View Full Version : Uses for the shadow fey, and are they any good?

2013-10-11, 07:15 PM
The Shadar-Kai, who are listed statistically in the Fiend Folio and expanded upon in Dragon Magazine 337, are a type of fey who are forever bound to shadow. Looking over them, we can derive the following traits:

Racial Traits
+6 Dexterity, -2 Charisma
Medium-Sized Fey (Extraplanar)
3d6 racial HD, +1 Fort, +3 Ref, +3 Will, +1 BaB
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain)
+1d6 Sneak Attack (Ex)
Hide in Plain Sight (Su)
Shadow Curse (Su): Any time a shadar-kai is stunned, dazed, staggered, unconscious (other than natural sleep), or they remove a gal-ralan, they must succeed on a DC 15 will save or gain a negative level. If they are on the plane of shadow, these negative levels can be ignored. The negative levels can accumulate.
Superior Low-Light Vision (Ex)
+10 racial bonus on Hide checks unless they are in daylight or the area of a daylight spell.
Favored Class: Rogue
Level Adjustment: +1

That said, would you say this is a good race or a bad one for player characters, and what sort of classes/builds would they be useful for (PC or NPC)?

2013-10-11, 07:37 PM
Sure, they're fine for non-caster builds. The LA can be bought off, they have hide and MS as class skills for their RHD (as well as search, listen, and spot), and they have the good version of HiPS with a decent hide modifier. They'd be fine with Rogues and Swordsages (or unseen seers).

Probably the reason they're not used more often is that their racial hide bonus only beats the Whisper Gnome's by +2, and they have 3 extra RHD. But a good HIPS and SA +1d6 is arguably worth it.

Edit: Oh, and their drawback is really, really bad. Gaining immunity to daze is a challenge, and losing a level every time you're dazed (which usually happens as after a fortitude save) could in some cases make them unplayable. And their 3 RHD only give +1 BAB, which is sad.

2013-10-11, 08:47 PM
Sure, they're fine for non-caster builds. The LA can be bought off, they have hide and MS as class skills for their RHD (as well as search, listen, and spot), and they have the good version of HiPS with a decent hide modifier. They'd be fine with Rogues and Swordsages (or unseen seers).

Probably the reason they're not used more often is that their racial hide bonus only beats the Whisper Gnome's by +2, and they have 3 extra RHD. But a good HIPS and SA +1d6 is arguably worth it.

Edit: Oh, and their drawback is really, really bad. Gaining immunity to daze is a challenge, and losing a level every time you're dazed (which usually happens as after a fortitude save) could in some cases make them unplayable. And their 3 RHD only give +1 BAB, which is sad.

Hmm, all of that considered, they would do well in classes that encourage high wisdom anyways, so they can better overcome their weakness. Anything that grants a bonus to will saves also would be beneficial. Monks, Swordsages, Wis casters (Practiced spellcaster would be a must, easily reaching CL 20 outside of theurgic builds).

A shadar-kai could be played as: Paladin 4/Shadowbane Inquisitor x, seeing as they would qualify then with ease. Though their typical alignment is at odds with this (NE usually, LG required). Shadowbane stalkers wouldn't be half bad either, though again the alignment issue. As far as PrCs go, I imagine them to be a decent race for any PrC that requires 1d6 sneak attack to enter.

Since starting out they would inherently have more than 2,000gp, It would be worth it to throw some gold at a gal-ralan (among other things, effectively +3 to +7 resistance bonus to saves when it involves their soul).

Fax Celestis
2013-10-11, 09:20 PM
Edit: Oh, and their drawback is really, really bad. Gaining immunity to daze is a challenge, and losing a level every time you're dazed (which usually happens as after a fortitude save) could in some cases make them unplayable. And their 3 RHD only give +1 BAB, which is sad.

They are, however, fey dice, which give 6+INT skills and make you immune to humanoid-specific effects (like charm person).

2013-10-12, 05:05 AM
They seem OK as rogues or similar character types. The thing is though: if you are going to go Fey then there are more interesting options.

