View Full Version : Methods of Murder - Help Level The Githzerai Psionic Assassin!

2013-10-09, 06:26 AM

So, my second character as just levelled up, from level 16 to 18. I know I have a few characters, but hey this campaign is something epic!

This is a Githzerai, once part of a Rrakma, who has since been tainted by Illithid influence, betrayed his Rrakma to the Illithid threat on a slave moon, and now has descended to the material plane to avoid detection after escaping from an antipsionic plane he was banished to (with the help of the party he is with). He has happened upon the rest of the party, and regards them as strange yet mildly entertaining, and treats them as a kind of 'touchstone' for when he is not evilling around on other planes.

His role is generally to weaken and take out single, powerful enemies of the group, as well as comic relief in the fashion of being "the evil one" of the group. His githzerai neutrality makes him very dispassionate. Every person killed, is one less battery for the Illithid. Occasionally he will murder civilians, or "hostile empathic transfer" civilians to heal himself when nobody is looking, etc.

Yes he kills things to remove them as Illithid fuel, yet he is tainted by them.. it is contradictory I know, but that is because the Illithid taint has not won him over fully as yet.. but may in the future..!

With that said, here is the current build. (Levels bought off/traded with DM by sacrificing most SLAs except for Darkvision and Stat bonus)

C.E. Githzerai 1 Rogue / 8 Assassin / 4 Psion (Telepath) / 3 Elocator

STR 17, DEX 18, CON 16, INT 23, WIS 13, CHA 11
BAB: +14/9/4
Speed 30ft. Init +4
Grapple: 18 (15/3)
Fort: 7, Reflex: 16, Will: 10
ML - 11 (7+4 from practiced manifester).

Darkvision 60ft
Power Resistance (HD+5)
Trapfinding +1
Death Attack
Poison Use
Improved Uncanny DOdge
Hide in Plain Sight
Scorn Earth
Sidestep Charge
Opportunistic Strike + 2
Sneak Attack +5d6

Spring Attack
Imp. Critical (Rapier)
Psionic Meditation
Practiced Manifester (Psion)
Illithid Heritage
Illithic Legacy Skin
Illithid Legacy

Assassin Spells:
Lvl1 - Disguise Self, Ghost Sound, True Strike
Lvl2 - Alter Self, Cat's Grace, FOx's Cunning, Invisiblity
Lvl3 - Poison Food and Drink, Ghost Blade, Nondetection, Deep Slumber
Lvl4 - Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Locate Creature

Psion Powers:
Lvl1 - Control Light, Know Direction and Lcation, Detect Psionics, Mind Link, Psionic Charm
Lvl2 - Cloud Mind, Forced Sense Link, Aversion, Psionic Suggestion, Read Thoughts
Lvl3 - Crisis of Breath, False Sensory Input, Hostile Empathic Transfer, Telekinetic Thrust

Character also has compartments in his robe sleeves where he keeps up to 8 poisoned daggers, which are telekinetically thrusted into especially powerful enemies.

Tal'D'Krim is about telepathy, and sneak attacking. It's all about brainwashing and murder.

So for the new two levels, I was thinking something like..

1 into Psion, 1 into Elocator
1 into Elocator, x into Slayer, then just keep levelling into Slayer.

Elocator 4 will land me Flanker, so every attack can effectively be a sneak attack. With level 18 feat, I was thinking of taking Craven, so every sneak attack has +18 damage to it (weapon + 5d6 + 18). That will give me fairly decent melee ability. Especially if I get a ring of blinking/cloak of concealing amorpha..

Another level in Psion will give me the Level 5 Psion feat, which Imight use for EK: Dimension Hop - to allow readying death attacks, then instantly 'zwooshing in' and making them die. Dimension Door unfortunately would not allow me to do this is one turn.

I'd gain four 4th-level powers with this, so am considering Death Urge, Time Hop, Telekinetic Maneuver, Dominate, or Modify Memory.. maybe Psionic Blast (to emulate the Illithid ability, first signs of taint showing through..) or Concealing Amorpha.

Basically picture an evil Protoss type psionic assassin extraplanar telepathic, telekinetic evil sith psychopath.

So, furthering the themes of sneak attacking, assassination, and telepathy, what suggestions might members here have? I've already massively divided between psionic classes and nonpsionic classes, so I'm aware I will never be maxed out on either - but ways to be somewhat effective, and more importantly, make other players laugh in despair at the bizarre evil abilities this dude is capable of.

I'll mention now the gameworld is almost entirely without any psionics - they simply do not exist on the material world. There is no magic/psionics transparency, which puts me in a very strong position for powers with power esistance - as nobody on this plane of existance has any. :)

Finally - psychic reformation is not off the cards, as many of the early powers have proven quite useless in real game terms. Perhaps swapping in concealing amorpha and more combat/utility powers with just a few more effective telepathic powers is the way to go. Perhaps replace the +1AC from Illithid Skin with EK: Control Body or something fun :)

2013-10-09, 08:24 AM




Hope that helps.

2013-10-11, 03:10 AM
Thank you, gavinfoxx, that does help to some degree. If only I was aware of that when I first created the character - would be several MLs and SA dice up.

I would like higher level powers. I'm considering even going 1 into Elocator for flanker/craven combo, then 1 into Ranger, and then go full Slayer into level 28 (this campaign will go high level).

Get decent BAB and ML progression that way.

Will need moar thought!
