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2013-09-30, 09:17 PM
The Table 'o Players

{table=head]Player|Name|Class|Race|Gender|Alignment|Text Speech|Status
Mathemagics | Valyss Shal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16151333&postcount=4) | Cleric | Tiefling | Female | Lawful Evil | Indigo | A
BramsesII | Shea "Gull" Blaskar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16152071&postcount=18) | Ranger | Human | Female | Lawful Evil | Red | A
Magatsu Izanagi | Vasilisa Afanasyeva (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=696662) | Witch | Human | Female | Neutral Evil | Royal Blue | A
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ???
Jarl11 | Kiarran Webber (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16151863&postcount=15) | Rogue | Halfling | Male | Neutral Evil | Dark Orange | A

DMs Quick and Dirty Reference Table
{table=head]Character|Hit Points|AC/TAC|F/R/W|CMD|Init
Valyss Shal | 24/24 | 16/12 | 5/3/7 | 13 | 2
Shea "Gull" Blaskar | 33/33 | 20/12 | 5/5/5 | 19 | 2
Vasilisa Afanasyeva | 21/21 | 12/11 | 4/3/5 | 13 | 7
Kiarran Webber | 21/21 | 17/15 | 2/8/3 | 16 | 4

IC Thread
Click this link! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=306605)

Sponsored Third-party Dice Roller
Invisible Castle (http://invisiblecastle.com/)

Current Map of Talingarde


Loot/Gear Listings by Character

Silver Unholy Symbol of Asmodeous
Chain Shirt
6 gp
2 Dagger (medium)
Leather Armor (small)
Thieves' Tools, Masterwork
Quiver of Arrows (20)
Silver Flask (half full w/unknown liquid)
6 gp
(15gp 8sp)
Masterwork Backpack
Artisan's Outfit
Cloak of Resistance +1
Spell Component Pouch
239 gp
Masterwork Longsword
Heavy Steel Shield
Quiver of Arrows (20)
6 gp
Talingarde Tabard

Guidelines of Combat

1. You can do anything you like, just as long as its possible to do within a single turn. Actions (standard, move, swift, immediate, free) matter, so plan accordingly. Objects on the map must be navigated in an appropriate manor. Turns that are not accurate to PF movement guidelines will be invalid and be given one opportunity to redo their turn within the standard time limit.

2. You get 48 hours to act when you receive initiative. Your timer starts immediately after receiving initiative. Failure to state your action puts your character on autopilot for the turn and up for consideration to Inactive status in the event too many turns have been missed. I will not retcon actions from players after your timer has expired.

3. When you have finished your turn, don't forget to link the updated table (provided by Pyromancers) onto your post.

3. I am always open to answering questions or addressing concerns. Try not to do so when it's your turn. I am often on Skype (Tsriel) if you need to get ahold of me quickly. My schedule changes semi-regularly, but I'm usually home during the evening.


Robe of Gates (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/r-z/robe-of-gates)
Metamagic Rod, Reach (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rods/metamagic-rods/metamagic-reach)
Profane Armor (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-armor/specific-magic-armor/celestial-armor)

Pirate's Eye Patch (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/e-g/eye-patch-pirate-s/)

None yet!

None yet!

Bloodthirst Dagger (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/specific-magic-weapons/bloodthirst-dagger)
Robe, Smuggler's Collapsible (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/r-z/robe-smuggler-s-collapsible)

2013-10-03, 09:21 PM
Welcome to the game!

It's been a long and trying process to get things to where they are. That is behind us now, so lets focus on the game. :smallwink:

Before we get started, I wanted to bring up a couple things. First is your character data. Recruitment threads expire in three months from their opening post. I would greatly appreciate if you would do a quick C&P of that info onto here.

Second is about Pyromancers. Is there anyone here unfamiliar with it and/or would want a tutorial?

The third also goes along the spirit of keeping things fast paced for a PbP game, and that's rolling for checks and saves. Personally, I've not been a fan of rolling for other people as I would rather let the player have that fun of doing that roll. In situations that require a group check, would anyone object if I went ahead and roll for everyone in order to keep the game moving along?

Lastly, is there anything people would like to bring up now before we get started?

Oh, that will on Saturday. :smallcool:

2013-10-03, 09:26 PM
Woohoo! So excited!

My skype name is [redacted, been getting spam calls], if anyone wants to add me.

Dibs on speaking in teal.

Trionne Dar-Chenai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=668816), Human Soulknife

Part I: Wharf RatTrionne was born low indeed, the unwanted get of a tavern wench in Absalom's dock district. While largely ignored by her mother, she received plenty of attention from the tavern's owner and regulars, and remarkably this attention was almost entirely benign. From a young age, she spent most of her time around the docks, with the need to keep out from underfoot sharpening her reflexes, as well as her climbing abilities. As she grew older, she would often help out on the docks, inspecting shipments or running messages, in exchange for a few coins or some exotic treat from a newly arrived ship. Among the crews of several ships that regularly stopped in Absalom, the young girl became a regular fixture, often fondly referred to as "our wharf rat."

Part II: Rat's Gambit
As Trionne reached puberty, she began to blossom. While she would likely never become a great beauty, between her skills and her still child-like charm, she started to attract more attention. Her mother, neck deep in debts from addictions to foreign soporifics and gambling, saw this interest in Trionne as an opportunity, and started making plans to sell her daughter into servitude in exchange for a clearing of her debts.

Trionne found out about this only by chance, when she happened to brush off an advance from the man who was in negotiations to buy her. He pinned her against the wall and hissed in her ear about how he'd "punish her for that attitude" once he owned her.

In that moment of panic, her psionic powers manifested. As she struggled to break free long enough to run away, a blade of pure mental energy sprang from her hand. The effect was far from controlled, Trionne barely nicked the man, but it was enough to shock him into releasing her. She pushed away from the wall and ran as fast as she could, towards the one place she was sure she could find help: the docks.

Her luck held out as she reached the docks and saw the familiar lines of the merchant ship Damned Confidence in harbor. She hid herself in a pile of crates as the ship approached it's berth, and once it was moored, she scrambled up the ropes to the deck, and begged the first mate to let her speak to the Captain.

Captain Marcus Isatis was a wealthy merchant, but it wasn't the sale of legitimate goods that had made him wealthy. Nor had the slave trade of his native Cheliax made him rich. No, it was business of shipping illegal goods that had made him wealthy, and his cover as a legitimate merchant, along with the fact that his ship had never in his 15 years as captain carried slaves, that had guaranteed him welcome in ports that would otherwise never granted berthing to a Chelaxian ship. The last thing he had expected out of this stop in Absalom was to have a 14 year old wharf-rat begging him to buy her.

Trionne offered her meager savings as a gesture of intent to pay him back; he wasn't interested. She offered more...personal service; he frowned and told her he had "no desire for little girls...and neither do my men, if they know what's good for them." She pleaded with him, reminding him of her dockside experience. He asked her why she was so insistent on the matter. She looked him straight in the eyes, and with calm desperation replied:

"Because if I don't get out of here, I'll be dead within the month."

In the end, he was adamant. He had never owned a slave, and he wasn't about to start now. Instead, he offered to take her along, as long as she worked to earn her keep. He warned that he would leave her at the next port, if she slacked off or caused trouble.

Which is how Trionne found herself working on the smuggler ship Damned Confidence.

Part III: Rat with Long Teeth

Certain that she must have used up a lifetime or more of luck, she worked hard to earn her keep, and on the side struggled to gain control over her soulknife. With no one to teach her about manifesting the blade, it was a long process, though sparring with several of the sailors helped her at least develop her skill at sword fighting.

Despite this, over time Trionne became frustrated and bitter at the fact that so much of her well being had relied on luck and the mercy of others. She was determined not to let that happen again. It wasn't until a chance encounter at a tavern at port that she finally found an outlet: dueling.

A rich merchant's son, gone slumming in the lower quarter, had made a drunken pass at her. While on another night, Trionne might have been interested, that night she had been in a mood. She turned him down, rudely. He persisted, stopping her when she tried to leave. She pushed him back into a table, leaving him with a bloodied head and battered pride. He demanded satisfaction, which in that city was within his right to do. In a fit of anger, she agreed.

As she walked up the stairs, she was pulled into the shadows by one of the other young men that had accompanied the merchant's son, offering her gold if she would seriously injure him during the duel.

The duel was the next morning, just as dawn broke. She won handily, leaving the spoiled merchant son with a long scar across his face. A strange joy burned inside her, a fierce exaltation at seeing someone at her mercy, for once. She returned to the ship, richer by a pocket of gold.

Incidentally, it was that pouch of gold that saved her from being left in port by an irate Captain Isatis, who had heard about her performance from one of the crew.

Part IV: Caged Rat
Over the past few years, word got around in the various ports that aboard the Damned Confidence was someone willing to challenge one's rivals to a duel...for a price. Even splitting the proceeds with Captain Isatis, Trionne was on her way to being wealthier than she could have imagined. And while she was dueling, she felt completely in control. Having some outclassed nobody at her mercy was intoxicating.

Isatis' and his ship made periodic stops at Ghastenhall, on the isle of Talingarde. He had warned Trionne to be careful, that dueling was illegal. But Trionne, in search of that high, did not listen. After all, she had participated in a duel on the isle once before, without getting caught.

On her last visit to Talingarde, Trionne picked the wrong target. Worse, she had let it get personal. Instead of simply settling for wounding the woman, Trionne killed her. The victim's second and friends scattered, leaving her just enough time to pick up the victim's blade, before the guard arrived to arrest her. Isatis, in order to protect his ship, had to denounce any knowledge of her actions. As it was, the Damned Confidence was barred from docking in Talingarde for a year and a day, and Trionne was sent to Branderscar prison to await her execution.

NOTE: She's not entirely sure whether the warden knows about her ability to summon a blade (she did her best to hide it at the scene of the crime), and she's not about to tip her hand unless there's a solid plan to escape.

Trionne is a firm believer in luck. She also firmly believes she's used most of hers getting away from Absalom before her mother sold her. This makes her a little edgy. She compensates by holding herself with an exaggerated air of confidence. She craves the feeling of having someone at her mercy, a need often filled by dueling. The money was always incidental to filling that need. She knows the value of keeping an ace in the hole, and while she might not be tactically brilliant, she's more likely to run into trouble from over-analyzing the situation than from committing to action too soon.

Trionne is short and wiry, almost boyish in figure, with wind-weathered skin and short salt-bleached hair. Years at sea have stripped the last echos of childlike features from her face, and her dark eyes are bright and alert. Her arms and torso are covered with a light scattering of scars.

2013-10-03, 09:28 PM
Here's Valyss's info stuff.

Calls dibs on Indigo.

I'm fine with DM rolling for saves and passive checks, makes it easier and faster for you to write up what's happening to us.

What is this Pyromancers you speak of, I have no knowledge of this!

Valyss Shal

http://safebooru.org//images/756/77d8b554ad4982995575ec1ed37398cfc2698947.jpg?76144 0




Following the ascension of House Thrune and the advent of diabolism in Cheliax, many of the noble houses began to enter into their own pacts with devils in exchange for power. Among these were the nobles of House Charthagnion, who bartered and struck deals with the fiends on an almost fanatical scale. Some time later, a particular man from a minor branch of the family named Terast contracted the services of a powerful devil to advance his own fortunes and position.

Beyond the terms of the contract demanding Terast's eternal servitude, the devil demanded that Terast offer it his own sister for the purposes of fathering a half-fiend as a show of allegiance to seal their bargain. Terast agreed, and the unholy ritual that then took place ultimately resulted in the death of his sister as the half-fiend child was violently born into the world. Taking the child, the devil returned to Hell, but not before reminding Terast that he would return again one day, as their pact was not yet complete.

Twenty years passed, and the effects of the infernal deal made themselves evident as Terast was promoted from position to position, each time gaining new wealth and influence. Then, the devil returned, bringing with it the now-matured half-fiend whom he introduced to Terast as his "niece". The devil's depravity and cruelty were then made even more manifest when it mandated that Terast must now father a child with this creature, or it would regard the terms of their contract void and revoke all that had been given. Faced with what he thought of as little choice, Terast reluctantly agreed.

This resulted in the birth of Valyss's elder sister Elyss, who against all odds was born perfectly human. This was unacceptable; the fiend desired a tiefling, a creature that was of the material realm but held an inherent connection to the plane of Hell. So Terast was coerced to commit the deplorable act once more, and finally Valyss was born.

Naturally, neither Elyss or Valyss were recognized as official members of House Charthagnion (and consequently were denied the right to carry the family name), though Valyss always envied her elder sister. Due to her entirely normal appearance, Elyss was unofficially recognized as Terast's bastard child and then conveniently ignored, the result of a minor indulgence in the eyes of the House. Valyss, on the other hand, was forbidden from even leaving the small suite the sisters were given on the edge of the estate as Terast attempted to hide away the shame of his actions that led to the birth of such a creature.

During these early years, Valyss's contact with the outside world was almost entirely through books, as even her sister had little interest interacting with her. With no other outlet for her time, Valyss turned to knowledge as a distraction from her bleak existence, and consequently developed a strong intellect and breadth of study at an early age. When she was 12, a priest from the Church of Asmodeus arrived and informed Terast that they were there to collect Valyss on behalf of their diabolic master. Glad to be rid of what he viewed as a nuisance, Terast agreed and without comment or ceremony, Valyss was taken to an initiate temple in another part of the capital of Egorian.

