View Full Version : Confederation of Thorns IC

2013-10-01, 10:08 PM
Confederation of Thorns IC.
Post whatever you need or like here.

2013-10-01, 10:11 PM
Confederation of Thorns Accounting Department

Income and Upkeep

Current Realm Treasury: 836
Current Regent Treasury: 178
(after initial Turn 0 expenses, paid 10/8/13)

Income Modifiers: Thorns- Logging Camp, Sawmill, Despot (25% 50%, 25%)
Total Income: 2344 (with 30% tax rate, Regent 703, Realm 1641)

Regent Costs
Turn 1 Unit Muster: 490 (upkeep 123)
Turn 1 Unit Movement Cost: 12
Turn 1 Unit Upkeep: 23

Realm Costs
Province Upkeep: 225
Build Roads- Thorns- 500
Capital Expenditure- 80 RP to Harvey to invest in a business

Military Units Active

1st Militia Company (Irregular Light Infantry, Light, Light-Long, Scout Subtype
Iron Legion (!st and 2nd Platoons)- 2 Gnoll Mercenary Units, Elite Heavy Infantry, Unbreakable -Feat, Heavy, Heavy
Home Swarm of Lycaeca- Aquatic Elf Spearmen- Light, Light-Long, Fanatic Defender Feat, Cavalry (need to discuss giant seahorses?)
Guardians of the Shore- Merfolk Spearmen- Light, Light-Long
Mustering: 1st Scout Company (Elite Light Infantry, Light, Light-Long, Scout Subtype, Unbreakable- Cost 490 Upkeep 123

Turn Diary

T1W1: Regent Action- Muster Troops (1 unit Elite Light Infantry, Light Armor, Light-Long Weapons, Scout Subtype, Unbreakable- Cost 490 Upkeep 123

Realm Action- Build Roads (Thorns) Cost 500

1st Militia Company will move first to Hex 140. If they encounter no foes, they will move to

Nation Stats

{table]Ruler: Ambassador Malachias[/table]
{table]Race: Human| Civilzation: Cultured (Can Bank Income) | Governing Style: Despot(+25% RP, +2 Command) [/table]
{table]Province | Terrain | Population Centre (S) | Production (T) | Total Production (=T*S*250) | Upkeep
Capital - Thorns| Forest (4) | Village(1) | 4 |1000| 225RP | Lycaeca | Aquatic (can settle) | Lycaeca (Thorpe .25) | 8 | 500RP | 100 RP
{table]Total Production: 2969 (2642 after Gov Style Upkeep)| Total Upkeep: 225RP + units | Banked: Unsure[/table]


Human Forest Province = Village (1) * (4) Production x 250 = 1000
+25% Despot = 1250
+25% Logging Camp = 1562.5
+50% Sawmill = 2343.75 Total Production

Governing Style Upkeep: 11%

325 Province Upkeep

[roll0] (Medium Taxation %)


Troop Types:
{table]Unit Name | Formation | Race | Unit Type | Training Level | Training Type | Subtype | Feats | Weapons | Armor | Cost | Upkeep
Human Infantry | None | Human| | Lt Infantry| Elite | Unbreakable | Scout| Light-Long| Light|490RP |123RP|
{table]Unit Name | MAB | RAB | AC | Melee Power | Ranged Power | Toughness | Wound Levels | Morale | Command | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Move | MPs | Shock Factor | Prerequisites
1st Scout Company |3 |5 |12 |7 |3 |17 |2 |5|5 |1 |3 | |6 |42 | | None

{table]Unit Name | Formation | Race | Unit Type | Training Level | Training Type | Subtype | Feats | Weapons | Armor | Cost | Upkeep
Iron Legion 1st Platoon | None | Gnoll| | Hvy Infantry| Elite | Unbreakable | Scout| Heavy| Heavy|770|193|
{table=head]Unit Name | MAB | RAB | AC | Melee Power | Ranged Power | Toughness | Wound Levels | Morale | Command | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Move | MPs | Shock Factor | Prerequisites
Iron Legion 1st Platoon |7|4|19|14|14|23|2|5|4|7|1|1|4|28|||
Iron Legion 2nd Platoon |7|4|19|14|14|23|2|5|4|7|1|1|4|28|||
Guardians of the Shore|5|7|13|8|12|23|2|5|5|5|4|0|||
Lycaeca Home Swarm|4|5|11|7|3|21|2|3|1|3|4|2|||
1st Scouts Company|3|5|12|7|3|17|2|5|5|1|3|0|6|42||||
1st Militia Company|2|2|12|5|2|16|2|0|6|42|0|2|0|||

Units and Locations:
{table] UnitID | Type Name | Location | Action | Current Wounds | Status | Numbers
1st Scout Company |El Lt Inf Scout |Thorns | Fortifying | None |Happy and Healthy| 100 |

{table] UnitID | Type Name | Location | Action | Current Wounds | Status | Numbers
Iron Legion 1st Platoon |Elite Heavy Infantry Scout |Thorns | Fortifying | None |Happy and Healthy| 100 |

{table] UnitID | Type Name | Location | Action | Current Wounds | Status | Numbers
Iron Legion 2nd Platoon |Elite Heavy Infantry Scout |Thorns | Fortifying | None |Happy and Healthy| 100 |

{table] UnitID | Type Name | Location | Action | Current Wounds | Status | Numbers
1st Militia Company|Irregular Light Infantry Scout |Thorns | Fortifying | None |Happy and Healthy| 100 |

{table] UnitID | Type Name | Location | Action | Current Wounds | Status | Numbers
Lycaeca Home Swarm |Regular Light Infantry |Lycaeca| Holding| None |Happy and Healthy| 100 |

{table] UnitID | Type Name | Location | Action | Current Wounds | Status | Numbers
Guardians of the Shore |Elite Light Infantry Scout |Thorns | Fortifying | None |Happy and Healthy| 100 |

2013-10-01, 10:15 PM
Email the turn if you could.

This is for describing your village etc. and taking IC actions.

2013-10-02, 09:23 AM
Construction in progress, ignore my dust. (Having to do this from work, and darn them if they don't keep interrupting me!)

{table]Ruler: Ambassador Malachias[/table]
{table]Race: Human| Civilzation: Cultured (Can Bank Income) | Governing Style: Despot(+25% RP, +2 Command) [/table]
{table]Province | Terrain | Population Centre (S) | Production (T) | Total Production (=T*S*250) | Upkeep
Capital - Thorns| Forest (4) | Village(1) | 4 |1000| 225RP
{table]Total Production: 1250| Total Upkeep: 225RP + units | Banked: Unsure[/table]


Troop Types:
{table]Unit Name | Formation | Race | Unit Type | Training Level | Training Type | Subtype | Feats | Weapons | Armor | Cost | Upkeep
Human Infantry | None | Human| | Irregular | Infantry (Light) | None | None | Light| Light| 105| 26RP
{table]Unit Name | MAB | RAB | AC | Melee Power | Ranged Power | Toughness | Wound Levels | Morale | Command | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Move | MPs | Shock Factor | Prerequisites
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | None

Units and Locations:
{table] UnitID | Type Name | Location | Action | Current Wounds | Status | Numbers
| | | Garrisoned | | |

2013-10-07, 12:06 AM
No sweat dude.

2013-10-07, 08:56 PM
{table]Ruler: Ambassador Malachias[/table]
{table]Race: Human| Civilzation: Cultured (Can Bank Income) | Governing Style: Despot(+25% RP, +2 Command) [/table]
{table]Province | Terrain | Population Centre (S) | Production (T) | Total Production (=T*S*250) | Upkeep
Capital - Thorns| Forest (4) | Village(1) | 4 |1000| 225RP
{table]Total Production: 2344| Total Upkeep: 225RP + units | Banked: Unsure[/table]


Human Forest Province = 4 Production x 250 = 1000
+25% Despot = 1250
+25% Logging Camp = 1562.5
+50% Sawmill = 2343.75 Total Production

225 Province Upkeep

[roll0] (Medium Taxation %)

Regent Income = 703
Realm Income = 1641 (1416 after 225 Province Upkeep)
Governing Style Upkeep = 0

(Will be editing in the unit upkeep and modifying my initial action with the correct totals once I have the tax rate


Troop Types:
{table]Unit Name | Formation | Race | Unit Type | Training Level | Training Type | Subtype | Feats | Weapons | Armor | Cost | Upkeep
Human Infantry | None | Human| | Lt Infantry| Elite | None | Scout| Light-Long| Light|460 RP |115 RP
{table]Unit Name | MAB | RAB | AC | Melee Power | Ranged Power | Toughness | Wound Levels | Morale | Command | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Move | MPs | Shock Factor | Prerequisites
1st Scout Company |3 |5 |12 |7 |3 |17 |2 |3 |5 |1 |3 | |6 |42 | | None

Units and Locations:
{table] UnitID | Type Name | Location | Action | Current Wounds | Status | Numbers
1st Scout Company |El Lt Inf Scout |Thorns | Moving to 140 | Happy and Healthy |100 |

2013-10-07, 09:02 PM
Apply each bonus one at a time and round up at each step.
Other than that, spot on.
Quite rich there!

2013-10-07, 09:08 PM
Hey, I'm sorry if you've already mentioned this, but the original unit that each ruler begins with. You mentioned that they begin irregular, no weapons, no armor. I'm assuming they can "start play" with whatever gear/training I provide them, am I correct?

2013-10-07, 09:31 PM
You can re-train them on the first turn. They have irregular weapons.
I will allow them to begin with the scout ability however as I did not plan that when writing up the initial game rules.

