View Full Version : 3.5 psychic warrior call weapon

2013-10-12, 12:40 PM
I've seen a handful (one or two actually) of threads in a couple of forums (they all just kinda died off) but I was working on a psychic warrior character built for archery, well I got to thinking, call weapon: composite longbow...yeah that sounds pretty good to me.
but what about the strength? I mean at level one I can only buy a +0 str composite longbow (rolled up 130gp, that is 5gp higher than the preset start.) I mean theoretically it makes sense for you to go off of whatever strength score you want, because it's nothing special for a comp. longbow, it's not adding +1 flaming or anything....it's just a different base for a bow. Now in the end I know it's the gm's decision...but I was just making this character for fun, and as a GM I would totally allow the str bonus (within reason, I think I would house rule a pp cost for anything over +2str, nothing big maybe just +1pp per str or something...haven't really had to think about it, but at first glance I just imagine a 20str (+5) psywar summoning a +5clb for 23pp, that's 1pp for call, 20pp for +5, overchannel metapower quicken power, metapower quicken power and talented since it's a level 1 power meaning no damage from overchannel since it's below level 4, that's 5feats used of course and a level 20 character.
then maybe either full attack or use 23pp for 14d6 acid damage on next attack with dissolving weapon using talented and overchannel again. I'm there are better powers for a psych warrior, but at a glance dissolving weapon was the only damage one I saw. I've never made a psywar before, but have made psionics (my fav little psionic character was a Halfling ardent, who ran up a wall and 3hit ko'd the boss at level 5 or 6 didn't want to fight the horde of zombies...so I let the other two deal with them...didn't actually mean to munchkin him...but he so outdid the werewolf fighter and gestalt something or other...yeah the dm was fairly lenient. I had actually built that character to be a support psychic...not a boss destroyer... I felt bad because it made psionics look op when they are sooo not. (especially since I was the most useless character against the friggin flesh golem we fought...+1 crossbow dealt 1dmg lol...stupid mindless creatures....)
anyways kinda got off topic like I do...
I was just wondering other peoples thoughts on the call composite longbow.
The character is a 32pb xeph with 14str (from 16)
dex 16 (from 14)
con 10
int 10
wis 15 (up to 16 at level4)
cha 8 (because screw cha)
im not planning on this guy leaving the psychic warrior class for anything other than the 4 levels of fighter. (which is one extra feat and one extra bab, by level 20 I do end up with level 6 powers, but I don't believe I plan on taking anything above level 4...also I might remove the 4 fighter, I mostly did it for the weapon specialization. There are a lot of ways to go, but I really don't need shot on the run with this build, so I just picked up practiced psionics for my level 2 feat, instead of going for dodge and mobility and shot on the run...essentially this guy by level 20 is going to use his psionics to run to the top of the ceiling, become a mounted turret that can steal life from enemies and trade life between himself and allies all through psionics and bow shots no feats required for running up the wall. And with quicken power, overchannel and talented, especially since he only has 2level4 psionic powers and one level5, he can really be a life turret, if need be he can teleport away, boost his own life, avoid damage altogether, and can shoot around corners without seeing his target, and avoid barriers or make touch attack ranged attacks...at low levels he isn't amazing, but each level sees a fairly decent jump in power, even with the fighter levels.)
I am also rather unsure of how I should spend my level 16 and 20 stat points... I'm going 4wis, 8dex, 12dex for a total of 16 wis and 20dex. I was thinking maybe in str for a comp str3 longbow? also I wasn't going for op, just really useful without being broken.
either way mostly want the focus on call weapon: comp longbow.
the desc. for call weaponry is as follows;
you call a weapon "from thin air" into your waiting hand (actually, it is a real weapon hailing from another location in space and time). You don't have to see or know of a weapon to call it--in fact, you can't call a specific weapon; you just specify the kind (longsword, shortbow, warhammer, or some other). If you call a projectile weapon, it comes with 3d6 nonmagical bolts, arrows or sling bullets, as appropriate. The weapon is made of ordinary materials as appropriate for its kind. If you relinquish your grip on the weapon you call for 2 or more consecutive rounds, it automatically returns to wherever it originated. Weapons gained by call weaponry are distinctive due to their astral glimmer. They are considered magic weapons and thus are effective against damage reduction that requires a magic weapon to overcome. Augment: for every 4 additional power points you spend, this power improves the weapon's enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls by 1. For example, if you spend 13 power points, you call a weapon with a +3 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls.

er wow....sorry I get carried away sometimes, apologize for the long post and irrelevant information...

2013-10-12, 04:32 PM
I wasn't sure if bumping a thread to get notice was against the rules or not...but I am going to do it, because I saw nothing on it....otherwise me typing here is to make sure I don't get the warning of "not enough typing" that comes from simply typing bump...