There Valyss was taught and mentored by the clerics of Asmodeus and trained in the magic of summoning and binding. Her fiendish blood made her the ideal candidate for such a role, granting her an affinity and control not found among her human peers. After several years of teaching, she was graduated to a full member of the priesthood, though placed in a subservient role under more experienced clerics due to her heritage. In effect, she was little more than a glorified servant.

That all changed a year ago, when Valyss was assigned to Talingarde. As she understood it, the cabal dedicating to undermining the self-righteous government and establishing an open worship of Asmodeus was in need of someone skilled in conjuring and compacting with devils. Unable to go against the wishes of her superiors, she was shipped off once more with no thought to her wishes, though at least they had the consideration to grant her an amulet that hid her true form. It went without saying that the zealots of Talingarde would immediately assume the worst if they saw her undisguised appearance.

As it turned out, Valyss's new assignment proved to be surprisingly enjoyable. While still strictly ordered and organized, the Talingarde branch of the church proved to be far less controlling when it came to her actions and she was allowed a very reasonable degree of free time. For the first time in her life, Valyss found herself with the freedom to come and go as she pleased, and with the assistance of the amulet, wherever she pleased as well. Unfortunately, things didn't go smoothly for very long.

It was all a horribly contrived accident; looking back that was the only way to describe something so improbable. She had been making her way through the marketplace in the capital, casually perusing some of the books on display by a small vendor cart. A thief collided with the cart while trying to flee the guards; in the resultant mess, he desperately flailed around for anything that might allow him to escape, and in doing so laid hands on what was apparently an inscribed scroll. In his panicked state, the idiot actually tried to activate the magic stored in it, causing an arcane backfire (at least one would hope that the scroll's intent hadn't been to reduce the reader to a smoldering pile of ash in a small charred circle on the pavement). While the abrupt self-destruction of the thief was the immediate effect of the backlash, the far more pressing side-effect for Valyss was the dispelling of the magic amulet she wore.

In some small sense, she might be considered fortunate that she wasn't killed on the spot. That certainly seemed the intent of the guards who had until then been engaged with chasing the thief, and the general townspeople in the square who weren't screaming or cowering in fear were more than ready to hang or burn the devil that had suddenly appeared in their midst. It was only the intervention of a group of paladins who insisted she first be taken to prison and tried before execution that prevented her from an almost immediate death.

Saved from death only to go through a mock trial followed by summary execution. Wonderful.


Valyss is three-quarters Chelaxian and one-fourth Infernal, with her physical appearance strongly reflecting both of these traits. For the most part, her appearance is that of an attractive Chelaxian woman--dark hair and eyes with pale skin. She is somewhat on the tall side, with a slender and graceful build throughout, with her hair styled to frame her face on the sides and fall towards the small of her back behind.

Grafted onto her human features, in a manner which on the whole tends to enhance rather than mar her appearance, are the telltale aspects of her devil-tinged parentage. Dark obsidian-like horns curve around the sides of her head ending in sharp forward-facing points just above her temples while a pair of miniature wings spring from her back between the shoulder blades. However, a closer inspection would reveal these wings to be merely decorative as they apparently lack the muscle strength necessary to assist in any manner of flight. Finally, a long serpentine tail trails behind her, though often kept concealed beneath her robes.

In her manner of dress, Valyss adheres to the norms of Cheliax and the Church of Asmodeus. She favors expensive materials and designs in her attire and prefers to dress in dark colors, preferably black and crimson. When in public or attending to her duties, she typically wears a long concealing and hooded robe to disguise her diabolical features.


Valyss is an immensely proud individual, and places a great deal of importance on both her Chelish and Infernal heritages. Born from one of the great noble houses of Cheliax, she is familiar with the intricacies of political intrigue and learned early the value of deception, but also the need to discern when to trust others and wisely select allies. Her rigorous training and studies under the Church of Asmodeus has further impressed upon her the values and virtues of Hell--the world is meant for the strong, and built upon the backs of the weak, order and law are supreme, but kindness and mercy are falsehood.

On the surface, Valyss initially appears as a very calm, almost stoic, individual, with a sense of polite deference and subservience that almost seems insincere in its perfection. This is a facade, as Valyss understood early in life that flattering and acceding to those in authority over her was by far the simplest path. In private, she gives free reign to her ego, and shows considerable condescension towards those she believes to be inferior in some manner. Of course, this applies to the vast majority of those not of Chelaxian blood, as well as those who are not adherents to the Asmodean faith.

Valyss is exceptionally intelligent and insightful, both talents inherent to her and fostered further by her upbringing. Though, given her generally derisive disposition, this also has developed into a penchant for somewhat sadistic teasing and ridicule... when she feels she can get away with it, of course. However, she is not an unnecessarily cruel person either, nor is she completely unfeeling; it would instead be more proper to describe her as uncaring towards those she has no emotional investment in.

Party Role:

Valyss is a caster cleric with a focus on summoning and offense in the form of combination blasting and debuffing. I won't be summoning much in the early game, due to limited options and short durations, but after picking up a few feats like Augmented Summoning and Sacred Summons, she should be able to help support through an expendable front line and the occasional group-wide buff. I also intend to take Scribe Scroll to allow stockpiling of curative or utility spells (things like Lesser Restoration).

2013-10-03, 09:37 PM
I'm fine with DM rolling for saves and passive checks, makes it easier and faster for you to write up what's happening to us.

What is this Pyromancers you speak of, I have no knowledge of this!

Ditto on both the passive rolls, and complete lack of any knowledge of Pyromancers.

2013-10-03, 09:39 PM
Can I just say that I'll be using http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/ as my roller, under the name Lexxaj for searching purposes? I really, really, really really really really really really hate the forum roller. If it was a real person I would've smothered it in its sleep by now.

Lexxaj will speak in green.

2013-10-03, 09:48 PM
Can I just say that I'll be using http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/ as my roller, under the name Lexxaj for searching purposes? I really, really, really really really really really really hate the forum roller. If it was a real person I would've smothered it in its sleep by now.

Lexxaj will speak in green.

I'm willing to give it a try. I see that it takes away the need for annoying roll tags.

I'm prepping a tutorial map and should have it up a little later.

2013-10-03, 10:12 PM
To guard against cheating, tell someone that their roll only counts if it's under a certain name (like Lexxaj). You can then do a search for that name and see what they've rolled and when.

2013-10-03, 10:13 PM
Lexxaj Avesta

Lexxaj Avesta

"There are people for whom the words 'never again' carry special meaning, as they do for me."

Name: Lexxaj Avesta
Age: 20
Species: Human
Wanted For: Witchcraft
Occupation: Demonologist, former slave, former initiate of the Katheerian Mages Guild
Nationality: Qadarian

Distinguishing Features:
- Nose and lip ring.
- Swirling, red tattoo pattern runs across the top, left-most quarter of her face.
- A piercing runs from one of her nostrils to her ear-lobe.

A calm and collected woman, Lexxaj cultivates the 'lady of the night' image of grace and finesse. Years spent as a slave in a matriarchal society has taught her patience and self-reflection, as more often than not Lexxaj has been her own best friend during unbearable hardships. As such she is slow to trust and to share her thoughts (unless directly asked) and is prone to resorting to vague, apocryphal responses when questioned about her affairs.

Like many people from less-than-ample backgrounds, Lexxaj feels a frustration over the poor hand she received in life. This anger is the culmination in her lack of power in a world in which Might Makes Right. Compounding this is her powerful intelligence, as too many times she has had to deal with supposed "masters" whom she could easily out-wit and think, while being forced beneath their boot due to social hierarchy. The ambition for a higher station in life (whether overt or shadowy) compels her ever onwards, and there are few allies that she would not consider in her lust for getting her just rewards in life. However, her ambition should not be coupled with recklessness - Lexxaj is a well-read demonologist, and knows to check the fruit of pleasure for a hook before she bites it.

Of matters of race and gender, Lexxaj has little care either way - though she would prefer the company of reliable allies. As a woman that keeps her word, she finds similarly disciplined people to be her first choice of compatriots. Drow, however, do have a special place of enmity in her heart - though some have shown her generosity that is uncharacteristic of their race, so she does keep an open mind.


- Born into the simple rural areas surrounding Qadaria. Lexxaj is of mixed descent, half-Qadarian and half-Taldorian as a result of border raiding. As such, she was considered a mongrel and a mark of shame for her family - her existence today defies the odds.

- Lexxaj and her parents were driven into refuge status when orcs torched most of their village to the ground, forcing them into the sprawling streets of Katheer. As relatively simple farmers, the Avesta's did not accommodate well to life in Katheer and soon the family was amongst others that formed a sub-community of refugee's.

- Going from life in vegetated rural areas to the squalor of Katheer slums, Lexxaj became an insulated child whom felt little affection for those who raised her. Most of her food came from what she could steal, and she soon ran away from the slums in the belief that she would fare better on her own.

- Living as a street rat, Lexxaj mostly stole to survive - until one of her targets turned out to be more than what he appeared. Instead of the usual wannabe crime lord, he soon revealed himself as a member of the Katheerian Mages Guild whom was visiting the slums for "volunteers" for his magical experiments. Noting Lexxaj's quick mind and magical potential, he took the girl back to the towers of the Guild where he inundated her into his cabal.

- Lexxaj made exemplary progress during her studies, having little to distract her in the world. Though she was not a naturally wicked girl, she had to call upon her survival instincts and guile that she developed while living on the street. Utilising these methods, she learned ways through which she could insulate herself against the machiniations of others - she was relatively successful.

- Using her brain, Lexxaj turned to research. Uncovering numerous tomes that had originally been thought lost, Lexxaj became rather adept in the knowledge of devils and demons - seeing the vile creatures as little better than potential slaves for the mortal races.

- During this time, however, she made an enemy - the head librarian, Malix, whom she had humiliated by locating lost books. Taking an instant disliking to the girl, she arranged a 'field trip' for some of the newer students. During this event, Lexxaj was abducted by a small slave-raiding group of Drow whom just so happened to be in the area - how convenient for them and the Librarian.

- In the middle of her teens, Lexxaj was taken to some drow city within the Underdark where she was pressed into slavery to the drow. During this time she was forced to endure unbearable hardships and cruelty, a process that forced her to bury much of her prior optimism in the world.

- During this time, she came into the service of Lerin R'toth, a wizard of some esteem within the arcane community of the drow. Lerin was not a kind man, but nor was he needlessly cruel or sadistic. Possessed of perception and pragmatism, he noted Lexxaj's intelligence and tested her with the introduction to alchemy. Soon, in secret, he was finishing her rudimentary education in the arcane, seeing in her a potential asset that his drow rivals would not expect. As a mark of his house, Lerin imposed a tattoo upon Lexxaj's face - a red, swirling pattern that covers almost a quarter of her features. This mark is a source of both pride and shame for the woman. She see's it as a reminder of her weakest years living beneath the duress of others...but so to does she draw strength from its reminder as to what she'll never accept again.

- Lerin's time, however, did not come - as his house was soon out-maneuvered by several rival Houses. As one of his final living acts, he granted Lexxaj her freedom: his final act of defiance against his superiors that had failed in their duty.

- Wounded during her escape, Lexxaj wandered aimlessly through the Underdark before receiving assistance from an unlikely source: Seroth. Seroth had been Lerin's imp familiar and with nowhere else to go except a return to the infernal regions, he assisted the girl in tending to her wound and navigating her way back to the surface. During this time he saw an opportunity for himself and for his infernal overlords: Lexxaj could potential be a formidable wizard one day, and a valuable human agent. Subtley, he took advantage of Lexxaj's isolation - that through life she had been beset by nothing but enemies, and that in her most tender years she now had no where else to go...but there were others who would find value in her loyalty. By the time Lexxaj had reached the surface and her wound had healed to scar-tissue, Seroth had convinced her to draw an allegiance with the infernal realms.

- Back in the world, Lexxaj and Seroth took temporary refuge in a small town on the island nation of Talingarde. During their stay, Lexxaj planned to take place in a summoning ritual with Seroth to conjure one of the devils from hell to acquire resources and a dark blessing to establish a cult within the mortal worlds. Unbeknownst to Seroth, Lexxaj wasn't stupid - she had read about the hellish regions and the malevolent masters that presided over them. She had read too many times of mortals pledging themselves with no contingency plan to retain their personal sovereignty and ended up as little more than tools. So in secret, Lexxaj prepared a method that would allow her to keep her independence: to the devils she would be a sponsored agent, not their sycophant slave. The only good card life had dealt her was her powerful intelligence and she planned to use it - in this plane or another, she would rise above and become something more than human: whether a lady of the land or a queen of hell, Lexxaj's ambition burned for nothing less than a throne from which she would be the one to steer her own future.

- Their plan was soon foiled, however, when Seroth's presence was discovered by the town at large. Apprehended and trialed for witchcraft, Lexxaj was sentence to be burned at the stake and was sent to meet her fate. However, she is a crafty woman who has been in captivity before...it's only a matter of time before she finds a way out and continues with her ambitions.


