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View Full Version : [DnD 3.5 Base class] The Spirited Blade; warrior of the mind [Complete; PEACH]

Averis Vol
2013-10-10, 11:20 PM
Hey all, Way back when I was looking for a way to make a competent soulknife, as the aesthetic really appealed to me, but with all my trying, I couldn't make the mechanics work the way I wanted. So I decided that I would take it upon myself to whip up a new class that utilized a mind blade, just with a little different fluff. Now it isn't quite finished, which is why I come here to see what you all think of it so far and if you can help with the last few levels, So without further ado I present the Spirited Blade!

It is said that there are hidden orders of warriors throughout the world that dedicate themselves solely to the higher purpose of strengthening their spirit. They train so intensely, that they can bring about a manifestation of their power in the form of a spirit weapon. These warriors are known as Spirited Blades; warriors of the mind and seekers of enlightenment.

Adventures: Most Spirited Blades choose to roam the world and gain enlightenment. How they choose to do this is up to the individual warrior, but many choose to travel to far off lands, dueling warriors of renown and studying in ancient temples.

Characteristics: Spirited blades are meditant warriors, akin to monks but with a far more martial bent, they tend to take time to think over their actions before committing to a path. Their heightened state of mind makes them incredibly perceptive and they tend to have a knowing gaze about them.

Alignment: With great mental and spiritual freedom, only the Spirited Blade truly knows who he is. Most tend to towards neutral and good, if for the simple reason that power is best used in protection of those who cannot protect themselves, but with ancient Transcendants of every alignment to imitate and learn from, A spirited blade may be of any alignment.

Religion: all people know gods exist; it is an infallible fact of the world, but many more enlightened people know that, while there, god's take only the most minor role in the grand scheme of the world. Most Spirited Blades tend to follow gods of knowledge and wisdom, but many choose to follow their own ideals; accepting them as the only truth.

Background: Wisened folk come from all walks of life. Though many transcendants are born in the hidden orders monasteries, a large number were simple folk with particularly strong minds before they were met by the Spirited Blades wandering recruiters. If the potential transcendants choose to join up with the order, they are whisked away by a small group of retrievers; a sect of the order meant to collect those with strong spirits.

Races: Longer lived races tend to make up the majority of the spirited blades numbers; Killorens, Elves and Dwarves hold as the highest majorities, but most other civilised races hold position within the order. Gnomes, with their ecstatic mind make surprisingly good transcendants, along with humans and halflings willing to expand their minds beyond normal limits. Most of the savage and wild races are too primordial in their mindsets to be inducted into the order, but the random Hobgoblin willing to temper his hatred would make an excellent Spirited Blade with their races natural bent for discipline.

Other classes: Spirited blades get along with most wisdom based casters and disciplined martial warriors; they find their open minds and strict dedication relieving after a day of hard work, but can grow tired of the haughty and flair driven nature of sorcerers and bards. They also tend to find the more savage barbarians crude and unrefined, but never the less respect their strength of body.

Role:Spirited blades are front line warriors who use insight and cunning to destroy their foe with a myriad of tools. With the ability to create weapons purely from the strength of their mind, you will be hard pressed to catch one who isn't ready for a confrontation at all times.

The Spirited Blade
Hit Die: 1d8
Skill points: 4+int (x4 at first level)
Starting gold: as a paladin
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

1st|+1|+2|+0|+2|Clarity, Battle Trance (Step like the wind), The art of forging (Basic)
2nd|+2|+3|+0|+3|My sword is my bond
3rd|+3|+3|+1|+3|The art of reforging, Strength of mind

4th|+4|+4|+1|+4|Piercing the veil, Transcendent blade

5th|+5|+4|+1|+4| Journeyman’s bond, Battle Trance (Fury of the storm)

6th|+6/+1|+5|+2|+5|Spiritual Augmentation (Driving blows)

7th|+7/+2|+5|+2|+5| Mettle

8th|+8/+3|+6|+2|+6|Expel the venom, Cleanse the soul

9th|+9/+4|+6|+3|+6|Spiritual augmentation (Ancient Manifestation), Uncanny perception

10th|+10/+5|+7|+3|+7| Battle trance (Ascend from earth)

11th|+11/+6/+1|+7|+3|+7| Unbound potential

12th|+12/+7/+2|+8|+4|+8| Spiritual Augmentation (Spell reflecting blade)

13th|+13/+8/+3|+8|+4|+8| Enduring mind

14th|+14/+9/+4|+9|+4|+9| Prescient combat

15th|+15/+10/+5|+9|+5|+9| True bliss, Spiritual Augmentation (Dazing blow)

16th|+16/+11/+6/+1|+10|+5|+10| Repel the darkness, Embrace the wise

17th|+17/+12/+7/+2|+10|+5|+10| Grandmaster Transcendent

18th|+18/+13/+8/+3|+11|+6|+11| Spiritual augmentation (Severed from the soul)

19th|+19/+14/+9/+4|+11|+6|+11| Self-sustaining blade

20th|+20/+15/+10/+5|+12|+6|+12| Battle Trance (Warrior of Eternity), Transic Mastery

Skills: Balance(dex), Climb(Str), Craft(int), Diplomacy(Cha), Escape artist(Dex), Heal(wis), Intimidate(Cha), Jump(Str), Knowledge (Religion, History, Local)(Wis), Listen(Wis), Profession(Wis), Sense motive(Wis), Spot(Wis), Swim(Str) Tumble(Dex)

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Spirited Blade is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (minus tower shields).

Battle trance (Ex): Starting at 1st level a Spirited Blade can enter a Spiritual trance. He can do this for a number of rounds equal to his wisdom modifier, a number of times per day equal to half his class level (Minimum 1). In the Vernal Codex there are several different stances a Spirited blade can learn, each one increasingly more difficult than the last. Only one battle trance may be entered at a time, until a Spirited blade reaches True Bliss (See below)

Step like the wind: At 1st level a Spirited blade learns their first stance. When a Spirited blade makes an attack of opportunity, the way he stands and uses his weapon allows him to maneuver deftly across the battlefield. If your attack succeeds you may immediately take a free five foot step. This action does not consume your normal five foot step nor does it provoke attacks of opportunity. This movement does not count towards your normally allotted movement speed.

Fury of the storm: At 5th level a spirited blade unlocks the pathway to a new battle trance. As a Standard action once a round you can transform a soul arm you wield into a bolt of crackling lightning and cacophonous thunder in an eighty foot line +10 ft./3 levels, then make an attack against them that deals your weapon damage (as if using a melee or ranged weapon attack at your discretion). You may choose whether this damage is electricity or sonic in the first round, but you must alternate the damage every round. (For example, if you choose sonic damage for the first round, your next attack will be electric, then the round after sonic, and so on.) You may use any feats for which you could normally use with your soul arm, and your enemies must make a reflex save (if electricity) DC 13+wis modifier, or fortitude save (If sonic) of the same DC. This DC increases by 1 for every +1 (not total enhancement bonus, on the flat 1-5) of your soul arm. If your opponent fails the save he is either stunned (for electric) or deafened (If sonic) for one round.

