View Full Version : What CR would this guy be?

2013-10-16, 11:38 PM
Ex-Barb/Fighter/Fist of Hex

Male Human(0) Ex-Bbn1/Ftr4/Fist3; CR 8;
Medium Humanoid(human);
HD 7d10+1d12; hp 82;
Init +2; Spd 40 ft/x4;
AC 21 (+6 armor, +3 shield, +2 dex), touch 12, flat-footed 19;
Base Atk/Grapple +8/+11;
Full Atk +13/+8 One-handed (1d4+4;20/x2) +1 Spiked Gauntlet, or +11/+6 Two-handed (1d10+4;20/x2) Greatclub;

SA&SQ Fast Movement(Ex); Brutal strike +1; Strength boost 1/day; Frightful presence 1/day;

AL LE; SV Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +4;

Str 17 (+3), Dex 14 (+2), Con 10 (+0), Int 14 (+2), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 12 (+1)

Skills: Intimidate¹ +12, Knowledge (religion) +6, Listen¹ +6, Ride¹ +6, Sense Motive¹ +10, Spot¹ +10, Survival¹ +4, Swim¹ +3;

Feats: Alertness(PH 89), Combat Reflexes(PH 92), Iron Will(PH 97), Power Attack(PH 98), Cleave(PH 92), Weapon Focus(PH 102) (Gauntlet, Spiked), Heavy Armor Optimization(RS 141);

Has +1 Mithral Chainmail and +1 Steel Shield

2013-10-16, 11:49 PM
By what standards? The cr system is messed up some are way to strong or weak for there CR there is really no way no answer your question but well its low OP martial build at level 8 so its far to send against low open level 8 parties, why are you asking?

2013-10-17, 02:33 AM
Just trying to figure out how much XP to give a party containing 4x lvl 10 character who may encounter a couple of these "enforcer" types in a 3.5 game.

2013-10-17, 02:53 AM
Well again it depends on there optimization. CR should be character level plus EL more or less just look at a creature when you make one and think.about how strong your PC's ate. In this example he's a lv.8 guy is there a reason you feel not.to give them.xp of a cr8?

Honestly I never use the CR system I make encounters that I think.are appropriate for my PC and give them.what I feel is enough xp. I think lots of people do something similar. Like just give them I dunno 50-500 based on how hard you think they are?
Like lets they face a luv.8 fighter and he has a good build and uses a good stradegy against the PC's.
Then they face a luv.10 sword and board fighter who runs forward and auto attacks until.he dies.
I'd give more xp for the lv.8 than the lv.10 even though the 10 should grant more xp