View Full Version : Drow Campaign of Erelhei-Cinlu

2013-10-16, 03:03 PM
“Matron Sereska, I have the names you requested…” The Dark elf bowed deep enough to show respect but not too deep to be taken as an insult.

“Alyolin the Draegloth: a loyal member of house Vae; brutal and cunning as any drow.
Relonor a fighter skilled with his cross bow, Vuz Ral’Gos the Wizard and Shedu his pet. All loyal members of the house but far enough away from the family to take the fall if they fail…” Vorn’s smirk was venomous; he loved the thought of lesser drow being put in their place…

”Excellent, bring them to me… I must lay my eyes on them to see if they are fit for the tasks ahead…” Matron Sereska’s voice sent chills down every lesser drows’ spine. Cold, distant and deadly where the words muttered far outside of earshot.

Vorn again bowed, turned and quickly left as he had done thousands of times prior. His hands lovingly caressing the blades hidden under his belt.

Individually, All of you are summoned by Vorn and told to follow him to Matron Sereska’s study.

”All of you have been selected by myself and Vorn for a drastic mission in the name of House Vae. We currently reside at the bottom of the house hierarchy but that will change by your hands….” Mother Matron carefully looks each and every one of you over, seeing nothing wrong.

”You are given a great opportunity, one that most drow lust for in their sleep… You are to gain power for the house very rapidly. Be it Military powers outside the houses, Trading Agreements or even Assassination of key players in other houses… the choice is yours to make…”

”Actually Mother Matron,” Vorn spoke up finally. ”Our house crafter has requested a minor mission from the house…. Fitting as a beginning for these young drow… and their associates. He claims there is a shop in the Ghetto of Outcasts that has a up and coming artificer. He wants his book of schematics… to further the items he already produces.” Vorn smiled yet again waiting for the party to respond.

2013-10-16, 03:37 PM

It was annoying to be summoned - particularly by a male Drow - it was somewhat insulting. But than Vorn had the ear of the Matron so could not be simply ignored.

Striding into the chamber the draegloth bowed low to its sister - that one at least required respect to be shown to it.

It examined the others a wizard, a warrior and a slave - trying to place the heritage of that last was bothersome, but the creature was certainly formidable - how the wizard controlled it would be noted.
Still the group was largely expandable - a poor sign.

So they would have anonymity in there tasks that was well ...

As Vorn cut off the Matron and contradicted her Alyolin smiled slightly thought it looked more like a snarl - the male should have waited to allow the Matron to finish and begged to offer a suggestion, he could have been bold and stated that he believed he had a suitable task at his superiors sufferance - instead a blunt contradiction before other members of the house?
How the Matron handled this would be telling.

Whisper rider
2013-10-16, 10:42 PM
Renolor enters with Haste to the room, He´s a soldier, always ready when it´s called.

Without uttering a word, he simply followed the male drow to the chamber where mother matron was waiting.

Relonor Q'Xorlarrin- mother matron, your will... be done.

And waited quietly for her to speak.

2013-10-17, 07:54 AM

Probably anyone in the hooves of shedu would feel a chill down the spine as he walked into the chamber of the Matron of House Vae... But not Him...Not anymore, he has endured through all his live living in this place, and has come a long way from being a servant, to a mighty warrior favored by gamblers in the pit fights.

When its called by.. Vorn, his blood starts to rush, ready to discharge his his frustrated, blood thirst and cruelty on this condescendant elf.. but what years of pain has tought him is, how to behave him self.. plan.. & wait for the right moment, So he simple snorts heavily & walks, making the room tremble as he moves.

he takes his place along the others in the line.. his definetly the mightes of them all, he takes a look at the Drows & the aberration, taking an interest on the latest as he has never seen anything like it...then he kneels before the matron (not to his plasure) and waits in silence.

2013-10-17, 05:01 PM
Mother Matron sat quietly in her chair deeply in thought.

”I am not to be bothered with such missions… Vorn will oversee you and personally hand me reports based upon your outcome. However, Khareese H´kar will see to it that all information is given to Vorn. She is a lesser priestess of the house whom is held in high regard.”

With her final words Matron Sereska waves you out of her study and Vorn escorts you out.

”The shop you are to acquire the book from is called The Magick Attic. Your missions will be my top priority… as such I have two wands that may be helpful for you. A wand of silence and a wand of knock…. Both have a handful of charges left from my former partner prior to his death.”

1 wand of Silence (8 charges)
1 wand of knock (5 charges)

2013-10-17, 08:41 PM
Would you care to give us a Little background on this mission... what exactly are we adquiring... whom is this target.. any restrictions for this.... dead line for getting it done?

Seriously looking at his face.. i try to take a good look at him, tying to get a better perception of his personality and intentions.

hmm formerpartner... guessing he was unable to perform?..

Looking at his partners... im not able to wield those devices.. what about you?

2013-10-18, 04:16 AM

The creature was surprised at the matrons attitude - but it was not the time to judge, and having one of the faithful of Lolth would be useful also - providing they knew there business.

Looking down at Vorn "and here I thought we were to be in charge of ourselves?" the tone made it a question - the smile did not, providing they succeeded in bringing the house benefit they could do as they willed.

Reaching out to take the wands as the others refused them "but there is no harm in favouring you I suppose" that last said with almost a sigh - but not quite.

Examining the wizard the draegloth was surprised that he indicated he could not use the items - surely the knock would suit him at least. Regardless she had them now - and whether they were useless or not now, they may serve a function in some years or decades.

2013-10-18, 03:31 PM
:smallamused: Grhmmmm.. (tired of waiting), do we have a mission now?.. (some of you may be even surprised after noticing that he´s able to talk...) who do i have to kill?:smallfurious::smallfurious: (OOC: you obviously notice, what its shedu modus operandi :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:)

2013-10-18, 03:39 PM
After rejecting the wands, And hearing the voice of shedu... I approach and murmur a couple of Words in Dwarven to him-- Remeber your place-- Next Time you could get punished by Talking like that to someone above you status.

I take a few steps back. and say: So... when its the priestess joining Us? Surely, would be an honor to work with her...

2013-10-18, 05:58 PM

I assume that Shedu is speaking Common or Dwarven (given his sheet) :smallsmile:.


It didn't react as the slave spoke, not as its master spoke to it - there was a flicker of surprise that the drow had learned one of the slave tongues, most did not.

The draegloth however spoke many, it had found early on that hearing the creatures beg for there lives or the lives of there families was much more enjoyable when you understood what they were saying.
Which made the commitment to only eat creatures it could speak with a reason to learn the languages of them.

Dwarven - so the beast was likely a mutant of that stock. Durable normally this one might serve as an adequate distraction if needed - and if not perhaps it would make a fine price in the pits and win recognition for House Vae. That was something to discuss with the wizard at a later time.

2013-10-19, 07:57 AM
As Vorn was talking, you hear the sound of chains aproaching to your position... Suddendly a female Drow, appears in front off you.
"This is my team, i'm assuming. I'm khareese, priestess of the spider queen... Let's see what we got."

She takes a look at the drow members of the team.. From head to toes... She doesn't even stop to look at the lower races... But takes a couple of second to examine the draegloth taking quite an interest on such a blessing from lolth...

"Hmmm...its this truly the best you could do? (Looking at vron)... At least its better than the last batch of slaves..."

Let's get moving then.

Whisper rider
2013-10-19, 08:15 AM
Ready to leave at your command.. But it seems, that Vron has already a plan... lets hear it... it work for you if we succeed.. & i would prefer to be very much alive at the end of this mission.

2013-10-19, 03:14 PM
"Yes Priestess, better but not my much.... more muscle in this band of misfits though." Vorn smiled slightly.

"I have a Corporal waiting for you outside The Magic Attic, It is run by a gnome artificer named Alabaster. Moved into the outcasts' ghetto several years ago and sells items drow are not accustomed to..... take the book from him and give it to our Artificer.... I'm sure he will reward you appropriately...."

