View Full Version : The DM gave you WHAT?!?!?

2013-10-04, 04:51 PM
Reading this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=307276) made me remember some of the times a DM gave me some outlandishly overpowered stuff.

What are your stories?

2013-10-04, 04:55 PM
My DM gave me a couple of STDs after gang-raping my character using a bunch of ogres because he thought I wasn't playing my Chaotic Good baby gold dragon Lawful enough. :smallfrown:

2013-10-04, 05:01 PM
First, I had a level 12 Lesser Tiefling Rogue, and did an involuntary trip through one of the layers of the Abyss.

Along the way, I managed to get the drop on a traveling demon. I'm pretty sure it was just a random part of the description, but I went to investigate and wound up ganking it. Part of his description was that it had summoned a Huge Fire Elemental using a basin when I presented myself to it with blah blah blah.

The DM was juggling the unexpected result and declared that it was a Brazier of Command Fire Elemental.

I was level 12, and had my greedy little mits on an item worth 100,000 gp and the ability to summon Huge fire elementals whenever I wanted.

The next several encounters were solved with a not-so-judicious application of Huge Fire Elemental.


2013-10-04, 05:01 PM
My DM gave me a couple of STDs after gang-raping my character using a bunch of ogres because he thought I wasn't playing my Chaotic Good baby gold dragon Lawful enough.
Please, tell me you are not serious.

Fosco the Swift
2013-10-04, 05:02 PM
It wasn't exactly overpowered but my DM had us find a chessboard where the pieces couldn't be moved, but moved according to real world events. We had no idea what piece represented what but each piece represented some highly valuable or important person in the real world, and we were on there but we didn't know what piece we were. we found out we were white (obviously) and that the white queen was an epic level wizard who had tutored our party's wizard. It was actually pretty cool.

2013-10-04, 05:02 PM
That time I set up a contract with several churches of gods on both sides of the spectrum that I was to have true resurrection cast upon myself and all members of the party once per year with miracles cast to subvert obstacles if the res didn't work. We were also all vecna blooded.

How did we get the leverage? Not even the gods could track us and any that refused to honor the contract were to have the collective lands of their followers repeatedly death from aboved or equivalent until there were no survivors. Naturally the gods that agreed would have scores of new followers gifted to them in such a way that other gods couldn't compete with their divine rank. It was silly.

2013-10-04, 05:07 PM
At level... 3? The DM gave the party a cloak of etherealness, mithral plate armor of speed, and a holy avenger

2013-10-04, 05:10 PM
At level 3 or so, each character in the group had a couple of staves of the magi and staves of power, a dozen or so wands of fire/lightning/cold, +5 armor, and more.
That was a different campaign than the one where we picked up at least one of every item in the RC and found a giant room consisting of a solid mithril computer.

2013-10-04, 05:13 PM
I had a GM that gave the cleric of the party the Cudgel of St. Cuthbert..
At level two.

2013-10-04, 05:14 PM
Level 7.

I needed to make a LITTLE cash during a rest and level-up period. I told the DM that I was going to go around the the wealthy and powerful people in the city to see what sort of masterwork quality gear they would like.

I would give them a 20% discount on any item off full price and use it to do some Diplomacy to swing people toward my dwarf's clan who was in combat with another clan. (not the main story plot)

I was planning on a few regular items. Use Fabricate. Make a few hundred gp, hopefully, to be able to afford the last bit an item I wanted.

Instead I got a list of 40+ Adamantine and Mithral weapons and armor. He said a 20% discount got everyone very interested and my Diplomacy check went well. The total value was over 300K gp.

After materials and discounts it left me with over 150,000 gp. WTF?!? I only needed another 300 gp!

2013-10-04, 05:16 PM
My DM gave me a couple of STDs after gang-raping my character using a bunch of ogres because he thought I wasn't playing my Chaotic Good baby gold dragon Lawful enough. :smallfrown:

I hate it when that happens.


2013-10-04, 05:18 PM
That's nothing, at level 2 I had a DM that gave a player's Greatsword the Briliant, Keen, and flaming enhancements, while still considering it a +1 Greatsword, not even masterwork, and then he gave my Unseelie Fey...Wings... Yeah I was a bit confused...

2013-10-04, 05:23 PM
Please, tell me you are not serious.Sorry.

I got kind of upset, and he laughed at me for it. I stopped playing after that.

2013-10-04, 05:24 PM
Requesting a moratorium on baby-dragon-rape references.

Our DM gave sixth level group a ring of 3 wishes. Which an overly greedy player (um, me) parlayed into a ring of infinite wishes because the DM was too lazy to find a loophole in my contract-like first wish. I am ashamed.

2013-10-04, 05:24 PM
Our DM rolled "roll two times on the table and apply both" a ridiculous number of times for magic item generation. The level 16ish party ended up with something like a +30 longsword once we figured out all the bonuses it ended up with.

2013-10-04, 05:27 PM

I got kind of upset, and he laughed at me for it. I stopped playing after that.

That's... just, uh... horrible. Yeah, that's the only word I can currently think of.

2013-10-04, 05:29 PM

I got kind of upset, and he laughed at me for it. I stopped playing after that.

This is one of those DMs who gets off of inappropriate fantasies in-game, right?

2013-10-04, 05:32 PM
Probably the most abusable thing I've gotten from a DM was an artifact of what was basically at-will, indefinite duration Time Stop. Got it at Lv6 or so, and kept it for the entire campaign. But you had to pay back what you took at the most inopportune time, so I was terrified of using it more than absolutely necessary (also, I was playing melee with easy access to a lot of persistent buffs, so it wasn't like I could drop a dozen delayed-blast-fireballs with it or anything).

Of course, this was the campaign where another PC went back in time and inserted himself into the timelines of other fictional characters in order to become them and take their powers/history, so getting Righteous Might up for free wasn't really on the radar.

2013-10-04, 05:38 PM
Well, one of our players in our PF campaign asked if he could make a new character, since he felt his new character was overshadowing the rest of the party. He ended up playing a Quickling bard. Instead of Wealth By Level, he had a short list of magic items that he wanted to start out with. This list included a Rapier of Puncturing, a Ring of Freedom of Movement, and Dimensional Shackles. This was around level 6-7. Also, earlier in the campaign, he put in a complex with adamantine doors. We now have all adamantine weapons (where it is possible) and an adamantine battle wagon. We calculated that the entire hoard of doors was worth over several million GP.

2013-10-04, 05:50 PM
For exactly one session at low level, after the book of exalted deeds came out, we misread the spell description of... diamond spray?... as DAZES, will negates instead of DAZZLES, will negates.

Until we figured that one out our opponents didn't really get to take a whole lot of actions.

2013-10-04, 06:06 PM
one DM started our campaign off at level 1 with everyone having a +2 speed weapon. shortly after our first encounter, we got to draw from a deck of many things. of course, we became a first level party with 6 4th level fighter cohorts, 3 small keeps, and diplomacy that was just a bit too good.

2013-10-04, 06:06 PM
At level four in PF my DM gave the whole party crazy weapons.

He gave me, a Witch, a Staff of Cold/Fire. It could switch between the two, with 15 charges for each side.

he gave the rogue a +4 brilliant energy dagger that could turn into a +5 keen shocking flaming burst short sword

he gave the fighter a +4 Vorpal Greatsword that could turn into a weird reach weapon that was +4 and some elemental things.