Ascend from earth: Most people accept that without the study required of magic, they are bound to earth with no means of ascension. Ever the denier, Spirited blades of 10th level reject reality and see the unseen steps that allow them to traverse the skies at their whim. While in a battle trance a spirited blade may walk through the air as if on solid ground (Allowing him to charge if he wishes). While moving through the air he moves at his normal base land speed and can take any travel options available to him that would be were he on the ground.

Warrior of Eternity: At 20th level, the spirited blade can reach his mind across the planes to commune with eternal entities who teach him to expedite his own time flow while slowing anothers. As contact is made, and their wisdom is imparted on him, time seems to stand still as he enters the fray. Warrior of eternity can be entered at anytime, even on someone elses turn and during a surprise round. When activated the Spirited Blade may take an additional full round action each round. At the beginning of each round the Spirited Blade may, as a free action, forfeit these extra actions to force a DC (10+half level+Wis mod) will save on the target of his choice; if they fail this save, they lose their turn as the very atoms that make them up stop in time. While in this state they are not helpless and they can still take attacks of opportunity.

Clarity(Ex): at first level a Spirited Blade is a symbol of mental acuity. A spirited blade may summon a soul arm* that may be any weapon with which the Spirited blade is proficient with. Furthermore when using a soul arm, A spirited blade uses his wisdom modifier instead of strength when determining his attack and weapon damage bonuses. It functions as strength (Which means while using a two handed soul arm, you gain 1 1/2 your wisdom modifier in extra damage) in all respects, except for where feats, class features, Etc. are concerned.
* A soul arm is a weapon of pure mental energy brought forth from the spirited blades own mind that can be shaped by whim alone. This is the weapon of choice for any spirited blade, though they are trained in the use of solid weaponry.

The art of forging(Ex): A Spirited Blade is taught that in order to properly display his power, a soul arm must have a host similar to the connection between a mortals body and soul. At 1st level the art of forging is learned from an ancient codex that requires you to fuse part of your spirit to a weapons hilt. This process requires 50 gp worth of materials (For the standard hilt borne by Novices) and a days’ time at a forge and a crafting table, followed by a two hours of practicing forms while reciting the Corvan creed. After the mortal shell is built, the soul must be imbued. The Spirited blade transfers one point of wisdom and constitution into the hilt, giving him the power to channel the soul arm (This is not drain or damage, but if the weapon should ever leave your possession, the wisdom and constitution is temporarily gone). In all respects this channeling is like drawing a weapon, including the draw time and any enhancers you may have. (Quickdraw, lesser crystals of return, Etc.)

My sword is my bond (Ex): at 2nd level you discover a spiritual bond with your weapon. From now on you may qualify for fighter only feats as if you were a fighter two levels lower than your level in the spirited blade class. Levels in this class stack with levels in fighter when determining what feats you are eligible for. (So a level six spirited blade qualifies for Weapon specialization as long as he has weapon focus with his soul arm, equally, a fourth level spirited blade/second level fighter also qualifies for specialization.)

Strength of mind (Ex): At 3rd level you gain the ability to use your unique understanding and otherworldly clarity to do things stronger and faster men can with minimal investment. you may use your wisdom modifier when using these skills: Balance, Concentration, Escape artist, Jump, Swim, Tumble and Use rope. In addition to these skills, a Spirited blade of third level may also use his wisdom modifier instead of dexterity to determine his AC, and if the spirited blade chooses to wear no armor at all he may use both.

The art of reforging: So far in their journey, the Spirited blade has built a bond with their weapon of choice, whether he be the hawk eyed archer or the stalwart defender. But now at 3rd level the Spirited blade learns how to reform and reshape his Soul Arm into the form of any other weapon in which he has proficiency. This can be done with another two hours of meditation and repetition of the Corvan creed.

Piercing the veil (Ex): At 4th level a Spirited Blade can see past the subtle altering of reality, and can strike true beyond such components, whether magical or of divine creation. Any spells that would inhibit the Spirited blades attacks can be temporarily Bypassed. Once per day per point of wisdom modifier you have, you may Ignore the effect of any abjuration, Illusion, or transmutation effect that grants miss chance, damage reduction, energy resistance, armor class bonus or shield bonus. You may only choose to isolate one form of protection at a time and the effects last until the end of your turn.

Transcendent Blade (Ex): A spirited Blade who reaches 4th level has gained enough wisdom and spiritual power that his soul arm has gained the ability to overcome more advanced defenses than what mere steel would allow. Your soul arm is now, for all intents and purposes, a masterwork weapon (Gaining +1 to attack) and may overcome damage resistance as if it were magic. You may now also enchant your soul arm. In order to do so you must transfer an additional point of wisdom into your soul arm in addition to the costs for enchanting your weapon. Since a soul arm is not "enhanced" in the typical fashion, you must perform it yourself using the gold required to instead buy an equivalent amount of rare, mind enhancing incense that take your mind to another plane of thought; allowing you to alter the very composition of your soul arm.

Journeyman’s bond (Ex): At fifth level the power of your bond with your soul arm is strong enough to support multiple ties to your soul, as such you may now create multiple soul arms. These new ones can be made of special materials (Such as cold iron, adamantine, serran wood, etc., etc.) that transfer their properties to the soul arm.

Spiritual Augmentation: At sixth level your mind unlocks a whole new series of possible spiritual augmentations for your soul arm. See the specific ability below to figure out how many points of wisdom are required for each ability. Each ability is powered by filling your Soul arm with extra points of wisdom. You can have a number of points stored in a weapon equal to your class level.

Driving Blows: At 6th level the insubstantial flowing energy of a Spirited Blades soul arm acts like liquid and after multiple landed blows the momentum is enough to drive your foes backwards. For every attack you land after your first in a round forces an opponent five feet in a direction of your choosing. You cannot change direction mid movement (So you land three attacks, and choose for him to move diagonally for the first hit, he must continue to move in that path, and cannot instead move directly backwards or to the right, Etc., etc.). The exception to this is that if you make an attack of opportunity after having landed an attack you may choose a new direction for your target (This also counts for splitting attacks between enemies). You may choose not to use this ability in any given round, but you must declare this at the beginning of your turn. Driving blows requires two points of wisdom investment.

Ancient Manifestation: At 9th you unlock the ability to call upon the aid of a founder of the Transcendent Style to aid your arm in combat. As a free action at the beginning of your turn, you may choose either attack rolls, damage rolls, Armor Class, Fortitude saves, Reflex saves, or Will saves. You may add your Wisdom bonus to the chosen number until you change the ability. Ancient manifestation requires four points of wisdom investment.

Spell reflecting blade: At 12th level a Spirited blade can enchant his weapon with his own advanced insight. Once a round per attack of opportunity you can make, If you successfully save against a spell targeting you, you may make an attack roll against the AC of the spell's caster. If you hit, the spell is rebounded, affecting the enemy as if you had cast the spell yourself. The save DC for this rebounded spell is equal to 10 + the level of the spell + your wisdom modifier. Spell reflecting blade requires 6 points of wisdom investment.

Dazing Blows: At 15th level a Spirited Blade's weapon begins to emit subsonic noises of pure chaos as the blade grows fuzzy and emits random bursts of light. At the end of your turn if you landed an attack with your soul arm you can choose to let the chaotic energy of your blade explode into the minds of your enemies whom you have successfully struck in combat. The save DC of this ability is a fortitude save equal to 10+1/2 Spirited blade level+wisdom modifier. If they fail the save they are dazed for 1 round+1 round per extra attack succeeded. This ability attacks the nerve system and mind simultaneously, so it affects many creatures normally immune to such effects, even constructs whose magical circuitry is disrupted. Dazing Blows costs 8 points of wisdom investment.

Severed from the soul: At 18th level a spirited blades weapon can bring those it comes into hostile contact with to a greater plane of enlightenment by severing the targets very soul from his body. When this augmentation is active, the Spirited blades weapon hums melodically, the sound climbing higher and higher towards the point of impact. As a full round action, make an attack against an enemy within range; if your attack succeeds you may choose to force a Will save upon your opponent (DC 10+1/2 Spirited blade level+wisdom modifier), if they fail, they become instantly comatose as their soul is set free from their body and travels through the planes to the great astral sea.This ability is usable a number of times per day equal to a Spirited blades wisdom modifier, has no effect on undead creatures or constructs and costs 9 points of spiritual augmentation.

Mettle (Ex): At 7th level and higher, a Spirited blade can resist magical and unusual attacks with great willpower or fortitude. If he makes a successful Will or Fortitude save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), he instead completely negates the effect.

Expel the Venom, Cleanse the Soul(Ex): At 8th level a Spirited blade can channel the energy stored within his Soul arm to cleanse his body and mind of adverse effects. As an Immediate reaction to a failed save, a Spirited blade can focus his mind on his weapon and draw out the strength stored within. Subtract a number of stored points equal to the value given on the chart below from your weapons spiritual augmentation pool.

{table=head] Level Required | Condition | S.A. Points
8th | poison| 2 |
8th | disease | 3 |
9th | curse| 3 |
9th | Paralyzation |4 |
10th |Petrification | 6 |

Uncanny Perception (Ex): At 9th level a Spirited blade can use his keen awareness to better predict the tides of battle. He may add his wisdom modifier to initiative.

Unbound Potential (Ex): At 11th level, your unbridled state of mind allows you to see the world from a new view. Where one sees an arm, a Spirited blade sees the pieces that make it and pushes through, an entangling overgrowth is merely a maze of nature which he finds the end of indefinitely. For a number of rounds per day equal to his class level, a Spirited Blade may act as if under the effect of Freedom of Movement.

Enduring Mind (Ex): At 13th level A spirited blades mind persists past the expiration of his body, and with pure unbridled power can animate to keep fighting when it otherwise wouldn't be able to. This ability activates whenever you would be proclaimed dead by any means (whether it be through hit point damage, spell effect or another means entirely). While you are not technically still alive, you can continue to act for a number of rounds equal to your wisdom modifier. In this state your mind wilts away at one point of wisdom a round until your wisdom hits 0 and at that point you may no longer act. While in this reanimated state, keep track of your negative hitpoints; if you are healed a number of points that would bring you back into the positives, you are considered back alive but you wisdom damage still remains. Equally, if the Spirited blade receives a resurrection spell (Raise dead, cocoon of life, Resurrection, true Resurrection, etc. etc.) he is instantly returned to life.

Prescient combat (Ex): At 14th level, a Spirited Blade can read the actions of his emotion filled opponents so well he can avoid their strikes before they've even acted. When a spirited blade enters a battle trance he acts as if under the effect of Foresight.

True Bliss: At 15th level a Spirited Blade, while in a battle trance, gains a masterful control over his body. He can even control his own blood flow, giving him the necessary momentum to perform the jerking actions it requires to blend multiple Battle Stances into one. Each time you enter a battle trance, you can choose to, In addition to your chosen stance, choose to enter a second at the same time.Using the ability costs you two uses of your battle trance.

Repel the darkness, embrace the wise(Ex): At 16th level a Spirited blade has nearly reached the end of his enlightened path, and with his experience, he has gained the ability to force the tainted will of others away from his own mind, and is now immune to all mind affecting spells and abilities. In addition, he can sacrifice a number of Spiritual augmentation points stored within his weapon whenever he succeeds a save versus a spell to take in its essence and turn it into an untyped bonus to his Wisdom score. This ability lasts for a minute once activated, and after that time his Spiritual augmentation points restore themselves at a rate of one per hour.

Grandmaster Transcendent: at 17th level, the Spirited blade is now Grandmaster of the Transcendent style and has learned all the Vernal codex has to teach. Upon its last pages rests a ritual of power for the Grandmasters Soul Arm. Returning to the forge and workbench, the Spirited Blade makes one more addition to his soul arm, he dismantles and reassembles it after ascribing small runes upon each component. Once this process is finished and the weapon is re-imbued with the Grandmasters spiritual essence, his blade truly becomes alive and one with his body. While in possession of his Arm, the spirited blade gains blindsense and tremorsense out to 5 feet per class level. In addition his mind, now affected by the grandmasters mark, the Soul Arm is given a semblance of freedom and can emit telepathic waves out to 10 feet per Point of wisdom modifier. The weapon can empathetically transmit whatever it senses to the grandmaster with whom it is attuned.

In addition to these abilities he may also loose his currently drawn soul Arm to fight on its own for a number of rounds equal to is Spiritual augmentation value, at which time, the blade dissipates and returns to just a hilt. A soul arm released in this way may use any abilities it may have at the Spirited Blades command (A free action)

Self-sustaining blade: At 19th level a spirited blades weaponry gains its own vestigial spirit that siphons off its masters enlightened aura. Every point of ability score that was transferred into the blade is returned by the weapon to his owner. This does not translate to an increase in ability score, but it means a spirited blade no longer must fear anything happening to his weapon and the imminent loss of his own soul. In addition, once the ability points have been returned, by merely thinking of the correlating activation phrase, a spiritual blade may activate any Spiritual augmentation he wishes.

