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View Full Version : [PF] Poisoner & Poisons (& more)

The Boz
2013-10-12, 03:00 PM
A friend expressed his desire to play a poisoner in my game, so I wanted to see how they work and so on... Yeah, they don't work. So I thought I'd change that.
Without pasting up twelve pages of text and wasting precious time screenshotting the various tables, I'll just post a link to my work here. First off, the Poisoner (https://www.dropbox.com/s/5sqjzad6ouj0jy3/Poisoner.pdf). Once I was halfway through with it, I realized that poisons are really clunky, unstandard, somewhat awkward to use, etc. So I redid Poisons (https://www.dropbox.com/s/1se8f5wyh2cwq11/Poisons.pdf) as well.

After working on those, I saw that alchemy and non-caster crafting as a whole needed some help, so that is going to be my next goal. Craft (alchemy) will have four feats attached, divided among the main ways to practice alchemy. First off, there's Poisons. That one is done. My next project is Substances, which would include explosives, acids, glues, etc. After that is done, I want to work on Concoctions, which would include healing poultices and potions, buffs, permanent stat increases, etc. Finally, there would be Materials, which would focus on temporary and permanent transmutation of metals, weapons, things like that. Like the poisoner above, certain classes would get the requisite crafting feat and/or crafting mastery for free early in their development.
I want to create a solid, consistent system that is a valid alternative to the "magic does everything" system that we have now.

Thanks to Carl, the contents of both Poisoner and Poisons are now available here as well:

Some consider poisoning an evil act. The poisoner knows poison is just a tool toward an end, and is no different than any other weapon. Some poisoners see themselves as great equalizers, as they are able to craft weapons that the weakest of creatures can wield to devastating effect, but most have no lofty delusions about their work.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d8.

Starting Wealth: 4d6 x 10 gp (average 140gp). In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb
(Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks Per Level: 8 + Int modifier.

1st|+0|+0|+2|+0|Sneak Attack +1d6, Poisons: Basic
2nd|+1|+0|+3|+0|Rogue Talent, Poison Sense +1
3rd|+2|+1|+3|+1|Sneak Attack +2d6, Payload
4th|+3|+1|+4|+1|Rogue Talent, Uncanny Dodge
5th|+3|+1|+4|+1|Sneak Attack +3d6, Poison Sense +2
6th|+4|+2|+5|+2|Rogue Talent, Resistance: Basic Poisons
7th|+5|+2|+5|+2|Sneak Attack +4d6, Poisons: Refined
8th|+6/+1|+2|+6|+2|Rogue Talent, Poison Sense +3
9th|+6/+1|+3|+6|+3|Sneak Attack +5d6, Improved Uncanny Dodge
10th|+7/+2|+3|+7|+3|Rogue Talent, Advanced Talents
11th|+8/+3|+3|+7|+3|Sneak Attack +6d6, Poison Sense +4
12th|+9/+4|+4|+8|+4|Rogue Talent, Resistance: Refined Poisons
13th|+9/+4|+4|+8|+4|Sneak Attack +7d6, Poisons: Complex
14th|+10/+5|+4|+9|+4|Rogue Talent, Poison Sense +5
15th|+11/+6/+1|+5|+9|+5|Sneak Attack +8d6
16th|+12/+7/+2|+5|+10|+5|Rogue Talent
17th|+12/+7/+2|+5|+10|+5|Sneak Attack +9d6, Poison Sense +6
18th|+13/+8/+3|+6|+11|+6|Rogue Talent, Resistance: Complex Poisons
19th|+14/+9/+4|+6|+11|+6|Sneak Attack +10d6
20th|+15/+10/+5|+6|+12|+6|Rogue Talent, Poison Sense +7, Poison Strike[/table]

Weapon & Armor Proficiency: Poisoner rogues are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Class Features:

Sneak Attack: If a poisoner can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage. The poisoner's attack deals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the poisoner flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two poisoner levels thereafter. Should the poisoner score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a poisoner can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty. The poisoner must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot.

A poisoner cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.

Poisons (Ex): As a poisoner's studies progress, her mastery and use of these poisons progress as well. At 1st level, the poisoner masters all basic poisons, at 7th level, she masters all refined poisons, and at 13th level, she masters all complex poisons, rounding out her mastery of all toxic substances. Additionally, the poisoner starts with the feats Craft Poison and Poison Use.
A poisoner is most efficient when crafting and modifying poisons she has mastered, reducing all crafting and maturation times by half. Additionally, when combining concentrations or crafting masterwork poisons, the poisoner can increase the craft DC by up to her Int bonus, and increase the resulting poison's save DC by an equal amount.

Rogue Talent: As a poisoner gains experience, she learns a number of talents that aid her and confound her foes. Starting at 2nd level, a poisoner gains one rogue talent. She gains an additional rogue talent for every 2 levels of poisoner attained after 2nd level. A character cannot select an individual talent more than once.

Poison Sense (Ex): At 2nd level, a poisoner gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to danger from poison, giving her a +1 bonus to Perception skill checks made to locate poisoned food, traps, weapons or other items, and a +1 bonus to AC to avoid attacks by poisoned weapons. These bonuses rise to +2 when the rogue reaches 5th level, to +3 when she reaches 8th level, and so on every three levels until a maximum of +7 at 20th level. This ability stacks with Trap Finding, Trap Sense, or similar abilities where applicable.

Payload (Ex): At 3rd level and higher, a poisoner learns to appreciate the imporance of payload delivery. When attacking with poisoned weapons, the poisoner gains an attack bonus equal to her Int bonus. This only works against creatures that are not immune to poisons or precision damage (such as sneak attacks or critical hits).

Uncanny Dodge(Ex): Starting at 4th level, a poisoner can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Dex bonus to AC if immobilized. A character with this ability can still lose her Dex bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action (see Combat) against her.

If a character already has uncanny dodge from a different class, she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

Resistance (Ex): Thanks to her experience with and exposure to different kinds of poisons, the poisoner develops a resistance to toxins over time. This starts first at 6th level, at which point the poisoner rogue can apply her Poison Sense bonus to saves against basic poisons, increases to include refined poisons at 12th level, and finally to include complex poisons at 18th level.

Thanks to the added confidence that this resistance offers, the poisoner can benefit from either the Swift Poison or Lasting Poison rogue talents when applying poisons she is resistant to to weapons she is proficient with. Becoming resistant to refined poisions allows the poisoner to use Swift Poison as a swift action once per round, and Lasting Poison no longer has a reduced effect. Once resistant to complex poisons, the poisoner can use Swift Poison as a free action up to Int bonus times per round, and Lasting Poison lasts for Int bonus strikes instead of two (minimum two).

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A poisoner of 8th level or higher can no longer be flanked. This defense denies another rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target does. If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from another class, the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.

Advanced Talents: After 10th level, every time a poisoner gains a rogue talent, she may take an advanced talent instead.

Poison Strike (Ex): Upon reaching 20th level, a poisoner becomes incredibly deadly when dealing damage with poisoned weapons. Each time the poisoner hits a creature and inflicts a poison that the target fails to resist, that creature can be...

* put to sleep for 1d4 hours
* paralyzed for 2d6 rounds or permanently
* slain or rendered comatose for 1d6 days

Regardless of the effect chosen, the target receives a Fortitude save to negate the additional effect. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the poisoner's level + the poisoner's Int bonus. Once a creature has been the target of a Poison Strike, regardless of whether or not the save is made, that creature is immune to that poisoner's Poison Strike for 24 hours. Creatures that are immune to poisons, sneak attacks or precision damage are also immune to this ability.

A poison is a substance that interferes with the natural functions of a living creature's body, causing injury or death, typically requiring only a very small amount. The target of a poison may resist with a successful saving throw. Poisons can be delayed or cured with spells such as delay poison and neutralize poison.

Based on how they reach the target, poisons have four categories: contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury.

Contact: These poisons are delivered the moment a creature touches the poison with its bare skin. Such poisons can be used as injury poisons. Regardlesso of the method of delivery, contact poisons always have an onset time of 1 minute and a frequency of 1 round.

Ingested: These poisons are delivered when a creature eats or drinks the poison. Ingested poisons usually have an onset time of 10 minutes and a frequency of 1 minute.

Inhaled: These poisons are delivered the moment a creature enters an area
containing such poisons and breathes in. For most inhaled poisons, 1 dose fills a volume equal to a 10-foot cube. A creature can attempt to hold its breath while inside the area to avoid inhaling the toxin. A creature holding its breath receives a 50% chance of not having to make a Fortitude save each round. See the rules for holding your breath and suffocation. If a creature is holding its breath and fails the constitution check to continue doing so, rather than suffocating it begins to breathe normally again (and is subject to the effects of the inhaled poison if still in the area). Inhaled poisons do not have an onset time, have a frequency of 1 round, but are tied to the area instead of the affected creature.

Injury: These poisons are primarily delivered through the attacks of certain
creatures and through weapons coated in the toxin. Injury poisons do not have an onset time and have a frequency of 1 round.

Based on their potency, poisons have three categories: basic, refined, or complex.

Basic: These poisons are the most often encountered kind. They are relatively
easy to produce and are quite inexpensive, but have weak effects. Their
production time is measured in hours, and they have no maturation period.
Refined: Refined poisons have been improved through various alchemical processes. They are much more expensive and much harder to produce, but their effects are either stronger or more varied. The production time is measured in hours, but they have a maturation period measured in days.

Complex: The strongest poisons, and the most difficult to make. The production time for complex poisons is measured in days, but they all have a maturation period measured in weeks. Based on their Cure condition mechanics, poisons have four categories: initial, one save, any two saves, or two consecutive saves.

Initial: These poisons have a non-periodic effect, and have only one chance to resist: immediately upon introduction into the body. If this save is resisted, the poison has no effect, but if it is failed, the poison takes full effect. Successfully administering an antidote or offering medical help will allow for another save to be attempted, but without the usual bonus to it.

One save: A creature can attempt a save with every frequency interval, starting before the first. Success at any one save immediately ends the poison and stops further effects, but does not remove damage already done. This cure condition is most often found on basic poisons. Marked as "1 save" in the tables below.

Any two saves: As above, the affected creature can attempt a save every
frequency interval, but needs to succeed at two of these saves in order to cure itself of the poison. This cure condition is most often found on refined poisons. Marked as "any 2" in the tables below.

Two consecutive saves: As above, but the creature must accumulate two saves in a row. Failing a save resets the number of accumulated successes to 0. This cure condition is most often found on complex poisons. Marked as "con 2" in the tables below.

One dose of poison smeared on a weapon or some other object affects just a single target. A poisoned weapon or object retains its poison until the weapon scores a hit or the object is touched (unless the poison is wiped off before a target comes in contact with it). Applying poison to a weapon or single piece of ammunition is a standard action. Whenever you apply or ready a poison for use, there is a 5% chance that you expose yourself to the poison and must save against the poison as normal. This does not consume the dose of poison. Whenever you attack with a poisoned weapon, if the attack roll results in a natural 1, you expose yourself to the poison. This poison is consumed when the weapon strikes a creature or is touched by the wielder. If you have
the Poison Use class feature, you do not risk accidentally poisoning yourself when applying poison or attacking with a poisoned weapon.

Unlike other afflictions, multiple doses of the same poison “stack,” meaning that successive doses combine to increase the poison's DC and duration. Making your initial saving throw against a poison means stacking does not occur—the poison did not affect you and any later doses are treated independently. Likewise, if a poison has been cured or run its course (by you either making the saves or outlasting the poison's duration), stacking does not occur. However, if there is still poison active in you when you are attacked with that type of poison again, and you fail your initial save against the new
dose, the doses stack. This has two effects, which last until the poisons run their course.

Increased Duration: Increase the duration of the poison by 1/2 the amount listed in its duration entry.

Increased DC: Increase the poison's save DC by +2.

These increases are cumulative (a third dose adds another 1/2 of the duration to the duration and +2 to the DC, and so on). When affected by multiple doses of the same poison, you only make one saving throw at this higher DC when required by the frequency, rather than one saving throw against each dose of the poison.

Multiple doses do not alter the Cure condition of the Poison, and meeting that Cure condition ends all doses of the poison.

Applied contact poisons and injury poisons typically cannot inflict more than one dose of poison per weapon at a time (because the poison on the weapon only lasts for one successful attack before it wears off). Inhaled and ingested poisons can inflict multiple doses at once. Doses from different poisons do not stack—the effects of each are tracked separately.

Craft (alchemy) is the skill used to modify poisons, and that skill together with the Craft Poison feat can be used to produce poisons and combine them into new ones. The craft DC of a basic poison is initially equal to the poison's base DC, but will afterwards get modified by several different factors.

Table 1 – Basic Poisons, below, contains information about basic poisons, in injury form. The craft DC is equal to the Base DC for basic poisons, but it increases as per the crafting rules explained further below. The duration is listed in multiples of the interval, or frequency, of the poison. A poison with a duration of 1 anything, be it a round, minute, hour or day, will only have one interval. Only poisons with a duration of 1 have the initial cure condition. A creature affected by a poison makes a Fortitude save every round for as long as the duration has not expired and the cure condition has not been met. With each failed save, the creature suffers from the poison's effect. Ability penalty caused by a poison only persists as long as the poison is active, and can not lower an ability's effective value to below a 1.

Table 1 – Basic Poisons
{table=head]Base|DC|Cure Save|Effect|Duration|Cost
Venompetal|12|1 save|1d3 damage|4 rounds|20
Seven-leaf Poison|13|1 save|1d3 nonlethal damage|4 rounds|20
Wormtongue|10|1 save|1d3 strength penalty|4 rounds|35
Wasp Poison|10|1 save|1d3 dexterity penalty|4 rounds|35
Bloodthorn|10|1 save|1d3 constitution penalty|4 rounds|50
Brown MosExtract|10|1 save|1d3 intelligence penalty|4 rounds|30
Luminous Toadstool|10|1 save|1d3 wisdom penalty|4 rounds|30
Ooze Dust|10|1 save|1d3 charisma penalty|4 rounds|30
Spider Venom|11|1 save|1 strength damage|4 rounds|40
Grinning Root|11|1 save|1 dexterity damage|4 rounds|40
Arsenic|11|1 save|1 constitution damage|4 rounds|60
Mindwilt Grass|11|1 save|1 intelligence damage|4 rounds|35
Nightshade Extract|11|1 save|1 wisdom damage|4 rounds|35
Fitful Poison|11|1 save|1 charisma damage|4 rounds|35
Alchemic Valerian|13|1 save|fatigued|4 rounds|30
Redback Toad Poison|12|1 save|dazzled|4 rounds|25
Brown Toad Poison|11|1 save|fascinated|4 rounds|20
Bonham's Infection|10|1 save|sickened|4 rounds|30
Loveflower Paste|12|Initial|asleep|1 minute|60
Thinblood Venom|13|Initial|intensified bleeding|1 minute|35[/table]

Craft Poison: Those with the required skill at alchemy, as well as the Craft Poison feat and suitable alchemical equipment, can attempt to produce basic poisons from simple reagents and compounds. An attempt costs 50% of the poison's cost in gold, and takes an mount of time equal to the base DC -10 in hours, minimum one. The DC to craft a basic poison is equal to the base DC of the poison listed in Table 1 – Basic Poisons, above. The craft DC for poisons listed in Table 2 – Refined Poisons, below, is equal to the base DC +2, and on top of the production time that is calculated the same way but separated in two, at the start and at the end of the production cycle, refined poisons also
have a maturation time equal to the base DC -10 in days. The poisons listed in Table 3 – Complex Poisons have a craft DC equal to the base DC +4, and the maturation time is in weeks.

Table 2 - Refined Poisons
{table=head]Base|DC|Cure Save|Effect|Duration|Cost
Concentrated Venompetal|16|any 2|1d6 damage|4 rounds|120
Seven-leaf Grease|17|any 2|1d6 nonlethal damage|4 rounds|120
Wormtongue Paste|14|any 2|1d6 strength penalty|4 rounds|210
Giant Wasp Poison|14|any 2|1d6 dexterity penalty|4 rounds|210
Bloodthorn Juice|14|any 2|1d6 constitution penalty|4 rounds|300
Yellow Moss Extract|14|any 2|1d6 intelligence penalty|4 rounds|180
Luminous Toadstool Dust|14|any 2|1d6 wisdom penalty|4 rounds|180
Acidic Ooze Dust|14|any 2|1d6 charisma penalty|4 rounds|180
Medium Spider Venom|15|any 2|1d3 strength damage|4 rounds|240
Grinning Root Paste|15|any 2|1d3 dexterity damage|4 rounds|240
Arsenic Solution|15|any 2|1d3 constitution damage|4 rounds|360
Dried Mindwilt Grass|15|any 2|1d3 intelligence damage|4 rounds|210
Aged Nightshade Extract|15|any 2|1d3 wisdom damage|4 rounds|210
Strong Fitful Poison|15|any 2|1d3 charisma damage|4 rounds|210
Shadestuff|16|any 2|1 strength drain|4 rounds|250
Hunter Spider Venom|16|any 2|1 dexterity drain 4 rounds|250
Wyvern Poison|16|any 2|1 constitution drain|4 rounds|400
Quickmist|16|any 2|1 intelligence drain|4 rounds|200
Nightmare Poison|16|any 2|1 wisdom drain|4 rounds|200
Undead Dust|16|any 2|1 charisma drain|4 rounds|200
Refined Valerian|17|any 2|staggered|4 rounds|180
Toad's Vision|16|any 2|blind|4 rounds|150
Brown Toad Drop|15|any 2|dazed|4 rounds|120
Bonham's Strong Infection|14|any 2|nauseated|4 rounds|180
Loveflower Oil|16|Initial|comatose|1 hour|360
Venomblood|17|Initial|intensified bleeding, bleeding on critical or sneak attacks|1 hour|210 [/table]

Table 3 - Complex Poisons
{table=head]Base|DC|Cure Save|Effect|Duration|Cost
Alchemical Venom|20|con 2|1d12 damage|4 rounds|720
Seven Dreams 21|con 2|1d12 nonlethal damage|4 rounds|720
Wormtongue Essence|18|con 2|1d12 strength penalty|4 rounds|1260
Dire Swarm Poison|18|con 2|1d12 dexterity penalty|4 rounds|1260
Purified Bloodthorn|18|con 2|1d12 constitution penalty|4 rounds|1800
Potent Moss Extract|18|con 2|1d12 intelligence penalty|4 rounds|1080
Luminous Toadstool Extract|18|con 2|1d12 wisdom penalty|4 rounds| 1080
Acidic Ooze Extract|18|con 2|1d12 charisma penalty|4 rounds|1080
Huge Spider Venom|19|con 2|1d6 strength damage|4 rounds|240
Grinning Powder|19|con 2|1d6 dexterity damage|4 rounds|240
Bonded Arsenic|19|con 2|1d6 constitution damage|4 rounds|360
Matured Mindwilt Grass|19|con 2|1d6 intelligence damage|4 rounds|1260
Nightshade Milk|19|con 2|1d6 wisdom damage|4 rounds|1260
Seizure Poison|19|con 2|1d6 charisma damage|4 rounds|1260
Shadow Essence|20|con 2|1d3 strength drain|4 rounds|1500
Potent Hunter Spider Venom|20|con 2|1d3 dexterity drain|4 rounds|1500
Wyvernbarb Poison|20|con 2|1d3 constitution drain|4 rounds|2400
Infused Quickmist|20|con 2|1d3 intelligence drain|4 rounds|1200
Strong Nightmare Poison|20|con 2|1d3 wisdom drain|4 rounds|1200
Lich Dust|20|con 2|1d3 charisma drain|4 rounds|1200
Aggressive Valerian|21|con 2|stunned|4 rounds|1080
Toad's Horror|20|con 2|cowering|4 rounds|900
Brown Wandering|19|con 2|confused|4 rounds|720
Bonham's Numbness|18|con 2|paralyzed|4 rounds|1080
Loveflower Tears|20|Initial|suffocation|N/A|2160
Woundvenom|21|Initial|greatly intensified bleeding, bleeding on any attack|1 day|1260 [/table]

In addition to crafting the various poisons, an alchemically trained and adventurous individual might attempt to modify or combine different poisons into entirely new substances using the rules explained in the following pages.

Combine Sequence: Two different poisons can be combined into one in two ways, the first of which is sequence. The result of this process is a single dose of poison with equal potency as the two component poisons. This poison has a primary and a secondary effect; the primary effect happens only on the first interval, while the secondary effect happens on any following intervals until the duration expires. The save DC of this new poison is the average of the save DCs from the original two poisons, rounded down, or rounded up, at the cost of +1 to the craft DC. The craft DC of this process is equal to the
higher of the two poisons involved, +2.

If one of the poisons has the initial cure condition, it is can only be a primary effect in the new poison, but the cure condition becomes that of the other poison. If both poisons have the initial cure condition, either one can be primary or secondary, but the poison only has two intervals and two saves, interacting with the target as if they were two poisons inflicted on the target in two consecutive rounds, with the cure condition of any two.

In either case, the time required is equal to the craft DC -10, in hours, with no maturation time.

Combine Effects: This method of combining two different poisons into one increases the poison's strength by one step; two basic poisons result in one refined poison, and two refined poisons result in one complex poison. In addition to the two poisons combined, the attempt consumes two times the base costs of the two poisons in resources and additional reagents. The save DC of the resulting poison is equal to the average of the save DCs from the
original two poisons, rounded down, +4. The craft DC of this poison is equal to the higher of the two poisons' craft DCs, +6. The resulting poison has both of the effects of the original two poisons used to create it, occuring on each interval, with the same duration. The cure condition of 1 save or any 2 progresses to any 2 or 2 consecutive, respectively, while initial stays as is. Only poisons with the same cure condition can be used to combine their effects.

The time to combine the effects of two poisons into one is calculated as if one was crafting the resulting poison.

Combine Duration: Two identical poisons can be combined into one that contains alchemical timing agents. This increases the duration of the resulting poison, going from 4 rounds to 6, or doubling the durations of poisons with the initial cure condition. The craft DC is equal to the original poisons' craft DC +2, and the attempt takes four hours, regardless of the potency of the poisons combined.

Combine Concentration: With this moderately difficult procedure, two identical
poisons can be combined into one that is more difficult to resist. This increases the resulting poison's save DC by +2. The craft DC is equal to the original poisons' craft DC +4, and the attempt takes two hours, regardless of the potency of the poisons combined.

Modify Delivery: A poison with one delivery method, such as injury or inhalation, can be changed into another, such as contact. The attempt takes only one hour, and the craft DC is equal to the original poison's craft DC +2.

Separate Components: A poison can be alchemically separated in order to pass as two innocuous substances. The substances can then be further modified to have different delivery methods. Once combined, either in a target creature or a delivery tool, the substances become poison again. The craft DC for separation is at +4, an attempt requires 50% of the poison's base cost in additional substances and masking agents, and an attempt takes one hour for basic poisons, one day for refined poisons, and one week for complex poisons.

Slow Acting: A poison can be made slow acting, or the action can be delayed,
increasing the frequency or the onset time to either a day, week or month, regardless of the mechanism of action. This is often accomplished in order to hide both the poison and the poisoner. When the poisoned creature fails a save against a slow acting poison, it must make a Wisdom check with a DC equal to the poison's DC in order to realize what happened. A third party can use the heal skill to diagnose the poison after a save had been failed. The craft DC for slowing or delaying a poison is at +4, an attempt requires 50% of the poison's base cost in additional substances, and it takes a full day.

Masterwork Crafting: A skilled poisoner is capable of increasing the quality of the compound by using high quality materials and equipment. This increases the craft DC by +2 and the base cost by 50%, but also increases the save DC by 1, and makes the poison much more resistant to the passage of time or harsh environmental effects. This option can not be used with Unstable Crafting. The action increases the crafting time by two hours, and can be attempted even with finished compounds by recrafting them.

Unstable Crafting: Poisons can be crafted more easily and cheaply if they are not expected to last long. This decreases the base cost of the poison by 50%, and the craft DC by -2, but the resulting poison will only last for 1d3 days after completion, and will be easily destroyed if exposed to a common element selected by the crafter (such as sunlight, water, tropical climates, etc.). This option cannot be used with Masterwork Crafting.

How do you like the poisoner and poisons so far? Do you have any advice for the rest of my goals?

The Boz
2013-10-20, 06:31 AM
225 views and not a single comment? Really?
You make Boz a sad panda.

2013-10-20, 10:40 AM
This is very cool.
(Kneels).I request permission to use the poisoner and poison systems.:smallbiggrin:

The Boz
2013-10-20, 01:37 PM
Glad you like it. You're free to do whatever, just be sure to leave some feedback.

2013-10-20, 06:57 PM
Wikipedia-like cross-indexing:
Poison Feats and PrC (www.giantitp.com/forums/printthread.php?t=89314)

Snake-Blade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4889524&postcount=30) (PrC)- Straightforward meleeists focused on the use of poison. Who says only cowardly skulkers use toxins? (From the middle of the previous thread, and thus easy to miss).

Custom Poison Creation:

Enhance Poison (spell):

Unusual Poisons (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7805080#post7805080): Poisons that cause everything from fear to excessive ear-wax (which affects listen checks). Also my old Hunter's Friend (AKA "Mage Bane") and derivative ideas. Int damage and fast recovery allows low cost without upsetting game balance.

The Boz
2013-11-02, 12:34 PM
I would rather you comment on my own work than post a dozen links to other people's works in a hit-and-run manner.

2013-11-02, 10:10 PM
Well, it wasn't (only?) for you that the benefit was intended. It is more of a "service to the community" sort of thing.

And sorry, but I don't follow off-site links generally.

2013-11-02, 11:12 PM
And sorry, but I don't follow off-site links generally.

This. Unless it's a whole hombrew system or setting (which won't usually fit within the word limit), people aren't going to follow off site links.

Converted them for you though paragraphs may be off.

Some consider poisoning an evil act. The poisoner knows poison is just a tool toward an end, and is no different than any other weapon. Some poisoners see themselves as great equalizers, as they are able to craft weapons that the weakest of creatures can wield to devastating effect, but most have no lofty delusions about their work.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d8.

Starting Wealth: 4d6 x 10 gp (average 140gp). In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb
(Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks Per Level: 8 + Int modifier.

1st|+0|+0|+2|+0|Sneak Attack +1d6, Poisons: Basic
2nd|+1|+0|+3|+0|Rogue Talent, Poison Sense +1
3rd|+2|+1|+3|+1|Sneak Attack +2d6, Payload
4th|+3|+1|+4|+1|Rogue Talent, Uncanny Dodge
5th|+3|+1|+4|+1|Sneak Attack +3d6, Poison Sense +2
6th|+4|+2|+5|+2|Rogue Talent, Resistance: Basic Poisons
7th|+5|+2|+5|+2|Sneak Attack +4d6, Poisons: Refined
8th|+6/+1|+2|+6|+2|Rogue Talent, Poison Sense +3
9th|+6/+1|+3|+6|+3|Sneak Attack +5d6, Improved Uncanny Dodge
10th|+7/+2|+3|+7|+3|Rogue Talent, Advanced Talents
11th|+8/+3|+3|+7|+3|Sneak Attack +6d6, Poison Sense +4
12th|+9/+4|+4|+8|+4|Rogue Talent, Resistance: Refined Poisons
13th|+9/+4|+4|+8|+4|Sneak Attack +7d6, Poisons: Complex
14th|+10/+5|+4|+9|+4|Rogue Talent, Poison Sense +5
15th|+11/+6/+1|+5|+9|+5|Sneak Attack +8d6
16th|+12/+7/+2|+5|+10|+5|Rogue Talent
17th|+12/+7/+2|+5|+10|+5|Sneak Attack +9d6, Poison Sense +6
18th|+13/+8/+3|+6|+11|+6|Rogue Talent, Resistance: Complex Poisons
19th|+14/+9/+4|+6|+11|+6|Sneak Attack +10d6
20th|+15/+10/+5|+6|+12|+6|Rogue Talent, Poison Sense +7, Poison Strike[/table]

Weapon & Armor Proficiency: Poisoner rogues are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Class Features:

Sneak Attack: If a poisoner can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage. The poisoner's attack deals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the poisoner flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two poisoner levels thereafter. Should the poisoner score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a poisoner can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty. The poisoner must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot.

A poisoner cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.

Poisons (Ex): As a poisoner's studies progress, her mastery and use of these poisons progress as well. At 1st level, the poisoner masters all basic poisons, at 7th level, she masters all refined poisons, and at 13th level, she masters all complex poisons, rounding out her mastery of all toxic substances. Additionally, the poisoner starts with the feats Craft Poison and Poison Use.
A poisoner is most efficient when crafting and modifying poisons she has mastered, reducing all crafting and maturation times by half. Additionally, when combining concentrations or crafting masterwork poisons, the poisoner can increase the craft DC by up to her Int bonus, and increase the resulting poison's save DC by an equal amount.

Rogue Talent: As a poisoner gains experience, she learns a number of talents that aid her and confound her foes. Starting at 2nd level, a poisoner gains one rogue talent. She gains an additional rogue talent for every 2 levels of poisoner attained after 2nd level. A character cannot select an individual talent more than once.

Poison Sense (Ex): At 2nd level, a poisoner gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to danger from poison, giving her a +1 bonus to Perception skill checks made to locate poisoned food, traps, weapons or other items, and a +1 bonus to AC to avoid attacks by poisoned weapons. These bonuses rise to +2 when the rogue reaches 5th level, to +3 when she reaches 8th level, and so on every three levels until a maximum of +7 at 20th level. This ability stacks with Trap Finding, Trap Sense, or similar abilities where applicable.

Payload (Ex): At 3rd level and higher, a poisoner learns to appreciate the imporance of payload delivery. When attacking with poisoned weapons, the poisoner gains an attack bonus equal to her Int bonus. This only works against creatures that are not immune to poisons or precision damage (such as sneak attacks or critical hits).

Uncanny Dodge(Ex): Starting at 4th level, a poisoner can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Dex bonus to AC if immobilized. A character with this ability can still lose her Dex bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action (see Combat) against her.

If a character already has uncanny dodge from a different class, she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

Resistance (Ex): Thanks to her experience with and exposure to different kinds of poisons, the poisoner develops a resistance to toxins over time. This starts first at 6th level, at which point the poisoner rogue can apply her Poison Sense bonus to saves against basic poisons, increases to include refined poisons at 12th level, and finally to include complex poisons at 18th level.

Thanks to the added confidence that this resistance offers, the poisoner can benefit from either the Swift Poison or Lasting Poison rogue talents when applying poisons she is resistant to to weapons she is proficient with. Becoming resistant to refined poisions allows the poisoner to use Swift Poison as a swift action once per round, and Lasting Poison no longer has a reduced effect. Once resistant to complex poisons, the poisoner can use Swift Poison as a free action up to Int bonus times per round, and Lasting Poison lasts for Int bonus strikes instead of two (minimum two).

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A poisoner of 8th level or higher can no longer be flanked. This defense denies another rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target does. If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from another class, the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.

Advanced Talents: After 10th level, every time a poisoner gains a rogue talent, she may take an advanced talent instead.

Poison Strike (Ex): Upon reaching 20th level, a poisoner becomes incredibly deadly when dealing damage with poisoned weapons. Each time the poisoner hits a creature and inflicts a poison that the target fails to resist, that creature can be...

* put to sleep for 1d4 hours
* paralyzed for 2d6 rounds or permanently
* slain or rendered comatose for 1d6 days

Regardless of the effect chosen, the target receives a Fortitude save to negate the additional effect. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the poisoner's level + the poisoner's Int bonus. Once a creature has been the target of a Poison Strike, regardless of whether or not the save is made, that creature is immune to that poisoner's Poison Strike for 24 hours. Creatures that are immune to poisons, sneak attacks or precision damage are also immune to this ability.

A poison is a substance that interferes with the natural functions of a living creature's body, causing injury or death, typically requiring only a very small amount. The target of a poison may resist with a successful saving throw. Poisons can be delayed or cured with spells such as delay poison and neutralize poison.

Based on how they reach the target, poisons have four categories: contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury.

Contact: These poisons are delivered the moment a creature touches the poison with its bare skin. Such poisons can be used as injury poisons. Regardlesso of the method of delivery, contact poisons always have an onset time of 1 minute and a frequency of 1 round.

Ingested: These poisons are delivered when a creature eats or drinks the poison. Ingested poisons usually have an onset time of 10 minutes and a frequency of 1 minute.

Inhaled: These poisons are delivered the moment a creature enters an area
containing such poisons and breathes in. For most inhaled poisons, 1 dose fills a volume equal to a 10-foot cube. A creature can attempt to hold its breath while inside the area to avoid inhaling the toxin. A creature holding its breath receives a 50% chance of not having to make a Fortitude save each round. See the rules for holding your breath and suffocation. If a creature is holding its breath and fails the constitution check to continue doing so, rather than suffocating it begins to breathe normally again (and is subject to the effects of the inhaled poison if still in the area). Inhaled poisons do not have an onset time, have a frequency of 1 round, but are tied to the area instead of the affected creature.

Injury: These poisons are primarily delivered through the attacks of certain
creatures and through weapons coated in the toxin. Injury poisons do not have an onset time and have a frequency of 1 round.

Based on their potency, poisons have three categories: basic, refined, or complex.

Basic: These poisons are the most often encountered kind. They are relatively
easy to produce and are quite inexpensive, but have weak effects. Their
production time is measured in hours, and they have no maturation period.
Refined: Refined poisons have been improved through various alchemical processes. They are much more expensive and much harder to produce, but their effects are either stronger or more varied. The production time is measured in hours, but they have a maturation period measured in days.

Complex: The strongest poisons, and the most difficult to make. The production time for complex poisons is measured in days, but they all have a maturation period measured in weeks. Based on their Cure condition mechanics, poisons have four categories: initial, one save, any two saves, or two consecutive saves.

Initial: These poisons have a non-periodic effect, and have only one chance to resist: immediately upon introduction into the body. If this save is resisted, the poison has no effect, but if it is failed, the poison takes full effect. Successfully administering an antidote or offering medical help will allow for another save to be attempted, but without the usual bonus to it.

One save: A creature can attempt a save with every frequency interval, starting before the first. Success at any one save immediately ends the poison and stops further effects, but does not remove damage already done. This cure condition is most often found on basic poisons. Marked as "1 save" in the tables below.

Any two saves: As above, the affected creature can attempt a save every
frequency interval, but needs to succeed at two of these saves in order to cure itself of the poison. This cure condition is most often found on refined poisons. Marked as "any 2" in the tables below.

Two consecutive saves: As above, but the creature must accumulate two saves in a row. Failing a save resets the number of accumulated successes to 0. This cure condition is most often found on complex poisons. Marked as "con 2" in the tables below.

One dose of poison smeared on a weapon or some other object affects just a single target. A poisoned weapon or object retains its poison until the weapon scores a hit or the object is touched (unless the poison is wiped off before a target comes in contact with it). Applying poison to a weapon or single piece of ammunition is a standard action. Whenever you apply or ready a poison for use, there is a 5% chance that you expose yourself to the poison and must save against the poison as normal. This does not consume the dose of poison. Whenever you attack with a poisoned weapon, if the attack roll results in a natural 1, you expose yourself to the poison. This poison is consumed when the weapon strikes a creature or is touched by the wielder. If you have
the Poison Use class feature, you do not risk accidentally poisoning yourself when applying poison or attacking with a poisoned weapon.

Unlike other afflictions, multiple doses of the same poison “stack,” meaning that successive doses combine to increase the poison's DC and duration. Making your initial saving throw against a poison means stacking does not occur—the poison did not affect you and any later doses are treated independently. Likewise, if a poison has been cured or run its course (by you either making the saves or outlasting the poison's duration), stacking does not occur. However, if there is still poison active in you when you are attacked with that type of poison again, and you fail your initial save against the new
dose, the doses stack. This has two effects, which last until the poisons run their course.

Increased Duration: Increase the duration of the poison by 1/2 the amount listed in its duration entry.

Increased DC: Increase the poison's save DC by +2.

These increases are cumulative (a third dose adds another 1/2 of the duration to the duration and +2 to the DC, and so on). When affected by multiple doses of the same poison, you only make one saving throw at this higher DC when required by the frequency, rather than one saving throw against each dose of the poison.

Multiple doses do not alter the Cure condition of the Poison, and meeting that Cure condition ends all doses of the poison.

Applied contact poisons and injury poisons typically cannot inflict more than one dose of poison per weapon at a time (because the poison on the weapon only lasts for one successful attack before it wears off). Inhaled and ingested poisons can inflict multiple doses at once. Doses from different poisons do not stack—the effects of each are tracked separately.

Craft (alchemy) is the skill used to modify poisons, and that skill together with the Craft Poison feat can be used to produce poisons and combine them into new ones. The craft DC of a basic poison is initially equal to the poison's base DC, but will afterwards get modified by several different factors.

Table 1 – Basic Poisons, below, contains information about basic poisons, in injury form. The craft DC is equal to the Base DC for basic poisons, but it increases as per the crafting rules explained further below. The duration is listed in multiples of the interval, or frequency, of the poison. A poison with a duration of 1 anything, be it a round, minute, hour or day, will only have one interval. Only poisons with a duration of 1 have the initial cure condition. A creature affected by a poison makes a Fortitude save every round for as long as the duration has not expired and the cure condition has not been met. With each failed save, the creature suffers from the poison's effect. Ability penalty caused by a poison only persists as long as the poison is active, and can not lower an ability's effective value to below a 1.

Table 1 – Basic Poisons
{table=head]Base|DC|Cure Save|Effect|Duration|Cost
Venompetal|12|1 save|1d3 damage|4 rounds|20
Seven-leaf Poison|13|1 save|1d3 nonlethal damage|4 rounds|20
Wormtongue|10|1 save|1d3 strength penalty|4 rounds|35
Wasp Poison|10|1 save|1d3 dexterity penalty|4 rounds|35
Bloodthorn|10|1 save|1d3 constitution penalty|4 rounds|50
Brown MosExtract|10|1 save|1d3 intelligence penalty|4 rounds|30
Luminous Toadstool|10|1 save|1d3 wisdom penalty|4 rounds|30
Ooze Dust|10|1 save|1d3 charisma penalty|4 rounds|30
Spider Venom|11|1 save|1 strength damage|4 rounds|40
Grinning Root|11|1 save|1 dexterity damage|4 rounds|40
Arsenic|11|1 save|1 constitution damage|4 rounds|60
Mindwilt Grass|11|1 save|1 intelligence damage|4 rounds|35
Nightshade Extract|11|1 save|1 wisdom damage|4 rounds|35
Fitful Poison|11|1 save|1 charisma damage|4 rounds|35
Alchemic Valerian|13|1 save|fatigued|4 rounds|30
Redback Toad Poison|12|1 save|dazzled|4 rounds|25
Brown Toad Poison|11|1 save|fascinated|4 rounds|20
Bonham's Infection|10|1 save|sickened|4 rounds|30
Loveflower Paste|12|Initial|asleep|1 minute|60
Thinblood Venom|13|Initial|intensified bleeding|1 minute|35[/table]

Craft Poison: Those with the required skill at alchemy, as well as the Craft Poison feat and suitable alchemical equipment, can attempt to produce basic poisons from simple reagents and compounds. An attempt costs 50% of the poison's cost in gold, and takes an mount of time equal to the base DC -10 in hours, minimum one. The DC to craft a basic poison is equal to the base DC of the poison listed in Table 1 – Basic Poisons, above. The craft DC for poisons listed in Table 2 – Refined Poisons, below, is equal to the base DC +2, and on top of the production time that is calculated the same way but separated in two, at the start and at the end of the production cycle, refined poisons also
have a maturation time equal to the base DC -10 in days. The poisons listed in Table 3 – Complex Poisons have a craft DC equal to the base DC +4, and the maturation time is in weeks.

Table 2 - Refined Poisons
{table=head]Base|DC|Cure Save|Effect|Duration|Cost
Concentrated Venompetal|16|any 2|1d6 damage|4 rounds|120
Seven-leaf Grease|17|any 2|1d6 nonlethal damage|4 rounds|120
Wormtongue Paste|14|any 2|1d6 strength penalty|4 rounds|210
Giant Wasp Poison|14|any 2|1d6 dexterity penalty|4 rounds|210
Bloodthorn Juice|14|any 2|1d6 constitution penalty|4 rounds|300
Yellow Moss Extract|14|any 2|1d6 intelligence penalty|4 rounds|180
Luminous Toadstool Dust|14|any 2|1d6 wisdom penalty|4 rounds|180
Acidic Ooze Dust|14|any 2|1d6 charisma penalty|4 rounds|180
Medium Spider Venom|15|any 2|1d3 strength damage|4 rounds|240
Grinning Root Paste|15|any 2|1d3 dexterity damage|4 rounds|240
Arsenic Solution|15|any 2|1d3 constitution damage|4 rounds|360
Dried Mindwilt Grass|15|any 2|1d3 intelligence damage|4 rounds|210
Aged Nightshade Extract|15|any 2|1d3 wisdom damage|4 rounds|210
Strong Fitful Poison|15|any 2|1d3 charisma damage|4 rounds|210
Shadestuff|16|any 2|1 strength drain|4 rounds|250
Hunter Spider Venom|16|any 2|1 dexterity drain 4 rounds|250
Wyvern Poison|16|any 2|1 constitution drain|4 rounds|400
Quickmist|16|any 2|1 intelligence drain|4 rounds|200
Nightmare Poison|16|any 2|1 wisdom drain|4 rounds|200
Undead Dust|16|any 2|1 charisma drain|4 rounds|200
Refined Valerian|17|any 2|staggered|4 rounds|180
Toad's Vision|16|any 2|blind|4 rounds|150
Brown Toad Drop|15|any 2|dazed|4 rounds|120
Bonham's Strong Infection|14|any 2|nauseated|4 rounds|180
Loveflower Oil|16|Initial|comatose|1 hour|360
Venomblood|17|Initial|intensified bleeding, bleeding on critical or sneak attacks|1 hour|210 [/table]

Table 3 - Complex Poisons
{table=head]Base|DC|Cure Save|Effect|Duration|Cost
Alchemical Venom|20|con 2|1d12 damage|4 rounds|720
Seven Dreams 21|con 2|1d12 nonlethal damage|4 rounds|720
Wormtongue Essence|18|con 2|1d12 strength penalty|4 rounds|1260
Dire Swarm Poison|18|con 2|1d12 dexterity penalty|4 rounds|1260
Purified Bloodthorn|18|con 2|1d12 constitution penalty|4 rounds|1800
Potent Moss Extract|18|con 2|1d12 intelligence penalty|4 rounds|1080
Luminous Toadstool Extract|18|con 2|1d12 wisdom penalty|4 rounds| 1080
Acidic Ooze Extract|18|con 2|1d12 charisma penalty|4 rounds|1080
Huge Spider Venom|19|con 2|1d6 strength damage|4 rounds|240
Grinning Powder|19|con 2|1d6 dexterity damage|4 rounds|240
Bonded Arsenic|19|con 2|1d6 constitution damage|4 rounds|360
Matured Mindwilt Grass|19|con 2|1d6 intelligence damage|4 rounds|1260
Nightshade Milk|19|con 2|1d6 wisdom damage|4 rounds|1260
Seizure Poison|19|con 2|1d6 charisma damage|4 rounds|1260
Shadow Essence|20|con 2|1d3 strength drain|4 rounds|1500
Potent Hunter Spider Venom|20|con 2|1d3 dexterity drain|4 rounds|1500
Wyvernbarb Poison|20|con 2|1d3 constitution drain|4 rounds|2400
Infused Quickmist|20|con 2|1d3 intelligence drain|4 rounds|1200
Strong Nightmare Poison|20|con 2|1d3 wisdom drain|4 rounds|1200
Lich Dust|20|con 2|1d3 charisma drain|4 rounds|1200
Aggressive Valerian|21|con 2|stunned|4 rounds|1080
Toad's Horror|20|con 2|cowering|4 rounds|900
Brown Wandering|19|con 2|confused|4 rounds|720
Bonham's Numbness|18|con 2|paralyzed|4 rounds|1080
Loveflower Tears|20|Initial|suffocation|N/A|2160
Woundvenom|21|Initial|greatly intensified bleeding, bleeding on any attack|1 day|1260 [/table]

In addition to crafting the various poisons, an alchemically trained and adventurous individual might attempt to modify or combine different poisons into entirely new substances using the rules explained in the following pages.

Combine Sequence: Two different poisons can be combined into one in two ways, the first of which is sequence. The result of this process is a single dose of poison with equal potency as the two component poisons. This poison has a primary and a secondary effect; the primary effect happens only on the first interval, while the secondary effect happens on any following intervals until the duration expires. The save DC of this new poison is the average of the save DCs from the original two poisons, rounded down, or rounded up, at the cost of +1 to the craft DC. The craft DC of this process is equal to the
higher of the two poisons involved, +2.

If one of the poisons has the initial cure condition, it is can only be a primary effect in the new poison, but the cure condition becomes that of the other poison. If both poisons have the initial cure condition, either one can be primary or secondary, but the poison only has two intervals and two saves, interacting with the target as if they were two poisons inflicted on the target in two consecutive rounds, with the cure condition of any two.

In either case, the time required is equal to the craft DC -10, in hours, with no maturation time.

Combine Effects: This method of combining two different poisons into one increases the poison's strength by one step; two basic poisons result in one refined poison, and two refined poisons result in one complex poison. In addition to the two poisons combined, the attempt consumes two times the base costs of the two poisons in resources and additional reagents. The save DC of the resulting poison is equal to the average of the save DCs from the
original two poisons, rounded down, +4. The craft DC of this poison is equal to the higher of the two poisons' craft DCs, +6. The resulting poison has both of the effects of the original two poisons used to create it, occuring on each interval, with the same duration. The cure condition of 1 save or any 2 progresses to any 2 or 2 consecutive, respectively, while initial stays as is. Only poisons with the same cure condition can be used to combine their effects.

The time to combine the effects of two poisons into one is calculated as if one was crafting the resulting poison.

Combine Duration: Two identical poisons can be combined into one that contains alchemical timing agents. This increases the duration of the resulting poison, going from 4 rounds to 6, or doubling the durations of poisons with the initial cure condition. The craft DC is equal to the original poisons' craft DC +2, and the attempt takes four hours, regardless of the potency of the poisons combined.

Combine Concentration: With this moderately difficult procedure, two identical
poisons can be combined into one that is more difficult to resist. This increases the resulting poison's save DC by +2. The craft DC is equal to the original poisons' craft DC +4, and the attempt takes two hours, regardless of the potency of the poisons combined.

Modify Delivery: A poison with one delivery method, such as injury or inhalation, can be changed into another, such as contact. The attempt takes only one hour, and the craft DC is equal to the original poison's craft DC +2.

Separate Components: A poison can be alchemically separated in order to pass as two innocuous substances. The substances can then be further modified to have different delivery methods. Once combined, either in a target creature or a delivery tool, the substances become poison again. The craft DC for separation is at +4, an attempt requires 50% of the poison's base cost in additional substances and masking agents, and an attempt takes one hour for basic poisons, one day for refined poisons, and one week for complex poisons.

Slow Acting: A poison can be made slow acting, or the action can be delayed,
increasing the frequency or the onset time to either a day, week or month, regardless of the mechanism of action. This is often accomplished in order to hide both the poison and the poisoner. When the poisoned creature fails a save against a slow acting poison, it must make a Wisdom check with a DC equal to the poison's DC in order to realize what happened. A third party can use the heal skill to diagnose the poison after a save had been failed. The craft DC for slowing or delaying a poison is at +4, an attempt requires 50% of the poison's base cost in additional substances, and it takes a full day.

Masterwork Crafting: A skilled poisoner is capable of increasing the quality of the compound by using high quality materials and equipment. This increases the craft DC by +2 and the base cost by 50%, but also increases the save DC by 1, and makes the poison much more resistant to the passage of time or harsh environmental effects. This option can not be used with Unstable Crafting. The action increases the crafting time by two hours, and can be attempted even with finished compounds by recrafting them.

Unstable Crafting: Poisons can be crafted more easily and cheaply if they are not expected to last long. This decreases the base cost of the poison by 50%, and the craft DC by -2, but the resulting poison will only last for 1d3 days after completion, and will be easily destroyed if exposed to a common element selected by the crafter (such as sunlight, water, tropical climates, etc.). This option cannot be used with Masterwork Crafting.

The Boz
2013-11-03, 05:17 AM
Wow, Carl, thanks for that! I'll quote it into the OP!

2013-11-09, 12:09 PM
Well, without knowledge of PF's rogue talents(and the rogue itself), I can't really comment on the class.

I really should look over PF some time.

I might or might not look at the poison rules.