View Full Version : Player a Mind Flayer

2013-10-16, 07:03 PM
Hi there!

An old GM proposed to pick up a game we finished a few years ago; saying the game will start about a week after the end of the previous game. Since my old character's personal story (a Warforged Artificier named "Tin Tin" by the team) has been resolved (he was found de-activated and when he was awoken, could not remember his name/past/function), I had little interest in getting back to him.

So instead I proposed to join the team as a Mind Flayer. He's actually receptive to the idea; and I would like for you to give some advices in term of feats and magical items. The game's ECL is 15, just perfect for an Illithid.

Obvious Magical Item: Amulet of +6 Charisma
Obvious Feat: Empower Special Ability (Mind Blast)

From there, I am not sure what's best. Should I go with Improved Grapple, or Empower Charm Monster?

The GM told me he doesn't want to use the Psionic rules.

2013-10-16, 07:12 PM
Hi there!

An old GM proposed to pick up a game we finished a few years ago; saying the game will start about a week after the end of the previous game. Since my old character's personal story (a Warforged Artificier named "Tin Tin" by the team) has been resolved (he was found de-activated and when he was awoken, could not remember his name/past/function), I had little interest in getting back to him.

So instead I proposed to join the team as a Mind Flayer. He's actually receptive to the idea; and I would like for you to give some advices in term of feats and magical items. The game's ECL is 15, just perfect for an Illithid.

Obvious Magical Item: Amulet of +6 Charisma
Obvious Feat: Empower Special Ability (Mind Blast)

From there, I am not sure what's best. Should I go with Improved Grapple, or Empower Charm Monster?

The GM told me he doesn't want to use the Psionic rules.

You can't Empower Charm Monster, there's simply no way that could make sense. It doesn't have any variable die rolls. Even in the case of Mind Blast it's dubious, since usually Empower doesn't help durations.

Actually, you can't take either of those feats anyway. Your CL for your SLAs is 8 (and there isn't actually any indication that this applies to your Mind Blast, so it might not have a CL at all in some way). CL 8 means you can only Empower something with spell level 2, and you don't have anything at that level that would benefit.

Ability Focus (Mind Blast) might be more useful. I wouldn't focus on grappling at all, your BAB is terrible for your level and your Str will be mediocre.

Basically, you've got a few at-will SLAs and none of them are especially level-appropriate. None of them deal damage, so Empower and Maximize won't make sense for them, which essentially just leaves Quicken, which you don't have the CL to use. So the only useful feats you can take are Ability Focus, and maybe Sudden Ability Focus. Perhaps Mindsight to take advantage of your telepathy

2013-10-16, 07:17 PM
I am sorry, I totally meant Ability Focus (Mind Blast) and Ability Focus (Charm Monster)

2013-10-16, 08:05 PM
I am sorry, I totally meant Ability Focus (Mind Blast) and Ability Focus (Charm Monster)

Ah ok.

Then yeah, consider Mindsight. You've got what, 3 feats, unless the DM allows Flaws. So Ability Focus (Mind Blast), Ability Focus (Charm Monster), and Mindsight. Boost your Cha with everything you can, and pick up magic items that help out with SLAs (should be a few in the Magic Item Compendium).

Do Illithid Savant when you get a chance, unless you want to avoid that volume of cheese.