View Full Version : Polymorph Question

2013-10-12, 03:43 PM
Is there anything stopping someone from poly-morphing themselves into a human that has the maximum physical ability scores, aka an 18 in Str, Dex, and Con?

Mainly looking at this idea for a PC wyrmling steel dragon, that wants to be able to stay undercover for a bit but still be good at fighting.

2013-10-12, 05:59 PM
Theoretically I don't see why not...That's actually a good question... I mean a generic human would have 10 in all stats no? because I mean humans are the "standard" by which all races are held to as far as stats go...but there are exceptionals and differences amongst all/most humanoids.
In the end you would have to ask your DM if your the player, if your the DM it's really your call. Me personally I have no experience with players polymorphing into pc races from other none standard races, so I wouldn't know how to call it, but I imagine I would say it's fine, especially from a roleplaying point of view, after all there are worse things to change into.

2013-10-12, 06:25 PM
Is there anything stopping someone from poly-morphing themselves into a human that has the maximum physical ability scores, aka an 18 in Str, Dex, and Con?
This spell functions like alter self, except that you change the willing subject into another form of living creature.

You are effectively disguised as an average member of the new form’s race.
You don't get to be an exceptional Human; you get to be an average Human.

2013-10-12, 11:06 PM
Well, thats lame.

2013-10-12, 11:10 PM
You could always Polymorph into, say, a cave troll, then Alter Self into a half-giant, then Disguise Self as a well-built human...

You'd even retain your half-giant form for 10 times as long, since AS's duration is 10 min/lvl.

2013-10-12, 11:20 PM
For a dragon, there are two main solutions explicitly designed for them: Draconic Polymorph, a spell from Draconomicon which boosts your ability scores while polymorphing you, and Half-Dragon Form, a feat from Dragons of Eberron that lets you use your Alternate Form to take the form of a Half-Dragon.

2013-10-13, 01:33 AM
I really need to get Dragons of Eberron its one of the only PDFs that I don't have(that I am actually aware of) but I can't find a pdf version for sale on the internet anywhere :smallfrown:

Mr Adventurer
2013-10-13, 05:24 AM
For a dragon, there are two main solutions explicitly designed for them: Draconic Polymorph, a spell from Draconomicon which boosts your ability scores while polymorphing you, and Half-Dragon Form, a feat from Dragons of Eberron that lets you use your Alternate Form to take the form of a Half-Dragon.

Would this work on a Dragonfire Adept with the Humanoid Form invocation?

EDIT: I looked it up, you need Sorcerer level 5 and True Dragon, so you'd need to be a Dragonwrought Kobold and have Sorcerer levels... not so great.