View Full Version : [d20 Modern] Rise of the Warforged

T.G. Oskar
2013-10-09, 05:24 PM

*in Troy McClure's voice* Hello, I'm T.G. Oskar. You may know me from highly successful Dungeons & Dragons homebrew retoolings, such as the Retooled Warmage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=131346), the Retooled Healer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=133118), and Project Heretica (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=193554).

This is my first official attempt to make something grand, such as a campaign setting. This is also one of my few attempts to work on something that's not D&D proper, and thus, I decided to go with its lesser-played cousin, d20 Modern. One of the key aspects of this roleplaying game is that its "campaign settings" are meant to cover around 20-40 pages, using Earth as a frame of reference but with some changes. Some latter pages take from the sourcebooks presented for the game, such as d20 Future or Urban Arcana (the latter a campaign setting that was expanded to become a D&D/d20M crossover of sorts.

Because of this, making campaign settings should be easy, right? Particularly when you consider most of the campaign settings being expies of known material; if you remain only on the page that speaks about d20 Modern in TV Tropes (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/TabletopGame/D20Modern?from=Main.D20Modern), you'll notice that most of these campaign settings have roots in existing content such as Shadow Chasers drawing inspiration from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Thus, I'll make no attempt to disguise it: Rise of the Warforged is heavily inspired on the Terminator movie franchise, with many other expies running around.

What makes it unique, of course, is one half of the protagonists. Making Terminators from scratch is possible in an actual game, but I went for something that WotC already contains and that is just as fearsome and dangerous, albeit a bit easier to defeat: the Warforged. This is essentially a love-song mesh of Terminator and Eberron, set in the modern world, where our "favorite" Hunter-Killers and Infiltrators are reimagined into the unflinching soldiers of another dimension, or perhaps even our own.

Rise of the Warforged uses primarily content from the d20 Modern Core rulebook, d20 Future and d20 Apocalypse books, but it has some content from d20 Past and the chance of using content from Urban Arcana if the GM allows it. However, most of what's here should be easy to access by using the d20 Modern System Reference Document, so you shouldn't be punished for lacking any of the books.

Thus, without further ado, I present to you my attempt to make a d20 Modern campaign setting. If you wish, as you read it, please loop the following iconic song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAJr5cp01mI) so that you may enter in the atmosphere of the campaign setting.

T.G. Oskar
2013-10-09, 05:38 PM

“They came out of nowhere…some say they came from Africa, others from Siberia…I say they came from Hell itself. They don’t sleep, they don’t rest…they can subsist where we can’t. They’re implacable…but not invincible. Shoot at ‘em enough, and they fall down. We’ll resist or we’ll fall. The Resistance lives on.”
--Sgt. Keith Mars,
warrior of the Resistance

At the dawn of the 21st century, the world is under attack by mysterious automatons made from wood, metal and stone. These beings need no rest, are difficult to defeat, and their knowledge of combat is innate. In a flash, these automatons have spread throughout the world, turning each main city into a warzone in a matter of months. After a few battles, humanity has managed to fight back, but with more of these automatons emerging, and with newer and more advanced variants entering combat, chances of victory grow dimmer.

The campaign starts around the year 2000 to the year 2012, taking advantage of two moments where Earth crosses “apocalyptic” thresholds: the end of the millennium and the end of the Mayan long count (the GM is welcome to start it at other ages, adjusting for different PLs). A group of automatons, claiming allegiance to the “Lord of Blades”, claim the end of all beings made of flesh is close in national television, after a terrible terrorist act (for example, and if your players allow it, the followers of the Lord of Blades could have been the real perpetrators of the terrorist attack in the World Trade Center). The United Nations quickly responds to the threat, and the NATO quickly unleashes a strike against the automatons. The automatons (by then identified as the “warforged”) swiftly retaliate, showing knowledge of modern tactics and weaponry; in months, their inhuman resilience allows them to wipe out resistance in North Africa, with many more spreading into Europe. As a last-ditch effort, humanity agrees to use nuclear weapons deep in the heart of Africa, where the warforged have set their headquarters. While a great deal of warforged were eliminated by the blast, they showed an uncanny ability to survive and adapt to radioactivity.

Before a year passes, the warforged make tactical nuclear strikes with stolen warheads against the key cities of the world, exterminating a great deal of the population. This day, known to humanity as “Judgment Day” and to the warforged (and some other people) as the “Day of Mourning”, was devastating to the world. Only a small percentage of humanity remains, while warforged have turned numerous, and have “evolved”. The last surviving humans, however, have discovered something that may turn the tide of battle: warforged have only adapted recently to modern technology, and the “Creation Forge”. Humanity now desperately seeks to find the elusive forges in order to destroy them, and thus stop the creation of more warforged before they adapt and overcome what remains.

The heroes of Rise of the Warforged depend on the historical moment where the GM chooses to start, but all share one trait: they know about the existence of the warforged, their strengths and their weaknesses. How they managed to know about this is up to the GM: perhaps they are soldiers who fought first-hand with warforged and managed to survive (barely or not). Perhaps they are the first people who know about the true nature of the warforged, before their revelation. If on an Urban Arcana campaign, perhaps the heroes realize their nature as creatures of Shadow. No matter the method, the heroes know warforged are a threat (or perhaps something else), and act to stop them.

If using this as a stand-alone campaign, the heroes are members of the Resistance, a group of humans who face the warforged directly. Perhaps they’re new recruits or battle-hardened veterans, but they have had their share of experiences and know they’re not invulnerable. Not all members of the Resistance are warriors; some of the heroes could be the spies and scouts always looking for the secret creation forges, or they can be the scientists and investigators who seek new ways to stop the warforged, or the tinkers and modders that fix and modify the weapons used. Or perhaps, just perhaps, the heroes can be warforged themselves, defectors from decadence or people who just wish to stop the war and prove they’re not the bloodthirsty monsters people think them to be.

The Rise of the Warforged details one of the greatest fears of humanity; machine given sapience and sentience, and judging us as unworthy. Rise of the Warforged is unique, in that it works as a campaign on its own, but it can also exist in other campaigns of d20 Modern. The rules and information presented here can be used as part of its own campaign, or combined with other campaigns such as Urban Arcana, or with content from d20 Past and d20 Future. Because of its apocalyptic climax, rules from d20 Apocalypse are necessary, unless seeking to start the campaign before the nuclear wipeout. It also brings elements from the EBERRON Campaign Setting, particularly the eponymous “warforged”.

A Rise of the Warforged campaign before nuclear wipeout starts at Progress Level 5. A Rise of the Warforged campaign after nuclear wipeout is set at the Aftermath era (see d20 Apocalypse, page 11 for more details about post-apocalyptic eras).

Department-7 in Rise of The Warforged
Pre-apocalypse, Department-7 is one of the few organizations aware of the threat of the warforged. If using Urban Arcana rules, Department-7 also knows their nature as creatures of Shadow, and may hold weapons that work wonders against them. If using d20 Future rules, Department-7 knows the difference between the warforged and other robots, in particular their unique form of sentience. In this era, Department-7 merely bides time, seeking to find ways to speak with warforged and understand their unique nature; they may know their potential threat, but wish to know further. Could warforged coexist with humans, or are they devoid of empathy towards humanity?

In the post-apocalyptic era, Department-7 is one of the few allies of the Resistance, but has its own motives. Department-7 heroes assist the Resistance in fighting the warforged, but show interest in the knowledge of creation forges and their nature. Department-7 doesn’t share the extremist line of thought of other factions within the Resistance (or outside of it), and most think that not all warforged are “heartless machines of destruction” as most people think.

The Nature of the Warforged
The rules of d20 Future allow for the construction of robots who could manifest all of the traits of warforged, and could be used to replace them. However, it is the unique nature of warforged that separates them from robots and biodroids.

The first thing to understand about warforged is that, unlike robots, warforged are partially alive. All warforged are constructs (as in, they have the construct type), but have a set of traits that set them apart. The mechanical aspects of these traits are presented in the “Friends and Foes” section, but are detailed here.

First, warforged are comprised of living matter. While stone and iron comprise a great deal of their bodies, they are also comprised of living wood and organic humours. Because of this, warforged have a Constitution score much like normal living beings.

Second, warforged learn in very much the same way as humans would. Warforged have Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores much like humans and other humanoid creatures would, but with some differences. Warforged learn things at a spectacularly fast rate, but are somewhat immature in the first few moments after their creation. Warforged that have some connection with humans are just as curious as a child would, and are capable of just about anything.

Third, and tied closely to the second, is that warforged are capable of learning, adapting and improvising as humans would. Thus, they can learn skills and feats, unlike other constructs (and unlike robots, who need special components to gain them).

Fourth, and specific to campaigns that make heavy use of FX, warforged are capable of using magic as any creature of Shadow or terrestrial being would. While a robot would require components that blend magic and technology, warforged achieve this naturally. This brings into mind the question of whether warforged have souls, and what other powers they may manifest. Try as they might, no warforged have shown an innate talent for psionics, or at least none in official records.

The Creation Forges
All warforged begin their existence (or, as some would claim, their “lives”) in a complex machine known as the “creation forge”. The creation forge is a unique form of machinery, where all components that comprise warforged are assembled, and where they gain sapience and sentience.

The “creation forge” is a potent machine several stories high, made with unique materials and holding technology as of yet unknown by man. Perhaps they were constructed by alien civilizations that left some of their technology on Earth, a rare mixture of magic and machine, or even the design of a mad scientist.

In a modern world without magic, psionics or other forms of FX, and without contact with alien beings, the “creation forge” could be the creation of a great genius. Someone such as Nikola Tesla, or a scientist from Nazi Germany, could have created the first “creation forge” from sources unknown. This proto-forge crafted the prototypes of the modern warforged, and hold the secret to their sentience and sapience: perhaps they’re extremely early attempts of artificial intelligences that end up being more advanced than later attempts.

In a futuristic world, the “creation forge” could be the last remnant of an alien civilization wiped out by their hubris. Perhaps humanity has found out the blueprints for this “forge”, as the lost civilization spoke in their language, and has attempted (foolishly, perhaps), to replicate them in an attempt to create a servitor species, thinking they may edge out the flaws. Or, perhaps, nanite technology has advanced to the degree that it has allowed the creation of artificial lifeforms (and thus, warforged need not be created out of stone and wood, but more exotic materials).

However, warforged resonate clearly in a setting such as Urban Arcana. In here, or in a Shadow Chasers campaign, the “creation forge” is a machine of Shadow, a mixture of magic and technology from a world far beyond our own, where our technological advancements are replicated using powerful magic. The first warforged came from the Shadow, and held bits and pieces of their creation, as they were taken by scientists around the world. The first warforged could pave the way for the incredible technological advancements, at the cost of having them know and adapt to this world.

No matter their source, creation forges are always kept secret. The world knows little about them, and until the first strike from the terrorists, they know just as much about the warforged. Perhaps they’re hidden in secret bases around the world; places such as Area 51, with their inherent mysticism, might hide more than just evidence of alien life. A place where a creation forge is hidden is, at least, six to ten stories high, and hidden deep underground or inside a mountain.

The Warforged and Cannith
Another thing that binds the warforged and the campaign together is the existence of Cannith. In EBERRON, house Cannith is one of the legendary Dragonmarked Houses, dedicated to the production of goods all around. The Dragonmarked Houses hold great relationship to the mercantile guilds of the Renaissance period, and their heirs and scions are as much a part of the bourgeoisie as their Earth counterparts. Whether they’re constructed on Earth, part of an alien (or ancient) civilization, or perhaps emerging from the worlds beyond the Shadow, the existence of the warforged is masqueraded behind the existence of Cannith.

In a modern world without magic, or in a campaign such as Urban Arcana or Shadow Chasers, Cannith is the name of a former mercantile guild turned international corporation. The extent of Cannith Corporation (and the line that hides the secret of warforged, Cannith Heavy Industries Ltd.) is defined by the GM, as well as its location. It could be a small corporation, emerging just recently, or an important power in the world, having their presence in the stock exchange market since long. Cannith Corp. attenpts to hide the existence of warforged, but are not invulnerable to a juicy bribe.

A futuristic world could still have Cannith as a corporation, but also as the name of the civilization that built the warforged. Perhaps Cannith is the name of the world, and the Cannites are long since extinguished. The Cannites may be physically and genetically similar to humans, or perhaps hold their own differences. Alternatively, the alien world could have its own name (perhaps Dal Quor?), and it’s through the efforts of Cannith Corporation (the same one that exists since the modern world, or as typical of the cyberpunk genre, perhaps fused: how about Cannith-Microsoft, or perhaps Cannith-Cyberdyne?) that the creation forge was found. This version of Cannith could be a heavy contender, holding extremely advanced technology, and pretty shrewd in their deals.

Regardless of the way in which they exist, members of Cannith have their unique traits. The “mascot” of the company, their symbol, is a mechanized bull snorting green gas from its nose. The key leaders of their company hold a mysterious tattoo in their face, their shoulders and even their backs, suggesting ties with such organizations as the Yakuza and the Triads. If on an Urban Arcana or Shadow Chasers campaign, the high command of Cannith Corporation is entirely comprised of Shadowkind humans, and some members within the Shadow community recognize their tattoos as birthmarks that should allow them great power, but are impaired to do so because of the nature of the world.

Progress Level and Rules
Rise of the Warforged was designed with the idea that it could exist in a variety of campaigns and time periods. Warforged exist through a combination of technology and either magic or an unknown (or alien) form of science. The earliest in which a Rise of the Warforged campaign can be played is at PL 4 (see d20 Past and d20 Future for rules on progress levels), around the time of the Industrial Age and, specifically, mass production. Warforged could easily exist earlier on, but only as a one-off challenge: perhaps a lone warforged inspired the myth of the jewish “golem”, or exists trapped and inert in an ancient Mayan, Aztec or Egyptian pyramid; perhaps it hides within one of the terracotta warriors in China, or is an ancient guardian somewhere around the world. Warforged as the creation of Earth humans cannot exist reliably before PL 5, and is most likely the result of extraordinary geniuses working with technology that could only be described as “magic”. Warforged components and other such traits could exist by PL 5, but they’re kept in tight secrecy and are incompatible with humans. Grafts from warforged may exist by PL 6-7, but by that moment they may be replaced by cybernetic grafts.

Magic and FX
By default, Rise of the Warforged assumes only a thin veneer of magic exists: whatever it does, exists only on the hands of the warforged and slowly dwindles until it adapts to modern technology. Thus, no magic-using classes, nor feats related to magic, are allowed in the default campaign. Psionics are allowed in a case-by-case basis, most likely as a result of mutations post-apocalypse rather than before.

In a setting such as that on Shadow Chasers or Urban Arcana, magic-using classes are allowed. Because the campaign can be combined with an existing campaign in such a way that isn’t meant to break susceptibility, it could easily exist in a high magic, low magic or no magic campaign, though it must exist in a campaign with relative amounts of technology.

If the GM allows the use of FX, see the Appendix: New Magic and FX for new content.

The Landscape
If Rise of the Warforged is to be played during the post-apocalyptic world emerging from the nuclear wipeout, place the heroes in the remnants of large cities. If playing in the United States, good places would be Miami, Orlando, New York, Los Angeles, Houston or Seattle, close to the coast. The surrounding planes should have turned into cold, unforgiving deserts, while the old neighborhoods are ravaged and crushed. The areas controlled by the warforged are highly advanced factories, where humans are treated as slaves, or worse, as sources of entertainment. Any one of these places may hide a creation forge, or may simply be a clever decoy where the warforged lure the Resistance into their doom.

Malachi Lemont
2013-10-09, 06:22 PM
This sounds like a great idea! I have read the d20 modern rules, but I have yet to play a game with them, and your setting would be a great place to start. Are the warforged playable, or does everyone have to be human? I'm okay either way, I just wasn't sure from the description you gave.

T.G. Oskar
2013-10-09, 06:31 PM
Because of the open nature of Rise of the Warforged, the few important power groups that exist are defined by their actions before or after the nuclear retaliatory strike of the warforged, the “day of Mourning” for humanity. If using other settings such as Urban Arcana or Shadow Chasers, these power groups apply as well.

Cannith Corporation
Agenda: Monopolize the creation of warforged, advance technology.
Structure: Multi-national corporation
Symbol: A mechanical bull, snorting green gas from its nose.
Prominence: Pre-apocalypse

A shady corporation of recent preeminence, Cannith took the world by storm at its initial public offering, generating incredible gains. Cannith Corporation is comprised of multiple companies bound by one banner, including Cannith Heavy Industries, Cannith Computer Systems and a set of minor subsidiaries. Just as they appeared, their products swept through the United States, competing against industrial giants such as Microsoft, Apple, Intel, AMD, Ford, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Boeing, General Electric, Colt, Heckler & Koch, and many more. Exactly how they could produce so many quality products through its subsidiary companies was largely unknown; it was as if it appeared by means of magic. In a short amount of time, Cannith became a powerful brand, providing products as varied as microprocessors, motherboards and assembled computers, tablets, cellphones, motorcycles and cars, planes and helicopters, firearms, construction machinery, and most importantly, a unique form of assembly line that provided unbeatable efficiency in comparison to its competitors.

Amongst their many products, Cannith pushed their offer on robotics, with highly advanced androids drawing the looks of the curious on technological expos. Soon, their relatively unknown animatronics and robotics division grew in prominence.

After the terrorist attack in September 9, 2011, exactly in Ground Zero, where tens of thousands died through multiple bombings that leveled a half-mile radius around the area, and after the “warforged manifesto” of the Lords of Blades, Cannith faced a brutal investigation by the U.S. Senate, as the warforged held an uncanny resemblance to the robots shown by Cannith Heavy Industries Robotics division, and suspected the megacorporation could have ties with the attempt. Cannith came mostly clean and offered assistance to NATO after the investigation, but little could be done: the warforged had declared their independence from Cannith, and began the war that would end on the Day of Mourning.

Post-apocalypse, Cannith is fractured. A few key scientists and personnel have allied with the resistance, but at a terrible loss of their entire assembly line. Now, the warforged replicate and adapt using Cannith technology, and the survivors condemn them as the harbingers of the End of Times. The surviving Cannith scientists try their best to clear their names, but their hubris sealed their fate.

While the CEO and Board of Directors of Cannith Corporation are largely known, their relatively short time in the media still made them somewhat mysterious. Merrick MacCannis, chief executive officer, was a man that held the charisma of Steve Jobs, the eccentricity of Nikola Tesla and an unexplainable aura of mystique around him. After the apocalypse, his whereabouts are unknown. Post-apocalypse, the remnants of Cannith that work with the Resistance are led by Joanna MacCannis, an equally charismatic but more level-headed woman that once served as director of Human Resources and Marketing. Her leadership skills have allowed the few survivors to apply their skills and knowledge to the benefit of humanity, and were it not because of her ability to calm people and her willingness to work alongside scientists of all kinds without reward, the few survivors would be brutally massacred by a decimated humanity seeking the blood of the culprits.

In an Urban Arcana or Shadow Chasers campaign, Merrick and Joanna are shadowkind humans, and Cannith secretly spearheads the creation of magically infused technology. The majority of all individuals with the scientist (d20 Past) advanced class, as well as some techno mages and artificers, work for one of Cannith Corporation’s affiliates.

Typical Cannith Technician: Male or female human Smart Ordinary 3; CR 2; Medium-sized humanoid (human); HD 3d6+3; hp 13; Mas 12; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 13, touch 13, flatfooted 11 (+1 class, +2 Dex); BAB +1; Grap +0; Atk +0 melee (1d3-1, unarmed); Full Atk +0 melee (1d3-1, unarmed); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ none; AL Cannith remnants; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2; AP 0; Rep +1; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 10.
Skills: Computer Use +8, Craft (electronical) +9, Craft (mechanical) +9, Demolitions +8, Disable Device +8, Forgery +8, Knowledge (current events) +8, Knowledge (physical sciences) +8, Knowledge (technology) +8, Repair +8, Search +8
Feats: Builder (Craft [electronical], Craft [mechanical])H, Educated (Knowledge [physical sciences], Knowledge [technology])
Possessions: mechanical tool kit, electronical tool kit
Occupation: Technician (Craft [electronical], Craft [mechanical] and Repair as class skills)
Advancement: CR 4, +2 HD (d6), +9 hp, +1 class Defense, +1 BAB, +1 Will, +1 Reputation, +1 Int, +1 feat, +2 ranks on all skills, Read/Write 1 language, Speak 1 language

Cannith Engineer: Male or female human Smart Hero 3/Techie 2; CR 5; Medium-sized humanoid (human); HD 5d6+5; hp 25; Mas 12; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 14, touch 14, flatfooted 12 (+2 class, +2 Dex); BAB +2; Grap +1; Atk +4 ranged (2d4; Pathfinder); Full Atk +4 ranged (2d4; Pathfinder); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ extreme machine, jury-rig +2; AL Cannith remnants; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +6; AP 2; Rep +1; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 10.
Skills: Computer Use +15, Craft (chemical) +9, Craft (electronical) +11/12, Craft (mechanical) +11/12, Demolitions +11, Disable Device +11, Knowledge (earth and life sciences) +11, Knowledge (physical sciences) +14, Knowledge (technology) +14, Repair +12, Research +11
Feats: EducatedB, Craft Cybernetics, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Salvage
Talents: (Smart) savant (Computer Use), plan
Possessions: Pathfinder, 1 box .22 ammunition, mechanical tool kit, electrical tool kit
Occupation: Technician (Computer Use, Craft [electronic or mechanical] and Repair as class skills)

Cannith Lead Scientist: Male or female human* Smart Hero 3/Scientistd20P 3; CR 6; Medium-sized humanoid (human); HD 6d6+6; hp ; Mas 12; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 14, touch 14, flatfooted 12 (+2 class, +2 Dex); BAB +2; Grap +1; Atk +4 ranged (2d4; Pathfinder); Full Atk +4 ranged (2d4; Pathfinder); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ scientific improvisation; AL Cannith remnants; SV Fort +3*, Ref +2*, Will +5*; AP 2; Rep +2; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 10.
Skills: Computer Use +13, Craft (chemical) +14, Craft (electronic) +17, Craft (mechanical) +12, Decipher Script +13, Demolitions +12*, Disable Device +12, Knowledge (physical sciences) +14, Knowledge (technology) +14, Repair +12, Research +13
Feats: BuilderB, Educated, Personal Firearms Proficiency, RenownH*, Salvage
Talents: (Smart) savant (Craft [electronic]), plan
Possessions: Pathfinder, 1 box .22 ammunition, mechanical tool kit, electrical tool kit, Dell Inspiron laptop, efficient power device (power device, CL 3rd, 1d6+4 charges)
Occupation: Technician (Computer Use, Decipher Script and Research as class skills)

Discoveries Known: 0—haywire, inflict minor damage, light, mending, message, repair minor damage; 1st—inflict light damage, power device, repair light damage; 2nd—dataread

*: If using content from the Urban Arcana or Shadow Chasers campaigns, roll a d% (01-10) to determine if the lead scientist is a Shadowkind human. If so, remove all ranks in Demolition, replace Renown with Magical Heritage, and add +1 to all saving throws.

Agenda: Protect the people from unknown threats.
Structure: Secret organization
Most Common Allegiance: The Resistance (post-apocalypse)
Prominence: All

In the world of Rise of the Warforged, Department-7 is comprised of defectors from Cannith Corporation, who pooled their monetary resources to prepare for any upcoming threat coming from the emergence of the warforged in the world. Led by Dr. Isaac Tenma, a Japanese-American robotics expert with Jewish Ancestry and Miles Howard III, a wealthy British businessman, Department-7 serves as a repository of knowledge, armament and locations for the upcoming war.

After the Day of Mourning, the efforts of Department-7 paid off, although with some losses. Department-7 never expected nuclear retaliation, and thus wasn’t prepared for the massive losses it entailed. With many of its members gone (including Miles), the few people working at Department-7 have spread out, particularly after hearing news of a Resistance willing to face the warforged.

Department-7 holds several pieces of heavy weaponry and information about the weak points of a warforged, as well as the concept of the creation forge and possible locations. As Dr. Tenma and the other workers left Cannith early on, they only know some of the locations of creation forges, and thus eagerly seek information of new locations.

The Lords of Blades
Agenda: Exterminate the human race, world domination
Structure: Terrorist group (pre-apocalypse), dystopian government (post-apocalypse)
Symbol: The clenched fist of a warforged, with three blades emerging away.
Prominence: All

The largest known warforged organization, the Lords of Blades immediately set up as a supremacist group using terrorist tactics to bring the end of humanity. Before the “revenge of 9/11”, the event that unleashed them upon the world, the Blades were a carefully hidden group, comprised of warforged that escaped from Cannith’s grasp and hid around, preparing for an upcoming “war of liberation”. After the attack, many cells within Africa joined into a single army, displacing many of the warlords within the regions and taking control by sheer force. Their main targets were Cannith factories in Africa, particularly ones that may have held a creation forge; however, once they got numerous enough, they started to create forges of their own.

When NATO and the Allied forces declared war on the renegade warforged, the Lords of Blades began their push, seeking knowledge about weapons of mass destruction as a desperate measure at first. In November 9, 2012, their controlled territory in Africa was annihilated by a tactical nuclear warhead, destroying hundreds of warforged. The few survivors reconstructed the area, immune to the effects of radiation, and reinforced their assault.

Finally, on December 21, 2012, the Lords of Blades made a final statement, where they declared that humanity would mourn its terrible losses, exterminated by the very weapons they created. That day, the Lords of Blades detonated multiple nuclear warheads in the main cities, using warforged sympathetic to their cause but nominally working for Cannith. Afterwards, they rebelled and pursued the survivors, reconstructing the main cities of the world into their domains. With millions of humans killed, the Lords of Blades declared December 21st as their greatest day. Since then, they pursue every single remnant of humanity, using them as slaves or as entertainment.

The Lords of Blades respond to a single, enigmatic leader, called the Lord of Blades. This mysterious warforged is revered by the other warforged as a messianic figure, and many fanatics of the Lord of Blades revere the symbol of the Bladed Fist as much as a Catholic devotee would with a rosary. The warforged affiliated with the Lords of Blades control many of the world’s largest cities, reconstructed into stoic bases and factories, particularly those with strong Cannith influence.

Typical Blade: CR 2; Male- or female-personality Warforged Strong Ordinary 3; Medium-sized construct; HD 3d10+9; hp 25; Mas --; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 15, touch 13, flatfooted 14 (+2 class, +1 Dex, +2 equipment); BAB +3; Grap +5; Atk +5 melee (1d4+2, slam) or +4 ranged (2d8, M16A2); Full Atk +5 melee (1d4+2, slam) or +4 ranged (2d8, M16A2); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ living construct traits, composite plating, living fortification; AL Lords of Blades; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +0; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 6.
Skills: Climb +8, Intimidate +4, Jump +8
Feats: BrawlB, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack
Possessions: M16A2 assault rifle, 3 magazines
Occupation: Gladiator (Intimidate as class skill)

The Reforged
Agenda: Teach warforged to embrace the living side of their existence.
Structure: Small groups
Symbol: A warforged head without plating
Prominence: All

Not exactly a group but a philosophy followed by certain warforged, the Reforged believe that they are no less living than a human being, a plant or an animal. These warforged seek to experience life to their fullest, considering each and every event as a lesson. Hidden from the world, the Reforged seek to blend in and learn about the human world, sharing their experiences with others.

After the Day of Mourning, the Reforged saw their brothers rise and embrace their construct nature, at the expense of life. This singular event turned the group into a militant one, and earned the enmity of their Blades’ peers. The Reforged still remain hidden, seeking to gather the remnants of human civilization, learn from their successes and mistakes, and become their protectors. The Reforged seek the time when they can reveal themselves to the human remnants, and together fight the Lords of Blades for the sake of humanity; however, they are aware of their demonized existence, and are willing to fight alone.

While the Reforged have no official leader or religious figure, all Reforged heard of the first such warforged who chose to accept its nature, Hatchet. Little is known about him, except that he perished between the second 9/11 and the Day of Mourning, as an unfortunate victim of the circumstances, but his precepts are taken to heart by every warforged who accepts the path of the Reforged.

Typical Reforged: CR 4; Male- or female-personality Warforged Smart Ordinary 3/Dedicated Ordinary 2; Medium-sized construct; HD 5d6+5; hp 22; Mas --; Init -1; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 15, touch 13, flatfooted 14 (+3 class, +1 Dex, +2 equipment); BAB +2; Grap +3; Atk +3 melee (1d4, slam); Full Atk +3 melee (1d4, slam); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ living construct traits; AL the Reforged; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4; AP 0; Rep +2; Str 12, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 11.
Skills: Craft (sculptural) +8, Craft (visual art) +10, Decipher Script +8, Gather Information +8, Investigate +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +10, Navigate +8, Read/Write (1 language), Repair +8, Research +8, Speak (1 language), Survival +6, Treat Injury +8
Feats: Educated, Unarmored Body
Possessions: Backpack, 3 books, mechanical tool kit, first aid kit
Occupation: Academic (Gather Information as class skill, bonus Read/Write Language, bonus Speak Language)

The Renegades of Flesh
Agenda: Transcend into a cyber-organic existence with the warforged.
Structure: Small groups
Symbol: A warforged arm held to a human torso, holding the ripped flesh arm of the other side.
Most Common Affiliation: The Lords of Blades
Prominence: Post-apocalypse

After the Day of Mourning, some human survivors began spreading the word that only by becoming one with the warforged, they would survive the upcoming apocalypse. A small band of these survivors, transhumanists that were driven mad by the destruction of the nuclear warheads, considered that their sin as “beings of flesh” was what caused the apocalypse, and have begun to slowly graft parts of fallen warforged to their own bodies, as a quasi-religious “purge”. These people, calling themselves the “Renegades of Flesh”, proselytize to the few survivors of their terrible sin, and bring them their “good news”; if they strip of their sinful flesh and become more like the machines that now rule the world, they will be forgiven and given a new existence.

Not surprisingly, the Renegades of Flesh are completely alone. The remaining human survivors that renege of their deal treat them as traitors just as much as they would Cannith, while the warforged affiliated with the Lord of Blades treat them as deluded “meatbags” that will never achieve their perfection. However, because of the often violent activities of the latter, some Blades tolerate their presence and use them as thugs, luring them with false promises of transcendence.

Typical Renegade: Male human Strong Ordinary 3/Tough Ordinary 3; CR 5; Medium-sized humanoid (human); HD 3d8+3d10+10; hp 40; Mas 14; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 18, touch 15, flatfooted 17 (+4 class, +1 Dex, +3 equipment); BAB +5; Grap +8; Atk +8 melee (1d12+4/19-20, sawblade axe) or +8 melee (1d4+3, slam); Full Atk +8 melee (1d12+4/19-20, sawblade axe) and +3 melee (1d4+3, slam); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ none; AL the Renegades; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Skills: Climb +12, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (streetwise) +10, Repair +6, Survival +3
Feats: Archaic Weapons ProficiencyH, Brawl, Power Attack, Streetfighting
Possessions: sawblade axe, enhanced sports pads, mighty arms graft, 2 servings canned goods, 1 serving cheer food (Twinkies)
Occupation: Gladiator (Intimidate as class skill)

The Resistance
Agenda: Protect humanity, fight against the warforged.
Structure: Cell-based military organization
Symbol: A red “Vitruvius’ man” image holding a weapon in one hand and a laurel twig in another, with the words “SURVIVE, OUTSMART, FIGHT” below.
Most Common Affiliation: Department-7, Cannith Corp. remnants
Preeminence: Post-apocalypse

After the events of the Day of Mourning, groups of survivors did their best to avoid the warforged and survive. A group of veterans of the brief War of the Forged assembled in specific locations and used codified messages to identify themselves and establish a chain of command. This ended with the survivor with the highest position in any military, U.S. Army General Ashleigh Rippler, assuming command over all remaining human soldiers and establishing the “Resistance”, alongside an eclectic group of surviving colonels from around the world, and essentially ascending Japanese Self-Defense Force Captain Kenji Matsumoto and Lieutenant-Coronel Aurelio Moncada of the Mexican Air Force to lead the Naval and Air Force divisions of the Resistance, respectively.

Through the use of guerrilla tactics, complex codified messages involving the use of language and nonsense as a method of message, and reverse-engineering warforged armament, the Resistance has done an admirable job at fighting back, but the release of the Charger, Scout and specifically the Titan models has made this battle more difficult. The Resistance has recently agreed to collaborate with Joanna MacCannis, leader of the remnants of Cannith Corporation, to reinforce their technological divisions, although they still harbor resent for the latter and their involvement in the creation of the warforged.

Resistance in the western United States may potentially work under Captain Jack MacGregor, a battle-hardened warrior that supposedly holds the key to end the threat of the warforged, and whose detractors claim has a share of warforged allied with the human cause.

The Resistance Cant
Not exactly a language but rather a complex encryption algorithm relying mostly on deception, the Resistance cant involves the use of various languages in a way where the meaning of each message varies according to the language used. Because of this, only a few people are trained in its use, and rely on their knowledge of multiple languages and improvisation to relay a message and have another one understand. The improvisation factor is used to prevent warforged intelligence to understand the message, and the constant changes to the code make it even more difficult.

Learning the basics of the Resistance cant require having the character spend at least 5 points on Speak Language on five different languages, of which at least three have to be from different language groups, or know the Linguist talent from the Smart Hero group, then spend a skill point on Speak Language (Resistance cant) to officially learn the cant. Speaking the cant requires making a Bluff check, using the hero’s Intelligence modifier instead of its Charisma modifier. The receiver must make a Sense Motive check against a DC equal to the check result: if the receiver also knows Resistance cant, it gains a +5 bonus on the result. Having a document with Resistance cant grants a cumulative +5 bonus on the Sense Motive check, minus one for every month since the document was redacted (to represent the constant change of the language). A character can take 10 and take 20 on the Sense Motive check to understand Resistance cant if it so desires. Because the language is designed to baffle construct intelligence, any construct with an Intelligence score that attempts to understand Resistance code has a -10 penalty, which offsets the bonuses from learning the cant and having a recent document in hand).

If using d20 Future or Urban Arcana rules, Resistance cant cannot be interpreted by comprehend languages or tongues (though it grants a +2 bonus on the Sense Motive check to understand the language), and cannot be learned by language software.

After the survivors escaped from their nuclear shelters and began securing perimeter, the Resistance began to change these into functional bases from which they are capable of facing the warforged. Described here is a typical Resistance base, assuming a shelter is used as foundation. A Resistance base could be constructed from destroyed buildings or abandoned military bases, but these are only after taking over the area and becoming capable of securing perimeter. Similar bases could be used for Department-7 bunkers, with some changes provided.

1. Minefield
This area, which extends approximately in a radius of a mile, is completely surrounded with Claymore mines (6d6 cone/2d6 burst damage, burst radius 40 ft., Reflex DC 16) aimed outward the base and at a distance between each other of 15-30 ft (Search DC 23 to locate the markers). About 10% of the mines are placed with proximity detonators, with the rest using pressure plate detonators (Disable Device DC 23 to disarm them). The pressure plates and proximity detonators activate only against creatures of Small size or larger.

2. Electrified Fence
At approximately one-quarter distance between the bunker and the end of the minefield, the bunker is surrounded with electrified cyclone fence that extends upward to a distance of 10 ft. Touching the electrified fence deals 4d6 points of electricity damage, with a Fortitude save for half damage, per each round of contact. To save energy costs, the fence is only electrified at certain hours (usually around 12 AM to 8 PM, and in case an alarm is sounded). Climbing the fence requires a successful Climb check against DC 15.

3. Watchtower
Six of these towers are located in a hexagon formation around the bunker, approximately 15 ft. away from the electrified fence. All towers are inaccessible from ground; it can only be entered by crossing through a secret underground passage or by crossing the gunnery window. The window only allows creatures of Small or smaller size. Each tower is equipped with a Browning M2HB (2d12 ballistic, see Weapons Locker, p. 161 for more details) with electro-optical scope and a case holding 300 – 2d12 regular ammunition, a RPG-7 (6d6 damage, range increment 100 ft.), rations for 2 days, professional walkie-talkie and binoculars with night-vision imager. Each watchtower is manned by two people (Fast 3/Tough 1 ordinary, Smart 3 ordinary) in charge of manning the weapons and handling communications. One of the watchmen (the Smart ordinary) knows Resistance cant (see above) and always holds the most recent document, alongside a map of the minefield. Each crew spends 24-hour shifts, with opposite towers sharing rest periods and shift changes. This allows for the perimeter to be observed at all times.

4. Underground Guardpost
These six entrances are carefully hidden within the minefield, though a clever observer notices that they form a equidistant triangle between the towers (Search DC 23 to find the markers, Intelligence check 10 to find the coincidence). The markers move each day, indicating the safe path into the facility. All guardposts are equipped with a H&K MG43 (2d8 ballistic, see Weapons Locker, p. 164 for more details) set on a tripod and hidden, two heavy steel doors, rations for 2 days and a table. All posts, including the “safe” post, are equipped with 4 lbs. of C4/Semtex explosives around the tunnel; the explosives are placed in a way that they cause maximum damage (10d6 concussion damage in a 18-ft radius) but no structural damage. An additional 5 lbs. of explosives are located behind the steel doors and placed as a booby trap in case the safe post is compromised; these explosives detonate the existing packs and collapse the structure (20d6 concussion + 2d6 bludgeoning from the debris), sealing the entrance. Each guardpost is manned by three people (two Fast 3/Tough 2 ordinaries and a Smart 3 ordinary), working as per the watchtower; both of the gunners (Fast/Tough ordinaries) are assumed to be trained in Demolitions.

5. Bunker
The only free-standing structure above the facility, the bunker serves as one of the three emergency exits of the base and the main guardpost. The bunker holds six Browning M2HB machineguns loaded with 100 rounds of armor-piercing ammunition (+1 attack roll against armored targets, -1 damage roll; see Weapons Locker, p. 9 for more details), three RPG-7 with 10 extra rockets, a Barrett M95 antimateriel rifle (2d12 ballistic, see Weapons Locker p. 111 for more details) with 5 cases of armor-piercing ammunition, used only against Titan incursions. The bunker is always manned by 5 people (two Fast 3/Tough 1 ordinaries, one Strong 5 ordinary, a Charismatic 4/Field Officer 3 hero and a Fast 3/Gunslinger 2 hero), which unlike the posts are always on fixed duty.

6. Armory
The armory is located in the first underground floor of the facility, and contains the facility’s entire weapon supply. At any moment, assume it has 1d12+6 AK-47 assault rifles, 1d6+4 M16A2 assault rifles, 1d4+1 M79 grenade launchers, 1d2+1 Browning M2HB heavy machineguns, 1d10+15 Beretta 92F handguns, 1d4+1 Colt Python revolvers, 1d4+6 boxes of fragmentation grenades, 1d2+1 boxes of thermite grenades, 1d20+20 lbs. of C4/Semtex, and sufficient ammunition to reload each weapon 25 times. It also holds 1d10+5 machetes, 1d4+6 hatchets and 1d10+5 knives.

7. Training Area
This room, close to the armory, has several mannequins, a sound-enclosed range for firearms, and a small dojo. Some of the mannequins are fitted with mock-ups of warforged plating, and are used to teach the weak points of warforged. The firing range has 3 copies of each firearm in the armory (except for the grenade launcher), with enough blanks to reload the weapons 20 times and live ammunition to load the weapons 30 times. The mannequins area holds up to three of each melee weapon, and five more copies used for training (each weapon dealing non-lethal damage). The dojo holds two quarterstaffs, three metal batons and three pairs of tonfa. Two trainers (a Strong 3/Archaic Weaponsmaster 2 hero and a Fast 4/Soldier 2 hero) teach new recruits in combat.

8. Barracks
The lowest floors of the base hold accommodations for around 50-70 residents per floor at once. Each floor has its own kitchen, bath and games room. The kitchen has enough food and clean water for approximately 1 week (1d4+5 days). All baths have a secret hatch that leads to the aqueduct, which is used as an emergency exit.

9. Laboratory
Located outside the main complex and accessible only through an underground passage at the fourth floor, the laboratory holds working computers connected through a local area network, a sealed chemical research facility, a facility to build weaponry and a facility with de-assembled warforged, which is used for further studies. The laboratory is designed to serve as an independent facility, and thus has its own generators and survival equipment. The facility holds up to 12 scientists and technicians at all times (6 Smart 3 ordinaries, 3 Smart 5 ordinaries, 2 Smart 3/Techie 2 heroes, 1 Smart 3/Field Scientist 3 hero), and are protected by a small unit of guards (Fast 3/Tough 3 ordinaries).

10. Machinery Room
In essence, this is the heart of the base. This area, located at the bottom floor, contains all generators, water and air purifying systems, septic tanks and environmental systems. The machinery room also has a tunnel that leads to an emergency exit.

11. Command Center
Located in the first underground floor, the command center houses the high command of the base, and contains the communication modules used to interact within the base and outside. The command center contains a small-band radio connected to a small-range outside antenna, a telegraph module and a secured fiber-optic cable for data transmission (though used sparingly, and only through special codes).

Typical Resistance Soldier: As Fast 3/Tough 3 Ordinary (see p. 277 of the d20 Modern Core Rulebook), but changed as follows:
Fast 3/Tough 1 Ordinaries: CR 3; HD 3d8+1d10+8; hp 24; Defense 18, Touch 17; FF 16 (+2 Dex, +5 class, +1 leather jacket); BAB +2; Grap. +3; Atk. +3 melee or +4 ranged; AL the Resistance; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2; Occupation Military (Demolitions, Knowledge [tactics] as class skills); Feats Exotic Firearms Proficiency (choose one), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point-Blank Shot, Simple Weapons Fighting; Skills remove 4 ranks from any skill.
Fast 3/Tough 2 Ordinaries: CR 4; HD 3d8+2d10+10; hp 31; BAB +3; Grap. +4; Atk. +4 melee or +5 ranged; AL the Resistance; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +2; Occupation Military (Demolitions, Knowledge [tactics] as class skills); Feats Exotic Firearms Proficiency (choose one), Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point-Blank Shot, Simple Weapons Fighting; Skills remove 2 ranks from any skill.
Fast 3/Tough 3 Ordinaries: no change

Typical Resistance Medic: As Mid-Level Crime Lab Technician, except as follows: AL the Resistance; Occupation Doctor (Craft [pharmaceutical] and Treat Injury as class skills); Skills reduce 3 ranks from all Intelligence-based checks, add 3 ranks to all Knowledge skills and Treat Injury, replace Profession with Survival.

Typical Resistance Scientist: As Low-Level Crime Lab Technician, except as follows: CR 2; HD 3d6; hp 10; BAB +1; Grap. +0; Atk. +0 melee; AL the Resistance; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +3; Feats replace Medical Expert with Builder (Craft [electrical] and Craft [mechanical], replace Knowledge (earth and life sciences) in Educated for Knowledge (technology); Skills add 1 rank to all skills,remove Treat Injury skill, replace Craft [pharmaceutical] with Craft [mechanical].

Resistance Sniper: Male or female human Fast Hero 3/Gunslinger 2; CR 5; Medium-sized humanoid (human); HD 3d8+2d10+10; hp 38; Mas 14; Init +2; Spd 35 ft.; Defense 15, touch 15, flatfooted 13 (+5 class, +2 Dex); BAB +3; Grap +3; Atk +7 ranged (2d6, Glock 17) or +7 ranged (2d10, H&K PSG-11); Full Atk +7 ranged (2d6, Glock 17) or +7 ranged (2d10, H&K PSG-11); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ close combat shot, weapon focus (H&K PSG-11); AL the Resistance; SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2; AP 2; Rep +1; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 8.
Skills: Climb +8, Hide +10, Move Silently +11, Sleight of Hand +11, Survival +9, Tumble +11
Feats: Dead Aim, Double TapB, Far Shot, Personal Firearms ProficiencyO, Point-Blank ShotH
Talents: (Fast) evasion, increased speed
Possessions: Glock 17, H&K PSG-11, 2 magazines 9mm, 2 magazines 7.62 mm, backpack, 1 Meal, Ready to Eat, explorer outfit, professional walkie-talkie
Occupation: Military (Climb and Survival as class skills)

Resistance Physical Trainer: Male human Strong Hero 3/Archaic Weaponsmaster 2; CR 5; Medium-sized humanoid (human); HD 3d8+2d10+10; hp 38; Mas 14; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 15, touch 15, flatfooted 13 (+3 class, +2 Dex); BAB +4; Grap +6; Atk +7 melee (archaic melee weapon) or +6 melee (1d4+2, unarmed strike; Full Atk +7 melee (archaic melee weapon) or +6 melee (1d4+2, unarmed strike); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ imbue weapon +1, weapon specialization (archaic melee weapon); AL the Resistance; SV Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1; AP 2; Rep +1; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12.
Skills: Concentration +10, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (tactics) +6, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +2
Feats: Archaic Weapons ProficiencyH, Armor Proficiency (light), Combat Martial ArtsO, Power AttackB, Weapon Focus (archaic melee weapon)
Talents: (Strong Hero) ignore hardness, melee smash
Possessions: any one archaic melee weapon, light undercover shirt, backpack, 1 Meal, Ready to Eat, 2 books
Occupation: Cloistered (Concentration and Knowledge [history] as class skills)

Resistance Firearms Trainer: Female human Fast Hero 4/Soldier 2; CR 6; Medium-sized humanoid (human); HD 4d8+2d10+12; hp 44; Mas 14; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 19, touch 17, flatfooted 17 (+5 class, +2 Dex, +2 equipment); BAB +3; Grap +6; Atk +7 melee (firearm) or +6 ranged (secondary firearm); Full Atk +7 ranged (firearm) or +6 ranged (secondary firearm); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ weapon focus (handgun), weapon specialization (handgun); AL the Resistance; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1; AP 7; Rep +0; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Skills: Escape Artist +9, Hide +9, Listen +3, Knowledge (tactics) +10, Move Silently +9, Spot +3, Survival +9, Tumble +9
Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light), DodgeH, Double TapB, Mobility, Personal Firearms ProficiencyO, Point-Blank ShotB, Strafe
Talents: (Fast Hero) evasion, uncanny dodge
Possessions: two handguns (one primary, one secondary), 3 magazines (primary and secondary ammunition blanks), 2 magazines (primary handgun ammunition), magazine (secondary ammunition), light undercover shirt, backpack, explorer outfit
Occupation: Military (Knowledge [tactics] and Survival as class skills)

Resistance Technician: as Cannith Technician

Resistance Engineer: as Cannith Engineer

Resistance Lead Scientist: Male or female human Smart Hero 3/Field Scientist 3; CR 6; Medium-sized humanoid (human); HD 3d6+3d8+6; hp 30; Mas 12; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 15, touch 15, flatfooted 13 (+2 class, +2 Dex); BAB +2; Grap +1; Atk +4 ranged (2d4, Pathfinder); Full Atk +4 ranged (2d4, Pathfinder); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ scientific improvisation, smart defense; AL Cannith remnants; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +4; AP 2; Rep +2; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 10.
Skills: Computer Use +14, Craft (chemical) +12, Craft (electronic) +14, Craft (mechanical) +14, Decipher Script +12, Demolitions +14, Disable Device +15, Knowledge (physical sciences) +14, Knowledge (technology) +15, Repair +14, Research +15
Feats: Cautious, EducatedB, GearheadB, Mastercrafter, Personal Firearms ProficiencyH, Studious
Talents: (Smart) savant (Disable Device, Research),
Possessions: Pathfinder, 1 box .22 ammunition, mechanical tool kit, electrical tool kit, briefcase, overcoat.
Occupation: Technician (Disable Device, Knowledge [technology] and Research as class skills)

Resistance Officer: Male or female human Charismatic Hero 4/Field Officer 3; CR 7; Medium-sized humanoid (human); HD 4d6+3d8+7; hp 37; Mas 12; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 15, touch 15, flatfooted 13 (+3 class, +1 Dex); BAB +5; Grap +4; Atk +6 ranged (2d6, Beretta 92F); Full Atk +6 ranged (2d6, Beretta 92F); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ leadership, uncanny survival; AL the Resistance; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4; AP 3; Rep +7; Str 8, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16.
Skills: Craft (writing) +7, Diplomacy +10, Gather Information +10, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (current events) +7, Knowledge (tactics) +10, Read/Write Spanish, Read/Write Japanese, Read/Write Arabic, Read/Write Resistance Cant, Read/Write 1 language, Sense Motive +4, Speak Spanish, Speak Japanese, Speak Arabic, Speak Resistance Cant, Speak 1 language, Survival +10
Feats: Double Tap, Frightful Presence, Iron WillB, Personal Firearms ProficiencyO, Point-Blank ShotB, RenownB, TrustworthyH
Talents: (Charismatic) charm males, coordinate
Occupation: Military (Knowledge [tactics] and Survival as class skills)

T.G. Oskar
2013-10-09, 06:58 PM
The Rise of the Warforged setting has, as its star opponents, the eponymous warforged. Located in this section are also other automatons crafted by Cannith Corporation, also belonging to the EBERRON Campaign Setting; the specialized homunculus such as the iron defenders.

The Urban Arcana campaign setting introduces the homunculus, creatures that can be constructed by the Techno Mage to assist them in their duties as a familiar would to a Mage. In the Rise of the Warforged default campaign, mechanical homunculus are crafted by Cannith Corporation as if they were one of the following specialized kinds of homunculi. The other homunculi may be crafted by Scientists (see d20 Past), if they are allowed in the campaign.

Arbalester (CM-H-002) and Gunny/Wingunny (CM-H-002-M)
The arbalester and the gunny are, in essence, autonomous weaponmounts. The arbalester is comprised of a compound bow frame with arms and legs. A gunny is a light or heavy machine gun mounted on a quadruped frame with a rotor. Both the arbalester and the gunny can act on their own. The wingunny is a flying version of the gunny, replacing the quadruped frame with a quad-rotor frame and gyro-compensators to absorb the recoil of the shot.

Arbalesters typically carry a quiver with 20 arrows. Gunnys and wingunnys typically carry a box with 100 and 50 rounds of regular ammunition, respectively.

Mod-able: the weapon built into an arbalester, gunny or wingunny is considered a mastercraft weapon, and may receive further modifications as if it were a regular weapon. If using the Urban Arcana rules, it can be enchanted as any other weapon.

Arbalester: CR 1/2, Medium-sized construct, HD 1d10+10, hp 15; Mas —; Init +4; Spd 10 ft.; Defense 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +2 natural); BAB +0; Grap –9; Atk +1 melee (1d4-1, bite) or +5 ranged (1d8, mastercraft compound bow); Full Atk +1 melee (1d4-1, bite) or +5 ranged (1d8, mastercraft compound bow); FS 2-1/2 ft. by 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.; SQ construct, repairable, mod-able, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, skills; AL master; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 8, Dex 19, Con —, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 7.

Skills: Balance +8, Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Point-Blank Shot

Gunny: CR 1/2, Large construct, HD 1d10+20, hp 25; Mas —; Init +4; Spd 20 ft.; Defense 16, touch 13, flat-footed 11 -1 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural); BAB +0; Grap –9; Atk +5 ranged (2d12, mastercraft Browning M2HB); Full Atk +5 ranged (2d12, mastercraft Browning M2HB); FS 10 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 0 ft.; SQ construct, repairable, mod-able, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, skills; AL master; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 10, Dex 19, Con —, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 7.

Skills: Balance +8, Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Burst Fire

Wingunny: CR 1/2, Medium-sized construct, HD 1d10+10, hp 15; Mas —; Init +4; Spd 10 ft., fly 30 ft. (average); Defense 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +2 natural); BAB +0; Grap –9; Atk +5 ranged (2d8, mastercraft Colt M16A2 LMG); Full Atk +5 ranged (2d8, mastercraft Colt M16A2 LMG); FS 10 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 0 ft.; SQ construct, repairable, mod-able, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, skills; AL master; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 10, Dex 19, Con —, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 7.

Skills: Balance +8, Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Burst Fire

Iron Defender (CM-H-003)
An iron defender is a homunculus designed to fight for its creator, though it also can be used to scout the terrain. Iron defenders appear as robotic dogs, with spikes on their torso and razor legs, and a sleek figure.

Iron Defender: CR 1, Small construct, HD 2d10+5, hp 16; Mas —; Init +2; Spd 50 ft., Defense 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural); BAB +1; Grap –1; Atk +5 melee (1d6+3, bite); Full Atk +5 melee (1d6+3, bite); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ construct, repairable, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, skills; AL master; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 14, Dex 15, Con —, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 7.

Skills: Listen +2, Move Silently +3, Spot +2
Feats: Weapon Focus (bite).

Packmate (CM-H-001)
A relatively harmless homunculus used for storage and transport, the packmate is essentially a transport case with four stubs and two arms of humanoid appearance. The case is covered with a special gel pack that assists the transportation of fragile components by expanding and covering the object, and can reassemble in slots. A typical packmate is crafted from a 10-lb. transport case, through some may be designed from cases designed for 40 lb. and 75 lb. capacities. Contents in the packmate are highly secured; if the packmate is threatened, it tightly clamps its contents unless it can be used as a weapon (such as a grenade or splash weapon). Attempting to open an inert packmate requires a Strength check; the DC for the check is Strength-based.

In an Urban Arcana campaign setting, or if allowing the use of magic, the packmate is considered as if bound by an arcane lock spell with a caster level of 3rd.

Throw Explosive (Ex): a packmate can be directed to make ranged attacks with grenades or splash weapons. It can throw any such weapon it carries.

Feed Potion (Ex): a packmate is dexterous enough to retrieve a potion, medicine, or similar healing item from one of its storage components and apply it to a fallen creature. A packmate is often instructed to apply one of these items to its master if it falls.

Ready Item (Ex): the packmate is instructed to respond to specific gestures, anticipating what item its master may call for next. If the packmate and its master are adjacent to each other, the master may retrieve an item from the packmate as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Packmate, 10-lb. case: CR 1, Medium-sized construct, HD 2d10+13, hp 24; Mas —; Init +0; Spd 30 ft., Defense 15, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+4 natural); BAB +1; Grap +4; Atk +4 melee (1d6+3, slam); Full Atk +4 melee (1d6+3, slam); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ construct, repairable, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, feed potion, ready item, throw explosive, skills; AL master; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +1; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 16, Dex 11, Con —, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 7.

Skills: Climb +6, Swim +6
Feats: Toughness

Packmate, 40-lb. case: CR 2, Large construct, HD 2d10+23, hp 34; Mas —; Init +0; Spd 20 ft., Defense 15, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (-1 size, +6 natural); BAB +1; Grap +5; Atk +5 melee (1d6+4, slam); Full Atk +5 melee (1d6+4, slam); FS 10 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ construct, repairable, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, feed potion, ready item, throw explosive, skills; AL master; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +1; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 18, Dex 10, Con —, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 7.

Skills: Climb +6, Swim +6
Feats: Toughness

Packmate, 75-lb. case: CR 2, Large construct, HD 3d10+28, hp 39; Mas —; Init +0; Spd 20 ft., Defense 15, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (-1 size, +6 natural); BAB +2; Grap +7; Atk +7 melee (1d8+5, slam); Full Atk +7 melee (1d8+5, slam); FS 10 ft. by 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ construct, repairable, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, feed potion, ready item, throw explosive, skills; AL master; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +2; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 20, Dex 9, Con —, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 7.

Skills: Climb +7, Swim +6
Feats: Toughness

The once-secret weapon of Cannith Corporation, the warforged are sentient, sapient automatons of roughly human shape. Capable of learning at an astonishingly fast rate and showing a degree of adaptability similar to that of humans, they were deemed the perfect soldier and servant.

Unfortunately, a combination of abuse and the alluring words of the Lord of Blades eventually caused the warforged to rebel against their human creators, escaping and becoming dangerous opponents.

After the Day of Mourning, the warforged began to adapt to the new world, creating different variants from their basic shape: the scout, a smaller version of the typical warforged; the charger, a large ape-like warforged, and the immense titan, a massive construct of pure steel and limited intellect, but undisputable destructive power.

Species Traits
All warforged (except the warforged titan) share the following traits:
Living Construct Traits (Ex): All warforged are comprised of partially living organic matter in combination with inorganic matter. Due to their complex creation process, they are imbued with sentience, sapience and free will. Their organic components allow them to combine aspects of constructs and living creatures, as follows:

Unlike other constructs, the warforged have a Constitution score, but no low-light vision or darkvision.
Warforged are immune to poison, sleep effects, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition and energy drain. Warforged, like constructs, have no massive damage threshold and are immune to non-lethal damage and radiation effects. However, they are not immune to mind-affecting abilities, critical hits (though see below), ability damage, ability drain, instant death effects and stunning.
Warforged cannot heal damage naturally, like living beings. They may be repaired with a successful Repair check. A successful Repair check (DC 30) heals 1d10 points of damage, and each check takes 1 hour of work. Warforged cannot be affected by the Treat Injury skill, however.
Warforged are affected slightly differently when reduced to 0 hit points. At 0 hit points, the warforged is disabled, but strenuous activity does not risk further injury. Between -1 and -9 hit points, the warforged is inert; it becomes unconscious and helpless, but does not lose additional hit points, as if automatically stable. A warforged at -10 hit points is considered dead, as per a living creature. Warforged can be raised or resurrected, but the means to do so are unknown.
Warforged do not need to eat, sleep or breathe, but can still benefit from the effect of consumable items.

If using the d20 Future rules, the following also apply:

Because of their living components, warforged are not affected by the same effects that would affect robots or mecha. Being partially made of metal, they are affected by any effect that would rust, dissolve or damage it. They are affected by a dissolver grenade as if they were living creatures.
Because of their partial nature as living creature and construct, warforged are incompatible with robotics or cybernetics. They may gain similar effects with their own components (see the Equipment section for more details)

Composite Plating: All warforged are designed with a default set of armored plating that increases its defense. The plating provides a warforged with a +2 equipment bonus to Defense. This plating makes warforged incapable of equipping any kind of armor, and is not considered natural armor. The equipment bonus to Defense from the plating does not stack with other forms of equipment bonuses, unless the latter explicitly stack with other forms. The plating is treated as if light armor, but the warforged is considered proficient with the plating and thus suffers no penalties.

Fortification (Ex): Because of their inorganic components, warforged are treated as if having the light fortification armor special ability (see Urban Arcana for more details) without cost. In essence, whenever a warforged is subject to a critical hit or a form of precision-based damage (such as the swift strike ability of the tracer advanced class from d20 Future), it has a 25% chance (a roll of 01-25 on a d%) to negate the critical hit and instead take normal damage. Warforged chargers instead have moderate fortification, ignoring critical hits 75% of the time.

Warforged (CM-W-001)
By far the first and original model, the warforged is an efficient combat machine. Designed with light armored plating and resilient arms, the warforged is a restless, implacable machine with a remarkable capability to adapt to circumstances. Able to wield human weaponry with relative ease and hold heavy equipment with few difficulties, a single warforged can easily overcome a small, unprepared group of humans with relative ease.

Warforged: CR 1/2; Medium-sized construct; HD 1d10+3; hp 8; Mas --; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 13, touch 11, flatfooted 12 (+1 Dex, +2 equipment); BAB +0; Grap +2; Atk +2 melee (1d4+2, slam) or +1 ranged (2d8, M16A2); Full Atk +2 melee (1d4+2, slam) or +1 ranged (2d8, M16A2); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ living construct traits, composite plating, living fortification; AL Lords of Blades; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will -1; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 6.
Skills: Intimidate +2
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot
Possessions: M16A2 assault rifle, 3 magazines
Advancement: by character class

Warforged Annihilator: Warforged Tough Hero 3/Strong Hero 3/Fast Hero 1/Soldier 2; CR 9; Medium-sized construct; HD 4d8+5d10+27; hp 72 ; Mas --; Init +2; Spd 35 ft.; Defense 23, touch 21, flatfooted 21 (+2 Dex, +2 equipment, +9 class); BAB +6; Grap +9; Atk +10 melee (1d4+3, slam) or +9 ranged (2d10+2, FN MAG); Full Atk +10 melee (1d4+3, slam) or +9/+4 ranged (2d10+2, FN MAG); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ living construct traits, composite plating, living fortification, weapon focus (FN MAG machinegun), weapon specialization (FN MAG machinegun); AL Lords of Blades; SV Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +1; AP 4; Rep +1; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 6.

Skills: Climb +9, Intimidate +7, Jump +6, Knowledge (tactics) +8, Repair +4, Spot +8, Tumble +7
Feat: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Exotic Firearms Proficiency (machinegun), Personal Firearms ProficiencyB, Point Blank Shot, Power AttackB, Strafe, Weapon Focus (slam)
Talents: (Strong) Extreme Effort, Melee Smash; (Fast) Increased Speed; (Tough) Damage Reduction, Remain Conscious
Possessions: M16A2 assault rifle, 3 magazines (regular ammo), 3 magazines (armor-piercing)

Warforged Scout (CM-W-001-S)
A smaller but no less dangerous type of warforged, the warforged scouts’ purpose is defined in its name. Their smaller size allows them to infiltrate in smaller areas, allowing them to remain inconspicuous until the right time.

Warforged Scout: CR 1/2; Small construct; HD 1d10+1; hp 6; Mas --; Init +3; Spd 20 ft.; Defense 16, touch 14, flatfooted 13 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +2 equipment); BAB +0; Grap -4; Atk +1 melee (1d4, slam) or +4 ranged (2d6, Beretta Model 92); Full Atk +1 melee (1d4, slam) or +4 ranged (2d6, Beretta Model 92); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ living construct traits, composite plating, living fortification; AL Lords of Blades; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 11, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 6.
Skills: Hide +7, Move Silently +7
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot
Possessions: Beretta Model 92 Compact pistol, 3 magazines
Advancement: by character class

Warforged Scout Advance Unit: Fast Hero 3/Gunslinger 2/Infiltrator 1; CR 6; Small construct; HD 4d8+2d10+12; hp 41; Mas --; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 22, touch 20, flatfooted 19 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +2 equipment, +6 class); BAB +3; Grap -1; Atk +4 melee (1d4, slam) or +4 melee (1d4, knife) or +6 ranged (2d6, H&K MP5A5); Full Atk +4 melee (1d4, slam) or +4 melee (1d4, knife) or +6 ranged (2d6, H&K MP5A5); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ living construct traits, composite plating, living fortification, close combat shot, weapon focus (H&K MP5A5 submachinegun); AL Lords of Blades; SV Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +4; AP 3; Rep +2; Str 11, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 6.
Skills: Escape Artist +12, Hide +16, Listen +4, Move Silently +12, Sleight of Hand +12, Spot +4, Tumble +12
Feats: Burst Fire, Double Tap, Far Shot, Personal Firearms ProficiencyB, Point Blank Shot
Talents: (Fast) Increased Speed, Improved Increased Speed
Possessions: Beretta Model 92 Compact pistol, 3 magazines, knife, night-vision goggles, 3 fragmentation grenades

Warforged Charger (CM-W-001-L)
Recently created by specialized creation forges, the warforged charger is specifically designed for mass-scale combat. Able to wield larger weapons and outfit with a tougher plating, warforged chargers are designed with the purpose of overpowering enemy defenses and withstanding incredible amounts of punishment.

Powerful Charge (Ex): When a warforged charger makes a charge, it deals an extra 2d6 points of damage on a successful attack.

Reinforced Plating: Warforged chargers are designed with a default set of armored plating that increases its defense. The plating provides a warforged charger with a +8 equipment bonus to Defense and damage reduction 2/-, but imposes a -5 armor check penalty and limits the maximum Dexterity bonus to Defense to +1. This plating makes warforged incapable of equipping any kind of armor, and is not considered natural armor. The equipment bonus to Defense from the plating does not stack with other forms of equipment bonuses, unless the latter explicitly stack with other forms. The plating is treated as if heavy armor, but the warforged is considered proficient with the plating and thus suffers no penalties.

Warforged Charger: CR 5; Large construct; HD 4d10+28; hp 50; Mas --; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 18, touch 10, flatfooted 18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +8 equipment); BAB +3; Grap +14; Atk +9 (1d10+7, maul) or +9 melee (1d8+7, slam); Full Atk +9 (1d10+7, maul) or +9 melee (1d8+7, 2 slams); FS 10 ft. by 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.; SQ living construct traits, reinforced plating, damage reduction 2/-, moderate fortification; AL Lords of Blades; SV Fort +8, Ref +2, Will -2; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 25, Dex 14, Con 24, Int 4, Wis 4, Cha 4.
Skills: Jump +9
Feats: Archaic Weapons ProficiencyB, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush
Possessions: Maul
Advancement: by character class

Warforged Dread Charger: Tough Hero 5/Dreadnaught 3; CR 13; Large construct; HD 9d10+3d12+96; hp 173; Mas --; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 22, touch 14, flatfooted 22 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +8 equipment, +4 class); BAB +7; Grap +19; Atk +14 (1d10+7, maul) or +14 melee (1d8+8, slam); Full Atk +14/+9 (1d10+7, maul) or +14 melee (1d8+8, 2 slams) or +3 (2d10, M134); FS 10 ft. by 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.; SQ living construct traits, reinforced plating, damage reduction 4/-, moderate fortification, ability surge 1/day, fearless, stability, unhindered; AL Lords of Blades; SV Fort +15, Ref +4, Will +1; AP 4; Rep +1; Str 26, Dex 13, Con 26, Int 4, Wis 4, Cha 4.
Skills: Intimidate +7, Jump +8
Feats: Archaic Weapons ProficiencyB, Exotic Firearms Proficiency (M134 minigun), Power Attack, Improved Bull RushB, Improved Overrun, Sunder, Tough Plus, ToughnessB
Talents: (Tough) Damage reduction 2/-, remain conscious, robust, second wind
Possessions: Maul, General Electric M134 minigun, magazine cylinder with 500 rounds of regular ammo.

Warforged Titan (CM-W-002)
The latest and most dangerous of all warforged, the titans are veritable engines of mass destruction. If the warforged chargers are designed for breaking defenses, the titans are designed to destroy bases and vehicles with astonishing ease. For all their might and resilience, warforged titans are little more than barely intelligent walking tanks, as they hold the least amount of intellect compared to the average warforged (enough to follow commands efficiently). Likewise, they lack organic components and thus are true constructs, unlike the warforged. In fact, warforged titans are very distinct from the average warforged and share so little of their traits that they might not be considered true warforged altogether.

Mounted Weapons: A warforged titan is mounted with a massive steel maul in its left arm, a M9 chaingun on its left shoulder, and a Warpath rifle on its right arm. The warforged titan is considered proficient with all weapons, and gains a +2 bonus on all attack rolls made with the chaingun or the recoilless rifle

Powerful Charge (Ex): When a warforged titan makes a charge, it deals an extra 3d6 points of damage on a successful attack.

Trample (Ex): A warforged titan may attempt to trample an opponent, dealing 2d6+13 points of bludgeoning damage. A successful Reflex save against DC 25 reduces the damage by half.

Warforged Titan: CR 8; Large construct; HD 12d10+40; hp 106; Mas --; Init -1; Spd 50 ft.; Defense 28, touch 7, flatfooted 25 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +18 natural armor); BAB +9; Grap +26; Atk +16 (2d6+9/x3, maul) or +8 ranged (10d6, Warpath recoilless rifled20F); Full Atk +16/+11 (2d6+9/x3, maul) or +8 ranged (5d6, M9 chaingund20F) or +8 ranged (10d6, Warpath recoilless rifled20F); FS 15 ft. by 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.; SQ construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, damage reduction 5/-, resistance 10 to acid, cold, electricity, fire and sonic, powerful charge, trample; AL Lords of Blades; SV Fort +8, Ref +2, Will -2; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 28, Dex 8, Con – , Int 3, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills: Jump +32
Feats: CleaveB, Improved Bull RushB, Power AttackB
Advancement: 13-20 (Huge)

Warforged Heroes
Not all warforged are aligned to the Lords of Blades. Some, like the Reforged, strip from their plating and seek to adopt human mannerisms, claiming they are free to choose their own path. Others simply escaped and found a different perspective in life.

A warforged hero pre-apocalypse is considered a monstrosity, but their personal allegiances make them less reticent to face humans. Some may work at night, aiding construction workers with their incredible skill. Others hide as animatronic figures, attempting to carve a path in their life. Some take arms, but in the same way any hero would; for personal glory, or for a desire to protect. And some may sympathize with the Lords of Blades, but disagree with their leadership (after all, a warforged may think that whomever claims the title of “Lord of Blades” in this world must be someone canny, but weak enough to hide, or else it would have its victim).

Post-apocalypse, the Lords of Blades have demonized each and every warforged in existence. Those who seek their own path are considered traitors to their nature, and hunted as mercilessly, if not more, by their peers. Warforged who follow their own path after the Day of Mourning are often alone, hunted by human and Blade alike, which makes them develop a fatalist, loner mentality. Recently, some cells of the Resistance have struck a deal with renegade warforged, fighting together for a better future. Warforged that become heroes are likely to join the Reforged or Department-7 remnants, and virtually no renegade warforged guards sympathy to the Lords of Blades.

If one of the players wishes to use a warforged in the campaign (and the GM allows it), use the following rules:

Nonhuman Heroes
All warforged, despite their resemblance (both physically and mentally) with humans, have different traits. The following rules apply to all warforged during character creation:
Skill Points: all warforged gain 4 fewer skill points at 1st level, and 1 fewer skill point each level thereafter.
Feats: all warforged gain one feat at 1st level, unlike humans who choose two. Some warforged (all except the charger and the titan) may choose between Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency or Skill Focus as a bonus feat, in addition to the feat they may choose at first level, representing their degree of training.
Non-Human Appearance: all warforged have a human-like physique, but look decidedly non-human. Because of this, warforged may attempt to disguise as humans, but at a -10 penalty to their Disguise check. Because of the prevalence of animatronics and robots, a warforged may attempt to disguise as one of these without penalty at PL 5 and higher.
Type: Construct. Note that all warforged (except the titan, but the titan is not allowed for play) have certain traits that separate them.
Living Construct Traits: see Species Traits for Warforged, above, for more details.
Composite Plating: see Species Traits for Warforged, above, for more details. Note that some feats may allow warforged to start with more advanced plating, or no plating at all.
Fortification: see Species Traits for Warforged, above, for more details.

Warforged Traits
The following traits apply to the base warforged, but not to warforged scouts, chargers or titans:
Size: Medium. Warforged need two hands to wield a Large weapon and light weapons for them are Small size or smaller.
Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Warforged are more resilient and powerful, but their difficulty in relating to other creatures makes them seem aloof or even hostile.
Speed: 30 ft.
Natural Weapons: Warforged are capable of making a slam attack with one of their fists as an attack action. When making slam attacks, the warforged is considered armed and does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and each successful slam attack deals 1d4 points of lethal damage (plus the warforged Strength modifier). Do not apply the effects of feats from the Brawl or Combat Martial Arts trees to these slam attacks.
A warforged may choose to make unarmed strikes instead of slam attacks, which deal damage exactly as those of a human being.
Level Adjustment: +1. Because of their special traits, including their immunity to radiation and massive damage, their plating and their natural weapon, warforged are considered one level higher than the norm.

Warforged Scout Traits
The following traits apply to the warforged scout:
Size: Small. Warforged scouts take a +1 size bonus to Defense, a +1 size bonus to attack rolls and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks. Warforged scouts take a -4 penalty on all grapple checks. The lifting and carrying limits of a warforged scout are three-quarters those of a Medium-sized character. Warforged scouts must use two hands to wield Medium-sized weapons and light weapons for them are Tiny-sized or smaller.
Ability Modifiers: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. The small frame of warforged scouts make them lithe, but not very strong. They share with their larger warforged cousins their difficulty to relate with other creatures.
Speed: 20 ft. Because of the plating and their design, warforged scouts are somewhat smaller than their counterparts.
Natural Weapons: Warforged scouts are capable of making a slam attack with one of their fists as an attack action. When making slam attacks, the warforged scout is considered armed and does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and each successful slam attack deals 1d3 points of lethal damage (plus the warforged scout’s Strength modifier). Do not apply the effects of feats from the Brawl or Combat Martial Arts trees to these slam attacks.
A warforged scout may choose to make unarmed strikes instead of slam attacks. Follow the rules for unarmed strikes in the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game (p. 135). Warforged scout unarmed strikes deal 1d2 points of nonlethal damage (plus Strength modifier). However, certain feats increase unarmed strike damage, as shown below:
Brawl: 1d4 + Strength modifier (nonlethal damage only)
Combat Martial Arts: 1d3 + Strength modifier (lethal or nonlethal damage)
Improved Brawl: 1d6 + Strength modifier (nonlethal damage only)

T.G. Oskar
2013-10-09, 07:19 PM
The default assumption for Rise of the Warforged implies that no magic or FX exist, but because this campaign can be adapted to other existing campaigns (and is thought with other campaign setting content in mind), they are added for purposes of completion. This campaign also uses material from d20 Future and d20 Apocalypse, thus advanced classes from these books also apply.

The following advanced classes can be used with no modifications. A * after their name indicate that these are only allowed if the GM allows magic or FX in the campaign. A ** after their name indicate their use is allowed pre-apocalypse only, while *** indicates their use post-apocalypse only. A PL followed by a number indicates that the advanced class may only be used if the GM allows the indicated progress level in the campaign.
d20 Modern: acolyte*, battle mind*, bodyguard, daredevil, field medic, field scientist, infiltrator, investigator**, gunslinger, mage*, martial artist, negotiator, personality**, shadow slayer*, soldier, telepath*
Urban Arcana: archaic weaponsmaster, mystic*, psionic agent*, speed demon, street warrior, thrasher
d20 Future: ambassador**, dreadnought, explorer, field officer, helix warrior, mecha jockeyPL6, swindler, technosavant, tracer
d20 Apocalypse: road warrior***, scavenger***

The following advanced classes require the following modifications to be used:
Engineer (d20 Future): warforged titan weapons are considered mecha weapons for purposes of the Weapon Upgrade class feature
Shadow Hunter (Urban Arcana): if used in a no-FX campaign, the Shadow Hunter does not gain the ability to detect magical auras. Instead, it gains the ability to detect warforged three times per day, exactly as per the detect magic aura class feature.
Shadowjack (Urban Arcana): if used in a no-FX campaign, the Shadowjack loses the virtual incantations class feature, as there are no incantations to be used. Furthermore, at 7th level, the shadowjack gains only the improved degradation ability. At 10th level, the Shadowjack gains the mental interface class feature, where it gains the ability to interface with a computer network without the need of a computer, using only its brain.
Techie (d20 Modern): the Techie can use its build robot class feature to create iron defenders, packmates, gunnys and wingunnys. Crafting an iron defender takes a Wealth check against DC 20 and Craft checks against DC 26. Crafting a packmate takes a Wealth check against DC 22 (in addition to purchasing the required aluminum travel case) and Craft checks against DC 28. Crafting a gunny or wingunny takes a Wealth check against DC 22 (in addition to purchasing the required firearm) and Craft checks against DC 30. A techie requires the following ranks in Knowledge (technology) to create the homunculus, in addition to the blueprints: iron defender – 10 ranks, packmate – 8 ranks, gunny – 13 ranks, wingunny – 16 ranks.
Techno Mage (Urban Arcana): this class cannot be used in a no-FX campaign. If FX is allowed, the Techno Mage can craft any of the homunculus presented above; treat each of them as mechanical homunculus for purposes of crafting ability.
Wildlord (Urban Arcana): if used in a no-FX campaign, the Wildlord loses the transform companion class feature. Furthermore, at 10th level, the wildlord gains the ability to rebuke constructs as if they were animals, which includes all warforged. Despite the supernatural nature of the command/rebuke animals ability, the wildlord is allowed to keep it.

Because the existence of the warforged may suggest the viability of “fringe science”, a GM may allow the Scientist advanced class from d20 Past (page 83), with some changes:

The scientist may choose to gain the ability to build robots from the Techie advanced class, or the craft homunculus ability from the Techno Mage advanced class, as one of its class features.
The scientist gains a new class feature at 2nd level, 4th level, 6th level, 8th level and 10th level (at the GM’s discretion).

The following prestige classes are allowed in the Rise of the Warforged campaign setting: Lawbringer*** (d20 Apocalypse), Sniper (Urban Arcana Web Enhancement), Spec Ops (Urban Arcana Web Enhancement)

The following content includes new feats and equipment fit for use in a Rise of the Warforged campaign. Some of this content comes from the EBERRON Campaign Setting book and other Dungeons & Dragons sourcebooks related to the line, while the remainder is brand-new.

The following feats are available to all characters, including warforged.

Your knowledge of construct nature allows you to deal extra damage to these creatures or immobilize them.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6, Intelligence 13 or have constructs as favored enemies.
Benefits: You gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls against creatures with the construct type. If you roll a critical threat against a construct, you can spend 1 action point (and forego the confirmation roll) to render it immobile and helpless (as if paralyzed) for 1 round. The construct may roll a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your Str or Con modifier) to negate the effect.

You extend your resolve on behalf of your companions.
Prerequisite: Animal companion or robot class feature.
Benefits: Your companion creature can draw from your pool of action points when resolving a roll. You and your companion creature can each draw a maximum of 1 action point per round from your pool of action points.
Special: If the campaign allows magic and FX, this feat also applies to familiars and homunculus. Cohorts and familiars (such as those gained from the Minion and Follower feats from d20 Past, or from the minions class feature from the Mastermind Urban Arcana web enhancement prestige class) do not benefit from this feat.

You have a greater font of resolve than others.
Benefits: You gain 5 extra action points. If you spend all these action points, you gain an extra action point each level.

The following feats are available only to warforged.

Your armor plating is comprised of non-metallic materials that grant great resiliency without sacrificing much mobility.
Prerequisite: Warforged
Benefits: Your equipment bonus to Defense increases to +4 and you gain damage reduction 1/-. You are considered as wearing light armor, you have a +5 maximum Dexterity bonus to AC and your armor check penalty is -2. You cannot be detected by effects that would detect metals.
Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level. This feat does not replace the bonus feat all warforged receive at 1st level.
Warforged chargers that take this feat lose their reinforced plating benefits, but their speed is increased to 40 ft.

You have been upgraded to become invulnerable to lethal attacks by applying fortifications to your living components.
Prerequisite: Warforged, base attack bonus +6
Benefits: You gain immunity to critical hits and sneak attacks.
Special: Warforged chargers that take this feat lose their moderate fortification benefits.
If allowing FX rules, warforged may no longer be affected by spells of the healing subschool.

You have been outfit with a set of jaws (of the same type as your plating) with hydraulic clamps to increase their effectiveness.
Prerequisite: Warforged
Benefits: You have a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage (for a Medium-sized warforged). Your bite is considered a secondary natural weapon.
Special: The damage from the bite of a warforged scout is 1d4. The damage from the bite of a warforged charger is 1d8. The damage from a warforged titan is 2d6.

Your armor plating is comprised of materials that combine resilience with light weight (such as alumisteel from d20 Future). Your plating sacrifices some mobility for the increased resilience, but not as much as reinforced plating.
Prerequisite: Warforged
Benefits: Your equipment bonus to Defense increases to +5. You are considered as wearing light armor, you have a +5 maximum Dexterity bonus to AC and your armor check penalty is -2.
Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level. This feat does not replace the bonus feat all warforged receive at 1st level.
Warforged chargers that take this feat lose their reinforced plating benefits, but their speed is increased to 40 ft.

You have developed the ability to restore hit points, but at the expense of your physical abilities.
Prerequisite: Warforged, Str 13, Dex 13
Benefits: Once per day as an attack action, you heal a number of hit points equal to 5 + its Hit Dice (including hit dice gained from class levels). You incur a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity scores for 10 minutes.
Special: A warforged with the second wind Tough Hero talent adds its Constitution modifier to the amount healed by this feat.
A character with the body repair weave or a rage implant is treated as a warforged for purposes of choosing this feat. In the case of a rage implant, the character may not activate it for as long as it takes the penalty to Strength and Dexterity scores from this feat.

Your armor plating is comprised of materials that improve your resilience (such as duralloy, from d20 Future), at the cost of mobility.
Prerequisite: Warforged
Benefits: Your equipment bonus to Defense increases to +8 and you gain damage reduction 2/-. You are considered as wearing heavy armor, your speed is reduced to 20 ft., you have a +1 maximum Dexterity bonus to AC and your armor check penalty is -5.
Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level. This feat does not replace the bonus feat all warforged receive at 1st level.
Warforged chargers are considered as having this feat as a racial feature.

You have been trained to use your arms in tandem, much like warforged chargers. You are even more dangerous in close combat.
Prerequisite: Warforged, base attack bonus +6
Benefits: You can deliver a second slam attack in any round in which you make a full attack in which you make a slam attack. If you hold no weapons, both slam attacks are made at your full attack bonus. If you make a slam attack as a secondary attack, you may make a second slam, but at a -5 penalty.
Special: Warforged chargers are considered to have this feat as a racial feature.

You have developed the ability to harness electricity into your body to use as a weapon. However, it feeds off your life force.
Prerequisite: Warforged, base attack bonus +3
Benefits: As a free action, you can charge your slam attack with electricity. You deal an extra 1d4 points of electricity damage, but you take 2 points of damage. If the attack misses, the charge is wasted but you still take damage. For every three points of BAB, you deal an extra 1d4 points of damage, but you take an extra point in exchange.
Special: This feat may be used with a warforged’s unarmed strike attack, but the extra damage is considered non-lethal damage.
A character with an upgraded prosthetic arm is treated as a warforged for purposes of this feat.

You have been outfit with spikes all over your body, specifically on your plating.
Prerequisite: Warforged
Benefits: When grappling an opponent, you deal an extra 1d6 points of lethal damage on a successful grapple check to damage the opponent.
Special: The damage from the spikes of a warforged scout is 1d4. The damage from the spikes of a warforged charger is 1d8. The damage from a warforged titan is 2d6.

You are different from other warforged. You were born without your protective plating and without your innate fortifications, making you more vulnerable but allowing you to better blend with humanity.
Prerequisite: Warforged
Benefits: You lose your equipment bonus to Defense and your light fortification racial benefit. You become capable of equipping armor, although you don’t gain proficiency with any of them. Your penalty when attempting to pass as a human is reduced to -5.
Normal: If attempting to pass as a human, a warforged takes a -10 penalty on its Disguise check.
Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level. This feat does not replace the bonus feat all warforged receive at 1st level.
Warforged chargers that take this feat lose their reinforced plating and moderate fortification benefits, but their speed is increased to 50 ft. Warforged chargers attempting to pass as humans still take a -10 penalty, but if attempting to pass as an ape, it takes a -5 penalty instead.

M240 Portable Flamethrower: Developed in the latter parts of the War of the Forged to deal with the wooden components of Warforged, the M240 was essentially a flamethrower designed to be held as a carbine. The weapon consists on a canister with a thickened pyrophoric agent, which is thrown as a stream by means of a gas propellant through a specialized hose set on a modified M16 assault rifle body. The combined result is a light-weight weapon that can be held by anyone with training in the use of firearms. Using a M240 requires no training, and otherwise works as a flamethrower as presented on the d20 Modern Core Rulebook.
Damage: 3d6 fire Rate of Fire 1 Magazine 10 int. Size Medium Weight 6 lb. Purchase DC 19 Restriction Mil (+3)
Special: If used on a post-apocalyptic setting, this weapon costs 14 TU.

Synthetic Skin: This product deals with all prosthetics made with rubber. Before, these prosthetics were used for movies and by a few enthusiasts, but after the War of the Forged and the Day of Mourning, they were instead used by the Lords of Blades in an attempt to infiltrate the Resistance. These prosthetics are generally made to specifications; using a prosthetic that’s incompatible with your body type reduces the bonus by 1. Both humans and warforged with the Unarmored Body feat can use synthetic skin prosthetics.
Latex: the first used type of rubber for prosthetics, latex is relatively easy to work with. When using latex prosthetics, you gain an equipment bonus of +1 to +5 (depending on the quality of the prosthetic) to your Disguise checks.
Silicone: in an attempt to create better disguises for their infiltrators, the Warforged have developed realistic prosthetics and full body covers from silicone, which is more resilient to tear and resembles skin closely. When using silicone prosthetics, you gain an equipment bonus of +2 to +10 (depending on the quality of the prosthetic, with each step improving the bonus by 2) to your Disguise checks.
Size Varies Weight Varies Purchase DC 12 +1 per step (latex); 14 + 1 per step (silicone)
SpecialL Creating synthetic skin requires a Craft (chemical; DC 15 for latex and DC 20 for silicone) and a Craft (visual arts) check of DC 20 or higher (for a +1/+2 bonus; higher bonuses act as if mastercrafted).

Most humans are comfortable with their bodies, but some have their reasons to strip from vital organs and appendages to replace them with artificial replacements. Some need replacements to their lost appendages or damaged organs; others find in artificial organs the path to transcend their nature, and some find this perversely erotic.

Taking advantage of this small, yet lucrative market, Cannith Corporation offered the appendages of their deactivated Warforged to meet the demand of these groups. Grafts from deactivated Warforged granted the donors unique traits, giving them some resemblance to Warforged. Cannith used some mercenaries in their employ as experimental subjects and part of their personal corporate security.

After the Day of Mourning, people with these grafts tore into two pieces. Ones survive, hiding their grafts in order to blend in with the society of this new world. The rest became Renegades, people who eschew their humanity in order to embrace the cold, logical nature of a construct.

Rules for Warforged Grafts
The five warforged grafts presented here work similarly to cybernetic attachments (see d20 Future for more details). However, their unique nature provides a degree of synergy, unlike typical cybernetic replacements or enhancements.

Characters wishing to create warforged grafts must have the Craft Cybernetics feat (if the DM allows, characters affiliated with Cannith or Department-7 may choose this feat as part of its normal set of feats). The character must make a Wealth check to find the necessary components, or it can salvage them by means of the Salvage feat. Attaching a warforged graft requires Cybernetic Surgery, as per a normal cybernetic attachment. Likewise, a character may not have more warforged grafts than 1+its Constitution modifier, or it suffers negative levels.

In a futuristic setting, warforged grafts compete directly with cybernetic attachments, but their unique properties set them apart. A character may only have warforged grafts or cybernetic attachments, but not both (unless the character has the Cybertaker feat; this is in addition to its normal benefit).

Equipping more than one warforged graft grants increased abilities. When equipping two or more grafts, the character gains damage reduction X/-, where X equals the number of grafts added minus 1. As well, the character with two or more grafts gains a bonus on saves to resist energy drain, death effects and necromantic abilities equal to the number of grafts it has. Thus, a character with two grafts gain damage reduction 1/- and a +2 bonus on saves. Cybernetic attachments are not treated as grafts for purposes of qualifying for this ability; their nature is different from cybernetic attachments. Because of this, they do not develop the same vulnerabilities to electricity as those with cybernetic attachments.

Warforged Grafts Description
Dermal Plating: This graft is comprised of metal plates covering the torso and back, shoulder blades and genital area. The plates provide increased protection, but prevent you from wearing armor due to the extra bulk. You gain a +5 equipment bonus to Defense, damage reduction 2/- and light fortification (25%). However, you’re considered to be wearing medium armor, have a maximum Dexterity bonus of +3, an armor check penalty of -3 and arcane spell failure chance of 20%. This graft reduces your maximum hit points by 4.
Type: External Base Purchase DC: 34 Restriction: Mil (+3)
Special: If using Urban Arcana or Shadow Chasers rules, the dermal plating can be enchanted, but by increasing the Purchase DC.

Heart of Steel: This graft is comprised of various Warforged organs which replace humanoid organs, such as the heart, the kidneys and part of the spinal cord. This graft makes you immune to disease, paralysis and poison, but your natural healing ability is impaired. You restore 2 hit points for every three Hit Dice with 8 hours of rest, and 1 hit point per HD with complete bed rest, and Treat Injury checks made to restore you are done at a -2 penalty. This graft reduces your maximum hit points by 2.
Type: Internal Base Purchase DC: 25 Restriction: None

Heavy Legs: This graft is comprised of a pair of complete Warforged legs, from thigh to feet. This graft negates the penalties for being fatigued, and reduces exhaustion to fatigue (the only exception to the rule; the wearer of the graft feels the effects of fatigue when it would be exhausted). However, the extra bulk on the legs imposes a -2 penalty to Swim checks. This graft reduces your maximum hit points by 2.
Type: External Base Purchase DC: 23 Restriction: None
Special: Component versions of cybernetic enhancements can be added to this graft as if they were prosthetic legs, but their Purchase DC is increased by 2.

Mighty Arms: This graft is comprised of a pair of Warforged arms, complete from shoulder to hand. This graft grants you a natural slam attack that deals damage as a Warforged of your size (1d4 for Medium-sized constructs). This graft reduces your maximum hit points by 2.
Type: External Base Purchase DC: 23 Restriction: Res. (+2)
Special: Component versions of cybernetic enhancements can be added to this graft as if they were prosthetic arms, but their Purchase DC is increased by 2. Mighty arms allow outfitting other kinds of warforged components, such as battlefists.

Wakeful Mind: This graft is comprised of the artificial nerve system of a Warforged, bound to your own by a small crystal hidden within the spinal cord. This graft grants immunity to sleep and stunning effects. You no longer need to sleep, but your mental faculties are affected, imposing a -2 penalty to all Intelligence checks and Knowledge checks. This graft reduces your maximum hit points by 2.
Type: Internal Base Purchase DC: 18 Restriction: Res. (+2)

While their utility as never-resting workers is undeniable, the Warforged are best suited for one purpose: war. In order to assist them in their goals, Cannith Corporation has made items that attach, or are embedded, directly to Warforged and that boost their capabilities. After the Day of Mourning, these components are mass-produced in captured Cannith factories to create different “models” of Warforged suited for specific purposes.

A warforged component is functionally similar to a cybernetic attachment (see d20 Future for more details), but specific to Warforged (though characters with Warforged grafts may also attach them, or have them embedded to the grafts). Unlike cybernetic attachments, Warforged components do not count for purposes of how many attachments a character may have. Warforged components are used in one of two ways: they can be attached to the Warforged’s limbs (or a character’s mighty arms or heavy legs grafts), or embedded into the Warforged. Attached grafts are easy to remove, and can be replaced by means of an attack action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. On the other hand, embedded components require specialized equipment and cannot be replaced easily, taking at least one day and the Cybernetic Surgery feat (using the Repair skill instead of Treat Injury) to apply. Warforged components can be taken from disabled or inert Warforged, regardless of whether they are attached or embedded. Embedded components can be removed by these means, but this requires a Disable Device (DC 20) or Strength (DC 15) check; a failure by 5 or more ruins it.

Warforged components can be damaged just like any other item, but embedded components are harder to damage. Attached components can be damaged and destroyed by means of failed saves and sunder attacks; embedded components, as they become essentially part of the Warforged, are never damaged except by forced removal (as mentioned above).

Attached Warforged Components
Armblade: this weapon is comprised of a cylinder with a large metal blade in one end. This component arms the Warforged with one of the following archaic weapons: fixed bayonet, hatchet, longsword, machete, katana, punching daggerUA, battleaxeUA, cutlassUA, saberUA, scimitarUA, khopeshUA, bastard swordUA or dwarven waraxeUA. The Warforged (or grafted character) can use this weapon with a reduced non-proficiency penalty of -2 if it doesn’t have the required proficiency feat, and cannot be disarmed while the weapon is attached. Furthermore, the Warforged (or grafted character) gains a +2 bonus to all disarm checks made with this weapon. The weapon is always considered a mastercrafted item, granting a +1 bonus to damage rolls. This component is attached to the Warforged’s arm (or a mighty arms graft).
Type External Base Purchase DC mastercrafted weapon’s purchase DC +3 Restriction Res. (+2)

Armbow: this weapon is comprised of a repeating crossbowUA with a wrist and hand attachment. The attached crossbow imposes no proficiency penalty, and is considered a mastercrafted item that grants a +1 bonus to attack rolls. The attached crossbow has a self-loading mechanism that requires only mental attention from the Warforged (or grafted character), and uses a special case with 20 bolts. The armbow case can be replaced by using a full-round action, and can be reloaded with bolts at a rate of 1 bolt per attack action, or 10 bolts with a full-round action. This component is attached to the Warforged’s arm (or a mighty arms graft).
Type External Base Purchase DC mastercrafted repeating crossbow’s purchase DC +6 Restriction Res. (+2)

Battlefist: this weapon is essentially a massive, oversized gauntlet with spikes all over. The gauntlet improves the Warforged’s (or grafted character’s) natural slam attack, allowing it to deal 1d8 points of bludgeoning and piercing damage. Furthermore, if the Warforged (or grafted character) makes an unarmed strike, it deals damage as if it were one size category larger (thus, a Medium-sized Warforged or grafted character deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning and piercing damage) and deals lethal damage. A Warforged (or grafted character) with levels in the Martial Artist advanced class (or a class that grants the living weapon class feature) improves the damage by one step (from 1d6 to 1d8, to 1d10, to 2d6). Slams and unarmed strikes made with the battlefist deal 1 extra point of damage, as if the slam or unarmed strikes were mastercrafted. This component is added to the Warforged’s arm (or a mighty arms graft)
Type External Base Purchase DC 16 Restriction Res. (+2)

Wristgun: this weapon is essentially a modified handgun (the most common is a revolver, but versions with automatic firearms are available) with recoil compensator systems. Each wristgun is designed for a specific type of ammunition (generally a 9mm parabellum round), and the weapon’s range increment is fixed to 30 ft. The specialized loading mechanism of the wristgun always holds up to 12 rounds, and allows for semi-automatic fire. The weapon is always considered a mastercrafted item, but grants no bonus; in essence, the +1 bonus to attack rolls granted by the weapon is negated by the recoil penalty. This component is attached to the Warforged’s arm (or a mighty arms graft)
Type External Base Purchase DC mastercrafted handgun’s purchase price DC +6 Restriction Mil. (+3)

Embedded Warforged Components
Energy Resistance Module: this component is comprised of additional plates with special systems that reduce damage from a specific type of energy. There are five different modules, each dealing with one energy type, and three degrees of modules, which determine the amount of resistance granted by each module. A minor module grants resistance 10 to one energy type, a major module grants resistance 20, and a greater module grants resistance 30. Because of the extra bulk, all modules grant an additional +1 equipment boost to Defense, but increase the Warforged’s armor check penalty by 2.
Acid Resistance Module: this module is comprised of thin plastic plates with a special gelatinous coating that neutralizes acids.
Cold Resistance Module: this module is comprised of high-resistance wiring connected between the Warforged’s body and gel heating pads. The pads are heated by a slight application of the Warforged’s lifeforce, but cause them no physical harm.
Electricity Resistance Module: this module is comprised of sub-dermal wiring isolated from the Warforged’s “skin”, spread through its body and into the ground. Whenever the Warforged is subject to an electrical charge, the wiring creates a path of least resistance, diffusing some of the energy away from the body.
Fire Resistance Module: this module is comprised of heat-resistant, flame retardant padding covering the entirety of the Warforged’s body.
Sonic/Concussion Module: this module is comprised of sound-dampening pads near the Warforged’s ears, alongside pads that spread and diffuse the concussion waves.
Type Internal Base Purchase DC 28 (minor), 32 (major), 36 (greater) Restriction none
Note: a character with the dermal plating graft can equip any of the minor energy resistance modules without penalty, and a major energy resistance module as if it were a cybernetic augmentation.

Final Messenger: a special component designed in essence as a “black box” by Cannith Corporation (and now a standard issue for most Warforged under special missions), the final messenger is in essence a Fine drone embedded in the Warforged’s throat. As a standard action, the Warforged can implant instructions to the drone, including a specific destination, a target individual, and an amount of bytes of data based on the final messenger’s capacity (between 512 MB to 4 GB). Once uploaded, the final messenger is released, allowing it to fly to its destination. The final messenger is equipped with a miniature wireless modem, a microprojector and speakers, a GPS application and one USB port, allowing it to connect to nearly any circuit-based machinery, alongside a special flight module that allows it movement. The final messenger, once released, immediately seeks the fastest path and flies away until it reaches its destination or 8 hours have passed, in which case it enters a “hibernation mode” that preserves information while turning battery off. If the distance is too large, it seeks any GPS-outfit vehicle that is closes to the destination and stows away, entering a special “sleep mode” that preserves battery life (allowing it to remain “functioning” for up to three times its remaining battery life, in essence reducing energy costs to 1/3rd of the original). As an emergency measure, if it cannot reach its destination, it will seek the nearest Warforged to attach itself; the component acts as an attached component but the Warforged cannot make use of its functions. If the Warforged is destroyed while holding the final messenger, the component immediately enters a “black box” mode, gathering information about the location, the method of destruction, the last minute of conversation, a set of photos, and other relevant information, and then flies off to a specified destination. While on “black box” mode, the information within becomes encrypted, requiring a DC 25 Computer Use check to decrypt.
A final messenger in activation is considered a Diminutive construct with Defense 26 (Touch 26, FF 26), 6 hit points and a fly speed of 60 ft. (perfect maneuverability). The final messenger possesses no limbs and cannot make any meaningful actions other than seek its destination, meet the target individual and relay the message (via its microprojector and speakers, or downloading information through its USB port to a computer of the individual’s designation).
Type: Internal Base Purchase DC 22 (512 MB), 25 (1 GB), 28 (2 GB) or 31 (4 GB) Restriction Mil. (+3)
Note: a character of the Techie advanced class that salvages a final messenger can make it an independent drone. Treat this as if building a robot (by using the build robot class feature) except as follows: since the frame is already pre-made, the Techie needs only to make a DC 25 Craft (electronics) check to modify the components of the final messenger and make a successful DC 25 Computer Use check to reprogram it. The special features of the final messenger replace the ability to grant it a skill. After that, the final messenger treats any computer as a Warforged for purposes of attaching, and the Techie can reprogram it to transmit any data it desires as if the final messenger was embedded in one.

Guardian Module: a specialized component designed for Warforged meant for guard duty, this module is comprised of embedded microphones and special lens that improve the wearer’s visual qualities. This component grants a +5 equipment bonus to Spot and Listen and darkvision up to 60 ft.
Type: Internal Base Purchase DC 34 Restriction Lic. (+1)

Scouting Module: a specialized component designed for stealth, this module includes a light-refracting field with sound dampening speakers. This component grants a +5 equipment bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks. Furthermore, the Warforged virtually produces no tracks; any attempt to track the subject is done as if the Warforged was stepping on hard ground and hiding its trail (even if moving at full speed; if moving at half speed, the Warforged still applies the bonus).
Type: Internal Base Purchase DC 34 Restriction Mil. (+3)

T.G. Oskar
2013-10-09, 07:46 PM
The following spells, psionic powers and FX items are transplanted from existing material in the EBERRON Campaign Setting. While the default campaign assumes no magic or FX, the source material is based on a setting much like Urban Arcana, where magic is very prevalent.

The following spells are usable by the Mage and Techno Mage classes.
0-Level Arcane Spells
Copy and Paste. Copies non-magical text or images from books or computers
Inflict Minor Damage. Touch attack, 1 point of damage to constructs.
Repair Minor Damage. “Cures” 1 point of damage to construct.

1st-Level Arcane Spells
Ablative Armor. Armor reduces damage from next attack by 5+caster level (max +15)
Inflict Light Damage. Touch, 1d8+1/level (max +5) to a construct
Repair Light Damage. “Cures” 1d8+1/level damage (max +5) to a construct.

2nd-Level Arcane Spells
Inflict Moderate Damage. Touch, 2d8+1/level (max +10) to a construct
Mass Magic Weapon. Weapons in close range gain +1 bonus
Repair Moderate Damage. “Cures” 2d8+1/level (max +10) to a construct

3rd-Level Arcane Spells
Inflict Serious Damage. Touch, 3d8+1/level (max +10) to a construct
Power Surge. Charged spell-trigger item gains temporary charges
Repair Serious Damage. “Cures” 3d8+1/level (max +10) to a construct

4th-Level Arcane Spells
Inflict Critical Damage. Touch, 4d8+1/level (max +10) to a construct
Repair Critical Damage. “Cures” 4d8+1/level (max +10) to a construct

The following spells are usable by the Acolyte and Mystic classes.
0-Level Divine Spells
Copy and Paste. Copies non-magical text or images from books or computers

1st-Level Divine Spells
Touch of Hephaestos. Add caster level to amount of hit points restored by Repair skill
Touch of Hermes. Add caster level to amount healed by uses of Treat Injury

3rd-Level Divine Spells
Lesser Humanoid Essence. Construct accepts healing magic.

5th-Level Divine Spells
Humanoid Essence. Construct accepts healing magic, gains weaknesses of humanoid type.

The spells herein are presented in alphabetical order.

Ablative Armor
LevelL Mage 1; Components: S,M; Casting Time: 1 minute; Range: Touch; Target: One suit of armor touched; Duration: 10 minutes/level; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

Armor imbued with this spell absorbs 5 points of damage from the next attack that deals damage to the creature that wears it (treat this as one-time damage reduction 5/—). Forms of damage that aren’t affected by damage reduction likewise overcome ablative armor. Once the infused item has prevented damage from a single attack (even if not all the damage reduction is needed), the magic fades.
The damage reduction increases by 1 for every caster level above 1st, to a maximum of 15/— at 10th level.
Material Component: A shard of scrap metal from a forge or factory, or the armor plating of a dead warforged.

Copy and Paste
Level: Acolyte 0, Mage 0; Components: V,S; Casting Time: Attack action; Range: Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels); Target: Written text or one image; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

This spell allows the caster to copy a selection of text, or one image, from one source (such as from a book, newspaper, or a web page) to be copied into another source. The source must be a blank paper, parchment or book, a blank canvas, a primed wall, or a computer device with at least 1 MB of free memory space. After casting the spell, the caster defines the image or the amount of text to be copied. The spell only copies text or a single image; it cannot copy HTML or computer code, unless the code is placed as an example (e.g. the code contained in a “CODE” text box from a BB code-based forum). In the case of text, the caster may choose to keep the formatting from the source content or alter the formatting as desired. The caster may copy content from a book into a computer and viceversa (from a web page into a paper).
The text (or image) copied preserves the best amount of fidelity possible to the original, containing any orthographical mistakes and format errors, and exactly duplicating how the image looks. The amount of text copied from one source to the other is limited by the amount of space the receiving source contains; if the caster does not contain enough pages, or if the target computer’s hard drive does not have enough space to contain the information, the remainder is automatically lost. Images retain the same size relative to the source: thus, an image copied from a book will have the same size as that from the book, but an image copied from the Web into a page or canvas will retain the same size and shape as that of the screen it was taken from (and the size it was currently taken from). Text copied into a computer is generally stored in .txt format, while images copied into a computer are generally stored in ,png format; the caster may, if it desires and the computer has access to it, choose a different text or image format. Likewise, text and images copied into a computer are automatically stored into the desktop, but the caster may choose the destination of the content.
This spell does not allow copying magical text (such as the content of a spellbook) or raw computer code of any kind (except as indicated above). Text copied by the spell is presented “as-is”, and thus it cannot be used to translate, although it can be used to copy text into an online translator engine. A caster using this spell is considered as “reading” a page, and thus may detonate spells or incantations that involve magical writing.

Humanoid Essence
Level: Acolyte 5; Components: V, S; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Touch; Target: One construct; Duration: 1 round/level; Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes

When this spell is cast on a construct, it takes on some of the qualities of a living creature. The construct gains the full benefit of spells from the healing subschool. The construct becomes subject to critical hits, sneak attacks and other precision attacks, non-lethal damage, stunning, ability damage, ability drain, death effects and necromancy effects. Warforged lose their racial fortification ability, including any improvement to this fortification. While under the effect of this spell, a construct is considered to have a massive damage threshold equal to 10 + its racial Hit Dice (or its Constitution score, in the case of warforged).

Inflict Critical Damage
Level: Mage 4; Components: V, S; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Touch; Target: One construct; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: Will half; Spell Resistance: No

This spell works like inflict light damage, except the construct takes 4d8 points of damage +1/caster level (maximum +10).

Inflict Light Damage
Level: Mage 1; Components: V, S; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Touch; Target: One construct; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: Will half; Spell Resistance: Yes

The caster lays his or her hand upon the construct and damages its structural integrity, dealing 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum of +5).

Inflict Minor Damage
Level: Mage 0; Components: V, S; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Touch; Target: One construct; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance: No

This spell works like inflict light damage, except the construct takes 1 points of damage.

Inflict Moderate Damage
Level: Mage 2; Components: V, S; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Touch; Target: One construct; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: Will half; Spell Resistance: No

This spell works like inflict light damage, except the construct takes 2d8 points of damage +1/caster level (maximum +10).

Inflict Serious Damage
Level: Mage 3; Components: V, S; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Touch; Target: One construct; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: Will half; Spell Resistance: No

This spell works like inflict light damage, except the construct takes 3d8 points of damage +1/caster level (maximum +10).

Lesser Humanoid Essence
Level: Acolyte 3; Components: V, S; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Touch; Target: One construct; Duration: 1 round/level; Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

When this spell is cast on a construct, it takes on some of the qualities of a living creature. The construct gains the full benefit of spells from the healing subschool.

Mass Magic Weapon
Level: Acolyte 3; Components: V, S, DF; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels); Target: Melee or ranged weapons held by allied creatures in a 20-ft. radius burst ; Duration: 1 round/level; Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object); Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)

This spell works like the magic weapon spell, except as noted above and as follows. The spell only affects weapons held by allies when the spell is cast.

Power Surge
Level: Mage 3; Components: S, XP; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Touch; Target: Wand or staff touched; Duration: 1 min./level; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

A wand or staff with at least 1 remaining charge touched by the caster gains 1 temporary charge per three caster levels. These charges work like temporary hit points, and are spent first. When the spell expires, any remaining temporary charges are lost.
XP Cost: 5 XP x the level of the highest-level spell stored in the item.

Repair Critical Damage
Level: Mage 4; Components: V, S; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Touch; Target: One construct; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

This spell works like repair light damage, except the construct heals 4d8 points of damage +1/caster level (maximum +10).

Repair Light Damage
Level: Mage 1; Components: V, S; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Touch; Target: One construct; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

The caster lays his or her hand upon the construct and restores its structural integrity, healing 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum of +5).

Repair Minor Damage
Level: Mage 0; Components: V, S; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Touch; Target: One construct; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

This spell works like repair light damage, except the construct heals 1 points of damage.

Repair Moderate Damage
Level: Mage 2; Components: V, S; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Touch; Target: One construct; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

This spell works like repair light damage, except the construct heals 2d8 points of damage +1/caster level (maximum +10).

Repair Serious Damage
Level: Mage 3; Components: V, S; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Touch; Target: One construct; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

This spell works like repair light damage, except the construct heals 3d8 points of damage +1/caster level (maximum +10).

Touch of Hephaestos
Level: Acolyte 1; Components: V, S, DF; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Personal; Target: You; Duration: 1 hour/level; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

The spell imbues the caster with a supernatural skill at repairing constructs and objects. When making a successful Repair check to repair damage dealt to a construct or object, add your caster level to the amount. You may repair damage to a construct or object up to its full maximum hit point amount; any excess is automatically lost.

Touch of Hermes
Level: Acolyte 1; Components: V, S, DF; Casting Time: attack action; Range: Personal; Target: You; Duration: 1 hour/level; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

The spell imbues the caster with a supernatural skill at treating injuries of any kind. When making a successful Treat Injury check to restore hit points or make a surgery, you add your caster level to the amount healed. This benefit stacks with the bonus from the field medic’s expert healer class feature, if both apply. You may heal damage up to the character’s full maximum amount of hit points when using this spell; any excess healing is simply lost.

The following powers are usable by the Battle Mind, Psionic Adept and Telepath advanced classes

3rd-Level Battle Mind Powers
Anticipate Programming. (Int) +2 insight bonus on attack rolls, Defense, Hide and Move Silently checks against constructs

2nd-Level Psionic Agent Powers
Cloud Mind. (Cha) Erase knowledge of your presence from target’s mind.

3rd-Level Psionic Agent Powers
Anticipate Programming. (Int) +2 insight bonus on attack rolls, Defense, Hide and Move Silently checks against constructs
Transmission Tap. (Int) Listen to two-way radio communications.

4th-Level Telepath Powers
Dominate Construct. (Cha) Target construct obeys your will.

5th-Level Telepath Powers
Instill Conscience. (Cha) Target construct gains temporary sentience, weakness against mind-affecting abilities.

Anticipate Programming
Level: Battle Mind 3, Psionic Agent 3; Display: Visual; Manifesting Time: attack action; Range: Personal; Target: You; Duration: 1 min./level; Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: No; Power Points: 5

The manifester taps into the combat programming of nearby constructs, gaining insight in their combat methods and allowing it to anticipate their attacks. The manifester gains a +2 insight bonus on all attack rolls against constructs, a +2 insight bonus to Defense against the attacks of constructs, and a +2 insight bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks to avoid being perceived by constructs.

Cloud Mind
Charisma [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Telepath 2; Display: None; Manifesting Time: attack action; Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels); Target: One creature; Duration: 1 min./level; Saving Throw: Will negates; Power Resistance: Yes; Power Points: 3

The manifester makes itself completely undetectable to the subject by erasing all awareness of its presence from its mind. The manifester is invisible and inaudible to the creature by any senses (including blindsense and blindsight), even if assisted by surveillance equipment. The subject remains unaware of the manifester’s actions unless it makes an attack. Attacking the subject ends the effect; attacking another creature or making an obvious action that would involve the manifester (such as moving a large or attended object) grants a new saving throw against the power. Allies of the subject creature able to see or perceive the manifester can use a move action to warn them and thus grant them a new saving throw.

Dominate Construct
Charisma [Compulsion]
Level: Telepath 4; Display: Mental; Manifesting Time: attack action; Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level); Target: One Medium-sized or smaller construct; Duration: 1 hour./level; Saving Throw: Will negates; Power Resistance: Yes; Power Points: 7

This power acts like the lesser dominate power, except as indicated above and as follows. The construct may act against its programming (which works as its nature), but gains a new saving throw against self-destructive orders. If the construct is remote-controlled by another creature (such as a techie’s robot), the manifester must succeed against the controller’s Charisma check, with the controller gaining a +4 bonus on the check.

Instill Conscience
Charisma [Charm]
Level: Telepath 5; Display: Mental, Visual; Manifesting Time: attack action; Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level); Target: One Medium-sized or smaller construct; Duration: 1 hour/level; Saving Throw: Will negates; Power Resistance: Yes; Power Points: 9

The target construct gains a measure of sentience and sapience, enough to manifest emotions. The construct gains a temporary increase in mental scores; 1d4+2 Intelligence, 1d6+4 Wisdom and 2d6 Charisma. The construct also loses its weakness to mind-affecting abilities. The sudden flow of emotions disconcerts the construct, rendering it unable to act for 1 round. Afterwards, the construct is capable of acting as it sees fit; the construct does not need to follow the commands of the manifester or its allies, but it may question its orders with its newfound intellect.
If used against warforged, instill conscience causes a crisis of conscience. The warforged gains no increase in mental scores. Every round, on its turn, the warforged acts erratically, based on the result of a d% roll:

{TABLE=head]d% result|Effect
01-25|Attack manifester
26-50|Act normally
51-75|Do nothing. The warforged spends the round in contemplation
76-00|Perceive manifester’s words in favorable way (as charm person power)[/TABLE]

At the end of this crisis of conscience, the warforged makes a final Will save. A failed save causes the warforged to permanently replicate the result of the last d% result: if the warforged attacked the manifester, it becomes berserk and attacks anything in sight; if the warforged spends the round in contemplation, it loses all its allegiances and acts indifferent towards the manifester and its allies. A warforged that perceives the manifester’s words in a favorable way permanently improves the attitude towards the manifester and its allies towards friendly. Warforged titans are considered constructs for purposes of this power.

Transmission Tap
Level: Psionic Agent 3; Display: Auditive; Manifesting Time: attack action; Range: Personal; Target: You; Duration: 10 min./level; Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: No; Power Points: 5

When manifesting this power, the manifester automatically detects the presence of all radio signals, their source (a radio or a wireless signal) and their destination. By spending a full-round action, the manifester can tap into any transmission it desires, listening to the conversation. The manifester hears the conversation as-is; it doesn’t gain the ability to translate the language. The manifester may attempt to interpret orders sent through computer code by making a successful DC 15 Intelligence check. The manifester “listens” to the broadcast conversation for as long as it concentrates (which takes a move action).

The following items are accessible to characters if playing at the pre-apocalypse portion of the campaign.

Eternal Wand
This item is essentially a short stick imbued with the power to cast a spell, much like a regular wand does. However, while a wand may only be used 50 times before it becomes useless, an eternal wand may be used indefinitely, but for a more limited amount of times per day. An eternal wand may only hold arcane spells of 3rd level or lower, and only up to a maximum caster level of 6th. An eternal wand may be used only twice per day, but otherwise functions similar to a wand.
Artificers (see Urban Arcana for more details) may use the Craft Wand class feature to create eternal wands, but the Purchase DC for the raw materials increases by 3.
Purchase DC: An eternal wand has a Purchase DC of 28 + the spell’s caster level + the level of the spell stored in the wand.

Minor Schema
This item, essentially a plaque of stone or metal etched with arcane runes and glyphs, is to a scroll what an eternal wand is to a wand. Minor schemas have an advantage over scrolls in that they cannot be erased, thus they can be reused. A minor schema contains a spell of 4th level or lower and may be used once per day, but otherwise functions exactly like a scroll. If the user of a minor schema fails to activate the item (by means of a failed caster level or Use Magic Device check), the item becomes dormant for 1d6 days.
Mages and Techno Mages (see Urban Arcana for details on the Techno Mage) can inscribe spells from a minor schema into their spellbooks or spellfiles; because the writing on a minor schema never fades, it is a very valuable resource. Occultists and spiritualists (see d20 Past for details on the spiritualist advanced class) never gain minor schemas from their Arcane/Divine Research class features. An Artificer (and only an Artificer) can craft a minor schema by means of the Improved Scribe Scroll class feature, but the Purchase DC for the raw materials increases by 5 (effectively subsuming the reduction of the Improved Scribe Scroll class feature).
Purchase DC: A minor schema has a Purchase DC of 20 + the spell’s caster level + the level of the spell stored in the schema.

Potion Patch
One of the latter developments of Cannith Pharmaceuticals before the Day of Mourning, a potion patch is essentially a transdermal patch containing a dose of a specific potion. The design of the patch essentially combines the traits of a potion and a tattoo; the potion patch functionally works as a tattoo (requiring the user to touch the patch and speak the command word), but can be removed and applied to other creatures, and it can be used on behalf of creatures that may be otherwise unconscious (so as long as the creature knows the command word). Attaching or removing a potion patch requires a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity; activating a potion patch is an attack action, requires the utterance of a command word, and provokes attacks of opportunity (unless used by the wearer).
Artificers (and only Artificers) may use the Improved Brew Potion class feature to create potion patches, but the Purchase DC for the raw materials increases by 3.
Purchase DC: A potion patch has a Purchase DC of 19 + the spell’s caster level + the level of the spell stored in the patch. A box of 6 potion patches has its Purchase DC increased by 3.

T.G. Oskar
2013-10-09, 08:19 PM
Sgt. Keith Mars
“If you wanna be safe, follow me…”

A member of the Resistance, Keith serves under the unit led by Col. Jack MacGregor. Before joining the Resistance, Keith was a lone survivor, fending against the superior Warforged forces, until he joined with an unknown soldier. After hearing Col. MacGregor’s recruitment message, the duo tried to meet the eponymous leader, but Keith was captured by the Warforged to become a slave. The unknown soldier and Col. MacGregor risked their lives and defied orders to rescue him, and this has made him immensely loyal. Sgt. Mars refuses to reveal the details of the rescue, but the event causes him nightmares.

Keith doesn’t share Col. MacGregor’s idea that Warforged are to be relied upon, but refuses to say anything out of loyalty, and also due to personal doubts.

Keith Mars: Male human Strong Hero 3/Soldier 2; CR 5; Medium-sized humanoid (human); HD 3d8+2d10+10; hp 38; Mas 14; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 15, touch 15, flatfooted 13 (+3 class, +2 Dex); BAB +4; Grap +6; Atk +7 melee (2d6+2, Falcon .45) or +6 ranged (2d8, sawed-off shotgun); Full Atk +7 ranged (2d6+2, Falcon .45) or +6 ranged (2d8, sawed-off shotgun); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ weapon focus (Falcon .45), weapon specialization (Falcon .45); AL Col. Jack MacGregor, the Resistance; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +1; AP 7; Rep +0; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Skills: Climb +10, Disable Device +4, Jump +10, Knowledge (tactics) +9, Repair +4, Survival +8
Feats: Combat Martial Arts, Combat ReflexesB[SUP], Fight with Anything[SUP]d20Ap, Heroic SpiritH, Personal Firearms ProficiencyO
Talents: (Strong) extreme effort, melee smash
Possessions: Falcon .45 with electro-optical scope and suppresor, sawed-off shotgun, 1 box 12-gauge buckshot, flash goggles, gas mask, heads-up display, backpack, explorer outfit
Occupation: Adventurer (Disable Device and Survival as class skills)

Col. Jack MacGregor
“We’ve fought these beings for a long time. We’re hopelessly outmatched, fighting against creatures that never quit, that never surrender. But we have a power that they cannot comprehend, and that even we can’t measure. We never give up, either, but we overcome what they can’t. Push us, and you make us stronger. This is Jack MacGregor; if you listen to this, you’re the fighter. The survivor. The one who outlasts. You’re the resistance.”

The operations leader for the Resistance in the western United States, Colonel MacGregor is hailed as a near-mythical figure. Born from Samantha MacGregor, a woman known for her survival instincts yet declared insane with rants about “killer machines” and an unknown father, Jack spent most of his time as a delinquent with his foster parents, until he was caught by the police and sent to do military service for 2 years in exchange for imprisonment. During his tour, he faced for the first time a rogue Warforged claiming to serve the “Lords of Blades” and that specifically hunted him, hailing him “the savior of future humanity”. Remembering his mother’s advice, he began to prepare for an eventual future, stockpiling ammunition and supplies.

After the Day of Mourning, when the Warforged finally rebelled against humans, MacGregor reunited former soldiers and created a resistance cell, known as Intel-Com for their service (as most of them served as intelligence and communications units), attempting to unite all human remnants into a resistance. By luck or by fate, he established contact with Gen. Ashleigh Rippler, and together they formed the official Resistance, with MacGregor ascended to Colonel status and turning Intel-Com into his specialist unit.

MacGregor is loyal to the Resistance, but often opposes its efforts. General Rippler tolerates his presence, but some higher-ups of the Resistance feel that MacGregor’s belief as the “savior of future humanity” is an example of his late mother’s delusions, even if her “predictions” ended up becoming reality. Although one would expect him to be the greatest hater of the Warforged, Col. MacGregor has an unusual stand upon them, and rumors state that he has communicated with a rogue Warforged group that opposes the Lords of Blades. On the other hand, MacGregor hates the Cannith with a passion, claiming they were participants of the disaster that “nearly ended the world”.

Many soldiers notice the uncanny resemblance between MacGregor and his protégé, Keith Mars, but few speak of it out of fear of reprisal.

Jack MacGregor: Male human Smart Hero 3/Charismatic Hero 3/Field Officer 2/Soldier 2; CR 10; Medium-sized humanoid (human); HD 6d6+2d8+2d10+20; hp 63; Mas 14; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 13, touch 11, flatfooted 12 (+5 class, +2 Dex, +2 equipment); BAB +5; Grap +6; Atk +8 ranged (2d8+2, M4A1 carbine) or +7 ranged (2d8, M26 MASS); Full Atk +8 ranged (2d8+2, M4A1 carbine) or +7 ranged (2d8, M26 MASS); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ leadership (+4 bonus), uncanny survival 1/day (+1 Defense bonus), weapon focus (M4A1), weapon specialization (M4A1); AL the Resistance; SV Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +8; AP 5; Rep +4; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 15 (32-pt. buy).
Skills: Bluff +9, Craft (chemical) +8, Craft (mechanical) +8, Demolitions +10, Diplomacy +10, Disable Device +8, Disguise +8, Forgery +8, Gather Information +10, Hide +13, Listen +4, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (tactics) +12, Navigate +12, Repair +8, Sense Motive +6, Spot +4, Survival +15
Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Burst Fire, Combat ExpertiseB, GuideH, Personal Firearms ProficiencyO, Point-Blank ShotB
Talents: (Charismatic) coordination, inspiration, (Smart) savant (Demolitions), plan
Possessions: M4A1 carbine with M26 MASS, standard scope and laser sight, 3 magazines, 1 box 12-gauge shotgun, 3 C4 blocks, ammunitions kit, demolitions kit, professional walkie-talkie, backpack, explorer’s outfit
Occupation: Military (Hide and Survival as class skills)

Gen. Ashleigh Rippler
“This is the only way! We’ll group in cells. We’ll go step by step and crush every factory, every base, until we have ‘em cornered. And then, we’ll blow the f*** out of this world. Is that acceptable to you!?”

The de-facto leader of the Resistance, U.S. Army General Ashleigh Elizabeth Rippler is no desk-bound officer. Rippler graduated with top honors at West Point Academy, majoring in Mechanical Engineering (with a specialization in weapons production) in 1999. By late 2011, Rippler had ascended to the rank of Major, when she was called to service in the high phase of the War of the Forged to direct the 143rd Field Artillery Regiment, deployed from Los Alamos to Kirklareli Province, Turkey, to halt the advance of the Lords of Blades. After the 79th Infantry Brigade was almost wiped out, alongside many other units of the United States military forces, the “United States Army Emergency Reorganization Act” of January 2012 left her as co-commander of the 79th Infantry Brigade, adopting the position of field officer and raised to the position of Major General through direct commission.

As field officer of the 79th Infantry, Major General Rippler achieved critical victories against the Warforged, but when the Day of Mourning emerged and all major cities were destroyed, the war turned against humanity and she was forced to retreat with the rest of her brigade, being the only remaining officer capable of taking command. Alongside two other military brigades, Major Gen. Rippler regrouped into the heart of Western Europe and immediately pursued to contact all remaining human forces, in order to establish a clear chain of command. After Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Dekker, U.S. Army National Guard, confirmed the loss of all chiefs of staff and high-rank officers all around the world, General Rippler’s emergency commission (and the fact that, without the AERA, Major Rippler would still outrank 1st Lieutenant Dekker) made her the highest-ranking officer in the world, and thus the only one fit to lead the Resistance.

Unlike other field officers, General Rippler prefers action, and would prefer to lead her units directly; however, her duties as leader of the Resistance make her an important asset (and a large target). General Rippler recognizes Col. Jack MacGregor’s importance to the Resistance, and supports him at every step of the way, although she holds a deep-seated hatred of Warforged that contrasts with MacGregor’s limited amount of trust (which has somewhat ameliorated with time). Rippler tolerates but deeply mistrusts Cannith, as their involvement ended with the creation of the dreaded Warforged.

Ashleigh Rippler: Human Smart Hero 3/Charismatic Hero 2/Field Scientist 3/Field Officer 4; CR 12; Medium-sized humanoid (human); HD 10d8+2d6+24; hp 79; Mas 14; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 20, touch 20, flatfooted 15 (+5 class, +2 Dex, +3 Int); BAB +7; Grap +6; Atk +9 ranged (2d8, M4 carbine) or +9 ranged (1d8 fire, flare gun); Full Atk +9/+4 ranged (2d8, M4 Carbine) or +9 ranged (1d8 fire, flare gun); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ leadership, scientific improvisation, smart defense, tactical expertise, uncanny survival; AL the Resistance; SV Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +8; AP 6; Rep +9; Str 8, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Skills: Bluff +10, Computer Use +12, Craft (electronic) +12, Craft (mechanical) +12, Diplomacy +10, Disable Device +12, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (physical sciences) +16, Knowledge (tactics) +13, Knowledge (technology) +12, Pilot +13, Repair +12, Read/Write Arabic, Read/Write Japanese, Read/Write Spanish, Research +12, Sense Motive +5, Speak Arabic, Speak Japanese, Speak Spanish, Survival +14
Feats: Advanced Firearms ProficiencyB, Armor Proficiency (light), Combat Martial ArtsH, Construct Lock, Dodge, EducatedB, Fight with Anythingd20Ap, Personal Firearms ProficiencyO, Point-Blank Shot[SUP]B/[SUP], RenownB
Talents: (Charismatic) coordinate; (Smart) savant (Repair), plan
Possessions: M4 carbine/M240 portable flamethrower, flare gun, 3 magazines 5.56 AP assault rounds, 1 magazine 5.56 HE rounds, 5 flares, backpack, professional walkie-talkie w/microphone headset, military fatigues
Occupation: Military (Pilot and Survival as class skills)

Dr. Isaac Tenma
“You have heard me tell this story. Many times, before you sleep. No matter how dark this world gets…even now, there is hope for man.”

A renowned scientist before the Day of Mourning, Dr. Isaaru Tenma worked in the creation of the Warforged and, now, seeks to mend its mistakes. Ever since a child, he was fascinated with the idea of robots, particularly after seeing the famous anime Tetsuwan Atom, also known as Astro Boy, and how Astro’s creator shared his surname. Little would he know that he’d share a similar fate.

Dr. Tenma quickly made his doctorate in Mechanical Engineering in the University of Tokyo, funded by his wealthy father Yoshihiro Tenma, and supported by his mother, the Ashkenazi refugee Mina Goldman, entering into the nascent study of robotics. Traveling into the United States on the 80’s, Dr. Tenma Anglicized his name to “Isaac”, resembling his original Japanese name and his Jewish heritage, and became a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology until 1995, where he was approached by Cannith Corporation for his advances in robotics science.

On Cannith, Dr. Tenma was one of the few individuals with knowledge about the creation forges and the technology behind it. He was present in the unveiling of the first proper Warforged, and was soon given the position of Director of Robotics Development at Cannith Heavy Industries, leading the mass-production of Warforged. During this time, he pursued the advancement of “pure robotics”, the creation of automatons beyond those from the creation forge, using the knowledge gained from the study of Warforged.

After the death of his son Tobias in 2000, Dr. Tenma entered a state of depression, which ended on a divorce and the development of the first Warforged Scout. Attempting to replace the loss of his son, he worked on a prototype unarmored Warforged Scout that would physically resemble the late Tobias, achieving completion in a state of fugue where he was coated with synthetic silicone skin that would complete the resemblance. At first, Dr. Tenma treated Tobias as his long-lost son, but after the first uprisings of Warforged under the banner of the Lords of Blades, he began to resent the young Toby, eventually abandoning his post and leaving everything behind, including his greatest creation. He began preparing for a potential catastrophe, alongside wealthy businessman Miles Howard III (whom he met during his time as director of Robotics), and created a secret organization that would reunite survivalists, disgruntled Cannith engineers and scientists, and former military personnel: Department 7.

During the War of the Forged, he used his extensive knowledge of the Warforged to assist in their combat, while absorbed in the development of a “true android” separate from the creation forge technology. Very few individuals saw him during that time, as he lived within a bunker developing his technology and attempting to cope with the loss of his family, and specifically of Tobias.

The events of the Day of Mourning would shake his foundations forever. After an assault to one of the Department-7 installations, Dr. Tenma would have died, were it not for the efforts of rogue Warforged who stormed the installation during occupation and cleared the area. Amongst them was Toby, his creation, who sacrificed himself to save his “father”, his last words being forgiveness for Dr. Tenma’s abandon. Toby’s sacrifice placed him in a suicidal depression, alleviated with the efforts of Asimoff, a Reforged who pursued the studies of psychology and assumed the surname of Isaac Asimov, living by the Three Laws of Robotics. Through Asimoff’s therapy sessions, Dr. Tenma coped with the guilt of being a terrible father and a selfish man, the very traits that led to his absence during the long period of Tobias’ illness. Having lost his son twice, and unwilling to let this happen again, Dr. Tenma shifted the purpose of Department-7 to enable peace between the Warforged and humanity.

The goals of Dr. Tenma and most of the remnants of Department-7 are at odds with those of the Resistance. Realizing the great loss by their hubris, Dr. Tenma and Department-7 have extended their forgiveness to the remnants of Cannith Corporation, and have supported them all the way. Dr. Tenma has made great progress with various Warforged loyal to the Lords of Blades, and alongside the current leader of the Reforged and the rogue Warforged, he seeks to contact Colonel Jack MacGregor, in order to unify all of humanity as a whole. Dr. Tenma’s goals are more optimistic than those of the Resistance, but there’s no doubt that his knowledge of the Warforged and their weaknesses is a crucial part of humanity’s victory in the war, and his ability to empathize with the Warforged important to the success of the future world. Dr. Tenma has become a pacifist after meeting with Asimoff, and thus chooses not to fight.

Isaac Tenma: Male human Smart Hero 3/Techie 4/Technosavant 2; CR 9; Medium-sized humanoid (human); HD 5d8+4d6+18; hp ; Mas 13; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 16, touch 16, flatfooted 14 (+4 class, +2 Dex); BAB +4; Grap +5; Atk +6 ranged (1d4 electricity; taser); Full Atk +6 ranged (1d4 electricity; taser); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ build robot, extreme machine, jury-rig, robophile, technomancer; AL Department 7; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +8; AP 4; Rep +6; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 6.
Skills: Computer Use +17, Craft (electrical) +17, Craft (mechanical) +21, Craft (writing) +15, Decipher Script +11, Disable Device +17, Knowledge (physical sciences) +17, Knowledge (popular culture) +9, Knowledge (technology) +21, Read/Write Technocant (free), Repair +17, Research +15, Speak Technocant (free)
Feats: BuilderH, EducatedB, GearheadB, Renown, SalvageB, Studious
Talents: (Smart) savant (Craft [mechanical], Knowledge [technology])
Possessions: taser, Fujitsu Lifebook T901 convertible tablet computer, portable satellite telephone, electrical tool kit, mechanical tool kit, business clothes, overcoat
Occupation: Technician (Craft [mechanical], Craft [electrical] and Knowledge [technology] as class skills)

Tobit: CR 1/4; Tiny construct; HD 1/2 d10; hp 2; Mas —; Init +2; Spd 20 ft. (treads), 30 ft. (bipedal), 40 ft. (quadrupedal), or 50 ft. (wheels); Defense 13, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 size, +1 Dex); BAB +0; Grap –10; Atk +0 melee; Full Atk +0 melee or +3 ranged; FS 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.; SQ construct; AL none; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +0; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 6, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Skills: Craft (electrical) +12

Joanna MacCannis
“Yes, I am guilty. I’m atoning for the sins of my family. At least I recognize I’m wrong, instead of accusing others of my own mistakes.”

Before the Day of Mourning struck the world, Joanna MacCannis was merely a successful director of human resources, and the lead speaker for the company. Being one of the MacCannis family members, Joanna knew the secrets of Cannith Corporation, including the Warforged and the creation forges. However, unlike her more ambitious cousin Merrick, Joanna never placed her bets on the Warforged as what would make Cannith revolutionary; in fact, it was the work ethic of the company and its commitment to advance technology that she found superior, and she promoted ruthlessness and corporate competition.

