View Full Version : Something a little weird (Poem Generator)

The Mentalist
2013-10-10, 08:08 PM
I've spent about two years working on writing a poem generator, long story short it comes from my early days of hack-writing and encountering this tool (http://ezarticlelink.com/articlespinner/free.php) and absolutely hating it for its intended purpose but I couldn't get the idea out of my head so I started work on writing a beautiful use for an article spinner and have since come up with a five line poem generator that has over 10^19 possibilities and is still very much a work in progress. Below is the last line of the generator to give you a feel of some of my work on it and 25 unedited results from the complete machine to see what it can do so far

Line 5 of the machine

[[I|They|We|Gods|Souls] [dream of|know|touch|taste|feel|echo|remember|wake to|sleep through|forget|bless] [autumn| winter|spring|summer|dawn|sunrise|sunset|sorrow]|[My|Her|His|Our|Their|There] [love|godliness|passion|heart|soul|mind|body|though t|spirit|shadow] [rests|remembers|fades|weeps|sleeps|reposes|slumber s|listens|watches|speaks|dies|passes|calms|forgets |dreams]|[We|I|They|You] [die|lie|sit|cry|mourn] [forgotten|abandoned|reposing]|[And|While|][Night|Day|Life|Death|The past|The future|Love|Silence|Evening|Dawn|God|Eternity|Memo ry] [whispers|knows|dreams of|blesses|speaks of|screams|touches] [peace|joy|serenity|tranquility|truth|love|wonder|l ight|meaning|death|life|passion|folly|purpose|dark ness]|[Our|The] [universe|evening|god|angel|night|silence|world|bab y|infant|child|Buddha|tiger|bear|raven|owl|ancient |spring|autumn|winter|summer] [sleeps|remembers|listens|watches|speaks|passes|slu mbers|mourns|dies|rests|forgets|dreams|weeps|rends |fades|grows|thunders|meditates|reposes|forgives|c omes] [gently|peacefully|joyously|lightly|with passion|with love|with wonder|||]|[Fullness|Love|Wonder|agony|heartache|misery|distre ss|grief|remorse|cares|regret|pains|sorrows|suffer ings|Shatters|Cracks|Splinters|Tears|Ripples|Wolve s|Death|Movements|Vapors|Dreams|Claw marks|Infants|howls|screams|whispers|echoes|sirens |words] [in the|fill|shake|empty|move|slay|enlighten|soak|stai n|heal|tear|echo] [void|night|day|memory|sleep|gods|angels|stars|soul s|children|godlings|Buddhas]|[Love|Die|Live|Sleep|Dream|Dance|Sing|Pray|Drink|Wa tch] [together|alone|with her|with him|with me] [laughing|crying]|[over|through] [the|pale|growing|howling] [hills|darkness|evening|oceans]|the [universe|evening|gods|angels|night|silence|world] [sleeps|remembers|listens|watches|speaks|passes|slu mbers|mourns|dies|rests|forgets|dreams|weeps|rends |fades]|[his|their|you|gods|angels|demons|saints|sinners|mo rtals|poets|shepherds|monsters] [heart|soul|thought|spirit|essence|shadow|being] [speaks of|touches|breathes|knows|senses|feels|fathoms|gra sps|reaches for|learns] [love|peace|joy|kindness|life|ecstasy|light|tendern ess|rapture|devotion|calm|zeal|passion]|The [universe|evening|gods|angels|night|silence|world] [sleeps|remembers|listens|watches|speaks|passes|slu mbers|mourns|dies|rests|forgets|dreams|weeps|rends |fades]|[In|With] [quiet|muted|muffled|noiseless|brooding|earnest|sil ent|solemn|mournful|longing] [gales|screams|wails|souls|spirits|ghosts|echoes|he arts|whispers|tears|winds]|I hear [whispering|echoing|painful|sorrowful|pained|muted| brooding|blessed|forgotten|screaming|listless] [screams|howls|echoes|winds|voices|thoughts|memorie s]|[Amid|Among|Beneath] the [ruins|mausoleums|crypts|churchyard|graveyard|sepul chers|catacombs|mounds|shrines|gravestones|tombs|s ky|moon|stars]|In the [hands|arms|mind|heart|soul|spirit] of [God|Angels|Peace|Life|Death|Thought|Memory|Love|Pe ace]|[In|With] [quiet|muted|muffled|noiseless|brooding|earnest|sil ent|solemn|mournful|longing] [gales|screams|wails|souls|spirits|ghosts|echoes|he arts|whispers|tears|winds]|I hear [whispering|echoing|painful|sorrowful|pained|muted| brooding|blessed|forgotten|screaming|listless] [screams|howls|echoes|winds|voices|thoughts|memorie s]|[Amid|Among|Beneath] the [ruins|mausoleums|crypts|churchyard|graveyard|sepul chers|catacombs|mounds|shrines|gravestones|tombs|s ky|moon|stars]|In the [hands|arms|mind|heart|soul|spirit|womb|thought] of [Eternity|God|Angels|Peace|Life|Death|Thought|Memor y|Love|Peace]]