Philosophy of Life:
For Lexxaj the words "never again" mean something special. For her entire life her course and direction has been at the mercy of others, her future dominated by the whims of people that do not even pay her attention. Slavery taught Lexxaj some harsh lessons that she now adheres to: only might makes right. Hardship breeds character and separates the weak from the willful, and never again will she be driven down in the world.

The world has shown her very little kindness, and what's left of it within her is buried beneath layers of cynicism and ambition.

2013-10-03, 10:17 PM
I just noticed that 3/4 of the conspiracy are ladies. A coven is taking shape.

And I too know nothing about pyromancers.

2013-10-03, 10:57 PM
Kiarran better not get any crazy ideas like thinking he's the protagonist of a harem comedy... :smallamused:

Also, as we have a wizard and I intend to pick up Scribe Scroll a few levels down the road, how do you guys feel about setting up a scroll fund with an equal share of the cash loot?

2013-10-03, 10:58 PM
A well-scrolled wizard is a happy wizard.

2013-10-03, 11:01 PM
Kiarran better not get any crazy ideas like thinking he's the protagonist of a harem comedy... :smallamused:

"I meant ta say: 'respect yer thoughts an' opinions as fellow humanoids'." (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0239.html)

Also, as we have a wizard and I intend to pick up Scribe Scroll a few levels down the road, how do you guys feel about setting up a scroll fund with an equal share of the cash loot?
I think Trionne could be convinced.

2013-10-03, 11:10 PM
I can't help but notice that the map says "Current map of Talingarde". I sincerely hope this means that by the time we're done, the new current map will have at least half the landmass missing.

2013-10-03, 11:11 PM
I just noticed that 3/4 of the conspiracy are ladies. A coven is taking shape.

And I too know nothing about pyromancers.

It's always the small guy with the third leg that has to be the pimp, huh. So be it. Lol.

Shotgun on dark whorange... I mean orange.

No knowledge on pyromancer.

I'm good with rolls however it keeps things moving. And I'll repost character info soon

Thanks for the selection, I look fwd to the game! It is obvious that you are putting a lot of work into this for us. If at any time life gets in the way for a day or three, please move Kiarran along as you see fit to keep things going. Cheers!

Edit: here is a link to Kiarran

2013-10-03, 11:30 PM
It's always the small guy with the third leg that has to be the pimp, huh. So be it. Lol.

Shotgun on dark whorange... I mean orange.

No knowledge on pyromancer.

Don't you mean be the gigolo? He'll find out what the back of a hand feels like if he tries pulling anything like that :smalltongue:.

2013-10-03, 11:39 PM
Don't you mean be the gigolo? He'll find out what the back of a hand feels like if he tries pulling anything like that :smalltongue:.

And that hand won't be one of ours. It'll be the backhand of a skeleton, or a devil, or something.

2013-10-03, 11:55 PM
Woo! I got in! Just gonna do a quick post now from my phone to say I'm completely new to pyromancers. Oh, and to call dibs on red. I'll do the copy-pasting when I get home from work tonight.
Oh an Xianthe, you still think it'd be cool if our characters met prior to this? Because we can still cook something up before saturday.

Gull (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=668919)


"Mother. Father. I'll bring yer killers to justice. Blaskar justice."

Name: Shea "Gull" Blaskar
Age: 19
Species: Human
Wanted for: Piracy
Occupation: Sailor
Nationality: Chelish
Place of Birth: Corentyn

Gull stands over 6 foot tall, a giant of a woman with a very muscular build, who hides her figure underneath layers of armor and clothing. Her halflong, blond hair is usually tied behind her head in a small ponytail, but when standing on the bow of a ship she may let it loose to enjoy the wind in her hair.
When she was younger, she liked to wear a bright white cloak, earning her the nickname Gull. However, nowadays she looks disheveled, clothed only in tattered rags. Long scars lay criss-cross all over her body (except her face), a reminder of a life training under various devils.

At first, Gull seems like a horrible, anti-social person. She speaks very little, preferring to let her fists do the talking. When she does speak, she tends to try to be as intimidating as possible.

Her upbringing has severly twisted Gull. She has never known parental love, being brought up with extreme pragmatism and cruelty by various devils. Due to this, she tends to confuse displays of strength and cruelty for signs of affection.

Gull works well with others. As long as they display sufficient strength and cruelty, she will team up with potential allies and protect them as best as she can. If they manage to impress her through displays of magical might, she may become even more protective.

It's a sunny morning in autumn, Corentyn. The first and only child of navy commander Ingirt Blaskar and powerful conjurer Patton Blaskar, is born in their house in the Jut. They name her Shea and have grand dreams for the young girl's future. The first twelve years of her life are relatively uneventful. She often goes out hunting with one of her parents' slaves, a halfling named Elor. Together they catch small animals in the forests near Corentyn for her father's experiments. When she is not out hunting, the young girl finds herself in the care of her father's imp companion. Her parents being far too busy to bother with bringing up a child, often being away at sea for weeks, raiding smaller merchant ships hailing from unimportant nations. They do take every opportunity they get to tell their child that the days spent under the supervision of the cruel imp are for her benefit, so she can grow up big and strong.

Even though young Shea is not an especially intelligent child, at the age of twelve she is apprenticed to her father to learn the arcane arts. Unfortunately, her limited intellect causes her to completely fail to grasp even the simplest of cantrips. Instead she prefers to look out the window and dream. The only thing that can catch her interest is her father´s experiments on various small animals. Shea takes great pleasure in catching and dissecting rabbits, cats and small dogs (and sometimes even deceased slaves). After three years of intense boredom broken up by the occasional hunting trip and no arcane power whatsoever, Patton gives up on training his daughter. Her mother, seeing her daughter's potential as a warrior, allows Shea to join the crew of her parents' ship, Blaskar´s Dretch. There, she is assigned an unusual trainer to teach make the most of her brutish strength. Her father often summons an Erinyes to serve as a bodyguard who can teach his daughter swordplay during off hours at sea. The first few years consist of little more than combat training under supervision of her cruel devil trainer for a few weeks, broken up by short stays on shore.

Under the supervision of her devil trainer, Shea learns a great many things besides combat skills. During her training, the Erinyes instructs her in the finer points of fighting humans. She teaches her typical human fighting styles and the weak points to strike at. Every period of training ends with a test of sorts. Most of these tests involve intimidating, stalking or fighting others on shore (as far as Corentyn's laws allow, of course). Failure to complete these tests is met with lashings from both her father and her trainer. Several tests are more nefarious however. They involve killing and dissecting outlaws or vagabonds outside the protection of Chelian law to learn more about human nature and anatomy. One particular person of note was Shea's second victim: a robber who had stolen a large batch of clothes from a local tailor. After killing him and slicing him open to study his innards, she returns the clothes to the tailor and is rewarded with a pure white cloak. A prize she starts wearing often when standing on the bow of the ship.

As time goes by, Gull grows more skilled with both blade and bow, and she is eventually considered powerful enough to serve her father as a true bodyguard (the Erinyes summoning had become too much of a drain on her parents' illegitemately gained fortune). One day, Gull's ship finds itself alone near Talingarde pursuing a small merchant vessel. Unfortunately, Markadian's fleet happens to be nearby and they rush to the aid of the merchant. A fireball from a wizard aboard one of the Talingarde ships strikes the bow, flinging Gull and her father overboard, unconcious. Blaskar's Dretch is quickly taken over and its crew killed, unwilling to surrender under the command of Ingirt. Gull, being the ship's sole survivor (probably) is fished out of the ocean and taken back to Talingarde in chains. Distraught over her parents' death she does not attempt to defend herself and she is sentenced to death by hanging, the usual punishment for piracy.

Gull works best as a scout and a warrior. She has several skills that serve her well in the wilderness, as well as being quite a tanky fighter. Besides that, she's not easily deceived and can be quite intimidating, making her a very useful enforcer. For now she'll focus on melee combat, but as she gains level I may decide to go for a more archery focused character, a true twohander beatstick, or a tankier sword-and-board warrior, depending on what the party needs. Also, as a witchguard she'll have more spells on her list than the typical ranger, depending on the patron I choose (which really depends on her charge).

-Humans (+2 bonus)

Gull gains a bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, she gets a bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.

-Water (+2 bonus)

Gull gains a bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks when she is in this terrain. A ranger traveling through her favored terrain normally leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (though she may leave a trail if she so chooses).

I realised I had the errata of defend charge still in the recruitment thread. Putting it up here.
Edit: I found an errata (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2poxb?People-of-the-North-Witchguard-Question) for Defend charge on the Paizo boards. It actually works as follows:

The witchguard does get the ability at 4th level (since it replaces hunter's bond), but there were copy/paste errors in the ability text. The corrected text should read (changes highlighted in bold):

Defend Charge (Ex) At 4th level, a witchguard forms a bond with a spellcaster he has sworn to defend. Once per day, this bond allows the witchguard to spend a move action to grant an adjacent spellcaster a +2 dodge bonus to AC and a +2 circumstance bonus on concentration checks. At 8th level and every 4 levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by 2. The bonuses last for a number of rounds equal to the witchguard’s Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). At 7th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the witchguard can use this ability one additional time per day. This ability replaces hunter’s bond.

So it breaks down like this:
4th level: +2, 1/day
7th level: 2/day
8th level: +4
10th level: 3/day
12th level: +6
13th level: 4/day
16th level: +8, 5/day
19th level: 6/day
20th level: +10

2013-10-03, 11:56 PM
Oh an Xianthe, you still think it'd be cool if our characters met prior to this? Because we can still cook something up before saturday.

Yes! PM me so we can plot.

2013-10-04, 12:11 AM
Hey, I just noticed.

Shouldn't this thread be in the OOC forum, not the IC?

2013-10-04, 02:55 AM
Hey, I just noticed.

Shouldn't this thread be in the OOC forum, not the IC?

I misplaced this initially when I made it. Honestly, it's not that big of a deal as I am certain that if an admin reading this thread really had a problem with it, they would just move it.

Other important stuff, I still need character info from Bramses and Jarl posted here to finalize your acceptance of invitation. Please edit your post announcing speech color choices and put it there.

Now about Pyromancers and the use of movement therein. It's come to my understanding that use of movement rules on these forums are typically loosely followed at best. I just don't game that way. I love the use of tactical movement and the application thereof. Pyromancers is a great tool to help implement that. If you have never used these rules in your life, I assure you that you will become an expert in the matter by the time this game is over. So without further delay, I present the...

Demo Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=44005)

As you can see, this map has four tokens on it (hopefully character pics too). Three of them are the PCs, and one vampire NPC. The initiative order is on the bottom of the map. You can move these tokens around to different spots on the board. Following combat rules, you can move your token up to the maximum movement speed of your character. Once you have finished with your turn, click the "Pass Turn" button. It will give you a URL to copy and paste onto the game thread. That URL is the saved changes to the table.

You don't need to worry about building anything save for drawing spell and environment effects onto the map (I will check for accuracy). You can edit details about your token in the "add or remove tokens from the map" tab. There you can see how everything works concerning tokens.

Feel free to play around with it abit in the OOC. Using this during the actual game, it is important that the person who has initiative be the only one to make changes to the table. Once you have clicked "Pass Turn", your turn is over. No backsies. :smallwink:

2013-10-04, 03:16 AM
I still need character info from Bramses and Jarl posted here to finalize your acceptance of invitation. Please edit your post announcing speech color choices and put it there.

I shall do so when I get home from work this evening. Doing that from my phone is next to impossible.

2013-10-04, 08:03 AM
I can't help but notice that the map says "Current map of Talingarde". I sincerely hope this means that by the time we're done, the new current map will have at least half the landmass missing.

If we can just watch it turn into a smoking wasteland, that works too. Lol.

Tsriel - link is edited in for you.

As for the scroll fund idea, kiarran would likely need to see the benefit to him or to the tangible destruction of the so called guardian of justice we see around us :smalltongue:

Pyromancer sounds intriguing! I'll check it out when I get to a computer - does it work from phones?

2013-10-04, 08:09 AM
He'd needa to be told the benefit to supplying the party wizard with scrolls of new spells?

Oh my oh my...I didn't realise his Wisdom was that low.

2013-10-04, 09:26 AM
Lol - well... He would want to know the use and benefit helps complete the aim. Such as he would be fine with poison or a spell to put a room of guards to sleep but he wouldn't be ok with a standard fireball spell as it wouldn't be any more beneficial to him than more crossbow bolts (and would draw WAY more unwanted attention). Protection and disguise spells would be cool stuff.

2013-10-04, 09:44 AM
This is Lexxaj's future prestige class: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/c-d/diabolist

She'll be talking with a lot of Devils.

2013-10-04, 10:16 AM
Lol - well... He would want to know the use and benefit helps complete the aim. Such as he would be fine with poison or a spell to put a room of guards to sleep but he wouldn't be ok with a standard fireball spell as it wouldn't be any more beneficial to him than more crossbow bolts (and would draw WAY more unwanted attention). Protection and disguise spells would be cool stuff.

In my case, it's so I can stockpile a bunch of things like curative or status removal spells, basically the niche utility that is very very useful when you need it... but not something you need all the time. That frees up more of my spell slots for Summon Monster and debuffing nukes.

2013-10-04, 10:16 AM
Pyromancer sounds intriguing! I'll check it out when I get to a computer - does it work from phones?