2013-10-07, 09:36 PM
Ah, then I'll be changing my first round action. Do you still want those emailed, or is this ic thread okay for orders?

2013-10-07, 09:55 PM
You can put it here, but other players may see it if they look for it, so it is not secure.

2013-10-08, 07:55 AM
Fair enough.

I would like my irregulars to move first to hex 140, then 134, then 132. (So, Northwest, then Northeast and Northeast again, in case I read the numbers wrong). I am adding the Scout Subtype to them (assuming 200RP). I'll upgrade them later.

I will be using the Muster Troops action to create one (1) unit. Human, Elite Light Infantry, Scout Subtype, Light-Long Weapons, Light Armor. By my math, it should cost 460, upkeep 115.

And.. Of COURSE I have a meeting that just came out of nowhere.. Ugh, will finish my revised turn as soon as it's over (sorry, work has been really ruining my fun lately).

2013-10-08, 10:36 AM
Sorry about that.

Okay, so.. The irregulars will move to hex 140, and, if there are no foes there, will then move to 134, and then to 132 if there are no foes in 134.

By the way, am I correct in assuming that they are: Base human costs 60, Irregular Light Infantry costs 60, Light Armor and Light-Long Weapons cost 40 total, for a total mustered cost of 160, upkeep 40? (by the way, 100 or 200 RP, are we assuming that they were mustered with the scout subtype, or assuming that they were upgraded to scouts later) Adding in the scout subtype (assuming 100 cost), that would make them cost 260, upkeep 65. Do you agree?

Regent Action: Muster Troops in Thorns (1 unit of Elite Light Infantry, Light/Light-Long, Scout subtype, Unbreakable Feat cost 490upkeep 123 (from Regent Income)

Realm Action: Build Roads (Thorns) Cost 500 (from Realm Income)

I'm assuming that when you muster a unit, you only have to pay the purchase cost, but not the upkeep cost (in the round you created it). Upkeep only starts in subsequent turns, correct?

Question on moving costs. Do you pay the cost for your starting hex? For example, if I was in hex 1 and moving through hex two to hex 3. Do I pay the movement cost for 2 and 3, or for all three?

If a scout unit moves into an unexplored hex, and there ARE monsters in it, can the scout unit continue to move to the next hex without engaging?

At what point in the turn does the Realm Random Event happen? Do we get to know what it is? Is it published (so that I would know that Kingdom A had a bumper crop, or that an avalanche buried a town in Kingdom B)

Is there a non-spying way to get information from other realms, like posting agents there that report on the daily goings on? Meaning, it's not a spy, he's not sneaking around and searching for documents. He's just a merchant who sends word about the "news" from his province.

Do we as characters (Ambassador Pife) know the names/titles/backgrounds of the other rulers, or do we have to learn that in-game?

Aquatic Hexes- I have two Aquatic hexes that CAN be built upon. However, they block Thorns from the Ocean. Does Thorns count as an ocean hex for the purposes of building fishing fleets and fishmarkets? (Does Thorns count as being adjacent to the ocean?)

I will go to the my first post on this thread and edit in a spoiler showing costs, expenditures, etc. I will keep this maintained with each transaction so there is an audit trail of what I'm doing.

Please let me know if you need more info for my initial action.

2013-10-08, 06:40 PM
The base cost of a unit is based on it's scores in certain areas, it could be more than 60 even, depends on how you work it.

You also increase the cost when you add the Infantry template to the unit, increasing it's values. The book is not very clear about all that really.

are we assuming that they were mustered with the scout subtype

I'm assuming that when you muster a unit, you only have to pay the purchase cost, but not the upkeep cost (in the round you created it). Upkeep only starts in subsequent turns, correct?
Upkeep is only paid in the first week of each season. You only start paying the upkeep cost in the first week of the next season after you mustered them.

Question on moving costs. Do you pay the cost for your starting hex? For example, if I was in hex 1 and moving through hex two to hex 3. Do I pay the movement cost for 2 and 3, or for all three?
You only pay the costs for the hexes you are moving through. So you do not pay the cost for hex 1.

If a scout unit moves into an unexplored hex, and there ARE monsters in it, can the scout unit continue to move to the next hex without engaging?
Depends on the "monster". Some will just attack, others will want to negotiate. Some will leave you be entirely.

At what point in the turn does the Realm Random Event happen? Do we get to know what it is? Is it published (so that I would know that Kingdom A had a bumper crop, or that an avalanche buried a town in Kingdom B)

Each player rolls the random event as the first action of his/her turn at the start of week 1 in each season.
For now they are not advertised. Though if it is relevant it might come up in IC meetings.

Is there a non-spying way to get information from other realms, like posting agents there that report on the daily goings on? Meaning, it's not a spy, he's not sneaking around and searching for documents. He's just a merchant who sends word about the "news" from his province.
Still spying, and that is an actual espionage action to do just that.

Do we as characters (Ambassador Pife) know the names/titles/backgrounds of the other rulers, or do we have to learn that in-game?
Learn it as you go.

Aquatic Hexes- I have two Aquatic hexes that CAN be built upon. However, they block Thorns from the Ocean. Does Thorns count as an ocean hex for the purposes of building fishing fleets and fishmarkets? (Does Thorns count as being adjacent to the ocean?)
No Thorns is not an ocean hex, you cannot build ports etc. there. That is the good thing about where you are. You could build two Thorpes on those coastal hexes and have a large dock area for Thorns.

2013-10-08, 07:14 PM
I am going to post this here because my PMs keep filling up.

Ahoy Gaiyamato,

About the champion for the Confederation of Thorns.. the merchant princess.
I have the character down I think and am busily communicating with Pife about the Confederation.
I have some questions about businesses and the cohorts, followers and specialists though.

This is my first time playing with the businesses from dmgII and this is what I came up with:

Theres Harvey (Lvl in merchant prince), her cohort (Also a lvl in merchant prince and relevant skills) and the Ambassador (Ruler of the Confederation).

The Ambassador spotted 8000 gold and Harvey put in 4000.

The plan is to begin with two businesses. A 'service' type business (4000) and a 'university' type (8000).

The service will entail providing safe travel for merchants, to and from the cities and holdings of the Confederation. It will be run by Harvey, assisted by her business partners the cohort and the Ambassador and will be employing two specialists.
The University will be run by the cohort, assisted by his business partners Harvey and the Ambassador and will be employing two specialists.

That all sounds good. Double check the costings. But they sound roughly right to me.

If all this adds up and is alright and the cohort will happily be the headmaster heres my questions: Do the specialists, only four in two different area's of expertise, come readily available? Can I use my followers as added security detail For the Thorns Protection Corporation and a few higher level followers as potential future business partners? The profit check is killing without partners.
No the specialists are assumed to be spending all of their time working on the business. The same goes for you and your Cohort running them. Too much time adventuring out of the capital will reduce your income roll each month.

Also at some point there will be too many businesses to be viable to run time wise. These two are stretching it with costing Harvey 48 hours per week to run. She is the new york stock exchange queens fantasy version but adding just one more business would ruin it. Can I start one controlling business a few months down the line overseeing the individual businesses? Maybe I can try to write a separate business type for it?
You can hire a specialist to run the business for you. Organise a sort of Corporate board style thing. That is why corporations were invented.

Check out the base class in my homebrew sig. :smallwink:

Last theres a character request, feat wise.. you rightly pointed out that I need the negotiator feat to qualify for business savvy. Sorry I missed that, but heres the thing. I need leadership.. I really need leadership.. All the feats I have other than leadership are to qualify for the Merchant Prince class. Not complaining, because its an awesome class I had never heard of before but I really need leadership.

Can I make a pinky promise to get Negotiator with the first possible feat she gets? Or maybe use a flaw or something..
Favoured-In-guild is a silly requirement. I would let you ignore that entirely if you like. Business Savvy is the only feat you require to get into the class.

Flaws are allowed. :smallwink:

I must be sounding greedy but I honestly think that is because of the Merchant Class. Im trying to squeeze out as much as possible for the Confederation. Please don't hold it against me.

Well, let me know what you think. Awesome game by the way!

(I have the cohort here: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=676020
lol. Thanks dude. :smallsmile:

2013-10-09, 06:55 AM
I just realized I haven't created my cohort or followers yet, I'll be working on that.

What other info/data can I get for you?

2013-10-09, 06:58 AM
We look pretty good to go I think.

2013-10-09, 01:09 PM
You can hire a specialist to run the business for you. Organise a sort of Corporate board style thing. That is why corporations were invented.

Check out the base class in my homebrew sig.

This.. is perfect.

I threw some stuff around and this is what I came up with:

Harvey has a leadershipscore total of 22 giving her a lvl 6 cohort and a bunch of followers.

As I understand it I can give the followers NPC classes:

Lvl 6 follower: Enterprise manager
He gains his own business (Open for business). Criminal organization

Lvl 5 follower: Enterprise manager
He gains his own business (Open for business). Fighting School

Lvl 5 follower: Enterprise manager
He gains his own business (Open for business). Money lender

Lvl 4 follower: Enterprise manager
He will run Harveys business, Service.

Lvl 4 follower: Enterprise manager
He will run the university.

The cohort that was to headmaster will become something else, enforcer typish.

All of them will be supported by the confederation and all of them will be guild masters appointed by the ambassador. All of them pay 25% for the privilege. Except for the businesses run by the level 4 followers since they were paid for by Harvey. In return they get the additional honor of having added business protection by Harvey herself, and her scary enforcers of fair trade (Cohort and lower level followers.) and full backing from the Confederation.
The guild masters would hold a weekly meeting, Harvey at the helm. The only exception being the thieves guild. Their dealings are separate and private, because of the nature of the business.

