View Full Version : Nation of Hobyrn IC

2013-10-01, 10:11 PM
Nation of Hobyrn IC.
Post whatever you need to or want to in here.

2013-10-01, 11:29 PM
Nation of Hobyrn

{table]Ruler: Warden Jaken[/table]
{table]Race: Halfling | Civilzation: Cultured (Can Bank RP) | Governing Style: Neutral [/table]
{table]Province | Terrain | Population Centre (S) | Production (T) | Total Production (=T*S*250) | Upkeep
Capital - Hobyrn | Plains(8) | Village(1) | 8 |2000RP | 225RP
{table]Total Production: 2000RP | Total Upkeep: 225RP | Banked: 150RP[/table]

Now I'm having a little confusion around the unit creation process so I'm going to go step by step to see if I have it right. To start off the base unit is based off the Monster Manual entry for the race, in this case the halfling warrior (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/halfling.htm) and as such should have stats like this

{table]Unit Name | MAB | RAB | AC | Melee Power | Ranged Power | Toughness | Wound Levels | Morale | Command | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Move | MPs | Shock Factor | Prerequisites
Halfling Militia | 1 | 0(2) | 12 | 1 | 0(1) | 20 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 4| 2 | 0 | Walk 4 | 28 | 0 | None

With a cost equal to 90=([0 mods-2 Move+1 Power+{20-10=10}=9]x10). If using commoners instead of warriors toughness is reduced by 4 and cost reduced by 40.

Then comes step 2, I know they are going to be irregular and given that they are halflings Light Infantry seems the most sensible option making their stats as follows:

{table]Unit Name | MAB | RAB | AC | Melee Power | Ranged Power | Toughness | Wound Levels | Morale | Command | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Move | MPs | Shock Factor | Prerequisites
Halfling Militia | 2 | 0(4) | 12 | 1 | 0(1) | 21 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 4| 4 | 0 | Walk 4 | 28 | 0 | None

This also increases their cost by 60 bringing their initial cost up to 150 RP.
Then comes the question of whether or not we are allowed to attach a subtype to our initial unit, if so I'll add Scout for an additional 100 RP bringing the total for 250 RP.

As an irregular unit they get no Feats so Step 4 is skipped.

Step 5 is a question as unarmed halflings are pretty helpless so weapons and armor will be necessary. There is no action present in FOB for changing troop equipment, so would it be a free action to give them weapons/armor? Likewise is there a cost reduction for weaponry given the reduced effectiveness for small creatures?

On the playing front:

The Warden understands that for Hobyrn to grow stronger his brethren will need to want to live under his Wardenship. As such taxes should, for the time being, and so taxes will be low.


On the action Front, can Jaken both Recruit more troops and lead his current troops on and expansion effort?

2013-10-06, 10:49 PM
You have it all correct, and changing weapons is part of a Training action.
Your halflings begin with Irregular Melee weapons. though I would allow Irregular Ranged (home-made slings) as well. :smallsmile:

Recruiting is done in the capital. Those troops can be recruited while you lead your existing troops out, yes.

The book does include cost reductions for small equipment, and score reductions as well.
Your weapons and armor cost half. Your weapons all have -1 Power.
Page 59.

2013-10-10, 06:38 AM
Any idea where you intend to explore?

2013-10-20, 05:38 AM
Ok, last bump dude. I know real life can easily take people away from these forums. But I need to know if you are going to continue playing or if I need to find a new player.