I honestly haven't tried it yet via smartphone. iPhones might have problems with it based on the tech Pyromancers uses. Computer use is no problem, however.

2013-10-04, 10:22 AM
In my case, it's so I can stockpile a bunch of things like curative or status removal spells, basically the niche utility that is very very useful when you need it... but not something you need all the time. That frees up more of my spell slots for Summon Monster and debuffing nukes.

No problems there! :)

2013-10-04, 11:06 AM
Okay, the link is in.

I don't think Gull will have problems with a scroll fund. In fact, she can even use some of the lower level curative scrolls. Handy in case our cleric gets incapacitated.

2013-10-04, 11:10 AM
Okay, the link is in.

Thanks everyone for transferring your stuff over. I would like to get started today, but don't think that'll happen with me working a double shift today. I'll try but no promises. We'll definitely be rollin' by Saturday.

2013-10-04, 11:45 AM
Oh! I have one question to everyone. I noticed that a lot of posting happened at night for me. Does that mean I'm dealing with 4 people in american timezones? I myself am GMT+1, which means my posting schedule may seem... unusual.

2013-10-04, 11:50 AM
Awesome! I'm excited.

Though, it will be a mood whiplash to go between the two campaigns I'm in. Wicked duelist, to mid level paladin.

2013-10-04, 11:54 AM
That's certainly some mood whiplash. I'ma have the same problem. Befuddled alchemist, heroic oracle or vicious pirate. Hmmm...

2013-10-04, 12:07 PM
Oh! I have one question to everyone. I noticed that a lot of posting happened at night for me. Does that mean I'm dealing with 4 people in american timezones? I myself am GMT+1, which means my posting schedule may seem... unusual.

I'm GMT-6, but I'm usually up and awake until 2-3am, because I have a boyfriend who works until midnight, and a penpal in Moscow, both of whom I talk to on Skype as much as I can.

2013-10-04, 12:24 PM
Oh! I have one question to everyone. I noticed that a lot of posting happened at night for me. Does that mean I'm dealing with 4 people in american timezones? I myself am GMT+1, which means my posting schedule may seem... unusual.

There's a strong possibility for that. I'm GMT-7, which puts me smack dab somewhere on the west side of the North American continent. :smallwink:

Awesome! I'm excited.

Though, it will be a mood whiplash to go between the two campaigns I'm in. Wicked duelist, to mid level paladin.

I can relate. I now switch between a schizophrenic Dark Knight, a dwarf that's a gestalt Fighter|Cleric that's all business, a new paladin that might be too innocent and naive for his own good, and now this game where I get to play all the good guys and watch them die horribly. :smallamused:

...Hmm. It wasn't exactly my goal, but I've somehow managed to be playing alot of melee/tank type characters. :smalltongue:

2013-10-04, 12:28 PM
Oh! I have one question to everyone. I noticed that a lot of posting happened at night for me. Does that mean I'm dealing with 4 people in american timezones? I myself am GMT+1, which means my posting schedule may seem... unusual.

I'm in central time zone, which is GMT -6. Out of curiosity, you wouldn't happen to be in the Scandinavian part of GMT+1 would you? I seem to run into a lot of Scandinavians online for some reason. :smallbiggrin:

Though, it will be a mood whiplash to go between the two campaigns I'm in. Wicked duelist, to mid level paladin.

Tell me about it. I'm going between a CG gnome sorc with extreme ADD, a LG cleric of Iomedae with a short height complex, and now Valyss...

2013-10-04, 12:30 PM
Out of curiosity, you wouldn't happen to be in the Scandinavian part of GMT+1 would you?

Nope, a bit further to the southwest. Not that much further, though.

2013-10-04, 12:49 PM
I just realized that, unlike the rest of the people in this group, I have reason to fill out the weapon portion of the character sheet.

Updated that now.

2013-10-04, 01:34 PM
I just realized that, unlike the rest of the people in this group, I have reason to fill out the weapon portion of the character sheet.

Updated that now.

I can't seem to get this (http://movieclips.com/PWVBE-spaceballs-movie-i-see-your-schwartz-is-as-big-as-mine/) out of my head every time I think about Trionne.

2013-10-04, 01:42 PM
I'm sure we can get her a dark helmet once we break out. :smalltongue:

2013-10-04, 01:55 PM
I can't seem to get this (http://movieclips.com/PWVBE-spaceballs-movie-i-see-your-schwartz-is-as-big-as-mine/) out of my head every time I think about Trionne.

I love that movie. Growing up, my brother and I actually wore out the VHS tape from watching it so much.

2013-10-04, 02:40 PM
Am in GMT -5, up in the great white north called Canada! So it seems we are most on slightly different schedules other than just you over in Europe... :smallwink:

Also switching between different characters: a VERY good and lawful melee human girl bent on eradicating undead and now an evil rogue halfling male skill and kill type that would probably love to use minions. :smalltongue:

I'm excited about the game!! (just sayin)

2013-10-05, 02:06 AM
I'm actually tempted to change Lexxaj into an elf, ever since I got back into playing my Belf warlock in WoW.

2013-10-05, 02:54 AM
Saturday! The time is almost upon us! Hooray!

Btw, Tsriel, I noticed that 4 of the people in the party are the ones you picked as your ideal party way back in the first thread. Coincidence? Or were you always going to pick us?

Also, Bananaphone, your character sheet still has Lara van Rijn as the name (which, incidentally, is a name you could find on a real person around here).

2013-10-05, 03:29 AM
Yeah, I've got a few typos - nothing major though.

2013-10-05, 04:53 AM
Saturday! The time is almost upon us! Hooray!

Btw, Tsriel, I noticed that 4 of the people in the party are the ones you picked as your ideal party way back in the first thread. Coincidence? Or were you always going to pick us?

Also, Bananaphone, your character sheet still has Lara van Rijn as the name (which, incidentally, is a name you could find on a real person around here).

Yes and no. You and Jarl were both on the bubble competing against that dark pally (because anti-pally is a stupid class name :smalltongue:) despite that corny, over-the-top pic he posted. I was a little disappointed over that tavern business and couldn't justifiably take him, so that left me scrambling for a beefstick, then Jarl changed characters leaving just you as the sole "tank" of the group.

Xianthe wouldn't have made the cut if the wise decision to change characters had not been made. There were just so many caster classes. With respect to Creeping Doom, I really don't think he was prepared for that kind of heated interest.

I had to decide between BananaPhone and Frosty for the arcane role. Frosty made that choice easy for me. The fact that BananaPhone is pretty awesome made it even easier.

Mathemagics was an easy choice. There wasn't anything I didn't like about that character. Valyss was my first choice and I built a group around her with her as the group backbone. I'm fortunate that all of you come across as rather awesome people. :smallwink:

EDIT: Almost forgot, I put in one hell of a day today, so I'll be a little slow getting started today. Right now, I really need sleep...

2013-10-05, 04:58 AM
Xianthe wouldn't have made the cut if the wise decision to change characters had not been made. There were just so many caster classes. With respect to Creeping Doom, I really don't think he was prepared for that kind of heated interest.

Yeah, I kinda figured my odds were better if I switched to a melee type. Plus, I've been wanting to try a soulknife for ages.

2013-10-05, 10:15 AM
Mathemagics was an easy choice. There wasn't anything I didn't like about that character. Valyss was my first choice and I built a group around her with her as the group backbone. I'm fortunate that all of you come across as rather awesome people. :smallwink:

Hey thanks so much, it's really a nice compliment to be told I was first pick. This is a character concept I've been wanting to play almost since I got into Pathfinder, so it's really great to know that others like the idea too. :smallsmile:

2013-10-05, 07:53 PM
Everyone else getting excited?

2013-10-05, 08:22 PM
I've been excited since the recruitment for this started a few weeks back hehe!

2013-10-05, 10:42 PM
Good, because it's finally begun!!!

2013-10-06, 02:28 AM
Good, because it's finally begun!!!

Does that mean we can start posting or is there some more setting of the scene to be done first?

2013-10-06, 07:47 AM
Hey Xainthe - can Trionne speak halfling? She has like 5 languages on the sheet, so I'm not sure if it's a typo or where they came from. Would be cool to have a fellow little-talker, of course. :smallamused:

2013-10-06, 10:10 AM
Hey Xainthe - can Trionne speak halfling? She has like 5 languages on the sheet, so I'm not sure if it's a typo or where they came from. Would be cool to have a fellow little-talker, of course. :smallamused:

Yeah, the city where she came from is like 15% halfling by population. She does speak it.

EDIT: One of her feats gives her two bonus class skills and 2 extra languages.

2013-10-07, 03:09 PM
Welcome back from the weekend. It was the first weekend I had off in a very long time. Naturally, I had alot of things that I had been putting off that needed to be done. I hope you all had a good weekend too.

Anyway, I wanted to say that I forgot to upload the AP to my Google Drive this morning so I could keep things moving today while at work. Sorry folks. :smallfrown: The internet is awesome. I found a backup copy. :smallbiggrin:

I expect that I'll continue tonight when I get home (that will be probably very early morning for most of you). I might just wing it a little until then. :smallwink:

2013-10-07, 04:40 PM
Mwahaha... it has begun. Good to see you had a good weekend, Tsriel. I'll make a post when I have something relevant to say (also, not before tomorrow evening because I'm way too tired).

2013-10-07, 05:29 PM
My weekend was good too. Glad you got some time away from the office!

lol - I think we have a good group :smallamused:

2013-10-07, 07:21 PM
I think I'm loving Trionne. I hope she's coming off more as a smartass with an edge, versus someone actually actively vicious.

I've been watching a lot of Scrubs lately, and it's been a struggle to not go all out channeling Dr. Cox.

2013-10-07, 09:11 PM
Hmm honestly difficult for me to gauge how well this carries across in text, but as I feel it constitutes a major part of Valyss's character, I'll just mention it to be on the safe side.

Basically, assume that almost everything she says is in a completely serious tone of voice unless otherwise stated (and then it's probably sarcastic serious).

Also how close together are we prisoners? Enough that I could... say... tear the masterwork lockpicks patch off with my teeth, then pass them down the line to our halfling?

2013-10-07, 09:44 PM
Also how close together are we prisoners? Enough that I could... say... tear the masterwork lockpicks patch off with my teeth, then pass them down the line to our halfling?

Within tossing distance. Don't miss... :smallwink:

2013-10-07, 09:47 PM
*rages because the dice will surely hate me* :smalltongue:

2013-10-07, 09:49 PM
If you share you plan, Lexxaj could help out.

She can kinda teleport as a free action, without spell components and without needing to prepare anything...helpful for escaping locks...

2013-10-07, 10:05 PM
The dice will love you... have faith! Evil faith, if you will. lol.

Edit: So, I didn't actually take any ranks in disable device... I was thinking it was with sleight of hand, but now that I read the description that doesn't help as much here. I have the same chance as anyone else with Dex. On the other hand (no pun intended). Kiarran could easily palm and hide objects like lockpicks. Note to self - take a rank in that at next level!

2013-10-07, 10:22 PM
Hmm I kind of want to ask you be allowed to possibly retcon that oversight then...

Because well... you can't use Disable Device unless it's trained... In which case, we're all screwed.

2013-10-07, 10:27 PM
Hmm I kind of want to ask you be allowed to possibly retcon that oversight then...

Because well... you can't use Disable Device unless it's trained... In which case, we're all screwed.

Unless we've got someone capable of charming a guard into giving us the key, or something. Or can pickpocket the keyring next time a guard comes in here...

2013-10-07, 10:32 PM
The dice will love you... have faith! Evil faith, if you will. lol.

Edit: So, I didn't actually take any ranks in disable device... I was thinking it was with sleight of hand, but now that I read the description that doesn't help as much here. I have the same chance as anyone else with Dex. On the other hand (no pun intended). Kiarran could easily palm and hide objects like lockpicks. Note to self - take a rank in that at next level!

Hmm I kind of want to ask you be allowed to possibly retcon that oversight then...

Because well... you can't use Disable Device unless it's trained... In which case, we're all screwed.


Yeah, that's a pretty big oversight. (Even I missed it or I would've said something.)

Tell you what, I will allow you to change it since this plan is already in full motion. Just don't expect any stat swaps in the future. :smalltongue:

2013-10-07, 10:38 PM
I will change that immediately! :smallbiggrin:

It was a rushed character job, my bad. And to be honest, this is only my second game of pathfinder so I'm learning some of the rules as they come up. (ps - I really like the pathfinder scheme so far!)

And the dice love me so far! hahah

Edit: swapped knowledge (local) for disable device. Never enough skill points... gah! Thank you, T.

2013-10-07, 10:49 PM
So nice to know that this is not a group that gets hung up on introspection and preplanning...:smalltongue:

2013-10-07, 10:53 PM
Now is a wonderful time for our wizard to teleport free of her chains, followed by having to pull the veil out of Valyss's shirt to free us. :smalltongue:

(In my defense, I didn't store it there, the DM did!)

2013-10-07, 10:57 PM
Now is a wonderful time for our wizard to teleport free of her chains, followed by having to pull the veil out of Valyss's shirt to free us. :smalltongue:

(In my defense, I didn't store it there, the DM did!)

The alternative was worse...

