planar Gameshow where every Halloween a Devil in a Rhinestone Suit would show up and wisk us away to a stage where its being broadcast throughout the planes.

The first year was a survivor horror thing where we were in the woods outside of Camp Crystal Lake and had to fight Jason and Freddy.

The Next Year was a Rock Type Concert. We were up against a Demon/Devil Band based on Ozzy Osbourn. And we had 3 encounters based on songs of his.
Iron Man was the final confrontation and it was a HUGE Figgen Iron Golem.

Good Times. I really miss those days.

2013-09-30, 05:48 PM
Maybe something inspired by Fallen? Body hopping powerful villain that could be inside anybody, including fellow players (temporarily, of course). Or the King's 5 year old daughter, or the commander of the guards, or the mayor or...

Something Blair Witch, perhaps (only, you know, actually scary)? The party is stuck out in the woods with something hunting them (and the caravan of traders they've camped with).

Perhaps the Critters line or Gremlins I/II as a basis?

Or a Village of the Damned or Children of the Corn-inspired theme? The village children all start acting strangely, displaying interesting and powerful abilities, villagers disappear (and re-appear in pieces...). The PC's find out the the kids are being possessed/controlled by some evil force, so they can't just wantonly slaughter them, but still have to defend themselves from them.

2013-09-30, 06:35 PM
I like the idea of a Fallen themed game (love that movie), but I think the implementation would be a bear.

Children of the Corn could be very interesting...I'm mulling that one over. Although knowing the party's priestess of Wee Jas, I could see her consigning their souls to the Beyond en masse and letting the goddess sort things out...

2013-09-30, 07:34 PM
Children of the Corn could be very interesting...I'm mulling that one over. Although knowing the party's priestess of Wee Jas, I could see her consigning their souls to the Beyond en masse and letting the goddess sort things out...

If one (or a few) of those children was the child of someone very important, like a mayor, a duke, or a king, she might be less likely to engage in wholesale slaughter. Particularly if whatever what "possessing" them made them all look very similar. You'd hate to have the king mad at you for killing his son and heir, after all.:smallamused:

2013-09-30, 07:46 PM
There is a movie called, The Shrine. It's has a good premise for a campaign.

2013-09-30, 08:08 PM
I'm starting to plot the annual Halloween-inspired horror session for my group. Unfortunately, this year I'm coming up a little dry on inspiration. I've done the stereotypical zombie apocalypse, a variant on The Thing, haunted house, and so on. What ideas I've come up with thus far are too close to what I've done before; I'd like something new, but I've got nothing promising.

Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on what might be a good run for this year?

Everyone is reincarnated for a night- random critters, trying to get their real bodies back before sunrise.

Tim Proctor
2013-09-30, 10:39 PM
I am currently working on my horror adventure, here is a basic run-down:

The group is heading to a lone monastery (full of monks and paladins, couple clerics) at the base of a mountain (the mountain is supposed to have demons on it), there is a small village surrounding the monastery.

The village is actually a resort town where famous Bards, Sorcerers, etc. come to go on vacation from the nearby Metropolis. What that means is that there are lots of drugs, whores, etc. which is good because I've got two drug addicts in the group as it is. The first is a Dwarf fighter who is taking is to deal with survivors guilt, and a Cleric who only takes a certain type of drug because he thinks it gives visions of the gods.

Mists from the mountains sweep down and hell hounds start attacking people so the Paladins and the group evacuate people into the walls of the monastery, which is hallowed ground. Unfortunately things only get worse for the group.

During a dinner serving in the overcrowded monastery one person starts to count quietly "1... 2... 3... 4..." and then louder "1... 2... 3... 4..." and then stands up and screams "5... 5... 5... 5..." then lets out a bloodcurdling scream with a face full or terror as they jerk backwards arching their back so much that a loud snap echoes as their spine snaps. Suddenly their midsection erupts in gore as if an invisible impalement stake was jabbed through them, while they cannot see the stake itself they can see the intestines and other organs as well as blood clinging to it. The body remains floating there impaled by an invisible force for a few moments while silence fills the room. Suddenly the body drops making a horrific squishing sound sending splatters of blood throughout the room.

The events repeat every ten minutes or so and the monks and paladins evacuate people into the chapel of St. Anne (a saint of Pelor) at the center of the monastery which is considered the most holy of places within the monastery. Even in the chapel the events don't stop, and after an hour or so a group of about 30-townsfolk decide they'd rather face the hell hounds outside (which they can still howl) than whatever devil is responsible for this.

The chapel of St. Anne is a rustic stone chapel with seven massive stained-glass windows depicting different gods all of whom are allied to Pelor. The first window is of Saint Anne who was a mortal risen to deification by Pelor, the window depicts a woman feeding the poor and resurrecting a child to life which were the apotheosis events for her. The second window depicts a shepherd giving sage advice with a cudgel on his belt, this is St. Cuthbert also a mortal who ascended to the divine. The third window depicts Heironeous. The fourth and largest depicts Pelor with his wide brimmed hat. Followed by Olidammara feasting, Bahamut the dragon god. Lastly another saint whose name was lost to history but was the saint of martyrdom and crusades a lieutenant of Heironeous who ascended after being impaled in a pitched battle with devils. The glass art shows a man being impaled on a stake in a manner very similar to that which is happening to people.