2013-10-12, 05:51 PM
Now in the end I know it's the gm's decision...but I was just making this character for fun, and as a GM I would totally allow the str bonus (within reason, I think I would house rule a pp cost for anything over +2str, nothing big maybe just +1pp per str or something...haven't really had to think about it, but at first glance I just imagine a 20str (+5) psywar summoning a +5clb for 23pp, that's 1pp for call, 20pp for +5, overchannel metapower quicken power, metapower quicken power and talented since it's a level 1 power meaning no damage from overchannel since it's below level 4, that's 5feats used of course and a level 20 character.

Can't quite tell what your accounting here is, but remember that enhancement bonuses and Str bonuses are two different things; I usually denote it as mighty +X.

Not really sure it's worth charging extra pp for any mighty bow; the Str bonus isn't that amazing.

then maybe either full attack or use 23pp for 14d6 acid damage on next attack with dissolving weapon using talented and overchannel again. I'm there are better powers for a psych warrior, but at a glance dissolving weapon was the only damage one I saw.

Also consider getting Psionic Weapon and Fell Shot feats, which only require expending focus.

also I might remove the 4 fighter, I mostly did it for the weapon specialization.

Weapon specialization is not worth four levels of fighter when you can get most of those feats with PsyWar and get manifesting too. (Arguably, it's never worth four levels of fighter at all. +2 damage per shot is not much.)

2013-10-12, 06:00 PM
As a DM, I would have no problem with you calling a +Whatever composite longbow. I wouldn't even charge extra PP. It sounds like a fun concept, not broken, and archery kinda needs the help.

On another note, you could try 10 levels of Slayer (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/slayer.htm) instead of fighter (the SRD version is better than the XPH version). Full BAB and 9/10 manifesting. A simple PsyWar 6 / Slayer 10 / PsyWar 4 build gives you an extra +1 BAB, 3 manifester levels, and anti-psionic monster class abilities over PsyWar 16 / Fighter 4.

2013-10-12, 07:16 PM
Re: composite bows with strength adjustments, I'd say it's no big deal. A sling adds strength to ranged damage. Of course, it's only 1d4 base damage, but the difference between 1d4 and 1d8 damage dice is about as much as weapon specialization, and how many people think that's a very powerful feat? (Of course, slings also require a move action to reload, and there's no rapid reload (sling) feat as with crossbows (although I think there should be.) Not to mention that with call armor (1 (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040827e), 2 (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060403a&page=4)), psychic warriors can get full plate armor worth 1,500 gold.

As for not calling a specific weapon, I suppose that is a point, but if you say that you can't call a weapon which is physically designed to be appropriate to your body type (which is a what a strength-augmented composite bow is), then a DM could say "you specified a greatsword, but you couldn't specify whether it was sized to be appropriate for humans or halflings.")

2013-10-12, 11:14 PM
while +2 dmg for archery isn't amazing, I really don't NEED the other 4 levels of psywar, and I already accounted for fell shot.

as for slayer, I may consider that...I never looked at anything other than standard and psychic warrior for some reason...

as per weapon focus and specialization...I've found those two alone have saved my arse a few times too many to discount them so... in D&D every +1 really does help...unless your a munchkin....then you require +50, and even that may not be good enough...lol

I think I pretty much got my answer...Was just wondering if anyone took any real problems with that.
I like your point Idhan, that really makes sense.

another note, on fell shot...do you still get the greater psionic shot boost or do you only get the touch attack? Either way is good, still worth it without the extra damage.

I also just realized I was adding strength into attack as well as damage for composite longbow oops...good thing this character isn't completed or being played...I know a few DM's who would have overlooked me doing that...(my very first game I thought you added your "melee" to hit, to your damage...and nobody said anything till we were like level 20 XD geez)

anyways thank you guys for your answers. It was enlightening.

edit: I was looking, I think I may forgo that 10th level of slayer, for the bonus feat, and take a flaw for level 1. I then get all the feats I wanted.
which unless you guys think are bad ideas were;
track(for slayer), point blank shot, rapid shot, precise shot, improved precise shot, xeph celerity, quicken power, improved init, psionic shot, greater psionic shot, fell shot, and then I was thinking if I got psi crystal affinity and psi crystal containment I could expend both mine and my crystals focus for the fell shot, and greater psionic shot. not in that order.

return shot would be nice, but with a bow you need both hands right? so that would be counter intuitive wouldn't it? I also wanted psionic body, but while far greater than toughness, still not sure about it...
I also couldn't fit in overchannel and talented with taking the slayer class, which would have been nice since most of the powers I was looking at are level 3 or lower meaning I would take no damage, and be able to use quicken power with like call weaponry and still use another power.
I was also thinking maybe I should go for psionic meditation and go ahead and take a second flaw just to fit it.
I was gonna go with inattentive, and possibly murky eyed for my flaws, because of how this characters personality is, focused on his thoughts or task at hand, he doesn't pay attention at what is going on around him, his blurred vision only makes it easier to block out the outside world, but one thing about his vision is, he only needs to see what he is shooting at, not what it looks like, he relies heavily on his psychic power, focusing on what he is doing to his shot rather than the shot itself.