View Full Version : Disciple of the Bureaucracy Homebrew

2013-09-30, 08:56 PM
Hey all, new user here I wanted to get some opinions on my homebrew base class, the Disciple of the Bureaucracy. Basically what I was going for was a class reminiscint of Kikyo from Inuyasha, a Miko which may be a better name for the class as the Bureaucracy bit is from the Chinese Celestial Bureaucracy bit. Eitherway, it's a divine casting class with a focus on turning/commanding outsiders and ranged attacks. Let me know what everyone thinks however and I welcome helpful critiscism for how to keep it balanced with other casting classes.

Base Class: Disciple of the Bureaucracy

The Celestial Bureaucracy takes many actions in the lives of mortals from day to day. Life if perforated with their touch and each member of the kingdom is all too aware, none more so than the Disciples of the Bureaucracy. These figures act as priests and agents to deliver messages from the gods and spirits of the world to everyday people, and protect them from the darkness of the world. They do this through the divine gifts bestowed to them by the Bureaucracy and their own skill at arms. Disciples of the Bureaucracy represent the extremes of the law and the almighty power of the Mandate of Heaven.

Adventures: The Disciples of the Bureaucracy seek to rid the world of the taint of demon-spawn and evil spirits through any means necessary. This means that should said evil ever become present they will strive out to meet and destroy it with their gifts. They also spend one year of every ten on a pilgrimage across the continent. Starting in the capital city they journey across the country to the coast and then into the cursed south to purge as many daemons as they can encounter. In these times they frequently encounter many bands of adventurers and offer services in healing and knowledge (as well as skill in combat) in exchange for assistance with riding the land of evil.

Alignment: Disciples of the Bureaucracy are essentially clerics, and thus follow cleric rules for alignment. The deity they worship for these purposes is their individual Sensei, an agent of the Celestial Bureaucracy, who chooses them from an early age. Each sensei has their own agenda and alignment, and will frequently use their disciple to affect the mortal world and increase their station in the Celestial Bureaucracy (which in turn allows them to grant their disciple greater power under Emperor Susano-o). Thus, the alignments of Disciples can vary greatly, so while most tend to be lawful or good aligned(in many cases both) there are some who are evil or chaotic. A disciple can never grow too far from the goals of their Sensei however or they will be stripped of their powers.

Background: Almost all disciples are raised into the role by their Sensei, many times discovered before puberty and trained in the use of arms and weapons from that point. Sensei’s generally speak to Disciples through dreams and each morning during their prayers (when they prepare their spells). Once a Disciple has been chosen they spend three months away from their family in isolation to commune with their Sensei and obtain their powers.

Once this period has finished, they are taken to the capital city of Shi Long Fa and live among the priests for 10 years. At the conclusion of this 10 year period they are sent upon their first pilgrimage and, guided by the Bureaucracy, begin to purge demons from the world. While most Disciples get along due to common bonds and shared experience, it is not unheard of for them to be turned against each other by opposing Sensei’s for reasons beyond their mortal comprehension.

Races: While most Sensei try to avoid choosing long-lived races as they lack the fear of death and determination they would look for, disciples of all races are possible. Thus the priesthood of the Celestial Bureaucracy has become a very open place where-upon any individual may rest at their wayshrines and partake of the knowledge with their walls.

Other Classes: Disciples of the Bureaucracy mostly enjoy order and the strength of the pure, and thus enjoy the company of those who discipline themselves and maintain law. Samurai, swordsages and many other martial classes are generally considered favorable in their eyes and in turn enjoy the healing they provide. While some Disciples themselves are chaotic in nature, it is against the power of the Celestial Bureaucracy to induce chaos and those who do not fit or fufill their stations are considered highly unfavorable. As such, barbarians, rogues, ninja and sorcerers are seen as an unwanted complication. If their goals are the same they will tolerate them (most times) but will want little else to do with them as they cannot understand how they lead such unstructured lives.

