View Full Version : Arcane Trickster taking the eldritch heritage feats?

2013-10-10, 12:51 AM
I'm playing a rogue3/sorcerer4/ in a pathfinder game right now, and I'll be taking AT at my next level. I took aberrant as my bloodline so that I could get long limbs for delivering touch attacks. I was considering what feats to take next and the eldritch heritage feats looked intriguing.

Just to clarify, I already have toughness, weapon finesse, point blank shot, and precise shot.

So what are your thoughts fellow forumers(?) eldritch heritage with, say, a fey bloodline, or something more traditional?

2013-10-10, 04:24 AM
I think that this post might be in the wrong sub-forum. We have one for 3.5 and PF where you might get more response. You could either re-post it over there or ask the mods to move this one. To do the latter: hit the red triangle icon.