View Full Version : Demon Princess Build Help

2013-10-04, 03:08 PM
Hello I all. I am coming with help for a (if possible optimize build) to go with this somewhat vague concept I have for my next campaign.
I would start at lv 12 for a gestalt game. La buyoff allowed and LA only take one side of the track.
The concept is a girl born to a demon lord but with human (or elf or some other such race). She is going through a rebellious time now during her teenage/young adult years. By that I mean she is trying to be good. Keyword trying.

Race wise Im thinking Tiefling but please comment if you think there are any more choices that might work.

I imagine her as short(er)and slender. However despite this she is tank/melee skirmisher. I very much want a gish like feeling for her.
One idea I have is Eldritch Glaive Warlock/Warblade (swordsage). However I also have an idea for an ancestral weapon (either a sword or bladed reach weapon like a glaive. If I use that route I would prefer not to use the ancestral weapon so Im looking at ideas for that some sort of good magic gish. Maybe a reflavor of the JPM from TOB.
But I am open to other options I want to hear ideas I havent thought of. Im good with all wotc all dragon magazine and maybe 3rd party aswell.

Alignment wise it doesn't matter. Give me stuff from all alignments beside lawful. Including exalted and vile stuff. I said she is trying to be good. Doesn't mean she is.

The system is pathfinder but all 3.5 is allowed aswell.

John Longarrow
2013-10-04, 03:15 PM
You could just go succubi on one half then wizard on the other before pClassing.

If you do LA after racial HD, your build could be a lot like this:

Outsider - 1 / Wizard - 1
Outsider - 2 / Wizard - 2
Outsider - 3 / Wizard - 3
Outsider - 4 / Wizard - 4
Outsider - 5 / Wizard - 5
Outsider - 6 / Wizard - 6
LA - 1 / Abjurant Champion - 1
LA - 2 / Abjurant Champion - 2
LA - 3 / Abjurant Champion - 3
LA - 4 / Abjurant Champion - 4
LA - 5 / Abjurant Champion - 5
LA - 6 / DragonSlayer - 1

This gives you full BAB, full casting, and some neat abilities. Not sure what restrictions you otherwise have with PF, but this should give you the mechanical feel you are looking for with some hefty chances for good RP.

Between SR, great skills at lower levels, and a host of innate abilities you can really rock this build. Alternately go Sorcerer instead of wizard to take advantage of your massive Charisma.

2013-10-04, 03:44 PM
Reflavored JPM? You mean the ebon phoenix mage? Someone did a homebrew of that already here on the boards.

Your second side of the build could be a Sorcadin.
Paladin (of freedom) 2/ Sorc 4/spellsword1/abjurantchamp5.
After that, you can do Sacred Exorcist. Or take two Exalted Feats, and go Harper Paragon.
And yes, there has already been a succubus paladin, so your DM shouldn't have a problem with that.

Ancestral weapon type thing? Instead of playing with Ancestral Relics and Weapons of Legacy, why not just do an item familiar (UA/srd)?

There's also alternate half-fiend templates. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060630a
Though now that I look at it, I'm not sure if it's actually a different template, or the regular template applied to different creatures.

2013-10-04, 03:57 PM
Take a look at the Hellbred race from Fiendish Codex 2. It lets you use evil magic and items regardless of your alignment.

2013-10-04, 04:35 PM
Hm, I'd had a build put together for an NPC, something similar to this, plotted out to level 18.

Desideria Mentiris, CN Half-Fiend (LA+4) [Outsider] Changeling with Ritual of Alignment (Savage Species) [Evil]
**Ritual is in backstory – was performed by parents.

From Half-Fiend: Bat Wings, land speed (avg)
+1 natural armor.
Primary 2 claws (1d4+str), secondary bite (1d6+ ½ str)
Smite Good 1/day, +(HD) damage.
Darkvision 60
Immune to Poison
Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire 10
Natural weapons treated as magic
SR = HD+10
Racial +4 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Con, +4 Int, +2 Cha.

