View Full Version : Southbay (IC)

2013-10-14, 04:10 PM
The Southbay IC ThreadThe Southbay OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=308963)

As it stands, right now, you are at the highest rank you can be within the Southbay Watch while still working cases. Any higher and you'd be relegated to a desk jockey, ordering others around, dealing with paper work and - worse - the Guild Heads and their vague, often conflicting orders. But until such time as you are promoted further Commander Ashley Tress is your one and only supervisor. The two of you get along well, mostly because you're both very focused on (and very good at) your jobs. She's given you the latitude you need to pursue cases the way you think is right, and you've proven and re-proven that you deserve that latitude. It's a comfortable arrangement, all told.

You were recently assigned a new partner. He goes by "Silk," which you're pretty sure is not what his mother named him, but whatever. He has been watching you closely and learning very quickly. That's good. It means he's more and more capable of watching your back every day.

Your partner - Detective Arthur Benedict - outranks you. Not that that rankles you at all; the man clearly deserves it. You've learned a lot in the last year or so that you've been working with him.

The Southbay Guard snatched you up as soon as you applied. Apparently they are short on trained men, so your time at the Royal Academy made you an exceptional candidate. You were hoping to meet people more like you when you moved here, and while there certainly are half-elves you've been so busy with work the only people you think you've really met are Benedict, your immediate superior Commander Tress, and a whole bunch of criminals. Maybe if you took a little time off....

It's late summer and sweltering outside. You recently wrapped up a case involving a string of robberies. The suspect is in jail - he all but confessed when you brought him in - and now all that's left is the paperwork. It's a pain, but it's important. The better documented your case, the easier it is for you to defend yourselves if allegations of misconduct arise.

"Detectives Benedict, Ferrious, drop what you're doing." The voice belongs to Commander Tress, your immediate superior. She's standing in full uniform in front of your desk. Behind her is a young man - another Peace Officer, though less experienced than either of you - tugging nervously at his fingers. "You're talking Johnson's case, and he'll finish up whatever else your current case needs doing. Johnson will debrief you, come to me with any further questions." The Commander strides off leaving you with the younger, vaguely sweaty man.

The other officer (Johnson, you suppose) sits in a chair across Benedict's desk. "There's been a string of murders" he begins without preamble. "From what we can tell the victims were all choked with some sort of wire" he puts his hands around his neck to demonstrate "then when they're dead their corpses were, uh, mutilated." The way he says 'mutilated' makes it pretty clear he doesn't want to say much more on the subject.

"Uh, the first three victims were all nobody. Just guys living on the wrong side of town, you know? But the latest was some nob" he catches Benedict's eye "I'm sorry. A Lord, and the brother of a guy who runs most of the Inns around town. It's a pretty good business apparently, given how many people pass through Southbay and need a place to stay for just a few days. Good enough that he's got sympathizers on the Council of Guild Heads who are pressing the Commander to get it all sorted."

2013-10-14, 06:23 PM
Tch. Silk's eye dart to his partner, but move back to the junior officer. So now that someone important died, they want someone less green handling it, because back when it was just the peons, it didn't matter if the guy got caught. Oh. No offense, Johnson, I'm sure you would have caught him eventually. Silk didn't really care that Arthur might be offended by his statement, he was just hoping to catch a glimpse of the same righteous anger that Silk was feeling.

Silk wasn't in this to protect the rich and powerful, he actually wasn't even here to protect the poor, he was here to stop crime. Murder was a pretty bad crime, no matter the victim. But since the rich held all the strings, the puppets had to follow their orders. Do we have any leads? Let me look at the perp's dossier.

2013-10-14, 06:50 PM
Johnson looks uncomfortable for a second, then remarks "no leads. Not yet."

"All I really have is the names of the victims, and a distinct murder style. The first three were all found in the same general area and, given the brutality, I thought it was a serial killer. But the latest vic was murdered in his own damn home clear on the opposite side of town. So now I've been looking for things they have in common, but coming up with nil."

2013-10-14, 06:52 PM
Arthur Benedict studied "Peace Officer Johnson" intently as he spoke of the case and what he had been able to piece together so far. Idly making mental notes of Johnson's perspiration and tugging fingers. Nervous lad. I wonder if it is the case or the Commander that got under his skin. Well I suppose Tress can be a bit intimidating at times. Meanwhile, as if working on their own accord, his hand produced a pipe and the tobacco pouch from somewhere inside his uniform.

As Silk spoke up he raised an eyebrow slightly but on the inside he silently agreed to his less tactful partners assessment of the situation. Was I ever so young and outspoken? I guess I was once. He started to press some leaves from the pouch into the bowl as his thoughts aligned themselves. Enough of that. Focus old man. There is a trip.. No..Four means a possible serial killer or even a gang..

Hands working with the rehearsed motions of a mundane task performed so many times it could be done without the aid of higher brain functions, or any brain at all for that matter. It was practically an artform. He stopped his hands with a little effort at the mention of the mutilations, before letting them continue their dance routine with the tobacco. "Curious." Giving the leaves another small push for good measure as he continued. "Continue Johnson, how exactly was the bodies marred? And what about the timeframe. How far between the killings?"

