View Full Version : Help making a monster into a player charicter

2013-10-07, 07:01 PM
In page 63 of Creature Collection 2:Dark Menagerie There is a Creature called "Dreamfolk" a player wants to make a character using this race and I was wondering if you guys had any other creative input, using the race creation handbook the stats I'm thinking of giving it are,
Including its other abilities I was thinking of giving it a LA of 3-4 any other advice?

2013-10-07, 07:47 PM
Also be sure to add in any racial HD the creature has to the total ECL of the character. So in this creatures case that is 6HD on top of whatever LA you apply. From the different abilities that it has I would say a +4 or +5 LA. I am not the best at guessing that though. if I remember correctly, there is a formula or chart in the Savages Species that can give you a decent estimate on what a creature's level adjustment should be depending on abilities. it would be worth it to look through that book for help.

So overall I would probably say a 10 ECL