The glass of the martyred god turns into a Golem, Stained Glass (Monster Manual II, page 116) and attacks them.

That's pretty much where I got to at this point, but they do some investigations and eventually perform an exorcism which forces the avatar of the martyred god to appear (he's dying because he's been lost to history and is attempting to claim the faithful so that he can live longer by bringing righteous people to the other side to reside in his temple).

I figure I have to run with a good aligned being that isn't dead but just as ruthless, etc. etc. so that the cleric can't just drop some stuff and ruin it.

Like I said I'm working on it, but I think there are some good ideas for a horror adventure.

2013-10-01, 08:37 AM
Kyberwolf - read a synopsis of the movie, sounds very interesting. Playing around with that one, thanks. If I can't use it for this, I'll be converting it into a Cthulhu scenario.

Tim - Also sounds interesting. A few questions:

1) What do the numbers represent?

2) What triggers the golem to appear?

3) Any connection between the people being 'impaled' by the god?

I'll follow up with the tweaks I'm mulling over for your thoughts in a bit.

Tim Proctor
2013-10-01, 09:29 AM
Tim - Also sounds interesting. A few questions:

1) What do the numbers represent?

2) What triggers the golem to appear?

3) Any connection between the people being 'impaled' by the god?

I'll follow up with the tweaks I'm mulling over for your thoughts in a bit.

The numbers were gonna go to people yelling 666, but that does nothing for D&D nor for the impaled god (who isn't the devil), so I am working on it. I do plan on having a numerology puzzle in there, just don't know what.

I don't know what activates the golem, probably once the group starts investigating, or just to start slaughtering people.

There could be a connection, I was just going to grab people of faith.

Like I said I just started working on it.

2013-10-01, 11:46 AM
I like the idea of a Fallen themed game (love that movie), but I think the implementation would be a bear.

It should be pretty manageable if your players are mature and don't metagame too hard; and if the entity's goals are simple and straightforward.

Simply give each player an identical slip of paper that says "You are yourself," and instruct them to keep the contents of the paper secret. You have pieces of paper that look the same, one of which says "You are yourself" and the other of which says "You are possessed." Anytime two PCs come into contact with one another they trade pieces of paper. Anytime a PC comes into contact with an NPC, they swap pieces of paper with you.

You could put additional information on the Possessed slip to give some idea about the entity's goals, but make sure you add an equivalent amount of information to the Yourself slips so the players don't click on the fact that the one who reads for the longest is possessed. Maybe an amusing limerick.

It wouldn't be sustainable for a whole campaign, but for one session, it could be a lot of fun.

2013-10-01, 02:56 PM
Different though: what if you flip the horror premise and play as a monster/undead/alien trying to survive in a human-filled world? Sneak by the mindless hoards of office workers flooding the streats every day. Scavenge for various resources in the short hours of the night, where you can hide your true nature. It can be made into a serious horror, but will more likely devolve into a parody.

Tim Proctor
2013-10-01, 06:43 PM
Okay so here are some additions to mine:

If they venture in the catacombs below the monastery (they probably will). The whole time I have a list of haunted phenomena to go through while they are exploring and searching for things.

The Crypt
The catacombs are long and narrow passages or galleries and cross-galleries excavated in the bowels of the earth in the hills outside and around the city, for the burial of the dead. They are dark and gloomy, with only an occasional ray of light from above. The galleries have two or more stories, all filled with tombs, and form an intricate net-work or subterranean labyrinth. Small compartments were cut out like shelves in the perpendicular walls for the reception of the dead, and rectangular chambers for families, or distinguished martyrs. They were closed with a slab of marble or tile. The more wealthy were laid in sarcophagi. The ceiling is flat, sometimes slightly arched. Space was economized so as to leave room usually only for a single person; the average width of the passages being 2˝ to 3 feet. This economy may be traced to the poverty of the early residents also to their strong sense of community in life and in death. The little oratories with altars and episcopal chairs cut in the tufa are probably of later construction, and could accommodate only a few persons at a time. They were suited for funeral services and private devotion, but not for public worship.
In the oldest section of the catacombs, three apparitions of knightly paladins appear and warn the group that they cannot disturb the grave of Saint Cincinnatus. If the group persists, they are attacked with an initiative of 14.

Sacred Watcher x3
Medium Deathless (Augmented Humanoid)
Pal1/Ftr1; CR 4;
HD 2d10+2; hp 21;
Init +3; Spd 20 ft; Fly 30 ft (perfect)
AC 19/17, touch 9, flat-footed 19/17 (-1 Dex,+8 armor,+2 shield); BAB +2;
Melee halberd +6 two-handed (1d10+4/x3), or short sword +6 light (1d6+3/19-20);
Ranged composite shortbow +3 (1d6+2/x3);
SQ detect evil, divine grace (+2 to saves), divine health, lay on hands; Rejuvenation (Su), Turn Resistance (Ex), Ward (Su), Manifestation (Su) only +1 or ethereal weapon hit and only 50% of the time for magic.
AL LG; SV Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +3;
Str 17(+3), Dex 9(-1), Con -, Int 9(-1), Wis 12(+1), Cha 19(+4).
Skills and Feats: HIDE+2, SPOT+9, LISTEN+9, MOVE SILENTLY-6, balance-6, climb-2, disguise+3(1), escape artist-6, heal+2(1), jump-2, knowledge(religion)+0(1), ride+1(2), swim+5(2); endurance, improved initiative, point blank shot.
Equipment: MW mighty composite shortbow (+2 str), MW short sword, 40 MW arrow(s), MW halberd, MW full plate, MW mithral large shield, Scroll of Cure Moderate Wounds (CL3), 8 gp.

A random encounter as they explore the monastery
The tapestries of warriors of the faith begin to drip blood from midsection wounds as if they were impaled, the Tapestries jump off their holsters and attack the group with an initiative of +6.
Medium-size Animated Object: CR 2;
Medium-size construct;
HD 2d10+10; hp 21; Mas —;
Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 natural);
BAB +1; Grap +2; Atk +2
melee (1d6+1, slam); Full Atk +2 melee (1d6+1, slam) or +1 ranged;
FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.;
SQ by object, construct, darkvision 60 ft.;
AL none; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will –5; AP 0; Rep +0;
Str 12, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1.

Blind (Ex) A sheetlike animated object such as a carpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger than itself. The object makes a normal grapple check. If it wins, it wraps itself around the opponent’s head, causing that creature to be blinded until removed.

Constrict (Ex) A flexible animated object such as a rope, vine, or rug deals damage equal to its slam damage value plus 1˝ times its Strength bonus with a successful grapple check against a creature up to one size larger than itself.

The Exorcism, I plan on letting the Cleric of the party run it, but if need to I'll have an NPC that lives run it.
The Exorcism
10 rounds each round requires a Concentration check DC 10 +1 per round, DC 20 Knowledge Religion Check forces the Avatar to appear. Every other round the following progresses, if the concentration breaks the exorcism needs to start again.
1) At the start of the ritual, the furniture in the room starts to shake and bang against the floor as if in protest of the ritual.
2) Loud audible growls emanate from all around the room, the shaking furniture turns more violent as the wooden legs of the chairs begin to crack and break.
3) The furniture in the room starts to levitate and float, any small items such as books, cups, etc. that are unattended start to fly across the room and smash into the walls as if caught in a vortex.
Reflex saves DC 10 or take 1d4 damage.
4) The vortex action continues but with the larger furniture, the growling becomes enormously loud and almost understandable, it is not growling but screaming saying nooo, noooo, noooo.
Reflex save DC 15 or take 1d8 damage.
5) The vortex becomes extremely powerful shaking the building itself, all of the curtains and clothing rushes all straight up as if in rebellion against the laws of nature. The ceiling cracks with the violent shudders.
Fortitude DC 20 or be blown away. Creatures on the ground are knocked prone and rolled 1d4×10 feet, taking 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per 10 feet.
6) Before the group starts to become visible, the figment of a man with a gaping bloody wound in his chest and midsection wearing what would have been white robes if not for the amount of blood. He shines as if in silver moonlight with a faint blue iridescent glow making the blood seem even darker. He is screaming at the group nooo, noooo, noooo as two angels in similar lighting grab him by his arms and drag him away to some fate he did not wish. With a sudden shock, everything stops as the impaled god vanishes.
The area feels lighter immediately, there is broken furniture, blood and bodies everywhere,

I'd like to get a creepy little girl encounter, one where she gives them a clue.

I also need an encounter for a library, with books flying off the shelves, etc.

But I hope those help the OP, and if anyone can help me out that would be appreciated also.

2013-10-01, 07:06 PM
Creepy girl and flying things eh? Previous abbot heard voices that were driving him mad commanding him to do things. Orphan girl that had been taken in by the monastary eventually ends up beaten and slain by him. She's now a slaymate. The abbot is now a ghost and was improperly buried in catacombs. He now starts haunting the monastary and telekinetically throws stuff at party anywhere in the church (no more than a d4 light items when party crosses his path?). Slaymate when wounded flees for catacombs or if slain spirit of girl appears and tells party of previous abbot.

Sorry, I'd fluff it out more but typing from a phone is a pain.

2013-10-02, 02:34 AM
This, so much this......http://www.google.com/imgres?client=firefox-a&hs=5nx&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=np&biw=1015&bih=621&tbm=isch&tbnid=BwAvJ5eYz5NxLM:&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cenobite_(Hellraiser)&docid=76nQjNRxOzPRZM&imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/72/Cenobite.jpg&w=800&h=602&ei=DMxLUp21FZHu9ASi9IGYBg&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:2,s:0,i:96&iact=rc&page=1&tbnh=178&tbnw=252&start=0&ndsp=8&tx=111&ty=66