Transic Mastery: At 20th level a Spirited Blade has gained such an advanced mastery of a specific chapter of the Vernal code, He no longer needs to enter a trance to bring forth the essence of its ability. Choose a Battle trance; for all intents and purposes, it is always active.
__________________________________________________ ____

So this is what I have so far. I welcome opinions of all kinds, whether they be good, bad or neither, and I'm seeking both feedback on what I have and any ideas to propel the spirited blade into the late game. I would like to keep this class somewhere around T3 if possible. Thanks.

EDIT 1: Updated 10/12/13 added in Repel the darkness, Embrace the wise and Grandmaster Transcendent.
EDIT 2: Updated 10/16/13 added Spiritual augmentation (Severed from the soul) and Self-sustaining blade.
10/24/13 Added Transic Mastery

2013-10-18, 12:30 AM
I am not sure how full analyses of a class generally work, so I'm just going to go through each part individually in a spoiler :smallsmile:

The Spirited Blade
Hit Die: 1d8
skill points: 4+int (x4 at first level)
Starting gold: as a paladin
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

1st|+1|+2|+0|+2|Clarity, Battle Trance (Step like the wind)

2nd|+2|+3|+0|+3|My sword is my bond, Art of the forging (Basic)

3rd|+3|+3|+1|+3|The art of reforging, Strength of mind

4th|+4|+4|+1|+4|Piercing the veil, Transcendent blade

5th|+5|+4|+1|+4| Journeymans bond, Battle Trance (Fury of the storm)

6th|+6/+1|+5|+2|+5|Spiritual Augmentation (Driving blows)

7th|+7/+2|+5|+2|+5| Mettle

8th|+8/+3|+6|+2|+6|Expel the venom, Cleanse the soul

9th|+9/+4|+6|+3|+6|Spiritual augmentation (Ancient Manifestation), Uncanny perception

10th|+10/+5|+7|+3|+7| Battle trance (Ascend from earth)

11th|+11/+6/+1|+7|+3|+7| Unbound potential

12th|+12/+7/+2|+8|+4|+8| Spiritual Augmentation (Spell reflecting blade)

13th|+13/+8/+3|+8|+4|+8| Enduring mind

14th|+14/+9/+4|+9|+4|+9| Prescient combat

15th|+15/+10/+5|+9|+5|+9| True bliss, Spiritual Augmentation (Dazing blow)

16th|+16/+11/+6/+1|+10|+5|+10| Repel the darkness, Embrace the wise

17th|+17/+12/+7/+2|+10|+5|+10| Grandmaster Transcendent

18th|+18/+13/+8/+3|+11|+6|+11| Spiritual augmentation (Severed from the soul)

19th|+19/+14/+9/+4|+11|+6|+11| Self sustaining blade


Skills: Balance(dex), Climb(Str), Craft(int), Diplomacy(Cha), Escape artist(Dex), Heal(wis), Intimidate(Cha), Jump(Str), Knowledge (Religion, History, Local)(Wis), Listen(Wis), Profession(Wis), Sense motive(Wis), Spot(Wis), Swim(Str) Tumble(Dex)

My very first impression of the class, from reading the table and seeing this stuff, is that I like the direction you went. Full BAB should be on every dedicated melee class anyway, and while the d8 hit die makes them moderately squishy, it looks like the theme is "skilled warrior that doesn't need to be tough," so that's good for it. It also better than horrible skills and a fairly good skill list. I like.

Battle trance (Ex): Starting at 1st level a Spirited Blade can enter a Spiritual trance. He can do this for a number of rounds equal to his wisdom modifier, a number of times per day equal to half his class level (Minimum 1). In the Vernal Codex there are several different stances a Spirited blade can learn, each one increasingly more difficult than the last. Only one battle trance may be entered at a time, until a Spirited blade reaches True Bliss (See below)

I like that this isn't very limited. The class is fairly SAD to wisdom, so it gets a good amount of time each day to use these stances.

Step like the wind: At 1st level a Spirited blade learns their first stance. Once a round when a Spirited blade makes an attack of opportunity, the way he stands and uses his weapon allows him to maneuver deftly across the battlefield. If your attack succeeds you may immediately take a free five foot step. This action does not consume your normal five foot step nor does it provoke attacks of opportunity.

This is neat, but does it really need to be only once per round? I feel like if the Spirited Blade took combat reflexes, it'd make sense for them to be able to weave around the battlefield if it's triggered more than once. Other than that, it's a very neat ability, and I don't see any issues with it.

Fury of the storm: At 5th level a spirited blade unlocks the pathway to a new battle trance. As a Standard action once a round you can transform a soul arm you wield into a bolt of crackling lightning and cacophonous thunder that deals your weapon damage in an eighty foot line +10 ft/3 levels. You may choose whether this damage is electricity or sonic in the first round, but you must alternate the damage every round. (For example, if you choose sonic damage for the first round, your next attack will be electric, then the round after sonic, and so on.) You may use any feats for which you could normally use with your soul arm, and your enemies must make a reflex save (if electricity) DC 13+wis modifier, or fortitude save (If sonic) of the same DC. This DC increases by 1 for every +1 (not total enhancement bonus, on the flat 1-5) of your soul arm. If your opponent fails the save he is either stunned (for electric) or deafened (If sonic) for one round.

I... think I understand how this ability works. It's a standard action line that does damage equal to your weapon's base damage (so if you had a greatsword, it'd be 2d6?), and has to switch damage choices.

Does it apply your wisdom modifier to damage as if you were wielding the soul arm? Can you power attack with it? What would the penalty for power attacking be? I'm assuming that the save DC is based on it being pretty much a third-level spell. I'd probably reformat this to be a bit more clear.

Also, I would word it as "As a Standard action once a round you can transform a soul arm you wield into a bolt of crackling lightning and cacophonous thunder. This is a line of 80 feet + 10 feet/3 spirited blade levels." before explaining how the damage works. (Taking the wording precedent from the Archmage's arcane fire ability, which was the one that came to mind when thinking about this).

Ascend from earth: Most people accept that without the study required of magic, they are bound to earth with no means of ascension. Ever the denier, Spirited blades of 10th level reject reality and see the unseen steps that allow them to traverse the skies at their whim. While in a battle trance a spirited blade may walk through the air as if on solid ground (Allowing him to charge if he wishes). While moving through the air he moves at his normal base land speed and can take any travel options available to him that would be were he on the ground.

I like this a lot. Flight is important to a high level character. My question is: why not just say they have a fly speed with perfect maneuverability equal to their land speed? It's basically the same thing, but doesn't bring up questions of what sort of travel the person might do, if they need jump checks to ascend or descend safely, etc.