2013-10-07, 10:59 PM
Hey! I could have shoved it down the back of my shirt at least! :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-08, 08:03 AM
Lexxaj could have at least used her teeth to recover it... pretty sure Valyss put that out there as an option :smalltongue:

Edit: That's a natural 1, 5, 2, 13, 10. It would have been more beneficial to take 10 on all of them really. *checks dice roller* This thing may be broken. Is that how the good guys always win? :smallwink:

Edit: masterwork picks give a +2...

2013-10-08, 09:12 AM
Not really... My goody two shoes oracle in another campaign always gets such crappy rolls. I think it's the dice roller messing with ya.
*contemplates ripping the manacles off the wall... Stealthily of course*

2013-10-08, 09:18 AM
Well, I think this is about to go to hell in a handbasket.

Unfortunately this is my long day at school. I'll try to post from my tablet between classes, but I can't guarantee anything (I'm about to go put like 4 hours of work in at the glass cutting lab for my stained glass assignment).

Please don't escalate things into combat without giving me a chance to post first, because Trionne has something she can try if it's clear that we aren't going to manage doing this quietly. I'm just waiting to see the results of Kiarren's attempts first.

(This request expires at midnight, because I fully expect to be able to post by then.)

2013-10-08, 11:07 AM
Chill. Once we get out we just use that portal thing on one of the walls and viola, we make a daring escape. (a chandelier might materialise for Cull to swing off in the process)

2013-10-08, 11:13 AM
Then it turns out we're 200 feet off the ground. :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-08, 11:46 AM
Well...it comes with a potion of cure light wounds :smalltongue:.

2013-10-08, 12:00 PM
Well, it could be a magical floating chandelier. :smallcool:

2013-10-08, 03:15 PM
Lexxaj could have at least used her teeth to recover it... pretty sure Valyss put that out there as an option :smalltongue:

Edit: That's a natural 1, 5, 2, 13, 10. It would have been more beneficial to take 10 on all of them really. *checks dice roller* This thing may be broken. Is that how the good guys always win? :smallwink:

Edit: masterwork picks give a +2...

And a -2 for encumbrance for already being restrained. Those tools just effectively negate the penalty for you to break free. Aside from that, it's a good thing you can't autofail skill checks.

Well, I think this is about to go to hell in a handbasket.

Unfortunately this is my long day at school. I'll try to post from my tablet between classes, but I can't guarantee anything (I'm about to go put like 4 hours of work in at the glass cutting lab for my stained glass assignment).

Please don't escalate things into combat without giving me a chance to post first, because Trionne has something she can try if it's clear that we aren't going to manage doing this quietly. I'm just waiting to see the results of Kiarren's attempts first.

(This request expires at midnight, because I fully expect to be able to post by then.)

Too early for full on combat, but then again, never say never... :smallamused:

2013-10-08, 04:39 PM
So what's the general concensus? Should I keep trying or wait for things to calm down and try again in a bit? Is Lexxaj able to teleport back into her chains?

Let me know your thoughts, guys!

2013-10-08, 04:42 PM
Waiting would probably for the best. Gull is still very much stuck so there's not much I can do. I'll post once something actually happens to Gull. Otherwise it'll just be something along the lines of... "Gull sits there silently observing and doing nothing at all".. which is just filler, really.

2013-10-08, 04:47 PM
Well it shouldn't take us long to get out of the cell once we get a few of us freed. Only a few seconds to tear off the portable window patch and slap it on the wall, then a few more to get the rope patch off and start climbing. If it really comes down to it, Gull and Trionne can probably block the door off and hold off the guards for a few rounds, and with that unholy symbol I have access to Channel Evil.

And if they're onto us, I plan to use spark to set the window on fire once we're all out, then pyrotechnics the crap outta that so they can't shoot at us or anything while we run for it... :smallwink:

But to get back to the original question, I say go for trying to get us out. If you get free, prioritize getting Gull and Trionne free first since they're the most capable melee fighters at the moment. They should be able to block off the doorway while the rest of us get out and procure an escape.

2013-10-08, 04:51 PM
But to get back to the original question, I say go for trying to get us out. If you get free, prioritize getting Gull and Trionne free first since they're the most capable melee fighters at the moment. They should be able to block off the doorway while the rest of us get out and procure an escape.

If you must, then go for it. Start with Trionne though, since unlike Gull she doesn't need to get her hands on a weapon. Also, remember Xianthe's request about starting combat. It sounded like Trionne has a cunning plan!!

2013-10-08, 05:56 PM
If you must, then go for it. Start with Trionne though, since unlike Gull she doesn't need to get her hands on a weapon. Also, remember Xianthe's request about starting combat. It sounded like Trionne has a cunning plan!!

Sorry, but this was what came to mind when I saw your post:

Blackadder: Am I jumping the gun, Baldrick, or are the words "I have a cunning plan" marching with ill-deserved confidence in the direction of this conversation?
Baldrick: They certainly are, sir!

The only thing I had that she could do was try to break the chains with her sword. Trionne is not exactly the mastermind here, she just had thought that the odds of getting everyone safely out (a one full round action a piece) before the guards finished with the diversion and came to check on us were really small.

EDIT: Waiting on Lexxaj's response before posting, because while Trionne is on the side of letting things calm down again and making a less half-cocked attempt later when they know what their resources are, if that's not possible thanks to Lexxaj being out of chains, then she'll try something else.

Also, can I get a DM ruling on how much noise a psychic blade makes when it hits something? Is it comparable to a metal sword, or is it quieter? Trionne would know, but I don't think there's an official ruling on it.

2013-10-08, 08:23 PM
I suppose I could try to teleport myself back into the very position that would result in her proper extremities occupying the spaces inside the manacles...I don't see why such precision wouldn't be allowed.


2013-10-09, 01:43 AM
Ah yes... Good old blackadder. Incidentally, that's exactly the reference I was making. :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-09, 05:06 AM
Also, can I get a DM ruling on how much noise a psychic blade makes when it hits something? Is it comparable to a metal sword, or is it quieter? Trionne would know, but I don't think there's an official ruling on it.

Form Mind Blade (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/soulknife#TOC-Form-Mind-Blade-Su-)

Semi-solid confounds me because I want to think of it in terms of matter, much like any physicist would. I would say that since it is a manifestation of your mind, your brain probably would instinctively solidify the blade at the point of impact, but the effect is only temporary in that specific moment of striking. In theory, it would make a sound when it strikes, but the sound caused by the strike might not reverberate as well due to the fact that your blade can never be completely solid.

I suppose I could try to teleport myself back into the very position that would result in her proper extremities occupying the spaces inside the manacles...I don't see why such precision wouldn't be allowed.


Teleportation Subschool: Shift (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/arcane-schools/paizo---arcane-schools/classic-arcane-schools/conjuration/teleportation)

Dimension Door (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/dimension-door)

The key phrase here is You always arrive at exactly the spot desired - whether by simply visualizing the area or by stating direction. Therefore, if you visualize yourself back to being shackled to the wall, that is where you will end up. :smallsmile:

2013-10-09, 01:18 PM
Form Mind Blade (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/soulknife#TOC-Form-Mind-Blade-Su-)

Semi-solid confounds me because I want to think of it in terms of matter, much like any physicist would. I would say that since it is a manifestation of your mind, your brain probably would instinctively solidify the blade at the point of impact, but the effect is only temporary in that specific moment of striking. In theory, it would make a sound when it strikes, but the sound caused by the strike might not reverberate as well due to the fact that your blade can never be completely solid.

Fair enough. I'm just waiting on Lexxaj to post then.

2013-10-09, 05:37 PM
Jarl, your dice are bad at the most inopportune times. :smallamused:

2013-10-09, 05:39 PM
Oh dear. This cannot end well. :smalleek: We're gonna need a diversion...

We're going to need eleven camels for that, though... Hmmm..

2013-10-09, 05:49 PM
Oh dear. This cannot end well. :smalleek: We're gonna need a diversion...

We're going to need eleven camels for that, though... Hmmm..

Not because it's hump day (http://hazellcottrell.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/hump-day-1.jpg), right?

2013-10-09, 07:01 PM
Jarl, your dice are bad at the most inopportune times. :smallamused:

Oh dear. This cannot end well. :smalleek: We're gonna need a diversion...

Well, the good news is a DC 10 check is all it takes to hide something small (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/sleight-of-hand)if you aren't under close observation, so unless we give them a reason to physically search us, we are probably OK.

Plus, I bet the lock picks are small enough to qualify for the +4 to attempts to hide.

2013-10-09, 07:32 PM
Jarl, your dice are bad at the most inopportune times. :smallamused:

It may comfort you to know that so far they have been bad at the opportune times as well. :smallfrown:

Sorry guys!

2013-10-09, 08:41 PM
Poor Valyss, taking the blame for Lexxaj's rabble-rousing...

2013-10-09, 08:48 PM
Look at my face - would that face lie to you?:smalltongue:

2013-10-09, 08:52 PM
Don't worry, Valyss is a big girl; she can handle it. :smallwink:

2013-10-09, 09:38 PM
Here I thought Valyss was careful about her weight. :smallcool:

Once more unto the breach, dear friends...

2013-10-09, 09:43 PM
Hmmm, what would Brian Boitano do?


2013-10-09, 10:14 PM
Here I thought Valyss was careful about her weight. :smallcool:

Once more unto the breach, dear friends...

*adds Kiarran to the "Painful Revenge" list*

2013-10-09, 10:15 PM
*adds Kiarran to the "Painful Revenge" list*

Hey now...

Escape first. Painful revenge later.

2013-10-09, 10:47 PM
At this point, as long as there are no interuptions, and Kiarran's feet are freed, he will quietly and steadily move from person to person opening the locks. Begining with Trionne and Gull, then Valyss, knowing that Lexxaj can free herself.

Is it safe to say we take 10 here? With a bonus of opening locks +8 +2 for the picks, plus bonus for repetition on the same lock (if there is any?) = at least 20.

Stealth is +12 so taking 10 = 22.

I am happy to repost the attempt each time, just figure this may save the repetition between us and allow the others to jump back in and forget about how long that took me. lol.

2013-10-09, 10:50 PM
At this point, as long as there are no interuptions, and Kiarran's feet are freed, he will quietly and steadily move from person to person opening the locks. Begining with Trionne and Gull, then Valyss, knowing that Lexxaj can free herself.

Is it safe to say we take 10 here? With a bonus of opening locks +8 +2 for the picks, plus bonus for repetition on the same lock (if there is any?) = at least 20.

Stealth is +12 so taking 10 = 22.

I am happy to repost the attempt each time, just figure this may save the repetition between us and allow the others to jump back in and forget about how long that took me. lol.

Taking 10 should suffice as you aren't in any immediate danger...

2013-10-09, 11:16 PM
In that case, Jarl, do you mind if I post as if you've been by to free me? Or do you want to get another post in first?

2013-10-09, 11:38 PM
Well... That went better than expected. I'll see if I can get a post in from my phone later on, but it might have to wait till I get home from work.

2013-10-10, 02:45 AM
Well for some reason, the boards are giving me a ton of trouble linking to a custom avatar, so I guess I'll show this stick figure Trionne off here:


Not bad for a first attempt, hey?

2013-10-10, 02:58 AM
Well for some reason, the boards are giving me a ton of trouble linking to a custom avatar, so I guess I'll show this stick figure Trionne off here:


Not bad for a first attempt, hey?

Ooo, very nice!

2013-10-10, 03:11 AM
Well for some reason, the boards are giving me a ton of trouble linking to a custom avatar, so I guess I'll show this stick figure Trionne off here:

Not bad for a first attempt, hey?

Nice! The artistic potential of stick figures never ceases to amaze me. I'm horrible with visual art, unfortunately.

Question though... Is everyone speaking infernal now? Because Gull only speaks common, unfortunately.

2013-10-10, 03:15 AM
Question though... Is everyone speaking infernal now? Because Gull only speaks common, unfortunately.

Trionne has been. She's been working on the assumption that Gull is from Cheliax and therefore must know Infernal. She's also been whispering, so Gull may not have heard the latest few comments from her.

To sum up: oops.

2013-10-10, 03:41 AM
You must've missed my IC post saying that Gull doesn't speak other languages, then. :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-10, 03:46 AM
You must've missed my IC post saying that Gull doesn't speak other languages, then. :smallbiggrin:

No, I saw it. But Trionne interpreted it as "I'm not good with other languages, especially when I have a headache from being beaten to within an inch of my life" and not "I don't speak anything but common"

2013-10-10, 03:53 AM
Ah... Well, you can't really expect someone with 8 charisma to have good communication skills, can you? :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-10, 05:37 AM
In that case, Jarl, do you mind if I post as if you've been by to free me? Or do you want to get another post in first?

I don't mind at all. Had to go to bed. Now off to work. Had it happened a bit earlier, I would have definitely posted something to describe the releasing of you all. No time at the moment, so please post your own cuff releasing.

2013-10-10, 07:09 AM
This song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlMBcTGJ4YM) makes me think of our situation quite a bit.

2013-10-10, 04:08 PM
I guess I'll show this stick figure Trionne off here...

And since practice makes perfect, I'm going to take a crack at the others. No guarantees though.

