View Full Version : To Be(ard) or not to Be(ard)

2013-10-12, 01:50 PM
So, as I actually should be writing a paper right now my mind is obviously concerned with much bigger issues, most prominently: Should I shave off my beard? It's not like a year long project but it has been growing for a few months now. Recommendations by my friends differ and I myself am unsure what the best course of action is, so I thought I'd ask the Playground on their opinion on beards in general, as probably none of you can judge mine without an image I will most certainly not provide :smalltongue:

And as my mind not only has a terrible idea of priorities but also a ridiculous affection for puns it made me do a thing:

To be(ard), or not to be(ard), that is the question:
Whether 'tis Nobler on a face to grow
the signs and Proofs of manly Age,
Or to take Arms against the Growth of Hairs,
And by opposing end them: to shave, to stubble
No more; and by a shave, to say we end
the Tickling, and the thousand hygienic troubles
That Beard is heir to? 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished? To shave, to cut,
to trim, perchance to brush; Aye, there's the rub,
For once all is gone, what will be revealed beneath,
when all is lost and only left on the floor,
Must give us pause. Not having seen
one's face so long makes man a stranger unto himself.

(I would sincerely like to apologize Sir William Shakespeare and any native English speaker for butchering their language)

2013-10-12, 01:53 PM
As a person who a couple of months ago started growing something that looks like a beard, I say keep it.,

A picture would help though.

2013-10-12, 02:48 PM
I think I’ll just drop these:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmFnarFSj_U (warning profanity at the end)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C5nE4UqqLk (warning nudity)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nQwLlFF1As (warning mild profanity)

So, yes. Keep the beard.
(there's alot more, but that's all I'm going to link)

2013-10-12, 02:56 PM
There are some questions you need to consider about keeping the beard. For a start, can you actually grow one? Because there are men who do have unfortunate bald patches on their faces, and depending on where those are that can utterly wreck an attempt at facial hair. A related question is whether or not you can actually grow hair on your face rather than under/around it. If you can't at least get the jawline then you'd better hope your moustache is good enough to manage because neckbeards didn't even work back when Nero wore them. Also avoid the 'soul patch' - just don't be that person.

Assuming you're okay on the above counts, then you're fine keeping the face-fuzz.

2013-10-12, 02:59 PM
There's only one or two people that it really matters to:

You, and your S.O (if you have one).

So what really matters is: Do you like the way you look (and feel) with one. And feel is important. When you're not used to them they can itch and be much hotter in the summer. You do also have to be more careful when eating/drinking.

I'm pro-beard for myself. I grew mine when I was 17 (now 44) and while it's alternated between full beard and goatee, the first time it came off completely was last year as part of a charity challenge (along with all the other hair on my head other than eyebrows/lashes). So this was the first time my wife had seen me without a beard.

She's definitely pro-beard camp. So this year if my staff meet the charity challenge I'm dying my hair pink (National Breast Cancer Awareness month).

2013-10-12, 03:07 PM
Beard. All of the beard.

DJ Yung Crunk
2013-10-12, 03:10 PM
I'd like a beard, my face has other ideas unfortunately. :smallfrown:

2013-10-12, 03:18 PM
I have 95% of an Al Borland. I keep hoping the rest will grow in, or at least get thick enough to cover the patchy spot.


Sexy right?

Manga Shoggoth
2013-10-12, 03:22 PM
As long as you and those close to you (and I do mean that literally) don't mind, then keep it.

If those who have reason to be close to you object (or you are getting food stuck in it), then consider shaving.

(Sharon objects to my beard, especially in the early stages...)

2013-10-12, 04:12 PM
If it's a neckbeard, shave it. Otherwise, do what you want.

2013-10-12, 04:59 PM
Well, I'm not very surprised but the Playground seems very much in favor of beards :smallbiggrin:

To answer a few notes:
I don't have a significant other, so the matter is kind of arbitrary on that part. (I guess women's preference towards beards are widely distributed)

I'd never consider a soul patch :smalleek: While it's unlikely I'll shave it off entirely I still wonder about leaving it as it is/letting it grow further and trimming it to something like a week stubble or so.