And he gave the alchemist a book that doubled his spells(whatever they are called) each day he used it while preparing.

After a few incredulous looks and surprised stutters we accepted theses weapons. A few sessions later he had them drained of power until we "attuned" ourselves to them. I still got to keep the Staff of cold part while everyone elses weapons got drained into masterworks only.

Oh! and the items were intelligent. but that never really came up.

2013-10-04, 06:10 PM
My dm has us roll our social status at char development. I've had 2 guys start out as slaves and 1 guy start out with a matched set of flaming sickles...

Emperor Tippy
2013-10-04, 06:10 PM
Probably the time the DM gave me the adamantium castle gate at level 2. Well not so much gave as put in the world. He was kinda sad when I went and stole it.

2013-10-04, 06:13 PM
My DM gave me a couple of STDs after gang-raping my character using a bunch of ogres because he thought I wasn't playing my Chaotic Good baby gold dragon Lawful enough. :smallfrown:
The thread is specifically talking about overpowered things, so your post has some unfortunate implications. Implications involving weaponized STD's. It is a sad thing.

2013-10-04, 06:15 PM
Just to be clear... the dragon got the STDs, right?

2013-10-04, 06:25 PM
Just to be clear... the dragon got the STDs, right?Right. He was way too much of a jerk for me to be interested.

2013-10-04, 06:28 PM
One of the more fun ones...

My Beguiler got two items. Nails of the Fool, a magic item that caused Permanent-until-item-is-removed damage, that gave you 1 point of wisdom per damage taken from a single nail. He promptly had the uber-Barbarian drive one into him.

The second item was a staff that then doubled all his mental abilities for 1 round per point of mental bonus, including Wisdom, and then reduced them all to 10 for five rounds afterwards.

My Beguiler tended to have a lot of holes in his chest.

2013-10-04, 06:28 PM
Right. He was way too much of a jerk for me to be interested.

How was this ...played at the table....

DM: Make a STR check

Rubik: Failed

DM: Fade to black and this is what happened to you


DM" make a str check

Rubik :Failed

Dm:Hey Jimmy go get the Book of Erotic Fantasies, this is going to be a long night.

2013-10-04, 06:29 PM
A DM gave me a dragon. That was nice.

Of course, he didn't mean to. It was a CR 20ish dragon, and we were level 12. But I was playing a stupidly overpowered character (Binder 1/Archivist 3/Anima Mage 7/Tainted Sorcerer 1) and was binding Tenebrous. The Dragon's tactic was to come hunt while protecting itself with invisibility and darkness. Tenebrous sees through darkness and I tagged the dragon with Glitterdust... then fired off a Twinned Lahm's Finger Darts. The DM had not expected a rapid TKO like that.

And that's how I got my Zombie Dragon! I rode it everywhere.


2013-10-04, 06:32 PM
How was this ...played at the table..The former, basically, though he seemed to get just a few too many jollies out of describing the aftermath.

2013-10-04, 06:33 PM
Not really overpowered in a mechanical sense, but in one game the DM gave the party (and me specifically) a pirate ship (strange enough in and of itself; the party at the time consisted of a wizard and a paladin) that contained a tap that produced infinite, free booze. I believe we were level 3.
Naturally, we immediately began selling it, and the next session and a half consisted of the DM trying to backpedal and get it away from us before we made too much money (without just up and saying "it's not yours anymore". He wasn't that kind of DM), and us trying to hold on to it just to give him a hard time (although we stopped making money off of it. Neither of us were that kind of player). Good times.

In another game with the same group (and same DM), this time at level 2, one dungeon contained a bunch of sarcophagi that, when someone is laid in them, cursed them as if it were a cursed item (each effect (well, most of them) rolled randomly from the table in the DMG). There were a whole bunch of varying severity; one gave you big pink polka-dots, one polymorphed you into a donkey, one hit you with a Gender Bender, one made you speak only in gibberish, etc.
Being the item hoarder I am, I immediately took the most interesting ones and hauled them back to our loot cart and kept them for the rest of the (unfortunately short-lived) campaign. Even got to use a couple of them.

2013-10-04, 06:33 PM
Probably the time the DM gave me the adamantium castle gate at level 2. Well not so much gave as put in the world. He was kinda sad when I went and stole it.

No Tippy, this will not be ignored! Tell me your secrets on how you STOLE a friggin' castle made of super metal at level 2.

Belril Duskwalk
2013-10-04, 06:36 PM
A Deck of Many Things. At level 5. I'm still not sure how the rules on the deck are SUPPOSED to go... but we ended up collectively drawing every card in the deck save for one. (The Betrayal card. THAT one we gave to the King.)

2013-10-04, 06:37 PM
No Tippy, this will not be ignored! Tell me your secrets on how you STOLE a friggin' castle made of super metal at level 2.

Castle gate not the entire castle. They probably just broke the stone around the gate and just walked off with it. Of course I wasn't there so they might have did something even weirder.

2013-10-04, 06:39 PM
Castle gate not the entire castle. They probably just broke the stone around the gate and just walked off with it. Of course I wasn't there so they might have did something even weirder.He probably Gated in a half-shadesteel golem hecatoncheires to rip it apart, or something.

2013-10-04, 06:52 PM
on the flip side, i as the dm gave one party a clutch of 3 white dragon wyrmlings ( they made the diplomacy rolls), a dire badger ( they made the wild empathy roll) and a half dragon grey elf wizard girlfriend ( it was a good chance to aggravate the player of the boyfriend). needless to say, that campaign got a little OP. i still laid the smackdown on them any time i wanted, though, even with low CR encounters.

2013-10-04, 06:59 PM
He probably Gated in a half-shadesteel golem hecatoncheires to rip it apart, or something.

If they did that at level two the dm had bigger problems than them getting a gate made of adamantine

2013-10-04, 07:03 PM
If they did that at level two the dm had bigger problems than them getting a gate made of adamantineWell, it IS Tippy...

Qc Storm
2013-10-04, 07:28 PM
While I was DMing, I introduced several homebrewed items. These were typically "completely useless but useful if you are clever" or "your character sucks, here is a little help.

When my players started DMing on their own, they wished to do something similar. Except they had a lesser grasp of balance.

We found a magical Rocket Launcher. At the cost of 1 CON damage, you could shoot a Fireball. DC worked with CON, and caster level with HD. The Crusader really likes it.

I got a companion Wyrmling Gold Dragon. Not a damage monster, but he is very fast and makes good use out of wands. Also rather tough for his age.

Someone else got a soul-draining rapier. Things got complicated when it drained Obi-wan's soul, an important NPC who was also an angel of sorts.

There was also a Jetpack stolen from Han Solo. Average Maneuverability, 30ft fly speed at will. Also several lightsabers and blasters, dealing fire damage instead of regular weapon damage.

As you can see, the campaign randomly shifted into Star Wars mode with very little foreshadowing. It was pretty neat in a weird way.

2013-10-04, 07:36 PM
Well once as a DM, I made a dragon get STD's, although I never did see the player again.

2013-10-04, 07:43 PM
Well once as a DM, I made a dragon get STD's, although I never did see the player again.

ha ha funny.

