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View Full Version : Lesser Tiefling, or Lesser Aasimar...

2013-10-02, 09:35 AM

Don't worry - I'm not after advice on mechanical character creation at this point. I've at last settled on the build, it's just a matter of deciding on race.

I would really like to introduce a Lesser Tiefling character into a campaign I'm involved in at the moment. Our main characters have just shored up on a new continent, made some big impacts, caused a slave uprising and taken control of a city.

However, to the Northeast, lies the outpost of the demon king. They will be sending an envoy shortly, it has been boomed into our court wizard's head.

I would love to introduce a lesser tiefling female, who in agreement with the DM can be introduced in relation to the demon lord, possibly as a part of his envoy, or a defector who knows secret passages into his keep, or somesuch fun, geography and story related fashion. It means we have a new player character who is part of the geography and history.

The only thing is that she's an Ardent/Slayer build, which is Wisdom based.. and lesser tiefling is +2int. Lesser Aasimar however, is +2Wis.

Now, the name of the game is fun, and having a fiery, aggressive lesser tiefling gish to play would certainly create a lot of that.

Having a Lesser Aasimar would certainly give a better advantage considering the chosen class, however does not seem as entertaining, fluff-wise. Holy do-gooders are not as fun for me as mischievous characters with a bit of fire.

As a l. Aasima, I'm considering having it as somebody obsessed with militantly upholding good and destroying demons and aberrations. (Heck, our main characters have built a cathedral to the Gods in the city, it could be a prayer answered), a holy lawful warrior... or perhaps a 'fallen aasimar' kind of deal who turned his back on the Good Gods in order to further understand evil, so he can become some kind of non-dual transcendent egotistical being, or something.

It might be best to go Tiefling, accept that I'll have a couple less powerpoints, and -1 save DC, for the sake of keeping the flavour and fun alive..

..But if anybody is having some good, less-than-holy ideas for Lesser Aasimar, I'm all ears - I'd love to hear them before I compromise on the stats, lol.:smallamused:

2013-10-02, 09:42 AM
Corrupted Asamar maybe? perhaps warped my demon magic or captured and tortured past breaking then molded into a slayer of her own kind. or you could always just run the idea of a stat swap past your DM, its only a +2 so it not game breaking or anything.

2013-10-02, 09:58 AM
I tried suggesting the stat swap, it was denied.

Warped by demon magic, tortured beyond breaking, turned into a puppet of the demon king.. but upon being sent as envoy to this land of brave companions, something stirs inside him.. a glimpse of hope..

Maybeh? :) I can run it past DM!

2013-10-02, 10:21 AM
I tried suggesting the stat swap, it was denied.

Warped by demon magic, tortured beyond breaking, turned into a puppet of the demon king.. but upon being sent as envoy to this land of brave companions, something stirs inside him.. a glimpse of hope..

Maybeh? :) I can run it past DM!

hope, bla lol. i would go the rout of revenge just for the pleasure of it. seeing a chance to overthrow his master he sides with what he sees as powerful allies, know if he succeeds he might be able to claim the power his master held, and if they fail he claims he was leading them into a trap.

Oko and Qailee
2013-10-02, 11:42 AM
Keep in mine Lesser Aasimar don't have to be good or even neutral, they can be evil, and an evil lesser aasimar might make for an interesting character.

TBH though, evil stuff generally gets the shaft when it comes to +Wis, there aren't many +Wis evil races off the top of my head.

2013-10-02, 12:06 PM
I have the go ahead for a corrupted aasimar, so that's what I'm gonna do. :smallcool:

Just getting clarification that this can be tied in with the BBEG, maybe it was one of his lackies who inflicted this torture.. and seeing how we can work it into the story.

I don't have a confident, fiery tiefling in mind anymore.. but more of a once-celestial, now corrupted, gothic-style creature of an obviously wounded and conflicted nature, who has had everything taken away from them by the BBEG/cronie, now set on merciless, merciless revenge.. at any cost. As she hates what she has become inside and is desperate to feel her celestial-connection, so too does she wage an outwards war now against demon-kind and abominations in general - as a reflection of her inner conflict.

She may even, in her weaker moments, fully immerse herself in the abhorrence she detests.. I'm thinking Form of Doom, Fiendish Planar Embrace.. feather wings, tentacles, fully monstrous :P

My god, it's so emo but I think it could work.

She could even generally try to be a good person, supporting others and playing a positive party role, but have severe personality issues that lead to occasional novas. Tee hee.

Lord Haart
2013-10-02, 01:33 PM
Keep in mine Lesser Aasimar don't have to be good or even neutral, they can be evil, and an evil lesser aasimar might make for an interesting character.
Besides, aasimari are just as likely to descend from CG Eladrin, which are not quite goody-two-shoes-guys and have a lot of fire in them (if of benevolent or, at worst, mischievous kind), as from LG or NG outsiders.