View Full Version : Masterwork tools and sources of mundane circonstance bonuses

2013-10-15, 11:40 AM
Tool, masterwork
This well-made item is the perfect tool for the job. It grants a +2 circumstance bonus on a related skill check (if any). Bonuses provided by multiple masterwork items used toward the same skill check do not stack.
50 GP

It usually takes no slot but hands, seems to have unlimited uses most of the time. Its cost make it worth 500 / 167 days of work of unqualified / qualified worker, not counting material, which seems enough to give quite a lot of latitude to define what it is.

However, what is it ? It's not defined for each competence, so one has to guess one for each.

I tried to gather the sources of mundane circonstance bonuses for each competence and to find what a masterwork tool could be for this competence. However, some advice on these ideas are welcome and there are holes left to fill.

Here's the list:

Scale, Merchant's, +2 for precious materials, 2, 1 lb (PHB)
Magnifying Glass, Light fires as full round action in bright sunlight, +2 circ for small / detailed objects, 100, 0 lb (PHB)
Jeweler's Loupe, +1 circ with art/gems/jewelry, 0 lb, 20 (A&EG 24)
Balance Pole, +2 circ, 5, 5 lbs (CAdv)
Spelunker's Kit, +2 circ on Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, and Survival checks when in tough-to-access areas or cramped spaces . This kit includes a headlamp, head protection, protective clothing, gloves, kneepads, and heavy boots. 5 lbs, 80 (UD 67)
Crampons, +2 circ to Balance checks on ice, +2 to Climb checks, -10 ft speed not on ice/snow, 5, 1 lb (FB)

Climber's Kit, +2 circ, 80, 5 lbs (PHB)
Spelunker's Kit, +2 circ on Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, and Survival checks when in tough-to-access areas or cramped spaces . This kit includes a headlamp, head protection, protective clothing, gloves, kneepads, and heavy boots. 5 lbs, 80 (UD 67)
Spider Kit, +2 circ, legs allow climber to stop and free up his hands, 110, 5 lbs (DotU 92)
Spider Poles, Forms 10 ft high ladder that can bear 200 lbs, +1 circ, 35, 8 lbs (A&EG)
Ascender/Slider, +1 circ when using a single rope, can make controlled falls, 20, 1 lb (A&EG)
Rope Climber, Assists climbing up a rope (but not down), +5 to Climb checks but ascend at half normal climbing speed, 15, 3 lbs (RoF)
Crampons, +2 circ to Balance checks on ice, +2 to Climb checks, -10 ft speed not on ice/snow, 5, 1 lb (FB)
Grappling Ladder (10 ft), DC for any Climb check above 10 reduced to 10, 40, 8 lb (Dun)

Alchemist’s Lab
Artisan's Tools, Masterwork, +2 circ, 55, 5 lbs(PHB)
Armour Maintenance Kit, +2 circ to Craft (armoursmithing) checks to repair armour, 1, 1 lb (A&EG)
Decipher Script
Code dictionnary ?
Beautiful outfit ?
Glamerweave Rhinestone Battle piece of clothing, +1 circ, 0 lb, 101, (ECS 122)
Disable Device
Thieves' Tools, Masterwork, +2 circ to Disable Device and Open Locks checks, 100, 2 lbs (PHB)
Thieves' Tools, Masterwork Longspoon, As longspoon thieves' tools, but +2 circ to checks, 150, 3 lbs (CAdv)
A set of masterwork wigs ?
Jester's Kit, +1 circ to Perform skills related to jesters and +1 circ to Disguise skill checks to avoid recognition, 10, 5 lbs (A&EG)
Double-Sided Clothes, 2 minutes to reverse clothing, provides +5 to Disguise checks, 50, 8 lbs (SaS)
Escape Artist
Hidden sheath with pins and lubrifiant ?
Spelunker's Kit, +2 circ on Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, and Survival checks when in tough-to-access areas or cramped spaces . This kit includes a headlamp, head protection, protective clothing, gloves, kneepads, and heavy boots. 5 lbs, 80 (UD 67)
Armour Netcutter Spikes, As armour spikes, +4 circ bonus on Str or Escape Artist checks to escape from entangling effects, 200, 10 lbs (RotW)
Forger's kit, +2 circ, 40 (CAdv)
Gather Information

