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2013-09-30, 09:02 PM
Way of the Wicked
Book One: A Knot of Thorns

In the kingdom of Talingarde, many crimes may send you to Branderscar Prison, but the sentence has but one meaning. You are wicked and irredeemable. Each of you received the same greeting when you arrived. You were held down by rough hands and branded upon the arm with a runic F. The mark signifies ‘forsaken’ and the painful scar is indelible proof that each of you has betrayed the great and eternal love of Mitra and his chosen mortal vassals.

Condemned, you face at best a life of shackles and servitude in the nearby salt mines. Others might await the “gentle” ministrations of the inquisitors so that co-conspirators may be revealed and confessions extracted. Perhaps, some of you will be spared this ordeal. Perhaps instead you have come to Branderscar to face the final judgment. In three days, the executioner arrives and the axe falls or the pyre will be lit. Through fire or steel, your crimes will be answered.

You have all been chained together in the same communal cell dressed in nothing but filthy, tattered rags. Manhandled and mistreated, any finery you once possessed is either ruined or long lost. No special treatment has been given any prisoner – male or female, commoner or noble – all of the forsaken are bound and imprisoned together. Your feet are secured by iron cuffs tethered by one long chain. Your arms are secured to the wall above by manacles. A guard is posted right outside the cell day and night. Little thought is given to long term accommodations. At Branderscar, justice comes swift and sure.

Escape seems hopeless. You have all been well searched and every attempt to conceal anything on your person has failed. And if you could somehow slip your bonds and fly out of this prison, where would you go? Who from your
former life would want anything to do with the forsaken? Despised, alone and shackled – all that you can do now is await your doom.

For each of you, your old life is over. For each of you, hope is a fading memory. For each of you, justice will be fairly meted. And who can blame fair Talingarde after what each of you has done?

2013-10-06, 06:10 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

Chained to a wall was such an undignified constriction. To make matters worse ones hands were forced above ones head, mannacled to the wall, while ones ankles were likewise cruelly constrained. To make matters worse, ones clothes were almost as oppressive as the physical bonds that tethered one to the wall - the dirty, ruined rags formed a linen prison which trapped the soul and siphoned away the dignity one took from their physical identity.

Forced to endure this humiliation with a small collection of others, Lexxaj peered at the occasional guard that sauntered past in front of their cell with a scrutinising glare.

"You'd think that they'd at least have the consideration to get this over with." Lexxaj uttered dryly to whoever was beside her.

2013-10-06, 07:28 AM

Groggily Gull lifts her head in the direction of the voice, squinting her eyes.
"Guh... What?"

Slowly the gravity of the situation returns to the young woman. Being chained to a wall with several other prisoners, hands bound above her head and her ankles bound to the others. Then, the guard who kicked her until she passed out from the pain after she unsuccesfully tried to rip her restraints from the wall.

"Yea... Well... They'd better. I'm not goin' to sit here and wait."

Gull shakes her head violently a few times to clear her still cloudy vision, before spitting out some blood (and a tooth) on the floor. She grumbles.

"Bloody guard got one of my teeth out."

2013-10-06, 10:28 AM

Trionne had been half dozing, or at least doing the best approximation that one could achieve when one's hands were chained to the wall. But the combination of an increasing pain between her shoulder blades and the conversation of her fellow prisoners beckoned her back to consciousness.

She shifted slightly, trying to work out the kink in her back, only to pause when the second prisoner spoke.

Oh dark lords, I thought she looked familiar...

"Damn, Blaskar," she said quietly. "I can't believe this bunch of good-and-holies managed to catch a pirate like y'self."

2013-10-06, 10:47 AM

Gull shakes her head again, turning her head in the direction of the new voice and squinting.

"Bah. Bloody bastards cheated. Caught me and dad by surprise with a fireball."

She spits out another gob of saliva and blood before studying the other prisoner carefully, the clouds in her vision slowly clearing up.

"Hells, Trionne, is that ye? What'd ye do, kill some poor sod during training?"

2013-10-06, 02:10 PM

Trionne quirked an eyebrow at Gull. "No," she replied dryly. "I don't usually kill people for practice."

2013-10-06, 03:07 PM

Gull shakes her head again before responding. "Huh. So ye meant to kill."

She grumbles something inaudidble and looks around at the others chained up in the cell.

2013-10-06, 04:37 PM

Trionne shrugged. "Look, stuck here with only three days left, I just don't see the point in keeping up any pretenses about what I do anymore."

She looked around at the rest of the prisoners. "What about the rest of you lot?

2013-10-06, 05:20 PM
Kiarran, of the Chain Gang

He was so quiet that he had nearly been forgotten since the guards brought him in. Until he was cuffled and a couple thin strips of metal had been pried from his clutching hand, he had been talking incessantly as the guards brought him to the cell, carrying him under one arm. Some joking comment had made one of the guards laugh and the handsome child had a casual, if somewhat forced, smile on his face like he was just out for a ride on his prize pony dispite the manacles and burning arm. That was when another guard barked an order and sent a backhand flying.

Now, a small figure, barely three feet high but of wiry build, rattles his chains softly in the gloom of the shared cell at the sound of the female voices above and around him. Thick wavey brown hair frames the top of his round face, giving him the look of a handsome little man that has been out playing with his friends, and those sharp twinkling brown eyes studies each woman briefly in turn. As a smile slowly splits his face, it transforms his features into a more mature and beautifully striking face, even with puffy lips from being hit.

Well, what did the orc-loving brutes drag in here with me?, Kiarran chimes in annoyingly fun sounding. Three... he glances at Gull, no, FOUR beautiful women! And here methought I was in prison!

He chuckles softly with a pleasant, slightly high pitched melody. I would bow to meet your aquainances but since those things out there took my picks, it appears I will be standing instead. My name is Kiarran. You are?

A malevolent look passes across his face. And if any of you have other means to free us, I will happily assist in slitting the throat of every high-and-mighty guard from here to the nearest exit. Anyone have any ideas? Other than breaking the chains again... don't worry, my large lady, I think you gave as good as you received, he grins good naturedly to take any sting out of his words, the last one to leave was limping cause he turned his ankle when trying to kick you

2013-10-06, 05:58 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

Lexxaj rose a slender, dark brown eyebrow at the halflings introduction and spiel.

"Allow me a guess," she asked, tiling her head inquisitively, "fraud?"

2013-10-06, 07:21 PM
The trial had been a farce, though that was to be expected. The subsequent inquisition had been far more trying, but she bore as a point of pride the fact that she had resisted the temptation to mitigate the torments in exchange for information about her superiors in the church. Now, all that was left to her was to meet her end, the execution by fire that would "cleanse the world of her diabolic corruption". She had resigned herself to this fate, and was content to wait... though that was rather difficult when these others she shared a cell with were making such a racket...

Valyss opened her eyes and blinked as if having just come out of a deep sleep. Slowly, she raised her head and half-turned towards those conversing just a short distance away. The chain around her neck prevented her from properly facing them; whether the guards thought it necessary to prevent the use of her horns or simply because they wished to imprison the devil-spawn further was a question up for debate. In response to the conversation amongst the others, she frowns, though more from tiredness than anger.

"Why even waste your breath complaining about it? We'll all meet our deaths soon enough and be off to our own personal flavor of Hell. Regardless of what you've done to end up here, I'm sure you can endure discomfort for a while longer."

Her voice is calm, patient, and resigned as she speaks--the voice of one who has accepted their fate. Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath and lets it out silently without speaking further. She makes no sound for several seconds, lending the impression that she may have fallen asleep or passed out, when her eyes suddenly blink open once more. Again, turning her head within the limits allowed by the bindings, she glances down at the point on the wall where her tail is likewise fixed in place and allows a sardonic smile to appear.

"Still... did they really have to chain the tail as well? That just seems excessive if you were to ask me."

2013-10-06, 07:33 PM
Kiarran, the misunderstood

With a deep smile, Kiarran acknowledges the reverse question. A simple misunderstanding with some documents, really. They understood that I was trying to appropriate some items that belonged to the church, while I was simply testing their operating proceedures. They didn't like my penmanship unfortunately.

And they will wither in the hands of Asmodeus if I ever get away from the salt mines. He winks at Lexxaj. Your tatoo is striking. It really brings out your dangerous eyes. And your cause for cuffs?

His eyes grow wider as he really looks at the latest speaker. A tail? Oh my! A teifling.. Can't say that I've have the pleasure to meet your kind before, darling. You are a rare gift in these parts! Tell me, can your tail really slice off heads? Do you eat humans? Tell me you don't feast on halflings! Kiarran hops within the chains like kid that just found cookies that can talk.

2013-10-06, 10:42 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

"Oh, these?" Lexxaj asked, looking up at the restraints around her arms.

"A misunderstanding by some superstitious villagers." she started, condescension dripping from her words.

"They spotted an Imp in my presence, observed my clearly superior intellect and, like the luddites they are, jumped to the conclusion that I might be in consortium with the powers of darkness as a spy!" she said, her voice filled with mirth over the absurdity of such an accusation.

"It was claimed that I was listening in on them for my infernal masters. What an obsequious, moronic idea. Turning to the dark powers to listen in on filthy, unwashed peasants? What ever for? I did my best not to listen to them - boring, ignorant, stupid windbags."

Lexxaj exhaled in annoyance while shaking her head.

"I believe a mob was involved, and some pitch-forks. They may have inflicted some physical harm upon me, but I got in some rather cutting remarks that will forever scar their egos."

2013-10-06, 10:59 PM
Valyss returns the halflings barrage of questions with several long seconds of silence as if unable to believe what she had just heard. When she finally decides to answer, her the condescension in her voice is practically a tangible force.

"Oh yes, I behead people all the time, right before I devour their bodies while making the severed heads watch. Children are the best of course. And halflings are just as good; after all one can hardly tell the difference looking at them."

She rolls her eyes, making her disgust and exasperation more than clear.

"Now, any more pointless niceties, or can we at least have some peace for the rest of our stay?"

2013-10-07, 12:28 AM

Trionne snorted. "Oh give him a break. Most of us will be dead in a few days, so I for one intend to enjoy these last little scraps of human contact." She turned her head to smirk in the tiefling's direction, and waggled the fingers of one hand. "You can have your peace and quiet once we're dead."

She looks around the cell. Well, I know Blaskar's from Cheliax, and the tiefling is a good bet, but I don't know about the others... She muttered just loud enough to be heard by her cellmates, in the Infernal tongue. "So what do you think the odds are that the guards can understand this?"

She watches the tattooed woman and the halfling carefully, to see if they showed signs of being able to understand her.

2013-10-07, 01:25 AM

Gull groans. "Don't do that, Trionne. Ye know other languages give me headaches... And it hurts bad enough as it is." She shakes her head again.

"Oh and mister halfling... Don't worry, I intend to twist more than that guards ankle if I manage to get out of here."

2013-10-07, 03:56 PM
The five occupants within the cell: Valyss the Tiefling, Kiaraan the Halfling, The Gull, Lexxaj, and Trionne all humans, note the painful gleam of the sun that pierces through the brick-laden and barred excuse for a window. A new day has come much to the complaint of everyone's physical body for being forced to sleep chained to the wall.

A short period of time passes while the cellmates spend time bantering without much choice in the matter otherwise. Across from your cell, you can see another through the tightly inlaid bars. Inside that cell is an orc and a dwarf chained to the wall in a small slice of delicious irony. The two seem too intent at killing each other with their eyes rather than pay attention to their surroundings.

Off in the distance, you can hear the sound of several armored men come up the stairs further down the hall. The cell listens and waits as you count seven well armed and armored men bearing the uniformed crest of Talingarde over their armor. One of the men you all recognize very well. He is Sergeant Tomas Blackerly, a man with a permanent dour, wrinkled expression on his face only accentuated by his slowly receding hairline. Time had not robbed him of his natural black hair color yet. Still, there would be no doubt that some of his prisoners would like to change that and more. He is also the one that ultimately branded you upon admittance into Brandlescar Prison. Sergeant Tomas points at Valyss and barks a command.

"Get her unshackled. If any of the rest of you makes trouble, you'll earn a thrashing! Today’s your lucky day, scum. You’ve got a visitor. How you ever warranted such a fine lady is beyond me. Seems she wants to say good-bye. Now step lively. We wouldn’t want to keep her waiting.”

Under orders, one of the guards takes out a cell key and opens the cell door. Two other guards advance on Valyss and release her from her shackles against the wall and into another pair, wrestling her arms uncomfortably behind her back. The guards are not gentle in doing this nor in forcibly escorting Vaylss from the cell.

The guards lead her down the corridor and around a right-hand corner into a room with a '20' labeled on the door. Valyss is shoved inside by two of her seven escorts. Inside the room sits a bland, worn out table with two chairs of equal quality. At the far end waiting for Valyss is a hauntingly beautiful woman in an elegant black dress and soft silken veil. She looks as if she is headed to a funeral. Her hair is so platinum as to almost be white and her eyes are a vibrant almost un-earthly green. She clearly has been weeping.

“Oh, dearest,” proclaims the unfamiliar woman. “I’m so relieved you’re alive!” She quickly turns to Tomas. “Could we please have a moment alone, good sir? For pity’s sake?”

Valyss, you didn't notice before, but Tomas appears to be under some sort of spell.

Tomas goes blank for a bit and then quickly agrees. “Of course, my lady. For you,’ tis no problem.” Tomas motions for the guards to release Valyss from her binds. A moment later, Valyss is freed from her binds and left alone with the unfamiliar woman.

2013-10-07, 06:03 PM
Some may have tried resisting the guards, make their job more difficult, inconvenience them even a little bit, but not Valyss. Despite the roughness of the escort, the tiefling remained calm, nearly submissive, as she was led away from the cell. After the guards had left the visiting room, she studied the unfamiliar woman across from her before finally deciding to speak.

"Well, I'm not sure who you are, but I recognize magic when I see it. I confess though that I have no idea as to why you might think it worth going through so much trouble just to speak with me."

Still stiff from her restraints in the cell, Valyss attempts to stretch a little. At least this is still better than being on the wall. Her tail rises into the air momentarily as it flexes before relaxing and coiling around the leg of her chair.

"Still, I suppose I'll thank you for at least giving me a break from the cell. It was starting to get rather uncomfortable, and the company wasn't much to speak of either. So, what do you want from me, because I highly doubt you just enjoy spending your free time talking to condemned prisoners?"

2013-10-07, 06:24 PM
As soon as the guards leave, the woman’s demeanor immediately changes. She drops all pretense of grief or concern and goes straight to business.

“Have you forgotten me, dearest?” the unexpected visitor says with a smirk, dropping her pretense of grief. “Call me Tiadora. We possess a mutual friend who would like to meet you and your fellow cell-mates. Unfortunately, our friend is unwilling to visit you in your present rather shabby accommodation so it seems you must escape. Don’t be so dour. Just because it’s never been done before is no reason you can’t be the first."

“If you manage that, cross the moors on the outskirts of town. On the old Moor Road you’ll see a manor house with a single lantern burning in the second story. There our mutual friend waits. That is all I know. He did want me to give you this.”

She takes off her silken veil and wipes away a few fake tears with it.

“Something to remember me by, dearest.”

Tiadora tosses the veil over to Valyss. You watch her eyes scan over to the closed door...

Valyss has time for a couple quick questions.

2013-10-07, 06:43 PM
"Oh? A friend, wonderful. I don't suppose they were accommodating enough to pass on a name, were they?"

Valyss's speaks in her usual soft voice, but allows a sarcastic tone to cut its way through her words. Despite the derision, her comment conveys clearly enough the fact that she would like to know who this would-be benefactor is that would present such an unreasonable request. Catching the veil, she raises an eyebrow at Tiadora.

"Magic? That would be nice. Can't imagine how you'd expect someone to escape here otherwise."

Casting Detect Magic, then inspecting the veil.

Looking back and forth from this gift to the woman with a critical eye, Valyss considers questioning her further. The significance of the comment about having forgotten isn't lost on her, but there were other problems that were quite a bit more pressing at the moment (namely the prospect of attempting to escape an inescapable prison). Well, there would be plenty of time for questions later...

2013-10-07, 06:58 PM
The veil does emanate a soft glow.

Tiadora gives you a smile and a terse rebuke. "The less you know, the better."

Her message delivered, she rises and the guards return. Immediately, her demeanor once more changes and she is again a perfect picture of grief. “No, I can’t bear to leave you!” She gives Valyss a kiss on the cheek. The kiss is ice-cold and feels somehow alien and inhuman.

Tomas shakes his head. “I’m afraid it’s time, miss.”

Tiadora looks deep into Tomas's eyes and says, “Thank you for letting me say good-bye. There’s no need to search my dearest. You are such a good friend for letting me see my dearest one more time.”

