View Full Version : Advice on multiclass builds

2013-10-06, 04:08 AM
Hi, I'm trying to build/plan on a character I've had in mind for a while now. Its my first foray into Pathfinder and I'd like some advice of finalizing his potential build to make sure he doesn't die immediately and can work in a party.

The back story is that he's from a minor noble house, one with many strong connections and allies but still considered minor due to its exotic tastes in spouses. EX: his maternal grandmother is an astral diva and paternal grandma is a dragon, with many humanoids and outsiders further down the line.

When he was young, he was kidnapped by an evil rival family that his father had taken down, in order to be used for experiments and spell components due to his unique bloodline. The experience messed with his fight or flight instincts, making him go into a rage whenever backed into a corner. Then while accompanying his father on a diplomatic mission, he accidentally uncovering a slaving ring supplying sacrifices to various cults. After alerting the guards and saving one of the potential's victims lives, (getting his ass kicked in the process) he joined the military to hone his fighting skills. After completing advance training and serving his term, he became an adventurer to fight evil protect the innocent, etc, etc.

I was thinking of making him a fighter/barbarian to reflect both his military training and past trauma. I'm looking more for a heavy weapon character who relies more on taking down his enemies before they can attack rather than relying on heavy armor for protection. And I like the idea of him hulking out and showing off some of his mixed heritage while raging. I'm also thinking of adding a couple levels of bard for utility spells and skills. I want him to be a bit more than just the guy who hits things yet still be a front line warrior.

So any suggestions on how to balance these classes out? Should I have more fighter than barbarian or vice versa? Which feats and rage powers would compliment him the best? What advantages/disadvantages should I incorporate due to his mixed heritage? Would adding bard delude him to much to be effective in strait up combat like Nale? What pitfalls are there that I should be aware of? Any alternate builds to consider or role playing suggestions? I want him to be a long term character so any insight and suggestions would be much appreciated.

2013-10-06, 04:51 AM
It might not be what you're looking for, but I think an Alchemist with the Ragechemist and Vivisectionist Archetypes might be a good fit, mechanically. You could reflavor the mutagen as the mixture used to unlock aspects of your unique bloodline, sneak attack covers your "strike first" strategy, and a few levels of fighter on top still wouldn't hurt. If you wanted to reveal your dragon heritage, the feral mutagen discovery grants a bite and two claws.

The only real hole in that suggestion is that your character isn't an alchemist. Though you could justify the pursuit of alchemy in different ways. Maybe he's addicted to the mutagen that he was forced to imbibe during those magical experiments. Maybe there's a side effect from those experiments that only alchemy can repress. Anyway, just some ideas.

2013-10-06, 05:59 AM
Hmm, never thought of other side effects of his kidnapping outside of mental trauma :smallconfused:

The idea of a side affect of the experiment unlocking genetic traits sounds cool, or even the kidnappers being rage/vivisectionist. It would add a lot of potential for the DM to create plot hooks and motivations, and make him more interesting as a character. My only problem is that the class doesn't really seem to fit the character I'm going for.

But this could still be usable. Maybe one of his companions or family members is an alchemist who supplies him with potions to keep him sane, or he could study alchemy for that purpose alone.

See, this is why I love this sight and community. First post and you've already got me thinking on how to flush out my character in ways that I never would have considered.

Thanks Rhatahema :smallsmile: