View Full Version : I need help with a birthday gift for my gf.

2013-10-04, 09:21 AM
Hey guys, I am in dire need of help coming up with some ideas. I usually do really well with this kind of stuff, but for some reason this year is rough. She is artsy, enjoys hand-made things. She loves any studio ghibli cartoon as well as Zelda, Othello(the board game), Mario Party games, painting, DND (but not enough to enjoy a gift devoted to it) and Yugioh(spelling). Last year I created for her an Othello board and all the pieces needed to play a full game. I need ideas guys. It doesn't have to be hand-made because i will be making her card. And for christmas I am getting her a Wii U so... Thank you everyone for helping me with this dibacle.

2013-10-04, 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Tylorius
She is artsy, enjoys hand-made things.

Are there any craft shows where you are? In my area, there's usually a number of local arts-and-crafts shows around this time of year, rather pointedly leading up to the holiday season. Take her to one, see what she likes, sneak back afterward. Or go on your own and take your chances.


Originally Posted by Tylorius
Thank you everyone for helping me with this dibacle.

It's only a debacle if she doesn't like the gift. Right now it's a proto-debacle in quantum flux.


2013-10-04, 10:53 AM
Etsy is a good place to find crafts. Although buying from Etsy is only a good idea if you still have time, because sometimes the present takes a couple of weeks to arrive, especially if it's shipping from the other side of the world.

2013-10-04, 11:12 AM
make her a Totoro Pillow :smallbiggrin:

Morbis Meh
2013-10-04, 12:20 PM
Well if you have a lot of time and skill... I would maybe suggest a themed chess set (Probably Legend of Zelda) Link and Zelda are king/queen, and have the sages as the other back pieces with deku scrubs as pawns for one side: Ganondorf/Ganon as king with some other Twinrova as queen, the bosses for each temple (spirit temple can use the split two witches for pieces) and have the skullatos as the pawns... it would be pretty awesome even as a display piece if she doesn't like chess

2013-10-04, 12:36 PM
Are there any craft shows where you are?

I like this idea and think that i will run with it. I will let you all know how it turns out

2013-10-05, 05:44 AM
Something that is really cool and really unique is getting her name 3D printed. Most people have never seen it before, and I'd bet your girlfriend would be amazed by it.

2013-10-05, 06:53 PM
How about this (http://www.thatsmyface.com)?

You could be her hero. ^_^

2013-10-07, 12:45 AM
Is she a fan of candles? Sparkly doo-dads? I didn't see mention of either thing in the comments so I don't know but you might wanna check out this site (http://www.diamondcandles.com/?gclid=CMXQ9PmBhLoCFcxAMgodim4A-A#/.) and this one as well (http://www.jewelrycandles.com/) :smallsmile:
Good scents, jewelry, a chance of your item being worth something? I know my special lady friend (sadly, we aren't dating - it's a distance thing) likes them so I thought I'd make the suggestion :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-07, 06:30 AM
Is she a fan of candles? Sparkly doo-dads? I didn't see mention of either thing in the comments so I don't know but you might wanna check out this site (http://www.diamondcandles.com/?gclid=CMXQ9PmBhLoCFcxAMgodim4A-A#/.) and this one as well (http://www.jewelrycandles.com/) :smallsmile:
Good scents, jewelry, a chance of your item being worth something? I know my special lady friend (sadly, we aren't dating - it's a distance thing) likes them so I thought I'd make the suggestion :smallbiggrin:

Thanks man, I will keep those in mind for future gifting events.

2013-10-07, 07:52 AM
I also recommend getting craft supplies. Exactly what sort depends on what sort of artsy craftiness she's into: an easel and/or a set of really nice paints and brushes would be really good for a painter; a fancy sketch book and a pencil box would be nice for a drawer; a whole assortment of fancy beads and supplies for a beader; etc.
I've gotten an easel, a fancy sketch book and a box of pencils as presents at different times. They're pretty great.

2013-10-08, 07:12 AM
Her birthday is today and I ended up doing as best I could to craft her a necklace. I thank all of you for your help :)