2013-10-12, 05:27 AM
I would rate them similarly to Bugbears or Psionic Thri-Kreen (the non-psionics are better): you have a few monstrous HD to work with as well as a somewhat tolerable LA, and these make you weaker than average. However, they are not utterly crippling, and as such, the race is playable but far from optimal.

Mostly, though, I have used to Shadar-Kai as NPC antagonists. I have considered making them a major (playable) race in a custom setting, but they would hardly fit in my current plans for a setting.

2013-10-12, 06:24 PM
Just to pontificate on what, after looking over them for a while, I believe they are useful for. Not necessarily optimized but I must ask, have you ever met an optimized human being?

Base classes:

Their inherent bonuses to dex, hide, and having +1d6 to sneak attack would serve a number of classes well. Just from the player's handbook:

Barbarian; Not the most useful race for the job, but the bonuses shadar-kai have can be beneficial.

Bard: The charisma penalty isn't going to do you any favors. A divine bard might do better, as wis gains some use, but either way I'd advise against it

Cleric: Their racial traits can be put to some use with clerics, and clerics have a dependency on wisdom, an ability score shadar-kai sorely need. Practiced spell caster is a must, so you won't be behind in CL, but you'll still be a little behind in uses and spell level.

Druid: Same as the cleric for the most part. Being kept to non-metal armors, the dexterity score is more likely to come in handy, and the inherent sneak attack certainly wouldn't hurt in animal form.

Fighter: Build around spiked chains, which you already start with, and you should be ok. High dexterity + weapon finesse + feats that capitalize on chains. Variants should certainly be investigated.

Monk: All of your racial traits can come into play here. Need for wisdom which helps you out, need for dexterity which you'll have no shortage of. Sneak attack, hide in plain sight, and your +10 to hide can come in handy here, but that depends on how you approach the class.

Paladin: Not the best class, but it can help shadar-kai out a lot. Divine grace, in spite of your cha penalty, can be a great help. A decent wisdom score here benefits both spells and your saves. Considering you only need a few levels to jump into shadowbane inquisitor (CA), its a decent choice, though at odds with your alignment.

Ranger: The poor will progression is the only problem I see here. Work with your chains, duel wielding, or grab a bow. Wisdom has it's uses, and in any case that +6 dexterity will be beneficial.

Rogue: Favored class, your racial traits compliment the class almost perfectly, so on. Your wisdom, however, is not something to be forgotten. A poor will progression doesn't do you any favors.

Sorcerer: …No. Just no. Not optimal when it comes to casting, your already behind in progression, and lets face it.. -2 Charisma on a Charisma based caster is stupid. If you have a build for it, fine, but I say pick up lost tradition from Bastards and Bloodlines if it is permitted.

Wizard: Sure, your behind in SpD and Spell level, but 1 feat will handle CL and your racial traits can certainly be beneficial, pending approach.

Prestige Classes:

Generally anything that needs a bit of stealth to enter, or benefits from stealth, is decent. The inherent +1d6 sneak attack will get you into some doors, though some you'll need a 1 level dip in rogue to bring it up. Only a handful of casting PrCs are worth looking at in terms of optimization, mostly ones that favor stealth as well, though the Ur-Priest should never be overlooked. Already a bitter race, I can see them lashing out at the deities out of spite.

2013-10-12, 06:55 PM
I would like to second the idea that they would make cool swordsages. Grab a swordsword and go to town on people with shadow blade and your huge dex.

I think your be served great by adding in ur-priest and ruby knight vindicator. This would be a pretty cool villain actually.

The cost to get a swordsage into RKV is high but not impossible and with ur-priest you can easily get 9th level spells despite those unpleasant racial hitdie.

Plus a shadow fey, shadow hand teleporting around the battlefield, bestowing curses and casting harm on fools trying to stand up to your tenebrous might is pretty rad.

2013-10-13, 08:17 AM
I would like to second the idea that they would make cool swordsages. Grab a swordsword and go to town on people with shadow blade and your huge dex.

I think your be served great by adding in ur-priest and ruby knight vindicator. This would be a pretty cool villain actually.

