View Full Version : Adding class levels to monsters

Kevka Palazzo
2013-10-03, 02:46 AM
So I'm making a succubus villain for the players to fight, and want to give her some levels in Cleric. For a "PC Monster", this would be trivially easy. However, in neither the D20 SRD, Pathfinder SRD, or World of WarCraft RPG (which is what I'm technically running), does the succubus have a "Succubi as PCs" entry (which I totally understand, it just makes this difficult).

So if anybody could help me with this, I have a question:

What should I keep from the original monster block, and what should I get rid of? Obviously this will be somewhat relative, and depend on the kind of game I'm running. I'm mostly looking for advice from those of you who have tried something like this before, since I've always stuck to PC-able races for my recurring villains.

2013-10-03, 03:01 AM
Start with Improving Monsters (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/improvingMonsters.htm), read Urpriest's guide if needed, and see if those do the trick.

2013-10-03, 08:10 AM
i wouldnt change anything. take Succubus (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Succubus) which has 6 RHD and a +6LA and add lvs of whatever as needed. if you wanna know that bunus stats you get from being a succubus (just like with any monster converted to a PC) you take the listed stats and subtract 10 or 11 (which ever is need to reach a round number.)

2013-10-03, 11:36 PM
As a classed npc, you would be eligible to use the elite stat array for your cleric.

1) Take the elite stat array (15/14/13/12/10/8) and assign them to whichever stats you feel is appropriate. As a cleric, you probably want 15 in wis, followed by 14 in con.

2) Find out the succubus' racial stat modifiers [take base stat and subtract 10 (if even) or subtract 11 (if odd)]. This works out to +2str/+2dex/+2con/+6int/+4wis/+16cha). Add them your existing stats in (1).

3) Add clerics lvs as necessary. If the succubus has enough class lvs to reach 8HD, give it +1 to any stat of its choice. Repeat this for every additional 4HD it gets.

4) Select spells, items etc.

Alternatively, there is a cr14 demon. the lititu, in fiendish codex (which is essentially a souped up succubus cleric), which saves you the trouble of having to stat one up from scratch.

2013-10-03, 11:45 PM
i wouldnt change anything. take Succubus (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Succubus) which has 6 RHD and a +6LA and add lvs of whatever as needed. if you wanna know that bunus stats you get from being a succubus (just like with any monster converted to a PC) you take the listed stats and subtract 10 or 11 (which ever is need to reach a round number.)

Level adjustment is only relevant to Players. NPCs are concerned with CR if anything.

The Insanity
2013-10-04, 12:13 AM
Alternatively, there is a cr14 demon. the lititu
CR 12, actually.

Kevka Palazzo
2013-10-04, 01:01 AM
Alternatively, there is a cr14 demon. the lititu, in fiendish codex (which is essentially a souped up succubus cleric), which saves you the trouble of having to stat one up from scratch.

While that would be fun, the players are level 4-5, so a CR14 will probably be a bit much.

Hell, the Succubus with even a single level in Priest is possibly a bit much, especially with one of the party being a Forsaken.

The Insanity
2013-10-04, 01:33 AM
While that would be fun, the players are level 4-5, so a CR14 will probably be a bit much.
CR 12, actually.

Kevka Palazzo
2013-10-04, 01:34 AM
CR 12, actually.

Still pretty sure a CR12 monster would be a bit much.