View Full Version : Positively problematic

2013-10-11, 07:30 AM
In my current campain Im DMing, something has gone wrong with the inner planes, and the material plane will be experencing all the side effects from it. Its fairly easy to come up with some intetesting and obvious effects from all of the inner planes, except one, the positive energy plane. So I ask you playgrounders, what are some neat, various, and dangerous effects of the positive energy plane going haywire and manifesting on the prime matetial plane?

2013-10-11, 07:33 AM
Random serves of intense healing in manifested areas. More powerful than a turn on the plane but more sporadic. It still kills people it overheads too hard.

Fouredged Sword
2013-10-11, 07:37 AM
The positive energy plain is one of the most dangerous in existence. If positive dominant effects started manifesting on the material plane, everything in the area would die in short order. You would see an area briefly heal for a few minutes, then explode. Nothing with a con score would survive unless it had a means to negate planer effects.

You would see the whole area reduced to rotting bodies and dead plant chunks in about 30 or so minutes.

The effect referenced is the feat healing that the plane provides. Once your fully heal, you start to generate temp HP. When you get more than double your HP in temp HP, you die in a violent explosion of cancer.

The survival tactic used by most adventurers is to stab a knife into their arm, and twist it every time the bleeding looks like it is stopping. As long as you are bleeding, you will survive. Let yourself get fully healed for too long, and you are dead where you stand.

2013-10-11, 07:40 AM
You could probably pull some inspiration from elder evils, one of them is all about there being too much life essence.

Fast growth, fully grown creatures with the sense and sensitivities of your standard psychotic 2 year old.

Population growth starts outpacing food production.

2013-10-11, 07:50 AM
Or, if you don't want to just kill everyone in that section of the world by the end of a day, Animated Objects. They have hardness, which is pretty much like having DR. So houses are pretty much deathtraps, but the wilderness is pretty safe. In fact, you could give everyone a temporary Constitution bonus or regular fast healing (nonexplosive) effect, or just double the normal HP recovery rate.

And maybe the Positive Energy-influenced areas create other, psychoactive effects. Make a roll, and you get bonuses to your mental stats--like ADHD drugs. Miss the roll, and you're too wired to concentrate effectively.

2013-10-11, 07:50 AM
You know, for some reason I always imagine creature overimbued by positive energy exploding into confetti and rainbows.

But yeah, positive energy is dangerous and horrifying when applied liberally. :smalleek:

2013-10-11, 07:50 AM
A few suggestions...

Excessive growth?
You could apply the plant growth effect to areas at random, and the enlarge person effect - permanently - on children / young animals.

Extreme energies?
Fires explode into fireballs at random, or apply the pyrotechnics effect; music randomly shatters objects, or acts as sound burst.

Animation of objects, etc?
Animate object randomly effects things; trees awaken as if by a treant.

2013-10-11, 08:38 AM
You could also consider any positive energy effects cast in areas where the Positive Energy plane is touching the Material plane to have metamagic type effects apply to them. Maximize/Empower/Heighten/etc.

2013-10-11, 08:49 AM
Have you seen Torchwood Miracle Day?
The premise is that everyone on earth suddenly becomes immortal. Even if blasted to bits by a bomb, someone can move their eyes around (and feel pain).

So maybe a small region in the world where noone can die? It's not a healing or undead effect, it's just that no matter what damage they suffer (aside from being burned or desintegrated) they go on living and functioning (and feeling pain, hunger, emotions). Wounded/diseased flock to the region, but they know that once they leave the region they would die from any lethal wounds they previously had.

Though I don't know how to make this work with all the magical healing and resurrections available in D&D...

2013-10-11, 09:52 AM
There's a little-known counterpart to Energy Drain called Energy Charge (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/glossary&term=Glossary_dnd_energycharge&alpha=). As-written it has no downsides, although you could easily write one in for your purposes.

2013-10-11, 01:23 PM
All this animate object talk is bringing a Pratchet novel to mind (Reaper Man?) Where life force energy kept building up.

2013-10-11, 01:48 PM
I remember it was doillies that came alive?

2013-10-11, 02:04 PM
Snow globes, then follies, then a shopping mall.

Now its really making me think of that elder evil.....

2013-10-11, 02:10 PM
The survival tactic used by most adventurers is to stab a knife into their arm, and twist it every time the bleeding looks like it is stopping. As long as you are bleeding, you will survive. Let yourself get fully healed for too long, and you are dead where you stand.

Or you could just become Necropolitan and enjoy your infinite temp hp. Why the PEP hasn't been colonized by undead is beyond me.

Now that I think about it, a Warblade could survive indefinitely as well with Diamond Mind. The DC is flat and you only need one save per round.

2013-10-11, 02:14 PM
In my current campain Im DMing, something has gone wrong with the inner planes, and the material plane will be experencing all the side effects from it. Its fairly easy to come up with some intetesting and obvious effects from all of the inner planes, except one, the positive energy plane. So I ask you playgrounders, what are some neat, various, and dangerous effects of the positive energy plane going haywire and manifesting on the prime matetial plane?

People in town develop too much energy. They can't sleep, getting fidgety. They work, long hours on pointless tasks at high intensity to burn it away, all for naught. They get tired, cranky, crazy; the cobbler bashed in his wife's head with a hammer because she argued about the height of a heel. the librarian is just fliiping through pages, grinning, sitting, tearing them out, sewing them together into "new books" and doing it all again.

The wildlife is no better. Bears maraud and kill just because they itch and tingle and it's something to do. Rabbits breed constantly, the young growing at ten times the normal rate, flooding - literally - into the nearby towns and devouring the forest itself once food is scarce. Then, they turn to cannibalism and predation.

Reverse: Energy just... fails. people fall over and stop. They don't start again.

The king's general, once the most renowned warrior in the land, lies bedridden and starving but unable to die, while simultaneously his amplified vim and vigor spread through his ten closest relatives, all who are driven to hubris by their new-found power and character levels.

the castle tower crumbles, unleashing a nest of gargoyles that are all, really, just masonry.

People cannot die. They just... Get back up. Or at least the people who have all lived of this cornfield for years. The entire city is a torturous ruin, as the strong simply murder the weak as a quicker method of knocking them out, leaving people bleeding, in pain, and suffering from mortal wounds, starvation, disease, dehydration, and unable to find succor. A band of murderers walk about like invincible kings, because they have someone to sew them back together and food and water and medicine.

All the books in the library conglomerate into a golem, a whirlwind beast given just enough presence and life to capture, control, and force people to live out the twisted stories it forms from sections of its many dozens of books. Including the cookbooks. Things almost settled down when it hit the church of pelor, as it was partially burned (the fire did little, though, because it is a being of Radiance and no mere flame can harm it, truly) and replaced itself with the Teachings of Sunly Succor, but the north tower of the monastery housed a tortured youth who was plagued by nightmares, in the process of a month-long exorcism... Who cleansed his soul by writing out his fears and evils, and at the end of the month, burning them.
They are now a part of this beast, this terrible thing.