Clarity(Ex): at first level a Spirited Blade is a symbol of mental acuity. A spirited blade may summon a soul arm that may be any weapon with which the Spirited blade is proficient with. Furthermore when using a soul arm, A spirited blade uses his wisdom modifier instead of strength when determining his attack and weapon damage bonuses. It functions as strength (Which means while using a two handed soul arm, you gain 1 1/2 your wisdom modifier in extra damage) in all respects, except for where feats, class features, Etc. are concerned. A hiltless soul arm does not gain the benefit of any of the above features.

I like that it reduces the MAD normally required of a martial class that needs a mental stat to function. Is a hiltless soul arm one that hasn't had The Art of Forging applied to it? If so, I feel like it's kinda... I dunno. A really big nerf to playing at level 1? If you don't put points into Str, you're going to have a rough time if you start the game way at the beginning, and if you do put enough, it's either taking away from what you could put in other stats or becomes superfluous at the next level. Maybe move The Art of Forging down by one level, or get rid of the last line?

Also, can you have multiple soul arms? Is dual-wielding allowed? It says "A spirited blade may summon a soul arm that may be any weapon with which the Spirited blade is proficient with," which leads me to believe that you choose the weapon each time you activate the ability, but the 3rd-level ability implies that it's locked.

What sort of action is it to summon? As if you were drawing a weapon? Does quick draw work with it? How does this work with thrown weapons? Can you summon multiples? Does it disappear if it leaves your hand?

The art of forging(Ex): A Spirited Blade is taught that in order to properly display his power, a soul arm must have a host similar to the connection between a mortals body and soul. At 2nd level the art of forging is learned from an ancient codex that requires you to fuse part of your spirit to a weapons hilt. This process requires 50 gp worth of materials (For the standard hilt borne by Novices) and a days time at a forge and a crafting table, followed by a two hours of practicing forms while reciting the Corvan creed. After the mortal shell is built, the soul must be imbued. The Spirited blade transfers one point of wisdom and constitution into the hilt, giving him the power to channel the soul arm (This is not drain or damage, but if the weapon should ever leave your possession, the wisdom and constitution is temporarily gone). In all respects this channeling is like drawing a weapon, including the draw time and any enhancers you may have. (Quickdraw, lesser crystals of return, Etc.)

I like this ability; it's very flavorful and neat. I think it's at the wrong level, because as written, Clarity just doesn't work, or fails to deal with many situations that might come up.

My sword is my bond (Ex): at 2nd level you discover a spiritual bond with your weapon. From now on you may qualify for fighter only feats as if you were a fighter two levels lower than your level in the spirited blade class. Levels in this class stack with levels in fighter when determining what feats you are eligible for. (So a level six spirited blade qualifies for Weapon specialization as long as he has weapon focus with his soul arm, equally, a fourth level spirited blade/second level fighter also qualifies for specialization.)

Standard "counts as a lower level fighter" for classes like this. Not much to say there.

Strength of mind (Ex): At 3rd level you gain the ability to use your unique understanding and otherworldly clarity to do things stronger and faster men can with minimal investment. you may use your wisdom modifier when using these skills: Balance, Concentration, Escape artist, Jump, Swim, Tumble and Use rope. In addition to these skills, a Spirited blade of third level may also use his wisdom modifier instead of dexterity to determine his AC, and if the spirited blade chooses to wear no armor at all he may use both.

This is interesting. I like that it again helps reduce MAD, and lets you play someone who does these sort of things through knowing how to do them/meditating on the universe/force of will/whatever flavor.

The AC bonus is weird. I'm not sure if I like that it gives you a choice between wearing armor or having Wis to AC. Does the max Dex bonus of armor worn apply to this ability? What about wearing Bracers of Armor? They give an armor bonus but aren't armor, so it would give Wis, Dex, and the bracers to AC, right? Seems good to me, in any case.

The art of reforging: So far in their journey, the Spirited blade has built a bond with their weapon of choice, whether he be the hawk eyed archer or the stalwart defender. But now at 3rd level the Spirited blade learns how to reform and reshape his Soul Arm into the form of any other weapon in which he has proficiency. This can be done with another two hours of meditation and repetition of the Corvan creed.

See my comments above in Clarity for my thoughts on this. Oh, and since you mentioned archers... Does a soul arm of a bow or other ranged weapon generate its ammunition as well?

Piercing the veil (Ex): At 4th level a Spirited Blade can see past the subtle altering of reality, and can strike true beyond such components, whether magical or of divine creation. Any spells that would inhibit the Spirited blades attacks can be temporarily negated. Once per day per point of wisdom modifier you have, you may negate the effect of any abjuration, Illusion, or transmutation effect that grants miss chance, damage reduction, energy resistance, armor class bonus or shield bonus. You may only choose to isolate one form of protection at a time and the effects last until the end of your turn.

Reading the fluff of this, I'm not sure if this is meant to negate the effect of something, or ignore it. As written, it flat-out dispels the ability, and I feel like it's meant to simply bypass the defense.

Course, dispelling something is neat. I'm just not sure if this is supposed to be an ignoring-defenses-type-thing or a targeted Iron Heart Surge.

Transcendent Blade (Ex): A spirited Blade who reaches 4th level has gained enough wisdom and spiritual power that his soul arm has gained the ability to to overcome more advanced defenses than what mere steel would allow. Your soul arm is now, for all intents and purposes, a masterwork weapon (Gaining +1 to attack) and may overcome damage resistance as if it were magic.

Journeyman's bond (Ex): At fifth level the power of your bond with your soul arm is strong enough to support multiple ties to your soul, as such you may now create multiple soul arms. These new ones can be made of special materials (Such as cold iron, adamantine, serran wood, etc, etc) that transfer their properties to the soul arm. You may now also enchant your soul arm. In order to do so you must transfer an additional point of wisdom into your soul arm in addition to the costs for enchanting your weapon. Since a soul arm is not "enhanced" in the typical fashion, you must perform it yourself, using the gold required to instead buy an equivalent amount of rare, mind enhancing incense (May require work with your DM).

I feel like Transcendent Blade is a bit underwhelming. It's negated by the next level of the class. Honestly, I'd probably shuffle the traits of the abilities around to let you enchant the weapon at level 4, then dual-wield at level 5. Speaking of which, I now see that there is a specific ability to dual-wield, but you should probably still clarify (heh) in the Clarity ability.

I'd do this:

Transcendent Blade (Ex): A spirited Blade who reaches 4th level has gained enough wisdom and spiritual power that his soul arm has gained the ability to to overcome more advanced defenses than what mere steel would allow. Your soul arm is now, for all intents and purposes, a masterwork weapon (Gaining +1 to attack) and may overcome damage resistance as if it were magic.

In addition, you have the ability to enhance your soul arm as if you had the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat and any caster level and spell prerequisites for crafting such an item. In order to do so, you must transfer an additional point of wisdom into your soul arm in addition to the costs for enchanting your weapon.