Handle Animal
Animal Training Kit, +2 circ, 15 lbs, 75 (CAdv)
Animal Training Pole, +2 circ to teach a task, 10, 3 lbs (A&EG)
Leash and Muzzle, Masterwork, Medium, +1 circ, 20.8, 0 lb (A&EG)
Medecine encyclopedia / healer's tools ?
Dark cloak ?
Cloak, Forester's, +1 circ in forests, 20, 3 lbs (A&EG)
Darkweave Silk piece of clothing, +1 circ under shadowy or dark conditions, 0 lb, 108 (ECS 122)
Banner/Standard, +2 to checks to Spot be seen from a distance, 30+, 10 lbs (A&EG)
Bodysuit, Black, +2 circ in dark situations, 30, 1 lb (A&EG 30)
Armour Camouflage, +2 circ in for specific set terrain, 300, 2 lbs (UD)
Scabbard ?


Sextant, +2 circ to Knowledge (geography) checks to set and hold course, 250, 10 lbs (SW)
Planar Atlas, +2 comp to Knowledge (planes), 25, 2 lbs (PlaH 71)
Related book ?
Thieving Helmet, +1 circ, 10, 1 lb (A&EG)
Listening Cone, +3 Circ to listen through a door, +10 through stone walls, 20, 0 lb (Dun)
Move Silently
Silent shoe soles ?
Forestwarden Shroud, No malus to tumble & move silently through undergrowth, 100, 2 lbs (RotW 167)
Shoes, Silent, +1 circ, 10, 1 lb (A&EG)
Armour Muffling, +2 circ, 300, 2 lbs (UD)
Open Lock
Thieves' Tools, Masterwork, +2 circ to Disable Device and Open Locks checks, 100, 2 lbs (PHB)
Thieves' Tools, Masterwork Longspoon, As longspoon thieves' tools, but +2 circ to checks, 150, 3 lbs (CAdv)
Perform music
Musical Instrument, Masterwork (PHB)
Musical Instrument, Masterwork, +2 circ, 100, 3 lbs +2 to Perform checks PHB
Elven Harp, +3 circ, 150, 2 lbs (RotW)
Perform danse
Dance sleepers (would take slot)
Perform seduction
Lingerie ?
Perform singing, speaking
Dais ? (wouldn't move)
Perform jester
Jester's Kit, +1 circ to Perform skills related to jesters and +1 circ to Disguise skill checks to avoid recognition, 10, 5 lbs (A&EG)
Tool, Masterwork, +2 circ on related skill check, 50, 1 lb (PHB)
Navigator's Kit, +2 circ to Survival checks and Profession (sailor) to navigate at sea, +2 to Profession (cartographer) checks to make maps, 250, 8 lbs (A&EG)
Saddle, Masterwork Military, +1 circ, +2 additional circ to stay in saddle, 210, 40 lb (CAdv)
Saddle, Masterwork Riding, +1 circ, 180, 30 lb (CAdv)
Saddle, Masterwork Military, +2 circ to stay in saddle, 20, 30 lb (PHB)
Armour Riding Straps, +1 circ, 200, 0 lb (RoS)
Inquisitive's Kit, +4 circ on some search checks to find clues, 4 lbs, 300 (ECS 122)
Lens ?
Sense Motive

Sleight Of Hand
Pair of pincers ?
Fingerblades, +1 to pick pockets, 20, 0 lb (A&EG)
Speak Language
Foreign dictionnary ?
Academic book ?
Arcane Lab, +2 untyped to determine if a new spell is viable, 500, 40 lbs (TaB)