Does this setup work? And if so, can I take 10 on profit rolls? That would relieve a lot of rolls and calculating, Im totally up for rolling if not but I thought id check.

I can also provide a plausible backstory for all of it, but if you get the picture id rather stick with the cohorts backstory and let the rest shine through a bit while playing where appropriate.

2013-10-09, 06:16 PM
Does this setup work? And if so, can I take 10 on profit rolls? That would relieve a lot of rolls and calculating, Im totally up for rolling if not but I thought id check.
Yes it does, and yes you can. :smallsmile:

I can also provide a plausible backstory for all of it, but if you get the picture id rather stick with the cohorts backstory and let the rest shine through a bit while playing where appropriate.

Happy as it is, it all makes enough sense. Do more only if you wish to.

2013-10-10, 06:29 AM
Still wish to explore 140, then 134, then 1327 (? Assuming you just misread the map)?

2013-10-10, 07:08 AM

2013-10-10, 07:17 AM
Your unit passes through the hex of hills encountering seemingly nothing. As they are turning to head north east they come across a man at a small campsite. "Hello there my good fellows! Wow so many of you! Where might you be headed? I am Vasilvo, I come from the Kingdom of Eliar to the north of here seeking a township to trade with." he greets your men with a smile.

2013-10-10, 08:05 AM
The captain of this ragtag unit is an educated man, one of the few currently under arms for the Confederation. He knows that trade is the lifeblood of his nation. He also knows that reputations can be made or broken by the smallest acts.

He is extremely polite, engaging the man in conversation, asking if he has seen or heard of anything dangerous or interesting in this area, and offering food and drink if the man appears to be without. He also inquires as to the type of trade that the man engages in, and what wares he carries. Goodman, how have you fared this trip? These are perilous times for a man on the road alone. I have the privilege of being the commander of the 1st Scout Company of Thorns. The town of Thorns lies a day or two's journey to the southeast. He then gives the man detailed directions with landmarks, that he might find his way easily.

If you have anything appropriate for trade currently, I would be happy to let my men peruse your wares. I can also leave you a small detail of men to accompany you safely to Thorns, if you like. My master will be pleased to receive you. His is called Ambassador Malachias, a shrewd but fair man. The commander writes a brief letter that he addresses to Malachias, explaining that the Scouts encountered this man (and explaining where) who asked after trade. The commander adds that he invited the man to travel to Thorns to enjoy the hospitality and custom of our fair community, and hopes that the Ambassador would be willing to meet with the trader. This letter, once sealed, he gives to the merchant with a request to see it delivered.

With that, if all business with the man has been concluded, the Scouts will continue on their merry way!

2013-10-10, 08:10 AM
OOC: The trader seems to have very little with him. But he has some very well made cotton clothing from the north and a few trinkets etc.

He is very grateful to you and accepts your offer, heading off with the guards back to Thorns to meet the Ambassador.

2013-10-10, 08:24 AM
Excellent. He will hand pick the man who will be in charge of the escort, making sure that he selects the most discrete and alert man for the job.

2013-10-10, 08:26 AM
Both of the men arrive at Thorns, though the guard you sent has a minor bite wound, from an animal of some sort, on his shoulder. The two men tell of being ambushed by some sort of large creature before it vanished into the darkness.
Otherwise they are both perfectly alright.

2013-10-10, 09:00 AM
(I have the pdfs open now and am figuring out my followers/cohort, sorry I've been a slacker I will update as soon as possible with the details).

Since I don't have another unit handy, I will personally lead an expedition from Thorns to locate and subdue this creature. Along with my cohort and a number of followers (details to follow), I will also spread the word throughout the Thorns community that there is a dangerous predator on the loose, and offer a 500 gp reward for it's capture or proof of death. I'm hoping that this will get some hunters/trappers/adventurer types to engage.

The men will be questioned (after medical care is provided to the wounded man), and descriptions of the beast and it's location will be posted in numerous places throughout the province, and criers will spread the word through the illiterate farming communities surrounding the capital.

By the way, can Malachias qualify for the +2 leadership modifier for great renown (bard with 3 levels of legendary leader with class skills named legendary reputation and natural commander? By the way, do either of those skills translate to a bonus to my Command skill?)

2013-10-10, 09:31 AM
My cohort is an Expert 1/Ranger 2/Fighter 4 (max cohort level of 12, reduced to 7 due to my level). I will build the character on her own sheet, and get that to you for review. As well as being a personal advisor and guardian, she is a competent leader of troops, a fine conversationalist, an accomplished woodsman, and an ardent lover in the bedchamber. Her name is Novinha. (pronounced No-VIN-ha if you care, haha) Elven, Neutral Good alignment. She thinks I'm a little uptight and structured, and I think she's a bleeding heart, but their relationship is solid and built on trust. (She is one of the few people that Malachias trusts implicitly)

One other thing. He's a bard, but rather than a true "entertainer", he is more of a politician and orator. Bards cannot technically be lawful, but I wanted to ask you if you would accept a LN bard under these parameters. If not, Malachias himself will be Neutral. His "lawfulness" comes from his understanding of diplomacy and statesmanship, and his belief that a contract should always be fulfilled to the letter.

With the Extra Followers Feat, I double the number of followers, so.. assuming you grant the +2 for great renown, I will have..

60 1st level, 6 2nd, 2 3rd, 2 4th. I will figure out what these guys are all up to (a portion of them are going to be a personal bodyguard, but there aren't enough of them to make up a 'unit'.).

(I will add a spoiler on my OP with ongoing details about my followers)

One of the 4th level followers is the Captain of my Personal Guard, a level 4 warrior, and one of the 2nd levels (also warrior) is the sergeant. 20 1st level warriors round out the bodyguard.

2013-10-10, 07:03 PM
Yes you get the +2 for Great renown, and you get the fortress bonus as well.

Natural Leader gives a +4 on Rally checks for rallying broken units. I would also allow it to give a +4 to all morale checks for units you personally lead.

2013-10-10, 08:51 PM
Even better!

How much detail do you require for the followers of various levels as far as stats? I plan on posting what each of them do in a spoiler on the OP, but want to make sure I'm getting you everything you need. I'm also working on the sheet for my cohort now and will post it when I am finished.

2013-10-10, 09:13 PM
Just the stats that will be needed is all for followers. Too much detail and my head will explode. lol.

2013-10-11, 04:43 AM
Going to get one of the Co-GMs to run a side-quest for you to hunt down the creature.

In the meantime exploration of hex #134

You encounter two Treants striding through the forest, going about their business.

2013-10-11, 11:15 AM
At the crack of dawn Harvey strolls over the market square as the vendors are setting up.

It is a daily ritual and Harvey allows herself some time for smalltalk and pleasantries with various traders and always a chat with the overseer. She takes pride in knowing them and their families by name and makes a point to feel out the city before going into the office. She asks about the children, the weather and the latest gossip. Her involvement and accessibility to the commoners make well liked.
Her shadow, The Gentleman stays always a respectful distance while she indulges in her morning stroll and at six o'clock sharp, he opens the door of her plain looking coach and they take off to the office.

This morning the hunt was the talk of the town and Harvey had done all she could do to downplay the danger aspect, it was only one beast after all and even though slight fear was great for her business it could severely backfire if it got out of hand. This had calmed emotions somewhat.

At the office Harvey got straight to work, had meetings and met with notables. She had no idea how long the Ambassador would be gone but she was more than qualified to keep things running in his absence without making any critical decisions.
Even though today was busier than normal she found some time to organize the setup of a banquet for whenever the Ambassador returns victoriously from the hunt.

The Gentleman / Cohort (Not finished completely but at least you get an idea of how he looks.) :

The Gentleman (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=678263)

He is Harveys shadow and protector, as well as her strong-arm when faces need punched in the right direction.. through a wall.. Liked and respected as Harvey is, he is feared and avoided. It is never a good day to be visited by the Gentleman, especially when you can't honor your part of the agreement with Harvey. He is the reason people that can't pay their debts look over their shoulders and rightfully so.

2013-10-11, 12:17 PM
Going to get one of the Co-GMs to run a side-quest for you to hunt down the creature.


In the meantime exploration of hex #134

You encounter two Treants striding through the forest, going about their business.

The commander orders all weapons to be completely lowered, and in fact, they are to hold in place and pay the creatures no undue notice. The intent is for the unit to present no overt aggression. The commander will politely watch them to see if they mean to attack, parley, or just pass on, at which point he will give suitable orders.

2013-10-11, 05:10 PM
The Treants make no action toward you but continue about their work within the hex. After quite some time one of them approaches you. (think of treebeard from LotR when reading this) "Humans. This forest is protected by us. You have no place here."

2013-10-11, 07:06 PM
The commander respectfully agrees to keep moving on to hex 137. That evening, he will make a detailed report in his journal of the location and disposition of the treants. He also makes special efforts to notice any sign of other "protectors" in this area, looking for trails, signs of activity. But in general, the unit will move quickly and quietly, even forgoing fires until they are safely away from the area.

2013-10-11, 07:09 PM
The Treants will allow you passage only if you promise not to touch the hex ever. Your respect for the Treant forest should help you gain their trust.

If you do, no worries, you make it to hex 137. It is completely empty. Just flat grassland as far as you can see.

2013-10-11, 07:22 PM
If his only choices are to agree or to fight, he will give his word that he will never return to these woods, but that of course, his liege would need to be informed, and an envoy may eventually be sent to treat with them officially. (He'll even try to live up to that agreement).