Since a soul arm is not "enhanced" in the typical fashion, you must perform it yourself, taking one day for each 1,000 gp in the price of its magical features. You must spend 1/25 of its features’ total price in XP and use up rare, mind-enhancing incenses costing one-half of this total price.

(Alternatively, maybe write it so that you just "buy" the item with the appropriate value of incenses?)

Journeyman's bond (Ex): At fifth level the power of your bond with your soul arm is strong enough to support multiple ties to your soul, as such you may now create multiple soul arms. These new ones can be made of special materials (Such as cold iron, adamantine, serran wood, etc, etc) that transfer their properties to the soul arm.

Spiritual Augmentation: At sixth level your mind unlocks a whole new series of possible spiritual augmentations for your soul arm. See the specific ability below to figure out how many points of wisdom are required for each ability. Each ability is powered by filling your Soul arm with extra points of wisdom. You can have a number of points stored in a weapon equal to your class level.

Oh neat, more weapon augmentation stuff. Always fun :smallbiggrin:

One thing that I see is that if you ever lose the weapon, you have a very good chance of going comatose eventually. Is there any defense against the soul arm being sundered or stolen?

Also, when is the pool reset? Are abilities permanent? Do you use them from a pool of invested wisdom? Does it expend the pool until the next day?

Driving Blows: At 6th level the insubstantial flowing energy of a Spirited Blades soul arm acts like liquid and after multiple landed blows the momentum is enough to drive your foes backwards. For every attack you land after your first in a round forces an opponent five feet in a direction of your choosing. You cannot change direction mid movement (So you land three attacks, and choose for him to move diagonally for the first hit, he must continue to move in that path, and cannot instead move directly backwards or to the right, Etc, etc.). The exception to this is that if you make an attack of opportunity after having landed an attack you may choose a new direction for your target (This also counts for splitting attacks between enemies). You may choose not to use this ability in any given round, but you must declare this at the beginning of your turn. Driving blows requires two points of wisdom investment.

Ok, this is really cool. Reminds me of any anime fight where someone is forced across the battlefield by a character's mighty swing. The formatting of the ability is a mess, however, and as written, precludes you from making non-reach attacks after moving them once. Is this an ability that lets you shove them across the battlefield and follow up with more blows, or one that lets you land a flurry of strikes, with the final hit knocking them away? I'd probably rewrite this ability to be clearer.

Ancient Manifestation: At 9th you unlock the ability to call upon the aid of a founder of the Transcendent Style to aid your arm in combat. at the beginning of your turn, choose either attack, damage, Armor class, fortitude, reflex or will. You gain your wisdom as an insight bonus to your chosen stat. Ancient manifestation requires four points of wisdom investment.

I'd reword this to

"As a free action at the beginning of your turn, you may choose either attack rolls, damage rolls, Armor Class, Fortitude saves, Reflex saves, or Will saves. You adds her Wisdom bonus to the chosen number until you change the ability. Ancient manifestation requires four points of wisdom investment."

Spell reflecting blade: At 12th level a Spirited blade can enchant his weapon with his own advanced insight. Once a round per attack of opportunity you can make, when you are targeted by a spell that offers a save if you succeed it, you may channel the energy put into you into your weapon and take an attack of opportunity. If you hit, you may choose to affect the target of your attack with the spell you were targeted by. Instead of the normal DC of the spell it is instead 10+spell level+the spirited blades wisdom modifier. This ability requires 6 points of wisdom investment.

This is neat, and potentially ridiculous. Ray deflection is gotten earlier, and counterspells are a thing, so I think it fits nicely for 12th level.

Also, it should probably read:

"If you successfully save against a spell targeting you, you may make an attack roll against the AC of the spell's caster. If you hit, the spell is rebounded, affecting the enemy as if you had cast the spell yourself. The save DC for this rebounded spell is equal to 10 + the level of the spell + your wisdom modifier. Spell reflecting blade requires 6 points of wisdom investment."

Dazing Blows: At 15th level a Spirited Blade's weapon begins to emit subsonic noises of pure chaos even as his as the blade starts to grows fuzzy and emits random bursts of light. At the end of your turn, if you landed an attack with your soul arm, you can choose to may let the chaotic energy of your blade explode into the minds of your enemies. The save DC of this ability is a fortitude save equal to 10+1/2 Spirited blade level+wisdom modifier. If they fail the save they are dazed for 1 round+1 round per extra attack succeeded. This ability attacks the nerve system and mind simultaneously, so it affects many creatures normally immune to such effects (Except constructs). Dazing Blows costs 8 points of wisdom investment.

This is a fairly strong ability. I like it, as it's at high levels and daze immunity is hard to get. I'd remove constructs gaining an immunity to it (they have more of a nervous system than, say, undead, given that they're generally filled with magic or arcane sigils or a bound soul or something).

Also, does this affect more than one enemy? The wording suggests that it might, but it reads like it's supposed to only hit the enemy struck. I'd probably reformat it a bit to be clearer.

Severed from the soul: At 18th level a spirited blades weapon can bring those it comes into hostile contact with to a greater plane of enlightenment by severing the targets very soul from his body. When this augmentation is active, the Spirited blades weapon hums melodically, the sound climbing higher and higher towards the point of impact. If you land an attack you may choose to force a Will save upon your opponent (DC 10+half ECL+wisdom modifier), if they fail, they become instantly comatose as their soul is set free from their body and travels through the planes to the great astral sea. If they succeed their save they remain tethered to their current plane of existence, but their essences are so wracked by the attack on their spiritual cords that they must succeed a Fortitude with the same DC as above or stand completely still and take no actions for 1d4 rounds. For all intents and purposes a character that fails his fortitude save is helpless. This ability has no effect on undead creatures or constructs and costs 9 points of spiritual augmentation.

Half ECL and not half the spirited blade level like the rest of the ability? Also, the ability hits the soul, which undead and constructs generally have or at least have something approximating it. And a body without a soul generally just dies I think, given that you just sent the being to the afterlife.

In any case, I like it. It's a fitting, high-level ability that is definitely worth using.

Mettle (Ex): At 7th level and higher, a Spirited blade can resist magical and unusual attacks with great willpower or fortitude. If he makes a successful Will or Fortitude save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), he instead completely negates the effect.

Whoo, mettle. It's the evasion of tanks. Glad it's in there.

Expel the Venom, Cleanse the Soul(Ex): At 8th level a Spirited blade can channel the energy stored within his Soul arm to cleanse his body and mind of adverse effects. As a standard action a Spirited blade can focus his mind on his weapon and draw out the strength stored within. Subtract a number of stored points equal to the value given on the chart below from your weapons spiritual augmentation pool.

