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View Full Version : weapon enchantments for a club?

2013-10-09, 07:40 PM
Overall What are good enchantments for a great club at +2 or less?

2013-10-09, 08:00 PM
Spell Storing, Ghost Touch, Collision, Bane of some sort, Magebane, Aptitude (depending on your feats).

My favourite club trick is that, RAW, you can craft an infinite amount of them in 0 time, and as long as you have a craft modifier of +11 you succeed automatically. If your DM is awesome this means you are pulling clubs out of hammerspace and throwing as many of them per round as you have attacks.

Doesn't apply to greatclubs, sadly.

2013-10-09, 08:45 PM
don't forget sizing every things better with sizing. it's like salt that way.

2013-10-09, 09:07 PM
Weapon enhancement rules (iirc too tired to find my book) require that the weapon be at least +1 before named bonuses.

So i would go with something like +1 warning

2013-10-09, 09:13 PM
Collision (+2, MIC): Flat +5 damage. Much better than the elemental damage ones.
Vampiric (+2, MIC): Deal extra 1d6 damage, heal that damage. While spellstoring + vampiric touch offers the oh**** button (and spellstoring is more flexible), it really adds up in lower-op games.
Transmuting (+2, MIC): First attack is normal, next attacks overcomes that creature's DR type for 10 rounds. Limit of one creature's DR type at once.
Magebane (+1, MIC): Counts as an extra +1 and deals +2d6 damage to anyone that casts spells (or invocations). That's most of the dangerous people.
Illusion Bane (+1, MIC): Ignore all illusion-based miss chance, 1/day try to dispel them. Good if you're up against a lot of casters but don't have Pierce Magical Concealment in your build.
Valorous (+1, UE): If you're a charger and you don't have enough other charge-boosting things to cross your optimization threshold.
Mindfeeder (+2, MIC): Free power points. Not generally useful, but if you happen to be a psionic critfisher it's fun.
Vanishing (+8000, MIC): Flat cost, 1/day teleport 60 feet after an attack. At that price, it's usually just an oh**** button, but if you're a shadowpouncer it's another swift-action teleport (not likely if you've got a greatclub, but still, teleportation).
Sudden Stunning (+2000, DMG2): Cha times per day, stun someone with Ref(?!) save of DC 10+1/2 your level+Cha. The stun is 1d4+1 rounds. I'd get it even on any character with 12+ Cha, because even at 1/day with a low save, if it goes off it's game over.