“Such a good friend,” Tomas repeats his voice almost mechanical. Then the watch sergeant seems to snap out of it and bows politely. “A pleasure, madam,” She leaves unveiled.

Her eyes meet Valyss one last time and she briefly gives her a wicked smile. “Three days,” telepathically echoes in Valyss’s mind. “Don’t disappoint me, dearest”. The visitation concluded, Valyss is taken back to her cell by a cadre of guards and shackled once more, the magical veil tucked covertly away in her bosom.

2013-10-07, 08:35 PM
Well that had been interesting... Now if only she could tell what this veil actually did, that would be nice... Might be of some use then.

"What could you possibly be...?"

Whispering to herself as she did so, Valyss attempted to more closely inspect the item. Granted, she lacked the ability to properly examine it, hands chained to the wall and all that, but hopefully the rather... immediate proximity would suffice.

Attempting to identify the magic item with Detect Magic and a Spellcraft check.


2013-10-07, 08:49 PM
Well that had been interesting... Now if only she could tell what this veil actually did, that would be nice... Might be of some use then.

"What could you possibly be...?"

Whispering to herself as she did so, Valyss attempted to more closely inspect the item. Granted, she lacked the ability to properly examine it, hands chained to the wall and all that, but hopefully the rather... immediate proximity would suffice.

Attempting to identify the magic item with Detect Magic and a Spellcraft check.


Valyss concentrates hard despite the conditions and manages to come to a conclusion...

Veil of Useful Items (http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8092/8484585857_dd3e230fb5_o.png)

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th

Slot none; Price 7,000 gp; Weight --


This appears to be a fine silk veil of gossamer cloth. Only as it is held and closely inspected can you see small cloth patches of various shapes. One patch can be detached each round as a move action. Detaching a patch causes it to become an actual item. This veil contains:

• 2 daggers
• Bullseye lantern (full, lit and shuttered)
• Hempen rope (50-foot coil)
• Sack full of needed spell components (worth less than a 1 gp) and 5 sets of common clothes in appropriate size
• Thieves Tools, Masterwork
• Window (2 ft. by 4 ft., up to 2 ft. deep)
• Potion of cure light wounds
• 100 gold pieces
• Unholy Symbol of Asmodeus (silver)

Note that the window patch will create a window (and therefore a hole) in a nearby wall. If there are no nearby walls, it simply turns into a common wooden window frame. It cannot be placed on a living creature however. Once removed, a patch cannot be replaced.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate; Cost 3,500 gp

2013-10-07, 09:05 PM
An insidious smile spreads across the tiefling's face. Oh...this was going to be so very fun...

Recalling that one of the others earlier whispered something in Infernal, Valyss decides to try her; if any of the others happen to understand, that's a fortunate coincidence.

"Hey. I don't suppose you or any of the others here happen to speak Dwarven as well, by chance? Because I was just thinking that informing the good dwarf in the next cell over of the disparaging remarks against his mother by his orcish friend would make for a wonderful distraction."

2013-10-07, 09:36 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

<"Dwarf."> Lexxaj said across the hall-way in the Dwarven tongue.

<"While you were sleeping the orc mentioned aspirations of shaving your fathers beard and throwing your mother to his boys.

He said that you were too balless to do anything about it - if you'll pardon the unladylike expression, and I agreed with him. You seem content to sit and await the judgment of your human masters.">


Intimidate roll: 1d20+8=16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4249635/)

She's goading him with threats against his manhood and honour that can only be satisfied by retribution against the orc.

The DC is 10+ the dwarfs HD and his Wisdom modifier. Hopefully those joined things are not 17+.

Bonus due to the dwarfs hatred for the orc? :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-07, 09:55 PM
*rolls some dwarfy dice*

The guard, unfamiliar with what's being said, turns towards Lexxaj to bark at her to be quiet, but the damage has already been done.

"WHAAAAT?!" the dwarf cried out in a fit of rage. In an exhibition of incredible strength, the dwarf breaks free of the manacles that shackled him to the wall and he makes a beeline towards the sleeping orc. The guard reacts to this and blows his whistle while the dwarf begins to savagely maul the poor orc with his bare hands. You hear the sounds of bones breaking by the time reinforcements arrive. Quickly, they work through the keyring to attempt to unlock the door...

2013-10-07, 09:58 PM

"Well, I'll take that as a yes then. In that case, who's interested in a bit of a jailbreak?"

Valyss glances over towards the dwarf, inwardly laughing at the vein that had begun throbbing in his forehead. With any luck, he would cause more than enough commotion to buy the precious seconds needed to get out of this cell.

2013-10-07, 10:34 PM
Kiarran, the squirming halfling

Having been silent during Valyss' departure and return, Kiarran quirks an eyebrow at the use of the infernal tongue and a genuine smile returns to its usual place on his lips. <infernal> Jails are no fun He winks at the teifling. I knew that charm of yours would rub off eventually!

If the guard(s) become sufficiently distracted with the dwarf and orc, then Kiarran will attempt an escape artist check(dex):

If successful, that will be followed by an immediate Bluff to look like he's still in the manacles to any guards that may look in:

or not...

2013-10-07, 10:51 PM
"Wonderful, let's just see if I can get a better hold of this then..."

Valyss frowns as she lifts her tail, trying to pull it free from the manacle which holds it in place. However, regardless of how she tries, it remains stubbornly chained. Giving an irritated sigh, she glances around at the others in the cell.

"Well... that was embarrassing. Any chance one of you might possess some means to assist in extricating this item from my chest?"

She pauses a moment before her expression and tone take on a contemplative quality.

"Although I suppose I could perhaps try using my teeth... but that would be quite awkward wouldn't it..?"

2013-10-07, 11:16 PM
Events across the cell are getting rather rowdy at this point. The orc looks like a bloody pulp of his former self as the dwarf has taken it upon himself to move his aggression towards the guards who are frantically assailing him with saps and clubs. One of the guards appears to have a broken jaw and is sprawled out unconscious on the cell floor. You can hear the sound of more guards coming...

2013-10-07, 11:21 PM

Trionne hissed loudly in infernal to the other cell mates. "I think we are about to get more heat in here than we can handle." She looks over at the scene in the other cell. "We might want to wait until things calm down and we can try doing this quietly. At least we know how long it takes them to respond."

2013-10-08, 12:50 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

Lexxaj's ears perked up as she watched the conflagration before her. Amused, she nevertheless decided that she had to act before those footsteps materialisd as half a dozen more eyes, ears and arms that could be focused on them.

Heeding that this tiefling had some sort of plan, Lexxaj decided to put some stock in the hell-spawn for now. While the guards back swere turned, Lexxaj's figure dematerialised into a small cloud of particles, before she reappeared almost instantly just a few feet away.

Free of her restraints, and paying attention over her shoulder to the guards, she followed the Tieflings directions and retrieved the veil from between her horizon - tearing off the patch as directed and handed it to the most able hands.

2013-10-08, 01:43 AM

Seeing the whole scene unfold before her Gull keeps as silent as possible, preferring not to draw any attention from the guards to the escape attempt.

2013-10-08, 08:25 AM
Kiarran,the poor escape artist

The little halfling stops quietly struggling against the bonds, the moment he realizes his efforts are in vain. At that moment, the woman with the tatoo on her face vanishs only to reappear outside her restraints! So she is a witch... Hmmm. Sounds useful perhaps.

Keeping one eye on the barrage of excitement in the cell across the hall, Kiarran whispers urgently, <infernal> If those are picks, bring them here... perhaps I can free us all! After myself of course. The demon spawn and the big brute will obviously be helpful, they are next, followed by the smaller one with scars... if she doesn't free herself first.

If Kiarran gets the mastercraft lockpicks, then he will attempt disable device on his restraints, followed by the Gull or the tiefling (whichever is closer), then will continue to make his way along the chain until each person is free or his attempts are frustrated. He will attempt this as quietly as possible:
steath [roll0]
self [roll1] +bonus from picks, if any
Valyss [roll2] +picks
Gull [roll3] +picks
Trionne [roll4] +picks

2013-10-08, 03:28 PM
If Kiarran gets the mastercraft lockpicks, then he will attempt disable device on his restraints, followed by the Gull or the tiefling (whichever is closer), then will continue to make his way along the chain until each person is free or his attempts are frustrated. He will attempt this as quietly as possible:
steath [roll0]
self [roll1] +bonus from picks, if any
Valyss [roll2] +picks
Gull [roll3] +picks
Trionne [roll4] +picks

Kiarran struggles to free himself from his own restraints using the lockpicks. The sounds of fighting are dissipating to the point where you can only hear guards speaking in agitated tones to each other followed by the sound of something being dragged away. You can hear the sound of keys jostling at the cell door...

2013-10-08, 03:49 PM
"No rush, take your time. It's not like the guards are on their way or anything."

Despite her sarcasm, Valyss's eyes still flicker towards the cell door tentatively. From the sound of it, there wasn't too much more time. She turns her attention back towards the only member of the group who was not currently chained to a wall.

"On the off-chance we have to postpone this until a bit later, you are able to teleport yourself back into the chains, yes? Because that could require a bit of explaining if they find you just standing around."

2013-10-09, 06:00 AM

Hearing the keys jostling in the lock, Gull hisses in a low voice to the would be escapees. "Back! Guards coming. And hide the picks!"

2013-10-09, 04:44 PM
Kiarran, of the large palms

At the urgent whispers, the little halfling stops his attempts and instantly the lockpicks vanish, settling into his casual (yet chained) stance with a half smile on his face and curious eyes looking towards the door.

sleight of hand [roll0]
if you prefer bluff, it is the exact same bonus, so no change there

2013-10-09, 07:51 PM

Trionne looks briefly over in the direction of the prisoner with the tattooed face. Well, she's on her own, I guess, she thought.

With the sound of the guards getting nearer to their cell, Trionne settles back in to the same relaxed, half asleep pose that she had earlier, head tilted slightly forward to look at the floor, and to one side to rest against one of her raised arms.

2013-10-09, 08:23 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

With the sounds of the guards drawing closer and her companions no nearer liberation, Lexxaj knew their little escape needed to be post-poned.

Pursing her lips, Lexxaj disappeared again in a mist of silent glitter, reappearing back in her chains against the wall. No one would ever know!

2013-10-09, 08:38 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

With the sounds of the guards drawing closer and her companions no nearer liberation, Lexxaj knew their little escape needed to be post-poned.

Pursing her lips, Lexxaj disappeared again in a mist of silent glitter, reappearing back in her chains against the wall. No one would ever know!

Lexxaj materializes back in her spot just in time for the door to swing open. Two armed guards with saps at ready enter the cell. Both peer about the cell room...

*rolls some perception checks*

"Which one of the buggers spoke out in dwarven?" a portly guard asked.

"That one right there." the other tall, slender guard points to the tiefling.

Both men approach Valyss. The fat guard grabs Valyss by her hair, holding her head still as the other guard applies a mouth gag.

"Another word out of any of ye and it's an early trip to the choppin' block!"

Their task done, the two men leave the cell, locking the door behind them. Silence once again settles into the room...

2013-10-09, 08:51 PM
I think I'd rather prefer beheading to burning alive anyway if it's all the same to you.

Unfortunately, Valyss is unable to enjoy the satisfaction of a retort, being gagged and all, but she puts up with the indignity with little fuss. Besides, if it got really annoying, she could always try obliging the teleporting cellmate to remove the gag for her later. Of course, she wasn't planning to be stuck in this hole much longer either, if that halfling would ever get around to taking care of the locks...

2013-10-09, 09:57 PM
Kiarran, the come-back halfling

As the guards are heard retreating back down the hall, the halfling puffs out a breath of air. When did i stop breathing... ok, take your time, don't rush it and do it right...

Kiarran takes a couple slow breaths to calm his shaking hands before smoothly but steadily drawing the pick from his palm into his firm little fingers.

Well, he whispers loudly, if you don't want to talk any more, and as charming as your conversations are, you could all at least rattle your chains or shuffle your feet a bit. A little noise would be swell.

He pauses to listen for guards and then sets about trying the lock on his wrists again.

OOC:disable device... and a drum roll...

2013-10-09, 10:10 PM

Trionne nods at the halfling and starts shifting around, as if stretching, causing the chains that bind her to rattle slightly.

2013-10-09, 10:23 PM
Kiarran, the come-back halfling

As the guards are heard retreating back down the hall, the halfling puffs out a breath of air. When did i stop breathing... ok, take your time, don't rush it and do it right...

Kiarran takes a couple slow breaths to calm his shaking hands before smoothly but steadily drawing the pick from his palm into his firm little fingers.

Well, he whispers loudly, if you don't want to talk any more, and as charming as your conversations are, you could all at least rattle your chains or shuffle your feet a bit. A little noise would be swell.

He pauses to listen for guards and then sets about trying the lock on his wrists again.

OOC:disable device... and a drum roll...

Keeping your adrenaline and concentration in check, you fiddle with the lock using the lockpick for a few minutes. Just when frustration is about to overcome you, you feel the pick latch onto something weighty. You give it a careful turn of your wrist for as far as it will go until you feel a satisfying 'click'. The latch on your wristbands have swung open, freeing your arms from the confines of the wall.

2013-10-09, 10:37 PM
Kiarran, the diligent halfling

A grimace splits his face as his arms fold down by his sides and blood flows to the proper places. A glance at the cell door to check for guards and the grimace turns to a devilish grin as he winks at Trionne to keep going.

The first one is always the hardest, pappy used to say

Bending at the waist, he swiftly reaches down for the lock at his ankles.

disable device
[roll0] plus bonuses from no longer having arms restrained

2013-10-10, 01:04 AM

Once the halfling had freed her hands from the shackles, Trionne lowered her arms and sat quietly, thinking about her next steps once she was freed. She rubbed at her wrists, grateful that it seemed she hadn't been locked up long enough for them to start chafing.

Once her feet were freed, she moved carefully over to the tiefling and removed the gag. She squatted down to be on a level with the woman, and murmured in infernal. "That's an interesting parting gift y' got there. Are there any other surprises inside?"

2013-10-10, 01:22 AM
"Hmm, I wonder? Maybe?"

Valyss allows herself a teasing smile as she replies to the question. Giving a soft laugh, she indicates the veil with a movement of the head.

"I'm pretty sure there's something in there that will let us escape. But, just so you all aren't tempted to, say, use it and leave me as a handy decoy, I'll wait until our halfling accomplice has taken care of the restraints. Fair enough?"

Naturally, the odds of escape are better in a group than alone. Anyone with sense should recognize that, but there's no proof these others have that sort of reasoning capacity. After all, they all managed to end up in here. Still, they could certainly be useful.

2013-10-10, 01:40 AM
((OOC: Until otherwise noted, Trionne will be speaking in Infernal.))

Trionne smiled. "Not that there is really all that much y' could do to stop me, given your current predicament." Trionne laid one finger gently near the hiding place of the veil, simply to prove her point.

"Still, I suppose a gesture of...hmm, 'goodwill'...is in order." She raised her hands away from the tiefling in a neutral and non-threatening gesture, before moving back a few steps to wait for the halfling to finish freeing the others. "I doubt I could take down all the guards in this place by myself, in any event."

2013-10-10, 02:24 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

Lexxaj waited quietly until she was bequeathed the benefit of freedom once more, the halflings little fingers working their magic on her restraints.

"From between your cliffs I'm sure some woven utility shall spring up to greet us and grease the wheels of our escape." she uttered, rubbing her wrists.

2013-10-10, 02:36 AM
*inconspicuous die rolls*

2013-10-10, 03:50 AM

Having been released from her restraints, Gull stands up and stretches, towering over the halfling who just released her. She grins at the little guy, then whispers to the others.
"Right. Now we get some weapons and get out of here. Quickly."

2013-10-10, 10:24 AM
Finally free of her restraints, Valyss retrieves the veil once more from its hiding place. Quickly skimming it with a critical eye, she finds the particular patch she seeks and tears it off.

"If I recall correctly how these things work, this should create a window in the wall big enough to climb out through." She glances over momentarily at the looming figure of Gull. "You might have to squeeze..."

As she goes to place the window frame on the wall, the tiefling shifts to holding the cloth with the end of her tail. Holding it as casually as a normal person would in their hand, she extends it towards the others while busying herself with the task of placing the frame.

"Those two matching patches in the corner are daggers. I suggest some of you use them to arm yourselves. We're probably also going to need that rope next to them as well."

2013-10-10, 10:35 AM

Trionne turns to Gull, and mutters in common. "You take one of those daggers. And the other...I think the other should go to the halfling." She peels off the patch containing the rope, and hands the veil to Gull. "Any idea what is in the bag?" she asks the tiefling quietly, as she moves forward to help the other woman place the window on the wall, the coil of rope looped over her shoulder.