And I believe that once I get to 137, that should be the end of the 1st week's movement, correct? Let me know when a new week begins so I can continue.

(My plan is to place a thorpe in 137 as soon as possible, but I believe that is next season, am I correct? )

2013-10-11, 07:25 PM
Lucky Strike- Do any of the gods appeal to you? None really seem to fit "well", but wanted to get your opinion. I don't want us to sell ourselves short if we could improve the lives of our citizens by devotion to one of the walking holies!

2013-10-11, 07:30 PM
You may pass through the woods, just not build anything there.

You now have week 2 movement to do before week 3 begins on the 15th. :smallsmile:

The next season begins in Week 14.

2013-10-11, 08:47 PM
Week 2 Movement

The 1st Scout Company will be on the march. Their path will take them through 4 hexes if nothing slows them down. The commander is making sure to take notes and sketches to give to Malachias' cartographers.

They will first head to hex 234, followed by 138, 139 and 229. While they are in Thorns, they will resupply and the commander will drop off his letters.

Let me know if this stuff is acceptable.

Businesses- I'm assuming (I didn't know, but seeing what others are doing, I'm guessing) that my followers can have been designated to run businesses? Assuming this is true, the following is my intention for my followers. (Still working out what the businesses cost and all that jazz, will update.. Lol, wow, this game is all over the place, I'm flipping through like 20 different books! )

Thorns' Players: A travelling troupe of actors (whose real purpose is to listen to the news, feel the pulse of the citizens in the areas they travel to.

5th Level Expert- Dietrich Weathers- Troupe Master
3rd Level Expert- Wanlorn Sebastian- Assistant Troupe Master and "Star" of the show
20 1st level Experts- These are the players, and share duties such as costuming, writing, sets, music, etc
10 1st level Warriors- These are largely used as laborers for the troupe, but are also there to provide security

Fighting School: Malachias wants to build an elite school of fighting. He hopes to eventually win contracts with merchant costers and other nations, providing training specific to the bodyguard and merchant guard careers, with classes on tactics, diplomacy, watchstanding, etc. All of his personal guards rotate into these classes regularly to keep their skills fresh.

5th Level Warrior- Helmut Kraival- Interim School Master (Malachias actively on the lookout for a hireling, a master swordsman.
4th Level Warrior- Vic Rast- Instructor and assistant to Helmut
2 2nd Level Warriors- Winston Zedmore and Willis Arnold- Instructors
3rd Level Expert- Clerk and Administrative Head of School- Elias Moran
10 1st Level Warriors- Porters, demonstrators, night watchmen

Malachias' Personal Bodyguard: (This isn't a business of course)
This personal guard is led by Qira, a small but fierce female 4th level Warrior. She is one of Malachias' personal advisors and is usually always in his presence. Is very protective and always checks rooms before allowing the Ambassador to enter them. They attempt to be unobtrusive, staying out of the way, but always attempting to be both in the room the Ambassador currently inhabits as well as where he may go. (2 guards are detailed to him at all times, they remain in his presence at all times save for evenings (when they guard his door), and when he specifically requests they leave).

4th Level Warrior- Qira- Malachias' Captain of his Personal Guard
3rd Level Warrior- Felix Tanner- Assistant/Executive Officer of Personal Guard-
2 2nd level Warriors- Evan Smallmist and Roland Tenhammer- Guard Sergeants
38 1st Level Warriors- Rank and file guards broken into two 19 man platoons. When safely in garrison, they get ample down time, one platoon on leave and/or administrative duties (weapon cleaning, drilling, R&R, etc) a week at a time. 10 Guards in the Active Platoon are on duty during the day in teams of two, and 9 at night, in teams of 3). Higher ranking officers have much less time off.

Malachias' Personal Assistants-

Malachias' Personal Physician- Arisilde Damal- 3rd level Expert (also dabbles in alchemy)
Arisilde's assistant- Nicholas Valiarde- 2nd Level Expert (general information gathering/etiquette/etc)
2 2nd level experts- Secretaries/Clerks/Researchers- Exedric Fallowfield and Teela Winespring
2nd Level Expert- Malachias' Bodyservant- Felbin Esper- usually near Malachias, attends to his personal needs, clothing, food, butler type duties.
2 1st level experts- Cartographers and Scribes- Weldon and Sandor Warnick, brothers. They are like court stenographers, making records of all goings-on of the Ambassador, detailing agreements, favors, decisions, etc. They also are in charge of writing up any official documents, take dictation, etc

2013-10-11, 08:56 PM
sorry, edit that last hex move, I told you 229, I meant 241, my mistake.

2013-10-11, 08:59 PM
Is cool. I'll do your next move and go over the business stuff later. :smalltongue:

2013-10-13, 08:32 AM
Hey guys, Im suddenly going to Amsterdam for a week and will be back oktober 21st, so probably will have caught up by oktober 22nd. Hope its no problem but since Harvey is a charismatic pencil pusher I figure she can just be working in her office all the time. Pife, should stuff happen, like a siege or an angry mob of flaming flamingo's feel free to take the rains of the character, make her death sweet and full of glory when it comes to it.

Take care!

2013-10-15, 05:54 AM
Forgot about you. Sorry.
Moving to hex 234. Your men are attacked by a unit of 5 Shambling Mounds.

2013-10-15, 07:30 PM
No worries, I've been away from my computer for a few days, so it worked out haha..

The commander suspects two things. First, engaging these Shamblers will do nothing but provide blood for the roots to grow strong. Second, it's possible there is some coordinated defense of the wild places by the "native" creatures, such as the treants he ran into earlier.

His only action is to ensure an orderly withdrawal, hopefully in the direction of 138. Is there anything I need to do in order to withdraw before contact?

**Lucky Strike** Bravo, that's awesome. I would love that kind of trip, I hope you have a great time! I'll hold down the fort!

2013-10-15, 08:37 PM
You may make an orderly withdrawl to #138 no worries given you move faster than the shamblers. If you pass right on through the Treants will leave you be also and you can arrive home safely.

2013-10-16, 11:26 AM
Excellent, he will make his reports then, drop off notes to the cartographers Weldon and Sandor Warnick, resupply, and they will continue their journey to hex 241.

2013-10-17, 02:23 AM
241 is an ocean hex. Do you have a boat?

Your men can walk down to the beach and marvel at the water and then go home otherwise. lol.

2013-10-20, 05:29 AM
What actions are you thinking for week 3? Or just going to fortify in the village for now?

2013-10-21, 07:39 AM
My mistake, I thought it was an aquatic hex that could be settled and therefore needed to be explored.

My plan was to go from hex 241 (aquatic/settleable) to 242 (same terrain), then to 239 and 238.

How are some of the other kingdoms growing so quickly? Am I misunderstanding something? I have explored a couple of hexes, but own none but Thorns. Some of these other kingdoms seem to have just exploded.

So, if 241 and 242 cannot be traversed by land, then I will begin from Thorns, first travelling to 138 (where I will try to avoid the shambling mounds or any other enemy there), passing through the hex to 234 and then to 239.

Also, I never heard back about Malachias hunting down the mystery creature that was likely in the hills of 140, and wanted to also see if you had questions or thoughts about Malachias' followers (the spoiler 9-10 posts back.)

2013-10-23, 05:09 AM
Oh wait.. yeah my bad. #241 and #242 are explorable, and can be settled.

Yeah that exploration pattern is doable for week 3.

I'll run that now then get to the rest.
Also what is luckystrike doing?

rolling now:
#241 contains a thorpe of aquatic elves! They have just one unit of spearmen.
they also have.. no leader.. aaannddd.. they offer to join you *skip the IC bit* because you are awesome.
Gain a free thorpe with 8 base production from the hex and 0.25 from being a thorpe.

#242 contains.. a unit of merfolk. Who are willing to join you since you have somewhere nice for them to live....

#239 is empty, explored

#239 contains 2 units of gnoll mercenaries. Willing to work for you.

2013-10-23, 05:10 AM
The hunt for the creature in hex #140 turns up nothing at all. Seems it has moved on.

I'll get onto the business stuff next.

2013-10-23, 05:14 AM
Week 2 Movement
Let me know if this stuff is acceptable.

Businesses- I'm assuming (I didn't know, but seeing what others are doing, I'm guessing) that my followers can have been designated to run businesses? Assuming this is true, the following is my intention for my followers. (Still working out what the businesses cost and all that jazz, will update.. Lol, wow, this game is all over the place, I'm flipping through like 20 different books! )

Thorns' Players: A travelling troupe of actors (whose real purpose is to listen to the news, feel the pulse of the citizens in the areas they travel to.

5th Level Expert- Dietrich Weathers- Troupe Master
3rd Level Expert- Wanlorn Sebastian- Assistant Troupe Master and "Star" of the show
20 1st level Experts- These are the players, and share duties such as costuming, writing, sets, music, etc
10 1st level Warriors- These are largely used as laborers for the troupe, but are also there to provide security

Fighting School: Malachias wants to build an elite school of fighting. He hopes to eventually win contracts with merchant costers and other nations, providing training specific to the bodyguard and merchant guard careers, with classes on tactics, diplomacy, watchstanding, etc. All of his personal guards rotate into these classes regularly to keep their skills fresh.