2013-10-14, 06:57 PM
"Ugh" the expression on Johnson's face tells you both that this isn't exactly his favorite topic of conversation. Well. I mean, thank the good gods that this was done after they were killed... The vics were, erm, stabbed. Multiple times. Between the uh.... between the legs" the junior officer pales considerably as he recalls it.

2013-10-14, 07:07 PM
Heavens... Poor lad.. Having to have to see one of those cases this early in his career. Arthur asked the next question with a neutral voice and as calm as possible as if trying to not disturb the young officer more than necessary. "Anything.. Taken from the bodies? Trophies? Coins? What about the genders of the victims? "

2013-10-14, 09:12 PM
Nothing taken, no. Not even from the rich guy's house, which is a shock if you ask me.

The victims were all male. Let me see...

Johnson mutters to himself as he flips through the notes he has with him.

One Frederic Thompson was the first. Followed by Gregory Neil, then Joseph Spetz. Finally Lord Colleen Wiseman this morning. Like I said, all but the Lord were living low on the totem poll out beyond Angel Street.

Angel Street serves as the de facto boarder between the "okay" neighborhoods and the slums. It used to have a different name, but the new name stuck because if you need to cross Angel Street you better hope that Angels are watching over you.

All of these in less than two weeks, too! Your killer is really ambitious.

2013-10-14, 09:37 PM
Silk grimaced at the description, empathizing with Johnson. Yet as always, his partner took it in stride and proceeded with all of the right questions. Feeling useless, Silk pulled out a memopad and started jotting down notes. Noticing a lack of an answer, he looked up. Where they all morning murders?

2013-10-14, 10:47 PM
Johnson shrugs.

Most of the bodies were found a day or more after they were murdered. We don't have a specific time.

2013-10-15, 06:16 AM
Nodding in approval of Silks initiative Arthur dug in his mind after the things that might be important. If one overlooked the crucial questions, more might die during the time it took to remedy that mistake. Our killer, or killers, work quickly indeed.

Benedict reached down and opened a drawer in his desk and retrieved a small alchemical tinderbox and placed it on the desk. I have a hunch this might only be the beginning. "Did the other victims apart from Lord Wiseman have any family and where they killed in open street or somewhere more secluded? Where there any sign of forced entry at Wiseman's home?" Reaching for one of the tindertwigs and lighting it with a flick of the wrist letting the flame flicker a while before it's destined meet with the tobacco. Could the bodies have been moved to the crime scene after death? "Any signs of struggle on the part of the victims?"

Finally, he lit the pipe and put in the corner of his mouth. "Any witnesses for either murder?" Drawing in a some of the sweet smoke and glancing over toward Ferrious. Anything obvious we might have missed so far or should we leave Johnson with the paperwork? He exhaled. Of course there were something we missed. You always missed something. "Can you recall anything else that might seem unimportant but stuck in your head anyway?" First impressions can be deceiving, but it says something about the case.

2013-10-15, 09:23 AM
Johnson has to consult his notes again. He has a little bit of trouble with Benedict's rapid fire questions and keeps glancing from the senior back down to his note and then up again.

Umm... Thompson had a wife, I think? But no kids, and she didn't want to talk to us. Neil's neighbors say he was supposed to have his nephew living with him, but I couldn't find him anywhere. His name was Samuel, I think? On, no it was Seth. That's right, made a note of it here. Spetz didn't have family that I could find.

Lord Wiseman's got his brother of course, like I said, but also a young bride. I haven't really gotten a chance to talk to her.

The first three bodies were all found in alleyways - another reason why I thought we were dealing with a serial killer. But Wiseman was found in his home. There was a broken window around the back, which is probably how his murderer got in.

Finding a witness for a murder on the other side of Angel Street is like finding a needle in a haystack, only all the pieces of hay will swear up and down to be a needle for just a few silver and the needle will tell you it's a piece of hay until its blue in the face.

2013-10-15, 02:44 PM
Silk nodded to himself as he wrote everything the man said down. You're right about the needle and the hay, and that's why you press the one who claims to be hay. Which leads me to want to talk to the uh.. Looking down at his writing, he follows the words he scrawled down until he finds what he was looking for to be missing.

The woman, Thompson's wife. If she was unwilling to talk, it may be that she knows something, or it may be that she is scared she knows something, either way, I want to know what that something is. Finding this boy...

Silk frowned at his terrible handwriting and then looked back up Seth. Seth should be a priority, because who knows what he is going through right now. And lastly, we need to find a connection between these victims. It could be that this nob was corrupt and dealing with the other victims. Maybe the perp got screwed out of a deal by the gang or maybe he's some sort of vigilante. Who knows, he's a criminal either way, but if we can figure out his motives, we can figure out where he'll be.

Frowning again, Silk bit his thumb and flipped through the half dozen pages of scribbles he had. Did you go back and check the other houses for break ins? It may be that the nob job got the killer uneasy and he got flighty when he though someone was coming home. Maybe he just didn't finish the job as normal. But you didn't answer if there were signs of a struggle.

Suddenly aware that his partner was smoking, he blow the little smoke that wandered his way back at Arthur. Disgusting habit, and he's even doing it indoors. We'll never get the smell out of the wood. But knowing the relationship Arthur has with their boss, his junior says nothing.

2013-10-16, 05:48 AM
Benedict listens to the young officer as he answers his questions. "Good work with the case so far Johnson." They are right both of them and later you realize that the problem was that all the hay were needles anyway. But the wrong size. "Detective Ferrious is correct regarding the question of the struggle though. Where there any signs or were the victims taken in complete surprise?" Resting the pipe in his hand as he continues. "There are at least two things that bothers me about this case.. The killing method suggests stealth and planning but the mutilations suggest a crime of passion. Secondly, nothing was taken.. If the killer was from Angel street that is... Strange. "

2013-10-16, 02:01 PM
Silk frowned at his senior, looked down at his notes then back at his senior. Sir, both of those issues are easily explained by one simple assumption: the killer is zealous about something, and these people insult whatever it is the killer is zealous about. If that assumption is true, the killer is methodical because he is intelligent, and passionate because he fervently believes those he acts against are sinners. To steal from the crime scene would sully his divine or morale or ethical or whatever purpose. If that assumption is false, then the killer might also be simply insane, I suppose. Or maybe it really is some nob whose got too much time on his hands and took up murder as a past time. Bah, like those people who go on fox hunts.

Silk shook his head and stopped talking, realizing he was starting to let his own prejudice get the better of him.

2013-10-16, 03:23 PM
Johnson lets out a low whistle.

You better hope the Lord Wiseman was just an innocent bystander in this. I'd hate to be in your shoes, if you gotta make accusations against a guy like that.

Yeah, there was a struggle. I'd struggle, too, if some toss was strangling me. Can't do much to determine if the struggle happened before or after the rope was around the neck, though.

It sounds like you two got this pretty tightly in hand. Here, let me give you this

He tears a page out of his notebook.

It's got all the victim's addresses on it. I doubt Thompson's wife has moved - the house was nice, for the area anyways. I'm guessin she's put a lot of work into it. Her name was.... he checks his notes again Esmy. Esmpy Thompson. Good luck with that, woman is as stubborn as a mule. I tried talking to her once. Eh, maybe you'll have better luck.

2013-10-17, 02:09 PM
Nodding in agreement with the pipe once again firmly in the corner of his mouth Arthur opens another drawer and pulls out a stack of papers. "Either of those possibilities are bothersome in different ways." He sighs. "If it is religious we might have more than one killer and if the murderer is insane.. Then there is will most likely be more widows before this is over." I would hate the paperwork if it came to that...

Benedict gets up from his chair and takes his large overcoat from the hanger in the corner before turning his gaze back towards the others. "We will see where this trail leads us and take it from there." He hands the large stack of papers to the young man and takes the torn page in exchange. "These are all yours Officer Johnson and good luck." Turning towards his younger companion. "Detective Ferrius? I believe it is time for us to see if we can get some more answers from the Widow Thompson." And without further ceremony he heads out through the door.

2013-10-17, 02:40 PM
The area the address leads you to is fulled of cramped houses and winding alleyways filled with trash that make navigation difficult, but this is your city and you find the place without having to ask for help. Which is good, because in this area you don't think you could get it.

It's still light out and you carry yourselves like armed men, so you're left alone. You do get some appraising looks, but the thugs you pass evidently decide that you wouldn't be worth the trouble.

Like Johnson said, the little house you find at the end of your trek is well cared for - considering the area. It's even got a little planter out front full of flowers, the only green visible in the narrow street. The windows have bars on them, but so do all the other windows in this area.

A heavy knock on the front door yields no results. A second knock elicits a clamor from inside and a tired, feminine voice calls out just a minute.

A few seconds later a woman in a sleeping gown with mussed up hair opens the door as far as the chain will allow and peers out at you. What do you want?

2013-10-17, 04:23 PM
I'm sorry, did we wake you? I would ask for a better time to come back, but this is urgent. I'm detective Ferrious, this is Detective Benedict. May we come in? Silk smiles an obviously forced smile that can't quite mask the stress he is trying to make obvious. Hopefully I can convince her I'm on her side in this. The fact we don't have her testimony means either the job has been butchered or she isn't willing to talk to Johnson. But if I can get her to talk to me, maybe it'll give us a crucial clue.

2013-10-18, 09:54 AM
Detectives? The woman looks over her shoulder back into the house.

I guess I can't just leave you out on the doorstep. She shuts the door to undo the chain, then holds it open for you. The house its self is small and appointed with gaudy furniture - like the kind you'd pick out if you'd never actually seen high-quality, but were trying to imitate it. It's mostly wooden with cushions in garish, clashing colors. The woman herself is actually kind of pretty now that you get a look at her. She's got dirty blond hair that falls past her shoulders in soft waves and a clear complexion marred only by a single scar beneath her left eye.

I'm sorry about my appearance she says timidly once you're inside and the door has been shut and re-locked behind you. I've been working nights. If you give me a second, I'll go change. She disappears into a backroom. You probably have a moment or two to dig around, if that's what you want.

2013-10-18, 07:40 PM
You look fine, don't worry. But I'm sure you'd rather not talk in a robe, we'll wait for you. Silk says smoothly. Silk appraises the room, then turns to his superior. She seems reasonable. Johnson seemed to imply she refused to talk at all.

[roll0] spot to look around, not searching, just trying to see if anything catches his eyes
[roll1] appraising the room. Whatever that means.

2013-10-19, 08:09 AM
Letting his younger colleague do the talking while studying the face and woman before them. There is no clear signs of grief.. But then again you can't really show weakness down here. It might be a facade. Following Silk inside the building. "Thank you for letting us in Madam and take your time."

He scans the room and makes mental notes of the furniture and general layout of the room as well as of things that seems to not belong. A persons home speaks a lot about the persons mind.

Benedict nodded in acknowledgement of Ferrious words
"She might have been in shock at the time. Her husband had just been murdered after all."

Still in the process of mapping the house in his mind, Arthur gave voice to his thoughts.
"This is a very nice house for the area isn't it? Seems like either Frederic or Esmpy makes a bit more money then the rest of the neighborhood."

Sense Motive:+8 [roll0], To try to assess Esmpy's state of mind, acting nervous or the like.

Spot:+4 [roll1], The same as Silk

Knowledge (Local) take ten if possible otherwise [roll2]
For average income in this area and if this is unusually luxurious.

2013-10-19, 10:49 AM
As Esmy is leaving, well, she's an attractive lady and it's been a while, and you can't help but notice the big bruises up and down her otherwise pretty legs. They're old now, and healing, but definitely still there. Whatever it was that caused them happened maybe a week ago. She didn't have any on her face or forearms, though; they were only in places that are normally covered by clothing. The only reason you had a chance to see them was because she answered the door in a sleeping gown. Even then, you very much doubt that a man who wasn't as *ahem* attentive as you were would have picked up on them.

The room its self conforms pretty well to your original assessment. It seems to belong to someone with a little bit of steady money whose not accustomed to having a little bit of steady money, and just spent it on whatever they thought people were supposed to spend it on.

Esmy doesn't seem particularly upset to have lost her husband. She seems more agitated than anything else to have you and your partner here in her living room. She's also a little scared, though you're not quite sure of what.

The stuff in here is a cut above normal for this neighborhood. Down here people make things stretch and furniture is used, patched, and used some more until it practically falls apart. In a glaring contradiction to that, the stuff in here all seems pretty well cared for. None of it is new - there are no signs of recent, sudden influxes of money - it seems more like whoever lived here had higher steady income than the normal residents of the area, but then why stay in this dangerous neighborhood?

You don't have an awful lot of time to talk before Esmy returns. She's dressed more appropriately now, in a nice but not overly showy dress. What are you boys here about, then? She lowers herself onto the end of a couch and gestures to the space next to her and to a comfortable looking chair across from her - an invitation to sit.

2013-10-19, 04:49 PM
Silk spoke with Arthur a bit while the lady was gone, giving him his observations. Clearly, she is not used to her current wealth. Anyone could see there is more money invested in this room alone than in half the rest of the street, but yet they are still living in the bad side of town, and the furniture is... tacky at best. I'm pretty suspicious of foul play. I also noticed some old and healing bruises on her legs; all over them actually. No where else though, that I could see. Implications are clear there. Silk cleared his throat. And she is working night, she said.


When Esmy returned Silk smiled warmly at her again, this time letting it look much less forced, but clear that he is stressed. Silk gave Arthur a long look, then returned his gaze back to Esmy. Ah, well a couple of reasons really. The second of which being that we were asked to see if you had any comments of your late husband, hopefully some info that might help officer Johnson, since we were coming out anyways. I'll get to our main reason for being here in a minute, once we clear up this tangent. I'm hoping you can shed some light in this area.

Silk pulled out his notepad and a pencil, then looked up from it at her, giving her a look that said Sorry about this. Then added For your own sake, I hope you can help. Our second order of business here would be much easier on all of us if you showed to be cooperating in this.

2013-10-19, 05:54 PM
Esmy quietly crosses her legs and stares up at Ferrious from where she is sitting on the couch with a doe-in-the-headlights expression.

I'm afraid I don't understand what you're asking, officer. Perhaps you could say your question more directly?

2013-10-19, 07:00 PM
Silk chuckled nervously. Yes. I'll try to be more direct. Do you have any idea why someone may have wanted your husband dead? Did he have any enemies? Did he have any dealings with a man named... Silk checked his papers, pausing as he read his notes A man named Gregory Neil, or Joseph Spetz? Perhaps both even. Perhaps even Lord Colleen Wiseman or Sir Tomas Hardman? The last name he made up entirely, because if she responded to that name, he'd know she was lying. Always leaves them plenty of room to lie. Silk thought before looking back up from his notes to appraise her.

Sense Motive on anything she says. On Everything she says.


And a second one if you decide I need more than one, such as if she has 2 statements that I need to sense separately.

Maybe even a third? Probably not though.

2013-10-20, 09:07 AM
Esmy seems to have expected to be asked about Neil and Spetz, but she fidgets slightly when you mention Lord Wiseman. She shows no reaction at all to the name "Hardman."

When she speaks it's pretty clear to you that the woman is just hoping that you're going to go away soon.

I've already spoken to the other Officer. Johnson, did you say his name was? He asked all of these questions. I have no idea whether or not Frederic had any enemies. He was a very private man, and I was home when he was killed out on the streets.

