View Full Version : Explain True20 to me in short.

2013-10-13, 08:41 PM
Hey everybody I just happened across a few true20 books the other day and as I was pressed for time I did not sit down and read them all through to see if I would actually be interested in buying them.

Can somebody just give me a short version on what the base of true 20 is all about? I get that its a subset of the d20 OGL, that much is evident.

Im just wondering what is unique about True20.

2013-10-13, 11:26 PM


I haven't played it, but based on these, it seems to be a d20 variant that tries to improve on D&D, but still use the OGL. Sort of like what Legend seems to be (at least as far as I can tell).

According to the pages I linked, it does away with points - like hit points, or magic points, or experience points - replacing them with simplified things. It also seems to cover more genres - sort of like d20 modern/future/whatever.

Other than that, hopefully someone on this forum has actually played it and can confirm my guesses.