Vorn stood for a moment, waiting for the less intelligent in the group to absorb the information. "Oh, he has several mechanical pets running about.... try to bring one back as well. What happens to Alabaster is of no difference to me personally, so chose your paths wisely young drow."

With his final words, Vorn turns and walks away.

2013-10-20, 10:09 AM
Shedu had the impulse to just smash Vron into the ground and stomp him as hard as he could,as soon as he turned his back... butonce again, decades of painmade him hold back a little bit, one heavy snort came out of him,turning hiz head to his master, he says..
Speaking In Dwarven- I don´t like machanic pets... they don´t scream when you cut off their legs...:smallfurious: Master Vuz... What are we going to do? Since you always tell me that kickin the door and kill everyone is not always the best solution...

2013-10-20, 10:54 AM
OOC: Prepared spells

- Enlarge Person
- Shield
- M.M
- Orb of Sound, lesser
+ Fist of Stone
- See Invisibility
- Levitate
+ bears endurance

I´m not familiar with the place... I say the first thing we should do its, getting some information, Since Vron didn´t actually say anything..well, useful.

We should make way towards this ¨ghetto¨... see what we can pick up there.

2013-10-20, 12:05 PM
I think its better if... We step into that shop, ready to take it... Drawing to much attention would make others suspucious.
So we stick to the "shadows" (ooc: assuming, everything its dark.... Or is it lighted up by fungi?) aka. Everyone take a cloak... Stay close, and we'll send someone to get the info we need.. Until then everyone stays put.
Once we know where this artifact its... We strike quick, and hard.
Muscles (dwarf-mino) you'll get in first... Take care of any "caster" threat if any... Otherwise take on the biggest construct you can find.
This corporal thtas waiting for us... Porbably knows his way in combat. So he & i will get in after muscles here, afterwards Renolor and Vuz will go in making some ranged support or handling the situation as they see fit.
Alyiolin you step inside last... You go in, take this book, kill anything in your way and get out. As soon as you're out we go.
Muscles... You take a construct with you.
Any questions??

Whisper rider
2013-10-20, 02:52 PM
Sounds like a solid plan, Priestess... Shall we wait for something else..? or Should we get moving then...?

Renolor Feels honored by the presence of a priestess of Lolth, he has hear rumor about the great city of menzoberran,where the priestess of Lolth are Educated (OOC: or... are the schooled in this city too?) and the famous melee magthere, the great school of warriors. Surely he would love to prove himself there.. but thats no place for a soldier like him, with no social status.

Although.. i do have an inquiry... how´s going to.. get this information we need.. I would volunteer my self.. but my social skills are nowhere near my Fighting skills..

2013-10-20, 03:05 PM
(ooc: please place OOC items in the OOC thread. I'll address all the OOC things i see here over there.... also, since everyone here seems to be in agreement, i'm going to shift things to the magic attic time.... now!)

You arrive at The Magic Attic, a run down wooden building in the heart of the Ghetto of Outcasts.

The magic attic itself is a very run down two story building with a basement. The glass windows on the bottom floor look out of place, (most likely installed a few years ago) with thick iron bars mounted over the windows themselves. The surrounding buildings are literally built onto one another and sometimes one on top of another...

Across the street, you notice a drow wielding two shields, carefully watching the street and the store at the same time. Due to being one of the few heavily armored drow in this particular ghetto you assume he is the Corporal Vorn spoke of.

2013-10-20, 06:32 PM
As you near the drow you can hear him repeatedly humming a short melody, changing the inflections on different parts, and he seems to be unaware of your approach, his attention currently directed the store.

Those who know of it and are attentive enough might see his fingers moving in the Drow Sign Language "Stealth, Priestess. The gnome is near the window, about to close his shop for the night. Maybe we could have our rendezvous further down that backstreet, if your Holyness wish it?")

2013-10-21, 12:03 AM
As soon, as i see the hand gestures, i take a quick look at the window.. Traying to see if i get a glimpse of this gnome. Spot: [roll0]

And as continue my way towards the alley... In drow sings i comunicate to the double shielded corporal.
"At haste, i'm the priestess of the spider queen, meet us in the backstreet alley, at once..."

An i adress at the draegoth, with a deep almost grutural voice speaking in abyssal... It seems we got our selves an informant. Better be ready, try to keep attention away from you... You're quite an interesting specimen.

Now in dwarven, speaking to the others- to the backstreet alley!

Once there, i adress to the two shielded drow. "Are you the one Chossen by vron? If so.. Speak true and fast... For the love of lolth i don't want to spend a round more than what's needed.

You have being keeping watch at this place for quite some time, as vron told me.
I spect you to know the structure and schedule of this place, just as if your life depended of it... Which by the way... it does.

How many guards are in there? Is there any guard shifts? How many entrances... What kind of hostility are we specting? .... I wait for a reply... If none happens.. I keep dropping questions at him until he answers.

Important... Any Ways out? And where does he keeps this book? ... Is there any place else where we could take the gnome by surprise? And do this more quietly?:smallmad::smallmad::smallmad:

2013-10-21, 08:57 PM
As Rhauvin enters the valley he still quietly hums that same repetitive tune. A look of recognition flashes over his face when he sees Vuz Ral'Gos but he quickly turns his attention to the leader of the group, as he should. He stops humming as he bows his head in deference to Khareese H'kar.

"[In Drow/Elven] Yes, Priestess. I am the one Vorn sent to scout out the store." He stops for a second, glances at Shedu and continues: " [I]I have seen two dragon-like creatures. Their scales are blue and they have massive horns that can scewer an orc belly as good as any spear. I saw it happen yesterday morning. They look very realistic but one can tell that they are automatons if they are studied closely enough. "

Rhauvin pauses a moment to clears his throat before continuing.

"The only entrance I've seen is the store front, where orders are placed and picked up. The top floor is where Alabaster, the gnome, sleeps. I haven't been able to get a closer look up there. The book might be upstair or, most probably, in the basement where he spends most of his time when the store is closed. I believe that it's his workshop. He grows silent for a few second before raising his head a bit, but not making eye contact, asking: "You want the gnome dead, Priestess? Or captured?"

2013-10-22, 01:16 PM

"Captured" the word was spoken in undercommon "if he has been useful enough to attract attention he is useful enough to be kept alive" looking to the others "and my sister had an interest in a gnome in this area - it may be the same" - if any were foolish enough not to understand that reference they deserved what they got.

2013-10-23, 04:53 AM

"Yes, Sacred one." Rhauvin answered Alyolin, referring to the fact that many Lolthites view Draegloths as sacred creatures, created by the unholy union between an ascending high priestess of Lolth and a powerful Tanar'ri.

In the silence that ensues after Alyolins words, as Khareese H'kar is mulling over the information just given to her, a low humming can be heard as Rhauvin once again starts to hum that same tune over and over again as he glances over to the rest of the party to get a better look at what resources they have.

2013-10-23, 08:43 AM
Fair enough, according to your data there will be the gnome... And the 2 automatons.

We stick to the plan then, we strike just before the shop closes.. Muscles get ready, Vuz you take care of him, I want everyone ready 1min before we strike.

As soon as Alyolin gives us the signal, muscles take the automaton, alive if able... And we get out of there... If any troule follows, take partners and spread. I'll be with you Alyolin. Clear?

2013-10-23, 09:19 AM
waiting in this alley has made shedu impatient... he seems to be ready to burst into flames any second now. he´s breathing in some kind of heavy way.. and as Rahuvin the corporate starts humming... he takes a deadly look at him.. like he´s about to explote!! but surprisingly he just snorts and says:

(dwarven) Master... chief Drow (Vron) wants the automatons... but its easier to take a gnome. he can make new ones. th eother would be smashed, not funcional :smallfurious:.

He nodes as the lady finishes talking .

2013-10-23, 10:44 AM

Not noticing the look, but hearing the snort (not apparently reading anything into it), Rhauvin keeps his head down while listening to Khareese.

"Two automatons that I know of, Priestess. Maybe there are more. Forgive me for asking, but... What plan? It seems to me that you want us to charge the building." For the first time in the conversation Rhauvin raises his head, straightens his body and looks at the Priestess face. He's extremely tall for a drow, (5'7'' 170 cm), stout and unusually heavy built (175lb/80kg) and rather ugly, lacking the finely tuned elegant facial structure that drow generally have. His face was more... plump and he looked to be about middle age. "You asked if we could do this more quietly. There is a way, especially if you want the automatons functionable. If we can prevent Alabaster from activating them we might be able to simply carry them away. They don't seem to be a threat unless he orders them. Verbally."

2013-10-23, 11:53 AM

The draegloth bored easily - "Xaniqos has an interest in this Gnome also I believe, I think he can get a better deal with us in Vae", looking at the others - direct communication was not its forte, but it found them wanting.

"I will have words with it - remain here. If this fails we may try a more aggressive approach. Turning the gnome to the side of Vae would be the simplest approach for long term gain - and may aid the houses activities on the surface also.

Pulling a hood up the draegloth made towards the shop, and stepped inside taking care to note any arcane defences or oddities along with the overall layout of the place.

In undercommon "greetings gnome slave, explain your shop".

Rolling to see if Alyolin notices or notes anything.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Knowledge Arcana: [roll2]
Spellcraft: [roll3]
Search: [roll4]
Speaks Gnomish if there is any benefit in that in identifying stuff.

2013-10-23, 01:46 PM
Vuz was going to stick to the priestess plan... but since the draegloth override her orders he looks at her... and quickly moves his gaze towards the Fighter with the shields.

Vuz aporaches to him... and adress him... you seem oddly familiar.. a face like yours its... ahm hard to forget... so we know each other??

But... happy reunions for later... what its this plan you´re talking about??
Seems someone got ahead of you... (draegloth)

Whisper rider
2013-10-23, 02:30 PM
Relonor looks at the priestess... waiting to see any reaction. then approches with caution..

Mistress... should we go in? does this alter our plan?...

right after that i look at the other fighter and say (drow sign language):

the plan was to enter, hit hard and fast, obtain what we were looking for then... go.

2013-10-23, 03:20 PM

Too Vuz: "No, but I've seen you before, a long long time ago. In a raiding party or trade caravan. The plan was to make sure Alabaster couldn't activate the machines. Nothing more."

At the same time as Rhauvin is responding to Vuz his fingers move in response Relonor.
"[Drow Sign Language] I see. But not with much stealth I guess, since that (referencing to Shedu) hulking gladiator is here.

2013-10-23, 04:29 PM
We should get ready then... if his plan fails... the assault its back on.

you mentioned a plan.. what is it... i favor the stealth over chargin through the buildings. the gnome doesnt have to know we where there. neither the automatons.

But... as the priestess commands its her call.

2013-10-24, 12:02 AM
As you walk into the store you immediately notice the two miniature dragon-like constructs on either side of the door facing in towards the center of the store. They seem like statues except for the blood stains upon their horns.

Upon the far left wall are items dedicated to exploring the underdark; Everything from rope, grappling hooks, trail rations and stone burners. on the back wall are several charts in different languages all of them list items not displayed and their prices. In addition you take note that in Undercommon there is a notice that says "10% discount for members of House Xaniqos"

The gnome raises an eye brow at Alyolin’s comment.

“Boy, I’ve already paid my dues to The house... Oh, My shop?" he notices that he is not speaking to a lesser drow. "What you see is what you get. I sell all sorts of items for adventures, drow, common folk, or any one of they have the right coin in hand….”

The gnome stairs slightly at the two in his shop. ”Who the hell do you guys belong to? Your faces are not familiar to me…”

Spot: You notice 6 backpacks sitting on the counter behind Alabaster on the outside of one of them has 2 fairly large pressure triggered traps (bear traps). You Also note there are NO weapons within sight.
Listen: You only hear the slight sound of gears slowly turning from within the Effigies.
Knowledge (Arcana): You Recognize the beasts as horned felldrake Effigies, Creations from skilled craftsmen that obey their master without question.
Spellcraft: You do not notice any magical energies in the shop.
Search: you see a few notes around the backpacks that appear to be written in Gnomish, but you can't read them from here. you also take note that a majority of the shop contains items for exploring the underdark including a small bundle of Sun rods (6).
Gnomish: see search

2013-10-24, 09:03 AM

Taking in the room was interesting, but a finger was raised from one of its outer arms as the gnome spoke "careful" the word was a warning at the lack of respect his initial tone had implied.

Fixing the Gnome with a look "I have heard about your shop" pointing "fine craftsmanship of an effigy of a horned felldrake - and the plans for other creations".

"Those are my interest" smiling in a manner that most would consider unpleasant "but before we discuss that I would like to know your plans - to stay in the Ghetto, to live out a life disrespected and mocked? Or perhaps you would like to return to the surface - rich and respected", it flicked its claws together in thought "and with possible assistance from below for your life", tilting its head to the side "or perhaps you would like something else that I have not placed".

"I try not to discuss dealings without at least having an understanding of who and what I speak with", its eyes flicked to the gnomish writing trying to get a better understanding of what they referred to.

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Gather Information: [roll1]
Sense Motive: [roll2]
Decipher Script: [roll3]

2013-10-27, 04:20 PM
You don't gain anything significant from your results

Alabaster snorts slightly trying to resist laughing. "Lad, You have balls i'll admit that... But I am already under the shadow of House Xaniqos, to turn against them will be to turn my back upon the idea of being alive... IF, and i stress that beyond what i am capable of... If I was to turn to your house which you have never named, I would change one set of chains for another...

Enough of this talk, I need to close the shop for the night... You know where the door is."

You see that Alabaster seems agitated by the subject.

2013-10-27, 05:19 PM

The creature allowed the hood to fall back "actually as an genderless cross between drow and demon whose creation is a blessing from Lolth" it smiled "I do not have balls", it shrugged "but you have made your choice - a poor one I might add, but I can respect loyalty to your masters" moving towards the door "so I will leave you to eke out your pathetic existence".

Once out the door the beast moved off down the street and then quickly circled back to the others, "there are two pressure plates near the six backpacks on display, the constructs are horned felldrake Effigies, I noted nothing mystical in the building to mundane senses, most of the shop it standard adventuring gear - no weapons noted".

Looking at the group "I want the Gnome alive and his writings - but how harmed he is, is not important. Once he is taken and an effigies and book secured - the rest of the shop is unimportant so you can take a cut from it, with tribute to the house and church expected" pausing to allow the words to sink in "I trust there are no objections?".

2013-10-27, 11:03 PM
Khalessi has not uttered a word since the minute the draegloth decided to get matter into his own hands, She hasn't take her eyes off the door neither.
But as the draegloth re appeared outside the shop, you could see her taking a deep breath, anyone looking at her could thought that she was about to yell angrily at the aberration.... She took 3 steps, and stod infront of him for a couple of seconds right after the creature..

...You would never... And Let me be clear, NEVER, take any action with out my concent, ever again you fool, you could consider yourself in luck that the spider queen smiled on you this time. But this is your one and only warning. Next time, you go over my head and risk my mission & the name of your house, i'll make damn sure that its the last time you breathe.

She says it on a very calmed tone... But you could feel how her words, spoke truthfully.

She turns to the group and says, get ready. We assault it in 1 min.

(In dwarven) Muscles you go first, enter the store, locate the gnome. Kill him.
(Undercommon) Rhauvin you go next. I'll be right behind you and will cast silence near the door so the effigies wont active by the command word.
Relonor & Vuz, you get inside, locate the book and get out. Support us if needed, will kill the targets first if necessary, then we take the book.
Alyoli... Watch the door.

2013-10-27, 11:32 PM

Rhauvin had started with that (too some, at least) annoying humming but when Khareese starts talking to Alyolin and he hears the tone of her voice the humming abruptly stops. When she's finished commanding orders he responds with a simple and respectful "As you command, Priestess."