The cost to get a swordsage into RKV is high but not impossible and with ur-priest you can easily get 9th level spells despite those unpleasant racial hitdie.

Plus a shadow fey, shadow hand teleporting around the battlefield, bestowing curses and casting harm on fools trying to stand up to your tenebrous might is pretty rad.

I imagine that being pretty cool. Lets break that one down, shall we?

3 racial HD, +1 Fort, +3 Ref, +3 Will. +6 Dex, -2 Cha. Ect.

Sword sage

Ur Priest:
Alignment: Any Evil (Shadar-kai are usually NE anyways.)
Base Save Bonus: Fort +3, Will +3 (Swordsage 6, ECL 9)
Skills: Bluff 6, Knowledge (arcana) 5, Knowledge (the planes) 5, Knowledge (religion) 8, Spellcraft 8. (With only levels in swordsage, Shardar-kai Swordsage 10 [Character Level 13 for Cross Class skill ranks)
Feats: Iron WIll, Spell Focus (evil). (Eh, 2 feats to throw away. 2 flaws at 1st then forget bout them. Iron Will isn't half bad for shadar-kai)

Ruby Knight Vindicator:
Skills: Hide 4, Intimidate 4, Knowledge (religion) 8. (You should be fine here)
Martial Maneuvers: Must know at least one Devoted Spirit maneuver (A feat will accomplish this)
Martial Stancess: Must know at least one Devoted Spirit Stance (Another feat will accomplish this. Yes it has an extra s on the end in the book)
Deity:Wee Jas. (Not with Ur-priest. Unless Wee Jas dies in your campaign, or you have some other adaptation to the Ur-Priest. You could adapt the RKV easily, of course at that point I'd say also swap Devoted Spirit with Shadow Hand which is rule legal under the adaptation section too.)
Special: Ability to turn or rebuke undead (Ur-Priest 2 would accomplish this easily)

Build, If permitted:

Shadar-kai. Swordsage 10/Ur-Priest 2/Ruby Knight Vindicator 5

Initiator Level: 17
Caster Level: 12 (Spellcasting of Ur-Priest 6)

High Wis and High Dex beneficial. 6th level Cleric Spells, barely attain 9th level maneuvers (though your highest level maneuver will likely be 8th, 9th level stance)

By RaW: Not Legal.
By RaW Adaptation: Potentially legal.

2013-10-13, 12:50 PM
Ok this might sound crazy and even a little heretical but can't you be a ur-priest and qualify for Deity: Wee Jas?

I know Ur-Priests hate the gods and are always snatching their power away (those rascals) but I'm looking at BoVD right now and I don't see anywhere under the requirements to get into the class that they can't worship a god even if they loath it.

It's kind of like how my parents took me to church sometimes when I was growing up even though I hated going. A Ur-Priest could be stealing divine power and be privately (and grudgingly) worshiping Wee Jas to gain the power of a Ruby Knight. That even sounds like something a Ur-Priest might do if he could get away with it.

I may be off base here but I don't think there's any RAW preventing this.

2013-10-13, 01:58 PM
Ok this might sound crazy and even a little heretical but can't you be a ur-priest and qualify for Deity: Wee Jas?

I know Ur-Priests hate the gods and are always snatching their power away (those rascals) but I'm looking at BoVD right now and I don't see anywhere under the requirements to get into the class that they can't worship a god even if they loath it.

It's kind of like how my parents took me to church sometimes when I was growing up even though I hated going. A Ur-Priest could be stealing divine power and be privately (and grudgingly) worshiping Wee Jas to gain the power of a Ruby Knight. That even sounds like something a Ur-Priest might do if he could get away with it.

I may be off base here but I don't think there's any RAW preventing this.

...You are right. Contradicitry to fluff to point, but it can work.

2013-10-13, 06:14 PM
If you're playing at a level where you fail on Shadow Curse on anything by a 1 or Negative levels can't be dealt with easily by your party or yourself, I'd say more or less unplayable.

Without Shadow Curse or with it irrelevant, decent to poor. In particular I feel like Jermalines will outshine them in some circumstances.