I'm sorry, I really can't be of any more help. Maybe if you found a witness?

2013-10-20, 03:51 PM
Using a smooth but steady voice Arthur picked up the conversation as Esmy replied to Silk. Using his body language to appear relaxed and to make the conversation seem more friendly and non-threatening, like the talk of old friends rather than an actual questioning. "Then we apologize for bringing this up again. Officer Johnson claimed you had not been very talkative at all, so perhaps he forgot to mention that you already answered those questions." During the entire conversation Benedict remained standing and he made no effort of disguising the fact he was looking around the room and appraising the furniture. "This is certainly a very nice home for the area Miss Thompson."

"You mentioned earlier that you worked nights.. What did your late husband do for a living?" Arthur paused and turned towards the newly widowed woman. "I you don't mind me asking. How do you know where you were at the time Frederic died?" Trying to read her face. She knows more than she is letting on. "I do hope these questions do not bring you to much discomfort."

Diplomacy:[roll0] Trying to make her a bit more talkative and cooperative
sense motive: [roll1] How does she react to the questions apart from the obvious responses.

2013-10-20, 04:05 PM
It's pretty clear to you that Esmy is giving you as little as possible while still answering your questions.

He worked security for some local family. That's a pretty way of saying that he was a hired thug.

I know where I was because I'm always at home - if I'm not working - and I hadn't been working very often in the days before he died. Making up for that now, mind you, which is a pain.

If you don't mind me saying so, Detectives, I don't much like talking about Frederic. I do hope you catch whoever killed him, but I've been as much help as I think I can reasonably be expected to be. Now, what was that second issue you wanted to discuss?

2013-10-20, 04:23 PM
Oh, that. Silk said slightly annoyed. Some of the kind people nearby have been reporting that the local richgirl Esmy has been doing some illegal dealings. I've gotten about thirty reports that claims you've committed enough crimes that there must be two of you. I'm not sure why they are so upset with you, but I get the feeling the community is just going to loot your house if we arrest you, so I'd like to not do that. I was hoping you'd be a key witness for this other case, and I could use that as leverage to convince my superiors that there is too much at stake to risk arresting you, but you clearly can't help us, so I can't help you. Silk sighed, looking as if he's given up.

Obviously I couldn't tell you this before we questioned you, or you'd give us tons of random and false information just to save yourself. Oh well, my hands are tied now. Silk reached into a bag on his hip and produced a pair of manacles. This is really a formalty, but would you like to commit on the accusations against you? You name the crime, you've been accused of it. A few of the nastier ones even accused you of kill-- never mind. I'm sorry.

[roll0] Bluff. Ick. Darn it. Well, even if she suspects me of lying, she has no way of knowing really.
Do I need to sense motive every post?

2013-10-20, 04:29 PM
No, you do not need to re-roll sense motive every post :smallwink:

Esmy glares at Ferrious, looks back at Benedict, then - in a move you weren't suspecting - calmly and with a neutral expression on her face holds her wrists out towards you, close enough together that you can cuff her easily.

Through all of this she doesn't say a word, then in the few seconds before you can move to put handcuffs on her she mutters This s**t was all Frederic's anyways.

2013-10-20, 04:50 PM
Silk sighs. Ugh. Come on, do you have any idea how much paperwork we are going to have to fill out on trumped up, bull**** charges? I don't want to arrest you. It's a waste of my time, your time, and the time of the other officer's at the station. I want to have a good reason not to arrest you. Do you really have nothing you can tell us that I can use to keep you out of jail? Silk rubs his forehead, then takes a gamble.

Let's go at this a different way. Your bruises, why don't you tell me about where they came from?

2013-10-20, 05:03 PM
Esmy's face flashes surprise for a moment, but not confusion - she knows exactly what bruises you are talking about. She lowers her arms when it becomes clear that you're not going to arrest her.

You want to know about my bruises, detective? Let me tell you something you're not as eager to hear; I didn't kill my husband you think perhaps that is the first completely honest thing she's said since you arrived here but I feel nothing but gratitude for the woman who did. He was scum. Worse than scum. And if you drag me in front of a judge and say that I killed him, I'll say that I killed him too, because I wish I had.

2013-10-20, 05:12 PM
Silk smiled at her. If your implications are true, then I am also glad your husband isn't around. However, what of the other deaths? Did they deserve it too? You know, if you had reported the abuse, we could have done something about it... but vigilantism is not permitted. I know you feel an affection for this woman, but we need to find her and stop her. She's already killed three other people. She doesn't have the right to be the judge, jury and executioner for people. Nobody does. Any judge would have despised Frederic's sorry ass. But what of these other's? We don't even know that they have families, so I'm not convinced they are abusive to their wives. Hard to be when you don't have one.

Silk withdrew the manacles and replaced them in his bag. You've been helpful, and I'm thankful for that. I'm also glad I didn't have to arrest you. Pretty ones don't last long in jail, unfortunately. If you think your husband was bad, say clear of getting locked up for anything, because we have much worse people behind our bars now. Anyways, if all this crap is Frederic's, mind if we poke around and try to connect him to the other victims?

