View Full Version : The Annual Scary Adventure - Advice Welcome

Tim Proctor
2013-10-03, 12:38 AM
So I'm working on the annual scary adventure for the group, its the one with a horror feel to it. I got a group of 6 people, got some on drugs already, etc. etc. However, 1 player hasn't made a character yet and I get to, so I'd like ideas and advice on the adventure as well as the character.

I do know some grammatical and syntax errors, I will fix those.


The mountains are cold with patches of snow on the ground, a sight that rarely happens in the city a few days ride away. The mountain is large and oppressive dominating the entire northern skyline, a large blanket to clouds covers the middle to the top blocking any view of how high up it goes. Memory serves that it is a snow-capped peak year-round; however, none in the group have been this close.

The monastery is a large stone building perhaps four stories tall surrounded by other smaller buildings including stables, a crypt, and massive walls twenty feet tall and six feet thick. It is reminiscent of an old fortress. The word from the locals is that is used to be a fortress built over a thousand years ago during a great war. The sky begins to darken as night sets in the group is each shown their rooms, with each member having their own room.

At this point I hand a piece of paper to each player regarding what happens to their characters at night (the actions I asked before we closed last game).

The Night: is dark and full of terrors
This guy here is playing a cleric, who is currently experimenting with drugs trying to get a vision of the gods.

Your character was swept up by a group known as the million-coin quartet, which is the four greatest bards alive, they arrived separately unaware that the others were there and luckily for the villagers, they have agreed to perform together while here. They are specifically interested to hear what it is like to be dead, see the gods, and return. They take notes and begin repeating parts that almost sound like song lyrics. They offer your character a drug called DMT or more properly known as Dimethyltryptamine, which is made from a combination of mandrake root (a very poisonous substance), and a hallucinatory mushroom root.

While on the DHT it is like a rollercoaster within a few seconds of taking the drug he is off above his body, overwhelmed by a gravity-like suction propelled him further into space. Around him he felt a crowding of beings of an alien world. He sensed them but did not see these creatures yet, felt a profound attachment to them. It was the weirdest feeling of embrace and acceptance He’d ever encountered. At the same time this was happening there were all sorts of geometrical shapes in what seemed to be colors of energy and they were moving in patterns like the cogs of a watch or clock but weren't connected to each other. Then just as sudden as all of this was thrust upon him the universe went black and there was only noise, not just a pleasant sound; it is also the expression of mathematical relationships fraught with significance, the secret of the universe. The character is thrust violently back into his body as if travelling half the distance of the cosmos in a matter of seconds.

Nothing else extreme happens that day, the quartet does give the character enough DMT for three more uses and told not to use more than one per day otherwise it can overload someone’s system.

You have a dream of a majestic palace and atop are four arcane spell casters of some sort who you also have mastered the divine arts, their ages and clothes change but it is clearly the same four individuals. They are standing above a box carved in wood with runes etched into it and a gold disk and when you strain you can hear them talk. One of them asks the question ‘how much blood will it take’ and another replies ‘all of it, or nearly’ then another ‘hundreds of thousands of souls’. Then a man in a white robe with a stern face appears looking at you revealing a gaping wound in his chest that reveals it went through the entirety of his body and asks ‘where is it’.

This gal is the strategist of the group, always thinking of what is next and planning for it. I should preface that Hounds in this setting are Paladins that are like the religious police and where they came from will kill a bard for singing lustful songs.

Your character went into the rooms without any issues, but decided to sneak out and perform a midnight reconnaissance. While scouting the area, nothing unusual seems out of place, but the character is not familiar with old mountain monasteries either. There are always hounds on patrol but these hounds seem significantly less judgmental than other hounds, it may be their proximity to a den of debauchery but the lynxes in town and the hounds of the monastery do not seem to carry the faction tensions out here.
One thing of interest is an engraving in the wood beam over the door to the inner chapel, the chapel of St. Anne, which is written in an old dialect of Giant which says ‘This Place is Awesome’, and gives the name ‘Heil’. The strange parts are that it is Giant but this building is obviously not build for Giants and the words for Awesome also means Terrible, the name Heil is common enough and means a fort.

On your way back you see Maron’s character sneaking out of Ian’s character’s room in the middle of the night, you hide just in time and don’t think that you were observed.

After you fall asleep, you awake covered in a cold sweat terror still clinched your heart from the nightmare you just woke from. Darkness filled the far corner of the dimly lit room and as the darkness grew and crept out like tendrils of smoke and shadow, you attempt to move but you cannot, you attempt to scream but you cannot, the only thing you can do is move your eyes but they are fixated on the growing shadow. What seems like a rushing wind blows in your ears, in what feels like a spirit trying to enter your body and not matter how hard you resist the sound only grows stronger. You have the feeling of dread that if this entity enters your body you will surely die, panic sets in, you begin to pray for help and suddenly you snap out of it, as if nothing had happened.

This guy is a gnome barbarian who somehow has 49 hp at level 3, anyways he's paranoid and a conspiracy theorist.

Your character went into town to gather information about the man on the mountain. He goes to town and finds that he is a crazy ascetic who lives on the mountain, named The Silver Mountain because it is always covered in snow, not that there is silver up there. Not much else is known, or your character could actually get some gather information points.

You dream of an horrific battle, you are riding a blazing white horse that shines like molten bronze with an army of angelic beings to your left and right flying through the air. Below an army of the Titans of myth dressed in full battle gear also marching to battle with you. On the far distant horizon, a creeping black mass pours over the hills like millions of spiders underneath a burning blackened sky except these are devils. The battle ends horribly for you as you are struck down and two devils grab you and start to swing you onto an impalement stake laughing as they count “1… 2… 3… 4…” and then start again and again. Until they slam you down screaming “5… 5… 5… 5…” with a hideous cackle as your choke on your own blood from your ruptured lungs.

This gal I'm not so sure about, she's an anarchist but hasn't really developed her character other than she's leaning towards doing a lot of good.

Your character went into the rooms without any issues, but decided to sneak out and exchange the drugs from the dwarf with an appropriate amount of coin. She does so without any real incident, Ian’s character is so high that she isn’t sure if he is awake or asleep but he seems oblivious to her.

You awake to see a shadowy form of a cloaked man wandering your room frantically searching for something. You attempt to move and scream but you cannot move and cannot find your voice. You can almost hear the being repeating ‘where is it’… ‘Where is it’ but there are no sounds. Suddenly the being turns to you, if you could move you would jump back and scream, it reveals the face of a stern man whose chest looks to have been ripped open. As quickly as he turned to look at you, he is gone.

This guy is a dwarven paragon/fighter and he got a whole town slaughtered by Bears which are in this setting a fighters guild/city guard. He's also on drugs, but to drown out the memories.

Your character gets high and falls asleep. He relives the nightmare of the slaughter of the town; he cannot run nor look away but is captivated by the violence brought forth by the bears. This time the nightmare that he had a number of times has the addition of devils grabbing the souls of the slain and carrying them off, there are some angels fighting with devils over the souls of some righteous dead but most didn’t have the chance to be righteous. To the left is an impressive devil around twelve feet tall wrapped within its own wings like a grotesque cloak wreathed in flames, it looks on your character with an approving smile.

Your character wakes with a fright and sees the door shut as a beautiful woman exits, he is not sure if that is true or the drugs or residual from the nightmare, either way he does not think too much of it.

The next morning
The group (that is able to make it to breakfast) is at the feasting hall within the Monastery. There are four long large tables that fit thirty people each, there is a mix of Paladins wearing armor, monks in their robes, and townsfolk there eating and speaking.

The main conversation is mainly regarding the mists on the mountain, it is extremely low and with it hellhounds appear and attack. It normally does not get low enough to reach the village but in the evening there it is likely to reach the village, everyone should be within the walls of the Monastery where it is hallowed ground and the hellhounds cannot enter, the horns will blow 3 times when there is an hour to evacuate the village.

Allow the group to wander the town, eat, drink, take drugs, etc. they can make checks for gather information, etc. Make sure you tell the group that the horns blow three times. The villagers with families leave for the next town that morning, as do most the guests. This seems to be a semi-regular occurrence.

In The Evening:
Mists from the mountains sweep down and hellhounds start attacking people so the Paladins and the group evacuate people into the walls of the monastery, which is hallowed ground.

Hell Hounds SRD
I'm going to have them come in 2 waves of 3, the group should be able to put them down fairly easy I just want to burn some of their spells and abilities.

Inside the monastery:

During a dinner serving in the overcrowded monastery one person starts to count quietly "1... 2... 3... 4..." and then louder "1... 2... 3... 4..." and then stands up and screams "5... 5... 5... 5..." then lets out a bloodcurdling scream with a face full or terror as they jerk backwards arching their back so much that a loud crack echoes as their spine snaps. Suddenly their midsection erupts in gore as if an invisible impalement stake was jabbed through them, while they cannot see the stake itself they can see the intestines and other organs as well as blood clinging to it. The body remains floating there impaled by an invisible force for a few moments while silence fills the room. Suddenly the body drops making a horrific squishing sound sending splatters of blood throughout the room.

More Occurrences during Travel

As walking down the hall, they hear a distant yell, “5… 5… 5… 5…” and then a scream from the room that they just left.

You hear what sounds like children singing a nursery rhyme game where they count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5 however there are no children in the monastery.
Here they fight some animated objects

They hear drip… drip… drip, confused by what could be dripping. The tapestries of warriors of the faith begin to drip blood from midsection wounds as if they were impaled, the Tapestries jump off their holsters and attack the group

The Crypt

The catacombs are long and narrow passages or galleries and cross-galleries excavated in the bowels of the earth in the hills outside and around the city, for the burial of the dead. They are dark and gloomy, with only an occasional ray of light from above. The galleries have two or more stories, all filled with tombs, and form an intricate network or subterranean labyrinth. Small compartments were cut out like shelves in the perpendicular walls for the reception of the dead, and rectangular chambers for families, or distinguished martyrs. They were closed with a slab of marble or tile. The more wealthy were laid in sarcophagi. The ceiling is flat, sometimes slightly arched. Space was economized so as to leave room usually only for a single person; the average width of the passages being 2½ to 3 feet. This economy may be traced to the poverty of the early residents also to their strong sense of community in life and in death. The little oratories with altars and episcopal chairs cut in the tufa are probably of later construction, and could accommodate only a few persons at a time. They were suited for funeral services and private devotion, but not for public worship.

In the oldest section of the catacombs, three apparitions of knightly paladins appear and warn the group that they cannot disturb the grave of Saint Cincinnatus. If the group persists, they are attacked (by modified Sacred Watchers) with an initiative of 14.

The Library

The library of the Monastery is unremarkable with four bookshelves and a couple chairs, with a lantern on a small table.
Knowledge Religion check, 1 hour per +2 per previous roll:

<15: No new information is learned.

16-20: The Impaled god is St. Paschendale Cincinnatus, he was a brave warrior that solidified a treaty with the Titan to aid the Celestial forces in a massive ancient war against the Devils. He was apotheosized after the battle beat back the Nine-Hells of Bator; he died by being impaled by some devils.

21-25: Cincinnatus is a quasi or hero deity, a lower captain to Heironeous. He is the god of martyrdom, crusades and heroic death. He was risen nearly 3,000 years ago.

26-30: Cincinnatus is dying, his worshippers dead, and nearly all mention of him long gone, the oldest records present record a temple to Cincinnatus was 400-years ago during the last Great War, it was on the Silver Mountain.

31+: Cincinnatus is attempting to save himself by locating and destroying the artifact known as the Jazic Cubix, which is quasi-sealing Perth and the larger surrounding area from the rest of the world. With the Jazic Cubix destroyed the city will reconnect with the larger world and more beings will worship him and there will be more righteous wars.

The Chapel

The chapel of St. Anne is a rustic stone chapel with seven massive stained-glass windows depicting different gods all of whom are allied to Pelor. The first window is of Saint Anne who was a mortal risen to deification by Pelor, the window depicts a woman feeding the poor and resurrecting a child to life which were the apotheosis events for her. The second window depicts a shepherd giving sage advice with a cudgel on his belt, this is St. Cuthbert also a mortal who ascended to the divine. The third window depicts Heironeous. The fourth and largest depicts Pelor with sun staff and long flowing golden robes. Followed by Olidammara feasting, Bahamut the dragon god. Lastly another saint whose name was lost to history but was the saint of martyrdom and crusades a lieutenant of Heironeous who ascended after being impaled in a pitched battle with devils. The glass art shows a man being impaled on a stake in a manner very similar to that, which is happening to people.
The glass of the martyred god turns into a Golem, Stained Glass (Monster Manual II, page 116) and attacks them.

A flat, two-dimensional replicas of living beings. When they move, they produce a tinkling sound like that made by delicate crystal wind chimes. When moving through a lighted area, they flash and flicker as the light striking them breaks down into its component hues

The Exorcism
10 rounds each round requires a Concentration check DC 10 +1 per round, DC 20 Knowledge Religion Check forces the Avatar to appear. Every other round the following progresses, if the concentration breaks the exorcism needs to start again.

1,2) At the start of the ritual, the furniture in the room starts to shake and bang against the floor as if in protest of the ritual.

3,4) Loud audible growls emanate from all around the room, the shaking furniture turns more violent as the wooden legs of the chairs begin to crack and break

5,6) The furniture in the room starts to levitate and float, any small items such as books, cups, etc. that are unattended start to fly across the room and smash into the walls as if caught in a vortex.

Reflex saves DC 10 or take 1d4 damage.

7,8) The vortex becomes extremely powerful shaking the building itself, all of the curtains and clothing rushes all straight up as if in rebellion against the laws of nature. The ceiling cracks with the violent shudders.

Fortitude DC 20 or be blown away. Creatures on the ground are knocked prone and rolled 1d4×10 feet, taking 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per 10 feet

9,10) Before the group starts to become visible, the figment of a man with a gaping bloody wound in his chest and midsection wearing what would have been white robes if not for the amount of blood. He shines as if in silver moonlight with a faint blue iridescent glow making the blood seem even darker. He is screaming at the group nooo, noooo, noooo as two angels in similar lighting grab him by his arms and drag him away to some fate he did not wish. With a sudden shock, everything stops as the impaled god vanishes.

So any suggestions regarding the adventure and/or what the other player should be?

Tim Proctor
2013-10-06, 04:00 PM
BUMP before it's necromancy, like maybe -6, but I'd appreciate some feedback.