View Full Version : New file for power attack and manovers calculations

2013-10-15, 10:58 AM
Hi people,

I have finished an excel file that

calculates mean attack damage for each available power attack value
takes variables such as common feats, natural attacks, extra attacks, charge...
lets you enter your usual melee weapons to swap between them in 2 clicks
allows enemy variables such as AC, damage reduction, immunity to crits...
plots the result for 1 attack or a full attack
computes your chance to perform a bullrush, a grapple or a trip attack in another section that takes additionnal parameters in input
allows enemy variables such as AC, damage reduction, immunity to crits...

How to use it

the italic fieldsare variables supposed to be changed
the grayed fields are derived variables not supposed to be changed
the black fields are names not supposed to be changed
except the italic fields, all is protected to avoid mistakes but there's no password

We use it in my group, I would like to share it with you so that you

benefit from it
tell me how to improve it (design / functionalities)
help me to correct the remaining bugs

It's much more evoluted than anything comparable I've seen so far, hence, I wouldn't be surprised minor errors remain.
If needed, I will also provide help for the house rules (leap attack seems different from one table to another, mine is for sure using a house rule).

Since I cannot upload the file on the forum, PM me your mail or send so that I send you the file and please give me your input. Those who want to upload it somewhere else can do it if they ask me first (that will be a yes, but I want to keep the comments coming and don't want my mail to spread on the web in clear form).

I started this on Excel years ago, I won't port it on LibreOffice even if that would be my software of choice had I to start again from scratch.

Hope that helps.
If you're happy with it, your warrior is allowed to pray the minor deity of maths / sciences in his world as a reward. :smalltongue: