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View Full Version : Help With Acidic Tidal Wave Spell

2013-10-06, 01:00 AM
Hi Giants, I'm trying to homebrew a spell and am having a bit of trouble with the mechanics.

Basically, it's a spell that creates a tidal wave of acid that can sweep opponents off their feet and knock them back in the direction the caster wants.

I haven't decided if this will be a short or medium range spell yet (though I am leaning towards medium) but basically, a wall of acid - 5 ft. tall by 20 ft.wide, will form on the ground. The acid will then move 10 ft. forward, and grow to 10 ft tall by 20 ft. wide and move another 10 ft. forward. It will then become a 20 ft. x 20 ft. wall of acid when it hits the enemy, and then die down to 10 ft. then 5 ft. and then dissipate.

What I'm wondering is how to put the mechanics of it in. I've looked up the rules on bull rushing an opponent and I know about the opposed STR checks - though the attacks of opportunity wouldn't apply in this case. (Well, unless the victim wants to take a swing at the wall of acid, but that won't do anything.) Beating the opposed STR checks by 5 or more will move the opponent an additional 5 ft, and I foresee that this tidal wave has around a 30 STR (about the same as a Rhinoceros) Still, I wonder if I'm going about this all wrong and the opponents should be doing balance checks instead? i.e. they fail a balance check ='s they get swept up in the wave and thrown x number of ft. away.

2013-10-06, 01:21 AM
You could keep it simple with a simple reflex or Fortitude save. Probably reflex.

Maybe try looking up another spell that does something similar? i can't think of at the moment.

Edit; I admit, bullrush rules make sense, I merely stated the above in order to keep the mechanics simple. Alternatively, the caster makes a bullrush, using his caster level plus their relevant caster modifier (Intelligence, Wisdom etc). Anything 10ft high is considered large so add +4 because of that....

I don't know, my bullrush rules are rusty at best ....

2013-10-06, 12:01 PM
Bull rush is the right effect. Telekinesis can do a bull rush.

The spell Rushing Waters does this:

Cold water gushes in a great wave outward from the point you choose, violently spreading to the limits of the area.
This wave attempts a bull rush against each creature in the affected area without provoking attacks of opportunity.
For the purpose of the opposed Strength check, the wave is Colossal, has a Strength score of 34, and is considered to be charging and moving with the affected creatures (total bonus +30).

So your on the right track.