2013-10-20, 05:46 PM
Esmy stands and crosses to Silk, wrapping her arms around one of his unless he does something to physically stop her. They did deserve it. I promise you that. So why don't you report back to your bosses that Wiseman did all the killings then offed himself, or something? She presses her body a little more 'generously' against Silk's side I can make it worth your while.

2013-10-20, 06:00 PM
Silk blushed, and smiled, shaking his head. As much as I am sure I would enjoy that, I swore an oath, and I intend to uphold it. If I allow one pretty face, even if it is very, very pretty, to corrupt my standards, I'm no better than those cops who run around getting paid off, am I? Besides, if the woman you mentioned kills again, that'll put a pretty big whole in my story. Plus, why would Wiseman kill himself in the manner he did? Not even sure it's possible.

Silk looked up at her. Sorry, even if they deserved it, we can't let someone run around declaring themselves above the law. Even if I think those men deserved to die, they did deserve a trial first. That's how the system works. I really am sorry it has to be this way. If he can get her to turn herself in, I will personally make it my mission to see she gets charged with crimes of passion and vigilantism instead of murder.

2013-10-21, 10:05 AM
Esmy lets go of Silk and takes a few dejected steps backwards. It will be sad to see you jaded, Detective.

You can look around the house if you like. You'll find nothing of interest here. With that she walks off into the back room, content to let you show yourselves out when you are finished.

2013-10-21, 01:40 PM
Silk sighs and slumps a bit. Well, we best get to looking around, I guess. He says, feeling a little dejected himself. Let me know if you find anything.

Without any further ado, Silk sets off to searching through the house for anything of interest.

[roll0] or take 20 to search for anything useful.

2013-10-21, 02:20 PM
Esmy stays out of your way. As predicted, nothing of interest can be found. The house seems pretty common; a sitting room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. The only papers are a few books with a fine layer of dust on them, and the only weapons are a few knives in the kitchen area.

2013-10-21, 04:08 PM
With a pained look at the both of them as the events unfolds Benedict can't help to give voice to his thoughts. "Sadly, becoming jaded is more of a survival instinct in some jobs than anything else madam, and I think you know that better than most." Content to leave the searching of the house to his very competent younger associative Arthur walks up to Esmy while Silk turns the place upside down.

Pacing a bit around the room before stopping and looking Esmy straight in the eyes with his own. The old detective makes a gesture as for her to follow his train of thought without interrupting.
"While you don't have to answer any of these ramblings in any way, perhaps we could take your silence as one?" He raises one eyebrow as if asking if that was doable. Taking her silence as confirmation he proceeded. "You already said you knew the killer was a woman and I dare guess what those four dead men did to deserve the mutilation of their bodies but we have to follow this through or someone is going to start a witchhunt and then we both knows that is going to spell hell on Angel street." Worse than usual anyways.. He paused and sought her confirmation that she indeed did understand the situation. "You know the Counsel can't let a murder of a lord go unpunished even if they choose to punish the wrong people. We need the truth to prevent this. If I say it like this.. I believe Fredric and the other two were working for Wiseman." It explains the wealth.. "Why did Wiseman need thugs? Did he use them to "find" girls?" This case is starting to taste like droppings of angel street, and not the kind that is remotely healthy for plantlife either.

Maybe she won't tell us anything more but she has still been a treasure trove of information so far..

So then I won't need a sense motive or a diplomacy roll in this post? I will asume I do until I know better. :smallsmile:
Sense motive: [roll0]To see if she agrees with the assumptions
Diplomacy [roll1] To appeal to her sense of not letting the lords burn down half the town and send innocents to the gallows.

2013-10-22, 04:17 PM
Esmy doesn't respond to Benedict when he approaches her. She listens quietly to what he says.

When the detective says that he believes that Fredric and the other two were working for Wiseman she inclines her head slightly. That's a yes, then.

When Benedict asks if he used them to "find" girls Esmy looks off into the middle distance for a moment as if thinking, then looks back at Benedict and shrugs. What is that? It's not maybe. Perhaps it is sort of?

2013-10-23, 05:53 AM
Hmm.. I guess I don't have the full scenario figured out yet.. Benedict gives a grateful nod towards the woman. "Thank you Esmy." He took a step in the direction of Silk before turning back with a undecipherable look in his eyes. "One last thing before we leave you to your business." He hesitates a second before speaking. "When we arrived I could feel that you were afraid of something or someone. But it wasn't us. Are you in any danger we could help you deal with?"

2013-10-23, 03:40 PM
You are kind, Detective, but I do not fear for myself. Esmy smiles sadly. I wish you wisdom and discretion in your endeavors.

2013-10-23, 04:12 PM
Arthur, Silk says as he enters the room. If there is anything worth finding here, it's disguised as something entirely mundane. We should go look into other leads.

Silk looks at Esmy for a long moment, reddens as his thoughts wander, then clears his mind and nods. Thank you for your time, miss. Sorry for interrupting your sleep. He says sounding professional; a model detective. Unfortunately, he breaks character by smiling and waving good bye as he turns to leave.

2013-10-23, 05:43 PM
"I will take the advice to heart Esmy, Goodnight" Chuckling softly at his friends reddened cheeks, that itself an unusual event, Benedict follows his blushing companion out on the street.