2013-10-10, 12:28 PM
"No clue, but if it's something bulky it might be difficult to take it with us. Best wait."

Valyss's tone is authoritative, as if the notion that someone might disagree or at least stop to discuss the issue never even occurred to her.

2013-10-10, 01:06 PM

Gull peels off one of the patches containing a dagger which promptly turns into a dagger. She holds it lightly in her hand and gives the air a few experimental stabs. She turns to Trionne and whispers.

"No dagger for ye? Eh..."

She shrugs and hands the veil to Kiarran.

"If ye prefer. Here, halflin'."

2013-10-10, 04:34 PM
Kiarran, the team-builder

Kiarran takes the veil and curiously peels off the tab. Once away from the veil, the tab expands into a dagger and his brown eyes grow wide with wonder. I could definitely use some more of these...

Non-chalantly, he tucks the veil safely under his shirt while briefly examining the dagger firmly in his grip. He whispers, Looks like good work! We should not waste any time here, lets move before we end up like the other guests. He motions towards the cell that had the dwarf and orc.

Who's going first? I'm not a great climber but I can scout and blend in pretty well... except for with 3 ladies and a tiefling. Hey, that sounds like the start of a joke... He goes quiet again and backs himself into a corner of the cell near the door, facing the rest of the room.

2013-10-10, 04:49 PM

Gull carefully and quietly moves up to the window frame and peers out without sticking her head outside. She stands perfectly still for a moment, not even breathing while she listens carefully for the presence of any other people.

Perception check:
[roll0] (+2 for humans)

2013-10-11, 03:10 AM
Your prison room is a 10x15 foot room that has a single window on the back wall and two windows at the cell door wall. Both windows are square shaped, approximately a foot in length on each side. The windows are barred with thick iron bars in each window. Despite the daylight, it is currently dark within your cell

Towards the door windows, there are two guards roaming back and forth in opposite directions of each other. They are wearing chain armor wearing Talingarde colors. They have clubs on one side and blades at the other.

Out the rear window is a lovely view of the ocean around Branderscar Prison beyond the prison wall and towers. Beyond that is a long stone bridge that you remember crossing by wagon on your way here. (See 18a (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/507/prisonoots03.jpg/)) It's tough to know for sure, but given the view, it appears that you are fairly high up in altitude.

2013-10-12, 05:29 AM

Gull motions for her fellow would-be escapees to be as silent as possible and stealthily positions herself against the door under the bars where she cannot be seen. Then, she stands completely still for a moment, again listening for the movement of the guards.

Perception:[roll1] +2 vs humans.

2013-10-12, 05:57 AM

Gull motions for her fellow would-be escapees to be as silent as possible and stealthily positions herself against the door under the bars where she cannot be seen. Then, she stands completely still for a moment, again listening for the movement of the guards.

Perception:[roll1] +2 vs humans.

The walking patterns of the guards remain unchanged. You surmise that its about 45 seconds at maximum length and 15 seconds at minimum in alternating intervals.

2013-10-12, 06:00 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

Lexxaj remains quiet and stands nearby. Currently she had nothing to contribute and so lefet their escape in the hands of the...experts, such as they are.

2013-10-13, 12:58 AM
"Try putting that frame on the wall. With any luck, we'll have an easy route out of here. Worst case scenario... well it turns out to be a few hundred feet to the ground and we have to go the long way."

Valyss pauses to consider this latest statement and taps her chin thoughtfully.

"Although I suppose one could argue that the long way is much more fun... if they're of the persuasion that enjoys making a bloodied mess of people in their way..."

She shrugs and returns her attention to the prospective window-escape-path.

"Oh well, regardless. Let's see about that window first, shall we?"

2013-10-13, 03:31 AM

Gull looks behind her and whispers. "Right. But do it quietly. I'll watch for guards."

She steps aside, pressing herself against the wall, hiding as best as she can, prepared to strike the first guard to come through the door.

She motions for Kiarran to hide next to her and whispers. "Halfling." She nods towards the door.

"You too."

2013-10-13, 09:30 AM
Kiarran, the three-foot shadow

Let us away from here then, he whispers towards the teifling. Flashing his teeth at Gull in a grin, his eyes sparkling and his little form fades into the shadows under the window on the opposite side of the door.

stealth to blend into the shadows and wait with dagger at the ready to strike guard number 2, if they both rush in.

2013-10-14, 02:41 AM

I'd feel a lot better about this if I had any reason to believe that anyone in this room actually has a plan thought out more than a step in advance. But what can they do? Kill me twice? Trionne thought as she helped the tiefling put the window frame into place on the exterior wall. The frame was placed close enough to one of the existing windows that the bars on that window could be used as a tie-off point for the rope.

"All right. Who wants to play scout?" she asked quietly, hefting the rope.

2013-10-14, 02:29 PM

Gull looks at Trionne and hisses.

"Can ye see if the rope touches the ground? Otherwise it's pointless, isn't it?"

She returns to looking at the door and makes a few more experimental stabs at the air.

"Anyway, I say the halflin' climbs down."

She turns to Kiarran.

"Ye look like a good climber, and ye're hard to spot and hit if there're archers on the wall."

She pauses for a moment to listen for guards before whispering again.

"Besides, ye need me up here when the guards come stormin' in."

2013-10-15, 01:29 AM
Affixing the window frame caused a fluid, shimmering effect upon the applied brick surface. It rippled seamlessly out like a pebble striking water as an opening emerged from the now melded into window. An influx of fresh air and more sunlight entered the room. The window sits in a small frame, just big enough for the women of the cell room to fit through snuggly.

Trionne goes straight to work. She ties one end of the rope in a several knots around an iron bar in a nearby window and threw the other end down the newly created opening. Peaking down from the window, she notices that the rope reaches just far enough. It would be a one way trip, not that her or any of the others were planning a return trip anytime soon.



2013-10-15, 02:04 AM

"All right. It looks long enough." Trionne straightened up and looked at her cellmates. Pointing at the tiefling and the woman with the tattooed face, she whispered some instructions. "I'll go first, then you two. Blaskar, you and the halfling watch our rear, and then follow."

She climbed up onto the window sill, and gripped the rope tightly. "I think it's about time we take our leave of these lovely accommodations. What say ye?" And with that, she exits through the window and begins to scale down the wall.

Dice Rolls in this post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16221730&postcount=173), due to forum weirdness

2013-10-15, 03:48 PM
Map of Branderscar Prison (http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd444/hayforda/map.jpg)

With Trionne leading the way followed by Valyss, Lexxaj, Shea, and Kiarran, the group makes their way down from the cell to the ground floor. Miraculously, no alarm is raised from the group's descending climb from the window. Security standards must have grown complacent in their laurels.

Safely on the ground, the party still has to find a way out of the prison. The main gate is barred and closed. Several watchtowers circle around the outer walls. There's a particularly large tower behind the building you just escaped from that might be of interest.

You have reached level 2! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uulxQDSDLpo)

2013-10-15, 04:04 PM
Once safely on the ground outside, Valyss proceeds to tear off another patch from the veil while waiting for the others. With the always-useful unholy symbol of Asmodeus in hand, she glances around their new surroundings as the last person hits the ground nearby.

"Well, so far so good. The gate will be a problem if it's locked though... Any ideas where we might find a key or other means of opening it?"

2013-10-15, 04:48 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

Sliding down onto the floor, she peered around at the environment and took a moment to savor the sun across her face. Freedom was such a beautiful, underrated thing..this was the last time hers would be taken from her.

"In the gate-house." she said in response to the teiflings question.

"Any opening aparatus would be within there. I suggest the quietest amongst us scouts while the most capable with a blade backs him up. Heh...excuse me, backs them up."

2013-10-15, 05:15 PM

Being the last to come climbing down the rope, Gull lands on the floor gracefully and she smiles a crooked smile at the others. She still speaks in whispers.

"Step one, complete. Now, I'm sure the key's kept by a guard, so I suggest the halflin' 'nd I go get it. Maybe we can get some other gear of 'em as well."

She looks at the others before continuing.

"Ye know, because we're the ones with the weapons."

2013-10-15, 05:24 PM
"I'm perfectly alright with that suggestion. Always nice when someone volunteers to do the work themselves without you having to order them in the first place."

Valyss finally gets around to detaching the holding bag from the veil and checks its contents, finding the clothing in the process.

"Oh good, the prison attire was starting to get on my nerves too. It's not exactly high fashion, but these are much better. If our halfling friend is going to investigate the gatehouse I'll just change when he's gone. Otherwise... well I suppose someone could always hold him down to ensure he doesn't try to look..."

2013-10-15, 05:27 PM

Gull arches a brow at Valyss' first comment but does not react further. Upon the mention of clothes, she does respond.

"Ye got any other clothes in there? I'm gettin' tired of these old rags."

2013-10-15, 05:39 PM
The bag is handed over without initial comment. However, when Gull moves to look through it, the tiefling can't help but remark.

"You might have trouble finding something fitting for your height though... Unless our benefactor thought to include giantess sizes."

2013-10-15, 06:23 PM

Gull grins at Valyss as she manages to find clothes that fit her well enough.
"Well, that's not too bad." she murmurs to herself as she finds a spot near the wall and quickly changes into the more presentable outfit, her back mostly turned to the others while changing.

2013-10-15, 06:35 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

It suddenly dawned on Lexxaj...she was a wizard - she had spells prepared!

"What am I doing..." she uttered to herself, shaking her head with a small oh-that-silly-nini smile across her face.

Twirling her fingers and uttering small words of power, Lexxaj's visage contorted and twisted into something far less flattering than her usual dashing self. Standing in front of everyone was Srgt. Thomas Blackerly!

"Get that gate open son, unless you want a sound thrashing! They're being transferred early!" she said, mimmicking his prior voice and rolling "her" shoulders.

Casting Disguise Self. Requires no cmoponents and lasts 10 minutes/lvl.

2013-10-15, 07:49 PM
Map of Branderscar Prison (http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd444/hayforda/map.jpg)

With Trionne leading the way followed by Valyss, Lexxaj, Shea, and Kiarran, the group makes their way down from the cell to the ground floor. Miraculously, no alarm is raised from the group's descending climb from the window. Security standards must have grown complacent in their laurels.

Safely on the ground, the party still has to find a way out of the prison. The main gate is barred and closed. Several watchtowers circle around the outer walls. There's a particularly large tower behind the building you just escaped from that might be of interest.

You have reached level 2! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uulxQDSDLpo)

The courtyard of the castle is adorned by a small fountain. The fountain’s centerpiece is a statue of the Mitran pantheon’s patron saint of law and order -- St. Dothan the Just. In his outstretched hand is a sword that points to the Great Hall. At the base of his statue is an inscription: “Thus is justice done.” A stone path surrounds the fountain and leads around the Great Hall.

2013-10-15, 07:50 PM

Trionne fished an outfit out of the bag, and turned to face the wall of the building, as she quickly stripped out of her prison rags. "Oh, dark gods, this is so much better," she said.

Once she was changed, she turned back to face the group. "And now that it looks like we've got a fighting chance, time to show the ace I've been keeping up my sleeve..."

With a light flourish of her wrist, a blade nearly as long as she was tall, made of shimmering mental energy, appeared in her hands. She looked around at the group, with an impish grin on her face, then opened her hands. The blade dissolved immediately away into nothingness.

"Nice, huh?" Trionne winked at Gull.

2013-10-15, 09:06 PM
Casting an eye over towards the halfling to be sure he isn't looking, Valyss proceeds to strip off the old prison clothes and redress herself in a proper outfit. She doesn't take many additional effects to hide herself, which almost gives the impression she just wanted to deny Kiarran the opportunity.

2013-10-15, 09:12 PM
Kiarran, the deceptively hard criminal

Stepping down to the ground with a grin splitting his rosy cheeks, Kiarran immediately starts looking around, particularly noting the battlements and any movement from the roof tops. Perception for guards or any surroundings of note such as that forest or garden on the map [roll0]

Now that I'm out, it's time to make some friends, he says quietly, and by make friends, I mean slit some throats. Guard throats. Oh clothes!

The halfling nimbly slips among the women and pulls a little set of clothes out for himself (probably children's clothes) with them hardly noticing. Seeing the women changing, he pauses for a moment to watch before hurredly flailing out of his own rags and into the conveniently provided ones. He balls up the rags and tosses them behind a bush, then spits in his palms and smooths his hair down over his ears. For some reason he seems to be quietly whistling to himself...

Punching Gull lightly in the thigh (and nearly as high as he can reach), he smiles up at her. Don't let the witch folk get to ya, Big Lady, you got great legs! I may have hurt my hand even... but I'm with ya - lets get moving! He twirls his dagger and then makes it disappear, palming it out of general sight.

Kiarran gives a hesitant head tilt and slants his eyes at Lexxaj. Looks good... I could be your nephew that came for a visit with my mother and her friends! You want me to do the talking, uncle? ...hopefully I stab the right Blackerly... He walks over and tries to take Lexxaj's hand with a wry smile.

He gives Trionne a low whistle at her sword. Here I was going to comment on the breast thing... I mean best thing... I had seen all day, but this day keep looking better and better!

2013-10-16, 03:15 AM

Upon seeing Trionne manifest her blade Gull's eyes go wide. "Woah. 'sthat a real blade? I mean, can ye cut things with it?"

She grins her crooked grin again.

"Nice indeed."

She turns to Kiarran.

"Are ye goin' ta keep flatterin' everyone all the time, halflin'? Cause that'll get old fast. Besides, the tieflin's right. I am a giant."

She grins at Valyss.

2013-10-16, 04:18 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

Lexxaj rose an eyebrow at the halflings suggestion. When the little man extended his grubby mit towards hers, Lexxaj withdrew her hand out of reach.

"The nephew that they didn't see enter through the gate-house, which is their sole job is to oversee. No." she answered tersely.

She started moving towards the door that granted passage to the inner workings of the gatehouse itself, turning on her heel to speak to her companions while walking backwards.

"I'm getting them to open the gate or distracting them while you choose to put that new switch-blade to work." she said, gesturing to Trionne.

"Either way I can't wait to get out of this filthy hole and find somewhere warm, with a bath."

With that, she turned back around and moved over to the gate-house. If no one stopped her, she'd enter quietly through the door...or rather, Thomas Blackerly would enter through the door.

2013-10-16, 04:35 AM
Lexxaj wanders over to the door across the field. The door looks solid and heavy from the woods of Vardashia. Crafted and shaped iron bars run parallel horizonally to eachother throughout the middle of the door. She takes ahold of the thick, sturdy handle giving it a pull.


The door seems to be locked from within.


2013-10-16, 04:39 AM
Lexxaj wanders over to the door across the field. The door looks solid and heavy from the woods of Vardashia. Crafted and shaped iron bars run parallel horizonally to eachother throughout the middle of the door. She takes ahold of the thick, sturdy handle giving it a pull.


The door seems to be locked from within.


*another die roll*

From inside, Lexxaj can hear the sound of several male voices that all go quiet at the sound of the door being pulled on.

"What was that?" one voice says aloud

The room is quiet for a few moments before returning to a regular atmosphere.

2013-10-16, 04:54 AM
OOC - I'm assuming no one stopped her - if they did, then consider my post void.

http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

Lexxaj made several gestures that looked like she was pointing about as she cast Ghost Sounds. The little bit of wool on her belt beneath her illusion vanished - the rags were useful for something after all!

"Do not ignore me, cretins, unless you desire a sound thrashing!" came Thomas Blackerlys voice.

"I need the gate open to depart, so either open it immediately or I'll come in there and do it myself - and I doubt I'll be happy at the state of disarray I find in there!"

Rolling intimidate: 1d20+9=24 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4259644/)

The DC is 10 + their HD + their Wisdom.

2013-10-16, 05:08 AM
"WHAT THE ****!?!?" an angry voice calls out. It sounded vaguely familiar even through the door.

"Which one of you *******s put the Warden up to this?!"

Hushed, inaudible voices speak through the door then a moment of silence. Shortly after, the sound of steeled footsteps crossing stone can be heard at fast approaching speed.

2013-10-16, 05:17 AM
ooc - still void lol

http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

Hearing the voice, Lexxaj smirked.

She turned on the spot, looking back at the group. Her smirk had grown into a massive grin by now as she pointed her thumb back to the door several times.

"What?!" she yelped in Thomas Blackerly's voice.

"You've been duped by an imposter men - arrest the spy at once or you're all committing treason!!"

She stands near the door, ready to let any of her team-mates get close to "surprise" the good sir when he opens the door.


Another Intimidate roll: 1d20+9=26 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4259649/)

Good lord. That's probably 10 above their DC! Even with a -10 she still successfully makes the check - they have to do what she says :smalltongue:, that's what it says!

2013-10-16, 05:27 AM

Hearing the voices behind the door, Gull rushes next to the door and presses herself against the wall, preparing to strike from the shadows with all her might.

Stealth: [roll0]

2013-10-16, 05:30 AM

Looks like things are about to get exciting... Trionne thought as she moved up behind the "Sergeant."

She positioned herself where she'd be just behind the door as it opened, and summoned her mind blade again. Whatever happened next, she was ready to get some revenge...

Stealth (+9) [roll0]

2013-10-16, 05:36 AM
The sounds of approaching footsteps stop. It's quiet for a brief moment before the sounds of weapons being drawn just on the other side the door followed by shouting and loud metallic clangs. Sargeant Blackerly curses profusely at the turn of events. You hear the deathwails of one of the men inside followed by another. It's quiet inside for a minute before a third body hits the floor. Footsteps approach the door. You can hear the sound of something heavy being lifted from the other side.

2013-10-16, 05:38 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

Barely able to contain her giggling, Lexxaj pulls aside, content to let the ladies - such as they were - deal with this up-close menace. She puts herself a safe distance behind them, back against the wall.

2013-10-16, 05:46 AM
The door swings open to a shocked looking young man splattered in blood. It definitely was not Sergeant Blackerly. That did not matter to Trionne and The Gull. The poor kid was caught unawares as a dagger through his throat and a blade of pure metaphysical energy eviserated through the abdomen, severing the spine in two and out through the other side. His only mercy in the experience was a quick death.

Further into the room lied a repeatedly slashed and stabbed Sergeant Blackerly and two other men. The former Sergeant had chainmail, a masterwork longsword, 30 gp, and a keyring. The other three had chain shirts, heavy steel shields, longswords, leather clubs, and longbows with 60 arrows counter altogether. Each one of them were wearing the prison tabard colors.

2013-10-16, 05:53 AM

Watching the results, Lexxaj giggled softly to herself, unable to contain it anymore.

She deftly skipped over the youths dead body, looking down at his severed arm.

Holding up one of her own and twiddling the fingers, "Need a hand? Heh-heh-heh-hah!" she cackled, before moving deeper into the room to collect any valuables, including the key to the gate-house.

"We've just got four disguises for the long road outta here, fellows!" she said happily.

2013-10-16, 05:54 AM

Trionne takes the opportunity to get out of the open, and thus, out of the line of sight of anyone who still might be on the walls.

Looking around at the bodies, she goes over to one of the soldiers and removes his tabard. She wrinkles her nose at the smell of chainmail, then shrugs and slips a chain shirt and tabard over her other clothes.

"After the past few days, blue is so not my color. But it'll have to do for now." Trionne looked back at Gull and the wizard. "So, do we book it? Or do we see if we can winnow down the prison guard population a bit further before we make a break for it?"

2013-10-16, 06:29 AM

Gull steps over the dead youth and walks over to the other dead bodies. She inspects the chainmail to see if it's still usable.
Once she determines that it is, she strips it off the dead man and tries to put it on. She then drapes a tabbard over it.

She wrinkles her nose. "Heh. It fits well enough, I s'pose."

She then picks up the masterworks longsword and its scabbard and puts it in her belt. She also picks up a longbow, a quiver of 20 arrows and a heavy steel shield.

"Well, I'm armed and good to go. And I still owe someone a boot in the face. A steel boot now, even."

She grins her crooked grin, showing off the gap where her missing tooth once was.

2013-10-16, 06:34 AM

Having changed by now, she looked down at the hacked up Thomas Blackerly.

"Imagine that - his last moments in this world spent in the betrayal of his comrades." she smirked.

Looking over to another one of the guards, this one possessing more handsome features, she quirked an eyebrow. "Shame to waste him." she uttered, before getting to work opening the gate.

2013-10-16, 10:46 AM
Throughout the entire incident Valyss has lingered towards the back of the group as she lacked either a disguise or stealth. Instead, she was content to watch how things played out with a smile on her face. Surprisingly, she was starting to enjoy herself.

When the last of the guards were dealt with, she moved to join the others again as they began looting the bodies. For a moment, she deliberates on whether or not she should join the scavenge. Generally she thought armor to be both uncomfortable and unfashionable... but given the circumstances it probably would be better taking a hit... probably.

With a look of disdain, she proceeds to pull the chain shirt off the remaining unspoiled soldier and starts to put it on. Then, just because she can, she lightly kicks the man in the side of the head. The gesture isn't near as fierce as the glare that accompanies it, however. With that loose end nicely tied up, she turns back towards the other prospective escapees.

"Well, that was nicely done. Any ideas if the gate just opens with a key, or is there a mechanism in the gatehouse perhaps?"

2013-10-16, 10:51 AM
Knowledge (Engineering) roll: 1d20+9=21 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4259865/)


"Well it's quite fascinating in its simplicity, actually," Lexxaj utters, her eyes on whatever aparatus she has found that opens the gate.

*To Anyone Untrained in Engineering*

"Blah blah blah blah blah-blah-blah, blah-blah-blah - blaaaa-blaah-blah!!"

Lexxaj readies herself to open the gate using whatever mechanism she has discovered.

"While we're here, anyone want to have a gander to see if they can spot a guards patrol route or something?"

Reading herself to open the gate when everyone is prepared.

2013-10-16, 11:58 AM
Kiarran, the patient halfling

After laughing at the lady's obvious discomfort, Kiarran follows along to the door and takes a place up behind Gull, where no one inside would see him when they come out. A little smile lights up his face again at the scene inside the guardhouse.

Hahah - nice!

He makes sure to pull the body at the door inside and shut the door, if it isn't already done. Not too excited about the chainmail, Kiarran's eyes light up at the sound of coins and he hops over to grab a belt and pounch and put what he can in it.

If there is a bow that will suite his size, he takes it and a quiver of arrows. If not, he will look for another dagger.

2013-10-16, 12:41 PM
"Honestly though, they are being painfully lax. I almost feel insulted by how easy this has been so far. You'd think for such a touted prison they'd have thought to include some means of actually preventing magically-aided escape. Especially when you consider their penchant for incarcerating those of a certain... 'heretical' persuasion."

The tiefling's inflection changes quote notably with the use of the term heretical, a combination of sarcasm and disgust and the verbal equivalent to making imaginary quotation marks in the air with one's fingers. Rolling her eyes at the inefficacy of these defenses, she moves towards what she expects to be an outward-facing window and glances outside while muttering to herself.

"I certainly know that if I were in charge I'd make sure to have a least a few dozen wards up ready to give the first unauthorized spell cast a nice little backlash..."

Looking outside to see if there's anything inbound of an interesting and/or unpleasant nature.


2013-10-16, 03:54 PM

Having finished arming herself, Gull moves over to the window to stand beside Valyss and peers outside.

"Jus' be happy they didn't have any protective wards."

She pauses for a moment before continuing.

"So... I don't think we've been properly introduced. Though it may've happened when I was out. They call me Gull. What 'bout ye, tiefling? Or should I jus' call ye tiefling?"

She turns to Lexxaj.

"And ye? What should I call ye?"

2013-10-16, 04:07 PM
Valyss looks the much larger woman up and down. Her eyes are narrowed, critical and calculating, and her expression impassive as she tries to discern the nature of this question. Eventually, she seems to reach a decision and the tension in her stare relaxes somewhat, though her face retains its stoic appearance.

"Valyss. That should be enough for now. If we get out of here alive and you're a good girl, maybe I'll tell you the rest."

A faint and somewhat teasing smile crosses her features as the tiefling turns back towards the window to keep a watch for any potential inbound danger.

2013-10-16, 04:12 PM

Gull nods coldly. "Valyss it is, then. We'll get out of here alive, but a good girl I ain't."

She returns to peering out the window.

Perception check (which I forgot my last post): [roll0] +2 vs humans

2013-10-16, 04:19 PM
"Ah well, I doubt any of us are. Draconian they may be, but I rather doubt that even these fools would have thrown someone in that hole for doing nothing..."

The tiefling shrugs as if to disregard the matter as little importance and goes to lean against a nearby wall while waiting for the others to figure out how to get the gate open. Crossing her arms in front of her, she glances over the rest of the group.

"Anyone have any ideas for after we get out? If not, I might have a lead on a place we make for. Though, given the whole 'anonymous patron' theme they had going on, it won't be without some sort of condition attached. Still... probably worth considering, given our lack of options?"

2013-10-16, 04:32 PM

"Well, there's a part of me that says I should just get to the nearest port and hightail it off of this obnoxious island as fast as humanly possible. But-" she indicates the brand on her arm "I think the lovely bit of body art our friends here gifted us with is going to make that plan difficult. At least for the moment."

She looked around at the rest of the group. "Look, I don't know about the rest of you, but I want revenge. If Valyss' unknown friend can help us with that, I say we go there."

2013-10-16, 04:32 PM

Gull nods. "Trionne's got a point. Besides, I've nowhere to go anyway. Bloody idiots mistook me for a pirate. Sunk our ship, killed everyone. I've got nowhere to go."

She pauses for a moment, pondering. "So, what's this place ye think we can make for? And where is it?"

2013-10-16, 05:31 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

"Lexxaj." she answered she answered Gull.

"My name is Lexxaj. And yourself?" her question was accompanied with a brightening of the womans green eyes, as well as her eyebrows rising in curiosity.

Gesturing over to the apparatus that opened the gatehouse, she spoke up "As soon as I open the gatehouse we need to get moving. My disguise will wear off soon enough, but not before we are passed the gatehouse on the other side of the river.

Once I open that gate, I will summon a horse outside and ride upon it while you three follow in tandum, pretending to be my guard. We'll walk past the whatever plebe they have guarding the entrance without a care.


The tattooed woman poised herself to open the gate and begone from this wretched place.

2013-10-16, 05:38 PM
"Well in typical mysterious benefactor fashion, they were wonderfully cryptic. Though if I recall correctly, I was told to go to the Old Moor road and look for a manor house with a single lantern burning in the second story."

Looking at the Gull, she smiles momentarily and shrugs, as if to acknowledge the relative uselessness of the directions.

"Hey, maybe we'll be lucky and it will literally be the only thing out there?"

At Lexxaj's query, Valyss nods.

"I'm ready if you lot are. Though if we run into any more resistance on the way out, I'm inclined to say we just take them out for getting in our way or make a run for it."

2013-10-16, 06:45 PM
Kiarran, the necro-curious

Kiarran listens quietly to the others while making his way from guard to guard listening at their chests. If he hears anything or sees chest movment, then he slits their throat for good measure. It's a bit odd, but he seems to notice something at every body.

Then he searches the room for other entrances or passages.

Perception [roll0]

My vote is to find this group that helped us escape... we own them that much. But I suggest leaving our mark on this island a bit bigger than the one they left us... He motions towards where everyone has been branded with a look of dark amusement.

2013-10-17, 02:27 AM

Gull looks at Lexxaj and arches a brow. "As I said, they call me Gull. Blaskar's m'real name but now's no time f'r stories."

She then straps the shield tightly to her arm and slings the bow over her shoulder. "I'm ready to go. I do hope we run into a little resistance. My foot's itchin' to meet a guards face."

2013-10-18, 01:39 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/L1Mk1_zpsb90befef.jpg Lexxaj

"Gull...." Lexxaj uttered, trying the word out. Didn't this woman say she had something to do with ships and the ocean?

"Like Seagull?" she questioned quietly.

"Well, let's get started then!" Lexxaj uttered.

"The mechanism to get the gate open is probably above this room." she uttered, looking around to see if there was anything in the roof that would grant easy passage.

2013-10-18, 02:25 AM

Gull nods. "Like seagull. It's a sailor thing."

While Lexxaj looks for a way to open the gate, Gull sticks close to her, one hand on the hilt of her sword.

2013-10-18, 05:55 AM
Kiarran, the necro-curious

Kiarran listens quietly to the others while making his way from guard to guard listening at their chests. If he hears anything or sees chest movment, then he slits their throat for good measure. It's a bit odd, but he seems to notice something at every body.

Then he searches the room for other entrances or passages.

Perception [roll0]

My vote is to find this group that helped us escape... we own them that much. But I suggest leaving our mark on this island a bit bigger than the one they left us... He motions towards where everyone has been branded with a look of dark amusement.

Kiarran searches around the room and finds only a single ladder against the wall leading straight up into a trap door that's currently closed.

2013-10-18, 07:28 AM
This three story old gatehouse was once a key defensive part of the old castle. It features entryways to the left and right side of the structure. Murder holes are above the doorways, arrow slits adorn the east and west walls.

2013-10-18, 11:33 AM
Kiarran, the bane of trap doors

Moving to the base of the ladder, Kiarran turns briefly to the girls gossiping across the room. If you don't mind keeping the endearing chatter to a minimum, my dears, I may have spotted our next port of call His smile turns to Gull upon using the sailing expression.

Pausing a moment to see if the others quiet up, he makes his way up the ladder and examines the opening for a moment then presses his ear and listens for anything or anyone on the other side.
perception [roll0] I think DC is +5 through an opening.

If he hears nothing, then he will open the door and poke his head up to look around casually.

2013-10-19, 04:51 AM
In room 3d (http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd444/hayforda/map.jpg)

This open room has two ladders up and two ladders down. This whole level has twenty arrow slits that grant vision over the bridge, courtyard and walls while providing archers with improved cover. A single well-trained, well-supplied archer could control almost the whole prison from this strategic vantage point.

2013-10-19, 06:54 AM
Kiarran, the upper level halfing

His not-so-litte head swivels back to his group in the room below. Hey... fellas... this one seems to overlook the whole gatehouse. We may be able to get up top from here even and ensure the way out is clear. Or find this mechanism you were talking about!

With that, he hops up into the room with all the arrow slits and does a walk around the room looking for anything of interest, but hoping to pinpoint where the nearest guards may be stationed beyond these walls (glancing through the slits, listening at each ladder).
Perception [roll0]

2013-10-20, 11:50 AM

When Kiarran gives the all clear, Trionne will ascend the ladder and join him on the second floor.

2013-10-20, 03:49 PM

Gull follows the halfling and Trionne a little further behind, sticking closer to the casters of the group.

2013-10-20, 06:05 PM

Once it is clear to proceed, Lexxaj will move up the ladder and look for the apparatus to open the front gate.

2013-10-21, 05:32 AM
Kiarran, the upper level halfing

His not-so-litte head swivels back to his group in the room below. Hey... fellas... this one seems to overlook the whole gatehouse. We may be able to get up top from here even and ensure the way out is clear. Or find this mechanism you were talking about!

With that, he hops up into the rooftop and does a walk around the room looking for anything of interest, but hoping to pinpoint where the nearest guards may be stationed beyond these walls (glancing through the slits, listening at each ladder).
Perception [roll0]

The rooftop of the gate house would be a serene, ideal place to survey the whole prison if it were not for two armed guards with bows at the ready and knocked with arrows. The guards release their shots towards an unexpecting Kiarran...

Both shots are against Kiarran's flat-footed AC. Kiarran does have cover from the trap door, giving him a +2 AC bonus.

Arrow 1 : [roll0]
Arrow 2 : [roll1]

Lexxaj : [roll2]
Gull : [roll3]
Trionne : [roll4]
Valyss : [roll5]
Kiarran : [roll6]
Archer 1 : [roll7]
Archer 2 : [roll8]

Archer 1
Archer 2
bold = current turn

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=45694)

2013-10-21, 05:43 AM
Before Kiarran even has time to react, an arrow shaft is sticking out of him. He's stuck grimacing in pain from being shot when another arrow comes at him...

(damage roll from 1st arrow struck) [roll0]

(this round's action)
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Kiarran has received initiative!

Archer 1
Archer 2
bold = current turn

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=45695)

2013-10-21, 04:12 PM
Kiarran, the little pin cushion

Feeling a jolt, Kiarran looks down to see an arrow protruding from his chest. What the... glancing up sharply, he sees another black streak as another shaft slams into his shoulder, wrenching free his left arm from the ladder. He screams out in shock and pain, realizing that he needs to be out of this archers view. Letting go with his right hand, the halfling shouts a warning to the others and then twists and turns in the air, tumbling to the floor below in an effort to roll with the impact and come up into full defense to the side of the stairs.

acrobatics [roll0]
If he makes it, full defense to avoid future shots = +4 AC. If he doesn't , then he will just lie there and bleed.

2013-10-21, 04:55 PM
Kiarran successfully somersaults towards the ground and sticks the landing, scoring an impressive 9.0 average score from the panel of judges (http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/15723812/2/stock-photo-15723812-panel-of-judges-with-very-good-score.jpg).

Up top, the party can hear a horn being blown...

Lexxaj has received initiative!

Archer 1
Archer 2
bold = current turn

2013-10-21, 06:18 PM

Lexxaj, still disguised as Srgt Thomas Blackerlry, watches as the little halfling takes a couple of arrows to his chest...before a horn is blown.

Hmm, that wasn't good.

"What are you DOING you fools?!" She yells up at the two archers on the roof...or more rather, Thomas Blackerly's voice floats up from below.

"I'm showing my nephew the ramparts! Cease and desist at once!!"

Casting Ghost Sounds - sounding like Thomas Blackerly again.

Intimidation roll: 1d20+9=27 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4266802/)

2013-10-21, 08:38 PM
*inconspicuous die rolls*

For the moment, an unsettling silence has fallen upon the roof...

Trionne has received initiative!

Archer 1
Archer 2
bold = current turn

2013-10-21, 11:13 PM

Trionne watched the halfling ascend the ladder to the roof, only to shortly thereafter shout out a warning and tumble back down to the floor, looking rather more like a small pincushion than he had a moment before.

She swore under her breath, as Lexxaj attempted to intimidate the archers above, and moved to interpose herself between the injured halfling, and whoever might be coming down after him. She summoned up her blade and waited...

Move Action 1: Move to interpose between Kiarran and ladder to roof. (No map set up for the second floor, but she was sticking close enough to him that I expect she can do this within her move.)
Move Action 2: Form Mind Blade (in lieu of standard action)

2013-10-22, 05:08 AM
Still nothing from the roof...

Gull has received initiative!

Archer 1
Archer 2
bold = current turn

2013-10-22, 05:39 AM

Seeing the halfling come tumbling down the stairs, Gull mutters. "Bloody..."

She spring into action just slightly after Trionne, running in a straight line towards the second ladder.

Full round action to run towards the base of the second ladder in a straight line. If the distance is too far or there is something preventing Gull from running she'll take a double move as far as she can go.

2013-10-22, 06:05 AM
Gull makes a dash across the room and even has enough time to climb to the top of the second ladder save for opening the trap door.

Valyss has received initiative!

Archer 1
Archer 2
bold = current turn

2013-10-22, 11:15 AM
Hearing the commotion from upstairs, Valyss gives an exaggerated sigh. Of course still being on the ground floor, she can't easily reach the others right away, so it looks like she'll just have to clean up their mess.

Honestly not sure how far a trip it is, but I'll go up to the second floor. If that doesn't use up all my actions and I still have a standard action left, I'll Channel Evil next to Kiarran to give him a quick bandaid.

Channel Evil roll in case that's an option...

2013-10-22, 04:12 PM
Valyss climbs the ladder and is able to give some unholy aid to the injured Kiarran, healing some of his sustained injuries.

Meanwhile, the trap door above Lexxaj's head swings open...


The guard looks completely surprised to see Tomas Blackerly on the ladder while the echo of more horns being blown ring through the air.

Kiarran has received initiative!

Archer 1
Archer 2
bold = current turn

2013-10-22, 05:29 PM
Kiarran, the injured nephew

With a pain wracked groan, the arrows clattered to his feet... thanks to a wave of magical energy from this wonderful cleric near to him! It was not enough to knit together the injured muscles, or even completely close the wounds, but the sensation was welcoming and felt great.

Swivelling to look back up the ladder, Kiarran sees the trap door open and the deadly archer looking down. Aaaah!, he screeches in a high pitch tone, HELP! Get him away from me!

With that, he darts (aka. limps) out from under the ladder, drawing his dagger and getting out of the archer's sites. He stops above the other trap door that leads down out of this second level and readies himself.
Speech is a free action and shouldn't require a bluff because it's true! Move action, plus drawing a wpn to stand above the trap door (still on the 2nd level) that no one has gone down or come up yet; it should be near the ladder that Gull has climbed up.
He will delay/spend his standard action as a preparation to stab anyone that comes up before they can react.

I'm hoping this helps Lex's bluff and watches the other's backs while they deal with the archers...!:smallbiggrin:

2013-10-22, 05:42 PM

"Thomas Blackerly" glares death up at the archer - storming up the ladder and onto the top of roof.

"Cut that bloody racket out!" he yells.

"You!" he yells, face red and contorted with rage as he points an accusatory finger at the archer in front of him.

"Get down there and administer medical aid - the governess down there only knows so much!"

"And you!" he barks at the other archer, "Send the all-clear signal! Unless you want the rest of the fort coming over here to see you've turned my nephew into a pin-cushion! Assault with deadly force against a minor is how many years and lashes?!"


Intimidate roll: 1d20+9=25 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4268069/)

2013-10-22, 06:37 PM
Lexxaj went out of turn. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't even acknowledge a post out of sequence. However, since no actual attack roll was made and it really doesn't affect the outcome of what is happening, I'll allow it...this time.

The second archer rushes over and is instantly startled (http://static1.fjcdn.com/comments/That+startled+me+OP+you+re+a+jerk+_204faf15bf82f28 0209a5ceccb275b52.jpg) by the sight of Tomas Blackerly, causing him to drop his bow in a comical panic.

Insert Lexxaj post here...

Trionne has received initiative!

Archer 1
Archer 2
bold = current turn

2013-10-22, 07:04 PM

Trionne waits quietly for their prey to come down into the trap.

*Delay Action* until one of the archers comes down the ladder.

2013-10-22, 07:17 PM
Gull has received initiative!

Archer 1
Archer 2
bold = current turn
* = on delay

2013-10-23, 03:09 AM

Gull opens the trapdoor with one hand and climbs out, moving nonchalantly towards the battlements but trying to get within charging range.

2 move actions to open the trapdoor and to get as close to the other guard as possible without running.

2013-10-23, 04:31 AM
Gull manages to considerably close the gap. The fact that she's wearing the prison guard uniform helps avert any suspicion for onlookers from afar. You can see the first signs of the guards beginning to mobilize, but it's currently in a state of barely organized disarray. There are a few guards running around as if looking confused or unsure of where to go.

3rd Floor Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=45984)

Valyss has received initiative!

Archer 1
Archer 2
bold = current turn
* = on delay

2013-10-23, 10:27 AM
"There you go. Do try not to get shot up with arrows so easily next time. The pincushion look isn't very fashionable, you know."

After ensuring the halfling was no longer in completely critical condition, Valyss assessed the situation. There was clearly a fight going on up above, but the routes up there were choked, and her talents weren't exactly inclined towards that sort of fight anyway.

Instead, she headed back downstairs to the first floor, where she proceeded to find a comfortable spot where one could juuuust be out of the immediate field of vision of someone entering the room. The others could certainly handle a couple guards on the roof and should have this gate open soon enough, and this way she could ensure that any others who happen to wander over to investigate don't interfere...

Move action back downstairs to wait next to the door.
Ready an action to cast Cause Fear on the first (if any) enemy that walks into the lower floor.

2013-10-23, 03:21 PM
"Y-Y-Yessir!" an exasperated says in response to "Sergeant Blackerly". Leaving his bow up top, the guard begins to descend the ladder and makes it most of the way before realizing there are more people down here than the "nephew".

Trionne has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R3)
Archer 1
Archer 2
bold = current turn
* = on delay

2013-10-23, 08:50 PM

"Surprise," Trionne hisses at the guard as she swings at him with her mindblade.

Attack w/ mindblade (1d20+6):[roll0]
Damage (if hit)(2d6):[roll1]

2013-10-23, 10:00 PM
Trionne deeply gashes the surprised guard while still on the ladder, causing him to drop prone. His cries of pain are satisfying to her as displayed by her malevolent grin. His anguish may be short lived as Kiarran has a chance to extract vengeance towards the man that shot him twice.

Kiarran has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R3)
Archer 1
Archer 2
bold = current turn
* = on delay

2013-10-24, 09:04 AM
Kiarran, of the tantrum guild

Gritting his teeth against the pain shooting from his wounds, the little halfling looks back at the guard decending the ladder with suddenly wild eyes and changes direction. By the time he hit the floor, Kiarran, fueled by adrenaline, pounces next to the guard and lashes out with his dagger.
Move action = move to the opposite side of the guard from Trionne (should be the side he is on anyways, and will give flanking)
Standard = sneak attack (melee attack = +6) with flanking (+2) and prone (-4 to AC) bonuses

Attack 1d20+8=11 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4270642/)
Dmg, if hit 1d3+1=2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4270651/)
plus sneak attack dmg 1d6=4 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4270655/)

There is no justice in the evil world... :smallmad: ... or invisiblecastle apparently.

2013-10-24, 09:50 PM
Kiarran ensures that any further complains from the gullible guard is cut short. Meanwhile his ally on the roof, having heard his companion below, looks completely confused, which turns to mild panic upon seeing a guard he had never seen before.

"What in blue blazes is this?"

Lexxaj has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R3)
Archer 1
Archer 2
bold = current turn
* = on delay

2013-10-24, 10:03 PM

"Srgt Blackerly" says nothing. Only his scrutinising glare pinned the soldier to the spot as he lifted his hand, pointed it in his direction and a strangely feminine voice uttered several words.

Casting Daze. (http://paizo.com/prd/spells/daze.html)

He needs to pass a DC 14 will save or be dazed for a round, meaning he can take no actions at all.

2013-10-24, 10:14 PM
He manages to fend off Lexxaj's attempted spell...

Gull has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R3)
Archer 1
Archer 2
bold = current turn
* = on delay

2013-10-25, 05:47 AM

Gull grins as she rushed forward while drawing her sword and slashes at the startled guard.
She hisses through her teeth. "This? This is a sword."

Charge at remaining guard (+2 attack) after drawing weapon as free action
Attack (Power Attack):[roll0] (+2 vs humans)
Damage (Power Attack):[roll1] (+2 vs humans)
Gull gets -2 AC until the start of her next turn.

2013-10-25, 03:15 PM
Gull affords no mercy for the surprised guard, running him through his spleen and out the other side with her blade. The guard lets out an exasperating gasp in sudden death as he slumps over dead, sliding off of Gull's sword. Blood starts to pool out from the body.

End of Combat (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YCN-a0NsNk)

The gatetower, now cleared of guards, rests in the control of the prison escapees for now. Down below, you can see that one of the guards has noticed the rope leading into the magically placed windowframe, causing even more panic in the courtyard. You can be certain that it is only a matter of time before the guards begin a full scale search of the facility for you.

Jumping over the side doesn't appear to be a very good option. If not aiming to land on the bridge, jagged rocks below rise up creating a natural barrier between you and the water. Even just aiming to jump off here for the bridge would likely prove fatal from your current elevation on top of the gatehouse.

2013-10-25, 03:58 PM
"Hmm, sounds like they're having fun upstairs."

Valyss continued to loiter, content with her present location. Of course, anyone who tried walking through that door would probably be in for a nasty surprise.

Not a whole lot I can do from here except make sure we don't get snuck up on.

Ready an action to cast Cause Fear on the first thing that walks through the door down here.

2013-10-26, 04:36 AM

Gull looks over into the courtyard and notices the guards in a panic. She turns to "Sgt Blackerly".

"We need to get out of here. Quickly. They found us out, I think, so fightin' our way out of here ain't really an option."

She bends down to quickly check if the guard has any useful belongings on him.

"Any ideas?"

2013-10-26, 04:50 AM

Gull looks over into the courtyard and notices the guards in a panic. She turns to "Sgt Blackerly".

"We need to get out of here. Quickly. They found us out, I think, so fightin' our way out of here ain't really an option."

She bends down to quickly check if the guard has any useful belongings on him.

"Any ideas?"

The guards themselves don't have anything of particular interest. They have their chain shirts, Branderscar Prison tabards, longbows, longswords, 35 arrows between both of them, and 13 gold pieces.

2013-10-26, 04:55 AM

Making her Engineering roll to know where that damn gate-opening aparatus is! She's traveled through 3 layers of this keep by now around the gate, she should have an inkling: 1d20+9=25 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4273459/)

2013-10-26, 05:08 AM

Making her Engineering roll to know where that damn gate-opening aparatus is! She's traveled through 3 layers of this keep by now around the gate, she should have an inkling: 1d20+9=25 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4273459/)

Strangely enough, there doesn't appear to be any sign or indication that there is a mechanism to open the gate on the roof of the gatehouse.

2013-10-26, 05:20 AM

While Lexxaj proceeds to search for a gate mechanism, Trionne descends down to the first floor to join Valyss in preparing to repel boarders.

"This could get ugly fast. Any chance you've got a plan?"

2013-10-26, 05:26 AM

And on the second level?

2013-10-26, 05:31 AM

Gull grabs the gold and descends to the first floor as well. "We need to get out of here. Fast."

2013-10-26, 05:34 AM

And on the second level?

Also no sign or indication that there is a mechanism of some kind on the second level.

2013-10-26, 05:38 AM

ooc -

^_-, what is this thing opened on the astral plane or something? The mechanism for opening the only gate into the keep, isn't situated around the gate that it's supposed to open?


"Bar the door and tie the tabards together. There are 6 of them, each about four feet long, giving a foot each for tying them together that should be 18 feet of improvised rope to hang from the third story, climb down and take a little drop."

2013-10-26, 05:49 AM

ooc -

^_-, what is this thing opened on the astral plane or something? The mechanism for opening the only gate into the keep, isn't situated around the gate that it's supposed to open?


"Bar the door and tie the tabards together. There are 6 of them, each about four feet long, giving a foot each for tying them together that should be 18 feet of improvised rope to hang from the third story, climb down and take a little drop."

Lexxaj takes a simple solution to her problem, tying several of the tabards together to make a makeshift knotted rope. Satisfied at the strength of her knots, Lexxaj tosses the rope over the other side of the gate towards the bridge. However, much to her dismay, she watches the rope burst into flames, quickly becoming ash that floats away in the wind.

2013-10-26, 05:55 AM

Trionne didn't argue when Lexxaj asked for the tabards, but she looked unconvinced.

"Look, I may not be the smartest person here, but I don't particularly want to go haring off into a marsh with an entire garrison of guards and dogs at my heels."

She sets herself into a defensive pose, watching the door carefully. "This is the closest thing we are going to find to a defensible position here. Let's not leave anyone around to warn the outside about our escape."

2013-10-26, 06:09 AM

Her knowledge of architecture and engineering proved to be all for naught as the wizard couldn't come up with a single idea of where the mechanism for opening the gate might be.

Further more her sole other idea for leaving the premise was likewise an ashen failure.

With no ability to fight in combat, except to maybe take a sword to the gut instead of one of her more capable compatriots, Lexxaj just stands in the corner saying and doing nothing.

2013-10-26, 06:23 AM

Gull looks at the others. "Bloody... We have a key, right? Have we tried if the gate has a keyhole? If that doesn't work, grab all the arrows we can and head to the top. The halflin' 'nd you two can guard the entrance hatches while Trionne 'nd I go shootin' guards."

2013-10-26, 06:25 AM

"Blaskar, I have never touched a bow in my life, and this is not the time to start trying to figure it out. I'll stay here and thin them out at the door, you get them from the air. Let one of the others see if they can find a use for the keys."

2013-10-26, 10:22 AM
Kiarran, the still limping halfling

Wiping his dagger and hands off on the guard's tabard, Kiarran takes what gold he can from the body and looks around for what's next.

He calls up to Gull, Hey Big Lady, do you think I could get that second dagger from you? Since you now have a much larger blade, I'd like to have something to send from a distance given as I nearly died in the last encounter...

Moving around the second floor of the guardhouse, Kiarran tries to look down through the murder holes and into the room with the gate. After that, he will move over to the only unused ladder and open the trap door just enough to peer inside.
map (http://s1220.photobucket.com/user/hayforda/media/map.jpg.html#/user/hayforda/media/map.jpg.html?&_suid=1382800205556015058969558669405)
Perception for both rooms, if required
and stealth, as he doesn't want to get shot again

2013-10-26, 11:53 AM

Gull looks down at the halfling for a moment, before pulling the dagger from her belt and handing it to him, hilt first.

"Here ye go. Careful you don't get shot again."

She turns to the others.

"I'll go have a look upstairs. See how many guards we're dealing with. I ain't shootin' them yet though. No need to let them know exactly where we are."

Having said so, she drops her shield and ascends to the roof and sneaks up to the battlements to peer into the courtyard.

Stealth: [roll0] (+2 dex, +2 ranks, +3 class skill, -5 armor check)
Perception: [roll1] (+2 wis, +2 ranks, +3 class skill, +2 favored enemy (humanoid (humans)))

2013-10-26, 05:32 PM
Kiarran proceeds to the west side of the room on the second floor and tries to peer into the lower level. It is dark inside save for the dim lights provided by the murder holes. The trap door leading down into the room is currently latched and locked with an opening for a keyhole in the doorway.