Splendid thunder
Atop the still moors
The fearful finches echo
I hate silent screams
over growing oceans

Amid the moon
Dreams of dawn
We run into starlight
In the heart of Memory
With muted gales

With muted whispers
Beyond the storm-tossed seas
Winter worries wake
White thoughts stare
We touch sunset

Starlit branches
Among the silent trees
calm love birds dream
I feel brooding memories
angels essence knows love

mortals being knows rapture
In forgotten instants
knows memories
Wakeful gods stare back
I hear whispering winds

Mourning crickets
Atop the peaceful wasteland
No mortal has see
I hear whispering dreams
Sleep with me laughing

Silver engraved evening
Infants love
Old gods whisper
I love pained thoughts
I hear pained screams

In the mind of Memory
Atop the water
I sit content
Grey gods watch
Gods dream of spring

poets being knows ecstasy
Above the lost clearing
Alien passions scream
In the heart of Memory
through the hills

crone lies in blessings
In mindless moments
hopeless birds whisper
In the spirit of Peace
Among the ruins

Amid the mounds
As I lie dying
Poor children weep
Peaceful ravens calm
In the spirit of Peace

Spring Flowers
No god has witnessed
sufferings fill hateful day
passionate hearts
Day speaks of truth

their heart reaches for kindness
Above the cold seas
tortured blossoms mourn
Beneath our joyous mausoleums
In the hands of Memory

Fragrant Flowers
In the oak trees
We wander into starlight
In the arms of Love
You sit forgotten

Silver engraved evening
Above the water
touches kindness
Amid the silent dreams
heartache heal night

Fragile Flowers
Breathes in summer
We wander into the evening
You love screaming voices
In the heart of Love

forgotten sunrise
While the thoughts rise
Love returns
In the eyes of Thought
In the hands of God

Beneath the gravestones
Above the lifeless hills
No woman will see
With earnest echoes
In the heart of Thought

Spring Flowers
Throughout the draping fog
Sad angels mourn
Grey ghosts look
Souls feel sunset

In earnest ghosts
fathom misery
touches love
Our dying ghosts
Among the stars

Beneath the shrines
Beyond the serene tombs
graceless spirits sing
Beneath our lifeless moon
I hear screaming thoughts

Possess my love
Beyond the storm-tossed oceans
angels possess everything
Passionate words collide
While memory touches death

In the mind of Peace
Atop the river
needed longings sing
In the spirit of Peace
And dawn screams love

Her essence learns peace
My heart breaks
I die calm
Restless men wake
her thought fathoms ecstasy

Beneath the ruins
Throughout the still woods
I know silence
Sleepless mausoleums fade
over howling oceans

Thoughts, comments, hatemail, and apathy, are all welcome.

2013-10-15, 09:49 PM
This is... This is astounding!

Elder Tsofu
2013-10-16, 01:42 AM
Looks like poetry to me. Flowery, a bit random (ie deeper meaning I fail to grasp) transitions but not entirely disjointed.

2013-10-16, 02:36 AM
I'd love to see more of this!

The Mentalist
2013-10-16, 03:55 AM
I'd love to see more of this!

Well I'm kind of afraid to show the entire back-end of it as I'm a little paranoid about two years of work getting stolen but I may create a thread for outputs and to get some feedback and have people donate lines

But once I'm done with it I'm donating 1/10th of it's possibilities to the public domain and 20% to Creative Commons and I will probably release the back-end after it's been out for a while

Looks like poetry to me. Flowery, a bit random (ie deeper meaning I fail to grasp) transitions but not entirely disjointed.

Unfortunately when it gets to as many possible seeds as I have it does get kind of disjointed but I'm going for a "read your own meaning" and "beautiful words even if they're meaningless" there are going to be some terrible combinations but even if 1% of 1% are good that's still 10^8 decent poems and I'm pretty proud of that.

Dr Bwaa
2013-10-16, 02:35 PM
*3507 characters snipped*

I'm not confident that I'd call that a line, per se, but I do really like the output. :smallwink:

The Mentalist
2013-10-16, 03:04 PM
I'm not confident that I'd call that a line, per se, but I do really like the output. :smallwink:

It produces a line though and that's how I mean it's a five line generator, the output is five lines, the actual thing itself is a 50000 character kludge of madness.

2013-10-17, 04:06 PM
As poetry, most of the samples are a little too random to work...but I can absolutely see a lot of them as song lyrics.

Add instrumental backing and soaring vocals, and they go from "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" to "Dude, that was powerful." ;-)