No, not at all. >.>

2013-10-04, 07:49 PM
I have had quite a few of these. Both of the DMs I've played under (in 3.5 and Pathfinder) tended towards Monty Haul when they were new. Some of them were worse than the others;

I got a +2 flaming bastard sword that was intelligent...at about level 6. The DM didn't know how to calculate their value properly. It was fun to have around, but still.

My OTHER DM, though, she's still quite new. She had the following problems;

1. No sense of WBL at all.

2. Average commoners have a few copper or silver pieces on them.

3. All the party members should have approximately as much wealth as each other.

So, not only did the whole party get +5 weapons, but the party rogue managed to steal some extremely high level, valuable items. He justified it by saying 'I'm the thief' which in theory I didn't mind, but in practice I felt was ridiculous. That means his character can steal his way around having to pay for food or lodging, not have a +5 greater shadow chain shirt at level 6.

2013-10-04, 08:08 PM
I got a Green Lantern ring once, cursed, no less, so I couldn't take it off. ( it was part of a plot where it was supposed to attract bad guys searching for it )
Not a bad trinket for a D&D character, eh?

This made the rest of the players pretty mad, of course. The DM expected me to use the thing all over the place, drawing the attention of the Villain. To keep things peaceful, I just assumed that the ring's only power was give me a cool suit. "it must be a ring of snappy dressing?" So, I went around sometimes dressed as a Green Lantern, the only use I ever had for this insanely powerful item.

2013-10-04, 08:09 PM
At level 4, the Barbarian was turned into a Hill Giant. He had so much HP he was basically invincible and could one hit every enemy in reach. I have no idea what the DM was thinking.

2013-10-04, 08:20 PM
ha ha funny.

No, not at all. >.>

<-< am telling Michael on you

2013-10-04, 08:58 PM
A piece of gear for every slot of equivalent level. I had been invited into a running campaign, asked around what they needed, they had a lot of glass cannon types, so I went Cleric. Seventh or eighth level I think. DM said "You'll need it" and proceeded to give me everything. +2 Holy Returning Warhammer or something, helmet, bracers, +2 armor, etc. I was excited, to say the least. Then I showed up for the game, and met the other player.

One other player showed. Apparently one traveling and one sick or something. Started playing (from separate in-game areas), there was a scuffle, and the other player (rogue) ended up shooting me "by accident". One attack. Took me to dying. Looted my body before healing me. The other guy had no dice, always rolling on his phone and telling the DM the result. Never saw him "roll" under a nineteen. I think I showed up for maybe one session after that?

2013-10-04, 09:28 PM
Requesting a moratorium on baby-dragon-rape references.
Reposting this for emphasis. Let's show some respect.

No Tippy, this will not be ignored! Tell me your secrets on how you STOLE a friggin' castle made of super metal at level 2.
I'm guessing he buffed his CL or rolled well to UMD a scroll of Shrink Item and put it in his pack.

2013-10-04, 09:35 PM
A harrow deck of many things, level 7. Without telling me.
...okay, the Disney Genie expy handing me a deck of cards before casting True Resurrection on me was probably a pretty strong indication of what it was, but it's totally not my fault that that BBEG had zombie grapplers and a Portal Spell! And then got the Winged Serpent on his fourth card!
I swear that war wasn't my fault!

Tim Proctor
2013-10-04, 10:17 PM
At level 6 a Ring of Earth Command or w/e it is called. Anyways, every adventure went into caves so (DMs choice) it was easy and the DM started getting pissed off. So pissed off that we all quit cause he started being a real gentilia about it.

John Longarrow
2013-10-04, 10:48 PM
At 6th or 7th level, we found a helm of opposite alignment. This is AFTER the succubi had pissed us off and killed half the party.

Lets just say that after a bit of work we wound up with a LG succubi as the party leaders girlfriend, then had an entire follow on campaign involving half succubi. That was of course after we got access to two different decks of many things and got a LOT of 4th level fighter succubi...

2013-10-04, 11:17 PM
I don't know about OP but in a campaign where I played a CG drow female Battledancer we went down into the underdark tangled with some drow, snuck around a drow city, and raided a drow families "treasury" of items and valuables. Among those we found a skull item that when we sold and split up the cash every character had 25 billion gp or 2.5 billion pp...I kid you not. And we had 100k on the side as well, needless to say we could equip ourselves as we wanted...except it ended after that. This has made that PC unplayable...no sane DM would allow this character in a game. I have planned on having the character open up a training school and have those that choose to go and open their own using a portion of the proceeds until the money is gone.

2013-10-04, 11:23 PM
Ill start this by saying my dm's a bit weird. he loves to homebrew items,but has no sense of power level.these were on lv 12 characters.

an intelligent construct familiar/weapon that could unlock any non plot shielded object be any weapon including cannons, machine guns, a missile and was completely indestructible.

a magic gauntlet that could suck up any weapon and some traps. then it would allow you to use them as if proficient and combine any enhancement bonuses/ special properties from theses items in any way you choose.

a magic smithing hammer that could create a sentient construct out of any object it hit. the more magic/HD/rare the object the more powerful the construct.

potions that turned you into elemental like creature. the plus sides of this being if you die your soul stays on the material plane as the energy of your type. it also let you fire a blarg lazor for varying d6x10 to d6x100.

these were on level tens
a balor slave

a set of bards robes that gave +8 to ac and other effects based on preform checks such as, including + up to 5d4 to any bard DC and up 2d6x10 to perform to make anyone in range instantly fanatical.

an angel feather that attached to your soul and allowed you to pull yourself back to the material in a new copy of your body and grab your old stuff back.

2013-10-04, 11:30 PM
About three sessions into a campaign, I gave the party a special efreeti bottle, one that could give any one person three wishes.

However, this came with stipulations - one, the efreeti could only be summoned three times a day for any one purpose; two, you had to know and command the efreeti by his true name and title before you could make him grant a wish, and that was the one thing you couldn't force him to tell you. After the first two times they used him and he "accidentally" friendly-fired the party both times, they didn't do much with him for a while. Then when they were at an oracle, one of the PCs blew his once-in-a-lifetime question to learn the efreeti's name. So they got wishes, but they were (rightly) cautious about using them, because the efreeti would try to twist anything he could.

2013-10-04, 11:43 PM
I assume your players took ranks in profession lawyer?

2013-10-04, 11:54 PM
Player: I want a castle!

Wish Granter cast Ice Castle, on player

2013-10-05, 01:33 AM
The thread is specifically talking about overpowered things, so your post has some unfortunate implications. Implications involving weaponized STD's. It is a sad thing.

I don't know about you, but at my table a wizards power is explained by his ability to harness and fart venereal diseases at his opponents.

2013-10-05, 01:35 AM
I don't know about you, but at my table a wizards power is explained by his ability to harness and fart venereal diseases at his opponents.That's the cancer mage PrC.

2013-10-05, 01:44 AM
Way back when 3.5 was new, I had a bad DM (in that the game made no sense, it was still pretty fun though) and there was a black dragon captured by a Wizard in the dungeon we were in. We defeated the Wizard by using an ambush, and then made a deal with the dragon to kill the Wizard afterwards. (I asked the DM why the dragon couldn't handle the Wizard, but never got a sensible response)

I ended up getting a +40 or so inherent bonus to dexterity.

In more reasonable and recent games, the most absurd things I got were from a DM not following WBL at all, giving us mcguffin Orbs of Dragonkind, each a wyrmling dragon comrade (roleplayed by another player... mine was black, and was a complete psychopath, and never really helped me do anything, all it did was make me use up spellslots turning into a Hydra and biting it into submission a couple of times, I threatened to kill that thing numerous times...), a lesser metamagic rod of persistent spell (woo that was fun), a vest of the archmage, and a variety of other things no level 8 would normally get to lay their eyes on.

It was still a very fun game.

2013-10-05, 01:50 AM
The thread is specifically talking about overpowered things, so your post has some unfortunate implications. Implications involving weaponized STD's. It is a sad thing.

Two words: Festering Anger.

On-topic, I recently finished a short campaign with a DM who was a Goblins fan. Near the end of the campaign he gave us the Shield of Wonder and MinMax's sword (modified to be an Elven Thinblade) in the same loot pile. The Archivist's player promptly had the idea of hitting the shield with the sword to see what would happen, and when the sword became a Sword of Wonder the rest of the party voted against me to keep it that way. The Swashbuckler immediately began using it.

That sword was, in multiple ways both direct and indirect, responsible for our being defeated by the final boss.

2013-10-05, 03:15 AM
My very own beefed up Fossil Golem (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/golem/golem-fossil) at level 12 or so in a very low wealth/low magic campaign.

It was a pretty heavily house-ruled campaign, so we effectively had no access to the normal array of items. Not even armor or weapons. One thing (or group of things) we could buy were runes (I think there were around 10 different types) which could be combined (3 at a time) to create single-use magical items. One I randomly lucked into was one that would allow me to make anything into a golem. I forgot about it pretty much as soon as I made it since I was level 3 and the only thing I really had access to at the time were barrels.

In the campaign itself, we were being sent off to kill these various elemental gods. We'd killed the earth god already and were on our way to the fire god when we stopped and had a discussion about why we were killing these things. We weren't really coming to a conclusion and that's when I remembered the golem-maker. It turns out that all I needed to say was "Guys...God-bone golem," and everyone was super-okay with killing another god.

So we killed it, made the golem, everything was good.

2013-10-05, 03:26 AM
It wasn't exactly overpowered but my DM had us find a chessboard where the pieces couldn't be moved, but moved according to real world events. We had no idea what piece represented what but each piece represented some highly valuable or important person in the real world, and we were on there but we didn't know what piece we were. we found out we were white (obviously) and that the white queen was an epic level wizard who had tutored our party's wizard. It was actually pretty cool.

hope you don't mind me judiciously borrowing this, send your dm my thanks

2013-10-05, 04:17 AM
I may have a "winner" here. Spoilered because it's so awful.
Our DM had a creative idea which he couldn't handle right. He had our Greyhawk D&D character transported through time to the distant future, where people had 21st century weapons, such as assault rifles. Then our characters got transported back in time, and we used the weapons to destroy a Tarrasque. We soon learned how to make ammunition for the weapons, and we got ridiculously powerful. This was in AD&D 2nd edition, so the future weapons were insanely powerful. We had to retire our characters, just because the DM gave us too powerful weapons.

Killer Angel
2013-10-05, 04:59 AM
We were a group of 5 PC, all 7° lev. (we were playing strictly core: PH, DMG and MM1): a fighter, a cleric/barbarian, a cleric, a wizard and I, a sorcerer.
A great mysterious danger was threatening the kingdom, lizard-like creature were waging war all over the country, ect. etc. The core of the problem (or, at least, the answer to a lot of questions) was in an ancient tower, at the end of a great valley closed by a huge wall (king-kong like) Divination spells weren't able to give informations and troops sent into, never return.
We were working directly under king’s command, and he ordered us to investigate the valley. The whole thing was a lot greater than us, but we were equipped (only for this mission) with some of the very best equipment of the kingdom.
Here the things become crazy…
Each one of us received a Ring of regeneration (1 hp / round!!!). And this is “only” the “basic” equipment! Then they’ve given us personal items; for example, the cleric received (among other things) a Sun blade.
This is far beyond the craziest dream of a Monty Haul campaign… (remember we’re 7° level).
However, my equipment.
I (as a sorcerer) usually made heavy use of scrolls, to cover the lack of variety.
So, the Magic Treasury gave me this unique item (let’s call it with his name: an artifact): it’s a book with blank pages, that I can use to write spells on them, using such written spells as they were scrolls.
The book (and the pencil) is magically connected to the “magic pool” of the Royal Academy of Magic, composed by 100 wizards and sorcerer of various levels. I don’t have to know the spell, to write the “scroll”: I choose a spell, and it writes by himself on the book.
The book can contain 15 total levels of spells in any combination… so I can write (for example) one 1° lev. Spell, three 3° lev. and one 5° lev… but the funny thing is that, once casted, the spell is gone, but the pages turn blank, ready to be written again.
I don't want even think to what could be the prize of this item. Practically, I have full access to ANY spell in the PH, for free, being limited only by the difficulties in casting spells of a too much higher level. I was the Schroedinger wizard sorcerer. :smallcool

2013-10-05, 06:14 AM
Probably the time the DM gave me the adamantium castle gate at level 2. Well not so much gave as put in the world. He was kinda sad when I went and stole it.
Ahh this made me laugh. Especially coming from Tippy.

2013-10-05, 08:04 AM
1st edition. Bunch of new players, including our DM. DM mis-interpreted the exp table in the back of his shiny new DMG.

Table says a goblin is worth something like "11xp + 1/hp", so a 5hp goblin would be 16xp

DM gives us 11xp and 1hp (permanent). You can see where this is going.. I think at least one of us broke 1000hp before 4th level.

2013-10-05, 08:25 AM
Back in a 2nd ed. campaign, the DM randomly determined a treasure pile that contained a Deck of Many Things, somewhere around third or fourth level. Each of the five players took one draw, and by coincidence (we used an actual deck of cards, so no shenanigans occurred) we all got positive draws. Then we put the deck down and backed out of the room.

2013-10-05, 10:05 AM
Speaking as a GM In my latest campaign I've given out two items of much higher level than player ECL.

I gave the Wizard at lvl 1 a circlet of mages, admittedly it's only 5 grand gp but it's a lot for a lvl 1 char. However, I had found the level 1 wizard wasn't having a great time of it with his 2 spells per day. When the fighters were one shotting all the 5hp orcs etc. The circlet of mages effectively gives 3 additional lvl 1 spells per day, or 1 lvl 2 and lvl 1 or one lvl 3.

However, it was also a shadow magic item from Forgotten Realms meaning that every time he used it he took 1pt of wisdom damage. As he got used to having the extra spells he had to find ways to avoid the wisdom damage and had to seek out and join the Church of Shar to keep his pretty hat.

The second item I gave out was also a shadow magic attuned item, specifically mithril full plate of healing. The healing ability from Compendium automatically triggers if he goes from -1 to -9. The Shadow Magic drains him of wisdom if it gets used... so he has to worry about being knocked out as the wisdom drain will trigger as it heals him.

Both items were considerably more powerful than the norm, but I felt that evil would seduce players to darkness with powerful items and neither are going to wreck the campaign.

2013-10-05, 10:45 AM
Well, once when 3.0 was new, the DM was running us through a third party module. We were at a level where getting a +2 weapon might be reasonable treasure. It wasn't long before my wizard character found a staff of frost! I was throwing cold spells all over the place. And what's more, it was a +1 staff too. A +1 staff of frost!

Years later, I realized what it was supposed to have been: a +1 weapon with the frost ability (extra damage from cold) not a "staff of frost". I guess that's the problem with using the same word ("frost" in this case) in two different situations. Or having staves be both weapons and special unique magic items.


In 1st edition, my ranger/druid was given a wand that could do a variety of cool spells (haste, wall of fire, etc, maybe even prismatic spray... I don't remember; I think it was one or two spells from each of the four spell casting classes), but I couldn't completely control it. If I used it, I might get one of the other effects instead of the one I wanted... but it seemed like about a 50% chance to get what I wanted. I guess it wasn't crazy overpowered, but back then having access to so many spells not on my spell list was a huge boon.


Back to 3.0... the DM gave one of the players the were-shark template (after being bitten by one), without *any* drawbacks. He didn't have to worry about alignment changes or changing by accident or anything. He just got all the stat boosts for free (no LA cost or anything).

So, when the DM let me run an adventure for this campaign, I had some of the villains pay the PC to give them the were-shark template too. So... in the climactic battle, the PCs had to fight were-shark dark elves instead of just ordinary dark elves. And, yes, it seems absurd for subterranean villains to be turning into sharks... but... whatever.

2013-10-05, 11:13 AM
I read the title of this thread as " The DM gave you what you WANT ?!?! "

That is , the thread creator was surprised at a DM actually giving someone what they wanted.

Silva Stormrage
2013-10-05, 11:27 AM
I read the title of this thread as " The DM gave you what you WANT ?!?! "

That is , the thread creator was surprised at a DM actually giving someone what they wanted.

Depending on the player's request that could actually be surprising. I have had a player ask me for an item that would allow him to cast spontaneously from the entire druid spell list. :smalltongue:

2013-10-05, 11:28 AM
I read the title of this thread as " The DM gave you what you WANT ?!?! "

That is , the thread creator was surprised at a DM actually giving someone what they wanted.I certainly didn't want what I got...

2013-10-05, 11:49 AM
Probably the time the DM gave me the adamantium castle gate at level 2. Well not so much gave as put in the world. He was kinda sad when I went and stole it.

Yeah, I've stopped putting solid Mithril doors on old Dwarven Palaces. Mithril inlay is quite sufficient.

2013-10-05, 02:13 PM
I don't think there has been that many insanely powerful items on the games I've been. Just two comes to my mind:

One time I got a +1 Keen weapon. As starting gear. 15-20 crit range since the first level.
Then there was the staff of true resurrection. You died, you got back with no ill effects.

2013-10-05, 02:38 PM
I once wrote a backstory giving me the ancestral sword and shield of my house. Apparently the DM decided that the sword was a Flametongue with the command word being the motto of my house. Of course, I found out in the first combat when I used it as a battlecry.

Oops :smallamused:

2013-10-05, 02:51 PM
A friend of mine was playing a very lax on the rules style game, since both the DM and the players enjoyed the shenanigans that resulted from it. One of the shenanigan generating rules was that if you could get a saddle on the dragon, it was your dragon. Cue rolling a natural 20 for landing on the back of an Ancient Shadow Dragon...

2013-10-05, 03:44 PM
My then-DM gave me my 1st AD&D character.
My stats were Str 18, Int 17, Wis 16, Dex 16, Con 17, Cha 18.
I was given a vorpal sword, told to choose an artifact, & told to pick whatever type of armor & shield I wanted...& it was +5, as was my shield).

2013-10-05, 05:04 PM
Most recently? A +1 shocking burst short bow AND a +1 acid burst rapier...at sixth level. Over double WBL based on those two items alone.

John Longarrow
2013-10-05, 05:13 PM
Depending on the player's request that could actually be surprising. I have had a player ask me for an item that would allow him to cast spontaneously from the entire druid spell list. :smalltongue:

One use item that causes the user to do a psychic rebuild to be a spirit shaman???

Silva Stormrage
2013-10-05, 05:52 PM
One use item that causes the user to do a psychic rebuild to be a spirit shaman???

Not quite :smallwink:

The Trickster
2013-10-05, 06:38 PM
This doesn't really count, but my group and I were playing in a loe magic game, and our DM gave us a magic tarp. This tarp had a permanent "Endure Elements" spell on it, which allowed us to cross the desert without dying from the extreme day heat/night cold. However, when we were attacked by a group of desert bandits one afternoon, we used our tarp as a shield (can't destroy a magic item unless you have a magic item). Our DM took out tarp away. :smalleek:

2013-10-05, 07:02 PM
I'm GM'ing for some friends of various levels of skill and powergamery-ness and one of our players is a skill-focused Rogue. She doesn't perform well in combat because she's playing as an archer but doesn't have the feats required to do it well since she spent them on feats that emphasize her use of her skills instead.

This wouldn't be that big a deal if she wasn't getting upset at how far behind she falls in combat performance compared to the rest of the party, especially because without the feats she needs (point blank shot, precise shot, etc) she's got tons of penalties making her really likely to miss her sneak attack shots, on top of that she seems to just have bad luck on her rolls and it really upset her, to the point that it was sometimes disruptive to the game. To solve this, I had the party find an item I made up that's probably a tad too powerful for a level 5 party.

It's called the Clover Bow, and it's a +2 Longbow that starts with 20 charges. Any time you miss an attack roll with the Clover bow, you can expend a charge to reroll. You can only expend one charge per attack and have to take the results of the second roll, even if they're worse. The bow recovers one charge every time you get a critical threat and restores to its full 20 charges on a successful critical hit (and yes, you can reroll critical confirmation rolls, but only one charge per attack so you can't keep rerolling the confirmation until you crit). So far it's really helped, since it means that she's hitting more frequently and complaining about bad rolls a lot less, but I still worry sometimes that the party may realize they're better off giving the bow to another party member that's just more likely to hit in the first place.

2013-10-05, 07:04 PM
At level 2 or 3 (I can't fully recall) I gave my party 3 wishes from a Djinn after freeing it from a lamp. I had hoped (rightfully so) that my one player would decide to wish it free, and he did so on the first wish!!! It was hilarious to see the reaction of the other two players.

He saved one of the other players from becoming a 20th level commoner, which would have happened with his planned wish.

Subaru Kujo
2013-10-05, 07:07 PM
Most I got was a +3 intelligent Large Greataxe (Abilities of Detect Invisibility and Hypnotic Pattern cast at 10th level 3/day each) at level 2 on my half-elf fighter who was going for a power attacking Dervish.

Needless to say, good times were had by the party, and not so much by the guys we were up against.

2013-10-05, 07:33 PM
I once placed the Bracers of Relentless Might on a local fisherman. He was a level 3 Commoner.

I described him as a remarkably huge grizzled old fisherman wearing a long sleeved tunic tied about the wrists and the waist. His forearms appear to be massive and he smells of the salt of the sea. Only stares into his ale.

Then I talked about the pretty barmaid with the frown on her face. She sent them to go kill some orcs that were troubling her boyfriend's farm. Gave them 25 silver because that's all she had.


Either way, I'd given him a diplomacy check of 30 to just talk him out of the bracers (he knew his end was coming and he had no heirs) and he only had like 15 hp as I recall. They could've easily killed him (four lvl 2s). They blew him off like everyone else did and never even knew anything about him was especially remarkable. If they'd asked where he found them he trawled them up one day when he was fishing as a young man and there hadn't even been a village there.

2013-10-05, 07:51 PM
I recall a situation that happened in 1st edition. One of my players had just lost his character, so he rolled up a new one at an appropriate level; it was an elf of some kind or other. I was using the DMG rules for giving characters random magic items. I may have allowed for slightly different results (I don't remember now; this was over 20 years ago).

Anyway, this elf (at around 9th level I think) ended up with a ring of wishes. He may have only had one wish, but he did at least have one wish. And he had pretty much nothing else.

So, he showed up, used a wish to get the other PCs out of danger, realized that he'd used up his only magic item, and immediately retired so that the player could make another character.

Silva Stormrage
2013-10-05, 07:55 PM
At level 2 or 3 (I can't fully recall) I gave my party 3 wishes from a Djinn after freeing it from a lamp. I had hoped (rightfully so) that my one player would decide to wish it free, and he did so on the first wish!!! It was hilarious to see the reaction of the other two players.

He saved one of the other players from becoming a 20th level commoner, which would have happened with his planned wish.

Oh I got to know what kinda of poorly worded wish would make someone a 20th level commoner. :smalltongue: Do you remember the exact wish?

2013-10-05, 08:07 PM
This doesn't really count, but my group and I were playing in a loe magic game, and our DM gave us a magic tarp. This tarp had a permanent "Endure Elements" spell on it, which allowed us to cross the desert without dying from the extreme day heat/night cold. However, when we were attacked by a group of desert bandits one afternoon, we used our tarp as a shield (can't destroy a magic item unless you have a magic item). Our DM took out tarp away. :smalleek:

The underlined is not true. In fact, I don't think it ever was; used to be, you needed a magic weapon to damage a magic weapon, but a) that got changed to simply adding hardness with increasing enhancement bonuses and b) it never applied to wondrous items anyway. Here's the relevant text:
Magic items, unless otherwise noted, take damage as nonmagical items of the same sort.

Rules misunderstandings make me sad. :smallfrown:

2013-10-05, 08:41 PM
In the campaign I'm currently running(5th level characters) I gave the druid in the party a non-masterwork flaming-burst longbow than can make the next arrow shot from it auto-hit 6/day, a belt that gives it's owner Energy Resistance 10 type choosable at the start of each day, and two +1 returning arrows. The Barbarian has a +2 Masterwork Ghost-touch(very useful in my campaign) Returning Fullblade. The Magic items in my campaign cost 1/2 what they normally do but are actually destroyed by dispel magic things, so it's not too OP I think?

2013-10-05, 09:06 PM
In my older brother's campaign, we each started off with a prequel adventure to help us get an idea of what our character's personalities were like. My character, the rogue that liked painting, had an awesome improvised adventure centered around dealing with a forger. This ended with her selling a painting of what she did to the forger for over 10k GP. So I started my game with some useful items (Yay, bag of holding! Wands for the druid and the sorcerer!). Then I started an investment and bank account, and we were promptly flung 300 years into the future (Which none of us knew was going to happen). End result: My character is worth over 14 billion GP. I'm still restricted by magic item availability. DM isn't afraid to think big though, and put us in situations where my cash can't help (Plus, we're in a Mythic campaign). Then let's get into all the fun stuff: The various tomes and manuals (the +5 variants for everybody but one of the fighters. He didn't roll one), +4 armor, bracers of armor, a +5 Adamantine Greatsword of Impact.... Then the various land grants, the institutions my character created (orphanage, an Adventurer's academy...), etc... We're only 6th level.

John Longarrow
2013-10-05, 09:13 PM
so it's not too OP I think?

It is only OP if you let it be. So long as you scale encounters to match and maintain party parity on abilities you should be just fine. Most important is are the players having fun and are you having fun running the game.

2013-10-05, 10:10 PM
My DM gave my Ninja a Cloak of Invisibility. It worked as Greater Invisibility, for 10 minutes a day. Oh, and it was a Free Action to start and stop. I always got my Sudden Strikes off. It was awesome. We were level 6.

2013-10-06, 01:00 AM
In my current game that PCs got Smite and the Lifeshield at level 8.
A two handed sword with a well worn leather grip and several large nicks and dents in the blade. Smite does +5 damage, it has a +4 to hit giants and does an extra 1d12 damage per size category that the target is larger than the wielder. Against giants it has an 17-20 threat range and does an additional +6d6 damage on a critical hit.
52,000 gp value, CL 17.

--Life Shield
This large white wooden shield has a big red cross painted on the front of it. +5 bleached darkwood shield with Deathward. Anytime the user dies this shield instantly keeps him alive and stable at 0 hp, it also loses two points from it's enhancement bonus.
Shield of Faith, Revivify, 59,000 gp value, CL 15.
They got Demonslayer at 11.
A two handed sword with an unusually wide blade and a baseball sized black opal for a pommel. Does +3d6 heat damage. When used on a demon it does triple damage and always confirms critical threats. Also the wielder has +2 on all rolls vs demons and may detect demons (as per Detect Magic) at-will.
72,000 gp value, CL 19.
They have sold or discarded several items.
--Ice Fang
A white dragon tooth wrapped with silver wire, it is cold to the touch. When held this item grants +1d8 cold damage to unarmed or natural weapons attacks and a +2 to saving throws against cold effects. When worn as a necklace it grants +2 to saving throws against cold effects and Resist Cold 15. When used as a wand cold spells and powers are at +2 caster level and +1 save DC, this may exceed dice caps on spells or powers. When used as a weapon it is treated as a masterwork silver dagger that casts Chill Touch (DC 16) when it hits.
Chill Touch, Cone of Cold, Resist Energy, 30,000 gp value, CL 13.

--Flame Halberd
This reddish iron halberd is on fire. +1d8 fire damage and +2d8 more on a critical confirmation. 2/day Combust (touch attack 2d6+5 fire damage and catch fire, Ref negates DC 15), 2/day Produce Flame (CL 5). The halberd always gives off light as a torch.
Combust, Produce Flame, Continual Flame, 30,000 gp value, CL 7.

--Fire Shield
A hot black iron shield. A small metal shield with Resist fire 20 and five charges per day. 1 charge, a range 30 touch attach doing 2d8 fire damage. 3 charges, Fire Shield as the spell (warm shield only, CL 9). 5 charges, immune to fire for the next 4 rounds.
Lesser Orb of Fire, Fire Shield, 64,000 gp value, CL 9.

This barbed whip was braided from demon tails. Lash does 1d6 lethal slashing damage. You get +2 enhancement bonus when using Lash to trip, disarm or grapple, and an additional +2 per size category that you are smaller than your target. You may deliver a touch spell via Lash as a standard action.
Spectral Hand, Telekinesis, 19,000 gp value, CL 5.