From Changeling:
+2 vs Sleep and Charm
+2 on Bluff, Intimidate, and Sense Motive
Speak Language is always a class skill
Disguise Self (body only) at will. +10 disguise when active.

Languages: Common, Auran, Terran, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Infernal, Draconic, Celestial, Aquan, Abyssal, Dwarven, Goblin, Gnoll, Halfling, Ignan, Orc, Sylvan, Undercommon

Beguiler11/Spymaster1/Fiend of Corruption2
1 Beguiler1: (Open Feat). Skills: Bluff*(4), Diplomacy(4), Disable Device(4), Disguise*(4), Forgery(4), Gather Info(4), Perform(unprintable)(4), Search(4), Sense Motive(4), Tumble(4), Use Magic Device(4)
2 Beguiler2: Bluff(5), Diplomacy(5), Perform(5), Disguise(5), Search(5), Sense Motive(5), Tumble(5), UMD(5), Concentration(x2, 2), Speak (Infernal)
3 Beguiler3: Feat: Skill Focus (Bluff). Bluff(6), Diplomacy(6), Disable(5), Disguise(6), Search(6), Sense Motive(6), Tumble(6), UMD(6), Concentration(x2, 4), Speak (Abyssal)
4 Beguiler4: +1 Cha Bluff(7), Diplomacy(7), Perform(6), Disguise(7) Search(7), Sense Motive (7), Tumble(7), UMD(7), Concentration(5), Spellcraft (x2, 2)
5 Beguiler5: Bluff(8), Diplomacy(8), Disable(6), Disguise(8), Search(8), Sense Motive (8), Tumble(8), UMD(8), Concentration(6), Spellcraft(x2, 4)
6 Spymaster1: Feat: Bluff(9), Diplomacy(9), Perform(7), Disguise(9), Search(9), Sense Motive(9), UMD(9), Jump(x5, 5), Speak (Draconic)
7 Beguiler6: Bluff(10), Diplomacy(10), Disable(7), Disguise(10), Search(10), Sense Motive (10), UMD(10), Concentration(x3, 9), Spellcraft(5)
8 Beguiler7: +1 Cha Bluff(11), Perform(8), Search(11), UMD(11), Decipher Script(x5, 5), Concentration (x2, 11)
9 Beguiler8: Feat: Bluff(12), Disable(8), Search(12), UMD(12), Concentration(12), Speak (Celestial, Aquan, Dwarven, Goblin, Gnoll, Halfling)
10 Beguiler9: Bluff(13), Perform(9), Search(13), UMD(13), Speak(Ignan, Orc, Sylvan, Undercommon), Decipher Script (x3, 3)
11 Beguiler10: Bluff(14), Disable(9), Search(14), UMD(14), Decipher(x2, 5), Move Silently(x5, 5)
12 Fiend of Corruption1: +1 Cha. Feat: Skills: Bluff(15), Search(15), Know(Religion)(x2, 2), Perform (x2, 11), UMD(xc/2, 15)
13 Fiend of Corruption2: Skills: Bluff(16), Search(16), Know(Religion)(x2, 4), Perform (x2, 13), UMD(xc/2, 16)
14 Beguiler11: Skills: Bluff(17), Search(17), Disable(10), UMD(17) , Perform(x4, 17)

Main point of the build being, that she's a half-fiend "fake succubus" that counts as an Evil Outsider, without necessarily having an Evil alignment. The biggest hiccup here is that the ritual of alignment is handwaved as part of the backstory (this was supposed to be an NPC).

You could probably qualify for Fiend of Corruption a lot earlier (or work it into the other side of the gestalt) if you wanted to modify it.

You could gestalt it with Warblade (or Swordsage) and Warshaper (because hey, Changeling, why not) on the other side to make a nasty gish. Cloaked Casting might work particularly well with the Shadow Hand stances.

2013-10-04, 07:26 PM
These are some really good ideas. Race wise I'm leaning either Succubus or Variant half fiend. Class wise Im thinking Wis/Sorc on one side and swordsage/warblade on the other and then go Jade phoniex mage (renamed Demon Beast Mage) and then may abjuration champion. Thats my current idea.