{table=head]Trionne | Valyss | Gull | Lexxaj | Kiarran
http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m619/TemerousNox/trionne_avv2_zps3fe5e153.png|http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m619/TemerousNox/Valyss_av_zpsb1811157.png | http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m619/TemerousNox/gull_av_zps34296b27.png | http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m619/TemerousNox/lexxaj_av_zpsa12703dd.png | http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m619/TemerousNox/kiarren_av3_zpsb3fed9c2.png [/table]

2013-10-10, 04:14 PM
They look good! :smallsmile:

2013-10-10, 04:33 PM
Seconded! Curious to see what you make of the others. :smallcool:

Edit: Question. I know Trionne is mainly speaking in infernal, but what about the others?

2013-10-10, 04:54 PM
I kind of lapsed for a while there, but I'll try to make an effort to always note when I'm speaking in Infernal, either in the post itself or as a small added-in note.

Gull should put a rank into Linguistics later on just to learn Infernal so we can have a secret talk club! :smallwink:

And yay, fun avis are fun! :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-10, 07:31 PM
Kiarran has been speaking common.... partly because not everyone understands infernal, but also cuz I'm thinking that just because other people can't understand the language doesn't mean that they won't recognize what language it is. Pretty sure that infernal would be highly frowned upon in some fashion. Like just being a tiefling.

2013-10-10, 07:34 PM
Just for clarification, where is the group wanting to place the window?

2013-10-10, 08:15 PM
Probably on the wall opposite wherever the door to our cell is? Seems reasonable that such would be the best guess for where the outer wall is...?

(Of course this goes off the assumption that there are no windows period and we can't easily check lol...)

2013-10-10, 08:18 PM
Probably on the wall opposite wherever the door to our cell is? Seems reasonable that such would be the best guess for where the outer wall is...?

(Of course this goes off the assumption that there are no windows period and we can't easily check lol...)

I mentioned that there was one.

2013-10-10, 08:45 PM
I had forgotten about that... is it very high off the ground? I.e. would Kiarran be able to climb to it fairly easily? (3' tall)

Edit: I'm no longer a halfing :smallfrown: I heard what happened to the last dwarf in this game....:smalltongue:

2013-10-10, 08:53 PM
Oh well if there actually is already an existing window in a wall, then yeah that should probably be the one we use... Would have to have some strange architecture for that to not work I think...

Unless the cell is half underground and that window is in the top of the wall but just above ground level outside...

2013-10-11, 01:14 AM
Gull's avatar is up :)

2013-10-11, 01:25 AM
Gull's avatar is up :)

Awesome! :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-11, 02:47 AM
Gull's avatar is up :)

A DM knows when this game is serious when we have custom avatars popping up. :smallwink:

Nicely done.

2013-10-11, 03:20 AM
Glad people are liking them. It's been fun to have a chance to practice with inkscape.

2013-10-11, 06:03 AM
TY for the room description:smallsmile: To clarify, Kiarran is in the shadows in a corner near the door. In case of a guard coming in he wants to be able to try a sneak attack.

Does the cell door swing in-wards or out? If it swings in, then Gull may be able to hold it for a while without guards even getting in.

2013-10-11, 05:19 PM
TY for the room description:smallsmile: To clarify, Kiarran is in the shadows in a corner near the door. In case of a guard coming in he wants to be able to try a sneak attack.

Does the cell door swing in-wards or out? If it swings in, then Gull may be able to hold it for a while without guards even getting in.

It swings inward.

2013-10-12, 04:13 AM
In that case, Gull is probably going to position herself behind the door out of sight, somewhere where she can easily keep it shut without being seen. Also, where is Valyss going to put the window? In the wall to the outside?

Edit: Wait, I'm confused. Are we in cell 18A on the map? Does that mean the guards are in room 17 or are they in 18? So can we see them patrol around or can we only hear them?

2013-10-12, 04:42 AM
In that case, Gull is probably going to position herself behind the door out of sight, somewhere where she can easily keep it shut without being seen. Also, where is Valyss going to put the window? In the wall to the outside?

Edit: Wait, I'm confused. Are we in cell 18A on the map? Does that mean the guards are in room 17 or are they in 18? So can we see them patrol around or can we only hear them?

They roam in 18. You can see them intermittedly passing by through the small barred windows.

2013-10-12, 11:50 AM
So... I'm kinda just not quite sure what's going on now. Can we not escape by putting a window on the outside wall and running a rope out it?

2013-10-12, 12:01 PM
So... I'm kinda just not quite sure what's going on now. Can we not escape by putting a window on the outside wall and running a rope out it?

You could, but is the rope long enough? There's no way to accurately judge unless someone tries.

Either way, group options presented by the group at the moment are to go through the patrolling guards or try to be sneaky and subversively go through a magically created window and down some rope in broad daylight.

I leave it to the group to pick their best course of action.

2013-10-12, 12:22 PM
Well, what do you guys think then? I'm of a mind to at least try the window bit first. If it turns out we're too high up, we can always go through the guards.

2013-10-12, 12:36 PM
Gulll doesn't really care since she's not really the one with a plan, but personally I'd try going through the guards. If they have archers on the walls we're toast. Could've done it at night but since we're not manacled anymore that's not really an option.

2013-10-12, 01:47 PM
Kiarran would prefer to try the window, although stabbing the 2 guards after calling them in would be more fun. It's just the thought of having them call several more that is not fun.

My thoughts are that the window and rope have to lead somewhere - otherwise, it would be rather silly to waste time and money giving us the magical items if they didn't actually work. Perhaps we climb up instead of down, but why go through the effort to give us these things if they were useless from where we are? From a character stand point: what do we have to lose? We die (most of us) if we stay. As Mathemagics said, we coud always turn around and go back through the guards.

Or how about this: we could bring in these two guards and kill them, then try the window. This would allow us to have the armor (uniforms?), weapons and maybe keys from the guards before going out the window and save us having to try and bash in every door and guard. It may also mean that they would call up other guards (if they get the chance), which could shoot us down but that may also mean less resistance elsewhere if we go out the window.

2013-10-12, 01:54 PM
As a wizard I'm utterly useless right now. The only thing I can do is teleport about, but even that's limited in number.

Lexxaj will just hang around quietly and help out with what's told.

Trust me guys, it'll pay off later!

2013-10-12, 02:49 PM
I shall leave it up to the smart people to come up with a plan, then. Gull will go along either way, since she's a good fighter and one of the better climbers of the party. Just hurry and come up with something. :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-12, 03:32 PM
GM, would you allow Trionne to use a Profession (sailor) check to estimate their height off the ground, if she were to peek through that outside window?

I figure since she's probably spent a fair amount of time up in the rigging of a merchant tall ship, she's probably got a good sense for what that distance looks like. And since we're talking 12-15m of height on those masts (and that's probably on the low end, since that was a number for an Early Middle Ages ship), it should be enough for Trionne to tell whether or not they have enough rope to get within safe falling distance of the ground?

2013-10-12, 08:51 PM
GM, would you allow Trionne to use a Profession (sailor) check to estimate their height off the ground, if she were to peek through that outside window?

I figure since she's probably spent a fair amount of time up in the rigging of a merchant tall ship, she's probably got a good sense for what that distance looks like. And since we're talking 12-15m of height on those masts (and that's probably on the low end, since that was a number for an Early Middle Ages ship), it should be enough for Trionne to tell whether or not they have enough rope to get within safe falling distance of the ground?

While this makes sense, I'm going to be a stickler here and remind you that profession (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/profession) checks are used to determine a week's worth of wages earned. In other words, it's meant to be a downtime use skill. Height hazards aren't specific to being a sailor. Also, I have worked on a boat before. You can't really gauge altitude exceptionally well because the boat rocks and sways in water. This is even more apparent during rough seas.

2013-10-12, 10:36 PM
While this makes sense, I'm going to be a stickler here and remind you that profession (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/profession) checks are used to determine a week's worth of wages earned. In other words, it's meant to be a downtime use skill. Height hazards aren't specific to being a sailor. Also, I have worked on a boat before. You can't really gauge altitude exceptionally well because the boat rocks and sways in water. This is even more apparent during rough seas.

I understand where you are coming from, but I do want to point out that the rules for profession checks also specify being able to "answer questions about your Profession. Basic questions are DC 10, while more complex questions are DC 15 or higher"

I'm not looking for an exact height, but I thought it was reasonable to think that "is this rope probably sufficient for use over this height/distance" was something that could reasonably be considered a question relevant to the profession of a sailor in the sense of getting a broad estimate

Anyways, obviously I'd hope you'd reconsider, but I'll abide by the decision either way :)

Barring that, since Valyss has basically set herself up as the "she who is used to being obeyed without question" I'll wait on her to decide on the plan.

2013-10-12, 10:43 PM
Well, I like the idea of at least trying to put the window on the outer wall and seeing how far down it is. Should only take us all of a few seconds to see if it will be feasible or not, and if we can get down we (probably) have a relatively simple escape route.

So if you guys are ok with that, then I can suggest doing as much IC to get things moving again?

2013-10-12, 10:46 PM
The problem is adding an extra window to the exterior wall might be a bit noticeable, depending on how alert the guard patrol on the outside is. And once we place it, we probably won't be able to remove it.

So if we can, we should probably wait until dark to try it, and if the guards come to check on us earlier, we stab them and do it the other way.

2013-10-12, 10:55 PM
I understand where you are coming from, but I do want to point out that the rules for profession checks also specify being able to "answer questions about your Profession. Basic questions are DC 10, while more complex questions are DC 15 or higher"

I'm not looking for an exact height, but I thought it was reasonable to think that "is this rope probably sufficient for use over this height/distance" was something that could reasonably be considered a question relevant to the profession of a sailor in the sense of getting a broad estimate

Anyways, obviously I'd hope you'd reconsider, but I'll abide by the decision either way :)

Barring that, since Valyss has basically set herself up as the "she who is used to being obeyed without question" I'll wait on her to decide on the plan.

That tends to be standard modus operandi for any cleric of Asmodeous.

There's also another reason for not knowing the height, immersion. Branderscar Prison has a reputation as being inescapable, so I really want to convey the fact that the party just doesn't have all the information for a planned escape. Sometimes you'll just have to make a best guess. I also don't want die rolls to be the determining factor for everything.

2013-10-12, 11:50 PM
The problem is adding an extra window to the exterior wall might be a bit noticeable, depending on how alert the guard patrol on the outside is. And once we place it, we probably won't be able to remove it.

So if we can, we should probably wait until dark to try it, and if the guards come to check on us earlier, we stab them and do it the other way.

This is a valid point, but I also feel like it's equally chancy that they might just walk in on us while we're waiting for nightfall. If being shot up by the guards is a concern, Valyss can do pyrotechnics once, which I think can be used to provide concealment in some manner (would have to double-check the exact mechanics of it).

As for just going through the guards... I mean if this were a real prison there would be no way that could work, just too many and reinforcements would keep flooding in. Luckily that's not quite as likely in this setting... but I still find myself wanting to take a shot at the window escape. And if it doesn't work out, we should be able to find out pretty quickly, to the point that we can almost immediately go ahead and make a break for it out the door.

2013-10-13, 12:24 AM
This is a valid point, but I also feel like it's equally chancy that they might just walk in on us while we're waiting for nightfall. If being shot up by the guards is a concern, Valyss can do pyrotechnics once, which I think can be used to provide concealment in some manner (would have to double-check the exact mechanics of it).

As for just going through the guards... I mean if this were a real prison there would be no way that could work, just too many and reinforcements would keep flooding in. Luckily that's not quite as likely in this setting... but I still find myself wanting to take a shot at the window escape. And if it doesn't work out, we should be able to find out pretty quickly, to the point that we can almost immediately go ahead and make a break for it out the door.

*salutes* you're the boss, boss. Just clue us in on what you want us to do, IC.

2013-10-13, 01:00 AM
Very well then! An IC post you have! :smallsmile:

2013-10-13, 08:59 AM
This may be counter to what I should do as a PC, but I'm going to back up our steadfast DM here. It's quite difficult to judge heights without points or objects to compare to. Anything over about 36 feet seems to mess with the perception of the observer and the only way to estimate distance down is by rope length, tree height or comparison to something you know the height of. It's a bit easier from the base, standing back but that is not where we are. Given that we only have a small window to peer out and probably can't get our head out it to look straight down, I don't think we tell. There could be another roof right below us but we wouldn't know it.

To give you an idea of people having trouble judging height (who do it fairly often): http://www.bogley.com/forum/showthread.php?37772-Guide-How-to-Find-Proximate-Height-of-a-Cliff

And I rather doubt we would have access to that formula ;)

2013-10-14, 02:43 AM
Sorry for the delay. Post is up now.

2013-10-14, 02:44 AM
When we come across a book the wizard will totally read the **** out of it.

2013-10-14, 02:36 PM
A book? Any book?

It could be a cookbook. I'm sure the party is starved from the prison food. :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-14, 02:51 PM
A book? Any book?

It could be a cookbook. I'm sure the party is starved from the prison food. :smallbiggrin:

I was under the impression that they weren't even feeding us...? :smallconfused:

2013-10-14, 03:07 PM
I was under the impression that they weren't even feeding us...? :smallconfused:

Prisoners sentenced to death usually aren't around long enough to warrant feeding them. In Talengarde's case, you might be fed a few pieces of bread and a bowl of water while waiting for your sentence to be carried out.

2013-10-14, 03:08 PM
lol. Oh and Kiarran is NOT a good climber. Climbing is Str; not his forte. (+1)However, he would be happy to be the first out of the room and hopefully first out of the prison. :smallwink:

If the rope touches, maybe it would be best to lower those of us that can't climb? We wouldn't want the witch or scout to fall to an untimely death before reading books or jumping at shadows, would we? :smalltongue:

Edit: before moving out of the shadows and out the window, I'll just wait to see what happens with the rope first

2013-10-14, 03:45 PM
Heh, well yeah, he's not a very good climber, but he is in fact the second best climber in the party... Waiting to see if the rope reaches the ground is a sound strategy, though.

Actually, looking up on the climb rules most of the party could do it. The DC for a rope with a wall to brace against is 5, and you only fall if you fail the check by 5 or more. Which means that you'd need a climb of -1 to even risk falling even when you can't take 10 (and you'd need to roll a 1).

Gull just doesn't want to be caught on the rope when the guards start storming into the cell because they found out the escape attempt.

2013-10-14, 03:48 PM
A book? Any book?

It could be a cookbook. I'm sure the party is starved from the prison food. :smallbiggrin:

Works for me. So far she's utterly useless and I'm just standing around like a dope lol.

2013-10-14, 03:48 PM
*has a -1 climb modifier due to STR...* :smallfrown:

2013-10-14, 03:54 PM
Well, to be honest... I did say "most of the party". :smalltongue:

Edit: We'll be in trouble if the DM decides that the wall is slippery, though. Because that adds +5 to the DC.

To comment on the big T's post... of course they're feeding us something. They're the good guys! Don't forget that. :smallbiggrin: They're all rainbows and butterflies and kissing puppies. We are the bad guys, who shall undoubtedly end up kicking puppies, eating kittens and hurling toddlers at the city walls with a trebuchet. :smallamused:

2013-10-14, 04:05 PM
I am reminded of this spell. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/pup-shape)

2013-10-14, 04:09 PM
Don't hurl the halfling at a wall... he's not a toddler, technically.

Just had a thought... is it possible to pick the lock on the door?
I assume it only opens from one side, but figure it may be dense not to ask now that I think of it. :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-14, 04:15 PM
Works for me. So far she's utterly useless and I'm just standing around like a dope lol.

Such is the life of a low level wizard. :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-14, 04:18 PM
Such is the life of a low level wizard. :smallbiggrin:

Yup. And fighters have the audacity to complain that we outshine them at later levels. Hmph.

2013-10-14, 04:29 PM
Hey! I'm not a fighter! I'm a ranger. Totally different. Also, I'm not complaining.

So... are you guys going to mess around in the OOC thread or shall someone make an IC post? I guess I shall find out in the morning. Goodnight everyone.

2013-10-14, 04:42 PM
Isn't Trionne running the rope out the window now, or did I misunderstand things?

2013-10-14, 05:05 PM
Isn't Trionne running the rope out the window now, or did I misunderstand things?

Yeah. That was the intent of the post. I didn't make it explicit, in case someone wanted to interject something in the meantime.

I don't have a strength bonus or any ranks in skill, but I do have a +2 trait bonus for Climb checks involving rope, so in a pinch, I can go out first.

A "rope with a wall to brace against" is only a base DC 5 check, so Trionne probably has as good a chance as anyone to make the climb.

2013-10-14, 05:34 PM
Woot, I can teleport outside!

2013-10-14, 05:49 PM
Woot, I can teleport outside!

A whole 5 feet of it. :smallamused:

Expect an IC post sometime later in the evening..or morning for at least one of you.

EDIT: Also, good chance of this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCDKJQ3Z8bU) happening.

2013-10-14, 09:22 PM
lol. If only they had given us all rings of featherfall in that veil.

I take it that picking the lock on the door to the cell is not possible then?

2013-10-14, 09:25 PM
EDIT: Also, good chance of this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCDKJQ3Z8bU) happening.

Of course this also means that we won't fall so long as we refuse to acknowledge we're walking on thin air!

2013-10-14, 09:26 PM
A whole 5 feet of it. :smallamused:

EDIT: Also, good chance of this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCDKJQ3Z8bU) happening.

He survived :smalltongue:.

2013-10-15, 01:50 AM
Typical really. Just finished writing a long post in IC when the internet decides to die. Give me a bit to try to fix it, because I don't want to compose a huge post on my smartphone. If I haven't posted in an hour, it's probably a local outage. (I think the internet just gets tired this time of night.)

2013-10-15, 10:59 AM
And since the forum doesn't seem to want to let me edit in dice rolls to an existing post:

Dice Rolls
Climb (+2) [roll0]
Acrobatics (+8) (just in case) [roll1]

2013-10-15, 02:48 PM
And since the forum doesn't seem to want to let me edit in dice rolls to an existing post:

Dice Rolls
Climb (+2) [roll0]
Acrobatics (+8) (just in case) [roll1]

The forum has an anti-cheat feature built in. That can be a pain for doing long posts without knowing exactly how to write them.

2013-10-15, 02:56 PM
Yea I ran into that a few times too. The dice roller only works on the original post, and it also doesn't work with preview post (which is a pain for people who like to proofread the formatting of their post first, like me). I'll wait a bit with an IC post until my turn comes up. Or until something happens that I need to react to.

2013-10-15, 03:58 PM
Haha saw that "you've reached level 2" was hyperlinked and thought to myself "I bet that goes to the FF Victory Fanfare". Called it! :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-15, 04:04 PM
Haha saw that "you've reached level 2" was hyperlinked and thought to myself "I bet that goes to the FF Victory Fanfare". Called it! :smallbiggrin:

Its always a good feeling to hear that fanfare. :smallwink:

Now would be a good time to hash out what to do next. Don't take too long to level up everyone.

2013-10-15, 04:05 PM
What about the new spells per day? I'm assuming they're just unused slots until I can get a chance to prepare them, yeah?

2013-10-15, 04:06 PM
Yay, level up!

Level 2 HP: [roll0]

2013-10-15, 04:09 PM
What about the new spells per day? I'm assuming they're just unused slots until I can get a chance to prepare them, yeah?

Under normal circumstances, yes. Considering current situation, I'll allow access to new spells as if the potential had been there the whole time.

2013-10-15, 04:10 PM
Yay, level up!

Level 2 HP: [roll0]

Forgot to mention, you can either roll or take half your hit dice (rounded up), whichever is greater.

2013-10-15, 04:16 PM
At classes right now, so I can't access my character sheet (because I totally forgot my mythweavers password and just use the cached login on my desktop, but stuck on laptop).:smalltongue:

I'll be able to update it in about 3 hours or so. On the upside, pretty sure all I get at level 2 is some hp, skills, and an extra 1st level spell per day. So not too much change there.

Gonna go ahead and roll for HP since I can take whichever is greater. Rounded up average is 5.


Edit: Average it is!

2013-10-15, 04:26 PM
Okay, sheet updated.

2013-10-15, 04:46 PM
You know...

*strokes jaw*

If we could...persuade everyone in this prison not to be...alive anymore...it would make a really kickass little HQ up to our mid-lvls.

2013-10-15, 04:51 PM
Hm... I like that. It's a clever plan. A very clever plan.

I guess now it's time for my combat style feat. I shall stick to the plan and pick archery so Gull will be able to do more than just swing a sword.

Oh, and roll for hp [roll0] or take half rounded up.

Edit: 8 it is. Nice.

2013-10-15, 04:58 PM
Maybe after we get settled with decent gear (and the wizard can cast stuff), we come back and enact a hostile change in management?

2013-10-15, 05:09 PM
Maybe after we get settled with decent gear (and the wizard can cast stuff), we come back and enact a hostile change in management?

She could right now if you just give her the spell components pouch. :smalltongue:

2013-10-15, 05:10 PM
Wizards are supposed to reference their spellbooks to prep spells though... :smallconfused:

2013-10-15, 05:14 PM
Yippee! lvl 2! I'll make the changes in a couple hours, first I have to do some running around for the household.

Lets get out of sight and find something to change into, out of the prison clothes, plus gear!

2013-10-15, 05:19 PM
Yeah I need a spellbook first. And I need time to read and prepare spells.

Oh that reminds me - can I use the spell point system instead of preparing X number of spells a day? If I'm going to be the primary caster it would be sooooo helpful to have a bit more versatility instead of being shackled to this creaking old machine of spell prep.

2013-10-15, 05:22 PM
Wizards are supposed to reference their spellbooks to prep spells though... :smallconfused:

Like you, she has a full array unused. There's not a real limit on how long a studied spell remains entrenched in a wizard's brain, just that they can study and prepare new spells every day.

Lexxaj will be needing a spellbook very soon though if she wants to be able to continue contributing to the escape effort.

2013-10-15, 05:30 PM
Oh that reminds me - can I use the spell point system instead of preparing X number of spells a day? If I'm going to be the primary caster it would be sooooo helpful to have a bit more versatility instead of being shackled to this creaking old machine of spell prep.

Even as a prepared caster myself... that just sounds so horribly OP, giving the people with large spell selection the ability to basically spontaneously cast on demand. It's hard for me to see the point to Oracles or Sorcerers if we had that...

Granted I'm not the DM, but just giving my input as someone who would be affected by an idea like that...

2013-10-15, 05:34 PM
Even as a prepared caster myself... that just sounds so horribly OP, giving the people with large spell selection the ability to basically spontaneously cast on demand. It's hard for me to see the point to Oracles or Sorcerers if we had that...

Granted I'm not the DM, but just giving my input as someone who would be affected by an idea like that...

It is. If I allowed that for Lexy, I'd have to allow that for Valyss. I just can't, in right mind, allow that to be.

As a counterpoint, Lexxaj can create scrolls. That alone is mountains of versatility.

2013-10-15, 05:49 PM
In spell points defense, you don't actually become a spontaneous caster. You still have to prepare spells ahead of time, it's just you can cast each one as many times as you're able to afford with your spell point pool.

And if you're throwing a damage spell around that's based on your caster lvl, beyond its starting lvl (eg; 5d6 for a fireball, 11d6 for a chain lightning) you have to pay spell points to buff it's damage up to your caster lvl.

2013-10-15, 06:02 PM
And Lexxaj had spells prepared already?

Damnit, she could've escaped on her own!

She's prepared:

1st lvl:
1 Grease
1 Disguise Self
1 Obscuring Mist
1 Mount

0 lvl: (wizards can cast these as many times as they want in pathfinder,yes?)
Mage Hand
Ghost Sounds
Acid Splash

2013-10-15, 06:05 PM
If Summon Monaster lasted 1 min/lvl (as it should) instead of 1 round/lvl, I'd take that instead.

How hilarious it would be when the captain of the guard was explaining hwo the prisoners escaped by riding away on the back of a dolphin.

2013-10-15, 06:09 PM
You still have to prepare spells ahead of time, it's just you can cast each one as many times as you're able to afford with your spell point pool.

That alone would make sorcerers and oracles obsolete. It's no secret that wizards are the most powerful class in the game overall. I agree with the designers of 3.5 & Pathfinder in the way the caster classes were designed. Of course, Paizo had the advantage of nearly ten years of testing to confirm the data.

Common fixes to your class issues are, of course, spending time collecting and crafting scrolls. Another is to limit and/or restrict certain spells.

It's just not feasible to do any of that at the moment.

2013-10-15, 06:14 PM
That alone would make sorcerers and oracles obsolete. It's no secret that wizards are the most powerful class in the game overall. I agree with the designers of 3.5 & Pathfinder in the way the caster classes were designed. Of course, Paizo had the advantage of nearly ten years of testing to confirm the data.

Common fixes to your class issues are, of course, spending time collecting and crafting scrolls. Another is to limit and/or restrict certain spells.

It's just not feasible to do any of that at the moment.


...fine :smalltongue:.

2013-10-15, 06:16 PM

...fine :smalltongue:.

*giggle* :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-15, 06:22 PM
And Lexxaj had spells prepared already?

Damnit, she could've escaped on her own!

She's prepared:

1st lvl:
1 Grease
1 Disguise Self
1 Obscuring Mist
1 Mount

0 lvl: (wizards can cast these as many times as they want in pathfinder,yes?)
Mage Hand
Ghost Sounds
Acid Splash

Almost overlooked this, yes, cantrips can be cast indefinitely in Pathfinder. That is true for for all caster classes with access to 0 level spells.

2013-10-15, 06:26 PM
Can I make my own spells?

2013-10-15, 06:38 PM
Can I make my own spells?


Designing your own spells takes a little work to keep them in line with all the others. Fortunately, Ultimate Magic has some guidelines (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/magic/designingSpells.html) for doing just that. When you get the opportunity for some downtime in game, then you can choose to do research for new spells. Be prepared to have to deal with some balancing as needed or even the possibility that I'll just flat out say "no".

2013-10-15, 06:41 PM
While I'd love to just walk out of here thanks to disguise self... wouldn't that require some sort of disguise or bluf check since the spell doesn't mimic voice or habits?

Valyss actually has disguise self prep'd as well, but I've been avoiding trying to use it for fear of the above reasons.

2013-10-15, 06:41 PM
My idea was to create a low lvl spell that renders people barren/withers their genitals.