--Boom Knife
A masterwork mithril dagger. The weapon has a +2 to hit and +2d6 electrical damage. It grants +2 to saves vs Electricity and may cast Shocking Grasp three times a day (3d6 damage).
Shocking Grasp, 35,000 gp value, CL 10.

--Crystal Chain Mail
Fine crystal chainmail. This masterwork non-metal armor allows a user to expend his psionic focus (as an immediate action) to take 10 on saving throws and gain +4 AC until the end of his next turn.
Defensive Precognition, 18,000 gp value, CL 14.

--Dragonscale Shield
A large shield covered in brown/black dragon scales. Resist Fire 20, and DR 2/dragon bane.
Resist Energy, 45,000 gp value, CL 15.

Dragon Tooth Knife
A masterwork dagger made from a dragon's tooth. -4 to hit when thrown, +5 damage, and a x3 critical multiplier.
25,000 gp value.

--Gleaming Shield
This silvered mithril tower shield refelcts all gaze attacks back to the attacker. It also weighs 65 lbs (-15 armor check penalty, +0 maximum dexterity bonus, -2 attack penalty) and requires a Remove Curse or other fixative magic to get it off your arm.
10,000 gp value, CL 13.
At level 6 they recieved two Cobra Amulets. They sold one off and then "forgot" everything about the other aside from the +2 natural armor. Later they complained about some poisonous beasts that kept attacking them.
--Cobra Amulet
A little snake amulet. +2 natural armor enhancement bonus, +2 on saves vs poison, 1/day Neutralize Poison.
Barkskin, Neutralize Poison, 21,000 gp value, CL 9.
They totally missed the Spazzhammer because a wooden mallet couldn't possibly be magical after it had one-hit killed a 9th level PC in the hands of a standard 4hd ogre.
A huge wooden mallet. This mallet is used like a medium sized war hammer, if it is thrown it has a -6 to hit and it's special power will not work. The hammer does not do extra damage on a critical hit. On a critical confirmation the user makes additional free attacks at the same base attack bonus, every time the user misses the hammer hits the user instead. The attacks continue until either the target or the user is dead. Using a wooden mallet on solid stone or metal walls damages the mallet.
Time Stop, big gp value, CL 17.
Several times they have turned down chances to go on a mission with the Golden Spear in the loot pile.
--Gold-tipped Spear
An ashen longspear with a hardened gold blade. The spear is +2 to hit and may use the following martial maneuvers once per combat: Burning Blade, Blistering Flourish (DC16), Fan the Flames, Searing Charge.
4 Desert Wind maneuvers, 50,000 gp value, IL 12.
My campaign is semi-low magic-ish. Spellcasters are common up to 5th level, increasingly rare up to 9th, and unique NPCs if they are above that. Plus magic items require no XP, double the gold, and a craft check of 15 + 1 per 2000 gp. There are three magic item shops but the inventory is 20 randomly generated items, with the distribution weighted towards what 5th level casters can create. To offset this a bit the local magical university requires all graduating casters to produce a permanent magical item in order to graduate and it subsidizes about half of the costs.

2013-10-06, 01:30 AM
--Life Shield
This large white wooden shield has a big red cross painted on the front of it. +5 bleached darkwood shield with Deathward. Anytime the user dies this shield instantly keeps him alive and stable at 0 hp, it also loses two points from it's enhancement bonus.
Shield of Faith, Revivify, 59,000 gp value, CL 15.

While +5 Death Ward is definitely above-WBL for eighth level, the unique ability it actually a horrible deal. Raise Dead costs 5000 gp. Resurrection costs 10000 gp. Adding two points of enhancement bonus to a shield with a +1 ability costs at least 12000 gp. And what happens if you die while it's a +1 shield?

A huge wooden mallet. This mallet is used like a medium sized war hammer, if it is thrown it has a -6 to hit and it's special power will not work. The hammer does not do extra damage on a critical hit. On a critical confirmation the user makes additional free attacks at the same base attack bonus, every time the user misses the hammer hits the user instead. The attacks continue until either the target or the user is dead. Using a wooden mallet on solid stone or metal walls damages the mallet.
Time Stop, big gp value, CL 17.

This one just makes you a bad person.:smalltongue:

2013-10-06, 01:51 AM
While +5 Death Ward is definitely above-WBL for eighth level, the unique ability it actually a horrible deal.
It's horrible if you buy it. As loot it's a free "get out of being dead" card three times as well as being a +5 Deathward shield.

This one just makes you a bad person.:smalltongue:
It only works on natural 20s. They should have curb-stomped four ogres, cast Detect Magic and walked off with an auto-kill weapon.

2013-10-06, 02:26 AM
It's horrible if you buy it. As loot it's a free "get out of being dead" card three times as well as being a +5 Deathward shield.

Well, it won't be a +5 for long if you do it that way. And, repeating, what happens once it's down to +1? Do the revives stop working, or does the next one turn the shield nonmagical? Or does it become a +0 Death Ward shield, but then what the heck happens?:smallconfused:

It only works on natural 20s. They should have curb-stomped four ogres, cast Detect Magic and walked off with an auto-kill weapon.

Except you never know for sure whether it's going to auto-kill the enemy or you.

2013-10-06, 02:46 AM
A DM gave me a dragon. That was nice.

Of course, he didn't mean to. It was a CR 20ish dragon, and we were level 12. But I was playing a stupidly overpowered character (Binder 1/Archivist 3/Anima Mage 7/Tainted Sorcerer 1) and was binding Tenebrous. The Dragon's tactic was to come hunt while protecting itself with invisibility and darkness. Tenebrous sees through darkness and I tagged the dragon with Glitterdust... then fired off a Twinned Lahm's Finger Darts. The DM had not expected a rapid TKO like that.

And that's how I got my Zombie Dragon! I rode it everywhere.


Heh. It was a very special moment when my friend's elven necromancer saw his first charnel hound (we were... level 9 or so, I think). One Command Undead scroll later...

(There was a bit of an argument later on, when we had to take a boat along the Styx and the necromancer wanted to bring his "puppy". The LG Pelor-worshipper in the group, who had already been giving the charnel hound very disapproving glances, flatly vetoed trying to fit a Huge dog made of corpses into a six-foot-long dinghy.)

2013-10-06, 03:23 AM
Lyre of Building. :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-06, 03:26 AM
Well, I've received at least 2 "outlandishly overpowered" things:

1) The first was what he has deemed (out of character) as the "Amulet of Plot Significance." It's an actual object in the world, and no it's not actually called that... but it has some pretty nasty effects. One of the more powerful things it has done was Conjure a Tornado. Others were to provide some insanely powerful buffs. (Best one was +10 to Each Stat, though it had a hefty personal cost).

2) From the Wild Magic Table, a specific thing was rolled. "Can only fail a Save on the roll of a 1. If you roll a 1, you lose this ability." See, that wouldn't normally be as broken. But my character was also a Fatespinner. So if I rolled a 1, I could just reroll it.

Yeah... cheese.