With Sargeant Blackerly's keys in hand, Kiarran cycles through each one until he finds one that gives a satisfying shift in the tumblers, opening the trap door. Darkness gives way to dim light and a ladder leading downward into the room. Kiarran takes the steady climb down into the room.

The room looks much of the same as its mirrored counterpart on the east end save for a table and an array of chairs circling around it. On the table is a deck of adult novelty playing cards with several coins lay about. (15 gp and 8 sp to count) Also in the room is an inobscure backpack sitting in a far corner that appears to have a little bit of weight to it. There isn't an appearance of a gate mechanism within this room.

Meanwhile, Gull continues to observe from up top. She sees that the guards have come to formation in the courtyard, minus a few men in the ranks. Their heads turn back and forth to each other, as if suggesting that everyone is in a state of confusion.

2013-10-26, 09:24 PM
Kiarran, of the house cleaning ensemble

Silent as a 3' shadow, he slips across to the table and scoops the coins up, pausing only long enough to smile at the winning hand that was obviously a bluff. Kiarran then scans the rest of the room, his gaze coming to rest on a backpack. The shadow slips to the edge of the room and around, sliding around chairs, to fall across the pack. Taking a closer look, to first ensure there are no obvious traps or limbs lying near the straps, he leans over and opens it up...

2013-10-27, 05:10 AM

Gull sighs, creeps back to the hatch, grabs the horn of the guards corpse, and descends back to the others. Once arrived, she puts the horn on the floor, grabs a random longsword lying around and attacks the horn with it, leaving a big gash in the side.

"There's a whole bunch o' guards waitin' for orders, 'sarge'."

She grins at Lexxaj as she picks up the broken horn.

"Can ye go convince them why we didn't give the all clear yet? I'll come with ye."

She hands the broken horn to Lexxaj, then bends down to strap her shield back on and prepares to head back to the roof.

"Someone make sure they don't rush in here."

2013-10-27, 05:29 AM
The bag itself doesn't appear to be anything special. While rummaging through it, Kiarran finds half a loaf of bread, dried meats, a chunk of cheese, a silver flask half filled with an unknown liquid, a small leather cuirass with matching leather pants, and a plain looking book with a red ribbon holding inside as a placemarker for its current page.

Thumbing through the book, you find most of the pages are blank save for the first few. Closer examination reveals that this "book" is actually some kind of journal.

Today is my first day at my new assignment at Branderscar Prison. Command had decided to send extra men over because of the trials held, condemning dangerous criminals here until their death. At first, I didn't want to go as I liked my old post. This place is so easy and relaxed, much more so than my old post. I'll get to that in a moment.

Really, what impresses me about Branderscar is its amazing surroundings. We're nestled here on the edge of the bay. When I was first getting here, I noticed that the top of the gatehouse glowed as the doors opened as if it were magic. That might have not been far from the truth as I met the warden soon afterwards. He's an old man named Mathias Richter with a big library in his office and a pet owl. He said that I had to be 'attuned' to this place upon meeting. We shook hands and he said that was it. What a strange warden.

Today I got to go into town to get some things for my new quarters. One of the reasons why I wasn't looking forward to coming out here was that it meant I couldn't be home with my wife and son. I found some protective leathers for him while out on my shopping trip. I'm going to keep it here in my pack so I don't forget to take it with me when I am finally done here. He'll love the chance to go deer hunting with papa. I really am missing my family.

After a few days being here, I have learned that Sergeant Blackerly pretty much runs the show. Aside from the day I first got here, I've yet to see the old man outside his office. Things are really lazy here and the sergeant sells booze to the men that he gets in barrels from town. He also invited me to join him to his daily card game that happens in the gatehouse. I'm not sure if I'm really comfortable with that, but everyone here doesn't seem concerned about it. I guess I could see why. It gets pretty boring here with nothing really going on.

Today, new prisoners arrived in a prison cart. Once again, the top of the gatehouse glowed as the gate opened and they were let in. I wonder what does that? Anyway, I had been playing cards last night and probably again tonight. I'm holding my own against the table, but make no mistake, these guys are definitely out to make a few extra coin. I've been able to keep my head afloat because of that. I did ask the sergeant if we should be concerned about the new arrivals, but he told me not to worry. Plans have been made for a quick execution so their stay will be short. These must be the dangerous criminals that everyone has been talking about. It sounds like this has happened more times than most people know, so I'll trust the sergeant's judgment about the matter.

2013-10-27, 05:42 AM

ooc - permitted to cancel and hold action.

2013-10-27, 05:47 AM

"On second thought, with that many guards outside it'll be suicide. Best to wait for the halflin' to come back."

2013-10-27, 08:13 AM
Kiarran, the dominatrix halfing

A few glints of light reflect around the shadow as Kiarran puts the coins from the table in the backpack and hoist it onto his broad little shoulders. The shadow then glides by the door to make sure it's barred or locked (whatever is feasibe) before flitting back across the room to the ladder.

Upon reaching the second floor, Kiarran grins at the rest of the gang and begins to prattle just loud enough for those in the room to hear as we walks to the middle of the room and dumps the bag on the floor. The guards were playing cards from the looks of it, and one of them had two trees and a stone but he totally was winning. Even with that crappy hand. These guards must not be to bright or they are good buffers. He pulls the cuirass and pants out, along with a little book that he tossed towards Lexxaj/Sgt Blackerly. You seem like you know how to read! There are references to something when the gate opens you may find interesting. There is also some food, a flask and a place to hold coins in the bag. Big Lady here could probably hold onto the pack easier than the rest of us. These things are too small for any of you, so I'll just try them on while you ladies try not to watch. Again.

Kiarran skips away a few steps and examins the leathers before trying them on, if they seem like they are protective as mentioned in the book.

2013-10-27, 08:33 AM

Taking the book from the little halfling, Lexxaj flipped through the pages quickly as she sped-read its contents - a smile growing across her face as she did so.

"The late sergeant and I might have gotten along quite well," she quipped, amused, "had we not ended up on different sides of the jail cell."

Snapping the book shut, Lexxaj quickly formulised in her mind what the spell opening the front gate could be.

You've seen my spellcraft roll :smalltongue:

2013-10-27, 08:34 AM
Although the leather armor was intended for a human child, Kiarran's halfling frame makes for a suitable replacement. The armor doesn't fit as well as you would like as it's loose in some places on your body, but it is serviceable until something better can be obtained.

2013-10-27, 08:43 AM

Taking the book from the little halfling, Lexxaj flipped through the pages quickly as she sped-read its contents - a smile growing across her face as she did so.

"The late sergeant and I might have gotten along quite well," she quipped, amused, "had we not ended up on different sides of the jail cell."

Snapping the book shut, Lexxaj quickly formulised in her mind what the spell opening the front gate could be.

You've seen my spellcraft roll :smalltongue:

In light of new information and given what Lexxaj has observed with her makeshift rope, she surmises that the gate is controlled by a complex blend of abjuration and enchantment magics cleverly hidden from the view of untrained, unassisted eyes. It is likely that this seal rests on the top of the gatehouse. However, you'll need the means to be able to see the seal first before you can further analyze it and possibly unravel the seal.

2013-10-27, 08:52 AM

Seemingly thinking to herself, Lexxaj stands up properly. She had one arm folded over tummy, the other in front of her, fist closed in a 'ah ha!' gesture.

"That's what it meant," she says, holding the book open for the rest of the group.

"On top of the gate-house, there's a magical item that allows passage in and out of the keep. We didn't see it before because it blends into the environment. I don't have Detect Magic prepared - does anyone here?"

2013-10-27, 10:31 AM

Gull nods. "Swell. Hand me the bag, then. I can carry it with little difficulty. If ye want, ye can drop all the gold in there for safe keeping. Ye have my word, ye can have yer share when we're out of here. Trionne'll vouch for me, right?"

She looks up to the roof. "Magic hm? Not much I can be of help there. I guess nothin' to do for me but wait."

2013-10-27, 10:56 AM
By sweet serendipitous circumstance, Valyss happens to emerge on the roof at that exact moment. Her arrival is so convenient that one might almost consider it a plot device, but that would just be silly. Clearly she just got tired of waiting on the others to open that gate and went to see what the holdup was. Clearly.

"Oh? Is that what's taking so long? Very well then, I suppose I can oblige this time."

Casting Detect Magic yay~

2013-10-27, 11:09 AM
Appearing with an overwhelming aura before Valyss's eyes is an intricate configuration of several arcane circles (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs28/f/2009/251/4/5/Arcane_Circle_by_GravityArchangel.jpg). With the use of Valyss's eyes and the combined knowledge between Lexxaj and herself, it may be possible to alter the layout and thus the effects of this seal. This will test your combined knowledge of spellcrafting.

2013-10-27, 11:18 AM
"Oh. Wow. Whoever put this together actually knew what they were doing. That's kind of impressive actually."

The tiefling turns towards Lexxaj and motions in the general direction of the seal with a tilt of her head.

"It looks pretty complicated, but we might be able to bypass it. Up for giving it a try?"

Not sure if this is something that would require spellcraft checks from both of us, or just one. If it only needs the one, I'll try to Aid Another to give Lexxaj a +2 bonus, since she's got the higher modifier of the two of us. If it needs Spellcraft checks from both, then I guess that's what this would be instead.


2013-10-27, 11:23 AM

It was difficult for the wizard because she couldn't actually see what she was affecting. At best her expertise relied upon the hellspawns descriptions.

Forming a picture in her head from the tieflings words, Lexxaj tried to direct her with what she speculated about the seal and ways it could be modified.

Lexxaj is taking 20 on the roll if she is able to. It'll take 2 minutes, but it's worth it to get a 29.

If not, then she'll take 10, get 19, and Valyss can aid her for a total of 21.

If not, then she gets: 1d20+9=13 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4275811/)

Which means she'll be aiding Valyss, to give her a total of 18.

This makes sense as Valyss can see the seal and Lexxaj can't, so she'll be offering pointers as she believes them.

2013-10-27, 12:38 PM

Trionne now finds herself alone on the first floor. With what seems to be the entire guard contingent assembling in the courtyard, that is not a situation that generally guarantees continued well-being.

She looks around for furniture or something to block the door with, if there isn't an actual, proper bar on the inside of the door.

If she can't find any suitable furniture, she'll use the dead bodies of the guards.

Once she's made her best efforts to slow down the entrance OR once it seems that things are about to get hot, she will fall back to the second story to guard the ladder from this room as a chokepoint.

2013-10-27, 10:10 PM
Trionne finds a large chunk of pre-cut lumber at the side of the door that fits in nicely with the metal hooks protruding from the doorway while Valyss and Lexxaj go to work on the gate seal.

Outside, someone finally broke ranks and started taking charge of the situation. Groups of small search parties started breaking off from the rest of the formation and into various parts of the prison. Eventually a small troupe does come to check out both gatehouse doors and finds them both locked and secured. Trionne kept her breath sharply withheld as the guards checked the door but was relieved when they didn't press further.

Until about after a minute passes...

The guards are pulling out all the stops against the iron reinforced and buttressed door as several men arrive with a large battering ram with a brass colored ram head on the business end. Trionne jumps in surprise from the first solid thump as the door holds. Up on the roof, the thumps of the battering ram can be heard throughout the gatehouse. Lexxaj and Valyss do their best to keep working on the seal, despite only having one good set of eyes and under extreme duress.

A couple more minutes pass and still no luck with the seal. The reinforced door is starting to give away to the constant pounding and attempts at forced entry. Left with no choice, Trionne abandons the door and the room in favor of higher ground. With Gull's help, they destroy the connectors that hold the ladders in place that lead to higher levels hoping to buy more time. They bring the ladders up to the second level, denying their would-be captors easy access to the higher levels and latch the trap doors closed.

All seemed hopeless up top until Lexxaj gets the clever idea to invert the entire seal. Valyss further adds to it saying that an inverted seal can cause errors in the enchantment aspects of the seal. The two continue to work to alter the magics before accidentally discovering that the guard's blood that they had slain earlier created a hazy effect on the enchantment. Using the slain guard's blood as a gruesome version of paint, their hands being the brushes, they manage to "unlock" the larger secondary circle, moving it around to it's original position. This causes a wierd, adverse effect.

The rest of the party are all on the roof when this is discovered. When all seemed hopeless, the group found themselves magically transported down onto the bridge with the gate still closed...

2013-10-27, 10:43 PM
Kiarran, the runaway halfing

What in the... He blinks and looks around swiftly, noting the sudden change in location. Shivering slightly, Kiarran touches each limb and runs his hand over his face. So glad we aren't in the courtyard. Or the middle of the wall. He glances at the two casters for a second before focusing on the bridge to freedom. Let's pretend they meant to do that...

With a dagger in his hand and that hand behind his back, the halfing silently hops to the side of the bridge with the most shadow and moves ahead, his short frame staying nicely under the side of the bridge rail and skipping from shadow to shadow.

OOC: Stealth [roll0]
He will move ahead until he sees the gatehouse and will attempt to scout it out from a distance before getting too close
Perception [roll1]

2013-10-27, 10:53 PM
Valyss glances about at their new surroundings in mild surprise.

"Hmm can't say I expected that... Oddly convenient though. Almost as if some cosmic narrative force decided to throw a convenient plot device our way to get things moving, isn't it? Oh well, not that I'd turn down this turn of events; we're outside and they're inside for the time being."

A smile marginally more pleasant than her normal condescending one, and almost playful, is shown.

"Well, as we used to say back at the temple. 'Shall we run like Hell?'"


She gives a small laugh and rolls her eyes.

"Alright, that was bad. I apologize."

2013-10-27, 10:59 PM

Her hands bloodied and green eyes wide, Lexxaj looks around like a meer-kat searching for predators.


Looking back at the gate-house that loomed behind them like a monument to apprehension, Lexxaj secretly wondered what other effects the seal reversal would have. Would the guards be trapped inside, unable to leave until their warden performed the necessary rituals? She certainly hoped so.

"Ah-hah hah hah!" she chuckled to herself, grinning widely as she stroked her hands together, gestured to the road and uttered several words.

Out of thin air materialised a horse - a valiant, lean stallion if ever there was one.

"It'll be a packed ride, but it should carry us all as far as we need to go!"

We can all pile on. As I mentioned in the OOC area, it can carry up to 690 lbs and run at 140 feet a round.

Once we near the gate-house, Lexxaj will cast Obscuring Mist on it.

2013-10-27, 11:02 PM

"Run like Hell? Why Valyss...I thought you'd never ask." Trionne chuckles softly and starts moving down the bridge after the halfling, only to stop as Lexxaj conjured up a horse.

"Now that's more like it..." she said, approvingly.

2013-10-28, 04:59 PM
Kiarran, trying to keep to the shadows, advances ahead on the bridge only to be rebuffed by a sudden barrier of intense flames rising up from the stone bridge.

"Going somewhere?" an elderly voice asked in a dry tone.

The party turns around to face the direction of the voice to see an old man and a small contingent of prison guards, three in total, materialize from thin air.

"When the Magistrate said dangerous criminals were coming to Branderscar, I don't think they knew how dangerous. I told them if they were that dangerous, why not execute them now and spare them the chance to escape."

"It would seem introductions are in order." growled Valyss.

"Indeed. I am Mathias Richter, Warden of Branderscar Prison (http://utrpg.memethief.com/images/thumb/b/b9/Mathias_Richter.JPG/180px-Mathias_Richter.JPG). It is my job to see that you do not leave Branderscar alive. Guards, kill them."

Mathias: [roll0]
Female Guard: [roll1]
Male Guard 1: [roll2]
Male Guard 2: [roll3]
Valyss: [roll4]
Gull: [roll5]
Lexxaj: [roll6]
Trionne: [roll7]
Kiarran: [roll8]

Mathias has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R1)
Male Guard 2
Male Guard 1
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46425)

2013-10-28, 05:33 PM
Oh man... The worst case scenario to start this battle actually has a chance of happening...

Shortly after issuing the order to kill the party, Mathias begins muttering incantations to help out with the cause. Strange dust settles over the party causing the whole party to feel drowsey...

OOC: Sleep can only affect up to 4 HD worth of creatures. That means a total of two could end up falling asleep. The first targets to be affected will be the ones closest to the caster. I have not included any additional bonuses you may have against this kind of spell in your roll.

Gull: [roll0]
Kiarran: [roll1]
Valyss: [roll2]
Trionne: [roll3]
Lexxaj: [roll4]

2013-10-28, 06:14 PM
Through terrible misfortune, both Trionne and Valyss fall steadfast asleep. They are unable to take any actions. Kiarran, however, was fortunate to not be so close to the origin point of the spell.

