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View Full Version : Neutral BoV cleric (Eberron)

2013-10-06, 05:04 PM
I want to create TN cloistered cleric of Blood of Vol for an Eberron game. I'd like to get either Spontaneous Wounder or healer feat (CD) to cast both cure and inflict spells spontaneously, and Mastery of Day and Night (PGtE) to have them auto-maximalised. Also, I'd like him to be a pacifist who won't kill enemies unless absolutely needed (backstory reasons). I know it's a weird concept, but I'd like to find a way to make it all work, preferably without excessive multiclassing or cheese. Any advice?

32 point buy, 1 flaw, books allowed: core, completes, all Eberron books, MIC, SpC

2013-10-06, 06:58 PM
then do that, maybe ask about vow-of-nonviolence (http://dndtools.eu/feats/book-of-exalted-deeds--52/vow-of-nonviolence--3078/) since that seems to be up your ally.

aside from that, are you asking on how to best build said class or best way to use the spontaneous feats?

2013-10-06, 07:17 PM
Both, i guess...and vow won't work, it need exalted alignment...not really valid for cleric of LE necromantic religion...i think most i can do is to punch someone for non-lethal damage while buffing party members to do the heavy face-smashing

2013-10-06, 07:55 PM
yeah, but it might be posible to fudge that little detail, i always hated alignment restrictions. what constitutes "whats good and whats evil" is a long discussion in itself. but anyway, run it by your DM he/she might be willing to let it go for character fluff.

as far as the build, use a net or trip with a chain. battle field control would be very helpful to your party.

2013-10-06, 08:09 PM
Well, I see only two real problems with these plans, but they're kinda lethal problems unless I missed something. 1) You're asking for a feat outside of your books allowed for the campaign. Faerun being a more than a bit higher power threshold than Eberron should mean that a savvy DM will basically laugh and say "no" the first time you mention the feat is out of that setting. 2) Being that you're running afoul of the 1 step alignment problem. I don't remember if Eberron axed away that rule or not but as Lawful Evil, the only alignments open for you to be a cleric of is Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil. Considering the concept you might want to go with Lawful Neutral instead.

As for more generalized advice...You might want to look into the old standards of Cleric. Not the "Heal bot" or the "CoDzilla" thing, but what they used to be "back in the day" a lot. At least in my experience. The group buffer. Combine that with the Diviner schtick and you should have a perfectly legit, good (As in useful) character who fits your concept. Use the cleric's quick, cheap access to divinations to foresee problems ahead... I cannot begin to tell you how useful Augury is in keeping potential TPKs at bay, well worth the level 2 spell slot even if you only have one. Usual candidates of Bless, Stat Buffs, etc, come to mind. Burn your feat choices on Item Creation, even items that don't necessarily benefit you like Create Magical Weapons/Armor, and in the end you'll be everyone's best friend. While keeping to a Neutral Pacifist sort of angle. Yeah, bad things happen... but you never pull the trigger yourself. So someone killed a ton of orphans with a magic blade you made? Well hell, it's not like you swung it. You can't be responsible for the rest of the world! (Note that if you DID feel you were responsible for such things, you might really want to consider Good alignment instead, and pick up those Vows of Non-Violence).

2013-10-07, 06:24 AM
Books I mentioned are Complete Divine and Player's guide to Eberron, perhaps you've meant Player's guide to Faerun?

Anyway, I was (sort of) inspired by Harry Potter and methods of rationality. Concept is ex-priest of Sovereign Host who lost his faith in the gods after Day of Mourning (and death of his wife). Blood of Vol (corrupted leadership aside) is more philosophy then religion, in it's core (known to "typical" faithful) it's about seeking power not from outside, but from inside oneself, rejecting idea of service to "false gods" and finding the way to overcome "ultimate injustice" of death. "As is the world, so are the gods", says one of tenets of Sovereign Host. Does Day of Mourning and existence of Mournlands means that gods are uncaring for milions of people who died that day? Or worse, that they are as broken and dead as is the land itself? My character stands beyond good and evil, between life and death (that's why i want both spontaneous curing and inflicting), and death itself is his ultimate enemy. His goal is to defeat death itself and bring back his wife, whatever cost will that take...and in Eberron, that doesn't means just getting pile of diamonds for True Resurrection, it means actualy get strong enough to be one of about three people in the whole world capable of casting it. He refuses to kill people not because some higher ideals, but because killing is against everything he stands for (IE: not "killing is wrong" but "I want to defeat death, so why should I cause it?").
I'd like to create working character on this premise