After all, in settings like this there are only 2 things that those in the ruling classes really fear for - their souls and their lineage.

Their souls will be in danger once Lex can start casting Hellfire Ray (seriously, the RP power of that spell is nigh-OP).

Their lineage...wither their genitals or render them barren, and their line is ended - that's terrifying beyond belief for a noble.

2013-10-15, 06:42 PM
While I'd love to just walk out of here thanks to disguise self... wouldn't that require some sort of disguise or bluf check since the spell doesn't mimic voice or habits?

Valyss actually has disguise self prep'd as well, but I've been avoiding trying to use it for fear of the above reasons.

Can just use intimidate. She's got that to +9. Give the gate-keeper a withering stare and sharp point, while you three are behind her with your wrists tied.

Or just move my lisp and hands and in secret be casting Ghoust Sounds.

Alternatively, I can just walk right into the gatehouse without arousing suspicion, while the halfling backstabs whatever guard is in there while they're distracted.

2013-10-15, 06:45 PM
Yeah plenty of ways to work with it, just gotta get creative. Also would be hilarious if we both disguised as the same person, then accused each other of being fake in front of the guards, creating a distraction for them to get backstabbed like crazy. :smalltongue:

2013-10-15, 06:48 PM
While I'd love to just walk out of here thanks to disguise self... wouldn't that require some sort of disguise or bluf check since the spell doesn't mimic voice or habits?

Valyss actually has disguise self prep'd as well, but I've been avoiding trying to use it for fear of the above reasons.

Disguise Self (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/disguiseSelf.html#_disguise-self) is an interesting one.

The spell does not provide the abilities or mannerisms of the chosen form, nor does it alter the perceived tactile (touch) or audible (sound) properties of you or your equipment. If you use this spell to create a disguise, you get a +10 bonus on the Disguise check. A creature that interacts with the glamer gets a Will save to recognize it as an illusion.

I hope your spell DCs are high, also, are you *sure* you want to cast that now? 10 minutes isn't as long as you think it would be outside of combat. :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-15, 06:50 PM
My idea was to create a low lvl spell that renders people barren/withers their genitals.

After all, in settings like this there are only 2 things that those in the ruling classes really fear for - their souls and their lineage.

Their souls will be in danger once Lex can start casting Hellfire Ray (seriously, the RP power of that spell is nigh-OP).

Their lineage...wither their genitals or render them barren, and their line is ended - that's terrifying beyond belief for a noble.

So something like this (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/horridWilting.html#_horrid-wilting), but to lesser effect?

2013-10-15, 06:50 PM
Their will save is probably lower than their perception check to spot the Halfling :smalltongue:.

And 20 minutes is quite a while. It's enough to walk up to a gatehouse, say 'Hey *******, open the gate", before walking out said gate and down the road with three people in tow.

2013-10-15, 06:52 PM
Essentially, yes, but without causing damage etc, just rendering them infertile until Lexxaj chooses to end it. (which she might after they pay her lots of money)

2013-10-15, 06:54 PM
Ohh, oh, guys! I just had an idea.

Lexxaj can go around Disguised as the guard captain, that Srgt idiot-whatever-his-name was, with the rest of the group in tow "pretending" to be under arrest and the halfling sneaking about.

Then when the guards they come across are paused, kill them. Then we move onto the next group of guards, distract them, then in a surprise round kill them.

So on and so forth.

Then we get a prison :smallbiggrin:.

2013-10-15, 06:57 PM
Ohh, oh, guys! I just had an idea.

Lexxaj can go around Disguised as the guard captain, that Srgt idiot-whatever-his-name was, with the rest of the group in tow "pretending" to be under arrest and the halfling sneaking about.

Then when the guards they come across are paused, kill them. Then we move onto the next group of guards, distract them, then in a surprise round kill them.

So on and so forth.

Then we get a prison :smallbiggrin:.

Trionne's all for killing these jerks, but we won't be holding a prison long once the army shows up.

Kill them, raid the supplies, and get the hell out.

2013-10-15, 06:59 PM
We could get all their gear, put it onto a cart and take it to wherever we need to go, including any horses. Then sell all the stuff and party it up with snorting coke off hookers.

2013-10-15, 07:28 PM
We could get all their gear, put it onto a cart and take it to wherever we need to go, including any horses. Then sell all the stuff and party it up with snorting coke off hookers.

This... (http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11111/111111327/3262709-gagreel_full.jpg)

2013-10-15, 07:30 PM
We could get all their gear, put it onto a cart and take it to wherever we need to go, including any horses. Then sell all the stuff and party it up with snorting coke off hookers.

You had me at hookers and blow :smallamused: Lets kill us some guards.

Making the changes to Kiarran now. Wherever we go, we should get out of the open. There are bound to be patrols on the walls and if we fight inside, we won't cause as much notice to all the other patrols.

DM - where are we on the map, specifically?

HP roll [roll0]

Edit - soooo, 4 it is!

2013-10-15, 07:34 PM
DM - where are we on the map, specifically?

Edit - soooo, 4 it is!

Nope, 5. We're rounding up. :smallbiggrin:

Currently on the north side of the central building.

2013-10-15, 07:38 PM
Valyss is now updated. Basically just got a bit of stat buffing! But level 3... oh level 3... new spell tier, augmented summoning, better channel, and an imp familiar...


2013-10-15, 07:44 PM
*works on describing her blade*

Dear lord, a great sword is 5' long?

That's awesome.

Not very subtle though...

2013-10-15, 08:01 PM
So, I'm walking up into the gatehouse, ya?

I'll get them to open it. If it's clear they aren't buying my disguise, you guys surprise round kill them.

Sound good?

2013-10-15, 08:12 PM
*works on describing her blade*

Dear lord, a great sword is 5' long?

That's awesome.

Not very subtle though...

Now you know the reason behind my skepticism back during recruitment. :smallcool:

2013-10-15, 08:13 PM
I just noticed Xianthe stopped making custom avatars right when it was my turn.

That's okay. I didn't want one anyway...


2013-10-15, 08:17 PM
I just noticed Xianthe stopped making custom avatars right when it was my turn.

That's okay. I didn't want one anyway...


It's a busy week for me. I've got two midterms to do by Sunday, plus keeping up with all the other reading.

I'll get to it, I promise.

2013-10-15, 08:22 PM
It's okay, I'm just playing with you - I'm a very sarcastic and playful person :smallbiggrin:.

2013-10-15, 08:29 PM
So, I'm walking up into the gatehouse, ya?
I'll get them to open it. If it's clear they aren't buying my disguise, you guys surprise round kill them.
Sound good?

It might be smart to start with the side entrances to the gatehouse... most gates have ways to kill people that hit gates head on... like traps and murder holes. If we check out the rest of the place first, then we can make sure to kill anyone on top or around us. Kill with a knife in the back (or side), instead of bashing head to head...?

Nope, 5. We're rounding up. :smallbiggrin:

Currently on the north side of the central building.

Kick ass! Kiarran is updated - my skills are much more rounded out and with weapon finesse, I'm not worried about having to throw my only dagger :smallbiggrin:

Will post for Kiarran IC now

2013-10-15, 08:31 PM
Sweet. I'll go through everyone's sheet tonight when I get home from work in a few hours. I'll need to update my quick n' dirty table. :smallwink:

2013-10-15, 08:36 PM
It might be smart to start with the side entrances to the gatehouse... most gates have ways to kill people that hit gates head on... like traps and murder holes. If we check out the rest of the place first, then we can make sure to kill anyone on top or around us. Kill with a knife in the back (or side), instead of bashing head to head...?

Well...yeah :smalltongue:, I wasn't going to stride up, place my hands on my hips and announce myself like a doofus!

*erases something from notepad*

2013-10-15, 08:42 PM
*pretends that I totally didn't forget to assign skill points from level up*

2013-10-15, 09:19 PM
lol - sorry, BananaPhone, that's how i had read it... :smallredface:

Post is up, sheet is updated (holy crap Rogues get a lot of skill points) - Let's go be bad guys!

2013-10-16, 04:01 AM
I love the look of fresh data in the morning. Looks like awesome.

If by chance you get bored anywhere throughout your day and find your way here to read this message, would you mind checking to make sure my QND table is correct. Thanks. :smallcool:

2013-10-16, 04:40 AM
Looks correct to me.

Ya know... Looking through the sheets I noticed we have 4 people with stealth as class skill. We could be a pretty good ambush party. In fact, I'm thinking of picking trickery as patron at lvl 4 to get some extra illusions to help with that. Mwahahaha!

2013-10-16, 05:32 AM
Ladies and gentlemen...I give you absolute proof that a 5 foot tall blade of mental energy may be many things...but stealthy is NOT one of them.

2013-10-16, 05:35 AM
Well, with a 26 on an Intimidate check...even at -5 for repeated attempt, and another -5 for hard to believe/circumstances (which strictly isn't in the rules)...I'd say she's beaten the DC of 10 + HD + Wis...


2013-10-16, 05:37 AM
The waiting game? Nono... The stabbing game! Stabbity death from 3 sides once Kiarran shows up.

2013-10-16, 05:38 AM
Well, with a 26 on an Intimidate check...even at -5 for repeated attempt, and another -5 for hard to believe/circumstances (which strictly isn't in the rules)...I'd say she's beaten the DC of 10 + HD + Wis...


It's a short wait.

2013-10-16, 05:42 AM
And thus I was bequeathed, solo exp...

Come'on guys, we can take this clown.

Just because he single-handedly killed three armed and armored men means he'll be over-confident...

2013-10-16, 05:46 AM
Bwahaha... Well done indeed! Now all we need is Kiarran and it's time for stabbity death!

Edit: or not. Poor kid. Bwahaha.

2013-10-16, 05:49 AM
Achievement Get!

Sargeant Tomas Blackerly - Owned (http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j26/shinmafox/sergeantblackerly_zpsbe58636d.jpg)

You may add this to your siggy.

EDIT: Also updated everyone's list of possessions. Who's taking what?

2013-10-16, 06:23 AM
EDIT: Also updated everyone's list of possessions. Who's taking what?

Trionne is taking a tabard and a chain shirt (just realized that was light armor, will update my post momentarily), her split of the 30GP. And possibly one of the swords, to fill out the disguise, if no one else actually needs it for combat reasons.

EDIT: Sheet updated with armor stats.

2013-10-16, 06:27 AM
Lexxaj has Knowledge (engineering) so she'll take the keyring, a tabard and some clothes for it to go over and her share of the 30 gp. Also one of the blades and shields for disguise reasons.

2013-10-16, 06:33 AM
Gull will take the masterworks longsword, a shield, a bow with 20 arrows and the chainmail (unless Valyss really really wants it). Oh, and a tabbard of course.

Edit: and her share of the gold. Heh.

2013-10-16, 07:00 AM
Been up all night, so time to catch some zzz's. Don't burn down the castle without me :)

2013-10-16, 10:50 AM
Good grief so much happened while I was asleep...

Anyway, no weapons I can use in the lot (for all the meh good they'll do a caster cleric anyway lol) so I'll just grab some armor.

2013-10-16, 10:55 AM
Uh... not to be a pain, but Gull was already wearing the chainmail. I could edit my post if you really really need it but since I'm probably tanking I'd rather not.

2013-10-16, 11:00 AM
That's fine, I'll go chain shirt. I actually only took the chainmail because something in my mind got broken and I thought rangers could only use light armor... (which would thus have made me the only person who could use medium chainmail)

I'll fix the post.

2013-10-16, 11:02 AM
Yeah, that was the case in 3.5. That fortunately got changed in pathfinder, though. :smallbiggrin:
Besides, chainmail's way too heavy for someone with 8 str anyway. :smalltongue:

2013-10-16, 11:13 AM
Another reason I actually prefer the chain shirt hehe.

I'll need to get me some sort of elven chainmail eventually, or heck, maybe just a mithril shirt. Style it up so that it looks like robes despite being armor.

2013-10-16, 11:23 AM
Yeah I'll need that too at some point. At the moment it doesn't hurt but as we level up I'm going to need less armor check penalties. Also, shouldn't you be picking up a shield as well? It doesn't really hinder a cleric but it does add AC, which is always nice.

2013-10-16, 11:27 AM
Well they're heavy shields, which means I can't use that hand for anything else (including holy symbol'ing or casting). Granted I don't have a weapon at the moment either, so I could use a free hand for that purpose I suppose... But shields are just so unrefined when I could make sure I don't get hit and let you guys get in the way for me instead! :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-16, 11:42 AM
Might as well pick it up to look the part of a disguise. If combat starts just throw it away. Besides, it'll confuse the enemy.

2013-10-16, 12:20 PM
Holy crapola - there were a lot of posts in the last 8 hours! I tossed up a quick post during my lunch a moment ago.

DM - your quick stat sheet looks good for Kiarran. If there is a tabard or bow that will work for his size, then he will take that. Otherwise, he is content to walk along with his "guards" as a common kid in the clothes he has on :smalltongue: It's better than prison rags!

It may be fun to finish off the rest of the prison, or at least the guardhouse, before leaving.... and it would be more looting! Plus, it would be a good way to leave our mark - we are the group you tried to imprison and it cost you and entire prison. Be wary! Perhaps there are other prisoners we could let loose... *greedy greed greedy mumble mumble revenge*