Kiarran has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R1)
Male Guard 2
Male Guard 1
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

2013-10-28, 07:01 PM
Kiarran, of the singed nose hairs

With a surprised start, Kiarran watches Trionne and Valyss collapse. He draws his other dagger as he moves so both are readied, one in each hand. He rushes over and starts kicking them with his little feet and poking them with attempted non-lethal strikes, in a hurried attempt to get them moving again.

Map after Kiarran (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46479)

OOC:Move action and draw weapon to reach them. Since the two of them are so close and Kiarran would be right between them, he will attempt to wake both this turn. Dual attack? If that is not possible, then he will wake Trionne with a kick in the butt and a dagger poke in the ribs. Sorry Val.. BP has your number tho!

2013-10-29, 01:26 AM
Kiarran gives Trionna a swift kick in her solar plexus, getting her to rouse from her forced slumber. Meanwhile, a guardsman advances forward with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other (double move).

Lexxaj has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R1)
Male Guard 2
Male Guard 1
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46495)

2013-10-29, 01:39 AM

Well - things had livened up significantly!

Ducking behind her light horse, the beast standing still and forming a block between herself and the warden, Lexxaj looked over at her downed comrades - the little halfling waking Trione up while Valyss remained with the sandman.

Peeking over the considerable frame of her mobile cover, Lexxaj peered across the bridge at the warden before uttered several words of power.

Beneath the weathered old man and his two comrades, a viscuous paddle splattered to life underneath their feet - throwing them off-balance and drenching the area in grease.

Move action to get behind a horse.

Decided against trying to use the horse to wake Valyss up - it'd probably damage her and she'd hold a grudge. Additionally, trying to inhibit the wardens + goons actions seems like a better idea than waking up another party member (meaning that 3 of us do nothing this round).

Casting Grease beneath the warden and his two goons. They need to roll a DC 15 Reflex save or fall over on their arse and become prone. While prone on the ground the only ranged weapon they can use are light crossbows. I'm fairly certain this goes for spell-casting too - as spell-casting requires hand gestures that'd be hard to pull off while lying on the ground.

Getting up counts as a move action but requires a DC 10 acrobatics check, otherwise they fall back over.

2013-10-29, 02:39 AM
The area underneath Mathias and the female guard becomes extremely slippery. Lexxaj looks on at the comical site of an old man and an armored dwarf stumble around in place...

Mathias: [roll0]
Female Guard: [roll1]

The dwarf falls flat on her arse. Mathias, however, proves rather spry for his old age and managed to stay on his feet.

Gull has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R1)
Male Guard 2
Male Guard 1
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46498)

2013-10-29, 12:46 PM

Gull notices the drowsiness almost taking her over, but she manages to push the feeling aside, gritting her teeth.
When she notices Kiarran waking Trionne, she hisses.

"Trionne, intercept that guard! And someone wake the tieflin' up!"

While doing this, she unstraps her shield and lets it drop to the floor. With blinding speed she draws her bow, nocks an arrow and aims for the enemy spellcaster while stepping aside to get a clearer shot.

Move action to remove shield (note: Gull's AC drops to 18)
Free action to drop shield
Free action to draw bow (quickdraw)
5-foot step
Standard action to ready an attack on Mathias, goes off when he begins casting a spell

Updated table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46531)

Edit: Added table and a few details

2013-10-30, 02:23 AM
The other human male guard advances forward to stay close by his ally while their dwarven companion crawls out of the greased area onto less slippery surfaces. She cringes in distain that her well-kept tabard is now soiled with grease as she comes to a standing position, giving Gull a clear look at Mathias with her bow.

Mathias pays no heed to this or the grease spell thrown earlier to Lexxaj. Mathias begins another set of incantations but Gull doesn't miss a beat. The advancing guard to the left of Gull flinches to duck in his advance as an arrow flies past him toward the wizard.

Attack: 1d20+6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4279408/)
Damage: 1d8+2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4279408/)

The arrow flies true, striking Mathias squarely in the chest.

1d20+5 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4279414/)

Mathias curses at Gull as he clutches the arrow his chest in surprise, breaking up the spell.

Trionne has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R2)
Male Guard 2
Male Guard 1
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46597)

2013-10-30, 02:54 AM

Trionne groaned slightly as the fall to the ground, and subsequent kick from Kiarran, shocked her back into consciousness. The world momentarily rocked around her, reminding her of the last rude awakening she'd received back on board the Damned Confidence.

No, sir, I wasn't drinking before my watch, sir...

She shook her head as Gull's shouted orders and the twang of a bowstring brought the situation back into focus, and scrambled to her feet. She moved forward to meet the most recent guard to move towards the group, summoning up her blade as she did so.

Move Action: Stand up from prone
Move Action: Manifest weapon & Move to Male Guard 1 (30ft movement)

Pyromancers Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46599)

2013-10-30, 03:12 AM
Out like a light, Valyss is unable to take any actions.

Kiarran has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R2)
Mathias (10)
Male Guard 2
Male Guard 1
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46599)

2013-10-30, 07:34 AM
Kiarran, the bane of sleep

Once Trionne darts out into the conflict, Kiarran whispers to the next prone figure of Valyss, Your turn for a soft rousing, my dark princess... With out another pause, his little feet swing into action again, kicking her in in ample bosom. Ooooo, if that hurts anything like a guys parts... wake the bloody hell up!

As she begins moving, he then softly slips to the edge of the bridge, under the rail shadow and creeps a couple steps towards the oncoming, and hopefully preocuppied, guards, staying behind Trionne and out of the guards' view as much as possible.

OOC: Standard action - wake Val
Move action - next to the bridge rail and towards Trionne and the guard, 20' move, with stealth [roll0]

Sorry, I can't access pyromancer from work - our firewalls have it blocked!

2013-10-30, 01:23 PM
Kiarran is able to wake up Valyss and advances ahead. Meanwhile, seeing his ally engaged in melee with Trionne, he charges forward after Gull.

Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4279878/)

However, the guard is not as focused with the strike as he would like. His charge swing is forced wide by Gull's dodge.

Lexxaj tries to assist Gull by casting a spell.

Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4279885/)

The guard tries to grit through the spell, but it's not enough. A feeling similar to being concussed by being bashed in his head takes hold, disorienting the guard.

The guard busy with Trionne takes a swing at her with his longsword.

Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4279890/)

The swing came down right on top of Trionne, but she showed off the versatility of her materialized blade, using it to deflect the blow. The guard looks on in wonder at such a strange weapon.

The dwarf in the far back, finally free of the greased area, continues to slowly advance, drawing her crossbow off her back. Preloaded and ready to go, she fires a bolt at Lexxaj.

Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4279902/)

The bolt manages to hit her squarely in her shoulder. She flinches in pain, cursing the dwarf for firing at her.

Gull has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R3)
Mathias (10)
Male Guard 2 (Dazed)
Male Guard 1
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46643)

2013-10-30, 03:05 PM

After dodging the sword, Gull notices the guard suddenly looking disoriented. She grins and takes a step aside to get a clear shot at Mathias before loosing an arrow at him, followed by another arrow at great speed.

5 ft step to get a clear shot
Rapid shot (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4279984/) at Mathias (2 attacks)

Current table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46671)

2013-10-30, 03:42 PM
Mathias is able to dodge one arrow, but the greased area around him makes it too difficult to dodge a second. The arrow strikes him firmly in the stomach, causing a seeping wound. He whelps out in pain and anger.

"I need healing, quickly!" Mathias calls out to his troops.

He does his best to maintain focus despite the two arrow shafts sticking out of him. Mathias mutters a brief incantation, send two shimmering bolts of arcane energy flying directly at Gull.


Trionne has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R3)
Mathias (17)
Male Guard 2 (Dazed)
Male Guard 1
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46671)

2013-10-30, 04:10 PM

Trionne smiled nastily at the guard. "You missed. Now it's my turn..." She swung the five-foot blade of energy towards her enemy.

Standard Action: Melee attack at +6 [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Misc: 5-foot step around to side of guard (making it an easier move for Kiarran to set up flanking)

Current Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46694)

2013-10-30, 04:40 PM
Like the natural duelist that she is, Trionne unloads a brutal strike on the guard, cutting through his armor causing a gushing wound that is oozing out blood. Valyss, finally awake from her forced slumber, is able to act on the carnage unfolding.

Valyss has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R3)
Mathias (17)
Male Guard 2 (Dazed)
Male Guard 1 (12)
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46694)

2013-10-30, 05:03 PM
Woken with a start, Valyss shoots a glare towards the halfling for his rough choice of awakening. However, this is nowhere near as fierce as the look she levels in the direction of Mathias and his flunkies. The man had done so much more than simply impede her; by causing her to fall victim to such an inane and amateur magic, he had insulted her pride.

Picking herself up off the floor with as much grace as she can muster, the tiefling makes her way down the bridge. Just a little closer now...

There would be no mercy...

Move Action to stand up. Then standard action to move into a better position.

(Would have Murderous Command'd Guard 2 but he's dazed his next turn so that's completely pointless...)

Current Table? (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46702)

2013-10-30, 05:08 PM
Mathias observes the tiefling advance, giving her a hard stare as she does so...

Kiarran has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R3)
Mathias (17)
Male Guard 2 (Dazed)
Male Guard 1 (12)
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46702)

2013-10-30, 06:41 PM
Kiarran, the bane of prison guards

While the guard that Trionne sliced grunts in pain and turns to try and keep the dangerous woman in front of him, a small figure silently darts out of the shadows behind him and a dagger flashes towards his now exposed flank.

Move action to flank the guard.
Attack with flanking for backstab bonus +2 plus my normal attack +6 = +8
Damage, if hit [roll1]
backstab damage [roll2]

Apparently I'm high maintenance because pyromancer is still not loading... or it's so slow that it hasn't loaded yet. If you can move me to the other side of Guard 1, that's where Kiarran should be.
Try this link:
Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46710) Thanks to Xianthe

2013-10-31, 01:02 AM
Taking advantage of Trionne's distraction, Kiarran sneaks behind Trionne's enemy combatant. His blade finds a flaw in the protective layers of the guard's armor, striking vital organs with a swift, accurate strike. Blood runs freely as the guard barely manages to get out a wail of anguish before falling over unconcious.

The other guard being dealt with by Gull and Lexxaj looks groggy. In a reactive measure of self-defense, he raises his shield over his head trying to shake the cobwebs loose.

Lexxaj, being troubled that Gull didn't actively engage the guard, knows that another spell to disable the target wouldn't work again for another minute. Instead, she calls forth arcane words of power, conjuring a small, green glowing orb and hurling it towards her target.

Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4280608/)

The orb was accurate but the guard had a wary eye on the spellcaster. He managed to duck aside, avoiding a majority of the burning acid damage.

During that time, the life of his fallen comrade expired due to massive blood loss caused by the wounds given by Trionne and Kiarran. Their female dwarf-in-arms drops her crossbow and moves forward while taking out a holy medallion of Iomedae. She begins to channel positive energy through her holy symbol, not realizing for one of her companions that it is already too late...

OOC: With the Selective Channeling feat, she excludes the benefit to Trionne and Kiarran.

Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4280610/)

A burst emits forth in a radius around her, but it is shallow, dim, and weak. She looks on at the medallion with an expression on her face as if to ask "Why?". Mathias only notices a minor decrease in blood loss but the look of desperation is rising.

Gull has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R4)
Mathias (16)
Male Guard 2 (1)
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46717)

2013-10-31, 07:26 AM

Gull grits her teeth when the missiles slam into her. She steps aside and yells "Take care of those guards. The wizard is mine!" before letting loose two more arrows in Mathias' direction.

5 ft step directly away from nearest guard.
Full attack at Mathias (rapid shot):
Attack 1:[roll0]
Attack 2:[roll1]
Damage 1:[roll2]
Damage 2:[roll3]

I can't access IC or pyromancers from here. Could someone alter the current table for me?

2013-10-31, 12:51 PM
Gull lets another couple arrows fly. Again, Mathais is able to easily dodge one but not the other as this one also strikes him in his chest. With too many arrows sticking out of him, he stumbles over backwards and into unconsciousness.

Trionne has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R4)
Mathias (23)
Male Guard 2 (1)
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46755)

2013-10-31, 01:05 PM

As the first guard fell before her, Trionne caught a glimpse of the second guard, perilously close to both the wizard, and to Gull. She turned to face the new threat, raised her blade above her head, and charged towards the other guard, bringing the blade down as she closed...

Special Action: Charge! (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Charge)
Moved 25 feet.
Attack at +8 (+6 Melee, +2 charge) [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
AC at -2 for next round.

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46756)

2013-10-31, 01:51 PM
Valyss advances, her eyes fixed on the pitiful servant of the Inheritor and her all but failed attempt at channeling her deity's power. The tiefling reaches for her own unholy symbol, the silver inverted pentagram, with a cruel smile on her face. The profane icon is held aloft as waves of evil energy wash over the battlefield.

"Let us see whose god really cares about the fate of their servants."

Move action to reposition.
Standard action to Channel Evil. Targets in range are Valyss, Kiarran, Trionne, Male Guard 2, and Female Guard.
Those Evil are healed, those Good get to make a DC 12 Will save or take damage and are sicked for... [roll1] rounds.

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46761)

2013-10-31, 03:34 PM
Trionne's swing goes wild on her as the uneven brick bridge threw off her footing, causing her to miss right as Valyss unleashes a burst of profane energy.

Male Guard 2: [roll0]
Female Guard: [roll1]

The human male shows his resolve to remain in the fight but the dwarf feels her resolve beginning to wane notably after Mathias' fall.

Kiarran has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R4)
Mathias (23)
Male Guard 2 (2)
Female Guard (3)(Sickened [2])
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46761)

2013-10-31, 04:32 PM
Kiarran, the bridge sweeper

A savage look crosses the little halfling's face as the guard and then the mage collapse. Kiarran begins to step away from the body in front of him as a wave of energy stiches his wounds closed. Although not at 100%, he suddenly feels much more capable and energetic, his confidence in the battle swelling as his wounds mend.

Slipping back to the shadows under the rail, he swiftly moves down the bridge to strategically position himself for whatever this ugly dwarf might do next.

OOC:Double move action followed by stealth in the shadows.
stealth [roll0] (dwarf gets -2 to perception for being sick!)
K's map and move (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46766)

2013-11-01, 12:21 PM
Kiarran manages to keep out of view of the cleric as he sneaks by who seems too distracted by the teifling to notice him.

The guard locked in combat with Trionne, feeling the noose beginning to tighten. He shifts his position slightly towards a northwestern direction, swinging with as much extra force as he can muster behind the strike.

Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4281913/)

It was a solid strike, cutting her at an angle from her collarbone down through her sternum.

Lexxaj does what she can with her limited spells available to her, casting another acid ball at Trionne's attacker.

Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4281914/)

Her spell goes wide enough that it continues to sail over the bridge and out of sight.

With teeth clenched in hatred towards the blasphemous teifling, the dwarf again raises her symbol high, letting positive energy flow through her.

OOC: This is excluding Kiarran and Valyss.

Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4281932/)

This time she can really feel the presence of her god flow through her. (Perhaps her deity really needed proof that something serious was going on. :smallwink:) It was enough for Mathias to regain consciousness on the grease covered ground.

Gull has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R5)
Mathias (18)
Male Guard 2 (2)
Female Guard (Sickened [1])
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46839)

2013-11-01, 01:05 PM

Gull curses between her teeth when she spots Mathias' wounds slightly closing from afar. "Bloody... Try not te get killed Trionne. I'll see about that healer."

She rushes forward before drawing an arrow and shooting at the cleric.

Move action 20 ft forward
Standard action to attack the cleric

Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4282001/)

New table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46845)

2013-11-01, 01:35 PM
Gull unload yet another arrow, this time at the enemy cleric. The shot sails high, arcing past the dwarf and over the bridge.

Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4281996/)

Mathias manages to make it to his feet despite the adverse terrain. Unaware of the halfling in the shadows, he fires another barrage of arcane missiles at the archer...

Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4282012/)

Trionne has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R5)
Mathias (18)
Male Guard 2 (2)
Female Guard (Sickened [1])
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46845)

2013-11-01, 01:43 PM

Trionne hissed in pain as the guard's blade struck true. She couldn't afford to take many more hits like that.

She swung the blade of mental energy at the guard again, hoping this time for a better hit.

Action: Melee attack at +6 [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
AC returns to 18

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46851)

2013-11-01, 01:58 PM
The guard is quick enough with the shield to block Trionne's attack.

Valyss has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R5)
Mathias (18)
Male Guard 2 (2)
Female Guard (Sickened [1])
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46851)

2013-11-01, 02:05 PM
Noting the sounds of Trionne struggling against her opponent, Valyss shoots a glare towards the other cleric before turning away in disgust. Walking slowly and purposefully back down the bridge, she mutters an incantation under her breath, causing her free hand to crackle with a dark energy. Striding up behind the engaged soldier, she casually reaches forward towards the small of his unguarded back...