I guess I'm somewhere around and Al Borland right now but my beard tends to get curly quite fast and I guess there's no easy way to straighten out a beard, is there? Maybe I should try combing it properly and see if that makes any difference.

2013-10-12, 11:59 PM
Only person whose opinion matters is yours(and maybe your SO). My one warning is, if you've never grown it out past like an inch or two, prepare for a very annoying experience this first time, it starts to rub your neck, and it gets kinda itchy, not to mention if you grow out your mustache at the same time, food will get stuck in it.

I've had my grown to about...5 inches in length(that was about 8 months worth of growth), and even being accustomed to a longer beard then most people put up with, I had a very uncomfortable spot around 4 inches. It was itchy, and mildly annoying with how it kept rubbing against my shirt/neck/shoulderbone. A few weeks later tho I got used to it.

Manga Shoggoth
2013-10-13, 04:52 AM
... (I guess women's preference towards beards are widely distributed)

I'd never consider a soul patch :smalleek: While it's unlikely I'll shave it off entirely I still wonder about leaving it as it is/letting it grow further and trimming it to something like a week stubble or so.

Indeed. My wife is not in favour of kissing a pincushion.

2013-10-13, 05:33 AM
Indeed. My wife is not in favour of kissing a pincushion.

My wife doesn't like it when I have a massive beard, but she absolutely can NOT tolerate it when I'm clean shaven. She's gone so far as to insinuate that I resemble a pedophile when I'm clean shaven, rofl!

2013-10-13, 06:19 AM
So, as I actually should be writing a paper right now my mind is obviously concerned with much bigger issues, most prominently: Should I shave off my beard? It's not like a year long project but it has been growing for a few months now. Recommendations by my friends differ and I myself am unsure what the best course of action is, so I thought I'd ask the Playground on their opinion on beards in general, as probably none of you can judge mine without an image I will most certainly not provide :smalltongue:

Beard your way to happiness.

Well, as long as no one whose opinion you care about actively dislikes the sight of it.

Of course, I speak from the position of one with a smallish goatee, whose family does not particularly mind it, but whose friends generally consider it foolish. So it is just faintly possible that I may have some sort of bias in the matter.

And as my mind not only has a terrible idea of priorities but also a ridiculous affection for puns it made me do a thing:

To be(ard), or not to be(ard), that is the question:
Whether 'tis Nobler on a face to grow
the signs and Proofs of manly Age,
Or to take Arms against the Growth of Hairs,
And by opposing end them: to shave, to stubble
No more; and by a shave, to say we end
the Tickling, and the thousand hygienic troubles
That Beard is heir to? 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished? To shave, to cut,
to trim, perchance to brush; Aye, there's the rub,
For once all is gone, what will be revealed beneath,
when all is lost and only left on the floor,
Must give us pause. Not having seen
one's face so long makes man a stranger unto himself.

(I would sincerely like to apologize Sir William Shakespeare and any native English speaker for butchering their language)

As a fairly well-educated native English speaker, I applaud your skillful handling of the language. I am not sure I could match it.

2013-10-13, 02:12 PM
My wife doesn't like it when I have a massive beard, but she absolutely can NOT tolerate it when I'm clean shaven. She's gone so far as to insinuate that I resemble a pedophile when I'm clean shaven, rofl!

I've gotten a mix of "pedophile" and "overgrown child" when I've gone cleanshaven, so I tend to avoid it. XD

2013-10-13, 02:19 PM

2013-10-13, 02:22 PM
Beard is the only answer. If nothing else than to avoid shaving every morning.

2013-10-13, 02:38 PM
You, and your S.O (if you have one).

So what really matters is: Do you like the way you look (and feel) with one. And feel is important. When you're not used to them they can itch and be much hotter in the summer. You do also have to be more careful when eating/drinking.
This is the actually important answer. Doesn't matter what the rest of us do or don't like, it matters what you're comfortable with.

I'll chime in as someone who truly doesn't like facial hair at all, though. I personally dislike how it looks, and even more so how it feels. I've never let mine grow for more than a week or so, and even at that point I quickly reach a point where it's itchy and uncomfortable, so I've found myself shaving more frequently as time has gone by. The only reason I don't do so daily at this point is because mine does not grow fast enough to warrant it.

Honestly, if I could magically eliminate my ability to grow facial hair at all, I'd do so without hesitation.

2013-10-13, 02:58 PM
As long as you can keep the hair full and clean, and you like the look? I vote you keep rocking the face fuzz. I'm definitely in the pro-beard camp. I read a study recently that mentioned that generally people tended to instinctively associate men with beards with authority, trustworthiness, respect, and responsibility, so if that's the kind of image you're looking to project, a beard is a good choice.

Also, as a woman, I want to state on record that I find a good beard sexy as anything. I mention this because I've heard people suggesting that a man with a beard will have trouble finding a girlfriend if they want one because women hate them, and I want to confirm with what some of the other posters have said--it's just not true! Some women like them; others don't. Just like how it is for the guys rocking them, it's all personal preference.

2013-10-13, 08:26 PM
As long as you can grow without and bald patches you should be fine with a beard. Personally I let mine grow naturally but keep it trimmed just short enough so it doesn't curl and it tends to look pretty awesome with a crew cut.

2013-10-14, 05:30 AM
Well, thanks for the support, Playgrounders :smallbiggrin:

I guess I'll keep it then at least for the cold season to come. Just need to take better care of the mustache part so I don't constantly have to worry about it getting in the way while eating. :smallwink:

Killer Angel
2013-10-14, 06:09 AM
I've tried to grow a beard two or three times... the pricking ended only with shaving foam and razor.
Plus, my wife is definitely against it, so for me it's very easy to decide.

Brother Oni
2013-10-14, 06:29 AM
I've had my beard and moustache for around 6 months now but I'm unable to grow more than a moustache and around the chin (nothing on the jawline).
A couple of suggestions for helping to keep it clean and hygenic:

Trim the beard now and again with a shaver to keep all the hair length approximately equal (helps it stop looking patchy and unkempt).
Trim any moustache hair that goes below your top lip.
Make a habit of wiping your mouth after eating (or every mouthful if you're in polite company).

I know my mother disapproves of it, but my wife hasn't raised any objections (yet).
Both my children ask every now and again when I'm going to shave it off. :smallsigh:

I read a study recently that mentioned that generally people tended to instinctively associate men with beards with authority, trustworthiness, respect, and responsibility, so if that's the kind of image you're looking to project, a beard is a good choice.

Trying to look older is another good one. I got carded for buying alcohol last year (pre beard), despite being nearly double the legal age. :smallsigh:

2013-10-14, 07:23 AM
(I would sincerely like to apologize Sir William Shakespeare and any native English speaker for butchering their language)

No need to apologise. And besides... Most of the butchering of our language is our fault. In fact, I think your rewording of that soliloquy was simply excellent.

I've gotten a mix of "pedophile" and "overgrown child" when I've gone cleanshaven, so I tend to avoid it. XD

Well, I've never been called a paedophile, but I have to admit, that when I shave my beard, I do end up looking so many years younger. It is a curse that's hard to bear, especially when one desires to be clean shaven. There's just something about one's skin being smooth after so much time concealed beneath all that hair.
Also, shaving it will stop me pulling at loose hairs that annoy me...

I guess I'll keep it then at least for the cold season to come. Just need to take better care of the mustache part so I don't constantly have to worry about it getting in the way while eating. :smallwink:

If you're fortunate, you may have no problem with your moustache. I certainly never have despite it having been growing for quite some time.