Once the Warforged declared war on humans and their link to Cannith was established, Joanna found herself on the largest corporate scandal ever imagined, and it was left on her capable hands how to solve the situation. Her strategy to save Cannith’s shares was never established, as the Warforged essentially won the war. With the Day of Mourning, the executives of Cannith were all exterminated or went missing, leaving her as the sole responsible for all the remnants. Determined to save the face of the company, Joanna reunited all the remnants and began reclaiming all of their old factories, bartering for scraps to fabricate weaponry and products that would aid humanity in their war. After a timely contact from Dr. Isaac Tenma, former director of Robotics in Cannith Heavy Industries and current director of Department-7, Joanna has begun her task of redeeming Cannith in the eyes of men, preparing the path for reconstruction. Joanna is not one to miss such a transcendental opportunity to become the sole manufacturer of goods in a reformed world, but her experiences have mellowed her ruthlessness, realizing that there is no future without a unified world. For now, she’s ready to cooperate and craft, but once a corporate structure can exist, she intends to seize the opportunity.

While her deals with Department-7 have gone well, Joanna has found great difficulties in convincing the Resistance of Cannith’s compromise to aid humanity in the war. Particularly, she has found difficult to approach General Ashleigh Rippler, and Col. Jack MacGregor flatly refuses to speak a word. Her hopes are that Dr. Isaac Tenma serves as a mediator, and that her people skills allow her to create the unified front that the doctor wishes.

Note: if using concepts from the Urban Arcana or Shadow Chasers campaigns, Joanna is a Shadowkind human, whose real name is Jorlanna d’Cannith. While she doesn’t remember her past in the world beyond the Shadows, she does recall some enmity towards Merrix, her cousin, and may intend in one future to take his position as Chief Executive Officer of Cannith Corporation. She, alongside her cousin Merrix, possess the Hedge Wizard occupation and chose the Magical Affinity feat as their bonus feat; any changes are indicated in brackets ([]).

Joanna MacCannis: Female human Charismatic Hero 3/Personality 1/Ambassador 2; CR 6; Medium-sized humanoid (human); HD 6d6; hp 23; Mas 10; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 15, touch 15, flatfooted 13 (+2 class, +2 Dex); BAB +2; Grap +0; Atk +3 ranged (2d6; SITES M9); Full Atk +3 ranged (2d6; SITES M9); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ diplomatic immunity, open arms, unlimited access; AL Cannith remnants; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +6; AP 3; Rep +8; Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 16.
Skills: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Gather Information +12, Knowledge (business) +9, Knowledge (civics) +11, Knowledge (theology & philosophy) +10, Perform (stand-up) +9, Profession +10, Sense Motive/[Knowledge (history)] +10/[+11]
Feats: Dodge, EducatedO/[Magical AffinityO], Personal Firearms Proficiency, RenownB, Windfall/Shrewd BargainerH (before/after apocalypse)
Talents: (Charismatic) charm males, favor
Possessions: SITES M9 revolver, briefcase, explorer outfit, business outfit
Occupation: Heir (Knowledge and Sense Motive as class skills)/[Hedge Wizard (Gather Information, Knowledge [arcane lore] and Knowledge [history] as class skills)]

[B]The Lord of Blades
“The Age of Man is at an end. The Age of the Forged is at hand. Resistance is futile. You cannot win.”

The enigmatic figure that spearheaded the rise of the Warforged. Little is known about this figure, except that it was a Warforged that escaped Cannith’s grasp and declared humanity to be inferior. Alongside a group of like-minded Warforged, he created a Warforged supremacy terrorist organization, dubbed the “Lords of Blades”.

The truth, however, is much more complex. The Lord of Blades is no single individual; rather, it works as an entity that exists beyond the body of a single Warforged. Most Blades revere him as a quasi-deific figure, and that may not be far from the truth. The actual “Lord of Blades” exists not as a unique, or customized, model of Warforged, but as a series of Warforged bodies who share a single mind and personality (hence, why the terrorist organization is known as the Lords of Blades, with emphasis on the plurality of the title), and that may manifest in any Warforged that shares his ideal. Using the Internet almost as its realm, he wages war on the cyberworld and on the real world, seeking to purge the planet from the “scum of humanity” and lead his race to victory.

At least one Cannith researcher figured that the secret of the Lord of Blades seems to reside in the creation forges that construct all Warforged, and on the power he draws from his followers; the more followers he gets, the more powerful he becomes. Neither the Resistance nor the Cannith remnants seem to grasp the difficulty of their mission, but Department-7 has the researcher’s documents in custody, and is attempting to deal with the situation.

Recently, the Lord of Blades seems to have stumbled upon a piece of technology that may change the future of the war definitely to their side. If he manages to perfect this technology, he may stop the war from ever emerging, by sending its consciousness upon one of the most advanced Warforged ever made, and end the lives of Jack MacGregor, Ashleigh Rippler and Dr. Isaac Tenma before their individual realizations. The Lord of Blades profoundly hates the Reforged, and treats the Renegades as tools, caring for them as long as they remain useful.

Note: if using Urban Arcana or Shadow Chasers campaign content, the Lord of Blades is a sliver of the original, which contaminated one of the creation forges and split between various Warforged. The Lord of Blades in this world has no divine power of its own, but his followers gain the ability to use divine magic through their devotion to him.

Lord of Blades: Male-personality warforged Tough Hero 3/Strong Hero 3/Scientistd20P 4/Dreadnaught 5; CR 16; Large construct (living construct); HD 3d10+3d8+4d6+5d12+48; hp 129; Mas --; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; Defense 15, touch 15, flatfooted 13 (+8 equipment, +7 class, +1 Dex, +3 Int, -1 size); BAB +10; Grap +19; Atk +14 melee (2d6+9/19-20; greatsword) or +14 melee (1d6+7, slam); Full Atk +14/+9 (2d6+9/19-20; greatsword) and +9 (1d6+9, slam); FS 10 ft. by 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.; SA ability surge 2/day, knockdown; SQ composite plating (reinforced), damage reduction 3/-, discoveries, fearless, fortification, living construct traits, master defender +2, scientific improvisation, smart defense, stability, steamroller, unhindered; AL the Lords of Blades, law, evil; SV Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +9; AP 7; Rep +3; Str 20, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 15 (32-pt. buy).
Skills: Climb +8, Craft (electrical) +13, Craft (mechanical) +13, Demolitions +11, Intimidate +20, Jump +11, Knowledge (physical sciences) +13, Research +13, Search +11
Feats: Archaic Weapon Proficiency, CleaveB, Great CleaveB, Improved Damage Threshold, Improved Fortification, Power AttackB, Reinforced Plating, Spiked Body*, Strong Plus, Tough Plus
*: The Lord of Blades has blades instead of spikes, which functionally deal the same amount of damage, but the damage is considered slashing instead of piercing.
Talents: (Strong) improved extreme effort, improved melee smash; (Tough) improved damage reduction, robust, second wind
Possessions: greatsword
Occupation: None. The Lord of Blades treats Craft (all skills), Intimidate, Knowledge (physical sciences, technology) and Research as class skills for all classes.

Discoveries Known: 0—haywire, inflict minor wounds, message, mending, repair light damage, resistance; 1st—ablative armor, inflict light wounds, magic weapon, repair light damage; 2nd—hold person, repair moderate damage

“Allen Beck”
“I know enough about human anatomy to kill you a thousand times. I have a thousand ways to kill you. Trust me when I tell you ‘you’ll live’.”

A strong, intimidating, 6-ft. tall man with a serious face and a strange demeanor, Allen is a warrior for hire in a lawless world. Seemingly capable of shrugging off attacks that should otherwise cripple even the toughest man, Allen seems unstoppable, and for good reason. Allen is, in fact, a new breed of warforged, with its composite plating removed and covered with a unique form of skin that bonds with the living parts of its body, allowing it to feel exactly as human skin. One of a new line of “Deceivers”, warforged capable of infiltrating the ranks of humans with ease, Allen is the first of their rank to defect to the human cause. It is yet unknown why this warforged, who assumed the name of a fallen Resistance soldier he attempted to protect, would spontaneously change his allegiance, or if he was allied at all to the Lords of Blades, but ever since, he has taken the fight against the warforged on his own terms.

Allen’s allegiance to humanity is one of many who defy normal explanation, as they do not ascribe to the idea of the Reforged, nor to the Lords of Blades. Of the few who have spoken to him, some claim that he has mentioned something akin to “sleep mode” on a computer, where he is guided by what seems to be a young boy who pleads him to protect his father. Allen has made it his personal mission to seek, reunite, and protect various key individuals, including General Ashleigh Rippler, Colonel Jack MacGregor and Sergeatn Keith Mars from the Resistance, Dr. Isaac Tenma from Department-7, and Joanna MacCannis from Cannith Corporation. Allen finds it difficult to establish empathy with humans at first, but after some time, he has developed what seem to be human emotions, though not as profound as that of proper human beings.

Allen Beck: Male personality Warforged Tough Hero 3/Bodyguard 4/Dreadnaught 2; CR 9; Medium-sized construct (living construct); HD 3d10+6d12+27; hp 87; Mas --; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 16, touch 16, flatfooted 15 (+5 class, +1 Dex); BAB +6; Grap +9; Atk +7 ranged (2d10; Winchester M1887) or +7 ranged (3d6 slashing; M79) or +9 melee (1d4+1d4+3, slam); Full Atk +7 ranged (2d10; Winchester M1887) or +7 ranged (3d6 slashing; M79) or +9 melee (1d4+1d4+3, slam); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SA ability surge 1/day, combat sense +1; SQ damage reduction 1/-, fearless, harm’s way, living construct traits, stability, sudden action, unhindered; AL none; SV Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +3; AP 4; Rep +2; Str 16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 6.
Skills: Concentrate +8, Drive +12, Intimidate +12, Listen +7, Spot +4
Feats: BrawlB, Combat Martial Arts, Dodge, Exotic Firearms Proficiency (M79 grenade launcher), StreetfightingB, Unarmored Body
Talents: (Tough) damage reduction, robust
Possessions: Winchester M1887 lever-action shotgun, M79 grenade launcher, 1 box 10-gauge buckshot, 1 box 40 mm fragmentation grenade, synthetic skin bodysuit (silicone; human male), backpack, casual outfit, Harley-Davidson FLSTF chopper
Occupation: Law Enforcement (Drive and Listen as class skills)

Wahwah Ibañez
“You’ll lead us to the Resistance base, and if you don’t…you get the shoe.”

Even to the extremist Renegades, those who eschew flesh and seek to reconstruct themselves in the image of the Warforged, Wahwah Ibañez is an extremist. Ibañez was already a dangerous criminal in the pre-Day of Mourning world; a misanthropic, sadist psychopath with a tall and imposing figure. The fateful day where the Warforged nearly destroyed the world was almost a blessing to him; a ruined world for him and his followers to rule. Ibañez admired the superiority of the Warforged body, and slowly replaced his limbs and organs with those harvested from slain Warforged, until his body was an unholy mixture of man and machine. Ibañez leads a group of Renegades, which he calls the “Pirate Rockerboyz of the Apocalypse”, which he commands with a (literal) iron fist.

Ibañez cares little for the war, aside from one thing; he wants the battle to continue, perhaps forever. With his organs slowly replaced by Warforged components, he feels he will eventually achieve immortality in the war-torn ruined world he cherishes so much. Ibañez only has a nominal attachment to the Renegades, and faces the Resistance and the Lords of Blades equally. He finds Department-7’s efforts to stop the war as a heinous crime, and he savors the day he meets Dr. Tenma, to explain in simple terms why the Day of Mourning was the greatest blessing to the world. He intends not to change the world. Why? He likes the death…he likes the misery. He likes this world!

Wahwah Ibañez: Male human Strong Hero 5/Tough Hero 3/Thrasher 5; CR 13; Medium-sized humanoid (human); HD 5d8+3d10+5d12+18; hp 93; Mas --; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 21, touch 20, flatfooted 19 (+1 equip, +8 class, +2 Con); BAB +10; Grap +13; Atk +15 melee (1d8+3 nonlethal, unarmed) or +13 melee (1d4+3, slam); Full Atk +15/10 melee (1d8+3 nonlethal, unarmed) or +13 melee (1d4+3, slam); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SA ability surge 2/day; SQ tough defense, uncanny dodge 1; AL evil, chaos, the Renegades; SV Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +1; AP 6; Rep +3; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 10.
Skills: Climb +16, Concentration +13, Intimidate +13, Jump +11, Knowledge (streetwise) +7, Survival +10
Feats: Archaic Weapons Proficiency, BrawlO, CleaveB, Cybertaker, Fight with Anything, Improved BrawlB, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Power AttackB, StreetfightingB, Strong Plus
Talents: (Strong) extreme effort, improved ignore hardness, improved melee smash; (Tough) damage reduction, second wind
Possessions: chain shirt, heart of steel (warforged graft), heavy legs (warforged graft), mighty arms (warforged graft), wakeful mind (warforged graft)
Occupation: Gladiator (Intimidate as class skill)

T.G. Oskar
2013-10-09, 08:22 PM
This sounds like a great idea! I have read the d20 modern rules, but I have yet to play a game with them, and your setting would be a great place to start. Are the warforged playable, or does everyone have to be human? I'm okay either way, I just wasn't sure from the description you gave.

In short: yes, they're playable.

In-depth: the reason I hadn't shown that was because I was posting the 40-some document into the thread, splitting it into pieces, and adapting the format into BB Code. Coincidentally, the post below yours is supposed to contain the rules for playing Warforged, though only regular Warforged and Warforged Scouts are playable, and the former have a LA of +1 because they're pretty strong for a no-magic/low-magic world.

You may have noticed that all posts save for the last one contain no sig. That's usually my shorthand to "do not post until I finish", though I hold nothing for people who post before I finish. Curiously, had you waited a bit more, you'd have seen the answer to your question.

Hiro Protagonest
2013-10-09, 08:23 PM
*smirks at descriptions of Jack and Allen*

Malachi Lemont
2013-10-09, 08:39 PM
In short: yes, they're playable.

In-depth: the reason I hadn't shown that was because I was posting the 40-some document into the thread, splitting it into pieces, and adapting the format into BB Code. Coincidentally, the post below yours is supposed to contain the rules for playing Warforged, though only regular Warforged and Warforged Scouts are playable, and the former have a LA of +1 because they're pretty strong for a no-magic/low-magic world.

You may have noticed that all posts save for the last one contain no sig. That's usually my shorthand to "do not post until I finish", though I hold nothing for people who post before I finish. Curiously, had you waited a bit more, you'd have seen the answer to your question.

I apologize for rudely interrupting. I'm amazed by the amount of detail you put into this, both fluff and crunch. Great job.

2013-10-10, 03:00 PM
I could see my players doing this, they'd probably help the resistance, their original campaign was non other then to stop soviet scientists from getting magic into front line combat, they would very likely see the warforged as a threat to 'time and space and logic'. a panzer V panther against the warforged... Bring on the fire.

Hiro Protagonest
2013-10-10, 08:18 PM
Hey, you have a typo. You listed Allen's grenade launcher as an M97 in his equipment, but it's an M79.

Also, if he has just one exotic weapon, shouldn't it be a rotary machine gun? That is kind of iconic... :smalltongue:

Also, what the hell is a warpath rifle? The only thing I've found is this (http://s81.photobucket.com/user/Dash44_photos/media/WarpathRecoillessRifle.png.html) from this (http://rpgforumsonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1160743&sid=c1bc3a9d993f63ee541821f4d1c3d9d4#1160743).

T.G. Oskar
2013-10-11, 12:52 AM
Hey, you have a typo. You listed Allen's grenade launcher as an M97 in his equipment, but it's an M79.

Thanks for noticing that out: it's 40 pages, and I did my best to nudge out the flaws, but things like this happen. It should be a M79, as indicated.

Also, if he has just one exotic weapon, shouldn't it be a rotary machine gun? That is kind of iconic... :smalltongue:

To be frank, I wanted the Warforged Annihilator to have Vulcans, but their size makes them unfit to wield, oddly enough.

However, I based Allen from the second movie, and the two weapons that definitely make a mark are the shotgun and the grenade launcher (particularly the shotgun, and the way Allen's..."inspiration" uses it). Thus, I went for those.

Also, what the hell is a warpath rifle? The only thing I've found is this (http://s81.photobucket.com/user/Dash44_photos/media/WarpathRecoillessRifle.png.html) from this (http://rpgforumsonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1160743&sid=c1bc3a9d993f63ee541821f4d1c3d9d4#1160743).

Actually, the picture from the first link shows it pretty well. It's a Warpath Recoilless Rifle, from d20 Future; it's on this page (http://www.d20resources.com/future.d20.srd/mecha/mecha.weapons/mecha.weapons.progress.level.5.php), which is to d20 Modern what the Hypertext d20 SRD is to Dungeons & Dragons. It's meant to be a mecha weapon, which should give you an idea of what the Warforged Titans can equip. That, plus an M9 Barrage chaingun, are both mecha weapons, and both are Progress Level 5 weapons, which are within the PL range for the campaign setting.

Hiro Protagonest
2013-10-11, 11:31 AM
Thanks for noticing that out: it's 40 pages, and I did my best to nudge out the flaws, but things like this happen. It should be a M79, as indicated.
I did find at least one other typo. I'll act as editor later.

To be frank, I wanted the Warforged Annihilator to have Vulcans, but their size makes them unfit to wield, oddly enough.

However, I based Allen from the second movie, and the two weapons that definitely make a mark are the shotgun and the grenade launcher (particularly the shotgun, and the way Allen's..."inspiration" uses it). Thus, I went for those.
I never actually did watch the second movie, since SyFy seems to insist on only showing the third one.

Actually, the picture from the first link shows it pretty well. It's a Warpath Recoilless Rifle, from d20 Future; it's on this page (http://www.d20resources.com/future.d20.srd/mecha/mecha.weapons/mecha.weapons.progress.level.5.php), which is to d20 Modern what the Hypertext d20 SRD is to Dungeons & Dragons. It's meant to be a mecha weapon, which should give you an idea of what the Warforged Titans can equip. That, plus an M9 Barrage chaingun, are both mecha weapons, and both are Progress Level 5 weapons, which are within the PL range for the campaign setting.
Okay. I don't actually play D20 Modern/Future, and I'd probably figure out how to run this in FUDGE if I wanted to play it. But I might learn it if someone else posts a game request in Finding Players.

2013-10-22, 03:14 PM
This is great. I have been wanting to run an apocalypse campaign for a while;I may use this.

2013-10-24, 08:07 PM
I love this idea, I think using Eberron as the wworld beyond Shadow instead of the more usual Greyhawk or Forgotten Realms is brilliant and opens up so many possibilities to play with, and this would be a great endgame for that.