{table=head] Level Required | Condition | S.A. Points
8th | poison| 2 |
8th | disease | 3 |
9th | curse| 3 |
9th | Paralyzation |4 |
10th |Petrification | 6 |

It's an almost-Iron Heart Surge. I think it's fairly alright for the class, but I'm still not sure how the spiritual augmentation pool works.

Uncanny Perception (Ex): At 9th level a Spirited blade can use his keen awareness to better predict the tides of battle. He may add his wisdom to initiative.

:smalleek: You meant Wisdom modifier, right?

Unbound Potential (Ex): At 11th level, your unbridled state of mind allows you to see the world from a new view. Where one sees an arm, a Spirited blade sees the pieces that make it and pushes through, an entangling overgrowth is merely a maze of nature which he finds the end of indefinitely. For a number of rounds per day equal to his class level, a Spirited Blade may act as if under the effect of Freedom of Movement.

Heh, my homebrew class had an almost identical ability. I like it.

Enduring Mind (Ex): At 13th level A spirited blades mind persists past the expiration of his body, and with pure unbridled power can animate to keep fighting when it otherwise wouldn't be able to. This ability activates whenever you would be proclaimed dead by any means (whether it be through hit point damage, spell effect or another means entirely). While you are not technically still alive, you can continue to act for a number of rounds equal to your wisdom modifier. In this state your mind wilts away at one point of wisdom a round until your wisdom hits 0 and at that point you may no longer act. While in this reanimated state, keep track of your negative hitpoints; if you are healed a number of points that would bring you back into the positives, you are considered back alive but you wisdom damage still remains. Equally, if the Spirited blade receives a resurrection spell (Raise dead, cocoon of life, Resurrection, true Resurrection, etc etc.) he is instantly returned to life.

Fighting from beyond the grave through sheer willpower. A standard badass warrior trope. I like it.

Prescient combat (Ex): At 14th level, a Spirited Blade can read the actions of his emotion filled opponents so well he can avoid their strikes before they've even acted. When a spirited blade enters a battle trance he acts as if under the effect of Foresight.

This is the first thing I didn't like in the class. It should be at 17th level. Foresight is a really good spell, and granting it, even just in combat, is a bit much for 7-10 times per day.

Then I realized that it loses its main use (preventing surprise) if you can only use it after a combat has started. I'd still bump it up, though. Maybe 15 or 16 instead of 14.

True Bliss: At 15th level a Spirited Blade, while in a battle trance, gains a masterful control over his body. He can even control his own blood flow, giving him the necessary momentum to perform the jerking actions it requires to blend multiple Battle Stances into one. Each time you enter a battle trance, you can choose to, In addition to your chosen stance, choose to enter a second at the same time. Doing so costs you two uses of your battle trance.

Does doing this cost two uses to enter into the second one, for a total of three uses expended?

Repel the darkness, embrace the wise(Ex): At 16th level a Spirited blade has nearly reached the end of his enlightened path, and with his experience, he has gained the ability to force the tainted will of others away from his own mind, and is now immune to all mind affecting spells and abilities. In addition, he can sacrifice a number of Spiritual augmentation points stored within his weapon whenever he succeeds a save versus a spell to take in its essence and turn it into an untyped bonus to his Wisdom score. This ability lasts for a minute once activated, and after that time his Spiritual augmentation points restore themselves at a rate of one per hour.

Immunity to mind-affecting, around the same time Sorcerers get it. Works for me. The second ability is a neat situational buff, but not one that affects the balance much.

Grandmaster Transcendent: at 17th level, the Spirited blade is now Grandmaster of the Transcendent style and has learned all the Vernal codex has to teach. Upon its last pages rests a ritual of power for the Grandmasters Soul Arm. Returning to the forge and workbench, the Spirited Blade makes one more addition to his soul arm, he dismantles and reassembles it after ascribing small runes upon each component. Once this process is finished and the weapon is re-imbued with the Grandmasters spiritual essence, his blade truly becomes alive and one with his body. While in possession of his Arm, the spirited blade gains blindsense and tremorsense out to 5 feet per class level. In addition his mind, now affected by the grandmasters mark, the Soul Arm is given a semblance of freedom and can emit telepathic waves out to 10 feet per Point of wisdom modifier. The weapon can empathetically transmit whatever it senses to the grandmaster with whom it is attuned.

In addition to these abilities he may also loose his currently drawn soul Arm to fight on its own for a number of rounds equal to is Spiritual augmentation value, at which time, the blade dissipates and returns to just a hilt. A soul arm released in this way may use any abilities it may have at the Spirited Blades command (A free action)

You should probably reference Dancing for this ability. Otherwise, I really like it. It's a fairly neat pseudo-capstone, and very fluffy.

Self sustaining blade: At 19th level a spirited blades weaponry gains its own vestigial spirit that siphons off its masters enlightened aura. Every point of ability score that was transferred into the blade is returned by the weapon to his owner. This does not translate to an increase in ability score, but it means a spirited blade no longer must fear anything happening to his weapon and the imminent loss of his own soul. In addition, once the ability points have been returned, by merely thinking of the correlating activation phrase, a spiritual blade may activate any Spiritual augmentation he wishes.

Now there's an awesome ability. Lets you go rend souls asunder with the rest of them. I like it :smallbiggrin:

I like the class. I can't speak for its balance, but I feel like it fits into tier 3 (or possibly high tier 4, because it's almost entirely focused on combat and doesn't have too much versatility outside of it). I'd probably rewrite some of the abilities, and I'd also suggest dropping the text into Word or something to grammar check it.

Nice class. I'd play it if given the option and the character concept fit. :smallsmile:

Averis Vol
2013-10-18, 10:06 PM
Thank you! your feedback was incredibly helpful, and I have fixed up a number of the problems with terrible wording.

Battle Trances
I also increased, by your recommendation, the potential number of uses per day Step of the wind, as it seemed kind of useless should it only be once a round. I also reworded Fury of the storm to better state that the lines damage was the same as that of a melee or ranged standard attack from the Spirited blade. Also, good note on the use of feats with it. I originally planned to have it so you could apply things like power attack, because as it is, the damage is basically irrelevant and the whole schtick is is riding on the stun or deafen. What I might do, is have it act as a "line", but force a touch attack at a -2 for each foe it passes through and that would end on a failed attack; this would allow you to use power attack, combat expertise...the whole slew of feats. Thoughts?

