View Full Version : Melee Attacker that relies on touch AC for damage?

2013-10-15, 09:49 PM
What sort of character can you make, that is melee and relies on his attackes hitting against a touch AC instead of a full armor AC.

2013-10-15, 09:51 PM
Poison needle rings.


Hm... jerk with Persisted Wraithstrike.

Warlocks. All of them. Glaive for melee.

Gish with Thunderlance.

2013-10-15, 10:49 PM
PsyWar using Deep Impact/Fell Shot/Unavoidable Strike and Psionic Meditation + Psicrystal Containment (+hustle) to refocus quickly.

John Longarrow
2013-10-15, 11:39 PM

Trippers, Grapplers, Overrunners, Bull Rushers...

Look at the special attacks section of the PHB.

2013-10-16, 12:02 AM
There are several ways to achieve Incorporeal.

2013-10-16, 12:08 AM
My two favorites: Ice Axe and Flame Blade.

2013-10-16, 03:05 AM
There is also persistent Wraithstrike gish...

EDIT: Nevermind, Snowbluff did it first.

But fun spells are Scimitar of Sand and Blade of Pain And Fear.

Effectively, the character with most options to strike the touch AC would be a gish.. Or a druid. Or a DMM persist SotAO Paladin(this build is actually fun) or Archivist.

2013-10-16, 03:29 AM
One level of Wizard, Sorcerer, Spellthief, Suel Arcanamach, etc. allows you to freely use Wands of Wraithstrike. Put one in a wand chamber on your weapon and you're good. Or as others have said, just use Persistent Spell with it.

Something I came up with when XPH first came out: Psychic Warrior 8, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Psionic Meditation, Psionic Weapon, Deep Impact, Power Attack, and the Hustle power, with a Falchion for threat range. Spring Attack in and Power Attack for full, use Deep Impact to make it a touch attack, and Spring Attack away. Manifest Hustle and recover your psionic focus. Doesn't really get enough powerpoints/day to spam it, but you can jump right into Psychic Weapon Master (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040827d).

2013-10-16, 08:18 AM
Add Warblade using Stormguard Warrior to the list.

Also, it's worth mentioning that it's a poor metagame strategy to rely mostly/solely on hitting your enemy's touch AC. It just encourages your DM to have enemies with high touch AC, or more enemies. Instead, consider just having it as a spell or combo that you bust out occasionally, when you really need it.

2013-10-16, 01:09 PM
I would strongly advise against Persistent Wraithstrike. It's metagame-warping. Seeing as the DM knows you always have it, he can adapt his monsters to make it irrelevant, if he wants to.

I'd suggest Limiting yourself to Extend Spell, and casting Extended Wraithstrike 2-3 times per day, when you need it. That's more than enough oomph to punch through a tough encounter, without having the DM work against you.

2013-10-16, 03:28 PM
A psy-war/warblade alternating between Deep Impact and Emerald Razor. Does not require power points and has an available movement every round if you charge during Deep Impact rounds.

2013-10-16, 04:32 PM
EDIT: Nevermind, Snowbluff did it first.

*puts on hipster glasses*


2013-10-16, 04:41 PM
Brilliant Energy enchanted weapon.

2013-10-16, 05:33 PM
Brilliant Energy enchanted weapon.

"We've secretly replaced his touch attacks with real Brilliant Energy crystals. Let's see if he notices."

(Brilliant energy is actually kind of a knockoff; it's no good against natural armor, which is awfully common, and literally worse than useless against undead and constructs, since you can't turn it off.)

2013-10-16, 05:41 PM
"We've secretly replaced his touch attacks with real Brilliant Energy crystals. Let's see if he notices."

(Brilliant energy is actually kind of a knockoff; it's no good against natural armor, which is awfully common, and literally worse than useless against undead and constructs, since you can't turn it off.)This. Brilliant energy sucks, considering how expensive it is. Don't bother.

Also, this. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15474863#post15474863) Yay monks. Note that incorporeals ignore objects but not creatures, and so we have incorporeal touch attacks. Doesn't work with (Improved) Mage Armor, Shield, Inertial Armor, or Force Screen, but otherwise is quite excellent, for a number of reasons.

A level of ghost (with Ghostly Grasp or ghost touch equipment) can work as well, and there are many advantages to being a ghost (and a few disadvantages, most of which can be overcome with a little optimization).