As the duo walk beyond hearing distance, Arthur speaks in a low but approving voice. "Good gamble there Silk. Your instincts are getting sharper by the day. Let's go see the Wiseman residence before the trail gets cold." Carefully scanning the immediate area without looking like he is doing anything of the sort, the old detective walks on towards their new goal. There is murder in the air here and I'd be damned if I let us be strangled in the middle of this investigation.

2013-10-24, 10:19 AM
The journey to the Wiseman residence is a long one - it's clear across town - but it passes uneventfully.

You find the address listed in Johnson's notes. It's a large estate done mostly in white stone with many long, skinny windows and a front garden full of trees and shrubberies that are a rare luxury within the city. A knock at the door summons a tall, dower looking man in a well tailored suit and white gloves. Good evening, Sirs he says in the most dignified of all possible manners. What brings you to the Wiseman Residence?

2013-10-27, 07:34 PM
Benedict thought over the new information and the dramatic development the case recently had taken over and over in his head and he hardly noticed the time it took to traverse the streets leading to the Wiseman residence.

Arthur sobers up and is thrown back into reality as they are addressed by a man whom he presumes is the butler of the household. "Good evening to you as well Sir." Arthur offered the man at the door the courtesy he had learned during the many years of fraternising with the nobles of the city. That was of course a long time ago. Before the loss of the Benedict fortune.

"I am Detective Arthur Benedict and this is my colleague Detective Silk Ferrious." He pauses a short while as is custom after the introduction before continuing. "As to the reason to our visit, it is in a matter of the gravest sort. We are here to investigate the murder of late Lord Colleen Wiseman and perhaps it is more prudent to talk of these matters inside of the premises instead of out on the street. May we come in?"

2013-10-30, 12:49 PM
The butler (presumably) seems to stand even straighter and more ridigly.

If Sirs would be so inclined to present themselves at the back door he points left, presumably in the direction you'd have to go in to get there I'll see to their needs there.

2013-10-30, 07:13 PM
Silk frowns, but nods. You take the lead here Arthur, lest I say something to upset the delicate nature of the nobs around here. He says, both recognizing Arthur's superior grace when speaking, and noting his disdain for fluffy, meaningless talk, and the nobles who insist on it.

2013-10-31, 07:00 PM
Benedict makes a courtly nod towards the presumed butler. "Much obliged." Then he leaves for the other entrance.

When they are out of earshot he speaks up in a low voice. "I know how you feel about the nobles Detective Ferrius but try to not let it show too much when we get inside. I'd hate to miss out on the tea and crumpets." Arthur says with a hint of dry humor. "Regardless.. Did you notice how stiff he got as I stated our business?" This might be harder than getting Esmy to talk.. "I suggest you keep eyes and ears open and memorize anything your guts tell you if I get swamped in idle pleasantries."

2013-10-31, 08:36 PM
You mean when you get swamped in idle bull- I'm sorry, "pleasantries"? Silk smiled weakly. I'll try to be good. And take accurate notes. When they ask why I am looking around so much, maybe you should inform them I've never been in such a high class house before.

Silk's smile faded. That butler annoys me. He's hiding something, but for all we know it's something trivial and a waste of our time to investigate like that his father's uncle's sister is of ill birth, or maybe it's that his secret mistress's son's girlfriend's step-cousin is the murderer and he's hiding her here. At least the commonfolk lie about reasonable things. Noble are just messy with their lies, and their webs are thick, even when covering up who passed gas.

2013-11-03, 05:00 PM
Even though you are completely sure that the Butler's walk was shorter than yours, you end up having to wait a few moments longer at the side entrance.

Good evening, sirs he says smoothly, as if greeting you for the first time. I am Jenkins, Butler to Lady Wiseman. How might I be of assistance?

2013-11-07, 02:50 PM
Benedict was appearing perfectly calm outwards but he was flinching on the inside at the mention of Lady Wiseman. How could I have forgotten Lord Wiseman was married? Get it together old fool. Arthur observed the butler and tried to get a sense of who he was and what he was thinking.
Arthur nodded at the greeting and spoke up. "Good evening Jenkins. As we said earlier, we are investigating the murder of Lord Wiseman. Would you mind answering a few questions?" Raising his brow at the last word.

Before Jenkins had a chance to answer he added. "Perhaps you would be so kind as to let us inside as the night is rather chilly."

Sense motive: [roll0]

Knowledge (nobility and royalty) [roll1]
Knowledge (local) [roll2]

2013-11-08, 06:16 AM
Silk remains quiet, watching the Butler, careful not to miss anything, but also careful not to seem interested either.

[roll0] Sense Motive
[roll1] Spot to see anything... my gut told me to roll spot, I donno why.

2013-11-21, 02:03 PM
Jenkiins steps from the doorway to permit the two of you inside a large, well cleaned kitchen. There is a mat just beneath your feet when you first step inside, and a small area clear of any counters or tables - probably for receiving deliveries. There are a number of stoves and ovens along the inner wall

A grisly affair. I discovered the body myself.

That was a lie. He didn't even try to hide it, not really. He doesn't take you - or your investigation - seriously.

The Wiseman's are old, old money. Old even by the standards of the Peerage. You know the kind. The kids were probably raised to think that the law, and by extension policemen, was something to keep commoners in their places.

You heard a while back that the younger Wiseman brother married a young Lady (capital 'L') from the Boyden family. The family isn't particularly noteworthy, but the Lady herself is said to be quite beautiful - a luxury born from needing neither a better name nor more money, you suppose. You weren't invited to the wedding.

Today the Wiseman's have their fingers in just about every industry in the city. Though they don't own a great deal of land, what they do own is well developed and all profitable. The older brother (You think his name is Jaeter) sits on the Council of Guildmasters as the representative of the Hospitality Guild, which is responsible for the inns and bars around Southbay. It's lucrative.

A number of women in black dresses and white aprons are busy about the kitchen. None of them give you any notice. We've done our best to shield the young lady from the whole situation. I'm sure you won't make that any more difficult than it already is.

It occurs to you that this kitchen is probably larger than Esmy's whole house. The Butler seems earnest enough. There are slight differences in the clothing of the various busy women bustling around the kitchen. Perhaps denoting differences in rank?

2013-11-21, 07:14 PM
Silk smiled and nodded to the man, but internally he was furious at the butler. Oh no, we best not do our job right, lest we make the Gods damned Lady of the house fret about her murdered husband. That would be tragic of she wept for him, wouldn't it, ye bastard? Well frack that, I'm going to do my damn job.

A number of other thoughts floated to the surface of his mind, but the majority of them were more vulgar than coherent, even, nay especially, the coherent ones. How is the Lady? Poor thing.

Silk asked, absently, before letting his eyes trail off to watch the activity in the kitchen, as of he only just barely cared about the whole case.

2013-12-09, 11:08 AM
My Lady is in mourning. The death of her husband has come particularly hard to her, given that he leaves her no children to comfort her and the violence of his final moments. We've done our up most to soften the blow. Which is why, if you do not mind Officers, I would very much like to speed you on your way - lest the Young Lady be upset further.

2013-12-14, 08:58 AM
This is a worse mess then I thought... No wonder the chief set us on this rather than poor Johnson. He is obviously holding back what he knows.

Stiffening at the butlers word and suddenly exuding an aura of cold authority he met the mans judging eyes with a his own.
"I am sorry if I gave you the impression that your and the Lady's cooperation in this matter were optional, Sir. The fact stands that we are here under the orders of Lord Jaeter Wiseman to find out who murdered his brother, and we expect this households full cooperation in this matter."

Keeping his eyes locked with Jenkins.

"Now, Sir. As you claim that you were the one who found Lord Wiseman's body we would like to speak with you first. Away from the gossiping ears of the other servants. If you would be so kind as to lead us to the scene of the crime this investigation will take far less time than if we have to search the entire building ourselves."

I suppose this might count more as intimidation than diplomacy or a combination of the two? I will roll both then you can decide.

2013-12-18, 07:50 PM
For a second Jenkins returns Benedict's stare with matched authority and rigidity, but then he blinks.

It so happens, sir, that we might fulfill both functions within the Late Lord's personal study. It's private, and also where I found him... well... yes, perhaps it is better that we speak away from the others. He shoots the nearby maids distrustful looks, and only after they continue making an effort to look busy do you realize that they had stopped.

It's rather a long walk from the Kitchens to the Study - not so long as it might have been in a country manor, this is the city after all and land is at a premium, but long none the less. There is hardly a square inch of wall space not covered with an irate-looking portrait or some impressive tapestry, and plush carpet runs beneath your feet from a few feet out of the kitchen onwards.

When Jenkins finally swings open an inconspicuous door to what you assume is the study, you find you have to take a step downwards into the room. It's cool, dark and filled with books. A fireplace along the wall to your right occupies perhaps the only few feet not covered in papers (in fact, the fireplace is intelligently given a rather wide berth).

The Butler closes the door firmly behind the three of you once you've passed inside and fastidiously straightens his jacket. This is where I found Lord Wiseman's body.

2013-12-18, 09:46 PM
I'll take a peek around, Arthur, while you discuss things with our host. Silk said, graciously as he could. As soon as he turned his back on the butler he made a face of utter disgust at having to sound anything but hostile while within earshot of the annoying butler.

Silk looked around, but didn't look in any real detail yet, as he'd do that after the butler left.

So, a spot check, not a search check.

[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Sense motive on anything the butler says while Arthur questions him.

2014-01-31, 04:46 AM
This is a rather small space.. Benedict looked around the room to get a feel for the crimescene before turning back to the butler. "Jenkins.. Can you be so kind as to describe the room as you found it on the time of the murder. Try to remember everything that seemed outsiders of place." How could a murderer get in here without being seen on the way in or out..My guts tell me they can't unless they climbed in through the fireplace.. The old detective walked up to the mantlepice and took a peek inside. "Was the door locked? Was there a fire burning in the fireplace? Was there any sign of a struggle?" Glancing back towards the butler and Ferrious. I hope there was.. Other options would mean he experted and knew his killer and that somehow the household is involved. No! Stop that! See were the evidence lead. Don't go jumping to conclusions old fool. "What time did you find the lords body?"

Search and Spot [roll0],[roll1]
sense motive [roll2]
knowledge architecture and engineering for if you could entertainer through the fireplace [roll3]
And a unmoddified roll if needed for any thing just in case: [roll4]