When Khareese has her back to the other (or he's doing it behind his back to the other drow behind him) Rhauvin signals: [Drow Sign Language] Beware the gnome and the trapped upper level.

2013-10-28, 06:36 AM

It looked at the female calmly for a second as the smaller creature ranted, when it spoke it choose abyssal but where many spoke in a harsh guttural tone that could easily hurt the thought of lesser creatures, Alyolin spoke it naturally the tone more conversational then most would be used to "(Abyssal) And now let me be clear. If you ever speak to me in that manner again I will take your eyes, ears, tongue and limbs and use the remains of your body as a breeding chamber for the slaves - and I will keep you alive like that for the rest of your long life" offering what passed for a smile "this mission is for my house and sister - all of our dealings should have that understanding".

Switching to undercommon "now do you want to resolve this now, or or are you happy to go ahead with my request?", as it had mentioned the matron had an interest in this gnome - and the matron would not be crossed by this self important flesh bag.

2013-10-28, 10:42 AM
I smile right back at the Draegloth and (undercommon) say: please... Try, i would love to see your attempt half-breed. Let me show you what being blessed by lolth truly is, you pathetic attemp of demon. Your head would be a fine decoration to any room.
Now if you are done with the crying... Step aside, some of us have work to do.

Hey, but...Since Mr. "I'll desmember you for talking to me" seems so eager to help the cause, and desperately wants this gnome alive, lets give him the chance to do it.
You go first the gnome its your job.

(Dwarven) Shedu you'll take care of the pets.

(Undercommon) The rest of us. Will handle the situation as we fit depending on the reactions and defences of the gnome.

So, its everyone ready? (10 rounds notification)

Actions during that time.
7th bull's Strenght (self)
8th Shield of faith (self)
9th Divine Favor (self)
10th initiative to assault the building [roll0]

2013-10-28, 11:27 AM
Vuz... its shocked at hearing the aberration, talk back to a priestess. Even more, seeing the priestes handle him with such ease. with any other drow.. it would had become a fight to death.

Vuz restrains him self from commenting anything on the matter, and as he hears the priestess orders. he just nods and says : Yes, priestess.

I´ll just cast Mage Armor and Shield (right before entering the store) For an AC of: 4armor+4sield+2dex = 20
Also i´ll ready my Hand Crossbow.

Initiative [roll0]

2013-10-28, 12:51 PM
i rolled a 13 on the OCC. (srry about that.. hehe)

2013-10-28, 04:02 PM

A bit taken aback by the harsh words and the open hostility between the two leader-figures Rhauvin stod silently, waiting to see what would happen, hoping that it wouldn't come to blows. That would endanger not only this mission but the future of the house as well.

[Private thoughts are in here. Open if you wish.]
[Rhauvin is thinking to himself] "What do I do if they attack each other? The whole mission will be at risk. But what can I do? No, I will do nothing. It is not my place to interfere. They are my superiors and they know best."

"The priestess is bloodthirsty. She seems intent of killing the gnome. I wonder why, would it not be better to catch a price like that and put it to good use? But who am I to question a priestess. I am sure that she is correct. But... it is clear that the leadership of this group isn't as certain a thing as might have been expected", he thought to himself. "And the infighting is interfering with the judgements of those who wish to lead, seemingly sacrificing tactic for personal malice and gratification. Of course, such things have happened before, but this is too important. I'll have mention this when I report to Vorn. Maybe he can bring some order to this... or maybe it is better to let things play out by themselves."

2013-10-29, 04:25 AM

Shrugging the Draegloth stepped aside "very well" as requested and listened to the female finish speaking.

"Please belay that while we discuss matters" it said to the others and launched itself at the priestess.

The very well had been an acceptance of the open invitation to attack, not the perceived stand aside. It had no intention of killing the creature here - but breaking it and letting the house deal with its insolence would suit it well enough - perhaps if the dwarf thing served its master the ingrate could serve as a reward.

To not alert Khalessi to its preparation for battle (hope to get a surprise round).
Move Silently: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]
Attack 1: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Attack 2: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Attack 3: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Crit on 20. All damage *2.
Crit Confirmation*: [roll8]
Only +2 if it is the bite (I am assuming no more than one twenty would be rolled).

2013-10-29, 08:31 AM

Shedu saw what the creature did, feeling a little bit off, since he was specting to attack the store now. No.. someone within the group, he saw the creature attacking the Lady, all his live shedu has seen that the Female of the Drows are the ones bossing around, everything else is infirior only because they are not females.

so with out thiking to much shedu took the chance and attacked the creature.
He couldn´t hold his blood thirst any more so he jumps in to rage and charges the Draegloth.

Charge attack (rage) & Damage
Crit: [roll1]


2013-10-29, 08:37 AM
that´s a critical 19+16, and that double damage then

2013-10-29, 01:56 PM
Shedu's blade sung as it struck Alyolin's body. The Symphony of flesh splitting and bone snapping underneath would cause any warrior to weep in joy, striking with deadly precision and overwhelming power. Blood spray covered Shedu's upper body and face making the scene even more gruesome.

As Alyolin's lifeless body drops to the ground, blood pooling on the cobblestone floor, a feeling of dread fills the drow. Alyolin may of been a fiendish being, however, It was still a blessing of Lloth put upon house Vea. With the death of this blessing, it would ensue with a house war if the house was anywhere except at the bottom of the hierarchy...

One of Vorn's Agent watched as the slaughter started.

"Argument. Draegloth attacked Priestess. Slave killed Draegloth." Rylie said through a telepathic message.

a few seconds later Vorn responded. "Light upon them! Join them, enter the shop say Vorn exit for 6. He will say what to do next."

2013-10-29, 02:39 PM

Rylie knew this recent turn of events wasn't good for the house, the others... probably not even himself. After sending his message and receiving a response, he slowly nods and approaches the group from his hiding spot, positioning himself to be further within the alley. He opts to stay aloft, considering the copious amounts of blood on the ground. When he is confident there's no other people milling about (though this will probably change very soon), he reveals himself briefly.

A tiny, elf-like being about 2.5 feet tall appears out of nowhere, hovering a few feet off the ground on gossamer wings. After a brief instant of looking at each other's faces, he lowers his eyes and with a deadpan expression, he says to the group, "I have a message from Vorn. He is not pleased with this. His instructions for you now are to enter the shop and say, 'Vorn exit for six' to the gnome." With that, he winks out of sight again, though presumably he may still be in the vicinity...

2013-10-29, 03:42 PM

Rhauvin was astonished by the ferocity of the attack and a bit taken aback by the scene that had transpired, for never had he guessed that the half-minotaur would possess such a beastly strength as to almost cleave the Sacred one in half. Or that Lolth would even allow such a thing! Quickly it dawned upon him, however, that their situation had turned for the worse. This was not something that the Matron would look kindly upon. Most likely she would flay them all for letting it happen, no matter what excuses they had.

The best chance they had was in accomplishing their mission as good as possible and hope that it would be enough to placate the Matron Mothers anger. Or Vorns anger. He had no illusions that Vorn would try to save him unless it was in his best interest. He knew he was expendable. "Ready gnome, here I come" he said as he prepared to rush the store. The quick appearance and disappearance of one of Vorns agents quickly made him change his mind.

"Bring the body!" he ordered to whomever would listen, no longer caring about the groups chain of command and ignoring the possible obections from any of his comrades. At the same instant he quickly started moving towards the store, no longer planning to attack but to escape.

2013-10-29, 08:06 PM
Vuz its mezmerized by the display of raw power of shedu, it was just like in the fighting pits. but before Vuz could speak up to avoid the death of the Draegloth shedu was done... speachless by the situation.. he looks at khareesi looking for some orientation... but after the appearance of the misterious agent.. he knows he´s no more than a fugitive now...


Whisper rider
2013-10-30, 06:27 AM
Relonor world crumbled before his eyes, when he realized than he was now a target for his own house.

So exit for 6 is it? Lets...GO!!!!!

Renolor moves into the store... opens the door and says.. ¨Vron exit for six¨

2013-10-30, 09:35 AM
The priestess was silenced... Years of studying had never prepared her for the chaotic turn of events that unfolded before her eyes. A draegloth, one of the most iconic blessings of her godness had turned against her. Surely was something to think about... As her mind numbled for a moment while the mighty half dwarven beast cut through the flesh of the draegloth, she couldn't help to feel a little bit displeaced for the lost of the creature... But surley glad that it was not her flesh the one ripped appart....but right now its not the time to duel with those thoughts. As for the nature of the spider queen its chaos.

"very well... The spider queen has given us, a new test. The most difficult until now... May her blessings continue to shower upon us"

With those words... khareesi put this chapter behind her, now if she wishes to see a new chapter to an end, she'll have to fight for it once more.

"Shedu... (Speaking in dwarven)... Thank you. I can't carry this weight... Bring along the corpse if you may..."

Heading in to the store walking next to shedu and the corpse.

2013-10-30, 10:01 AM

Rylie carefully follows the others as some scramble into the shop and (presumably) the slave that slew the draegloth begins to haul its body. Though now since he is mostly out in the open and much closer to the group he has been following, a particularly observant person might detect traces of his presence.

Roll for hide (unknown modifiers): [roll0]
Roll for MS (unknown modifiers): [roll1]

Otep, are the things vintrastorm posted right on the money? Also, how would you handle move silently with the use of Rylie's wings?

As the pixie enters the shop, he listens intently to what the gnome's reaction will be, having a growing suspicion about something...

Spot check on the gnome please, particularly the area around his left hand/wrist... :smallamused:

2013-10-30, 02:46 PM
Alabaster stood shocked for a moment his eyes glancing over at the corpse of the beast that just interrogated him.

"What the hell did you do?! Fine, I have 4 dwarves that are to arrive within the hour... leave the body I'll take care of staging it."

Alabaster rubbed his eyes for a moment trying to collect his thoughts.

"Welcome to the life of fugitives... I have a few generic exploring backpacks laying about. Grab a breathing hood, a few days trail rations and a set of stone burners if you need them."

The small gnome shuffled about the store handing each of you a backpack realizing there are only 5 people.

"Where is the 6th person?"

{table]Item|Cost| Weight
Backpack|2 |2
Bedroll |0.1 |5
Blanket |0.5 |3
Caltrops (2)| 2| 4
Chain 10ft |30 |2
Chalk (10) |0.1 | -
Crowbar |2 |5
Fishhook & line| 0.2|-
Flint & Steel| 1 |-
Grapling Hook| 1| 4
Hammer |0.5 |2
Ink (2) |16 |-
Inkpen (2) |0.2 |-
Oil (2 pints) |0.2 |2
Pitons (10) |1 |5
Trail Rations (10) |5| 10
Rope, Silk 50ft |10 |5
Sack (2) |0.2 |1
Sewing needle |0.5 |-
Torch (5) |0.05 |5
Waterskin (2) |2 |8
Whetstone |0.02 |1
Iron Spike (3)| .3|3
Acid (flask)(2) |20| 2
Alchemist Fire(2)| 40 |2
Sunrod (2) |4 |2
Book |15 |3
Total| 153.87gp| 76 lbs[/table]

If you chose to have a collapsible pole, it weighs 8 lbs and costs 20gp

you are able to request UP TO 250gp worth of gear just throw me the list via PM or OOC thread

you also get a free breathing hood that dose not count against you for the cost.

for the rolls, i'll get back to you on the flying invisible stats but you do not notice anything strange or noticeable. it just is not there.

2013-10-30, 03:47 PM

Rylie began to put the pieces together as the information sunk in. Apparently the body of the Draegloth wasn't going anywhere; it wasn't considered the "sixth". It was also clear that this gnome had significant connections with Vorn, yet he could find no markings to indicate such... but wait. Was he a fugitive too?? There must be some mistake.

After a bit of hesitation, Rylie answers. "...the only other one is me, but I am serving Vorn. I was only told to watch them from a distance. Surely I am not a fugitive too?" he says, this time quietly sitting on the empty counter where the backpacks used to lay when he appeared.

Then his eyes narrow a bit as he speaks again to the gnome, for once able to at least address someone as possibly an "equal" in this god-forsaken city. "(Gnome) But I do not understand. If someone else will be framed for this, why are they still fugitives? And if House Vae would wish to punish them, why is Vorn helping them escape?"

2013-10-30, 04:35 PM
Alabaster smiled. "(Common) As much as you know about Vorn, you know only 12 percent of the man... His ways are his own but he has connections everywhere...

I am currently under his payroll in addition to being a loyal subject to another house. He pays me monthly in addition to any costs his recruits may need. In Exchange for a book of Schematics he personally gave me I receive a hefty coin purse to occasionally help people disappear."

Alabaster slowly stroked his salt and pepper goatee thinking. "If you where sent to watch them then you had a part in this plot from the beginning that not even you knew of....

Knowing Vorn he already has a means of communications set for something like this. He is the only man i know who has 9 contingency plans for each of his contingency plans..."

2013-10-30, 06:33 PM

The situation with the gnome quickly came clear to Rhauvin and he looked at the little creature from a new perspective. As he bent down on one knee and inspected the backpack and tent he'd received, he unslung his old one and quickly started to move everything from his old, somewhat worn out, backpack to his new. He had brought it with him on his 2 day stake out watching the building. "At least I can stop humming that stupid melody now. If I can ever get it out of my mind." he tought to himself as he reached out to grab one of the ugly breathing hoods.

He started responding to the gnome "The body is th-" as he was suddenly cut short by the appearance of Rylie, not entirely surprised considering the strange little creatures first appearance. Quietly he listened and watched. His ears were unused to the common tongue as it had been years since his last mission on the surface. Focused on properly repacking his things his interest in the conversation peaked when the gnome talked about Vorn in a much more familiar term than Rhauvin was comfortable with. "I wonder how this mission would have turned out." he wondered quietly to himself.

2013-10-30, 09:19 PM
(dwarven) This is it... the begining of the end. im no longer subjet of another persons orders.
(common) I want out of this city gnome... show me the way.

2013-11-01, 12:08 AM

Rylie sits there quietly thinking about this new information. It still didn't answer his initial questions... though the more he thought about it, the motives still didn't make any sense. Perhaps one of his assumptions was wrong... suddenly he realized Vorn would probably also be in deep trouble for this. After all it was his idea to pair an arrogant (even for drow standards) priestess with a crazed bloodthirsty demon-thing and a dim-witted hulking killing machine. It was a recipe for certain disaster.

He continues to sit there thinking and waiting for something to happen, almost expecting someone to question him demanding who or what he is and what he was doing. Usually always happens in the rare cases he has been seen...

In the meantime, if he is left alone, he will begin rummaging through the remaining backpack.

This is mostly a filler post where I haven't really done anything. Just waiting for either something to respond to or a slight skip in time.

2013-11-11, 04:24 AM
After about an hour, 4 dark dwarves arrive at the magick attic.

Alabaster quickly runs over to them and whispers something to them. the dwarves nod and turns to the party.

"Alright lads, we're going to split up. Pick a partner and we will meet back up about 2 miles outside the east gate in about an hour and a half...

if you are caught by the guards your hide is not our concern... If you are not at the rally point within 15 minutes of our designated time your on your own....

We're taking you to an abandoned mine about a days ride outside the city... Your friend Vorn I suspect will debrief you at a later time.... any questions?"

2013-11-11, 07:04 AM

Rylie inconspicuously shakes his head. The only questions he could possibly think of were either dumb ones or ones that would be answered soon enough.

Hmm, but who would he go with? Someone would need to be leading the rat pulling the cart they had been preparing... or at least pretending to. He sure as hell wasn't going to be the one though. He looks up at the other drow and dwarves, if only momentarily before averting his gaze again while pondering this. Well, he supposed one of them would end up taking him along soon enough.

2013-11-11, 05:06 PM
Oh, sorry, I completely forgot!

Listen check to hear what Alabaster is saying to the dwarves: [roll0]

It probably wouldn't matter so much, but I should've been assuming Rylie is quite attentive to, well... everything.

Edit: Hmm so from the roll, it would seem he doesn't even hear whispering at all, but due to your dm narration, anyone can plainly see something like that going on...

2013-11-11, 05:52 PM

Seeing that the others had already quickly paired up he turned to Rylie. [Thinking] "It seems that no one wants to have anything to do with one of such a low station as I. No matter. Vorns servant is probably the stealthiest of the bunch." he thought to himself. "You and I shall travel together then." He turned back to the gnome and spoke plainly, without the contempt that the gnome was probably used to hear from drow. "About 2 miles is a bit vague. Any signs to look for?"

2013-11-11, 05:54 PM
I make a listen check to hear what they are whispering about as well. Unless it's in common, undercommon or elven I don't understand them though.

2013-11-11, 05:55 PM
I make a listen check to hear what they are whispering about as well. Unless it's in common, undercommon or elven I don't understand them though.

2013-11-11, 06:43 PM

Rylie nods and begins to loosely follow the drow, lugging the backpack containing objects he re-arranged beforehand. He stops to listen to the conversation, also interested in what they might be looking for.

2013-11-12, 05:50 PM
The leader of the dwarf party smiles slightly.

"There is formation of rocks about 400 meters away from the road to the south.... they're shaped like a crescent moon. Wait in the center of the formation and we'll lead you to the mines....

As to what Alabaster was saying, we re to push our friends body into a dark alley with a few containers of blood. So you all head to the Stones I mentioned and we'll be about 20 minutes behind you....

But spread out! If the guards see all six of you together you might draw they're attention."

with that the dwarves start heading out the door, no doubt to stage the corpse in some dark alley.

2013-11-12, 06:10 PM

With the dwarves leaving, Rylie looks up to Rhauvin and asks, "I've been preparing a cart. Did you have anything you want put on it, Lord?"

2013-11-14, 10:01 AM
As Rylie calls him Lord, Rhauvin stiffens noticeably. "You can not call me Lord" he answered with a monotone voice, keeping it low (yet not quite a whisper) as to not be heard by the others (who where busy with theirs). "It is not proper and would probably get us both punished." There was a moment of silence as he let it sink in. "Now put this on the wagon..." he said as he handed Rylie one of his shields "and be glad that none of the others seems to have heard." With that Rhauvin approached one of the sword racks and picked up a longsword and scabbard. "I'll take this one." he said to Alabaster. "And this one." he said as he picked up a black and purple tabard to cover up some of his armor in an effort to change some of his appearance. "That way the guards are less likely to remember me passing by when the Matron Mother sends her agents to question them." With that he turned to the other.

"We'll be at the rock formation." he said to the dwarfs as he was preparing to leave. Nearing the exit he stops, picks up an eyepatch and holds it up towards the light. [Thinking] "I wonder if the Matron Mother knows yet. In that case my description might be out already. My face is very distinct but my helmet covers enough of it that hopefully they won't recognize my features. Unless they look carefully. Noticing it's one-way transparency and thinking that it might be a fine addition to his disguise he straps it on.

2013-11-14, 11:20 AM
Being lazy. Actually it should be obvious who's character is acting. Maybe location should be here instead?

Rylie looks up at Rhauvin once again at the warning that they would both be punished, cocking an eyebrow. The look clearly conveys, "Huh? I don't understand."

When he is handed the shield, he quickly replaces the backpack with that instead, and makes his way out the door (the only exit if I remember). As someone else leaves, he follows behind them and turns invisible again, carefully heading toward the wagon. He places the shield neatly there, then decides to leave his satchel and bow there too for the time being since that backpack is so heavy.

He thinks about what Rhauvin said on the way back. Hmm, he was kind of tall, muscular, and a bit ugly... for a drow anyway. Could that really be why?

Rylie re-enters the store at an opportune time after some others leave and retrieves his backpack again. It wasn't going to go on his back and crush his wings, that was for sure, though he still had to lug this thing all the way to the cart. He could still lift it, though he could just barely keep a decent pace with it, and he was visibly straining himself.

He plods to the door, huffing lightly, this time running into his... "partner" again. Watching the drow fiddle with the eye patch, Rylie can't help but think he looks kind of funny wearing it.

2013-11-15, 05:18 PM
Riding somewhere around Erelhei-Cinlu

The duo set off in the cart, guided at Rhauvin's discretion. The layout is as follows:

In the back of the cart, right corner, there rests the water barrel. On the left side of cart, further from the back, there is the feed stacked up a bit like a pyramid. The two backpacks rest against this feed, and the other equipment and tools lie about wherever seems convenient.

However, this layout does give Rylie a little niche in which to rest in the back left corner, which he frequently peers out of, observing the city as they go.

Spot and listen checks just for anything interesting on the way. :smallsmile:

spot: [roll0]
listen: [roll1]

When they arrive at someplace that looks like a checkpoint or the gate, however, Rylie takes one quick look to size up the situation before stopping his rubbernecking and laying way down in the cart. Hopefully the barrel, feed, and other stuff can give him some measure of cover...

One last spot check: [roll2]
listen while stuff is going on: [roll3]
hide: [roll4] + 30 for staying still while invisible...
or only 30 if in plain view at a certain angle to someone that can't see through invisibility.

2013-11-15, 09:25 PM
Rhauvin steers towards one of the alternate gates, thinking that it might help them somewhat to delay the pursuit if they are seen exiting in another direction.

2013-11-16, 12:14 PM
Upon making it to the gates you immediately are flagged down by the captain of the guard. He looks annoyed at life more so then he appears bored with this job.

"(Undercommon) What do we have here, a lone warrior and a cart full of supplies. Where do intend on going?"

Before you could say a word a voice pierces the air.

"(Undercommin) He is with me young drow, Spelunking expedition in the name of House Vae. I am to train him to be the lead spelunker due to an unfortunate accident with the last... It would seem he tripped and fell on his own dagger in the strangest of ways."

You recognize the voice belonging to Vorn. You feel a weight lifted off your shoulders due to his presence but a huge amount of fear replaces it. Is he angry with you? Is he going to slaughter you in your sleep? What the hell is he doing here already.

The guard captain's eyes open wide.
"(undercommon) Vorn of vae? You where said to of stolen the brassiere of your own mistress just to frame a slave.... Quickly, head through the gate I dare not ask what you have in store for his drow."

2013-11-16, 03:10 PM
Well, the cart was stopped immediately. That was just great. Rylie was waiting, listening for whatever response his companion might give, but it was cut short by his own master's.

It was somewhat of a relief, though at the same time a new, mounting fear replaced the old. Well, an inevitable one anyway. Was he angry with me? Would he hurt me? Or Fionna? He prayed to whatever ignorant and powerless gods he still clung to that allowed such a terrible place to come to be to at least let this drow listen to reason.

For the time being, Rylie stays hidden until they are beyond the gate. But he knew full well that his master knew exactly where he was. It might have been how he was able to meet them at the gate so quickly.

2013-11-16, 10:32 PM
Not saying a anything and avoiding eye contact with the people around him Rhauvin, steers towards the gate.

2013-11-19, 07:30 AM
Vorn quickly leads you guys out of the gates of the city. This is the first time you have ever seen him with a backpack strapped to him. Once you are out of ear shot of the remaining people Vorn speaks up.

"I expected Shedu to be a problem but not this soon... What exactly happened and what has Alabaster explained thus far?"

2013-11-19, 09:23 AM
Thank goodness. One glimmer of hope to maybe get out of being punished. Carefully and quietly, Rylie explains the turn of events just as he'd rehearsed in his mind.

"At first the group met up without incident. They gathered in an alley to stay out of sight and discuss strategy. The priestess was giving orders to simply charge in there, but the draegloth disregarded those and decided to go in the shop alone. Apparently it just went in there to talk to Alabaster for a little bit.