Role: Disciples of the Celestial Bureaucracy are all trained and experts in archery, and as such enjoy positions far from combat. While capable of martial combat and more than able to wear armor they will try their best to avoid coming too close to potential enemies. They do serve a critical purpose as healers in most cases (when good aligned at least) however some prefer channeling divine magic to punish the wicked or deceitful and become powerful destroyers. They will try to avoid collateral damage regardless of the costs however and always seek to destroy demon-spawn before all else.

Game Rule Information

Abilites: Disciples are trained to use the bow from birth and pull their divine power from careful meditation upon the Mandate of Heaven. As such their two most important stats are dexterity and Wisdom, which affects their casting. Constitution is also important as they are only ever lightly armored and need the support of hit points to defend themselves. They also use Charisma to turn and destroy Demons and eventually to control and command good aligned spirits.

Hit Die: d8


Concentration(con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (wis), and Spellcraft (Int). Certain Domains may grant them additional skills.

Skill Points at 1st Level: (2+Int)x4

Skill Points at each level after 1st: 2+Int

Class Features

BAB: As Cleric

Saves: As Cleric

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Disciples of the Bureaucracy are all proficient with the Longbow, the Shortbow, the composite Longbow, composite Shortbow, Katana(martial), Naginata and all Simple weapons. They can wear Light armor and as divine casters it doesn’t affect their casting. They can wear heavier armors and cast but only if proficient (or they want to take the appropriate penalties). They are not proficient with shields.

Aura: A Disciple always gives off a powerful aura of law regardless of alignment when inside the area of effect of a detect law spell. They also register as whatever alignment they truly are at cleric level (for instance a Disciple with a chaotic alignment registers as both Lawful and Chaotic for the purposes of detect law/chaos).

Spells: Disciples cast as a cleric of their level, using the table in the Cleric class section from table 3-6: The Cleric (page 31 PHB). However, they cannot spontaneously convert spells to cure spells unless they are mandated with caring for the sick (see Mandates of Heaven below). They also only receive one domain, however they may choose from any domain they wish (as long as it doesn’t conflict with their alignment, a Good cleric cannot take the evil domain for example). In order to cast a spell a Disciple must have a Wis score of 10+the level of the spell to be cast. They prepare spells each day through prayer to their Sensei.

Turn Demons: A Disciple gains the ability to turn or destroy any evil outsider as though with the turn undead ability found on page 159 of the PHB. They use their Charisma score as a cleric of their level and can turn a number of times per day equal to 3+cha modifier. They may exchange these turn attempts to power Cleric feats as a cleric and it qualifies them for said feats. Beginning at 4th level a Disciple of the Bureaucracy can also choose to rebuke or command Good aligned outsiders as an evil cleric rebukes or commands undead. They still have the same number of uses per day, however at each use decide how they would like to channel the energy of their Sensei. Disciples use this ability to gather Nature spirits (good aligned native outsiders) to their cause and fight demons with them.

Mandates of Heaven: Each Disciple of the Bureaucracy is given a list of Mandates which they must follow to retain their powers by their Sensei. Starting at first level they select one of the following responsibilities and obtain the power associated with it. At 10th level they obtain another and all associated powers with it up to that level. Should a Disciple fail in their responsibility they will lose the rest of their spells for the day and access to any class features until they prepare their spells the next morning. Should this continue for three days or more, they shall be abandoned by their Sensei and need to reclaim their bond through an atonement spell. The Mandates are listed below.

Heal the sick: A Disciple with this Mandate must treat any individual who they can tell is ailing, either magically or medicinally, to the best of their ability. Upon receiving this mandate they gain the ability to spontaneously cast Cure spells as a good aligned cleric of their level. Upon reaching 5th level they may Empower one Cure spell per day without increasing the level of the spell. At 9th level this turns to three times per day, and at 13th all Conjuration (healing) spells they cast are empowered for now increase to the level of the spell. At 18th level they can maximize a Cure spell 5/day without increasing the level of the spell. They can even do so if they don’t have the associated feat. Only good aligned Disciples may choose this Mandate.