As for ascend to the sky. While I wanted something that was flight, I wanted to be able to fluff it differently. This also allows him to continue his chosen combat style. If the spirited blade wants to be a charger, I say we let him dash over the air current. Also, with a fly speed, the spirited blade would need a maneuverability, which doesn't really fit with dancing through the air (It could be fluffed that way, but I feel that is a weak justification). Also, the fluff of this ability does not fit with having a dive attack as the spirited blade is walking through the air, not actually flying (I hope that makes sense)
Moved around the art of forging to first level. I intended level one to be the PC learning how to project the raw essence of his blade, but not being able to channel the full force of their mind. Unfortunately, mechanically, that is a terrible prospect (Not that I particularly care about first level; everyone is weak)
Strength of mind is supposed to let you dump dexterity and use your otherworldly perception to see blows coming before they even reach mid arc, better allowing you to side step them with time to spare. As for how it works; if you wear armor, you are still limited by max dex (wis) bonus, if you wear bracers of armor, you are still 100% free to move so you can use both dexterity and wisdom along with them.
To clarify on the art of reforging, Yes, if you are an archer your bow will materialize their own arrows, but if you choose to use arrows , I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to suppress that detail. I'll throw it in the description.
For piercing the Veil, yes, it allows you to temporarily ignore the benefit from one of the aforementioned spell schools. I realize now that the term negate was ill placed.
Transcendent blade and journeyman's bond fixed per your suggestion, thank you again.
Spiritual augmentation
Driving blows: yes, it works as a flurry of attacks with the last landed pushing them back across the battlefield.
Ancient manifestation: wording fixed.
Spell reflecting blade: wording fixed.
Dazing Blows: it affects only the targets struck. That being said, If you choose to attack multiple targets, or use whirlwind or some other multi targeting ability, then they each must save.
Severed from the soul: ECL was a typo from another project I was working on. As to the second part of the ability, I can see constructs becoming inert instead I guess.
Where Prescient combat is concerned, I don't really see a problem with them having a moderately more powerful ability then a spellcaster with little out of combat use. I think it is fine at 14th level personally, but if theres more protestation to it, I'd be willing to change it.
True bliss requires a two uses period. Fixed the wording.
Grandmaster Transcendent has clear enough wording I'm not sure referencing dancing is necessary.
As a note that I will probably put onto the actual page, the spiritual augmentation points are individual points of wisdom invested into the Soul Arm. while you invest points, you effectively have your same wisdom, but should your weapon be stolen, you temporarily lose any wisdom points you had stored in there. If the weapon breaks, the points are refunded. Until 19th level, you actually need to have a correct number of wisdom invested into your weapon to gain the use of the spiritual augmentation. You can put in as many as you like, but if you spend points on something like expel the venom, cleanse the soul, they are subtracted from your weapon and refunded to you at the beginning of your next turn. if the number of points required is less then the number in your weapon, you lose the benefit of the last attuned ability. (So if you have driving blows(+2) and ancient manifestation(+4) activated, and you spend two points to remove mummy rot, you lose the benefit of whichever one you last attuned (So in the above case, ancient manifestation because you are now 2 points short of a full augmentation.)

2013-10-18, 10:24 PM
I'm glad I could help :smallsmile:

Averis Vol
2013-10-21, 07:21 PM
Alright! after some thinking and revising, I have finally figured out suitable abilities for 20th level. I am confident and saying that this class is now complete. I am still welcoming any criticism that may be out there.

2013-10-27, 04:31 PM
One of the first things I noticed is that the class seems to be missing weapon and armor proficiencies.

Step of the Wind: Do the 5-foot steps from this ability allow you to exceed your normal movement limit?

Fury of the Storm: I have a question regarding this line “You may use any feats for which you could normally use with your soul arm”; what sort of feats are you referring to?

Warrior of Eternity: Regarding the alternative use of this ability, does the loss of their turn function like the dazed condition, or are they considered helpless?

Clarity: The interactions between Clarity and The Art of Forging aren’t entirely clear; you should probably include a section defining what exactly a “Soul Arm” is to avoid confusion.

Transcendent Blade: There seems to be missing information here regarding how the Spirited Blade actually enchants his soul arm.

Driving Blows: The issue I see with this ability is that, unless you happen to be wielding a spiked chain, you are essentially going to be knocking you opponent out of your melee reach. You may want to add a line allowing the Spirited Blade to move along with their opponent.

Severed From the Soul: Given that this ability appears to be an at will Save and likely Die anyway, I think it might be too powerful even at the level it’s granted. I would seriously consider dropping the second save effect and applying a per/day use limitation.

Expel the Venom: The only issue with this ability is that, as it requires an action to use, it would not be possible to use it to remove petrification, as a petrified character can’t take any actions.

Averis Vol
2013-10-28, 01:57 AM
One of the first things I noticed is that the class seems to be missing weapon and armor proficiencies.

Man, egg all over my face there. Fixing.

Step of the Wind: Do the 5-foot steps from this ability allow you to exceed your normal movement limit?

Yes. I assumed if it wasn't stated it was assumed to work that way. I'll throw in a line about that.

Fury of the Storm: I have a question regarding this line “You may use any feats for which you could normally use with your soul arm”; what sort of feats are you referring to?

So, I realised that in my notes I had a clause that after you pointed out your line, you then had to make an attack (melee or ranged at your discretion). This would allow the use of feats like power attack, combat expertise, weapon specialisation/focus etc.

Warrior of Eternity: Regarding the alternative use of this ability, does the loss of their turn function like the dazed condition, or are they considered helpless?

I'm not sure theres a perfect in game term for what I'm looking for on hand. It's almost like being affected by the time hop psionic power, except they can still make AoO's and be damaged. So I figured just saying that they don't get to act would be enough.

Clarity: The interactions between Clarity and The Art of Forging aren’t entirely clear; you should probably include a section defining what exactly a “Soul Arm” is to avoid confusion.

Noted and fixed

Transcendent Blade: There seems to be missing information here regarding how the Spirited Blade actually enchants his soul arm.

The last line of the ability states how it is enchanted. You buy an equivalent amount of GP for for specialised herbs and incense meant to take you to a different plane of thought. it is on this plane that you can alter the state of your weapon. I'll throw that tidbit of fluff into the text

Driving Blows: The issue I see with this ability is that, unless you happen to be wielding a spiked chain, you are essentially going to be knocking you opponent out of your melee reach. You may want to add a line allowing the Spirited Blade to move along with their opponent.

Your opponent isn't pushed back until all your attacks against it are done. Think of a flurry of strikes then a final blow meant to shatter ones guard if you must, because that is in essence the ability.

Severed From the Soul: Given that this ability appears to be an at will Save and likely Die anyway, I think it might be too powerful even at the level it’s granted. I would seriously consider dropping the second save effect and applying a per/day use limitation.

Hmmm. Fair enough. I dropped the action required to a full round attack and am making it usable a number of times per day equal to a spirited blades wisdom modifier. This will be enough to keep up with a caster who's throwing around death effects.

Expel the Venom: The only issue with this ability is that, as it requires an action to use, it would not be possible to use it to remove petrification, as a petrified character can’t take any actions.

That's a good point, I think I'll make this ability function in reaction to a failed save VS one of these effects.

Thanks for the input!