View Full Version : Unlimited wights?

2013-10-14, 03:57 PM
Can a cleric command a wight and have that wight spawn unlimited wights under the commanded wight's control, thus creating an army of potentially unlimited size?

It's even better if you had a template. Or worse, as the case may be.

2013-10-14, 04:00 PM
Yes, but he'd better hope that nothing happens to the "master" wight or else all those ones below him in the hierarchy become free-willed (and probably pretty unappreciative of the guy who was ordering them around).

Erik Vale
2013-10-14, 04:14 PM
Can a cleric command a wight and have that wight spawn unlimited wights under the commanded wight's control, thus creating an army of potentially unlimited size?

It's even better if you had a template. Or worse, as the case may be.

I'm looking forward to some slightly higher level undead spawners for Field of Blood, I see a unit of 100 level 1 warriors and turn it into 100 level 4 wrights.
"What's that? Crying Foul? I took undead leadership, it's not my fault you didn't."

But as ^ said, loosing their boss results in a large number of free willed spawning undead where you left them, that may well be pissed at you, and are quite capable of turning a city of level ones into a horde of spawners with some who just glutted on XP.

2013-10-14, 04:20 PM
That's why you have it command each one to tell each one it commands to follow you as if it were itself, and to repeat that order to its own commanded undead, and then stuff it in your favourite extradimensional storage space.

Lord Haart
2013-10-14, 04:21 PM
Unlimited wights? Sorry, but no. Any given Prime has but a limited number of appropriate victims (and even with a breeding program, a limited amount of space), and Planes, while usually infinite, have too high a density of high-powered highly territorial beings for this to fly.

A lot of wights? Sure thing.

The Viscount
2013-10-14, 05:09 PM
That's why you have it command each one to tell each one it commands to follow you as if it were itself, and to repeat that order to its own commanded undead, and then stuff it in your favourite extradimensional storage space.

Alternatively, be specific about how your control chain is set up. Don't do Master Wight -->50 wights, do Master Wight-->wight-->wight-->wight...etc. Does that make sense? This way if someone takes out the top wight you simply rebuke the one below it and re-establish the chain. I believe if someone takes out a wight in the middle the one below defaults to the control of the one above, but I'm not sure. If not, you can simply rebuke that lower wight, as it's only 4HD more, until you can link the chain again. You might want to use some sort of numbering system visible only to you to keep track.

Do remember that wights are intelligent and won't necessarily completely willing to help you in every way. This linear control chain enables them to play telephone with your orders, which might cause problems.

Also remember that the wightocalpyse should not see practicaly play in most games, as it makes everyone sad.

As a side note, I think with the right items and arbitrarily large amounts of money you can make an arbitrarily long karrnathi dread marshal rebuke chain.