When it returned, the priestess was furious; she was not violent, per se, but she certainly spoke down to it and threatened it. It said... something back. I could not understand what, though it seemed to be a threat back, given her response. However, just as it seemed the incident was over and they were about to continue the mission, the draegloth suddenly attacked her without any warning. The next instant the half-minotaur beast, he cleaved it in twain with one blow..."

He pauses briefly, allowing the information to sink in (not that he thought Vorn was stupid) and gather his own thoughts. "Alabaster did not tell us much... just that he was under your payroll and he occassionally helps people escape the city. Seems we are fugitives now. Four deurgar came to the shop about an hour later. We were to split up and meet about two miles outside the eastern gate in the middle of a rock formation shaped like a crescent moon. Oh, and the draegloth's body is going to be dumped in some other alley with some containers of blood? ...beyond that I have no idea what they intend to do with it."

2013-11-19, 01:56 PM
Rhauvin prepares to speak up but is cut short by Rylie. He decides to be quiet, letting Rylie tell the story instead. "I'd say there was warning, but that's pretty much how it went down, Sir." Keeping his eyes lowered Rhauvin continued. "Permission to inquire about the gnome?"

"Alabaster also told us that you gave him the book and apparently he works for you. What if he'd been killed in the planned raid on his shop tonight?"

2013-11-19, 04:43 PM
Vorn smiled venomously at the question.

"Yes, he works for me. Yes. I personally handed him the book you where sent to get... Everything was planned to the smallest detail.

You where sent to watch the shop. To test your abilities working alone as well as answering questions you did not know yourself.

And you my little winged friend... you where sent to see how they react to an invisible tail. You also where my link to the group in case things went wrong....

Shedu however acted far more prematurely then I anticipated....

As for Alabaster.... The life of a gnome shop keeper is little to pay to see how all of you act together as a group and as individuals."

2013-11-19, 05:07 PM
Rylie stayed quiet again as they rode along, contemplating. Thankfully, all the blame did seem to rest on Shedu. Or if anyone else, the priestess, the dreagloth, and maybe the slave's master. He still had many concerns. Was Vorn fleeing too? What would happen to them or his sister? And a few others. But he dared not ask anything.

2013-11-19, 06:12 PM
"Of course, Master." Now that they had left the city behind Rhauvin took of the eye-patch and placed his both shields nearby. If something happened he'd need to be ready. He rode on in silence, squinting his eyes to see what was ahead and, hopefully, get some warning if they met trouble."

Darkvision 60ft
Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2013-11-20, 05:49 PM
After what seems like an eternity, Rylie works up the courage to ask something. "Master?"

If he gets an ok, he asks, "How much trouble are you in now?"

2013-11-21, 02:29 PM
Vorn smiled once again, except this one seemed genuine.

"No more then usual... That matron B**** has probably heard of what happened and wants our heads on a silver platter. We are now fugitives and have most likely triggered house Vae to fall out of favor with Lloth...

Like I said, the usual."

up ahead you see the rock formation the dwarves spoke of. sitting next to are two carts pulled by packrats. you also notice that the dwarves seem to be waiting for your arrival.

2013-11-21, 07:03 PM
"It seems that we might be the first, my Lord. Unless the others are hiding or have already moved on." Rhauvin said to Vorn as he scouted the area for signs of the other drow.

I figure that I'm still using the same roll as earlier?

2013-11-21, 07:29 PM
Rylie would have probably continued to ask about his sister, but was cut off by the sighting of the dwarves and the notification from Rhauvin. So instead, he silently sits in the cart once again, this time carefully eying the dwarves and looking about for the other drow they were with.

2013-11-25, 07:43 PM
Once you get to the rock formation, Vorn quickly steps ahead of you and starts speaking to the dwarves.

"Any word from the other members" Vorn's voice seemed unusually loud, most likely so you can overhear him.

"No sir, There was alot of ruckus towards the gate closest to us... I believe that the others did not heed our warning and where captured..." The dwarf leader's voice seemed somber...

No but there is no need for the rolls... you see no signs of the others :P

2013-11-25, 08:37 PM
Well that figures, Rylie thought. That priestess probably ran her mouth more than even she should, or that brute could have done something stupid... again.

Not thinking he will be involved in the conversation, he watches their back toward the road, looking for other signs of activity instead. Likely pursuers.

Spot check: [roll0]

2013-11-27, 07:54 AM
Rhauvin starts tending the rat and wagon, checking so that everything is "ok" and giving it (and himself) some food and water. While doing this he listens to the conversations around him and mostly just prepared for further travel. He also takes the moment to start reorganize his backpacks if whatever happens next takes a while.

Wild empathy [roll0]

2013-11-27, 03:49 PM
The pack rat seems content pulling the cart.

"Alright so we are going to the mines and we should be there in about a day... Pack your stuff and we're out in 5 minutes." The dwarf stated rather abruptly.

With that, Vorn motions towards both you.

"[drow hand sign]The others are presumed dead. We move in 5 minutes."

2013-11-27, 05:26 PM
Rylie appears and nods. Seemed everything was already "packed" and ready to go, though...

But, not wanting to simply be sitting there the whole time and be useless, he rearranges the things in the cart. Now the feed is lined up along the back of the cart, making a small wall. He spreads one of his blankets down and lays the small bedroll on top of it.

Should be enough room for at least 1 medium creature and 1 small creature to lay down in the cart now, and it should provide some cover.

Edit: other information... when traveling he'll be invisible again. When awake or otherwise not busy with something or distracted, he'll try to be perceptive, and his bow should be ready to fire.

2013-11-27, 10:32 PM
You've been on the road for what feels like a day but in reality it has only been an hour...

Vorn turns and looks over the side of the dwarven cart.

"You both are very quiet. I would imagine you both would be asking many questions by this point. Just to ease your troubled minds, I am no longer your superior in a normal sense.... I am simply the self elected leader of this little group."

2013-11-27, 10:44 PM
Rylie appears, simply out of it being more respectable and slightly easier to communicate. He has a curious look about his face.

He asks Vorn, "...does that mean I am no longer your slave?"

2013-11-27, 10:53 PM
Being reminded of the actions of the last slave, Shedu, who thought he was free (or that he might be), Rhauvin tenses a bit, preparing to leap at the little creature with wings. [Drow sign]*"Pin?" he quickly gestured to Vorn, wondering if he should try to pin it down before it decides to go invisible and disappear, or attack.

2013-11-27, 11:08 PM
Edit: regarding my OOC question, that should definitely be good enough.
Rylie notices Rhauvin's expressions changing and then his message in drow sign language. Pin...? Pin me?

Seemed the drow was prepared to stop him from "escaping" even though that technically wouldn't be the case if he was truly "free". Little did he know of the ring he had on to prevent that sort of thing from happening in the first place.

Now he looks between Vorn and Rhauvin getting awfully worried himself. Though he didn't know what he would do in the future, he didn't want someone big like that jumping on top of him...

2013-11-28, 12:39 PM
Vorn slightly rolls his head around cracking his neck.

"If I say you are free, you would leave as soon as your sister is found. If I say your still a slave you would continue to resent me... Quite the sticky situation..."

You notice as hes speaking his hands simply read "No"

2013-11-28, 03:15 PM
Rhauvin relaxes, no longer about to leap, and takes a more passive stance, listening to the conversation between Rylie and Vorn.

2013-11-28, 03:34 PM
Rylie's eyes light up at the mention of his sister. "Fionna! Is she still alright? What's going to happen to her?"

2013-11-29, 10:15 PM
"I honestly forgot her name was Fionna. She is fine...

She currently belongs to a mage at the training academy... A role similar to yours, spying on the students mostly. She is treated well for a slave due to her abilities..." Vorn seemed relaxed again...

"Any other questions at the moment?"

2013-11-29, 10:40 PM
Rylie seems to have calmed down, put at ease that his sister was safe... or so Vorn said, anyway...

Just seeing if I can determine if there is any untruth or omitted details about Fionna.


Thinking back to the conversation at hand, he says, "Well... forgive me, but I still don't understand what you meant before..."