Lead by Example: A Disciple with this Mandate must always obey the orders of officials of the state even if they conflict with the Disciples personal agenda. This includes Mayors, Guardsmen, soldier, kings, ministers and so on. Upon receiving this Mandate they gain a spell-like ability to cast Command 3/day. At 5th Level they gain the ability to cast Suggestion Twice per day as a spell-like ability. At 9th they can cast Dominate Person once per day as a spell-like ability. At 13th any spell of the Enchantment school is Extended when cast at no increase in level. This includes their spell-like abilites. At 18th level they gain the ability to Dominate Monster 3/day. Only Lawful aligned Disciples may choose this Mandate.

Punish the Wicked: A Disciple with this Mandate can let no criminal escape justice, and if they witness a crime must be sure the guilty party is captured and killed. Regardless of the severity of the crime, this Disciple must kill any criminal they view committing the act and know to be guilty. As such, they gain the ability to spontaneously cast Inflict Spells as an evil cleric of their level. At 5th level they can Empower one Inflict spell per day at no increase in spell level. At 9th they can cast Symbol of Pain three times per day as a Spell-like ability. At 13th they gain the ability to cast Finger of Death twice per day as a spell-like ability. At 18th they can now decree justice to multiple criminals with the spell Wail of the Banshee once per day. Only an Evil aligned Disciple may choose this Mandate.

Give to the Poor: A Disciple with this Mandate must help those less fortunate than themselves and be charitable of heart to all they meet. When first choosing this Mandate they gain the ability to Create Water and Purify Food and Drink at will as spell-like abilities. They also gain the ability to cast Goodberry once per day on any form of meal to make it filling for the day. At 5th Level they can cast Plant Growth twice per day as a spell-like ability and gain a luck bonus on saves equal to half their cleric level (at 20th level +10). At 9th level they gain a deflection bonus to their AC equal to their Wis+2 as an extraordinary ability. At 13th Level the Disciple can cast Heroes’ Feast once per day as a Spell-like ability and can cast Leomund’s Secure Shelter once per week except the duration is permanent. Only one such Shelter exists at a time however, so should he create another one the first will disappear. Finally at 18th Level the Disciple gains the ability to cast Elemental Swarm once per day at their caster level as a Standard action. This is a spell-like ability. A disciple of any alignment may select this Mandate.

Purifying Arrows: Starting at 1st level, the Disciple gains the ability to fire an arrow of intense holy light. Once per day per class level the Disciple can elect to fire a Purifying arrow at an evil outsider or undead creature. This shot adds their wisdom modifier to hit and does standard damage for their bow plus 1d6 and another 1d6 for every two class levels above first. (i.e. 2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th and so on). They must declare that a shot is a purifying arrow before firing and if the arrow strikes a good outsider or a regular humanoid the use for the day will be wasted and will deal no damage (not even arrow damage). Starting a 5th level a creature struck by a Purifying arrow is affected by a targeted dispel attempt at the Disciples level. Upon reaching 8th level a disciple may choose to fire multiple Purifying arrows within the same shot. At 14th level, whenever a purifying arrow is fired, draw a straight line between the Disciple and their target. Any magical effect between these two points is automatically dispelled, though magical effects on an untargeted character between are not. This ability can be turned on or off at will.

Rain of the Gods: Upon reaching 5th level, the disciple can fire a purifying arrow once per day which will burst and rain down upon the unrighteous. A purifying arrow can be fired as a standard action that will strike all evil outsiders and undead within 30ft of the Disciple. Consider this to be a 30 ft Area dispel that doesn’t target the Disciple or allies and deals damage to each evil outsider or undead creature in the area equal to the extra damage of the Purifying Arrow ability with a Will saving throw for half. The DC for the save is 10+Wis+half the caster level of the Disciple. Upon reaching 10th level this ability can be used twice per day. Upon reaching 15th level the size of the burst increase to 60ft.