5th Level Warrior- Helmut Kraival- Interim School Master (Malachias actively on the lookout for a hireling, a master swordsman.
4th Level Warrior- Vic Rast- Instructor and assistant to Helmut
2 2nd Level Warriors- Winston Zedmore and Willis Arnold- Instructors
3rd Level Expert- Clerk and Administrative Head of School- Elias Moran
10 1st Level Warriors- Porters, demonstrators, night watchmen

Malachias' Personal Bodyguard: (This isn't a business of course)
This personal guard is led by Qira, a small but fierce female 4th level Warrior. She is one of Malachias' personal advisors and is usually always in his presence. Is very protective and always checks rooms before allowing the Ambassador to enter them. They attempt to be unobtrusive, staying out of the way, but always attempting to be both in the room the Ambassador currently inhabits as well as where he may go. (2 guards are detailed to him at all times, they remain in his presence at all times save for evenings (when they guard his door), and when he specifically requests they leave).

4th Level Warrior- Qira- Malachias' Captain of his Personal Guard
3rd Level Warrior- Felix Tanner- Assistant/Executive Officer of Personal Guard-
2 2nd level Warriors- Evan Smallmist and Roland Tenhammer- Guard Sergeants
38 1st Level Warriors- Rank and file guards broken into two 19 man platoons. When safely in garrison, they get ample down time, one platoon on leave and/or administrative duties (weapon cleaning, drilling, R&R, etc) a week at a time. 10 Guards in the Active Platoon are on duty during the day in teams of two, and 9 at night, in teams of 3). Higher ranking officers have much less time off.

Malachias' Personal Assistants-

Malachias' Personal Physician- Arisilde Damal- 3rd level Expert (also dabbles in alchemy)
Arisilde's assistant- Nicholas Valiarde- 2nd Level Expert (general information gathering/etiquette/etc)
2 2nd level experts- Secretaries/Clerks/Researchers- Exedric Fallowfield and Teela Winespring
2nd Level Expert- Malachias' Bodyservant- Felbin Esper- usually near Malachias, attends to his personal needs, clothing, food, butler type duties.
2 1st level experts- Cartographers and Scribes- Weldon and Sandor Warnick, brothers. They are like court stenographers, making records of all goings-on of the Ambassador, detailing agreements, favors, decisions, etc. They also are in charge of writing up any official documents, take dictation, etc

This is actually very awesome. Go for it. Will give you a tiny income boost come Autumn as well. :smallsmile:
Are you sending the troupe of actors anywhere?

2013-10-24, 08:53 AM
Ugh, so sorry. Work has been obscenely busy for the last couple of weeks, and it's really kept me from digging into this. Trying to fix that, and will do better.

By the way, holy cow AWESOME!!

I am not yet sending the acting troupe anywhere, as I have not yet identified any other settlements (other than the elven Thorpe, which is awesome, btw). For now, they are entertaining the citizens of Thorns, practicing their marvels until I find them a likely town to visit.

Have to run to a meeting, but will update this shortly.

2013-10-24, 10:30 PM
Ambassador Malachias would like to negotiate with the leader(s) of the gnoll mercenary company's. Some key points of negotiation;

1. Will they cost anything over and above the normal 50% increase to cost due to the mercenary subtype? (And do I need to pay the initial cost or just begin paying the upkeep?

2. They will receive bonuses for each successful engagement they are in. (I'm thinking 200 RP per battle they survive (total, not per unit), which should probably equate to 100 gp per gnoll per successful battle assuming full strength. I want them LOYAL!!)

3. They will not go to Hex 241 (Aquatic Elven Thorpe which I will name Lycaeca) unless I specifically command it.

4. Because they are well paid, they will refrain from any non-sanctioned looting/pillaging/raping. (Sanctioning can/will come from me, if the correct circumstances appear).

5. They will obey all of the laws of the Confederation at all times. They can be scary, they don't have to be nice. It may be a bad idea to be in the same bar they go drinking in. But they will comport themselves and maintain non-criminal behavior.

6. They will fight when and where I point, and will treat my agents and countrymen with an acceptable level of non-malice. (I realize they're gnolls, so my expectations need to be moderate).

7. Slavery is tolerated in Thorns. I know that gnolls like slaves. They can avail themselves of the slave markets. (We aren't racist in Thorns. Anyone with coin and reasonable behavior is a welcome patron). HOWEVER.. There is a "class" of slave in Thorns, called the damnati, who are condemned criminals deemed to be incorrigible or grossly undesirable. Damnati have no rights, and the gnolls can use them as they see fit (away from my citizens). All non-damnati slaves must be treated reasonably. (Meaning they can't be maimed or eaten unless they have committed an egregious crime).

If they have any specific needs, they can be brought to my attention and they will be considered.

Merfolk Spearmen- I would like to ensure that they have any logistical necessities, and are introduced at Lycaeca as Confederation allies. (Are these mercenaries?)

Aquatic Elf Spearmen- I would like to know if there is anything they require as well.

Lycaeca- I would like to begin a program wherein citizens of Thorns are taken to Lycaeca so that the two races can interact and get comfortable with each other. I would like to invest 100 RP in this program. I want thinkers, philosophers, scholars, merchants, of both races, to brainstorm ways to leverage the synergy between the two environments. For example, things like swimming lessons, fishing competitions (assuming the elves eat fish), cuisine faires, musical interludes, cultural demonstrations like dancing, singing, performing, etc. (Please confirm this expense as valid before I deduct it from my treasury)

(by the way, I will also be working up the stats on the new units, and adding Lycaeca to my realm.

New business-

1. I would like to seek out a master swordsman for my fighting school. I would like to spend 50 RP (again, please confirm this expense as valid) sending criers, posting notices, holding competitions, etc.

2. Citizens of Thorns have strong legal recourse and clear, reasonable laws. (Their take on Lawful-Neutral is to consider that all citzens are equal in the eyes of the law, up to and including Malachias himself. Even Malachias could be taken to court by the lowliest crofter if he broke the law. If I want to ensure that the Confederation is a nation of laws, and I want a strong and honorable justice system, how would you like me to represent that in the game? What I'll be looking for is just and non-corrupt judges who only like to jail or fine people who are some sort of threat or drain on the community. Laws are slanted to favor business and commerce. Non-slave foreigners are welcome and protected under the same laws. Foreign slaves must be accounted for and kept in line.

3. Grandeur- Even though the Confederation is young, it wants to inspire it's citizens and it's neighbors. Culture is king in Thorns, and the government would like to subsidize the arts, making it easier for entertainers, scholars, artists, architects, and the like to find work and celebrity. A major goal is for Thorns to eventually become the most beautiful, magnificent, awe-inspiring city in the known world. I would like to begin laying some infrastructure for this, how would you like me to proceed/pay/justify/etc?

2013-10-24, 10:55 PM
Thoughts on slavery in Thorns: And, by the way, I don't expect there to be swarms of them. I don't think they'll be particularly common, as Thornians are industrious and fair (mostly). I don't expect this to be a huge factor, it just shows that Thorns is open to ALL kinds of business.

All slaves must be registered (foreign and domestic). All registration files will be disseminated throughout every settlements civil offices.
"Becoming" a slave- You cannot become a slave due to debt. You CAN become a slave if you are homeless/unemployed. (We don't like hobos, but as long as you aren't a complete ragbag, you're fine. Err on the side of leniency.)
The Damnati have NO rights. Literally none. However, this means that only the most egregious offenders can be condemned to it. Unjustifiable murder, major breach of contract (causing loss of life or more than 10,000 gp value), arsonists, pedophiles, false agents of the state, proven rapists, scum of the earth types.
NON-Damnati- Masters have considerable leeway. Culturally, citizens of Thorns are not cruel, so particularly cruel masters are shunned by their peers. One solid rule is that no slave can be killed out of hand or maimed without presenting their case to the local magistrate. (This magistrate will deny the request if it is completely unjustified, but attempts to maintain the sanctity of the owners dignity and authority to handle his own business.
Only volunteers or Damnati can be made to fight. All fights must be on private property or in a sanctioned venue (gaining revenue for the state).
Non-Damnati slaves have "some" rights. They can purchase their freedom (at the price their master sets), they can have money (as allowed by the master), they can be manumitted at the will of the master (Damnati cannot be manumitted for any reason short of Malachias' decree)
Criminals, captured enemy soldiers/agents, and slaves captured during war are the most common origins for slaves in Thorns.
Attempting escape is punishable by death, or hard labor. Petty theft can NOT carry a death sentence. Assault on a master results in the death of all slaves owned by that master (reimbursed by the state in the form of replacement slaves of equal number and of reasonable quality, no promises).

2013-10-24, 11:55 PM
1. Will they cost anything over and above the normal 50% increase to cost due to the mercenary subtype? (And do I need to pay the initial cost or just begin paying the upkeep?
No, standard Gnoll Regular light infantry with spears, light armor and shields. Mercenary subtype. No feats.

2. They will receive bonuses for each successful engagement they are in. (I'm thinking 200 RP per battle they survive (total, not per unit), which should probably equate to 100 gp per gnoll per successful battle assuming full strength. I want them LOYAL!!)
Forget about all that. These are not Merc bands, just random units.

3. They will not go to Hex 241 (Aquatic Elven Thorpe which I will name Lycaeca) unless I specifically command it.
No worries.

4. Because they are well paid, they will refrain from any non-sanctioned looting/pillaging/raping. (Sanctioning can/will come from me, if the correct circumstances appear).

5. They will obey all of the laws of the Confederation at all times. They can be scary, they don't have to be nice. It may be a bad idea to be in the same bar they go drinking in. But they will comport themselves and maintain non-criminal behavior.

6. They will fight when and where I point, and will treat my agents and countrymen with an acceptable level of non-malice. (I realize they're gnolls, so my expectations need to be moderate).

