View Full Version : I Didn't Ask To Be This Popular!

The Rose Dragon
2013-10-08, 05:10 PM
It is April, the start of spring, and in most schools, the start of warm months and the new school year. As the weather gets hotter, the flowers bloom and the trees blossom, a new year of friendships, rivalries, classes and exams begin, forming the routine of the majority of students in Japan.

Snow Cherry isn't most schools. As far north as it is located, it never really gets warmer than room temperature, and it has its own schedule that precludes winter breaks or routine classes. One thing it does share with most high schools, however, is the teenagers, and their webs of socialization and romance. Into this web, Arima Akira fell like a fly, quickly becoming the new person of interest in Snow Cherry. However, while there are a lot of rumors about him, and a lot of people trying to be friends with him, Akira himself remains an enigma. This is bad news for all the girls who want to be more than just friends with the young man.

As one of those girls, it is your job to crack the puzzle, through whatever means possible. Most students of Snow Cherry have their own set of skills, and they are encouraged to make the most of their talents (even if this is not necessarily the field the school intended). This morning, you can:

- Use your contacts to find out about Akira's schedule for the day. (Allure Roll, D4, get 1 VP)
- Use your skills to figure out how to impress Akira (and possibly other students). (Skill Roll, D4, get +1 to next unopposed roll)
- Stumble upon Akira by some odd coincidence. (Luck Roll, D5, get 1 VP)