View Full Version : Final 7 levels for a Red Dragon PC (3.P)

2013-10-13, 12:01 AM
Hi everybody, I've got a pc that I love playing and while the campaign he's a part of is currently a part of is on hiatus, I will play him again one way or another...

Anyways, Hes a red dragon using the savage progression from Dragon magazine 332 except my DM has let me ignore/buyoff the LA built into the progression.

I got up to level 6 before the campaign got paused and I know for certain that I'm taking him through level 13 of the savage progression which bassically means I've got everything a young red dragon out of the monster manual has got.

I still need to figure out exactly how I'm going to fill his remaining 7 levels. The Dm said its okay If I become a loredrake at 13 so instead of gaining a single sorcerer caster level I'm gaining 3.

I know seven levels doesn't leave a lot of room to cram power into what is otherwise not the worlds strongest build.

The character actually originated as a 4th edition sorcerer dragonborn that had been reflavored as a wyrmling red dragon. He took all the 4th ed. spells that were melee attacks and minor action atacks with daggers and refluffed them as claw and bite attack.

Because of his orignal build as a sorcerer I'd like to cram as much magic into this build as possible... in 7 levels...

Anything from 3.5 is available as is anything from pathfinder including retraining anything outside of class levels.

My current plan is to go Ur Priest 2/ mystic theurge 5 (entering using heighten spell/versatile spellcaster nonsense). this gives me 4th level sorcerer spells and 7th level cleric spells and rebuke undead.

Ok sorry that was such a long post. Basically what I want to know: is there any way to get more spellcasting out of those remaining 7 levels, or to increase the potency of the spell casting I'm squezing into those last levels?

2013-10-13, 01:18 AM
This is relevant to your interests. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=303204) Though I suppose I can also break out some specific advice, since you've gotten out of a bunch of LA.

My first thought would be to go for a Divine Conversion PrC, to scrape Ur Priest 9ths at the expense of your Sorc Casting, but you can't actually qualify for any of them with a CE alignment, and you might have difficulty getting the necessary skills or feats.

If you can make the shift over to NE and pick up Maximize Breath, Recover Breath, and Tempest Breath (maybe in place of your early entry stuff for Mystic Theurge), you could do something like Red Loredrake 13/Singer of Concordance 1/Ur Priest 2/Singer of Concordance +1/Mystic Theurge 2/Unholy Ravager of Tiamat 1. At 19th level you have 6th level Sorc Casting and 5th level Ur Priest casting, and at 20th, your effective Sorc levels are converted into Ur-Priest levels, meaning you get 9ths. Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis 1 would also work (in fact it's likely stronger mechanically as you don't have to burn so many feats on prereqs), but the fluff might be problematic.

Alternately, if that seems too cheesy or too complicated and you don't need the sheer power of spellcasting, 13 Dragon HD could be the basis of a solid melee build. You could be a Wyrm of War instead of a Loredrake, and put your last 7 levels into any number of different things. Warblade perhaps?