7. Slavery is tolerated in Thorns. I know that gnolls like slaves. They can avail themselves of the slave markets. (We aren't racist in Thorns. Anyone with coin and reasonable behavior is a welcome patron). HOWEVER.. There is a "class" of slave in Thorns, called the damnati, who are condemned criminals deemed to be incorrigible or grossly undesirable. Damnati have no rights, and the gnolls can use them as they see fit (away from my citizens). All non-damnati slaves must be treated reasonably. (Meaning they can't be maimed or eaten unless they have committed an egregious crime).

If they have any specific needs, they can be brought to my attention and they will be considered.
They are totally under your command. Ignore a lot of that fluff stuff. these are just lost gnolls. :smallfrown:

Merfolk Spearmen- I would like to ensure that they have any logistical necessities, and are introduced at Lycaeca as Confederation allies. (Are these mercenaries?)
These are normal units as well. They just join you and just are.

Aquatic Elf Spearmen- I would like to know if there is anything they require as well.
They are good and loyal!

Lycaeca- I would like to begin a program wherein citizens of Thorns are taken to Lycaeca so that the two races can interact and get comfortable with each other. I would like to invest 100 RP in this program. I want thinkers, philosophers, scholars, merchants, of both races, to brainstorm ways to leverage the synergy between the two environments. For example, things like swimming lessons, fishing competitions (assuming the elves eat fish), cuisine faires, musical interludes, cultural demonstrations like dancing, singing, performing, etc. (Please confirm this expense as valid before I deduct it from my treasury)
Fluff stuff like this is free. lol.

(by the way, I will also be working up the stats on the new units, and adding Lycaeca to my realm.
Yep go for it. :smallcool:

1. I would like to seek out a master swordsman for my fighting school. I would like to spend 50 RP (again, please confirm this expense as valid) sending criers, posting notices, holding competitions, etc.

2. Citizens of Thorns have strong legal recourse and clear, reasonable laws. (Their take on Lawful-Neutral is to consider that all citzens are equal in the eyes of the law, up to and including Malachias himself. Even Malachias could be taken to court by the lowliest crofter if he broke the law. If I want to ensure that the Confederation is a nation of laws, and I want a strong and honorable justice system, how would you like me to represent that in the game? What I'll be looking for is just and non-corrupt judges who only like to jail or fine people who are some sort of threat or drain on the community. Laws are slanted to favor business and commerce. Non-slave foreigners are welcome and protected under the same laws. Foreign slaves must be accounted for and kept in line.

3. Grandeur- Even though the Confederation is young, it wants to inspire it's citizens and it's neighbors. Culture is king in Thorns, and the government would like to subsidize the arts, making it easier for entertainers, scholars, artists, architects, and the like to find work and celebrity. A major goal is for Thorns to eventually become the most beautiful, magnificent, awe-inspiring city in the known world. I would like to begin laying some infrastructure for this, how would you like me to proceed/pay/justify/etc?

Again all just fluff stuff. Say it is so and it is. This is essentially all a civilized Realm is.

2013-10-25, 12:12 AM
Also you need to sort out what units and where and what stats they have. Your capital is being approached by a force from the woods in the north.

Go here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16287210).

2013-10-25, 12:50 PM
Hey everybody. Apologies for the absence. Trip was great and I needed a bit longer than I thought to get my stuff together and my brain functioning again.

I see I missed a lot, I read up on most of it though. Pife, any ideas on where you want Harvey to make herself usefull?

2013-10-25, 07:36 PM
Welcome back Lucky! Glad to hear the trip went well. I'm actually off work next week, so I should have a lot of time to get all of my paperwork/fluff updated and posted.

Voila! We now have a Thorpe of friendly Aquatic Elves (town named Lycaeca), and picked up 4 units.. OMG I want the next season to start so that I can lay down some roads, upgrade Lycaeca, and drop another Thorpe. I'm either thinking the plains to the northeast, or the hills to the northwest (the hills would be nice for mining as well as to put a buffer between us and the nation just further on).

One of my highest priorities is getting Lycaeca large enough for a port (half price in an aquatic hex!)

Gaiya, do we know of the other "nations", at least roughly where they are and that they exist, or do we live in a "vacuum" until first contact? For instance, could I already send my acting troupe to another nation, or do I not know who/where they are?

Two questions about the Aquatic Elves-
1. Can the Aquatic Elf Spearman unit be cavalry, riding giant seahorses, or manta rays? Perhaps some dire dolphins, lol? Willing to pay extra above and beyond the upkeep for cavalry, and will begin preparation for a menagerie there as soon as possible if necessary.

2. Seafaring race- According to the book, the dominant race and their productivity in an aquatic hex are the determining factor as to how quickly ships can move.. Humans being at the low end, aquatic elves on the high end, was wondering if my outreach program with them would allow me to utilize the fast or at least the "medium" ship speed once I have ports. Again, if applicable, I would be willing to pay extra in order to make this possible.

Mermen and Elves- Can I assume that the elves and mermen can found thorpes in Ocean hexes/

Did all the math on my new units and Lycaeca, going back to my OP to update

News Flash!!
Malachias was still riding home with his bodyguard from the failed monster hunt to the northwest when a lathered horse and exhausted messenger approach their column at a gallop. Ambassador, she pants breathlessly. There is an unknown force approaching Thorns from the woods to the north. Disposition and numbers unknown.

After receiving the best estimate as to our "guests" current location and direction, Malachias calls to his retainers. Men, we go to see who is knocking at our door. Keep your eyes and ears open, maintain tactical silence as best as possible. We'll be as accomodating as they allow, but we'll want to keep a path to safety open at all times. Double scouts to the front, flankers and outriders out as well. Stay sharp.

2013-10-25, 07:52 PM
Hey Harvey, sorry, wasn't trying to ignore ya..

I'll be honest, I'm still trying to get a feel for all of the different things that we CAN do. I know that we have a potentially hostile force to the north, and I'm riding to meet it with Malachias.

So, I'd want you to stay away from them, lol. I think we should set up a time to chat about plans and ideas.

Umm, is there anything you can do in Lycaeca, perhaps talking with them and discovering if there are any shipwrecks, sunken fortresses, or other locations offshore that might hold some interest (rare resources, treasure, etc). It would also be good if someone inquired with them as to whom their natural enemies are. (For instance, they might know that there is a settlement of Locathah or Sahuagin or some such. So, we should pick their brains.

By the way, in the next couple of seasons, I want to provide you with your own personal unit, so let me know what you'd like it to be. (If you want it). But I'd feel safer if I knew that you had a strong unit to help watch your back.

The 1st Scout Company ran across a merchant in the middle of the forest, (hex 140 at the time, but that was a couple of weeks ago, and they directed him to Thorns. You could inquire about him, find out if he has any relevant connections we'd like to leverage.

Malachias is also looking for a stalwart and trustworthy blademaster to head his fighting school. Keep your eyes open for someone that fits that bill.

Malachias' acting troupe (really they're more information sponges, eyes and ears that should be welcomed almost anywhere with open arms as they're entertainers). I'll eventually want to find a bard to run that outfit, but let me know if you can think of anyplace they could do some good

Added Orders from Malachias
Malachias will send word that he wants the two gnoll units to join him with all speed.

2013-10-25, 07:52 PM
Actually your scouts report a massive army of undead is camped in hex #234 and another army (the one I linked you too) is moving from hex #138 to your capital.

Yes until contact you live in a vacuum.

Everything except the mermen can join you in your capital.

2013-10-25, 08:15 PM
Holy crap. Massive, you say? (And the aquatic elves can't join either)

By the way, do we "know" all of the gods? I mean, are they all part of our "pantheon"? The reason I ask, if we do know about them, it might be a fine time for Malachias and Thorns to start praying, lol.

Malachias issues orders like mad, and several of his personal guard are sent away as messengers. The 1st Scout Company is to fall back to Thorns and begin constructing fortifications, as will both units of gnolls. Depending on how long they have (if any time at all), they will be building a Wooden Redoubt and both covered and uncovered ditches.

Malachias also puts out word that he's seeking mercenaries. (Harvey, see if you can scrounge up a mercenary unit or two, lol. They're just laying around, right). Also, he puts out the word that any clerics that muster for the defense of Thorns will be paid 100 gp (1RP) just for showing up, (they must be demonstrably capable and "actual" clerics, capable of turning undead and healing). They will also be paid extra if they actually have to engage in combat.

Can the elite unit that's being trained in Thorns be used at all if it comes to battle?

2013-10-25, 08:37 PM
You can make some merc checks based on the available units in the Mercenart Market. They would show up in Thorns.

The Elite unit is there no worries, beeing sitting about twiddling it's thumbs for a week already in fact. lol.

Without a Chapel/Temple you get no Clerics.

Maybe you should open a recruitment thread and get a couple more champions?

The huge force to the north is Arnil, about 2000 strong. The other force descending on you is the Dark Empire. 200 shambling mounds and 2 Corrupted Treants so far...

Everyone knows of the Gods. Though for some reason none of them are answering prayers right now except to grant spells...

2013-10-25, 08:45 PM
Malachias will send out envoys, hoping to invite the leaders of both armies to parley (separately). Each envoy will carry a letter penned by Malachias (hopefully his "people skills" translates to paper). The contents of the letter are a gracious greeting and request to meet the Ambassador to discuss friendship, trade, etc.

Hey, how long does it take for a mustered unit to become available? I was thinking it was a whole season (but realized that it's only a full season for Training troops). I didn't realize that the Elite unit in Thorns was ready.

2013-10-25, 08:53 PM
Yeah they can move the following week after training. It just takes a full season action.