Compass ?
Navigator's Kit, +2 circ to Survival checks and Profession (sailor) to navigate at sea, +2 to Profession (cartographer) checks to make maps, 250, 8 lbs (A&EG)
Spelunker's Kit, +2 circ on Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, and Survival checks when in tough-to-access areas or cramped spaces. This kit includes a headlamp, head protection, protective clothing, gloves, kneepads, and heavy boots. 5 lbs, 80 (UD 67)
Animal Call, Mimics specific animal, +1 circ when hunting that animal, 20, 0 lb (A&EG)
Fishing Tackle, +1 circ to gather food around bodies of water that contain fish, 20, 5 lbs (A&EG)
Fowler's Snare, +1 circ when catching fowl, 20, 5 lbs (A&EG)
Honey Leather, Small Tarpaulin, +1 to Survival checks against severe weather, +2 if stationary, 15, 0.25 lb (RotW)
Swim fins ?
Flotation bladder, +4 untyped, 2 (Dun)
Armour Keel, +2 circ, 50, 2 lbs (SW)
Swimmer's Kit, + 2 circ, 15, 5 lbs (A&EG)
Forestwarden Shroud, No malus to tumble & move silently through undergrowth, 100, 2 lbs (RotW 167)
Use Magic Device

Use Rope
Rope ? Book about knots ?
Rope, Elven (20 ft), DC 25 to burst, +3 circ, 50, 5 lbs (A&EG)
Rope, Silk (50 ft), DC 24 to break, +2 circ, 10, 5 lbs (PHB)

Would you please help me fill and correct the list ? As a DM, what would you allow as masterwork item ?
Thanks by advance

2013-10-15, 11:51 AM
Truespeak: a megaphone
UMD: universal remote control/sonic screwdriver
Iaijutsu Focus: scabbard grease
Autohypnosis: meditation marbles

2013-10-15, 11:56 AM
Masterwork tool for Spellcraft, Psicraft and Knowledge: an Encyclopedia. And to get the bonus, you have to get out it out and have it in hand while making the check.

Masterwork tool for Bluff, Gather Information, and Diplomacy: fancy clothes and makeup

Masterwork tool for Concentration and Autohypnosis: special incense

Masterwork tool for Decipher Script and Speak Language: Codebooks and Linguistic dictionaries

Masterwork tool for Intimidate: fake blood and other scary makeup.

Masterwork tool for Jump: running shoes (because the Jump DC's assume a running start).

Masterwork tool for Sense Motive: The Dummies Guide to Lie Detecting.

Masterwork tool for Spot and Search: bifocal glasses

Masterwork tool for Use Magic Device: The Dummies Guide to Magic Items.

Masterwork tool for Truespeak: Truespeak dictionary; must have in hand to gain bonus.

In order to cut down on abuse, I would make the tools not always easy to use in the heat of battle or weigh a lot--like the books for instance. And, in some cases--like the running shoes--they take up slots.

2013-10-15, 11:58 AM
Or as I like to roleplay, "A Moron's Guide to..."

2013-10-15, 03:02 PM
UMD - Book entitled "Lies to Tell Magic Items"

2013-10-15, 03:14 PM
Doesn't Grissom bust out the 'good stuff' for fingerprint lifting sometimes?
Masterwork 'good stuff' powder can help with trap detecting and disarming.

How about a mild paralytic cream to deadpan your face for more successful bluffing or intimidating?

2013-10-15, 04:57 PM
I really like most of your suggestions and will ask my Dm what he thinks about them.

In my opinion, disable device is an happy exception already covered by the book, I wouldn't allow a second masterwork item so I won't push further.

However, I'm not fully satisfied by a few of them:
- I don't fully picture what is needed to gather information effectively. If looking local or inspire confidence is needed, a set of various cloths is probably indeed a good way to boost your skill check.
- Concentration tests are usually made in the heat of the battle. I can imagine how in real life incent could help you staying focused in your office but not really how you would not be distracted by a blow. Casters can allow a hand free so using it to hold an item wouldn't hurt that much.
- Shoes and boots are already a slot usually filled for warrior classes, in particular for jump, so it wouldn't stack with the usual items used for this skill. Furthermore, if you use it for another kind of item, you can't swap during the battle so it would become useless once you found a useful magic item in this slot and hurt the physical classes more than others (once more). Wouldn't a shoe sole allowing a good rebound or a good grip make a good job while avoid distorting the game balance further ?

2013-10-15, 05:57 PM
- I don't fully picture what is needed to gather information effectively.
Booze. Also works well for Diplomacy.