View Full Version : What would 'Chosen of Gond' instead of Mystra have?

2013-10-02, 05:04 PM
The Simbul from the Faerun campaign Setting and the Epic Level Handbook has a pseudo template called Chosen of Mystra applied to her.

Does anyone know what that 'template' would grant if the deity was instead the Gnome craft god Gond?

2013-10-13, 07:15 AM
Old query, but just to answer it: whatever template you give for a "Chosen", it's more or less going to be homebrewed. AFAIK only two examples of Chosen "templates" exist - that of Mystra as described, and Fzoul Chembryl who has a Chosen of Bane template. Both amount to a decidedly unoptimised random grab bag of abilities, so just mess around with it a bit based on those examples.

2013-10-13, 08:01 AM
Quick clarification, Gond is not a gnome specific deity.

Craft (Cheese)
2013-10-13, 08:09 AM
Here's a thread with a large collection of homebrewed Chosen templates. (http://community.wizards.com/forum/forgotten-realms/threads/895786) Here's the Chosen of Gond template from that thread: (http://community.wizards.com/comment/19936801#comment-19936801)

Chosen of Gond

Creating a Chosen of Gond
“Chosen of Gond” is a +4 template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Gond uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted.

A Chosen of Gond only has its power at the will of Gond; should the Wonder Bringer decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

EX: Enlightenment; the chosen may grant a bonus to particularly devout researchers. The chosen can only help as many researchers as her intelligence bonus. Researchers gain the following benefits: +2 Intelligence, +2 Knowledge (Arcana), +2 Craft (Alchemy) +4 Craft (dependent on primary research) and most importantly a DR 15 / any non research generated attacks. IE: The DR ONLY works to protect against lab accidents.

EX: Soul of the Forge: The Chosen of Gond is dedicated to creating wonders and draws upon the power of Gond’s own forge to power her creations. She pays only 1/100 of the base price in EP.

EX: Artifacter: For purposes of creating items the chosen is considered 10 caster levels higher then her normal level. This DOES not increase any other level dependent abilities, saves, spells, etc.

Spell like abilities (Sp):
At will: Resist energy
5/day – Identify (no material component needed), Dispel Magic
3/day –Anti-magic field, Lab Assistant*
1/day – Mordenkainen’s Dysjunction

Special Qualities: Chosen of Gond retain all their special qualities.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Gond is immune to Poison and Disease. 10 resistance to mechanical or item based elemental attacks from cold, fire (heat), acid and electricity. He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Immune to Mind Affecting Abilities

Abilities: +10 Int, +4 Chr.
Alignment: Any

Skills: +4 Knowledge (Arcana), +4 to any 3 knowledge, profession, or crafts.

Weapons: The chosen is familiar with all firearms and the production of smokepowder if these items are allowed by the GM within their campaign.

*Lab assistant is similar to Unseen Servant:
Level: Sor / Wiz 5
Components: V,S,M
Casting time: 1 Standard action
Range: Long (400 feet +40 feet per level)
Effect: One translucent or invisible servant.
Duration: 1 Hour per level
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No
As Unseen Servant with the following changes:
A 16 strength for moving items. It is imbued with rudimentary coherence and can complete set tasks in the order it was given until complete. It can receive telepathic corrections or updates up to a distance of 1 foot per point of caster intelligence. It’s lab preparation skills give the caster a +1 bonus to craft or profession rolls.

2013-10-13, 09:06 AM
Old query, but just to answer it: whatever template you give for a "Chosen", it's more or less going to be homebrewed. AFAIK only two examples of Chosen "templates" exist - that of Mystra as described, and Fzoul Chembryl who has a Chosen of Bane template. Both amount to a decidedly unoptimised random grab bag of abilities, so just mess around with it a bit based on those examples.
There's also the Chosen of Deneir that can be backwards-engineered from Cadderly's statblock, IIRC.

For reference, the Chosen of Mystra template is in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, not a "pseudo" thing they invented for the ELH. It's a +4 CR template, though I'm not quite sure if it's worth that much myself.

2013-10-13, 01:49 PM
There's also the Chosen of Deneir that can be backwards-engineered from Cadderly's statblock, IIRC.

For reference, the Chosen of Mystra template is in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, not a "pseudo" thing they invented for the ELH. It's a +4 CR template, though I'm not quite sure if it's worth that much myself.

I was unaware of that printing of the template. Thanks for pointing it out. This gives me a much better starting point.

I got to thinking about it and the character this is for already benefits from some houserules we have in place that could work as the benefits of a Chosen of Gond Template, I just have no idea how their power level compares to the Chosen of Mystra template.

- Template can only be applied to an Epic character.
- Alignment restriction of Neutral.

- Explicit access to the Custom Magic Item guidelines as though they were rules instead.
- Explicit access to the Feats in Items sidebar (AaEG)
- Explicit access to the Wondrous Architecture rules (SBG)

- Ability to treat Constructs as Magic Items
- Ability to combine any two Magic Items by paying the *1.5 cost. Like MIC item combining rules, only any two Magic Items. (Might already be covered by gaining access to the Custom Magic Item guidelines.)
- Ability to create Constructs with a price based on their CR as per PF rules. With the exception that normally free-willed Constructs can be made this way, but they aren't controlled. Though their attitude will start off as Friendly (much like the Awaken Construct spell.)

- Ability to create Animated Objects using the Craft Construct feat which would change the duration of the spell to "Instantaneous", basically just making them unDispellable.
- Access to the 3.0 Minor Servitor (SS), Awaken Construct (SC), and Incarnate Construct (SS) spells.

The above are all (with the exception of the SLAs) houserules that are making the actual character "Chosen of Gond" in game, I thought it best to list them all.

EX: Soul of the Forge: The Chosen of Gond is dedicated to creating wonders and draws upon the power of Gond’s own forge to power her creations. She pays only 1/100 of the base price in EP.

What is "EP"?

Craft (Cheese)
2013-10-13, 02:22 PM
A typo I'm guessing, either GP or XP; Given the fluff of the ability, probably XP.

2013-10-13, 02:23 PM
A typo I'm guessing, either GP or XP; Given the fluff of the ability, probably XP.

No chance they meant Electrum Pieces?