2013-10-06, 03:39 AM
There's a third party adventure called "the Hamlet of Thumble" that has a minor artifact that the players can obtain.
It works like this:
1 To use the Greenstone of Ogrestrength you must first roll a DC15 will save. If you fail, go to 2. If not, your strength increases to 21 for 3d4 rounds.
2 You turn into an ogre for 3d4 rounds. Roll a d100, if you roll higher than the number of times you turned into an ogre, nothing happens. If you roll lower, go to 3.
3 You move 1 step toward CE. If you become CE you also become an ogre permanently.

It has additional powers for ogres and ogre magi. (The power to turn humanoids into ogres and to charm them at the same time) Cough*usemagicdevice*cough.

This adventure is written for 4 to 6 PCs of 1st or 2nd level.

I forgot, they also get a limited wish if they save an awakened frog.

N. Jolly
2013-10-06, 03:55 AM
Okay, just played a game today, the GM didn't know how the random charts on the treasure tabled worked. I'm pretty sure they rolled on the medium charts. four our second session of this adventure.

We're a first level party playing the first adventure of Jade Regent, and the treasure we pick up is

1. A Sword of Subtlety
2. A X-Ray Ring
3. Demon Mail

The total of this haul was around 90k...we're first level. I decided to help the GM out, and tell the party that we're selling it all. So now we're looking for a place that can fence it to the GM can slowly trickle out the payment so we don't start the adventure as rich as the four richest kings of Europe.

2013-10-06, 08:30 AM
My current DM is giving my CE rogue/sorcerer level 9 wealth x4.

Needless to say, I'm spending this money on lichifying myself right off the bat.

2013-10-06, 09:55 AM
Now I'm trying to think of the most ridiculous thing I've given my players... It wasn't an item though.

Mutant Bloodline
This was a bloodline power from a game where everyone had a bloodline that could be unlocked a certain way. This particular bloodline let you immediately take templates in exchange for lowering your maximum possible level (which was 20 for everyone). So as a Lv3 character you could just grab 17 LA if you didn't mind being Lv3 forever.

Worse yet, it didn't have to be a specific existing template - you could mix and match powers and stat buffs and such and I'd have to assign them an LA. This included some other special things in the game such as something called 'Speed Rank' which basically made you godlike in combat unless you were flatfooted, had your vision/senses obscured, or were somehow constrained from moving (entangle, etc). 1 Speed Rank cost 8 LA, but it proved to be a pretty good deal for the guy who took it.

Items whose effects were, shall we say, larger-scale than intended.

The Gloves of Liquid Transformation

One item that I didn't think was such a big deal but ended up becoming one. These gloves made it so that if you used them to hold a container of water, the water transformed into a liquid based loosely on the container you used. So if you hold a wine goblet you get wine, and if you hold a shoe you might get some kind of tanning solution or a potion of Longstrider or whatever.

So this is fine and all, until one point in the campaign where the players were directly interacting with the environmental control systems on the generation-vessel that was their home. Through a bunch of technicalities, the player ended up 'holding the oceans of the world' briefly. That was a disaster.

The Paintbrush

This one was just fun. One player ended up with a paintbrush that let him touch a controlled object and absorb it in the form of 'paint' which could then be painted out later. The thing is, you could mix paint colors to make new objects.

He never managed to convince another PC to go through with the process.

2013-10-06, 09:55 AM
One of our first mission was to transport a merchant safely to the other side of a forest however he was carrying like 200k worth of magic items, gems and other shinies.

We were a party consisting of a Paladin of Tyranny a cleric of Hextor, a True Neutral wizard, and a CN rogue gish. He had no other guards and had an npc class. Of course we stole it...

We then bought a small fortune in fabricate scrolls and divine insight scrolls and proceeded to craft for 2 years. Since the DM was using the magic economy system merchants always had money to buy items. It got the point were we just set up a thing with clerics at our temples to true resurrect us if we died for game over protection.

2013-10-06, 10:28 AM
My DM in the last game gave the party a wipe. I think he did this knowing he had to quit the campaign

He first introduced a new character (PC who died in a previous game) by having us fight some large boars, who were quite tough, and the cleric ended up using all of his heals. After some RPing, we proceeded to our initial destination. but after a few steps, a dire wolverine magically appeared and killed the cleric, myself (barbarian, conan style dwarf) and the only just introduced PC, who had died 3 times now, in the space of 4 games.

I dunno. I think this DM was kinda poor. But it was my first campaign, so I wouldn't know.

2013-10-06, 10:43 AM
I remember seeing someone being given a souped-up version of a ring of vampiric regeneration. Basically, anytime the character dealt damage in melee combat, he healed up an amount equal to half the damage he had dealt (or maybe it was 100% of the damage he dealt; I don't remember). This meant that the character would never die as long as he was facing anything even remotely reasonable.

Back in 1st edition, I once gave a PC a "ring of no fudging". If worn, then the DM (or in-game "the cosmic forces of the universe") would not fudge any die rolls that pertained to that character, like whether or not an opponent hits him or how much damage is dealt or anything like that. But he was too afraid to wear the ring, preferring to have the DM fudge things.

2013-10-06, 11:03 AM
1st edition. Bunch of new players, including our DM. DM mis-interpreted the exp table in the back of his shiny new DMG.

Table says a goblin is worth something like "11xp + 1/hp", so a 5hp goblin would be 16xp

DM gives us 11xp and 1hp (permanent). You can see where this is going.. I think at least one of us broke 1000hp before 4th level.

I think this is my favorite, if only because I can see that happening with my friends...

2013-10-06, 11:36 AM
My first real campaign, I wasn't so good yet at handing out treasure. By the time they got to level TWO, they were already way behind on WBL. So I had them randomly stumble upon enough gold to bring them up to it. :smallredface:

2013-10-06, 12:42 PM
My DM gave me a couple of STDs after gang-raping my character using a bunch of ogres because he thought I wasn't playing my Chaotic Good baby gold dragon Lawful enough. :smallfrown:

Gave our party monk a rat tail after being baleful polymorphed into a rat, then returned to human form. The monk talked with the Sorcerer's imp familiar to contact a devil, then made a pact with said devil to remove the rat tail in exchange for, I believe it was either a stat point or a sum of gold. Instead, the demon gave his tail cancer that would magically teleport to other body parts if he ever tried to cut the tail off. It also caused him daily Constitution damage.

Around level 6, our ranger got a bow of frost, which, as the DM described it, gave her 1d6 frost damage on each arrow that hit. She fired about 6 arrows per round. She took out half the BBEG's hp in the first round of combat.

2013-10-06, 01:55 PM
Around level 6, our ranger got a bow of frost, which, as the DM described it, gave her 1d6 frost damage on each arrow that hit. She fired about 6 arrows per round. She took out half the BBEG's hp in the first round of combat.

That's a standard +2 equivalent item, worth 8,000 gp, which is within 6th level WBL.

2013-10-06, 02:49 PM
Reusable feather token (tree). Launch Item + feather token usually sucks because you're throwing money, but when you can just pick the thing up afterwards, it becomes a lot more viable to throw boats and anchors and trees at people.

Mercy 0f Spades
2013-10-06, 03:28 PM
I was level 3. A Ranger/Rogue/Fighter level 3 kinda guy. I was playing a bounty hunter and some of the guys and I had tracked a bunch of orcs into a dungeon. We found a pathetic dragon that had just given up on living. We walked out of that dungeon with over 560,000GP a player.

Needless to say I bought a large city and became Batman.