View Full Version : Artifacts 2: The Search for the Perfect MacGuffin

2013-10-12, 06:40 PM
Hello forums!

So as a follow up to my previous two threads, I'm looking for an artifact to include in my Eberron game. I need something that would be of interest to the Blood of Vol, the Aurum, and a militant New Cyre trying to carve out a new kingdom in east Breland.

Anyone want to help me out?

2013-10-12, 08:54 PM
The Last Forge?

2013-10-12, 08:59 PM
The Machine of Lum the Mad.

You can never go wrong with anything that has "mad" in its name.

2013-10-12, 10:21 PM
An Eldritch Machine that has the ability to control DragonMarks. Not just control but create as well. Maybe even possibly bringing back the Mark of Death.

2013-10-13, 12:00 AM
An artifact which allows for controlling bucketloads of undead, or an item that empowers vampires. Either is very powerful for Blood of Vaul. Furthermore, the Aurum would seem to be naturally opposed to BoV, or maybe they're colluding? A new Cyre would be tougher to work into this angle, unless you hinted at BoV having something to do with their fall.

2013-10-13, 07:57 PM
An Eldritch Machine that has the ability to control DragonMarks. Not just control but create as well. Maybe even possibly bringing back the Mark of Death.

Did you have a certain sort of machine in mind? Something like the above Machine of Lum the Mad (speaking of which, where can I find rules on that?), or something like the magic pen the use to brand criminals and stuff?

2013-10-13, 11:22 PM
I didn't have anything specific in mind, I just thought the over all idea would fit really well with what you were looking for.

Blood of Vol obviously want it to bring back the mark of death, the Aurum could use it to gain a monopoly on all the services currently provided by the dragon marked houses, and new cyre could use it a a method of rebuilding a new more powerful country, or simply use it to give its people an edge when it comes to rebuilding without having to rely on the expense of the dragon marked houses.

The general guidelines for building an Eldritch Machine are in the Eberron Campaign Setting pg 273. Think of it as a harnessed wish spell, and flavour how you see fit...

Maybe a malfunction in this machine was what caused the Mourning. Maybe the dragons have recently found out about its existence and are none too happy to have the "lesser races" messing with their precious prophecy. Maybe The Lord of Blades has control of it but doesn't yet know how to use it or even what it does.
Maybe it's not a machine at all but a natural resource or mystical site deep within Khyber.

The great thing about a Macguffin is the ability to fluff it the way you see fit. Hopefully this is helpful.