View Full Version : Question about chakra binds

2013-10-04, 01:11 PM
So when you bind something to your chakra you use the ability to benefit from a magical item in that slot but you are still capable of wearing something in that slot correct? like it doesn't physically block you right?

I have something bound to my hands and i am wearing magical gloves (although they grant no benefit) at the same time this is OK right?

Also it only says you don't befit from magical items, but mundane is OK right? So i could bind something to my hands and wear locked gauntlets as well and still benefit from the +10 resist disarm?

2013-10-04, 01:19 PM
So when you bind something to your chakra you use the ability to benefit from a magical item in that slot but you are still capable of wearing something in that slot correct? like it doesn't physically block you right?

This depends on the soulmeld itself - some do, some don't. For example, binding Acrobat Boots causes them to meld into your feet like a blue coat of paint, so you can wear other boots over them (even if you gain no benefit for doing so other than not having to fish them out of your backpack later.) But a Crystal Helm will physically prevent you from wearing another helmet or hat while it is bound.

This is described at the beginning of the soulmelds chapter during the binding steps passages. (AFB or I'd give you an exact page.)

2013-10-04, 01:28 PM
If you just shape the meld, it doesn't prevent you from wearing a mundane/magical item usually. Pg 50 contains this in the section concerning Chakras.
The soulmeld appears floating
in the air around that part of the body or simply superimposed
over it and any other gear the character might wear
on that part of the body. You cannot shape two soulmelds
that occupy the same chakra. For example, if you have a
crystal helm occupying your crown chakra, the crystal helm
appears fl oating over your head, encompassing your head as
well as any helmet (even a magic helmet)
However on the next page it says that if you bind a meld to the chakra
It prevents you from gaining any benefi t from a magic item
that occupies the corresponding body slot. (In many cases,
it also prevents you from physically wearing such a magic
item, as dictated by common sense and the description of the
soulmeld in question.) For example, if you bind a crystal helm
to your crown chakra, the helm settles snugly around your
head. It physically prevents you from also wearing another
helm (magic or mundane), as well as magically preventing
you from gaining the benefi t of a magic helm

2013-10-04, 01:29 PM
@OP: The part in parentheses in the second quote was the passage I was referring to.

2013-10-04, 01:34 PM
Incarnum Focus items are never prevented from occupying an item slot that corresponds to a chakra, bind or no bind, as I've been given to understand.

2013-10-04, 01:44 PM
Incarnum Focus items are never prevented from occupying an item slot that corresponds to a chakra, bind or no bind, as I've been given to understand.

Correct - and not only that, but you also gain the benefits of the meld and the item simultaneously. So if you add magical effects to your incarnum focus items, you can benefit from the standard buffs (e.g. enhancement bonuses to attributes, resistance bonuses to saves) and your soulmelds at no additional cost.

Better still is if you combine specialty items, like turning your Incarnum Focus Belt into a Belt of Battle, and then wearing that together with your Manticore Belt :smalltongue:

2013-10-04, 01:44 PM
You would be correct about that Coidzor. Taken from pg 114.

Wearing an incarnum focus does not prevent you from binding a soulmeld to the corresponding chakra. This is a specific exception to the normal rule against binding a soulmeld to the same chakra as a worn magic item.
You can bind an incarnum focus to a chakra even if it is already occupied by a shaped or bound soulmeld.)