Standard Action to spontaneously convert Murderous Command to Inflict Light Wounds and cast it.
Move Action to relocate to flanking Guard 2.
Free Action as part of casting a melee touch spell, making a touch attack. It's against touch AC and I have a +2 bonus from flanking. If it hits, he gets a Will save at DC 15 to halve the damage.

Edit: Ouch... that'll leave a mark...

Current Turn (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46854)

2013-11-01, 02:19 PM
Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4282063/)

The guard shrieks in sudden pain as dark power flows into his body, causing clawlike marks to form sporatically on his back. You can see the familiar color of blood staining his clothes through the chainlink armor.

Kiarran has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R5)
Mathias (18)
Male Guard 2 (12)
Female Guard (Sickened [1])
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46854)

2013-11-01, 05:11 PM
Kiarran, the screaming monkey

Kiarran watches the pompous old mage stand up while slinking farther along the bridge in the shadows. As he regains his footing, the little halfling comes barrelling out of the shadows with one of his daggers glinting in the fading light. Just before coming into contact, the half-man jumps and plunges his dagger towards the old man's vitals with a sudden scream: DIE!!!!!!!

OOC:charge for +2 attack
to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]
Wizard's 2nd death map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46862)

2013-11-01, 05:40 PM
Kiarran charges from the shadows, his blade creating another bloody opening in his side that wasn't there before. Down goes Mathias, but not before he shouts more obscenities.

Meanwhile Trionne attempts to parry another sword swing...

Critical Threat! (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4282209/)
Roll to Confirm (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4282211/)

This warrior of Talingarde lands another solid stroke from his sword arm, but the cut isn't deep enough to sever any major blood vessels.

Lexxaj lobs another acid ball at the guard...

Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4282218/)

She manages to contact the guard again. His armor seems to block most of the impact of the orb of corrosive liquid.

Uncaring about Valyss' sneering, she continues to try to pump the area full of positive energy.

(ignoring the enemy targets)
Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4282223/)

More holy energy fills the area, but it's not enough to bring Mathias back up. She sees Kiarran over there with a knife in his side but whispers that she hopes he forgives her as she goes toward her only standing ally remaining.

Gull has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R6)
Mathias (20)
Male Guard 2 (10)
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46864)

2013-11-01, 05:48 PM

Seeing Kiarran leap out of the shadows and stab the wizard puts a wicked grin on Gull's face. She drops her bow and charges at the dwarf, drawing her longsword out of its sheath with blinding speed.
"Dodge this." she hisses, and swings her sword at the dwarf.

Free action to drop bow
Full round action to charge the dwarf, drawing sword during move
Power attack: Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4282231/)
AC down to 16 for this round

New table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46866)

2013-11-01, 05:56 PM
It a situation where it is probably best to not telegraph your intent, the dwarf does manage to dodge Gull's attack. Mathias, however, continues to bleed out from all the sustained injuries.

Trionne has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R6)
Mathias (21)
Male Guard 2 (10)
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46866)

2013-11-01, 06:54 PM

Trionne swore at the guard (it was a shame, all of her favorite curses were in Infernal, which the guard wasn't likely to understand), and swung again.

Attack (with flanking) at +8. 1d20+8[roll]
Damage [roll0]

EDIT: Messed up the attack tags, let's try that one again.

EDIT 2: Oh right, that whole anti-cheating thing. Attack roll is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16337747&postcount=606).

No change to Pyromancers.

2013-11-01, 09:38 PM
Trionne matches strike for strike. Her blow came crushingly down onto his shoulder, doing notable damage to his sword arm. Blood runs freely from his injuries as it splatters on the bridge surface. He's not backing down despite looking like he can't take much more punishment.

Valyss has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R6)
Mathias (21)
Male Guard 2 (17)
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46866)

2013-11-01, 10:20 PM
Of course Valyss does understand Trionne's Infernal cussing and allows herself a small smile at it.

Well, that's quite...colorful.

"Now now, there's no need to get that worked up over it. It's only a scratch after all."

So saying, the tiefling brings up the profane symbol once more.

Standard action to Channel Evil. Targets are Valyss, Trionne, Lexxaj, and Male Guard 2.
DC 12 Will save to negate. Failure gives him [roll1] rounds of sickened (assuming he lives).

Move action to use Copycat, which creates one duplicate image which acts per the spell Mirror Image (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/mirror-image)

Having finished, the cleric seems to shift in place, then spring back. This repeats until it appears as though a pair of identical copies are standing side by side where once only Valyss stood.

2013-11-01, 10:30 PM
Result (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4282628/)

In the continuing battle of seeing which deity is greater, Valyss responds with a burst of profane energy. Yelps of pain ring out from the two remaining guards. One of them drops to the ground unconscious. The other grits her teeth through the pain.

OOC: cleric made her save, the other did not.

Kiarran has received initiative!

{table=head]Initiative! (R6)
Mathias (21)
Male Guard 2 (19)(Sickened [3])
Female Guard
bold = current turn
* = on delay

Current Table (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46866)

2013-11-01, 10:52 PM
Kiarran, the vengeful halfling

The screams from the old warden were satisfying to the little halfing... but they are not enough. Kiarran reaches down and grabs his hair, with a brief glance at the dwarf, he plunges his dagger under the man's chin with a high pitched laugh. You should have just let us go, old warden. Now I get to pay you back for the mark you left on each of us. He twists the knife and steps away.

Full round action = coup de grace
Then a 5' step towards the dwarf.

auto crit so here is damage x 2 [roll0]
plus backstab damage [roll2]

overkill map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=46868)

2013-11-01, 11:40 PM
Mathias Richter, the Warden of Branderscar Prison, has breathed his last breath, failing to deliver on his threat towards the group. Shortly after, the dwarven cleric watches in horror as the last male ally is slain. Trionne makes short work of his head remaining attached to his neck. Faced with panic and overwhelming odds, she desperately tries to flee by jumping over the side of the bridge to no avail. The teamwork combination of Gull and Kiarran snuff out her existence.

End of Combat

With all enemies slain, a strange calm has settled on the bridge save for the wall of fire blocking further progress. The gate is still closed although you can still faintly hear the sound of numerous amount of armor shuffling about and the occasional barking of orders. The wall of fire still persists, however. Lexxaj looks on in curiosity as to how to get by it.

2013-11-02, 12:22 AM
"Well, that annoyance is finished. Let's see about that fire then."

Valyss gives a dismissive wave of the hand and her eyes glow faintly.

Casting Detect Magic, then taking a quick look at the fire wall to see if there's any obvious way to shut it off.

As she looks around, she strolls over towards the fallen enemy cleric. A condescending smile leers down at the dwarf.

"Oh poor little misguided thing. Oh well, may as well add a little insult to the injury."

Valyss then begins to quickly search the dwarf, probably to take her holy symbol and throw it off the bridge out of spite...

2013-11-02, 12:24 AM
The wall of fire eminates an overwhelming array of auras. Valyss thought the seal was impressive, but this was easily ten times greater. With her spell still in effect, she notices on the dwarf that a pair of earrings sheen a calm glow to them.

2013-11-02, 12:37 AM
"Hmm, glowing jewelry. That's generally a helpful thing, right?"

The remark is more thinking aloud than it is an actual question. Unhooking the earrings, the cleric gives them a looking over.

Taking 10 on le spellcraft check, for a total of 16.

Almost as an afterthought, Valyss calls out to her surroundings in general, assuming that the others will pay attention.

"Make sure to check the other bodies over for anything useful. Especially that stupid Wizard. If we're lucky he'll have some sort of key to the fire wall."

2013-11-02, 12:38 AM

Trionne stared at the wall of fire, one of the few remaining obstacles between herself and freedom. But she was no mage, so careful contemplation of its arcana was not something she could accomplish.

Instead she decided to take a simpler approach. She walked to one edge of the bridge, to see if the wall extended all the way up over the sides of the bridge, or if it could be bypassed with a careful acrobatics check, and walking along the raised ledge.

OOC: Looking only, not attempting anything at the moment.

2013-11-02, 12:51 AM
Valyss picked up the teardrop-shaped pearl earrings of the dwarf's corpse. Much to her surprise, the color of the set of earrings change from a pristine white to an onyx black in her hands.

(custom item)
Lesser Pearl Earrings of the Pious Greater Minor Wondrous Item

Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot head (ears); Price 2,500 gp; Weight —

This simple, yet elegant set of pearl earrings serves as a power conduit for those who harness holy or profane energy. These earrings will always change in color to match the type of energy being channeled. When an owner channels energy, the power of these earrings take effect, enhancing the power being bestowed. All channeling effects have a one step increase in the dice used for the channel.

Craft Wondrous Item, Channeling Class Feature; Cost 1,250 gp.

Trionne looks over the side of the bridge. She notes that the firewall itself doesn't seem to extend past the initial safety barriers of the bridge.

2013-11-02, 04:07 AM

Gull looks down at herself to inspect her wounds before moving over to the warden. Without a word, she examines him for any valuables. When she's satisfied her curiosity, she stands back up and kicks Mathias' face in with a sickening crunch. A malevolent grin spread across her face as she turns to the others and moves over to search the guard corpses that have yet to be stripped of their possessions.

"Had that one comin', he did. Ye know what they say... An eye f0r an eye, a completely shattered face for a tooth."

As she says so, she spits out another gob of blood.

"Got me good, he did, though. Bloody hurts..."

2013-11-02, 07:05 AM
On Mathias' body is an assortment of possession that could fetch a reasonable amount of gold to the right buyer.

Potion of cure light wounds, scrolls of magic missile, sleep, hideous laughter and invisibility

dagger, wizard’s college class ring (gold with diamonds worth 250 gp), ioun torch

Richter’s Tome of Arcane Armament
This beautiful book is made of fine cerulean leather embossed with gold leaf. Its edges are reinforced with brass fittings and strange arcane symbols adorn its covered. It bears the draconic rune of “R” in the center of its front cover.

Value 350 gp

Blank Pages 63

2nd – bull’s strength, flaming sphere, hideous laughter, invisibility

1st – alarm, charm person, expeditious retreat, feather fall, mage armor, magic missile, mount, shield, sleep

0th – all cantrips in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook

Between the two fighters, they have masterwork chainmail armor, masterwork longswords, and masterwork heavy steel shields. The cleric has non-masterwork chainmail, a masterwork light mace, and a crossbow that is now laying unused on the bridge. Her holy symbol already cast aside and her jewelry plundered.

2013-11-02, 09:22 AM
Kiarran, the fireman halfling

The little halfling scrounges the dagger sheath from the wizard and scoops up the dwarf's crossbow before searching for any bolts he had left and their carriers.

That was fun. Glad the warden came to see us off. Wasn't that nice of him?! He softly chatters on while looking around.

Maybe we can smother the fire in one spot... Kiarran will drag the nearest guard to the flames (after his equipment is removed), in the direction that they need to go, and dump him on to see if the flames instantly devour him or if his body will hod down the flames for a minute to allow everyone to jump through

2013-11-02, 12:52 PM
I had forgotten one little thing found on Mathias's person, a single piece of paper with the phrase 'Middleton' written on it.

2013-11-02, 04:07 PM

Out of the corner of her eye, Trionne watched as a small slip of paper fell out of the Warden's pocket during her companions' search of the corpses. It skittered along the deck of the bridge, carried a short distance by a errant gust of wind.

Trionne hurried to scoop up the paper, before it could be blown into the wall of fire or off the side of the bridge. She opened it up and looked at it, brow furrowing in confusion at the single word.

"Middleton? I wonder what the significance of that could be...any thoughts?" she asked out loud, to no one in particular.

2013-11-02, 04:23 PM

Out of the corner of her eye, Trionne watched as a small slip of paper fell out of the Warden's pocket during her companions' search of the corpses. It skittered along the deck of the bridge, carried a short distance by a errant gust of wind.

Trionne hurried to scoop up the paper, before it could be blown into the wall of fire or off the side of the bridge. She opened it up and looked at it, brow furrowing in confusion at the single word.

"Middleton? I wonder what the significance of that could be...any thoughts?" she asked out loud, to no one in particular.

As Trionne utters the word "Middleton", powerful arcane magics begin to dissipate from Valyss' view. The wall of flames blocking the way forward begin to wane. Lexxaj realizes what is happening as she takes ahold of the reigns of her summoned horse. Hidden from the view from the rest of the party, she sneakily begins an incantation. From where fire once was, a thick smoke layers the central region of the bridge. View into the cloud is impossible. The sound of shoes on hooves beating against the stone bridge isn't. A fading cackle of laughter mixed in with the beating hooves is unmistakable. Lexxaj has made a break for it, ditching the rest of the group behind...

2013-11-02, 05:37 PM

Gull is busy removing the masterworks chainmail from one of the guards when Lexxaj disappears into the mist. "Hey! Where're you.... going?"

She curses. "Bloody... I even found a book she could've used."

Gull resumes taking off the masterworks chainmail and looks at Valyss. "I'm takin' one of these. Ye want one too? Either way, I'm dumpin' as much as I can into this bag I've here. We can divide the spoils later."

2013-11-02, 06:03 PM
Valyss glances over at the chainmail with a critical eye.

"Hmm thanks, but it's a bit heavy for my tastes I think."

She does, however, avail herself of the dwarf's earrings. Useful things, those.

"Let's be quick though, that fire barrier is obviously down now, and I'm really not sure how long we'll have to make a run for it before they get through that door."

Without further comment, Valyss finishes her modest looting and moves towards the mist at the end of the bridge, rolling her eyes in the process.

"Well at least this will cover our own escape..."

2013-11-02, 07:19 PM
Kiarran, the brave little escaped convict

Seeing Gull packing everything up and glancing towards the sound of Lexxaj's departing hoof beats, the halfling pipes up, Let's take as much as we can, even the wizard stuff... maybe we can trade it to someone or one of us can figure out how to use it. Either way, lets get moving ladies! The casual smile that was missing during the fight now reappearing as if it had always been.

Kiarran heads to the edge of the smoke with his new crossbow loaded and in hand. He silently makes his way along the bridge and away from the prison as soon as the others are ready.

2013-11-03, 10:39 AM

Having taken the armor off one of the guards, Gull stuffs all of Mathias' belongings in her bag, and she picks up an extra sword and a masterworks heavy shield. She looks at Valyss. "Ye takin' that mace? Ye might want to bring a weapon for yerself."

She looks at the others. "We should get movin'. Find a place to lay low until nightfall. And a place where I can change, this 'ere armor looks much better than the one I'm wearin'."

2013-11-04, 04:47 AM
With the way ahead clear of any obtrusion, physical or magical otherwise, the escapees loot the corpses of their most recent victims and proceed through the dense fog, crossing the bridge. The party catches a lucky break at the guardhouse on the other side of the bridge. This small stone hut in service as a guard station holds compelling evidence that it was just recently abandoned. Turpentine tea sits still steaming in a hot kettle and there are remains of a half-eaten meal. Gull notices two other sets of horse tracks leading away from the station. It is likely the the guards manned here saw Lexxaj escape and decided to chase after her, mistaking her as the sole survivor in the confrontation on the bridge.

The moors outside of Branderscar are far from hospitable. These dark, brackish salt marshes team with mosquitoes other buzzing pests. Ever-present, shallow brine pools are prominent throughout the moor, making any attempt at tracking the group difficult. Unfortunately, the same advantage the terrain is also a disadvantage in that it is easy to become lost.

*rolls some dice* (http://www.ringelkater.de/Sounds/2geraeusche_gegenst/wuerfelbecher.wav)

Gull proves herself to be no slouch in navigating wet, adverse terrain. Drawing upon her sailor experience and practiced navigational stills, she is able to navigate the group through the moor avoiding any major pitfalls along the way. The one thing she couldn't do anything about was the abundance of biting insects and blood sucking leeches.

After an hour of walking through the challenging environment (and hearing Valyss complain about it), the group is able to make out a small clearing in the distance. Inside this clearing is an old, forgotten manor. After escaping the prison, and crossing the moors with guard patrols at your heels, finding the house on the Old Moor Road pales beside your other accomplishments. As promised, a lonely lantern burns in the upper story. The place otherwise shows little sign of habitation. Old but well-appointed, the house is large, imposing and alone on its hill. Painted a dark green and surrounded by barbed wrought iron fencing, nothing about this place seems inviting or a sanctuary. Still, it is your destination. Where will you go if not here? You have an appointment to keep. Best not to keep your nameless benefactor waiting…

You have reached Level 3! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAlHPWEM57g)