View Full Version : [3.P] Help deciding on feats

Feint's End
2013-10-16, 08:38 AM
So as some of you might have realized during the last few days I'm going to change my character in a current game to this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=211265) class. After I have decided for a class to play (my old character kinda collided with another one in the group when it comes to role) I'm kinda stuck on which feats to take.
I kinda thought about taking ability focus (Lunar Radiance) but except for that I'm really not sure.

My main role is gonna be partyface, cc/supportcaster, ranged/blaster (currently we lack cc, ranged and blasting and even though we have a bard the player isn't good at playing a face so I got that covered too).

My stats are str 11 dex 16 con 15 int 13 wis 12 cha 18 if that should be relevant. Skillwise I focus on socialskills, perception (being half-elf with skillfocus (perception) helps enorm // using the PF race here), UMD and acrobatics (because ... acrobatics are freaking awesome :D)

I'm looking for feats now to increase my cc/blasting abilities. Any suggestions are welcome on where to go with them since I'm not experienced with optimizing something like this using this class.

Thanks in advance!

Feint's End
2013-10-16, 10:42 PM
selfpump. Anyone :smalleek:

2013-10-16, 11:49 PM
Check out ThiagoMartell's Warlock Handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=252715) - it seems to me that the same principles apply to both, and since you're using a homebrew class you can ask your DM to use some of the same feats. A difference is that warlocks have a touch-attack eldritch blast, but Lunar Radiance relies on your Cha, so it's good to have a high DC. To that end, Ability Focus is a fine choice. Skill Focus: UMD is nice at low levels, but useless at high levels, so whether you take that depends on your game. Toughness is good for any character now, and Defensive Combat Training is good for a low-BAB character like yours too.

The rest depend on what your DM agrees to let your character take. Offense is greater than Defense, and Quicken Spell-like Ability would be a boon to your character.

On a side-note, I didn't see UMD or Escape Artist on your list of skills, nor Diplomacy or Bluff. I recommend all 4 of those, in this order: UMD, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Bluff.