2013-11-30, 12:24 AM
Vorn raises an eye brow slightly.

"I'm a spy Rylie not a mind reader... tell me what you mean..."

2013-11-30, 01:02 AM
Rylie hesitates a bit trying to find a way to express his thoughts. Talking this much made him feel like he was trying to tiptoe through a land mine. Without flying, of course.

"I mean... when you were saying you were no longer our superior... but still the leader... what exactly is different from before? ...what do you expect of me now?" From his tone, it doesn't sound like he is giving you any attitude. He must be genuinely confused.

2013-12-01, 07:11 PM
Vorn smiled slightly.

"You are no longer a slave. But, you still work for me... Help me with your unique skills and I will in return help you retrieve Fionna. Once my work is done and your sister is in your arms, I will remove that ring of yours...."

2013-12-01, 07:57 PM
Rylie can't believe his ears. "I... y-yes, of course! Thank you, master! ...uhm... should I still call you that?"

Vorn is probably the only drow in all history to witness a happy pixie up close smiling at him.

2013-12-01, 08:24 PM
"I am and forever have been known as Vorn...

Rhauvin, speak up... or I might assume you as a spy..."

2013-12-02, 06:30 AM
"A spy?" Rhauvin said taken aback by the accusation, surprise clearly showing on his face. "But... Why? A scout and a warrior I am for sure, but never have I been a spy. I have always been loyal to Vorn and House Vae, as is my place." He pauses for a moment, hoping that his answer was enough for his commander, and meets Vorns eyes (as he usually does when spoken to directly by his superior, a privilege earned through decades of service) "Permission to speak freely, sir?" he asks, bolstered by Vorns earlier encouragement that they ask any questions they might have.

2013-12-02, 12:51 PM
As Vorn gives Rhauvin a permissive nod he continues: "Why flee the city? Could we not simply have turned the others to the Matron Mother, put the blame on them and walked out of this unscathed, instead of fleeing as fugitives? Why excommunicate ourselves from the House?"

2013-12-02, 02:52 PM
"Mother Matron has a bit of a temper... to ensure our survival in drow fashion, we needed to leave.

Plus her newest pet was slain so all of us would have been brought to her to be tortured... That is why we left."

The carts slow down after a while... you did note it had been a long day of riding in silence. The dwarves pulled off the main path and went down a small almost goat path.

"we will arrive at the mines in an hour..."

2013-12-02, 03:16 PM
Using his new "freedom", Rylie asks, "Vorn... how long do you intend to stay in these mines? Do you know why they were abandoned?"

2013-12-02, 03:23 PM
Vorn looked over towards the space he assumed Rylie occupied as he spoke.

"Once upon a time, this set of hills was lined with mithrial, silver, and iron... Between the dwarves and the drow all useful minerals where stripped out long ago...

Now they are short stretches of empty caves and we are to live in one set for the time being... The roof above us is heavy with that sparkling mineral that obscures divination magic.... perfect place to hide."

2013-12-02, 03:33 PM
Sort of thinking out loud, Rylie says, "Hmm... but... supposing our pursuers were to figure out what we were doing before and question Alabaster... surely he would squeal and tell them exactly where we were going..."

2013-12-02, 06:20 PM
"Then let us hope that we see them first so that we may decide wether fight or flight is our best options."

2013-12-02, 06:33 PM
Rylie asks Vorn, "I'm sure you have an escape route, right?"

2013-12-03, 03:44 AM
"Kill as many as we can and escape to the surface... If the bounty hunters prove to be too much for us to handle in a dirty fight."

Vorn's voice sounded hollow this time... you could see in his face he seemed concerned with the idea of heading to the surface...

"These caves however are completely empty at the moment... as I mentioned before this stage of my plan was not to happen for some time. As such our new home is nothing more then a dark abandoned mine shaft... Starting tomorrow I have a few contacts for us to try and get supplies and provisions..."

2013-12-03, 04:28 AM
Rylie gazes back also with a concerned look at the mention of escaping to the surface. Fleeting thoughts of leaving his sister behind, but finally being back where he belonged... a pyrrhic victory, so to speak. And he'd probably have to help Vorn immensely up there, if only for a shot to come back to this dark, dank place... unless... well, never mind.

2013-12-03, 06:08 AM
"The surface?" A shiver went down Rhauvins spine. "The surface... It's been so long." Rhauvin started to think back to some of his previous visits to the surface in the service of Vorn and House Vae, and to how different everything was there. Not just from the underdark but how different the surface was from... itself. He was never comfortable there. Well, that was not entirely true...
Sometimes he was. Some things had appealed to him. But still...

"This stage, Sir? You had planned to separate yourself from the House?"

2013-12-03, 02:03 PM
"Me leave the house? No. Your former party, yes. I never told mother matron this but this was to become an outpost for House Vae. As she mentioned before, the idea was to collect allies and resources before making an assault against the higher houses..."

2013-12-03, 02:48 PM
"I see. I have failed you, then, by not stopping the minotaur slave. And my failure has exiled you from the House."

2013-12-03, 03:45 PM
Rylie sighs saying, "There was nothing anyone could have done, save keep the brute in the fighting pits where he belonged..."

Then thinking of a suggestion, he says, "Vorn, is there any way we can conceal this path at all or keep others off our trail? I know nothing of working with all this stone underground to make something believable, but maybe these dwarves do."

2013-12-04, 02:36 PM
The carts came to a stop as the Dwarves all motion you out of the carts.

"We're about a half hour away from the mines, now we leave the dwarves... Our pixy friend had a good point, can you cover our trail? I'll take care of ours."

Vorn covering the foot trails

Dwarves covering the tracks
[roll1]+mods for assist other which i forget at the moment

2013-12-04, 04:23 PM
Rylie watches as the dwarves head off back down the trail. Then he appears and begins flitting around the cart and packrat trying to observe how it may be changing the surface or rearranging small rocks.

"Anything I can do to help?"

2013-12-04, 09:02 PM
"One of you drive the cart, the other scout ahead to the mine... i need to cover the trail behind us...."

2013-12-05, 04:00 PM
Rylie says with a small smile, "Suppose I'm the obvious choice for scouting." He flies ahead invisibly as far along the path as he can follow it, still holding his bow.

If he sees anything out of the ordinary, he gets a bit closer to investigate. If he sees any obvious danger, he goes back to report it. Also, he can cast dancing lights once if he runs into a place that has absolutely no lighting... like the mines? Not sure if the material that blocks divination is the same that is glowy.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2] (this counts penalty while flying)
Hide: [roll3] Applies +20 from invisibility, but only applicable when he can be behind cover. Otherwise the spot check is just 20 + distance.

2013-12-06, 07:39 AM
"Yes, Sir." Having driven the cart most of the way, and seeing that Rylie had a fair point with his statement, Rhauvin simply let's the other depart and continue driving the wagon.

Even though there's a scout ahead and one behind he keeps his eyes open. This is after all the Underdark.



2013-12-16, 02:19 PM
After a while, you all reach the mines, Vorn walking behind you hiding the trails.

oddly enough you note there is no noise, no people and no tracks leading to the mines....

2013-12-16, 03:10 PM
But then again it's to be expected there's no trace of anyone because the place was, you know, abandoned...

When Rylie reaches the mines he also scouts them out - on foot because it isn't likely to be too large and also to be extra careful.

Any descriptions? And there is a bit of natural lighting here too, right? I'd really like stuff like layouts too if you can manage. :smallsmile:

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Hide: [roll2] + invisibility, guess you know the drill. :smalltongue:
MS: [roll3]

2013-12-16, 06:57 PM
"We might have a perfect place to hide..." he said to himself, echoing Vorns word from earlier "... but right now it is terribly empty." Turning to Vorn he continued, with (as usual) a great amount of respect in his voice and tone: "Sir, what is the plan here? You mentioned that this would be our new home. Will these connections of yours bring us equipment and, prefferably, workpower enough to turn this into something more akin to a home than a simple mineshaft? And then what? Are the three of us supposed to live here in hiding?"