Just post an introduction in the thread I linked above.
I'll sort the Arnil issue later today when I get back. :smallsmile:

2013-10-26, 03:00 AM
Voila! We now have a Thorpe of friendly Aquatic Elves (town named Lycaeca), and picked up 4 units.. OMG I want the next season to start so that I can lay down some roads, upgrade Lycaeca, and drop another Thorpe. I'm either thinking the plains to the northeast, or the hills to the northwest (the hills would be nice for mining as well as to put a buffer between us and the nation just further on).

Awesome! :smallbiggrin: Good things are happening for the Confederation and it makes me happy. Perhaps the undead on our doorsteps could be persuaded to settle in the hill, provided they swear fealty to you and are offered protection by us? They could help getting rid of the deranged druid marching our way..

Hey Harvey, sorry, wasn't trying to ignore ya..

I'll be honest, I'm still trying to get a feel for all of the different things that we CAN do. I know that we have a potentially hostile force to the north, and I'm riding to meet it with Malachias.

So, I'd want you to stay away from them, lol. I think we should set up a time to chat about plans and ideas.

Umm, is there anything you can do in Lycaeca, perhaps talking with them and discovering if there are any shipwrecks, sunken fortresses, or other locations offshore that might hold some interest (rare resources, treasure, etc). It would also be good if someone inquired with them as to whom their natural enemies are. (For instance, they might know that there is a settlement of Locathah or Sahuagin or some such. So, we should pick their brains.

No problemo dude, I kind of like the fact of fiddling around on the borders of this game as Im quite sure I can't match the posting frequency of others here. Im also trying to wrap my head around this game and the fact that you're submerged in it is a great thing. Please don't feel like you have to 'entertain' me or keep me busy.
Harvey is pretty self reliant and supports the Ambassador in anything he wants but if you have a job here or there every so often that would work so much better than when you were completely reliant of Harvey on the daily. This way its less likely for her (or me) to disappoint ;).

A mission like this to Lycaeca is a perfect one. She's on the job and will do her best to find out whatever there is to find. Also since a siege might not be unthinkable in the future, a way to set up fresh food and water supplies from the ocean and recruiting mercs might be somewhat of a priority. She will also talk to the merchant.

As far as units, I'm completely intrigued by the seafaring options we have. The shipyards and harbor, the aquatic elves from Lycaeca.. it could be the key ingredient to make the Confederation a true haven for trade and prosperity. So when the time is there and you wish to grant Harvey a unit, a naval ship with pirates would pretty darn cool. :smallcool:


Oh and maybe we could send a follower or cohort to have a chat with the smelly forest heading our way, the ambassadors chica perhaps? See if we can stall their march a bit, or have them turn around all together?

(Edit II:)

Never mind, I see you have it covered ;)

Malachias will send out envoys, hoping to invite the leaders of both armies to parley (separately). Each envoy will carry a letter penned by Malachias (hopefully his "people skills" translates to paper). The contents of the letter are a gracious greeting and request to meet the Ambassador to discuss friendship, trade, etc.

Im all for a chat by the way, let me know when you are available. Im not too good with computers so I might need to get some program or something. I have gmail and Facebook. Thats about it :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-26, 04:44 AM
You have no port or seafaring capabilities right now. But there is a PC merc who runs his own Ghost ship if you would like to send him a PM, you may be able to recruit him to the cause for a while. But he is more of a pirate wanting to raid shipping.. lol.

2013-10-26, 05:12 AM
Thats cool, the seafaring may be future talk, but I'm very enthusiastic about it. I'm sure well erect a shipyard and harbor soon enough. Ill contact the merc and see if we can put him to work.

2013-10-26, 06:20 PM
Definitely, a shipyard and projecting naval power is high on my list of priorities. Really no need for a shipping raider (unless I wanted to try to take the ship with my mermen, lol.) at this point, but I'm hoping there can be some kind of synergy with the aquatic elves and shipping.. I'm even considering starting up a shipwright business, and creating special craft with underhull access and flooded welldecks for merfolk and aquatic elf "Marines", lol.

But, will need to upgrade Lycaeca at least twice before it's large enough for a port of any kind. So, we're talking several seasons at the earliest. For now, I'm terrified about what's to the north. I imagine we'll put up a valiant fight, but not sure how we would stand up to either force, and it's possible that they are affiliated. That's why deflecting them is paramount. BTW, Malachias is not a coward, but he might have to bend to these guys a little bit. (But he'll always be looking for a way to even the balance). Just look at the size of the Dark Empire. They likely have immense resources.

But, I'll find out about getting you a ship, pirate or otherwise, even if it's anchorage has to be somewhere else for the moment. Our highest priority still needs to be money though.. Just the 6 units we currently have are tapping us for over 700 RP (or is it 800, have to look) per season, and that's if they sit still.

I have a feeling that this "verdant lord" isn't going to be swayed by money, and I hope that he doesn't already have "kill" orders. We shall see.

2013-10-27, 08:46 AM
Harvey's actions:

She sends out runners to find mercenaries that might be able to help out. (The halfling bowmen to be specific.)
Then she turns her attention to the town and makes sure all her followers are armed and ready and implores them to recruit as many able bodies as possible.

Understanding they could be caught between an army and the ocean she also issues orders to contact any pirates or smugglers to supply at least one ship able to have some individuals retreat if necessary.

(Rolls have been made in the mercenary thread)

She holds a conference with the guild leaders demanding them to stay positive but prepare for the worst. She requests no caravans leaving the city and that they take stock of all supplies. She also makes sure that they understand the necessity of aiding the military in their duties and ration the food and medical supplies. She stresses the fact that the Ambassador has not yet declared martial law, but would like to see them act as if it is in place already. Any help the guild and craftsmen could give to the construction of the defenses would not only be greatly appreciated, it will certainly not be forgotten.

After that she talks to the head of the thieves guild (also a follower of hers) to make sure they do not exploit this situation and urgently makes him aware of the fact that with the city guard and military having to focus on the threat outside they will not benefit from being sacked in the long run.

She talks to the headmaster of her university to dig up as much information about the Dark Empire as possible. With the favored in guild feat it seems logical he could have the 'scholastic' fringe benefit, allowing him to take 20 on a knowledge roll. (If appropriate in this case) And supplying herself and the Ambassador with the information as soon as possible.

Scholastic: Once per character level, you can take 20 on any Knowledge skill in which you have at least 1 rank. Using this ability takes 1 hour, and you can do so only while you are in your guildhouse, since you must research the desired information in the guild's holdings from other guild members to accomplish the task.

She sends out the Gentleman to make sure her followers are armed and ready to support the city when needed, and keep her person safe in case of battle.
Also since the barricades are being thrown up she demands from her followers not to panic and keep the town as calm as possible.

And with complete faith in the Ambassadors diplomatic skills and little worry of actual battle happening any time soon she heads over to Lycaeca to talk options keeping a few runners close to her to keep her information fresh and up to date and to issue orders where necessary.

2013-10-27, 08:47 AM
But, will need to upgrade Lycaeca at least twice before it's large enough for a port of any kind. So, we're talking several seasons at the earliest. For now, I'm terrified about what's to the north. I imagine we'll put up a valiant fight, but not sure how we would stand up to either force, and it's possible that they are affiliated.

Gods I hope they aren't in cahoots :smalleek:

2013-10-27, 09:31 AM
I forgot something:

She sends two men to track down the merchant from a week ago and see if he is still in town, to bring him to her.

2013-10-27, 09:21 PM
Well done Lucky, hope the halflings are willing.

Lets figure some stuff out..

I just noticed that you have a fighting school, and so do I. Do you think we should fold them together, or should I take mine, and start working towards a shipwright business. (Since we don't have a port, they would just be working on logistics, supply chains, blueprints, labor techniques, etc. In other words, research for a time when we can put them to use.

My Gather Info is +22, so I'll make the next approach to mercenaries.. As a matter of fact.. Gaiya, what would it take for me to attempt to find out whom ALL of the mercenary companies are working for, and what their wages are? Thorns is going to use a lot more stealth and sneakery than brute force, and this kind of information plays right into Malachias' wheelhouse.

Perhaps you should approach Cobalon? (The dwarves to our Northwest). Perhaps they would like access to a port in the next few seasons, and we might be able to make a deal with them if we agree to build roads and grant port access for favorable conditions. Plus, it's very likely that they wouldn't take kindly to all of these undead roaming about the place.

2013-10-27, 09:30 PM
You will have the halflings. You made the roll and they do not object to your kingdom theme or rulership style.
We can play out haggling over cost later.

If you can make a Mercenary check roll at +2 DC for each one you intend to find out about, I will make a check roll for them to work out if they would even bother replying. If your enquiry raises their interest they may respond with an offer to switch sides.

The Dwarves wont exist soon with an army of Orcs, Ogres and Trolls that puts the two forces you are facing to shame. You would have heard rumors of this from the odd Dwarf trader etc. (knowledge(local) check). Though interestingly almost all of the Orc force are mercenaries. :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-28, 04:17 AM
You will have the halflings. You made the roll and they do not object to your kingdom theme or rulership style.
We can play out haggling over cost later.

Great. Thank you! I love Halflings, if this wont turn the odds in our favor i dont know what will ;)

I just noticed that you have a fighting school, and so do I. Do you think we should fold them together, or should I take mine, and start working towards a shipwright business. (Since we don't have a port, they would just be working on logistics, supply chains, blueprints, labor techniques, etc. In other words, research for a time when we can put them to use.

Yeah two fighting schools combined into one big campus merged with the university gives a feeling of something Grand on which to base a Metropolis. But its all fluff i guess. I did read something about discount on training troops, if they stack it might be usefull to keep two schools. We can open up a shipwright anyway on top of it all. Just an extra business in the confederation. :D

Perhaps you should approach Cobalon? (The dwarves to our Northwest). Perhaps they would like access to a port in the next few seasons, and we might be able to make a deal with them if we agree to build roads and grant port access for favorable conditions. Plus, it's very likely that they wouldn't take kindly to all of these undead roaming about the place.

Great idea, even better with them surrounded by orks. A friend in need is a friend indeed i heard say somewhere*. A proactive attitude towards making allies will do us good i think.

(Edit: *It was a placebo song :smallfrown:)

2013-10-28, 03:56 PM
The knowledge: Local roll to have heard about Cobalon.

Bardic Knowledge roll- are there any stories about Arnil, the Dark Empire, Cobalon, or whatever Lord Matthazar is that would be of use/value here? Perhaps some sort of leverage, something that could be used to stay their hands? For example, some object, a prophecy, some fated hero, an ancient song, lol. (Making 4 rolls because I'm asking about 4 things).

Arnil- [roll1]
Dark Empire- [roll2]
Cobalon- [roll3]
Lord Matthazar (Verdant Prince) [roll4]

Great job getting the Halflings Lucky! It may not look like much, but we're starting to form a decent army! (I need to get them into a formation, but need to check to see if that's a free action or a realm/regent action). We can put the elite light infantry, the two units of gnolls and the halflings in a formation (cohort is the 4 unit one, I believe). That, plus, depending on how long it takes before an attack commences, I have all of the units (including the irregular scouts) working on battlefield fortifications, so at least we'll be able to make them bleed, lol.

BTW, Gaiya, totally off topic, but.. I've never played a divine game. What books would I need to absorb to really wrap my head around that aspect?

Getting the low-down on the mercenaries!

Okay, this is what Malachias is good at. (the politics and information mongering). His plan is to find out the employer for each of the mercenary bands, the wages they are earning, and any other details that are relevant and juicy. (including if possible the price it would take to make them a) take a commission that they normally wouldn't take, or b) turn coat. )

Gather Information Rolls:
Razak Ronko and the Beltran Rebels- [roll5]
Phi and the Assassins- [roll6]
Lors Ikrell and the Undead Pirates- [roll7]
Torug the Black- [roll8]
Not bothering with Gorunsuns Slayers
Or the Halflings (got them already)
Gutter's Goblin Riders-[roll9]
Alphabet soup's knives- [roll10]
And not bothering with Ghihariss or Tarkus either.

2013-10-30, 12:12 PM
I can answer one of them, Harvey also got in touch with Lors Ikrell and the undead pirates. Mostly to make sure we have a clean getaway should things go south but also to provide an escort to the dwarves and help out against the ork army should the need arise. If the dwarves are still alive by then..
Negotiations are being done to see if they are willing to take the job as we speak.

2013-11-01, 12:04 PM
I have the IC thread of the conversation here:


Pife, just how serious are you about reaching out to the dwarves? I don't think theres anything stopping us short from getting info about their destruction?

If there is anything we can do to prevent that from happening should we? Or does it make more sense to start negotiations with the horde of orks seeing as evil seems to be dominating our beautiful world?

Also is it alright I follow your dark woods thread, its an interesting read but I just realized maybe people want to keep their own IC stuff private or something. Just checking :smallredface:

2013-11-02, 02:31 AM
Grande Military Academy of Thorns
Pre-requisite: A fighting School and a non-magical University as businesses.
Benefit: Replace both businesses with the following FoB building instead:

Cost per level: 1000gp (first level free)
Levels: 1-9
Upkeep: 15% of total cost
Benefit: Troops trained here may be selected from the following classes:

Level 1-3
Warrior (as per normal)
Fighter (max level = Academy level)
Scout (max level = Academy level)

Level 3-6
Ranger (non-spellcasting) (max level = Academy level-2)

Level 7-9
Paladin (non-spellcasting) (max level = Academy level-2)

When recruited units also gain +1 MAB and +1 RAB for free.
At level 4+ units also gain +1 Melee and Ranged Power
At level 7 units also gain +2 Toughness.

Grande Military Academy Recruit Barracks
Pre-requisite: Level 2 or higher Grande Military Academy. Armory.
Benefit: Retraining troops is a standard action, not a full season action.

2013-11-02, 03:12 AM
The Dwarf settlement is small, but led by a strong Dwarf leader who carries a powerful magical weapon.
Recent rumors from traders is that the Dwarves have been completely overrun and vanished into the Frostfell mountains.

Is a human empire directly to your north that uses undead and powerful cultist cavalry almost exclusively for it's armies. It is ruled by the evil Queen Sybille. They follow the God Inautia and seek to cover the world in an empire under their rule.
See fluff thread for more details

Dark Empire
The barely whispered Dark Empire is a largely unknown in the south. However rumors of refugees coming from the north tell tales of vast armies of undead and Dragon-men being led by massive bird-like creatures who follow the Vile God and employ the most evil magic behind them. A council of Rulers with one called the Dark Emperor sits at the head of the rapidly growing vast empire. Already it has consumed a nation once called BelTran, it's leader is now a Death Knight who rides on a vile Corrupted Black Dragon and leads the thousands strong armies of the Dark Empire. It has also recently consumed an Orc and a Hobgoblin nation. Arnil fears invasion from the Dark Empire, as do everyone. The Goddess Sophia herself actively fights the empire with the help of rebels and another nation made from the refugees of BelTran called Haven, somewhere in the west of the world.
See fluff thread for more details

Lord Matthazar
Lord Matthazar was the verdant lord who ruled over the forests north of Thorns and guided the fey people and Treants who lived there. Recently a wizard from the Dark Empire visited and filled the forests with corruption after Lord Matthazar agreed to join the Dark Empire in place for it's protection and a guarantee that the sacred woods of the world would be spared the further ravages of the hungry Dark Empire war machine.
See fluff thread for more details

Razak Ronko and the Beltran Rebels
Are currently in the north in a Kingdom called "The Grove" fighting against the forces of the Dark Empire. Most of their forces were mostly destroyed and they were chased into the frostfell by entire armies of Dread Wraiths and Wraiths. The God Sid'Jax intevened and "saved" them dropping them into the swamps and dense jungle of the Grove.

Phi and the Assassins
You were able to locate undercover in a Hobgoblin village that has just switched side to the Grove. He is working with the Grove to help fight the Dark Empire and has sworn to hunt and kill all the leaders of the Dark Empire including the Death Knight Gaheris, who was formerly the King of BelTran - Phi's sworn ruler.

Lors Ikrell and the Undead Pirates
Just joined you!!! :smallbiggrin:

Torug the Black
Is currently working for Arnil and is camped two hexes north of your capital with his undead army.

Gutter's Goblin Riders
Are unemployed riding about the countryside.

Sie'si'tyll'erion's Knives
Are somewhere in the underdark. No one knows.

Even though you did not roll he is in the employ of the Orcs and is only a few hexes away from Thorns in the mountains after just having destroyed the Dwarves. Ghihariss is with him as well.
Gorusun is also working for the West Orcs and is rumored to be in the far west raising a vast force of thousands of Gnolls and Goblins.

2013-11-02, 03:20 AM
Anything else you guys need? lol.

2013-11-02, 10:58 AM
Anything else you guys need? lol.

Just a pair of flip-flops and shades and we are ready to go I imagine. :smallcool:
That and a chevvy convertible, a black suitcase and the road to Vegas.

Pife, I have been thinking about your question of deities.. It seems to me that Sophia fits good into the idea of Thorn however there seem to be a lot of evil dark deities roaming that could take immediate offense and cut our story very short.

Following no deity might offend them in the slightly longer run. What do you think of a nation where all deities have a place? They can all get a place in some grand temple open to all ideas and followers. Provided they all respect the neutrality we strive to maintain.
Measures like nobody be allowed to bear arms in the city other than the city guard could be put in place. No spells being cast other than the clerics to heal citizens..
I have no idea on how to enforce this, and even less of an idea about how to appease all deities in one place. It could attract a mighty bloody arms race to us.. but having no divine allegiance will stagger Thorns progress tremendously I think.
In short, I still don't know but if we could get them to all believe Thorns is off limit.. it could free us from a lot of potential trouble.

2013-11-02, 06:39 PM
Point: Armies from all three evil nations are already on your doorstep.

2013-11-07, 02:25 PM
Point: Armies from all three evil nations are already on your doorstep.

Lol yeah, cancel the road trip. The party seems to be at Thorns.

After Harvey has her meeting with Lors she sends out runners to find out where the negotiations stand.

Has there been made contact yet with the Arnillians?

2013-11-12, 11:08 PM
None yet. Just word that a force is north of you camped two hexes away.

The West Orcs, Arnil and southern Dark Empire forces can all reach you (all almost at the same time) in week 4 however.

So yeah.. 4-way. But it might go very badly for Thorns if at least two of them are not convinced to not fight or assist you. The Orc force from the rumors from the traders appears to be larger than Thorns, Arnil and the DE forces combined - and potentially more powerful.

2013-11-13, 01:53 AM
Haha great! Things get interesting.. Good to have you back again Gaiya. I would love to take you up on the Grand Military of Thorns. Using both Harveys businesses to make it and donating it to Thorns.
We can postpone the grand opening a bit until the crisis is over.

Pife, I think I have a plan. Haven't heard from you in a while but I think you'll be pleasantly surprised :smallbiggrin: